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Mar 24, 2021 5:03 AM

Sep 2009
ItzElite said:
my heart fricking stopped when the hairdryer was in the air
this ep reminded me a bit of the original ghost in the shell

same.. I think I didn't breath at all in this episode :D

Check out~ ♥ Some quality AMV:s made with love ♥ My Youtube
Mar 24, 2021 5:04 AM

Jun 2020
I am not liking where this is going. I'm more interested in seeing what happens to our main cast than whatever that was. It's not a bad backstory, and I wasn't bored while watching it. I just think it's misplaced. Why would you write in the main villain on episode 11? Not to mention, the show got away with a lot in the beginning because we were under the impression that it's all a metaphorical, psychological fantasy, but now they're trying to justify everything with AIs and parallel worlds. If they're taking this route, they're gonna have to explain the eggs, SeeNoEvils, the reward of reviving girls, the entire dream world's existence, and all those monsters they had to fight in what little time frame they still have. I'm gonna wait for the ending until I make a final judgement. Maybe they'll somehow put something together, but this isn't looking good.

Also, why was Frill suddenly attached to wires in the basement? If she had those dot and hyphen things to help her, why not leave?
Mar 24, 2021 5:19 AM

Jan 2019
84DaysWithout said:
how in the hell can this show conclude itself in one episode

It won't end in one episode. Since the recap episode wasn't planned, episode 9 should have been the eighth and episode 11 should have been the tenth. The anime will not have an extra slot on television to air a thirteenth episode, so we don't know how it will be released, but the story won't end next week.
"If someone says it's wrong to hope, I'll tell them they're wrong every single time."
Mar 24, 2021 5:34 AM
Mar 2021
This might be my favorite episode of the season so far. What an incredible backstory for 2 of the most mysterious people in the show. We got some explanations for some things which I appreciate.

Mar 24, 2021 5:41 AM

Nov 2018
Probably my favourite episode so far. I wasn't expecting this plot twist at all. So Acca and Ura-Acca weren't villains...interesting. So we only have one episode more? Is one episode enough to make a good ending?



Mar 24, 2021 5:48 AM

Jan 2021
The show went from a little dark to fucked up real quick. I was not expecting that.


Mar 24, 2021 6:32 AM

Aug 2016
Man that episode was pretty good.
My personal theory as this point is the dream world is where Frill presides, it's where her AI is now tempting girls to commit suicide and then keeping them.
The weird OP pet killers might be part of her, or girls she has corrupted so much they joined her and are her 'warriors.'
I don't think the girls are bringing their friends to life, so much as setting them free of the dreamworld, as well as the other girls they have saved along the way.
It'll be interesting to see how they wrap this show up in one more episode.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Mar 24, 2021 6:38 AM

Oct 2016
Yo wtf, that was an amazing episode though, everything about that episode was top notch. Acca and Ura-Acca are awesome characters, but damn son, that was fucked up. We now find out who Frill is and she definitely made Hyphen and Dot, I don't think Momoe and Rika can fight anymore, all that's left is Ai and probably Neiru. I really don't know how they're going to end this in one more episode there's got to be a 13th episode.

That lip popping was creepy as fuck Jesus, Frill IS creepy as fuck. This episode really do be fucking insane, but I loved it. Damn, those clips of Momoe and Rika all traumatized is so unsettling. That's probably not going to be the last of these insane twists, I am not prepared. Really looking forward to the hopefully not last episode next week.
Mar 24, 2021 6:39 AM
Mar 2021
Wow, Wonder Egg priority is giving the good scientific mystery vibes and I love it.
Now we had a back-story of Acca and Ura-Acca with Frill. It is maybe how the jealousy and the suicide started to become more common.
The mouth sound was an original way to remember someone.
Mar 24, 2021 6:43 AM
Nov 2020
I really liked the show so far as it discussed suicide due to unspoken depression, anxiety, and/or trauma in young teen girls, which I assume most of us have faced at some point. But now you're telling me that some advanced AI actually pushed them into it, and it was not due to their personal circumstances? Interesting trope, but extremely disrespectful to girls (and boys too) who have gone through hell. The psyche is fragile; one trigger can make reality crumble easily. Suicide is NEVER the right choice of course, but giving the blame to some "temptation" from a speculative non-human entity really minimizes the true pain these teenagers have felt and rids the blame from human bile.
Mar 24, 2021 6:52 AM
Jul 2018
this was one of the best episodes so far, finally showing more about acca and ura-acca, The jealousy of Fril destroyed Everything, she really killed the wife of acca.
Mar 24, 2021 6:57 AM

Oct 2019
PiereDelecto said:
Ultrabook said:
so the new conclusion is that girls commit suicide because of acca and ura-acca's mistake to create frill? wild.

what on earth is going on? make more questions along w the pre-existing ones to be answered all in the last episode. a complete change in direction maybe- hopefully not, I liked the initial more simpler premise better.

the two dummies have a fucked up backstory- not too surprised there. it took me a whole 5 minutes to realise frill was NOT ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶t̶e̶r̶f̶l̶y̶ ̶m̶o̶n̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶m̶o̶m̶o̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶d̶r̶e̶a̶m̶. after rewatching ep 10 I was wrong nvm. I think it might be hyphen instead. how did dot and hyphen come into existence though? either I missed out something or the writers didn't bother including that. also, does that mean there's only 3 of them? and that one of them won't face any? or will they just recycle from one of the 3 (2?)
is himari not human? since she made the same popping gesture as frill.

"Being uncontrollable is the essence of femininity." reeeeal nice. this show sure likes going back-and-forth approaching progressive ideas

anyways I miss our girls.

Questions indeed. They seem to be getting away from their bread and butter character moments. Seems they are in a rush to explain everything, and I wish they just would not. I can appreciate the ruthlessness of murdering the pets to mark a dark transition, but now that they've come out and said "oh no the AI turned out to be evil! Damn that essence of femininity - we should have known she would be uncontrollable!" Yeah... that's a lot, and feels janky AF given it is presented like the magical eggs and dream world stem from lolita fembot Frill. We had some mystical element going on here before with the Greek Gods of death and love, "Thanatos" and "Eros", and the "temptation of death" - but a lot of good stuff from before now feels contrived, retroactively.

Look, Frill is passable in the realm of murderous AI villains, and the episode would have been great as the first episode of a different series. But this whole backpedal on the complexities of trauma and the pain associated with coveted relationships (which they nailed masterfully - a feat at least as elusive as a good AI villain) is just silly IMHO. So we're not going with all that incredible work you did expressing the complexity of the human spirit through some of the most likeable, relatable, well-acted characters in Anime? Instead we are going to try and assert that these two literal geniuses got a wife/daughter killed by failing to notice or curtail the jealous/violent tendencies of the AI they designed, built, and raised in secret in their spare time and while being surveilled 24/7 (what?) - THEN turned into fireflies that inhabit beanie babies of people, and developed their magical Inception eggs to train the "warriors of Eros" to defeat "Thanatos". I guess the drugs are working after all.

When we have movies like Upgrade, the Matrix, Terminator, hours of Elon Musk interviews on YouTube warning us how much more terrifying than all those AIs a real AI threat would be - why the hell does Wonder Egg Priority have to end with a half-baked "they were the smartest people in the world, but when they gave birth to an artificial life form and raised it, even they couldn't had no idea what would happen nex

t..." teaser? I can only hope that Frill has been masterfully manipulating the Accas since they conceived her, and "simply calculated" that they would design and build the eggs for her since some aspect of her design prevented her from completing this crucial step in her evolution or whatever. So something like upgrade - I'll take it. But this is not what I liked about the show anyways, the whole egg thing - please, understand what you have in your hands and stop chasing the dragon. More wonder egg Girls in a winder egg world please, less killer robots... in the end, this isn't game of thrones. They could not end this show badly enough, or far enough from my taste, to remove it from my favorites. It really was that good, at LEAST up until this episode. I really wonder wtf they're gonna do now, anyways. No. Fucking. Clue.

this was probably gonna be my favourite anime of the season with the pace it was going at, but now I no longer know what I'm watching anymore.
you're right lol - it totally feels like a completely different series w a completely different vibe. who'd've thought the prior 9-10 episodes were about exploring trauma and suicidal ideation.. it now feels as if the 4 main characters who've been built on throughout the whole series are going to go to waste and it's sad honestly.
Mar 24, 2021 7:04 AM
Apr 2020
Well that was one hell of a creepy episode, especially that fcking hairdryer scene. My face was literally all 0○0 in a whole minute.. Really can't believe she done that...

Now that the series is on it's final episode, I feel like the ending will be freakin braintwister, and I'm worried..

Btw, did the story point out on how Ura-acca and the other one on how they became like that? There appearance right now?
Mar 24, 2021 7:15 AM

Jan 2011
interesting story, well I hope they create another season because I think the story could expand more now

anyway can't wait for the final episode
Mar 24, 2021 7:25 AM

Feb 2019
A much better episode than last week's one. It was mainly Sawaki Momoe's part I hated the most.

So it seems Acca and Ura-Acca were roommates for a long time and I wonder if that is their real name.
The line below is True.
The line above is False.
Mar 24, 2021 8:09 AM

Oct 2017
Rika broke and then thr backstory of Aca and Ura Aca. Welp now that was messed up. Dunno who should I blame.
Mar 24, 2021 8:52 AM

Dec 2015
By far the best episode, only because it completely saved the awful possibility of the plot becoming a huge lazy, contrived, metaphorical, pretentious bs, and I'm honestly trying to understand why so many people are disappointed by that. The worst crime a story can make is completely ignoring its plot to focus solely on tHeMEs. Themes are to enhance the feeling the STORY creates and not the opposite. Ignoring the mysteries and setups, the story makes only to make the viewer interpret what themes they were portraying is the ultimate contriveness.

But in this episode, they clearly tried to make a story. Best moment of the episode was definitely Himari did that noise and it automatically created huge tension in the scene. This is actual quality direction and you can't have moments like this on a plotless anime. On a plotless anime, you would probably have the scenes of Furiri making that noise and let that without any payoff. That scene alone doesn't strike any emotion on the viewer and that's a sign of lack of quality. It's that simple.

Anyway, I think they've yet to establish what exactly is the Egg world and how it would stop girls from killing themselves. If they keep the momentum going, the show might actually become the best new entry of the Season.
Mar 24, 2021 8:57 AM

Sep 2020
Well that episode was terrifying, the epsiode started off bleak and just kept spiraling more and more into grotesque. I knew she was gonna try to kill the baby out of jealousy and I thought she was gonna try to blow dry her stomach or something stupid so when she threw the blow dryer I sat shocked and again the episode didn't let up. Seeing the real daughter do the *bop* thing with her mouth gave me about the same reaction as Ura-Acca.

Also seeing Acca drag that thing down into the basement was equally as shocking. I was expecting Ai to go help Moemoe only to find all the girls had been mentally destroyed, so I went into this episode with the wrong ideas. Theres probably some more amazing and terrifying things that happened that I'm forgetting because I watched it last night and there was so many terrible amazing things. One of the best episodes without a doubt, I hope it can keep this up and I hope we get two more episodes.

Mar 24, 2021 8:59 AM

May 2019
I'm seriously have no idea what kind of story that this show try to tell. It has very good character designs, great animation but it's vey lacking in character building department. I don't feel any emotions from these characters. All of the episodes simply tell about the victims are getting raped, suicide, killed, etc but they never show us their insight emotional state or their psyche. All of these are very common issues in our society yet never addressing them with respect. They only show all of these characters in particular struggling to fight against these monsters but absolutely zero care to the character building to make me care to them. And the child villain got introduced too late killing his wife yet never show us why she did that. It seems like this kind of show really shove in these brutality and all edgy stuff by people died or getting killed. Now one episode left, I wonder how they're going to give a good closure to all this mess.

Mar 24, 2021 9:10 AM
Jul 2018
Just what the actual fck is this episode...i expected it to break my heart but not like this... Why did mannen have go... fck i miss mannen already. Also that fcking frill. She looked all innocent and cute at first but omg she is a perfect example how far and how fcked up jealousy can get you. I feel so bad for acca. He lost both his wife and daugher to something he made. Nah i'm not okay. I'm literally so worried for momo and rika right now...

only one episode remaining but will they really be able to finish the story with only one?
Mar 24, 2021 9:15 AM

Jan 2019
What is even happening anymore, this show is a complete mess trying to juggle too many things at once.

You could have just had a personal story about the girls but they had to chuck in all this unnecessary stuff that's just bloating the story.

Got a feeling that this show is gonna prove how useless beautiful art and animation is when you have terrible writing.

Get ready for a trainwreck of an ending!

Mar 24, 2021 9:37 AM

Oct 2018
I don't care about any of these last-minute characters or recent plot developments. Can't believe I'm not even interested in the final episode after the very strong start this series had.
Mar 24, 2021 9:45 AM

Feb 2020
Hope they can stick the landing in just two episodes. Shame that so many originals with great potential always screw up in the last quarter or so.
Mar 24, 2021 10:12 AM
Mar 2015
Frankenstein really did create a monster Not even Antarctica is far enough away
Mar 24, 2021 10:16 AM

Feb 2018
Great "so bad that it's good" comedy episode.
I laughed a lot when Ura-Akka threw AI girl (who can evolve and killed his friend's wife) into the basement with a lot of internet-connected PCs and literally forgot about her for 14 years.

It really surprises me how anyone can take this show seriously at now but that's how things are.
Mar 24, 2021 11:15 AM

Jun 2015
Sweet baby lords that was quite a curve ball. The shit is hitting the fan and people keep throwing more shit at it! Love it. Brilliant eps once more.
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Mar 24, 2021 11:21 AM

Jan 2019
Filipe2santos said:
Any ideas of how this Frill story gonna connect with the gods referenced (Thanatos and Eros)? We don't have much on it

Cabbage_Bro said:

From what we have now, I'm gonna take a fat guess and say that "Thanatos" is a codename/name for the "virus" that frill put into place. I could be completely wrong about this because that doesn't completely explain the weird bug people. I don't have any possible explanation for Eros though, that is my guess on "who" Thanatos is in this. It would make sense because Thanatos is supposedly what is causing this temptation of death

These names - Thanatos and Eros - probably have nothing to do with the gods in this anime, but rather with the concepts of psychoanalysis. According to Freud, humans have an instinct for life - which he called Eros - and, at the same time, a death drive - which is known as Thanatos. (

When Acca and Ura-Acca say that they need warriors of Eros to defeat Thanatos, that must mean that they need warriors who value life (like Ai and the others) to fight Frill and the Temptation of Death.

copperypilot56_ said:
Tho I am confused about the purpose of the wonder eggs and what Ai role in all this means, what are the Accas trying to solve exactly?

They are trying to stop the Temptation of Death, which is Frill's creation to make girls commit suicide in the name of her jealousy.

Bolias-san said:
Wait, so that means that if we do have another episode we will have to wait for the bluray to release so we can watch it? Or we will be able to watch it like every other episode that releases weekly?

They don't have an extra slot on television to broadcast the thirteenth episode, and no one knows how it will be released. They will probably reveal this next week. Maybe an OVA, maybe an ONA, or just on Blu-Ray.

shayed__ said:
I don't quite understand the "temptation of death" thing. What exactly are they referring to? He says "unless it's stopped girls will end up dying when they don't have to... all because of our mistake" Is he referring to Frill? And if so how is Frill causing girls to suicide? Does anyone have a proper explanation for that?

Yes, Frill is making girls commit suicide through the Temptation of Death. No one knows exactly what the Temptation of Death is, but it is Frill's creation to compel girls to kill themselves.

Aizawa_IRL said:
On the other hand, it's episode 11 of a 12 episode series: this felt rushed, and confirms WEP will end with some loose ends, because there is no way all the storylines will be resolved in 24 minutes of screen time.

The recap episode wasn't planned, which means that there are two more episodes for this story to end, not just one.

Aizawa_IRL said:
I will say this about every anime below 20 episodes: there isn't enough time to tell a decent story in such a short amount of time, because it will end up rushed, incoeherent, or both, and I fear WEP falls in the both category.

There are several good animes that are complete in one cour. Probably the best example of all is Madoka Magica: a complete story in every way, with a cohesive beginning, middle and end, in which each character has their dramatic arc, everything makes sense and all points are very well connected, without inconsistencies or lack of explanation.

Kirukato05 said:
Btw, did the story point out on how Ura-acca and the other one on how they became like that? There appearance right now?

They just said they became the way they are by discarding their bodies and keeping only their brains.
"If someone says it's wrong to hope, I'll tell them they're wrong every single time."
Mar 24, 2021 11:23 AM

Jun 2015
Kosmonaut said:
Gelbanana girl

What's a Gelbanana?
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Mar 24, 2021 11:43 AM

Dec 2016
MoonDragon72 said:
Yeah... I did not like this episode

I don't get why they would just introduce this villain at the last minute when we only have 1 episode left. This can't actually be the end right? If there's a second season planned then I will be willing to give this a chance since that will give time for everything to be fleshed out more, but if next week's episode is truly the end I will be so fucking disappointed.

From what I heard there is actually 2 epsodes left, the epsode 8 was put together only to buy time because the show is facing production issues. But yeah, even if there is actually a 13 epsode waiting for us some day it is really daming to the show to have such a rough productioon and such an Darling in the FranXX like antagonist LOL
Mar 24, 2021 11:46 AM

Aug 2011
This was a very "gender"-related series to begin with, so this was unexpected but I can see where it is coming from.
I mean... two MEN create an artificial GIRL, based on what they believe (as MEN) she should be. Things go wrong as the way she was raised is not the way the world always works.

How they will tie all of the pending stories in 20~ minutes goes beyond me, though.

» Escapism.

Mar 24, 2021 11:47 AM

Nov 2013
Oh wow! So the AI that those two created is the one who's influencing girls to commit suicide to this day, and those 4 girl are supposed to stop her? How?
Mar 24, 2021 11:47 AM

Jan 2019
In Greek mythology, Thanatos is the personification of death, while Eros is the god of love and sex. These names are never associated as opposites in mythology, because it is Freud who does this in his psychoanalytic theory, dictating that humans have two primordial instincts: Eros, the instinct of life, and Thanatos, the death drive. All wills for self-preservation and even procreation, such as the fear of getting hurt and the fear of putting oneself at risk, love and sexual desire, are attributed to Eros, while all self-destructive wills of putting oneself at risk, self harm and even taking your own life are attributed to Thanatos.

It seems that Frill's creation to get girls to kill themselves, the Temptation of Death, is something that maximizes Thanatos, the death drive that all people have at controlled levels, taking it to a level where the person is practically obliged to take their own life. As Kotobuki described, it is as if they were flies attracted by the irresistible odor of a carnivorous plant. While, on the opposite side, we have the protagonists: the "warriors of Eros" or, in other words, the warriors of life, who carry the message that life should be valued and that suicide is not an option.

It is curious that the protagonist's first name, Ai, sounds exactly like "love" in Japanese, since Eros is the instinct of life - which encompasses love - and is also the Greek god of love. This must mean that it's up to her and her alone to confront Frill and her Temptation of Death, as Momoe and Rika are incapacitated and there was no news of Neiru after she deactivated Kotobuki's life support - perhaps an indication that she is still shaken by having done that. I think she is not, and that she will be confronted, in the next episode, by the third of "Frill's friends", as three of those creatures were shown in the flashback inside the glass containers and only two of them appeared to torment Momoe and Rika. It would make sense for the third to appear to torment Neiru, and Ai to be really alone to confront Frill.

What I really dislike about this episode and the direction the story took in general is how it now became a matter of "defeating the final villain", whereas before it was about social issues and valuing life. I definitely don't like this shift and I think the anime loses a lot by summarizing everything to something so simple and commonplace. Besides, revealing the real culprit behind everything with only two episodes left to end the series is never a good idea, especially considering that there was no foreshadowing for Frill other than a mention of the Temptation of Death. The anime could have established, since the first episodes, that there is a mysterious rise in girls' suicide rates for no apparent reason. This could have been kept as one of the many mysteries in this story, but the screenwriter didn't even have that concern. The motivations for suicides have always been the abuse that girls have suffered (except in the case of Kotobuki) and suddenly, the real reason behind all this is actually the Temptation of Death created by Frill, a vindictive artificial intelligence that was locked in a basement with several technological resources at its disposal and forgotten there for 14 years instead of having been properly deactivated after committing a murder! Things so hard to accept end my immersion in an anime that until then was so serious and cohesive. A shame. I still think this may have a moderately good conclusion, but unfortunately Wonder Egg Priority is nothing like "a new Madoka Magica".
"If someone says it's wrong to hope, I'll tell them they're wrong every single time."
Mar 24, 2021 11:59 AM

Jan 2017
Mar 24, 2021 12:42 PM

Mar 2015
Missed opportunity to make Frill say "Noice" after that popping sound.
Mar 24, 2021 1:01 PM

Dec 2015
WHAT WAS THATTT i'm not ready for the finale oh god
Mar 24, 2021 1:42 PM
Nov 2020
Ultrabook said:
PiereDelecto said:

Questions indeed. They seem to be getting away from their bread and butter character moments. Seems they are in a rush to explain everything, and I wish they just would not. I can appreciate the ruthlessness of murdering the pets to mark a dark transition, but now that they've come out and said "oh no the AI turned out to be evil! Damn that essence of femininity - we should have known she would be uncontrollable!" Yeah... that's a lot, and feels janky AF given it is presented like the magical eggs and dream world stem from lolita fembot Frill. We had some mystical element going on here before with the Greek Gods of death and love, "Thanatos" and "Eros", and the "temptation of death" - but a lot of good stuff from before now feels contrived, retroactively.

Look, Frill is passable in the realm of murderous AI villains, and the episode would have been great as the first episode of a different series. But this whole backpedal on the complexities of trauma and the pain associated with coveted relationships (which they nailed masterfully - a feat at least as elusive as a good AI villain) is just silly IMHO. So we're not going with all that incredible work you did expressing the complexity of the human spirit through some of the most likeable, relatable, well-acted characters in Anime? Instead we are going to try and assert that these two literal geniuses got a wife/daughter killed by failing to notice or curtail the jealous/violent tendencies of the AI they designed, built, and raised in secret in their spare time and while being surveilled 24/7 (what?) - THEN turned into fireflies that inhabit beanie babies of people, and developed their magical Inception eggs to train the "warriors of Eros" to defeat "Thanatos". I guess the drugs are working after all.

When we have movies like Upgrade, the Matrix, Terminator, hours of Elon Musk interviews on YouTube warning us how much more terrifying than all those AIs a real AI threat would be - why the hell does Wonder Egg Priority have to end with a half-baked "they were the smartest people in the world, but when they gave birth to an artificial life form and raised it, even they couldn't had no idea what would happen nex

t..." teaser? I can only hope that Frill has been masterfully manipulating the Accas since they conceived her, and "simply calculated" that they would design and build the eggs for her since some aspect of her design prevented her from completing this crucial step in her evolution or whatever. So something like upgrade - I'll take it. But this is not what I liked about the show anyways, the whole egg thing - please, understand what you have in your hands and stop chasing the dragon. More wonder egg Girls in a winder egg world please, less killer robots... in the end, this isn't game of thrones. They could not end this show badly enough, or far enough from my taste, to remove it from my favorites. It really was that good, at LEAST up until this episode. I really wonder wtf they're gonna do now, anyways. No. Fucking. Clue.

this was probably gonna be my favourite anime of the season with the pace it was going at, but now I no longer know what I'm watching anymore.
you're right lol - it totally feels like a completely different series w a completely different vibe. who'd've thought the prior 9-10 episodes were about exploring trauma and suicidal ideation.. it now feels as if the 4 main characters who've been built on throughout the whole series are going to go to waste and it's sad honestly.

It really is different in a sad way now. I expect a botched landing and some weird stuff from most Anime for sure - but the way they've been handling everything until now was so good I put that fact to the side completely before this episode. Definitely feels like they were in a class of their own developing these characters to feel so real even in a fantasy setting, and they seemed to have a sense that it wasn't important to reveal or explain everything befor. I wonder who convinced them to get into the Michael Bay/Avengers stuff - like, really this episode is almost exactly Bruce Banner and Ironman working on the AI that turned into Ultron just on a way smaller scale lol.

PiereDelectoMar 24, 2021 1:45 PM
Mar 24, 2021 1:58 PM

Jan 2019
PiereDelecto said:
like, really this episode is almost exactly Bruce Banner and Ironman working on the AI that turned into Ultron just on a way smaller scale lol.

This, but more stupid. Since, instead of deactivating the AI after it committed murder, Ura-Acca locked it in a basement with several technological devices at its disposal and forgot its existence for 14 years.
"If someone says it's wrong to hope, I'll tell them they're wrong every single time."
Mar 24, 2021 1:58 PM
Cherry Thighs

Apr 2013
It was really interesting to see their backstory and the proper introduction to Frill. I wonder how Ai and Neiru are going to deal with her when it's their turn.
Mar 24, 2021 2:10 PM

Apr 2012
EckhartPilgrim said:
The new character introduced in this episode reminds me of an anime that aired a few seasons ago, Babylon.

Seeing how Babylon ended, this is not a good news.

Babylon was mainly about how easy it is to get people to support a previously taboo idea. Doubt the Wonder Egg comes close to doing that.

Will_do_it_later said:
RobertBobert said:

The original speculation was that this show is about how to accept the suicide of loved ones and move on.

I thought it was to prevent the girls who lost loved ones from committing suicide as well, but then when their little "animals" were killed and the girls became so depressed, I was kinda confused, I still don't understand the motive behind that.

What confuses me is that if the first two-thirds of the show were mainly about solving the problems that led to suicide, now, on the contrary, suicide has become the main topic of the show.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
DeadlyRavenMar 27, 2021 6:02 AM
Mar 24, 2021 2:15 PM
Feb 2020
DAMN. This episode knocked it out of the ballpark. I absolutely love Frill. Both her character and design. Something I didn't see anyone mentioning, but personally stood out to me was her impression that her dad's were two men in a relationship.

Her jealously of other women, and the fact she even asked one of her dads (I forgot the names sorry :">) "Even if she took away your husband?" Wasn't something I expected. I liked how she loved both of them and that they were happy. In all honesty, this backstory was one of my favorites by far. Yes, evil corrupted AI is kinda meh but they delivered it really well. A small family with an artificial girl changing, and she becomes filled with envy.

I don't feel like Frill was an AI at all. That's why it's so great to me. It genuinely feels like a little girl lost her family to an older woman. But it's a cherry on the top that even after all those years being locked away and hated, she smiled and laughed like before. Despite being called a monster and repeating her name was Frill. Everything is just so good ???? yes???
Mar 24, 2021 2:26 PM

Apr 2012
@SkptixSx I doubt her words were anything serious, given that the "dads" themselves did not seem to perceive their relationship as romantic. But yep, this is basically a story about a child being jealous of close adults.
Mar 24, 2021 2:36 PM
Dec 2020
i have no idea how this will be wrapped up in only 1 more episode but this one was great, the introduction of frill makes everything much more interesting imo
Mar 24, 2021 2:56 PM
Jun 2020
I'm usually surprised by his episodes, but today's ... blew my mind. Hopefully this interesting Anime ends well.
Mar 24, 2021 2:58 PM
Feb 2020
RobertBobert said:
@SkptixSx I doubt her words were anything serious, given that the "dads" themselves did not seem to perceive their relationship as romantic.

Oh no, of course not. I didn't intend for it to mean a romantic relationship (despite how contradictory the term husband is). I just meant a family in general. Bounded by the roles of a family. She saw them as her two dads and judging the roles of a family as an AI, it's likely she came to the interpretation they were married. Regardless of romance or not
Mar 24, 2021 3:02 PM

Apr 2012
SkptixSx said:
RobertBobert said:
@SkptixSx I doubt her words were anything serious, given that the "dads" themselves did not seem to perceive their relationship as romantic.

Oh no, of course not. I didn't intend for it to mean a romantic relationship (despite how contradictory the term husband is). I just meant a family in general. Bounded by the roles of a family. She saw them as her two dads and judging the roles of a family as an AI, it's likely she came to the interpretation they were married. Regardless of romance or not

It's just that if they were a same-sex couple, then the story of how one of them went to the girl without any problems would be quite problematic. Although as far as I can see, people are already discussing whether there could be any feelings between them or that they were both in love with that woman.
Mar 24, 2021 3:30 PM
Jul 2018
I think this is a perfect time to bring up the comment I made when the first episode came out.

JustAnAnimeList said:
Here's a phrase that perfectly describes this thread: "people not knowing how to keep their expectations in check."

I mean, for fuck sake there's people already rating this a 10 and leaving reviews based on a single fucking episode. Yes, this was a very good and strong first episode, but that doesn't mean anything. Going forwards this anime can turn out to really be a masterpiece or it might crumble and turn to complete shit.

Showing some restraint and not hyping things to oblivion leads to a life with less frustration and disappointments, you know?

Now we're at a point where it's a 50/50 chance of this anime sticking its landing or turning into complete garbage. While I liked what I watched so far, I've been keeping my expectations low because I had a feeling this anime could go to shit at any moment and now I'm pretty certain it will.

There's no way we're going to get a good or satisfying ending to this anime even if we get an "episode 13" in the form of an OVA or movie later on. It's still not going to be enough run time to end things properly with all the loose ends that need closure. WEP should've had a longer run time given its slow pacing.

Imho, the backstory of the Accas and the introduction of Frill ended up cheapening the themes of the anime and changing the direction of the story.
It went from being about psychological and social issues and the main girls recovering from their traumas to being about beating the big bad AI who causes people to commit suicide.
If this is really where they wanted to go with the story then they should've developed these plot points ages ago, not in the god damned penultimate episode for fuck sake.
removed-userMar 24, 2021 7:15 PM
Mar 24, 2021 4:25 PM
May 2019
I think this is the best plot or backstory on this season. Forget about Black Clover's, Kemono Jihen's or Dr. Stone 2's script (maybe Kumo desu ka's will get close).

Fantastic. I didn't even miss Sawaki-sensei's answer or to see if the girls' friends are truly alive. I hope Ai will be able to help everybody.
Mar 24, 2021 4:36 PM

Sep 2017
So the story is starting to unfold. I really hope we don't get a rushed ending and that ep 12 will be like 40 mins or they will release ep 13. But uh, I guess Frill using the other AI girls she made have been coaxing other kills who have a lot of trauma to kill themselves. At least that's the theory. And these dudes made the wonder eggs as a way to investigate how the girls died.

You know I feel like the show would be better off just keeping it simple and focusing on the emotions, but we'll see how it goes. I also don't understand how it is that they didn't kill/shut off Frill somehow. Feels like a massive plot hole so I hope it will be explained.

Edit: And honestly just thinking about it this backstory could have worked so well with a few changes to the story. Remove all the dumb AI shit and just have Frill kill herself from jealously or something. Or maybe forget Frill all together and just have our two dudes be real big brain scientists. Then the real human daughter kills herself for whatever reason and they become obsessed with studying suicides. We don't even need the wife. Maybe they just adopt a girl to raise together because they want something more in their life than programing and research, but she ends up killing herself for unknown reasons. This is all SO much better IMO. Of course I will wait till see how they will end things before jumping to conclusions.
ProofByColorMar 24, 2021 4:55 PM
Mar 24, 2021 4:42 PM
Jul 2020
absolute mindfuck but so good
Mar 24, 2021 5:34 PM
Aug 2015
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