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May 6, 2021 6:41 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
Well, the season finale has come, and oh boy was it epic!

As expected going into this episode, it leaves off on a massive cliffhanger and most of the plot points for this season will be resolved in the next installment, which will be a movie, though there is a nice small montage at the end which clears up a few things for some of the other characters.

This was the darkest that Scissor Seven has gotten so far, and I respect it all the more so for it, though that did make the small comedic bits feel a little out of place.

Thirteen got to be the star this episode and she sure made use of all of her screen time. The music, animation, and character motivation all meshed together beautifully. She trusted in Seven and he trusted her for a final deadly combo. Plus, we got to see more of their pasts, so all in all a near perfect episode.

While the first half of this season threw me for a loop, since I expected Seven to reach XuanWu and for it to be serious from the very beginning, the second half really changes the anime in regards to the tone of the show and hopefully it stays like this for at least a little longer.

I can't wait to see the upcoming movie to see where it all leads.
anime-primeMay 6, 2021 6:59 AM
May 6, 2021 6:49 AM

Apr 2020
The best season so far. And the first two were already great.
The first half was funny as always but the serious part was amazing. 9/10.
I wish this was more known.
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
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May 6, 2021 6:57 AM
May 2021
The look of unparalleled joy Seven has when Thirteen re-used his line from the end of season 1 was precious.
Looking forward to the official localization on netlfix so that more people can join the discussion.
May 11, 2021 3:56 PM

Feb 2020
It was really great season. One of the few Chinese title which are epic. I love how they maintain the comical and serious tone without too much straying away. I wanted more, but It ended with cliffhanger. Can't wait to see the next installment.

On side note, this show reflect the some real talent hidden in china. In a interview, i read that this started out with a small team (5 people) with creator being incharge of directing, writing, character design, storyboarding, editing, writing theme song lyrics and voicing main character. U can even tell that guy even knows how to manage the budget too. That's something really awesome.
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Jun 17, 2021 1:25 PM

Nov 2016
Dang, what a cliffhanger after some epic episodes. As others have said, this series is able to balance comedy and drama, pretty well at that, I might add. Even tho I'm personally more into the goofy side. The first half was peak fun. Still, I'm interested to see the plot points getting resolved. In that regard it felt like an improvement compared to S2.


One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 23, 2021 10:07 PM

Dec 2014
What a cliffhanger man?! Damn!! I want more!!!!!!!!

Bruh, Seven Scissor is literally on par with other animes like mob psycho. Literally a pure balance of comedy & drama. This needs more recognition. It gained some popularity outside China due to Netflix dubbing. Otherwise, I would never hear it's name. NGL, overall 9/10 for me.
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Jun 25, 2021 10:17 AM

Apr 2018
Well this was one hell of a fun ride! Really enjoyed bingewatching this. Ofcourse, they had to leave on a cliffhanger like the 2 previous seasons xD.. But damn! The last episode was fire. Love how 13 surpassed her own limits and defeated one of the Shadow Assassins. Hands down the best girl in the serie (with the help of 7). I really enjoyed this.
The comedy was great. A little bit of action here and there. Animation was just incredible. The new opening was a absolute banger and the soundtrack felt so relaxing.
9/10 for this.
Hopefully we'll see more of this!
(Stan begging/bowing for medicines, never thought he would do that)
(Redtooth is still alive? wow)
The ending animation is so funny and wholesome.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Oct 4, 2021 11:58 PM

Sep 2013
I don't know. I'm kinda disappointed by this season. I feel there was too much filler in the side stories, but maybe I'm wrong... Anyway, I wish they would tone down the comedic parts during my ship scenes, thank you very much.
Oct 6, 2021 8:19 AM
Jan 2016
I know this'll be an unpopular opinion but this season really annoyed me. After that first scene I was so hyped for a more plot focused epic fights season. Instead the only like last two episodes had that while the rest were more goofy. Which is okay but just not what I wanted to see.
Nov 23, 2021 9:04 PM

May 2019
Man i was really worried with 13. All the death flags over her in this whole season ("lets go to the beach" my ass!)

Not sure if her life will be spared in the sequel, but at least we will have some reaction from 7.

The chinese team who deal this with low budget and staff are really monsters, proof of how inspired people can make diamonds.

The series is not an epic of anything, but overall it is a hidden gem, that do very well its job about tonned comedy, enough talk or emotion, good action, well devenloped side characters, great worldbuilding and interesting plot without forced plot holes.

Much more, MUCH MORE pretentious works from the much bigger and richer Anime Industry from Japam failed in acomplished all that. The authors of this series deserves sincere congratulations.

9/10 as recognition
Jan 11, 2022 8:47 PM

Mar 2018
Oh..they left us at Cliffhanger..This last ep of s3 was just cool..Hope they made s4 soon and in Eng dub ofc..cuz the voice over is soo good 8.5/10 suxh good anime and underrated ofc

leonthelionhart said:
I know this'll be an unpopular opinion but this season really annoyed me. After that first scene I was so hyped for a more plot focused epic fights season. Instead the only like last two episodes had that while the rest were more goofy. Which is okay but just not what I wanted to see.
i think i got u but this show is based on funny stuff as well but I'm sure we will see action part's more in s4 mostly this season might not what you expected but it was quiet enjoyable...Let's see what happens in S4 hope they make it's getting better in my opinion
anime-primeJan 18, 2023 3:56 AM
Feb 5, 2022 4:05 AM

Apr 2016
What an amazing series so far! I'm really looking forward to the upcoming movie.
Feb 14, 2022 9:54 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Damn. Not much else to say other than yet another banger of a season, and the movie cannot come any sooner. You already know it's going to be insane.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Mar 28, 2022 11:41 AM

May 2020
Such an epic finale! Great animation during that fight, but that cliffhanger killed me lol. Lots of setup for future developments and we've got, like, 5+ different story threads with different groups of characters going right now. It's crazy to see how far the show has come from it's episodic comedy beginnings.

I literally joked to myself this morning about how cool a movie would be, and then I watched the episode and one got announced at the end. Needless to say, I'm very excited for it. The waits gonna be killer though.
May 7, 2022 4:16 PM
May 2020
13 went ape mode to protect 7. really was the mvp there
Jun 3, 2022 10:01 AM
Nov 2020
Such a great anime! I can't wait for the next installment. I wonder what happened to the first 5/6 people that are trying to kill Seven. Maybe he defeated all of them or he ran away? Thirteen the real MVP here!
Jun 25, 2022 2:47 AM

Dec 2020
I'm really glad I decided to watch this gem. I binged everything in such a short time frame.

Art style, animation, music, characters. All amazing.

I felt like this was better than season 2. Ending on a cliff hanger though! My god! But glad there's a movie coming along after seeing the preview at the end. 9/10
Sep 22, 2022 2:33 AM
Apr 2022
Wow I'm really impressed. This show has gotten better every season. Yeah it started out with more humor and got a bit darker, but the transition was seamless, and it kept the show from getting repetitive. The story is really good, the characters are fleshed out really well, the animation is great, and the music is incredible. Can't believe I haven't heard of this show until today lol.
Feb 16, 2023 7:56 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
This is a heavy season finale with an even heavier cliffhanger, it seems that Seven managed to persevere through the pain and came out on top, but we can't be too sure just yet. Is this the Seven we know of the Seven we're supposed to know? The curiosity of what comes next is tantalizing... Thirteen did marvelously as well to fend off the assassins before Seven regain consciousness. She threw everything she had to protect Seven, her body, and her life. Nevertheless, she's outmatched by the sheer overwhelming power that the crow dark aviator guy has, it's only thanks to Seven manipulating the thousand demon dagger that Thirteen managed to come out of the fight in one piece. 

This season is the best one by far, it has just the perfect amount of serious action and cheerful comedy in the mix. Of course you can argue that we need more serious scenes which honestly, I'd be willing to agree, but still. From what we've got, it's alright. I can also hear a noticeable improvement in the sound quality, this includes the sound effects of action scenes, especially by utilizing hard bass drops to highlight a loud impact, and also the OSTs in general which are massively improved from the previous seasons. The story is being laid bare but there's a long ways to go before the character arc of Seven and some others are done, Season 4 will be airing in the middle of this year (2023) . It couldn't come sooner enough...

To be honest, I do want to see Killer Seven be the main highlight, at least for the beginning of the next season. I want to see what the old Seven would do in this predicament and how these two conflicting personalities would eventually merge with one another.

Apr 8, 2023 3:21 AM
Apr 2023
Red Trooth is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Also the love story and creative chi abilities i just love that.
Sep 18, 2023 7:30 AM
Mar 2021
Who is one you protect
Mar 14, 2024 4:49 PM

May 2021
A clifff hanger?
My favorite season so far
He can finally use his sword lol
Inhales oxygen
Mar 29, 2024 9:31 PM

Mar 2014
Why did MC even come to this island if he's a weakling who hasn't regained his powers? What was he hoping for? He went there as if he knew he would get plot armor... and I thought after the end of the previous season that he had regained his powers...
Unfortunately, it is hard for me to enjoy watching the show when the main character is powerless and his decisions annoy me...
Bringing back the most annoying character (Redtooth) of this season is just another downside.
The least favorite season for me, the previous ones didn't have such nonsense.
Aug 18, 2024 9:16 PM
Dec 2022
pretty good season but i like the last more, this one had a lot of cool fights

me candies:
Sep 20, 2024 7:44 PM
Oct 19, 2024 6:40 PM

Dec 2022
Great final episode
Nov 14, 2024 3:59 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Didn't really appreciate it the first time, because I was actually kind of nervous in thinking how brutal the cliffhanger was going to be, and was like "NO NO NO DON'T JUST END THERE" when it did ended. But now, dang that was sick when Seven lended Thirteen the thousand demon dagger. Still, I don't mind cliffhangers, I just don't like when they're done in the middle of a fight- not for a season ending anyway. That's why I was a bit sad with how this season ended when watching it the first time, and apparently the next and fourth season ends in a similar manner. But hey, here we go, finally going to watch the 4th season after all this time. Now I love this series, but I hope it doesn't stretch on for too long. Really I think it should all be wrapped up with the 5th season that's airing right now (but still can't watch it, sad face) and not make it some long-running shounen. These are less than 20-minute long episodes after all. Short and sweet is part of the appeal. Who knows, whatever, anyway.

The cliffhanger was a nitpick, but this next thing is a bit more of a serious nitpick. The first 7 episodes are just random island-hopping. Now yes I know that this show was always mostly episodic in nature anyway, right? Plus we had a lot of funny moments on each island that we visited. That's all well and good, but for me, I feel like it was wasting time when the end of season 2 suggested that the story was going to push forward in a major way. There's that anticipation for something great, and we go back to funny stuff. Not that I hate the humour, that's what sold me in the first place dammit! But I just thought that it would've been better to put that aside for a bit to pursue the story and answer some questions. And maybe that was what it affected it a little, but when there is humor in this season, I would say it is weaker than the previous seasons. Anyway, fun stuff in the first 7 episodes, but I still wish we got the ball rolling a bit earlier.

And said ball gets rolling hard at episode 8 with 3 episodes left. Now we get a lot of Seven being in pain and being weak and getting beat up hard (although to be fair, we should be used to that already LOL), but DAMN I don't remember the end of episode 9 hitting THAT hard. Work of art. Rocked me to my core. 10/10 episode while everything else was at a mere 7/10. Wow. And that it ends at episode 10 which is a fight that ends halfway through and we get an oh so amazing cliffhanger. But man if there is anything to praise for this season it is episode 9. It caught me off guard and I've WATCHED this before. That, and the ED. It's beautiful. Got me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. I want to live on chicken island with everyone there and just hang out at the beach. Literally heaven. Also love how for this last episode the ed ends with it being at sunset instead of mid-day. Beautiful touch. Still, gonna have to dock this season a point down to an 8/10 because the plot felt a bit janky. Loved it still, but still not as 'perfect/flawless' as the first 2 seasons, for lack of a better term.


whiskey tango foxtrot

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