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Feb 12, 2019 8:57 AM

Nov 2011
Ah, an episode filled with drama....

That Kakeru guy can be a bit of a hothead. Anyways, it's going to be a team effort so it's useless unless everyone is on the same page. Not much running this episode so it's more of a buildup. Heh, interesting to see Sakaki again. Seems he still maintains his rivalry with Kakeru.
Feb 12, 2019 9:06 AM

Nov 2007
The newcomers thought the long hair senpai a coach.

Newcomers are NG, though.

The twins start to argue because they cannot win, which most of them know. Main guy also joins with the argument.

Being on "top" doesn't mean winning... just meaning of running, which he still search for it.

The twins skipped running and went for soccer instead. They were still called to run, though, by the main guy, the fastest runner.

Checking on the real running place by car. That guy who was not good at driving also learned to drive well.

That guy from junior high, he is already regular, still came to bother main guy. To run with the best and fullest right now. Not persuaded, but liking the way he said. The girl also persuaded them that they just do it because it's just two months. The girl's tear, though...

Hearing others thinking the team just needing money and randomly got foreigner makes main guy mad.

Another guy who seems to know main guy appears.

Almost time for the race.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 12, 2019 12:12 PM

Jul 2015
the twins tho
and we are starting to uncover some facts about haiji i mean slowly but surely

Feb 12, 2019 12:17 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
I'm happy to see Fujioka again!

I like how the episode still kept a somewhat comedic tone despite the twins' anxiety, it wouldn't fit their personalities to make it all drama.

I can't seem to judge Hana's tears there. Is she sad that this journey is coming to an end? Happy because she was acknowledged as a big part of this project? CURIOUS!

I liked the glimpse of the course, beautiful sections there in the middle. Shindo will definitely run the uphill course. Section 2 was prominently mentioned and Kakeru got into the picture. I would be really surprised if they go with him as runner 2. What do you think will happen here, i'd like to hear more opinions about how this deal will play out. It's a section with high prestige.

Feb 12, 2019 12:30 PM
Mar 2016
Fujioka voice and character model is stereotip Fujoshi bait model lul

i think haiji only consult on orthopedi doctor
if he took surgery that will took too long for recovery
Feb 12, 2019 12:44 PM

Sep 2017
Based on how this ended we are probably getting into Haiji's injury a good bit next episode. I'm looking forward to it.

So basically the twins thought it was pointless to 'try hard' when there was no chance of actually winning, even tho most of the the had already realized this or at least thought it was no big deal. I can kind of understand where they are coming from, but come on guys you made it this far so you might as well see how far you can push the team. Realistically this would probably be the only time these guys get to run this thing and even coming in fifth place or something would be a big achievement. It's nice to see another side of them anyway.

Not sure what made Hana tear up there. Happy tears? Sad tears? Interested to find out.
Feb 12, 2019 12:52 PM

Mar 2017
I find this anime so inspiring because they all know that they have a slim chance of winning Hakone Ekiden but they still try their hardest because they want to be proud at the end and know that they gave it their all and to me that is a great philosophy!

Musa and Kakeru's friendship is really underrated in my opinion; there's so much mutual respect and support for each other :)

NdanHM said:
Fujioka voice and character model is stereotip Fujoshi bait model lul

i think haiji only consult on orthopedi doctor
if he took surgery that will took too long for recovery

He had surgery on his knee a while ago but he hurt it again in the qualifier so there might be some complications... i foresee something devastating on the horizon for Haiji :(

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
DeadlyRavenMar 19, 2019 4:35 PM
Feb 12, 2019 1:19 PM
Jan 2019
I understood Haiji's response. I'm glad another problem has been solved. The team strengthens more and more.
Feb 12, 2019 1:22 PM
Jan 2017
Hope everything goes well
Feb 12, 2019 1:31 PM

May 2016
Not my kinda episode, Haiji's speeches are always great to hear, with that calm relaxing tone.

This studio sure like's to make us worry about Haiji showing the surgery room at the end O-o I mean come on are you gonna take him away from us after all that time.
Feb 12, 2019 1:35 PM

Mar 2016
I love how no one was right or wrong in the argument they had had. Everyone just had their own ways of thinking.

The art was so good that it stole most of my attention. I had to rewatch the scenes multiple times because the art kept distracting me. Seriously, this studio is just awesome!

The twins tried running from Kakeru. lmao. I wish it was Ouji who was put in a situation where he has to run from him.

Is Haiji about to get surgery? I know everything will be fine, but I am still worried.
Feb 12, 2019 1:49 PM

Nov 2016
So they're indeed just striving for the best they can reach and somewhere along the road lies the answer. That's the true spirit of sports.

Extremely enjoyed this build up episode.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 12, 2019 2:03 PM

Mar 2016
just realized only 6 episodes left.

I think and hope they will get atleast 3rd place at Hakone and beat that redhaird guy team
Feb 12, 2019 2:39 PM

Jul 2017
Damn we finally saw the twins have their doubts/drama. Now that's pretty much most of the members apart from Musa really
Feb 12, 2019 2:58 PM

Sep 2011
The twins were a bit annoying at the start. It's not that I don't understand where they are coming from, but they were between the first ones who got fired up about this, they also were the ones, after Haiji, who directly asked Kakeru to run with them; so it also felt out of place. They have lost their motivation because it's "impossible" to win, but was this even about winning at any point? It was refreshing to see Kakeru standing up for the team like that by the way, he is still a bit awkward at expressing himself though.

I mean, anyone would want to win a competition they are taking part in and the twins got overwhelmed by the times, but it seems that they have forgotten just how far they came. They were acting as if it was okay to throw away their efforts up to this point. But Haiji's words moved them, just like Hana's. They may not understand why they are running right now, but in one way or another it all will soon be over. They don't really need to worry about what is waiting for them beyond the finishing line right now, they are already at the starting line so they might as well keep doing their best until the very end so that there won't be any regrets left!

And I wish I could be as mature as Haiji, but I was as bothered as the twins because it seems that every episode or so Sakaki sprouts from the ground like a demon to be insufferable just for the sake of it. So I really wanted them to say something back like Prince did once. And if they aren't going to respond him because it isn't worth it, then just don't listen to him in the first place. He has no right to judge or belittle them, and their fight just because it's different from his or over his resentment for Kakeru. It may be just me, but I hate it.

Well, I wonder if Haiji really is going to go through a surgery right now, and I'm also curious about Hana tearing up like that, this isn't slowing down.
Feb 12, 2019 3:17 PM
Aug 2017
The twins are really practically the same person, just as Kakeru said it. This episodes proves that again. They have the same opinion and continue each other sentences. I would have hoped that they would be different somehow, but this hope is gone now.

I get it that it would be easier to handle 9 characters instead of 10. But making no singe difference between these two is really lazy.

I love this show anyway!
Feb 12, 2019 3:23 PM

Aug 2016
Damn, every episode of this show just maintains greatness.
Those twins made me laugh my ass off, Quibbler Kakeru, lmfao.
It makes sense they would be the ones to have doubts now, since they never actually put any thought into it before and were easily convinced to run. At least Hana set them straight. Those tears though, I bet she's worried that if she goes after which twin she likes, she might cause a problem that separates the two.
Also, I like how Musa seems to becoming Kakeru's best bro.
Finally I wonder if the doctor is gonna tell Haiji not to run after his injury at the qualifier. Not that I see Haiji listening, I forsee and worry about a mid race injury.

JokerVenturaFeb 12, 2019 3:26 PM
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Feb 12, 2019 3:39 PM

Mar 2010
I wonder if the lesson of this episode is that don't talk back at people and don't start useless discussions? :D

As if people keep their own opinions whether or not you approach them or not?

Although i kind of want to be more like Kurahara, perhaps sometimes you can change people's opinions if you talk with them?

Then again, heck do i know. Although i personally think saying nothing is just lazy (and sometimes wise) way of not getting into fights with people, but sometimes opinions should be stated to change people's perspective of something.. Not sure why this is considered "mature" to always keep everything to yourself.

Then again, perhaps choosing the right time to say important things might be the key lesson here? But ahh how do you know when is the right time or not?

I think in Musa's case i wouldn't have kept this opinion only to themselves. That comment of those people hurt Musa and team image. Then again, what the red haired boy said also hurt the team... Buuut for some reason it was better for them to keep it to themselves. Was it indeed to just avoid useless fights? Hm..

Hmm. Sigh. This anime is mature...

LylaazFeb 12, 2019 3:55 PM
Feb 12, 2019 4:22 PM

Sep 2015
That Hana tear is certainly about Haiji's leg. She knows something. :(
Feb 12, 2019 4:34 PM

Dec 2014
Great episode.

I personally loved the scene where Kakeru was going after the Twins at the football court. I wish we had like a chase scene for that whole ordeal. xD

Lylaaz said:
I wonder if the lesson of this episode is that don't talk back at people and don't start useless discussions? :D

Hah, +1. xD

I think in Musa's case i wouldn't have kept this opinion only to themselves. That comment of those people hurt Musa and team image. Then again, what the red haired boy said also hurt the team... Buuut for some reason it was better for them to keep it to themselves. Was it indeed to just avoid useless fights? Hm..

I would say it's more along the lines of understanding who you're talking too and then forming a decision whether to carry the conversation forward or choose to ignore it. In both Sakaki and Musa's case, Haiji and co have nothing to gain from them. Sakaki has shown time and time again that he just wants to spew trouble and get under their skin, In Musa's case, why go after some random nobody who has no idea what there talking about? On the other side, Haiji taking the time to explain to the twins on why he chooses to run is because he felt he could help them change their mindset.

In other news, I love the preview we got of the Hakone track. Lot of beautiful scenery, this is going to be incredible. I do want Kakeru to race against Fujioka and the other guy in the glory section. It would be so awesome but let's see, it looks like Kakeru doesn't mind where he runs as long as he can.

Cliffhanger end with Haiji and his injury. :O
I hope he's gonna be alright.
Feb 12, 2019 6:49 PM

Jul 2017

Also why was Hana crying??? and who the f does she like??? One of the twins? Kakeru? Haiji? No one??? IM SO CONFUSED

I find it interesting too that of all of them, the twins are the ones doubting the most, and suddenly being mean to Haiji :/


*ahem* I don't have favorites whaaaat

I can't wait for the next episode omgggg it just gets better and better

Feb 12, 2019 7:12 PM

Jul 2016
damn i hope everything is going well, with that ending also
Feb 12, 2019 7:45 PM

Jul 2016
Not my most memorable episode but It was nice to know more about what was going through the twins' minds. They were mostly comic relief during most of the show so it was pleasant to see that the anxiety they had was for a very understandable reason.

That aside, seeing Hana about to cry was a bit confusing but I guess it has to do with Haiji's situation about his knee. I'm really curious about what the doctor will say to him, I just hope it not to be so serious.

That said, I'm really looking forward to the next episode since it seems it will cover the start of the Hakone.
Feb 12, 2019 9:36 PM

Sep 2018
hope nothing bad happens but this is anime and in the last episodes of the series, something major always happens but anyways this was another great episode, it's good to see everyone changing, damn, character developments are awesome in this show, even Prince has changed and almost asks someone if they need help lol
Feb 12, 2019 9:56 PM

Aug 2014
Loved this episode as usual! Doubt they end up winning the race but maybe Kakeru will
Feb 13, 2019 12:52 AM

Oct 2008
seems like not in place but it's kinda wrong timing that the twins get stubborn at this point!?
Hakone Ekiden is near!!!

Feb 13, 2019 1:42 AM
Apr 2018
I'm just here to express my love for Haiji. Hope that nothing serious happens to him. I hate cliffhangers, specially when it's about him.
Feb 13, 2019 3:19 AM
Oct 2018
We got to do some sightseeing! And Nira is cute as always (≧∇≦)
Feb 13, 2019 4:31 AM

Feb 2014
Haiji reminds me of Kiyoshi Teppei from KnB.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Feb 13, 2019 11:49 AM

Jul 2017
One of its weakest episodes in a long time to be honest since I just am not a fan of the drama between the twins and the rest of the club.
Feb 13, 2019 12:21 PM
Jul 2018
dasprn said:
Haiji reminds me of Kiyoshi Teppei from KnB.

Now that you mention it, I see it too.

Kakeru is me when someone talks about my friends too. I felt like the drama in this episode was a little late in the show to be happening. I mean, I get it. The twins had no idea what they where up against till they saw the qualifier times. Still though, what Haiji said was misleading but he never said "we are going to win".
Sakaki is like a demonic version of Tendou Satori and it makes me sad.
Feb 13, 2019 5:00 PM

Feb 2014
Savasvania said:
dasprn said:
Haiji reminds me of Kiyoshi Teppei from KnB.

Now that you mention it, I see it too.

Kakeru is me when someone talks about my friends too. I felt like the drama in this episode was a little late in the show to be happening. I mean, I get it. The twins had no idea what they where up against till they saw the qualifier times. Still though, what Haiji said was misleading but he never said "we are going to win".
Sakaki is like a demonic version of Tendou Satori and it makes me sad.

Quite agreeable that the drama was late in the show, but it does spice up the setting for Haiji's big reveal.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Feb 13, 2019 10:19 PM
Mar 2015
I knew it. He never told them about his injury or that he reinjured himself in the qualifier. Now he risks not being able to run to Hakkone
Feb 13, 2019 11:13 PM

Dec 2016
I respect this show for having Kakeru's character be the way he is. He just seems way more real than other anime characters, and the rest of the cast with their problems and emotions are like him too. Really why I love this show lol
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Feb 14, 2019 9:37 AM
Jan 2016
Yeah, this eps title is always becoming an important aspect in life. Why I must do this? Will it give us benefits? What is the goal? It's always like that. There are always a short term and a long term goals, but even we have set it, it didn't guarantee us to achieve it. And even if we achieve it, so what? What will happen next? But, yeah I don't like the term 'we are competing to lost' or 'it's useless to compete because we already know the result' come on, man, you've been lucky enough to compete in such big events that everybody wants, and don't even decide the results, you're not a God. Always remember how hard you've trained to reach this level. Haiji's ego? Yes he must have it to make his dreams happen and yeah that's what he got.
Feb 14, 2019 10:35 AM

Jun 2007
Kakeru's "life is worth living despite its ending" actually was a good one
Musa honestly doesn't give a f about those jerks, admirable, he knows his own worth. love him
Hana knows something . . .
stop getting me worried about my boy Haiji wtf

i really admire the message of this show. "just do what you want to do & enjoy the journey"
see you, space cowperson . . .
Feb 14, 2019 11:30 AM

Apr 2014
Stupid, unnecessary drama.
Feb 14, 2019 1:17 PM

Mar 2017
can the twins just shut up ghhadd

猫はかわいいです。 (ꈍ ‸ ꈍ)

Feb 15, 2019 1:53 AM

May 2015
The Hakone scenery took me back to Yowapeda. I finally caught up all episodes in a couple of days. I wish I could have watched this sooner, I'm loving it.
Feb 19, 2019 10:33 AM

Sep 2018
Less engaging episode, but the narrative remains interesting and enjoyable: the characterization of the characters increases again and rightly highlights the reality of the facts giving even more seriousness to this anime.
Feb 19, 2019 2:46 PM

Aug 2017
Eh, I didn't like this episode so much. I can't take the twins seriously.

Next episode, Haiji's injury.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Apr 14, 2019 2:31 PM
Aug 2018
They went from being complete amateurs to rank 10 of the qualifiers in what, half a year or something like that?
And prince roughly cut is time in half during that period.

And now some start to whine about how they are so slow and will never make it? Aiming for the top doesn't mean that you will reach it in the end. But you make an attempt to do so. They trained for half a year and now they question why they are even doing this? Especially the twins, that were only in to pick up girls. Are they stupid or what?
May 12, 2019 6:39 AM

Feb 2013
The twins were a bit slow to understand they can't win.
May 26, 2019 3:24 AM

Dec 2013
Damn that Sakaki guy. I WANT TO PUNCH HIM IN HIS FACE. Anyway, I guess it was not surprising for the twins to doubt because they are the first one who agreed into running. I wonder why Hana is tearing up and my god, Haiji makes me so anxious.

𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵?
𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺?

May 28, 2019 2:26 PM

May 2013
Haiji!!!!!! Getchu a prosthetic leg so you can run without any stam use lmaooooo xD
Jks. His surgery is gon go well. I believe -^-^-

He's such a gr8 captain, man. With his leg injury, he should have the most doubts about running, but here he is encouraging his team members and dissipating all their worries D':> Very commendable <3

Musa is such a sweetheart. I love him :}

Fujioka lookin' very stylish and prestigious as always *O* I love how prideful and untouchable the air surrounding him is, yet still remaining humble and respectful.
Aug 28, 2019 6:03 PM
Apr 2016
I expected some drama with the twins, and so it finally happened. Pretty sweet episode.
Sep 28, 2019 8:32 AM

Mar 2015
Hmmm the calm before the storm?
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Mar 5, 2020 6:45 PM
Jul 2014
aww the club is getting recognition and people who are interested in joining omg :') they've come so far 8^8 it makes sense why they wouldn't be accepting new people but still the fact that there are people who want to join is incredible!

those twins need to sit their asses down >:( so immature
i kinda wish they got minorly injured just so they could feel bad lol
im glad kakeru got their asses tho lmao

japan is beautiful *o* the roadtrip was nice

that sakaki guy must be destined for kakeru since they always seem to see each other. definitely a red string of fate lol he's such a dick tho djfsksj im kinda thankful he spurred the conversation between the twins and haiji tho

i love musa uwu
what is that fujioka guy soing in their town??
praying haiji's knee is okay ><
Apr 3, 2021 9:48 PM

Jun 2020
I love how mature most of them are. All-observant Nico & Yuki. Haiji is always so calm & never quick to react when dealing with aggressors & so is Musa for not reacting to those racists/idle gossipers. They really ground Kakeru too. And Kakeru’s face is always so cute lololllll

Loved it when Hana said that all these moments were so fleeting when compared to how long Haiji has waited.

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Jun 1, 2021 9:12 AM

Aug 2018
oooooh Haiji is going to do surgery!!

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