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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Mar 24, 2021 1:12 PM
Aug 2017
Ay yo wtf happened to that smol madbeast girl??
And is there any new or atleast hope for the next season??
Mar 24, 2021 1:12 PM

Aug 2018
Madlaad said:
NoviSun said:
1 comment after 4 years of lurking. Today the bots were finally set free.

Wth are you on about?
Congratulations, you now have a second post. Will your brothers now chime in and say Amen? Lol
Mar 24, 2021 1:14 PM
Aug 2017
NoviSun said:
Madlaad said:

Wth are you on about?
Congratulations, you now have a second post. Will your brothers now chime in and say Amen? Lol

I really don't get whatever you're on about?
Mar 24, 2021 1:15 PM
Mar 2021
I can easily understand the 1s. Episode was boring but not bad. If 25 minutes of tensionless wholesome plot progression in a finale does it for you than great, its 5/5. If you watch the rabbit fight in the first 4 and then are bored because no tension is created or resolved, then 1/5 probably sounds reasonable.

Subaru x Emilia has a somewhat underwhelming payoff. There isn't any will-they-won't-they, so fans don't really need to want them to get together. In a lot of ways, this is a good thing. Re-zero doesn't depend on romantic tension to function, but a big chunk of the audience isn't going to resonate with their payoff in the finale.

All of the Roswall stuff was tensionless exposition, with the slight exception of Ram.
Mar 24, 2021 1:16 PM
Apr 2016
What was with Echidna's face...?
Mar 24, 2021 1:21 PM

Dec 2013
Loved this episode and this whole season! So happy for Emilia, her smile is beautiful !
What do you think about the planetarium? That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when....
Mar 24, 2021 1:22 PM

Apr 2020
Nice final episode, hopefully we get a season 3 to adapt more of the light novels
Mar 24, 2021 1:25 PM
Sep 2020
Koito91 said:
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So hey buddy, I got a question that's been slightly confusing me this episode.

The main goal for Roswall is to revive Echdina correct? So what has that got to do with cornering Subaru and placing him in a position to pick between the people in the mansion or Emilia. I initially thought he wanted to make Subaru focus on Emilia so she can win the elections and he can run the country or "kill" the dragon through her

So what's the relationship between his goal and putting Subaru through this whole ordeal ?

Mar 24, 2021 1:25 PM

Aug 2018
Well the fight against the evil bunnies sure was anticlimactic. It took all of a minute. Well at least it's finally over and I don't have to watch one of my favorite shows ruined by a mediocre sequel. I hope season 3 will be better than this.
Mar 24, 2021 1:39 PM

Jun 2011
We finally get the payoff we've been waiting over a year for. I'm actually surprised how easy it was for them to defeat the infinite bunnies. Happy Subaru finally got recognition and became Emelia's knight. Now we just need to figure out how to wake up Rem.

As time goes on, my opinion of ReZero continues to diminish. The novelty was great at first, but its worn off and has turned into an eye rolling ordeal instead. This is thanks mostly to the horrendous dialogue that ReZero has. It's just nothing but vague platitudes and ego driven rants that borderline on psychotic because they just repeat themselves over and over again. I just can't connect with them when vague repeated nonsense is all they spout.

While ReZero does have a lot of spectacle and some good ideas, I just find it very hard to watch at times because half the time nothing means anything and Subaru just restarts and I feel as though we haven't gone anywhere. That was the issue with the first half of the second season. Luckily this half cleaned that up and it actually felt as though we were progressing.

I would say this was almost as good as the first season, but still not great. ReZero needs to learn how to better handle dialogue and its characters to make it a more compelling watch.

Mar 24, 2021 1:46 PM
Jul 2018
This episode was too wholesome, a perfect mix of serious and funny moments:

-Subaru's 'Miiinya, miiinya!' ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
-Subaru then spinning Beatrice around.
-The gang beating the CRAP out of Roswaal.
-The entire Emilia/baby thing. ๐Ÿ˜† Puck WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!

But yeah all in all, what a wonderful journey of a season. Truly felt like a long high quality movie.
Mar 24, 2021 1:50 PM
Mar 2021
Todd_ said:
We finally get the payoff we've been waiting over a year for. I'm actually surprised how easy it was for them to defeat the infinite bunnies. Happy Subaru finally got recognition and became Emelia's knight. Now we just need to figure out how to wake up Rem.

As time goes on, my opinion of ReZero continues to diminish. The novelty was great at first, but its worn off and has turned into an eye rolling ordeal instead. This is thanks mostly to the horrendous dialogue that ReZero has. It's just nothing but vague platitudes and ego driven rants that borderline on psychotic because they just repeat themselves over and over again. I just can't connect with them when vague repeated nonsense is all they spout.

While ReZero does have a lot of spectacle and some good ideas, I just find it very hard to watch at times because half the time nothing means anything and Subaru just restarts and I feel as though we haven't gone anywhere. That was the issue with the first half of the second season. Luckily this half cleaned that up and it actually felt as though we were progressing.

I would say this was almost as good as the first season, but still not great. ReZero needs to learn how to better handle dialogue and its characters to make it a more compelling watch.


It is tricky. Season one has a nice little fun hook of "lets solve all of our problems by dying repeatedly." It is a fun gimmick! But it is just a gimmick. It begins to get a bit repetitive, then season two specifically attempts to escape the gimmick trap.

For the most part, season two does escape the gimmick. He solves nothing by restarting the entire first part, and the second part is a big deathless push. However, without the gimmick (and without Rem), some of the shows other weaknesses begin to stand out a bit more.
Mar 24, 2021 1:54 PM

Sep 2013
why were there so many death flags triggers in the last 5 min?!?!!?
i got no gif for my signature..... imagine some cool swords clashing and light and fighting everywhere!
Mar 24, 2021 2:00 PM

Sep 2014
I think this was a perfect episode. The ceremony felt even better than the one in the original Star Wars.

Lets hope we dont have to wait 4 years for the sequel again.

Beako sitting in Subarus lap was cute.

This show is the ultimate harem builder because its actually earned.

PS: The question remains why Emilia did not recognize Echidnas corpse.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Mar 24, 2021 2:01 PM

Feb 2016
To join the echo chamber - I LOVED IT. I've been busy and fell off the anime train the last couple of years but this is the one show I've continued to stay on top of. I truly hope for another OVA and/or Season 3 to be announced sooner rather than later.

Also, I nearly spit out my drink laughing with Subaru's "Pardon?" in English, it was well timed hahaha.
Mar 24, 2021 2:07 PM

Feb 2014
What an incredible ride this second season has been, both for part 1 and part 2.

I loved how Subaru and Beatrice worked together to get the better of the great rabbit, with Emilia also making a big assistance which helped Beatrice to defeat them once and for all.

After that, it was time for the cast to give Roswaal a beating (even Petra got in on the action!) before he was given a lap pillow from Ram as the group talked about how Roswaal will atone for everything that he did that caused the main cast a lot of grief. I'm a bit jealous of Subaru in this scene, as he had Beatrice sitting on his lap. Lucky bastard...

The best scene in this episode for me was when Emilia told Subaru that she's "pregnant" because she held hands with him. Nicely done, Puck! XD

Still, their time alone together after the knight scene later in the episode was also fantastic. I do hope that a 3rd season will happen in the future. I'm not sure how further the LN or WN is after the end of this second season, but if it means a 3rd season will be another 3-4 years away, then so be it. I don't mind the wait. =)
Mar 24, 2021 2:09 PM

Jul 2014
JanPri said:
What was with Echidna's face...?
Nothing. That's how she really looked.

Meta_Yoshi said:
I'm not sure how further the LN or WN is after the end of this second season, but if it means a 3rd season will be another 3-4 years away, then so be it.
There's enough LN content for two more 20-24 episodes seasons.
mozgowMar 24, 2021 2:12 PM
Mar 24, 2021 2:11 PM

Jun 2016
Great final episode of this great season! <3
Mar 24, 2021 2:15 PM

Nov 2020
Well excellent, now I want more re zero :(
Mar 24, 2021 2:22 PM

Dec 2012
Damn... lots of cute scenes this episode, hopefully we see another season, don't see a reason we wouldn't but who knows with anime >.>
Mar 24, 2021 2:27 PM
Apr 2019
What a perfect and satisfying way to end the season. What a ride. I personally preferred part 1 overall, but this has been a great season. Hope we get season 3 in the near future, but I’m definitely planning on reading the light novels.
8/10 for this part, 9/10 for the season overall
Mar 24, 2021 2:33 PM

Sep 2020
As someone who gave S1 a 5/10 I am soo glad that I decided to give Re:Zero another shot. While the story was confusing at times, this season had TONS of development for all the major characters, while also adding new cast members. Ram was the best character of the season IMO, but episode 12 Emilia was KILLER.
Absolutely amazing season, a 10/10 for sure. Can't believe I'm saying this but this was the anime of the season for me. Can't wait for a season 3, may have to dive into the novels.

What's with the bots tho?
Mar 24, 2021 2:34 PM

Jul 2013
It's finally over. I'm going to miss this series. ReZero is one of those anime you'll never forget, no matter how much times passes. Let's all hope we'll get a season 3 in a few years.

Emilia was beautiful and the misunderstanding was cute. Also, Subaru's new outfit was sick although I'm guessing he will be back to his boring tracksuit again after the party.

Unfortunately, I've been spoiled on the cut content but it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. This was the perfect ending assuming we never get a Season 3. Anything missed can easily be added in later. I think the staff made the safer choice ending it where they did.

Oh and what's up with all these 1/5 dislikes??? Over 300. Either bots or you are all mad salty.

Mar 24, 2021 2:35 PM

Feb 2014
Many told me part 2 was not gonna be better than part 1, but imo it strongly outdid it, this truly was the payoff episode!
Mar 24, 2021 2:35 PM

Oct 2017
What's wrong with the 30% hated it vote?
Did they skip something important or what that angered the novel reader?

Anyway we only get to see OP ONCE in this whole season.
White Fox really outdone themselves.
We're basically having 50% more episode worth of content in one season.

A good finale for all the shit they've been through, but a rather fast resolution too.
My only gripe about the season is Roswell's memory doesn't feel impactful enough to justify his obsession/ craziness. It feels like shallow love in first sight.
Mar 24, 2021 2:35 PM

Apr 2015
Subaru, Beatrice and Emilia... for your White Rabbit disposal service. That sure was an easy task XD

Ok, you fooled me there Re:Zero. The whole talk of Emilia and Subaru was pretty adorable, till the moment Emilia starts talking about a baby??? Like what the actual.. Only to find out that Emilia's gullible mind believed something Puck has told her. Emilia is so pure, I swear to god. That cracked me up though.

Also loved the talk between Beatrice and Roswaal at the sanctuary.

Ceremony was really nice and it's kind of cool to see Subaru in different clothes for once, besides the Mansion's tuxedo.

Overall, phenomenal Part 2 of Season 2. While part 1 really managed to build up to part 2, this part 2 in question absolutely nailed it, especially in the later episodes when the actual climax of the season happened. It did not disappoint. Easy 10/10 from me.

Now please don't make us wait another 3 years before we get a S3 announcement!
Mar 24, 2021 2:42 PM

Aug 2015
Amazing season.
Great to see the teamwork in defeating The Great Rabbit at the start!

Subaru and Emilia don't seem to remember Echidna at all (calling her that woman, and Emilia didn't recognise here body last episode) - maybe due to the barrier being lifted (have I missed something?)

Well, looking forward to the next season whenever that is. The time between season one and two was quite long but it was worth it in the end and we got such high quality episodes!

#FreePalestine ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ
Mar 24, 2021 2:48 PM
Jan 2021
Why so many people hating this episode even so it was good
Mar 24, 2021 2:53 PM

Jul 2014
AyyMayy said:
Subaru and Emilia don't seem to remember Echidna at all (calling her that woman, and Emilia didn't recognise here body last episode) - maybe due to the barrier being lifted (have I missed something?)
No, you didn't miss anything. They do remember her but the anime skipped their talk about the differences.

Mar 24, 2021 2:56 PM
Mar 2018
decent ep. basically what u expect on how the arc would end. not sure why so many 1/1 rating. still lots of questions of roswaal. hes not talking like a clown anymore. wonder whats gonna happen to echidna. overall, s2 is great. enjoyed it more than s1 actually. but nothing amazing amazing yet. i heard arc 6 is the best but i guess we got some time till we get there. 8/10 rating now
Mar 24, 2021 2:59 PM
Aug 2019
Yeah I teared up. There was no better way to end this arc.

Also Betty made the cutest noise when she got mad at Subaru in the very start
Mar 24, 2021 3:01 PM
Aug 2019
I'm glad nothing bad happened at the end of the season . I thought something like the ending of s01 was gonna take place again.
Mar 24, 2021 3:05 PM
Mar 2016
ViktorLocke said:
LegitChair142 said:

Kazuma is a frustrated virgin who is surrounded by idiots.

Saber is an idealist who is unable to accept the mistakes in her life.

Shinji is a boy who seeks approval from others because he is unsure of himself.

ALL characters can be summed up in one sentence.

Shinji is also very shy, afraid of getting close to others in fear of being hurt. Shinji also matures by the end of the story, accepting humanity and its faults, deciding he will try to do what he can to get close to others. Saber tends to also be stoic, calm, with a very strong sense of justice. She eventually accepts her past, instead of trying to change it.
Kazuma is also a very direct person, to an assholeish point, a pervert, but he has some sense of moral; as he has helped other people, and one point refused to take a reward because Aqua caused trouble.

I think I should've added in my post that: a lot of the characters in Re: Zero don't have any meaningful screen time. Most of the times, when a new character is introduced, (like Emilia), they aren't developed until a much, MUCH longer time later. It's terrible writing. And the fans defend this by saying, "Well, character X will get developed eventually." Then the creator shouldn't have introduced that character to begin with, until much later. Re: Zero is not a biography; the creator was free to arrange the story however he wanted.

Or in the case of Beatrice, she's introduced all the way back in season 1, but her personality is so one note, on dimensional, and she has such little screentime (none of which I found meaningful), and she's not entertaining, that when her big dramatic scene comes in season 2, I don't care. Nor do I find most of these characters particularly entertaining to make up for their lack of complexity (like in the case of Konosuba).

Aside from Emilia, none of these characters feel like real people to me; they're either too flat, or too quirky, or both. Yet, this series tries SO hard to get me to care about them, by constantly putting their lives in danger. It's cheap.

I don't understand why fans try so hard to defend every single apperent flaw of this series. Jojo fans accept the series is VERY flawed, but still love it.

Jo_Ghost said:

No knight could do what Subaru could. And he is a knight of Emilia, not of the royal guard.
He just needs to be recognized by Emilia.

There are plenty of things others can do that knights can't; like being a doctor. Subaru is incapable of fighting properly. But even if he doesn't have to be a knight of the Royal Guard, it still is...weird.

If you want to keep making cuts from the main cast which is always the first prioritization, go watch Gintama. What Re:Zero does is fantastic writing. People underestimate it due to it being seasonal. It may not be apparent to anime watchers though.
Mar 24, 2021 3:06 PM

Aug 2016
Haven't been a huge fan of this season and this ending didn't really help it too much, it felt a little too perfect you know?

Hopefully the next season (if we get one) vibes with me more, I'm still interested in seeing where this goes.
Nothing's new under the sun and that's OK.
Mar 24, 2021 3:10 PM

Aug 2015
mozgow said:
AyyMayy said:
Subaru and Emilia don't seem to remember Echidna at all (calling her that woman, and Emilia didn't recognise here body last episode) - maybe due to the barrier being lifted (have I missed something?)
No, you didn't miss anything. They do remember her but the anime skipped their talk about the differences.

Okay, thanks for telling me!
#FreePalestine ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ
Mar 24, 2021 3:19 PM
Oct 2018
Rakib09 said:
Why so many people hating this episode even so it was good
All the hate votes are bot votes don't worry
Mar 24, 2021 3:20 PM

Jan 2013
Not enough words can describe this season and leaves me thinking overall, wtf?
Mar 24, 2021 3:21 PM
Oct 2018
Ventus_S said:
What's wrong with the 30% hated it vote?
Did they skip something important or what that angered the novel reader?

Anyway we only get to see OP ONCE in this whole season.
White Fox really outdone themselves.
We're basically having 50% more episode worth of content in one season.

A good finale for all the shit they've been through, but a rather fast resolution too.
My only gripe about the season is Roswell's memory doesn't feel impactful enough to justify his obsession/ craziness. It feels like shallow love in first sight.
All the hate votes are votes spammed by few haters don't worry
Mar 24, 2021 3:31 PM
Dec 2018
That rabbit was not a patch on the whale.

Nice to see Subaru get some appreciation in this episode.

Beatrice has settled onto Subaru's lap, she's such a lovely character.

Petra had the right idea about Roswaal, she will let it slide for the bigger picture but will not forgive him. She is starting to grow up and is quite sensible. Compared to Ram's ridiculous crush on Roswaal, while she is harsh to everyone else, Petra is reasonably mature for her age.

Didn't know that Otto hit the drink that hard. Reminds me of a few people I know.

Enjoyed this season but I think season 1 was better, to be honest. I doubt they will ever get all the material in to finish the story but maybe they will condense it when the novel ends.

Hopefully, we will see these characters again reasonably soon.
Mar 24, 2021 3:37 PM
Jul 2017
Amazing anime, amazing isekai, definitly one of the best anime of the season and the year, Re:Zero is the best way to love a Isekai.
pd: haters gonna hate
Mar 24, 2021 3:39 PM

Jul 2015
I always knew that Beako is the best girl, but now she cracked it up to 11.

Mar 24, 2021 3:41 PM

Sep 2011
Amazing end to the season, didn't expect a ceremony and officialization of Subaru's knighthood.. kinda nice even tho for this world's standards, he's still kinda not.. I love Subaru but I don't see him as knight-ish.. but personally I find knights kinda cringe so yeah.. tho Subaru remembering his father and mother while swearing also on them (and Emilia noticing it) was a beautiful touch
Anyway they were so pretty dancing at the ball, their conversation at the balcony was also beautiful.. the smiles and bright eyes of re:zero always warm up my kokoro

Unfortunately the great rabbit fight scene was kind of a let down.. even tho it had some satisfying moments, like Betty's smile when Subaru called her "DAI Seirei Beatrice", and her finishing the rabbit off with a more advanced version of a spell Subaru too used.. al Shamac
Kinda sad that Subaru can't learn these dope dark spells anymore ;-; also that he didn't use his invisible hand at the end.. come on bro it's what I most wanted to see.. but the fight was disappointing in other ways also so yeah..

In general I loved the episode and the season, it really became a more well thought and constructed narrative than season 1, deepening and exploring characters, the world and bonds.. although season 1 is still my favourite season for the insanity, despair and cultists, I give them both 10/10

Mar 24, 2021 3:58 PM

Mar 2016
Just glad there was no horrible cliffhanger there like with S1. Had completely forgotten about it until my dirctor cut rewatch, so those 4 years must have been torturous. Hopefully though, with the attention the series, and particularly this season, has gotten now, it shouldn't take too long for a season 3 (would bet one the 1-2 year mark...3 if they reeeeaally want to ensure it's polished half to death :P)

Looking back, you realise that the entirety of S2 has taken place over merely a week (disregarding whatever time jump there was to that ceremony at the end). Luckily, because it constantly had new stuff about events and people to reveal each time, we didn't suffer a Haruhi Endless Eight situation.

While part 1 managed to remain strong despite having to lay a bunch of groundwork, part 2 was definitely where it really took off. All the learning had been done, so it was time to get to work, with the added tension of that soul contract bet. Really admire White Fox and everyone who worked on this series for being able to break the anime runtime rules in regards to skipping the OP/ED (although keeping the ED songs in - I savoured the times they did use them though), and also adding the extra 5 mins or so to the episode time otherall. The directors' cut of S1 really benefitted from those hour long double episodes, and I feel pacing for this season would have been hard if the episode runtimes had remained a standard 23-24 mins (complete with OP/ED). An extra 5 or episodes would have been needed at least to make up for that without cutting too much story.

Anyway. Since I'm all caught up I can now join the dreaded S3 wait that I couldn't with S2 :P
Mar 24, 2021 4:01 PM

Oct 2020
Why do so many people hate the episode? I can't read all the comments, but there are a lot of people who complain that the episode was bad or they just leave their vote and leave?
Even if the final chapter was a bit rushed (Content Cut) that shouldn't be more than a 6-7 as I minimize in my opinion, but is it really that bad that almost half of the votes say they hated the chapter? That saddens me ...
Mar 24, 2021 4:02 PM
Mar 2016
Althought this season was full of beautiful shows, I think that was the one that have shined the most.
The plot was just amazing, keeping a really good flow from the start, thanks to the stage put on by part 1.
Thanks to that we have in just 12 episodes so much character evolution, some plot clarifications accompanied by new misteries, and some intersting information for whats coming next, althought i already understand how much natsuki-sensei know how to be imprevedible.
That said, just an amazing ending for a gorgeous show, emilia-tan was really kawaii in the kiss=kid scene, I bet they skipped some part it went really well in my opinion.

Can't wait for season 3!, so i'll probably start reading the novel... ahaha
Mar 24, 2021 4:06 PM
May 2018
I hated season 1 this was an impressive improvement.
Mar 24, 2021 4:09 PM
Mar 2021
I just don't see what's not to like about this episode or season it was beautiful and the staff really seemed to give it everything they had.
Mar 24, 2021 4:09 PM

Nov 2011
Fuck man where is my SEE YOU IN SEASON 3! ENDING!!! Pain.

incredible episode to wrap up the arc.

I thought the best part of the episode was Subaru reflecting on what his parents did for him and Swore on Both his Mother and Father...that brought a tear to my eye.

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Mar 24, 2021 4:22 PM

Oct 2018

Lol the hate boner is real.

Mar 24, 2021 4:25 PM
Apr 2016
Wait, that's it?! The Rabbit fight was over in a minute. I expected more of it.

Also I expected some kind of twist regarding Echidna. Yeah I noticed her face looked different but we all basically called that. I thought it would be somewhat explained in this episode.

I mean the super happy ending is cute and all, but it didn't felt Re:Zeroesque if you know what I mean.

CruicruiseMar 24, 2021 4:34 PM
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