Anime Stats
Days: 9.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries76
- Rewatched0
- Episodes538
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Manga Stats
Days: 10.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries43
- Reread0
- Chapters479
- Volumes89
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (16) Comments
I made my Re; Zero Review. Heres the link: hope you check it out.
I am interested in what's your overall opinion in the anime and what you think of my review? It is too long or confusing? Is it Helpful?
I appreciate the Support.
She has the weirdest character development.Its mostly very subtle in NGE.
Perfect Human
Gentle Jena
Ame to Robot
Yes and without a pause. ;_;
What is your favorite soundtrack from the VN?
He's in the 6th arc with content for 30+ volumes. That means that it will actually be a 60+ volume long story :D!
Funny thing is, the story has enough important character to use a new character for every new cover xD.
YenPress will most likely keep their 3-4 month schedule. The author has a 1-2 month release pace for the LN if he isn't occupied with another project ( which is only the anime atm ).
Yeah I learn it for 14 months now :)!
The 5th arc is about as long as the third one :)
I think close to anime's ending Tappei will have more time again so he can go back to his 1-2 month volume release pace. If he does that then we could get another one in about 1 - 1 1/2 years.
Oh there is so much more like that. for example the kiss of death scene.
I'll buy it for sure!
They don't realize that these past 11 episodes adapted about 5% of the story. Does every character get its development within 5 minutes of a film? They simply have to realize that she will get her development but it will take its time because it's heavily tied to important story elements :)!
Oh that romantic scene between Subaru and Emilia? Yeah it's one of many heartwarming scenes.
Oh the third arc...jesus.