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So I'm a Spider, So What? (light novel)
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May 21, 2021 7:48 PM

Dec 2020
Just tell me what's your thought about him, you can also talk about someone near him, like Fei, etc etc
May 21, 2021 7:56 PM

Jun 2019
He exists. There is literally nothing worth talking about with him. A definitive saltine cracker character.
May 21, 2021 9:02 PM

Nov 2019
Fellow readers call him a representation of a generic isekai protagonist, but I wouldn't exactly know that because I mostly watch/read the better isekai. He's just a nice guy on the inside, and that's all... His motivations are vague, he's extremely dense in certain scenarios, he's stubborn for mostly wrong reasons, heroic mostly because of some cheap emotions (unlike Julius) and finally, his surroundings didn't exactly encourage him to become a true chad....
The way he evades some logical facts because they are "too cruel" annoys me. He also considers himself incapable of doing certain things, things which are worth improving on. Blessed by nakama power and easy game levels most of the time. He really needs some sort of big mind shattering calamity in his life, but I dunno if that'll would change his oddly placed stubornness.
Finally, I am interested in his fate, but not himself; which is exactly the opposite of my feelings about Kumoko.

Feirune is initially annoying (I never liked bullies). But she's an extremely reliable support and actually changed herself for the better in a most subtle manner. Notice how she actually values her allies (even her other friends whom she meets at the settlement). A little too straightforward to be a plot driving character; but likable nonetheless.

Katia is a strange beast. I am not a fan of what the author did to her character, it felt extremely cheesy and the easiest way to exploit a 'genderbent' individual in fictional basis. So I don't really care about her, but at least I could appreciate her loyalty to her ex-friend.

It's hard liking a human character in Spider Isekai...

"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
May 21, 2021 10:18 PM

Mar 2014
Stuborn fool, sometimes idiotically suicidal. Dense and generic, makes dumb pervy jokes without meaning it. Less interesting char in the whole show.

Fei is actually the best of the party. Excellent char development from a bully, to a humbled pet, and back to a oveconfident gal, but this time more positive and sensible toward other. She also does the heavy lifting in the party so far, is weird to hear she does not exist in the OG WN... the anime is just a childhodd friend lowkey tsun gender bender. I do know they skipped material on her/him around epi 14. Can get why her fans would be pissed of.

Shielder blonde and half-elf are kind of just...there. Let's see if the half-elf gets some relevance inside village of purebreeded elfs.

Filimos is more than meet the eye, clearly. We shall see.

Sadly Basgath left. A charismatic Based Boomer Chad, should been kept, to punch some sense on those brats.
FabrisMay 22, 2021 10:46 AM
FGO NA Code: 482.072.599

(F2P thug life of savings...)

Ben-to! best nonsensical action anime. Ever.
May 21, 2021 10:26 PM

Jan 2021
The author made him super generic on purpose. I think Schlain does a pretty good job at this
Just watch anime instead of looking at forums
May 21, 2021 10:31 PM

Apr 2017
Author should kill him off halfway into the story and make Fei the main character instead. In fact I would say having Fei as main character is way better because she actually bullied Wakaba and thus has some sort of connection to Spidey.

Shun is just so fucking shit. Boring, uninteresting, uninspiring, stupid to a fault, pathetic at best.
May 21, 2021 11:13 PM
May 2021
I liked his brother better than him. Honestly, the only characters I like is Kumoko and her parallel minds.
May 21, 2021 11:25 PM
Oct 2020
Blue_Maroon said:
He exists. There is literally nothing worth talking about with him. A definitive saltine cracker character.
😂😂😂 ‘he exists’ lmfao pretty accurate man
May 22, 2021 12:30 AM
May 2021
Laplace_kun said:
Fellow readers call him a representation of a generic isekai protagonist, but I wouldn't exactly know that because I mostly watch/read the better isekai. He's just a nice guy on the inside, and that's all... His motivations are vague, he's extremely dense in certain scenarios, he's stubborn for mostly wrong reasons, heroic mostly because of some cheap emotions (unlike Julius) and finally, his surroundings didn't exactly encourage him to become a true chad....
The way he evades some logical facts because they are "too cruel" annoys me. He also considers himself incapable of doing certain things, things which are worth improving on. Blessed by nakama power and easy game levels most of the time. He really needs some sort of big mind shattering calamity in his life, but I dunno if that'll would change his oddly placed stubornness.
Finally, I am interested in his fate, but not himself; which is exactly the opposite of my feelings about Kumoko.

Feirune is initially annoying (I never liked bullies). But she's an extremely reliable support and actually changed herself for the better in a most subtle manner. Notice how she actually values her allies (even her other friends whom she meets at the settlement). A little too straightforward to be a plot driving character; but likable nonetheless.

Katia is a strange beast. I am not a fan of what the author did to her character, it felt extremely cheesy and the easiest way to exploit a 'genderbent' individual in fictional basis. So I don't really care about her, but at least I could appreciate her loyalty to her ex-friend.

It's hard liking a human character in Spider Isekai...

You're letting your transphobia ooze out when you refer to katia as a "beast" and imply her best friend wouldnt wanna be her friend anymore. Neither of these are true, and it's not cheesy at all what she went through.
May 22, 2021 12:48 AM
Jan 2021
FoxyFeline said:
Laplace_kun said:
Fellow readers call him a representation of a generic isekai protagonist, but I wouldn't exactly know that because I mostly watch/read the better isekai. He's just a nice guy on the inside, and that's all... His motivations are vague, he's extremely dense in certain scenarios, he's stubborn for mostly wrong reasons, heroic mostly because of some cheap emotions (unlike Julius) and finally, his surroundings didn't exactly encourage him to become a true chad....
The way he evades some logical facts because they are "too cruel" annoys me. He also considers himself incapable of doing certain things, things which are worth improving on. Blessed by nakama power and easy game levels most of the time. He really needs some sort of big mind shattering calamity in his life, but I dunno if that'll would change his oddly placed stubornness.
Finally, I am interested in his fate, but not himself; which is exactly the opposite of my feelings about Kumoko.

Feirune is initially annoying (I never liked bullies). But she's an extremely reliable support and actually changed herself for the better in a most subtle manner. Notice how she actually values her allies (even her other friends whom she meets at the settlement). A little too straightforward to be a plot driving character; but likable nonetheless.

Katia is a strange beast. I am not a fan of what the author did to her character, it felt extremely cheesy and the easiest way to exploit a 'genderbent' individual in fictional basis. So I don't really care about her, but at least I could appreciate her loyalty to her ex-friend.

It's hard liking a human character in Spider Isekai...

You're letting your transphobia ooze out when you refer to katia as a "beast" and imply her best friend wouldnt wanna be her friend anymore. Neither of these are true, and it's not cheesy at all what she went through.

May 22, 2021 1:57 AM

Nov 2019
FoxyFeline said:

You're letting your transphobia ooze out when you refer to katia as a "beast" and imply her best friend wouldnt wanna be her friend anymore. Neither of these are true, and it's not cheesy at all what she went through.

If you take "strange beast" in such a literal manner, I feel sorry for your constrained mindset and Twitter mentality. By ex-friend, I am implying the new sexual exploration she is going through currently. Put down your toxic sunglasses and try to understand what I am implying.

And although, it can be purely my feeling alone, to equate it to transphobia is disgusting.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
May 22, 2021 2:24 AM

Oct 2007
May 22, 2021 3:18 AM
Mar 2021
I'm pretty sure he's gonna turn into kumoko's food later on or at least I hope so
May 22, 2021 4:16 AM
Sep 2012
Blue_Maroon said:
He exists. There is literally nothing worth talking about with him. A definitive saltine cracker character.

Couldn't have said it any better.
May 22, 2021 7:51 AM
Dec 2020
quite annoying. his attitude in every episode makes me a bit disgusted by his heroic but weak demeanor and unflattering words. schlain that the person is serious and not funny. I hope every episode shows the Kumoko more
May 22, 2021 8:33 AM
Jan 2021
He's just a fine character i guess even though he have big impact to the story Nothing really special about him the teacher though is interesting
May 22, 2021 10:09 AM
Aug 2019
Who is shlain again?
May 22, 2021 10:30 AM
May 2021
Blue_Maroon said:
He exists. There is literally nothing worth talking about with him. A definitive saltine cracker character.
bro I 100% agree, I was trying to think of something to reply to this post and all that came to mind was “average anime hero protagonist”
May 22, 2021 4:14 PM
Sep 2016
Shun is an idiot, a good guy but an idiot. His character isnt charismatic, he is rather average and bland. The worst part about Shun is his mentality though, the guy is a naive fool that sees only black and white. He has this stupid hero complex just because he is copying Julius, and he tends to make shitty decisions that only serve to put himself and his friends in danger. He should be thankful that the demons dont want to kill the reincarbations or he would be super dead by now. He isnt a likable character and he wasnt meant to be one. You will never find a LN reader that actually likes him.

The relevant thing around Shun's side of the story is the stuff that happens and the other relevant characters. Just dont see Shun as a MC, because he isnt one.
May 22, 2021 9:46 PM
Dec 2018
Shin is like an isekai protagonist who doesn't want to get involved in what happens around him, like he just goes with the flow of whatever everyone else tells him. That's what makes him boring, he has no real motivation for getting involved in anything, so he doesn't. Of he changes his mindset he might turn into an interesting character.

Fei seems a lot more interesting, and have shown certain development.

I can't say much about the rest of the party but I can't shake off the sensation that there's something off about the shield guy.
May 23, 2021 4:45 AM
Jan 2018
He should have never become the hero
May 23, 2021 6:59 AM
Mar 2021
I could care less about him, i came to watch a spider in another world not some idiot haha. Everytime the present shows up i literally get so annoyed and just go though it in order to understand the story thats it.
May 23, 2021 7:02 PM
Sep 2008
He is so generic and boring that if they killed him it would be the most interesting part of his story.
May 23, 2021 7:04 PM

Feb 2010
Hes a interesting and likeable character in the LN (not smart one though hes dumb as bricks.), but the anime cut out most his character development and reduced him and his friends to the point everyone hates them to me as a novel reader this is a failure on the studios handling of the series.
I like most the human cast in the LN and that still holds with the anime since i know more or less what's happening but not being told.

Katia and fei are probably the best characters of the group no doubt, but thats only more the pitty because we don't get to see Fei's self loathing in full or Katia transition away from her old life's personality into the new one.

Leohere said:
I'm pretty sure he's gonna turn into kumoko's food later on or at least I hope so

no kumoko has a strict rule on NOT killing the rencarnates. Which is why vampire girl didn't kill any of them, but again the anime skipped that part.
GrimAtramentMay 23, 2021 7:11 PM
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

May 31, 2021 12:23 PM

Aug 2016
Liddo-kun said:

I agree, he's generic. Shun is the standard generic isekai-protag porotype. The author put him in the story without adding a unique characteristic that makes him stand out. Maybe he's better in the light novel. He's like a plain slice of bread in the anime.

All the humans are pretty bland except Fei and Katia (they've got potential to be interesting).
Sensei isn't bland but she's also not human.
D_GeekGirlMay 31, 2021 12:35 PM
May 31, 2021 2:14 PM

Aug 2017
dont really care too much about shun. he's just there not really interested in him too much. i mean sure he's the hero but it looks like he won't be too useful in fights in the future.
Jun 1, 2021 8:40 PM
Nov 2019
I don't like him but I don't hate him too.. I prefer Hugo over him ..
Jun 2, 2021 3:27 AM

Jan 2013
Generic harem protagonist and co.
Boring, uninteresting, can't relate or empathize with them, obnoxious/annoying, serve no purpose only to confuse you. Especially when there is a more interesting character to watch.
They ruin the story.
Sadly, they ARE the story.
I wished they made separate anime for each timeline.
The only reason those two are together is to confuse the shit out of you and convince you to buy the novel to get an explanation of what the hell is going on.
beast_regardsJun 2, 2021 3:32 AM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jun 4, 2021 9:41 AM

Oct 2015
tbh I find Shun very annoying and uninteresting and some of his friends too. I feel like I lost some brain cells, especially during episode 21, but he and his friends are part of the story and I will suffer through it^^

CesarMagnan said:
He is so generic and boring that if they killed him it would be the most interesting part of his story.

I have to agree that would interesting but I don't think he's gonna die anytime soon since he's the hero...
Jun 4, 2021 9:50 AM

Aug 2018
He’s not my favorite and he’s kind of a whiner.
May 14, 2022 6:50 PM
May 2022
I understand that Schlain is your typical Isekai protagonist, but his world views are very black & white and he just doesn't grow as a character which is infuriating. Even when Schlain tries to play up his 'tragic' backstory the content of the manga makes Schlain more pathetic because of various other characters having more tragic tales yet still growing beyond those obstacles to do what they need to do. Schlain tragedy isn't even the worst version of what could have happened, I mean Wrath definitely expanded a upon losing someone and took that to the next level. Not going to get into that. Schlain is an annoying character because he is a naive, self righteous, optimists who believes everything is what they appear to be and never looks beyond something or someone's face value.
May 18, 2022 9:48 AM
Oct 2012
Laplace_kun said:
Fellow readers call him a representation of a generic isekai protagonist

rather than generic isekai protagonist i'd say he is a generic protagonist in general lol. He is soft hearted, stubborn/inflexible, loved by the people around him, and a very idealistic teenager aka a brat. So yeah, every generic fantasy mc ever, not just isekai
May 20, 2022 8:47 PM
Mar 2021
Yamada Shunsuke/Schlan Zagan Analeit/Shun is just a good person in general, pretty much idealistic, potentionally to be strongest charracter, but he's getting reincarnated in wrong isekai hahaha. That's why he later becomes irritating, annoying, and most hated charracter.

Actually Julius is far better than him (Hopefully S2 and S3 will show that).

Fei is ok, Katia is a good waifu material hahaha, but Sue and Yuri are truely yandere human girls hahaha.

But if you ask my favorite human there, it should be Ronnandt.
Shimura27May 20, 2022 8:56 PM
Jun 5, 2022 10:12 AM

Jul 2017
Meh. Too idealistic. He didn't understand well how to be Julius. Welp, as expected from an average/normal high schooler boy character in his previous life.
Jul 2, 2022 8:38 PM
Nov 2016
I call him something like "Shitlain".
Aug 5, 2022 1:04 AM
Jun 2021
He is just a lame character who think world revolves around him.. Shabby dream lame personality and useless excuse..
Hope he will killed can properly follow spider story.
To sum hos character he is just another "brat".
Aug 19, 2022 6:54 PM
Jul 2018
AndreCraft_012 said:
Just tell me what's your thought about him, you can also talk about someone near him, like Fei, etc etc
Idk, I don't like him. I practically don't like any human/elf. You don't have to ask, but yeah, I wanted the demons to win (not ariel vs kumoko, but elves vs demons) way before they made the "unexpected" plot twist at ch.24. Not only because the ariel is fucking cute, but because the elves are a big fucking piece of shit, I now understand the dwarves tbh.

Also, it was me or the cgi of this anime was really shit? I kind of liked the story, but the cgi made my eyes hurt
Oct 6, 2022 7:07 AM

Jun 2017
I definitely agree with most of the people here. Shun was pretty damn lame and uninteresting, not to mention pretty stupid. I heard that apparently the Manga completely ignored the future time, and I wish the anime would have done the same. It would have been much more interesting and enjoyable, and we would have gotten a lot more of Kumoko and progressed the plot a lot further too. I hope for a Season 2 that has way more Kumoko and way less Shun.
Nov 11, 2022 6:23 AM
Mar 2017
Who? The only character in the anime is Kumoko as far as I am concerned

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