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Monogatari Series: First Season
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Apr 25, 2019 9:59 AM

Sep 2014
Just rewatched it. I think I love it even more than when I watched it the first time, possibly because this time I had watched Owari and Zoku Owari. Which is pretty important for Kiss-Shots character.

When Kiss-shot gives Araragi this look.. Thats what love is all about. Shaft managed to capture love in animated form.

I hope monogatari never ends. I need more Shinobu x Araragi moments.

Alos, damn Hanekawa is so close to being best girl. Kiss-shot, Shinobu, Hanekawa. Thats the ranking, the rest doesnt matter.

This movie exists, monogatari S2 exists, Owari exists and some people still say Kiss-Shot and Araragi arent destined for each other. Senjo is just the fake gf.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Apr 30, 2019 12:35 AM

Oct 2017
Gawd the animation is just too perfect! Also gonna miss Kisushotto Aseroraorion Hātoandāburēdo. Also he should have fondled :/

I want you to be happy.
I want you to laugh a lot.
I don’t know what exactly
I’ll be able to do for you,
but I’ll always be by your side.
May 31, 2019 8:08 AM

Dec 2018
Damn, Oshino is one of the badass character in the series. But I wish this series explain more about the mystery of someone's power, like Kagenui's brute strength left unexplained, so is how Oshino steal the heart of KSAOHUB.

Gulliotine cutter is dead. Dramaturgy is missing.

Oshino is watching everything. I guess he will save the day in Owarimonogatari.

What a battle they fought at a stadium.

So KSAOHUB was hiding her good intention by fighting him. No it's not quite a good intention since it was a win-win situation for both party.

Lol, Araragi said a 'job' yet all Oshino do was give an info. In that case should have said "I'll buy your info."

KSAOHUB was once a human, then the question is who or what caused her to turned into vampire ? It will be answered on the sequel I guess. This series likes to scatter the pieces of the puzzle.

KSAOHUB said she wanted to die, then could she just stop drinking Araragi's blood? And I bet she's aware of this,yet she continue to live? What motivates her to live? Araragi? Yes, this was answered at Monogatari 2nd season.
Kish0May 31, 2019 8:22 AM
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Jun 5, 2019 1:16 PM

Sep 2017
A fantastic conclusion to a trilogy. You don't see many movie trilogies where each entry is better than the last, but Shaft managed to pull that off with Kizumonogatari. There are still some unanswered questions (why didn't their clothes burn in the sun too, why did blood never stain clothes, basically just wtf are these clothes made out of), but I believe this trilogy did a great job answering some of the questions I had while watching Bakemonogatari while simultaneously building upon the world in ways that I didn't believe the movies would be able to pull off. The animation was just as incredible as the previous movie, and I really enjoyed the character development everyone got. I never expected Shinobu to be such a complex character. Mid to high 9/10.

GytanzoJun 29, 2019 7:59 PM
Jun 8, 2019 10:07 AM
Dec 2009
The Kizumonogatari movie series really let me appreciate Hanekawa and Shinobu a whole lot more, especially Shinobu.

I was indifferent to Shinobu, but this movie changed it. She really jumped up as one of my favorites in the show, although Senjougahara still tops that.

Beautiful movie series, I found the first two parts as good, gave them both 8/10 but this final part of the movie is worth a 10/10. It was a great watch, I'm looking forward to continuing with Owari S2 and Zoku right after.
Malloween Candies (2023):
6 main candies
Jun 22, 2019 7:23 AM
Jan 2018
what where the plot holes with the 3 movies overall
Jul 2, 2019 2:00 PM

May 2015
I really loved that Araragi x Hanekawa scene. And seriously, their relationship is so sweeeet, damn.

Watching this after Bakemonogatari I kinda knew what was coming but still, it upset me how desperate Kiss-shot sounded at the end. I can't even say Araragi's choice was the right one. Yes, she still lives but what for? The comparison to a pet just adds bitterness to the whole situation. That Araragi's smile at the end though... makes everything just genuinely bittersweet.

Overall, very sad and beautiful story. 9/10
Jul 19, 2019 8:35 AM
Jul 2018
God I love the Monogatari Series
Jul 30, 2019 12:59 PM

Jun 2009
Seriously why the fuck Hanekawa didn't end up with ARRG?

IZUMI64Jul 30, 2019 1:43 PM
Jul 30, 2019 1:29 PM

Dec 2016
Great movie that does an amazing job of finishing off the trilogy and leading perfectly into bakemonogatari
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Aug 10, 2019 2:20 AM

May 2015
I feel like it's gonna be a long time to be able to watch something as majestic as this trilogy.
Shaft has been pretty quiet this past couple of years since March Comes in Like a Lion 2 ended. I really want them to continue doing what they know to do. They are the only ones who can pull something like this.
I wasn't wrong when I made them my favorite studio after watching Madoka many years ago. Each one of their works is a piece of art that must be preserved for generations to come.
Aug 20, 2019 8:10 PM

Aug 2017
Guillotinecutter's death was brutal lol. Oh my, that battle was epic!!

In the end, I feel bad for Kiss-shot.

The only thing that I don't like was that Hanekawa's boobs scene. That last long.

+1 for Araragi numerous shirtless and naked scene in the end. 8/10 for the movie.

NurguburuAug 20, 2019 8:19 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Aug 27, 2019 3:21 PM

Jun 2015
I watched Monogatari based on this order,

Watching the series with all the mysterious relationship between Araragi and Shinobu. All the holes left unfilled kept me going and when I finally reached Kizu, it answers most of my questions. Though I still need to digest to get a clear answer.

Well, a tragic story it is. The story of two people who wounds each other and will never forgive the other one for doing so. They kept living together because of sheer bonds of "flawed goods". They choose their own day of death and they will stay alive together until then.

Romantic, romantic, hu uhh (sobbing). As I expected, I really liked their relationship since the very beginning. As Shinobu once said to Suruga, "Master-servant relationship is not as simple as Love and Hatred". Although I'm still not cleared with Araragi and Shinobu's relationship, I think I will leave it as it is. As mysterious as it might seem and as beautiful and tragic as it might be.

Good Movie.. 9~10
Feb 1, 2020 4:01 PM

Dec 2015
(II and III watched in a row)

Still as painly "stylish" and artificial looking as it gets, thus making it at the very least an interesting experience compared to the book.

Score: 6/10 (overall, around that too)
Enjoyment: 2/5
Feb 3, 2020 3:42 PM

May 2014
A great trilogy of Araragi and Shinbou past. I loved how they show the beauty evolution of Kiss-Shot (Shinbou) , and right after that she is eating the priest guy that took her hands. What an awesome and grotesque way to take revenge. Poor Araragi even until the end he was still traumatize with new grotesque stuff. I was hoping he would take a big bite of Hanekawa (yeah litteraly), but this type of bite made it so much better. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Best satire/comical/ecchi scene I have seen so far in my anime journey
. It's actually very sad Araragi didn't end up with Tsubasa after all the interaction they had been through. Looks like he has been through a lot more with Tsubasa than before he met Hitagi in Bakemonogatari.

I liked the decision Araragi made with taking Shinbou's abilities away. He became very human again and he made her depended on her. Very selfish decision, but the fact that he weren't able to kill her after knowing the consequences can be interpret that he isn't a monster and still has his human qualities. Very sad for Shinbou, but I guess the author didn't made this movie without any other intention than seeing her being in pain with living. She will most probably have a impact on the story further on. The fight was also very good animated. A lot of heads and very much blood too.

All in all, this was a good movie, but tbh. the previous movie was better. In both animation, plot developement, but the ecchiness was better here. So, 7/9, is a fair score.
mangalicker94Feb 3, 2020 4:11 PM
Feb 3, 2020 4:19 PM

May 2014
ProxyLain said:
script holes, if the 3 enemies managed to rip her arms and legs why didn't they kill at once? And if she wanted to die, why didn't she just go to sunlight? This hole affects the whole story, how can anyone write such an incoherent story?

Maybe they didn't want to kill her, but take her power? Secondly, maybe her previous "servant" haunted her psychologically and thus she wasn't able to kill herself. She needed someone like Araragi to make her death any sense. We don't know that much about her past (which probably will be revealed further on). This is a typical move of authors. So, I guess you just have to watch and see. It's also possible she wanted to die, but didn't dare to do it herself. She could have get attach to life after living over 500 years. This made it harder for her to take suicide.

This is of course only groundless theories after only watching Bake & Kizu, but hopefully we will get more answers.
Feb 3, 2020 4:27 PM

May 2014
tr25a3 said:
Wow, he just noticed now that vampires are famous for drinking human blood?

Not sure how this whole nutrition thing for vampires works, but what about eating animals instead of humans?

Another question:
In this movie we see hands that follow and grab Hanekawas naked(?) body. (This also occurs in the intro of Bake Ep. 15, a running and seemingly naked Hanekawa gets molested by several hands)

What's the meaning behind that?

My interpretation is her imagination of having Araragi fondle and touch her. From early in Kizu it's obvious she is in love with him. It's only him who is a dumbnut to not understand. But yeah, as said above this how Tsubasa imagine being fondled and touched by Araragi. Then again, this is only a hypothesis, so I could be wrong.
Feb 3, 2020 4:33 PM

May 2014
GoldNautilus said:
EratiK said:
Thanks, but I didn't go.

It is with deep regret and a heavy heart that I recant my statement about @EratiK being a god damn fucking bastard. I'm sorry to all the people who believed in me and are disappointed with the lack of actual bastards. Please, find it in your hearts to forgive me.

You guys should be happy. Here in Norway anime is still a very unknown word to the people . Anime movies almost never get released on the cinemas. Since it has such a low popularity I haven't seen a new anime movie in the cinema since Your Name in 2016. xD
Mar 24, 2020 4:08 AM

Mar 2019
Well, this was definitely the best one out of the whole trilogy.
Outside of THAT scene it was pretty decent. It doesn't come anywhere close to Bakemonogatari for me, though.
Mar 26, 2020 4:18 PM

Oct 2019
I think the ending was great!
May 1, 2020 10:56 PM

Jan 2019
The trilogy of films is undoubtably a 10/10 for me. Hell, just the second and third movies together are a 10/10.

However, it feels like the last two movies exceed each other in opposite ways. This last film is by far the most beautiful thing to come out of the monogatari series, whereas the second film delivered what felt like some of the best emotional punches I've seen in years.

This all makes sense, as it is how the source material was written. On their own, they're each 9/10s, fulfilled and strengthened by the existence of the other. One could not truly exist without the other, and yet neither do so perfectly.

Just like Kiss-Shot and Araragi.
aplacebeyondMALMay 1, 2020 10:59 PM
May 6, 2020 8:04 PM
Oct 2017
Well, I just finished all these after Bakemonogatari since I want to follow the light novel order.

For the anime order:
"While there are a few other reshuffles in the meta-narrative, the biggest difference with this order is that it presents Kizumonogatari, the origin story, as a mysterious missing part of the story to be anticipated later in the series just before the finale of the main story. While many don't have a problem with this and enjoy the added mystery element, some may argue that it leaves too many unanswered questions that are answered too late in the series and are now made obsolete."

Screw that, if there is something I do not like is when information is left out unintentionally, and it would make my experience of this arc worse if I watched it later, so no, I went with this one this time.

My thoughts, well, compared to Bakemonogatari it feels really subpar, or it just something I was not expecting, like, Bakemonogatari was a psychological drama and was clever in that, this is a mere vampire and action story.

Do not get me wrong, I love fan service, and even more, if big boobs are involved, it just that I felt that these three movies dragged the pace a bit, and it felt at times like a Twlight for webs.

I finally got to know more of Kiss Shot, even when I did not care the slightest about her in the first anime, she was useless as a character back then, but now with her backstory adds she finally adds more weight.

Even then I did not like Araragi's resolution, I would have let Heart in Blade live like how she was, even if it that meant humans to die, if I had found her as Araragi did, I would have given my blood as well for her, because she is beautiful, putting in her in a child-like state is disastrous, so now I understand her pain and her expression through all the previous series, I would have left her in her complete form even if that meant to die, or everyone to die, that would be the point of the sacrifice.

Hanekawa looks different here, I swear the gave her bigger boobs on this one, and it surprises me that she was so involved, I thought she was oblivious to oddities, and it makes me wonder why they didn't end up together in the first place.

Now I will rewatch the first episode of Bakemonogatari, to connect the dots, since well, I watch it a loooooong time ago, I picked up Bakemonogatari back just after some time, so some things are fuzzy on my memory.

I did enjoy the fanservice, the animation and the atmosphere were such as good as Bakemonogatari but the pacing was not as brilliant and that messed up the immersion for me, the characters were too pink for my taste but I imagine that was because they were vampires, I recommend it but I think it is was possible to shorten a bit, considering this was a retrospective story, I imagine there was a bit of commercial reasons to extend it too.
HazamelisMay 6, 2020 8:58 PM
May 8, 2020 2:55 PM

Dec 2019
Damn the 2nd Kizumonogatari and the 3rd were a lot better than the first one, i loved the Hankeawa naughty scenes god that is what i needed to see, overall the Shinobu fight was epic and i really loved the sound effects lmao had a good laugh. 8/10

May 13, 2020 11:34 AM

Mar 2018
This movie was amazing. I was kinda skeptical about the Kizumonogatari movies for some reason, I thought I wouldn't enjoy them for some reason but they were a joy to watch. I enjoyed Kizu more than Bake. 9/10
May 14, 2020 7:17 PM
Feb 2017
I’m just going to say that I wanted to watch this on my TV and invited my older brother and younger brother (14) to watch it. Let’s just say some parts were quite awkward.

Besides that, I loved the movies and finally being able to see the backstory and how Kiss-shot became Shinobu and Araragi became a half-vampire.

All 9/10s for the trilogy
May 17, 2020 5:09 AM

Aug 2018
So what, so that Araragi made mistake?.. Now he just wants to run from life?.. Man, if you made mistake, you can try to repay it in your life..
Hanekawa is doing just everything for Araragi.. Well, I already saw how good of a girlfriend she is already in the second movie.. Now even more of bonus points.. ;p She could get a better man than Araragi, maybe, though.. ;p But whatever, she likes, who she likes..
Battles in this anime I so far sometimes enjoy and sometimes not.. I liked some of comedy before.. But when it became too gruesome - just not my type of comedy.. Oh well, I don't really like battles in the first place, I just hope it won't take long, and we'll switch to characters, slice of life, or other stuff soon..
This ending is confusing really.. Ok, so Shinobu got the little form.. So what?.. Is she mentally retarded now or not?.. If not, where is the sadness, really?.. Is she not being able to find meaningful things in life?.. She lived for hundreds of years by her own, I'm sure she can find enjoyment in thing or two doing together with other persons.. If she is mentally retarded, then why talks about her choice of dying or not even being raised?.. It's all very confusing, really.. But anyway..
Overall, in the end, how I like these series so far?.. Vampire life topic was touched, but I don't really believe that all vampires get depressed after 500 years or something.. Also if their life is just survival and fighting all the time.. It sucks, but why I should watch or enjoy such life, really?.. I expected authors to make something better out of this.. In the end vampire life is just painted black, so.. ok, I guess?..
Battles is also something I don't really care about, so this part is just there, I guess..
I liked Hanekawa.. Liked a lot things about her, she's a nice girl, I think..
I'm interested in Shinobu.. But only if she's something more than just all powerful being, who does nothing in her free time, but fights and eats humans.. That's really "exciting" - not, actually.. I'd want more from her as a character.. Hopefully, she'll change, and we'll see something from her..
So overall, I'm still not content enough to call it 10/10.. Too much focus on just tragic things, where people not even try to find something meaningful in the end.. At least ending of the movie as if suggesting this.. Though, ending is also confusing and not finished, really.. Did she lose her mind?.. Or just depressed, because lost her powers?.. It's not understandable at all.. So yeah, disappointed in this ending in particular..
But will watch more of these series.. Writers know how to write good waifus, at least they did it well with Hanekawa.. Tragedy thing got too one sided in the end, only portrayed in black, no white present in there.. Hopefully, they'll be able to have both of light and darkness in the future..
Either way, that's how I feel about it.. I didn't enjoy tragedy too much.. I enjoyed waifu stuff.. I didn't enjoy battles, but some were alright.. That's it for now.. Hopefully, more focus on characters and slice of life in the future..
May 23, 2020 10:45 PM

Aug 2019
wow that was a literal bloody good story. i always understood while watching the monogatari anime that the bond with Araragi and Kiss-shot was inseparable because of a certain events that happened during spring break that changed both their lives severely, but God damn i never imagined it would be this... Jaw-dropping and i never thought this would be the reason.
The whole premise of Kiss-Shot the 500 year old vampire tired of living and wanting to accept death but when shown that a person, a human was willing to sacrifice them self for her, she ultimately fell to the culprit becoming guilty and had to diverge a plan to drag the poor soul out of the horrid world of a vampire to restore his humanity. This, this is a plot i couldn't have thought of even if i tried and won't lie is the absolute peak of Nisio Isin's monogatari story. I fucking love it. The plot twist after plot twist was all executed so well like Oshino's real purpose to why he's helping Araragi and Kiss-Shots real plan being uncovered by Hanekawa, just opening more and more of the story and wanting you to know more.
One thing i forgot to mention was the music, although it's hard to hear sometimes and rarely noticed, some scenes (like Kiss-Shot and araragi talking on the roof top) were absolutely beautiful with the use of background music other scenes (like the start of the Kiss-Shot vs Araragi one on one fight) were way more intense and dramatic with the help of the back ground track. Big props to SHAFT.
Scenes this time around were a big mix of emotional, ecchi and straight up brutal. The beginning scene was absolutely beautiful, portrayed Kiss-Shot as this absolutely beautiful queen-like figure that anyone would fall head over heels for really stealing our hearts away, but later massively contradicted to the scene of her nomming on human reminding us she is an ancient monster. Then the ecchi scene xD can't say i didn't enjoy it i was most definitely at the edge of my chair the whole time, but it was admittably a refreshing break from the fighting and soul searching araragi did. The brutal fight scene straight after was good, SHAFT did NOT hold back on the blood, gore and detailed injury that played out which made the movies (in my opinion) 100000% not because i'm edgy but i liked how they played around a bit with things such as the heads tumbling or araragi running on his hands after getting halved.
The ending was very emotional, Kiss-Shots plan being revealed of her longing for death from Araragi, while he try's to create an ending where everyone lives and is happy. However Oshino (for a small price of £5,000,000) comes up with the life saving plan where everyone suffers, no one is happy, but at the end of the day everyone gets to keep their life.
In total, 10/10 movie(s) just added more love to my already existing love of the Monogatari series with the amazing art style + CGI background effects along with the incredibly amazing but sad story that is Kizu.
yes, if i could sum of the Kizumonogatari story it would be along the lines of ,"A story were everyone lives, but without the happy ending"

Jul 17, 2020 12:21 AM

Nov 2009
I'll be short.
The trilogy has felt a little different from the series but it was a good quality anime anyway.
My sincere gratitude to everyone who has made it this great.
Aug 13, 2020 10:33 PM
Mar 2018
when i finished, i was confused as to wtf just happened but after reading some reddit posts explaining it, it all makes more sense. I thought the kiss shot being turned into the girl we see in bake was something similar to her losing her memory or something but nope.

also that boob scene was a big bruh moment lmao. thats all ill say. great fight at the end tho. this trilogy is def better than bake and im really interested to see how the rest of the series continues. 8.5/10

EDIT: also oshino meme is pretty goat
HotPocketChrisAug 13, 2020 11:12 PM
Sep 20, 2020 5:11 AM

Jun 2020
Damn this movie was great that long fight scene was intense the animation was a god tier showing what really happened to Araragi was so amazing probably one of my favorite movies right now.

The story was very interesting now I know what really happened the gore on this anime was also amazing seeing their heads get cut and the way Shinobu ate the Vampire hunter(forgot the name) was so disgusting and at the same it was fascinating.

So overall rating 9/10 the animation was god tier, the gore was great, the fight scene was amazing, and the story never consisted to disappoint me.
Dec 19, 2020 5:30 AM
Apr 2020
I-I don't know what to say anymore.. Everything in this movie is BEYOND of my expectations. It's like you're watching a simplistic anime then afterwards in some ep, they'll slap to you that freakingly beyond-the-limits scenes, something like that. I-I'm just speechless to this last Kizumonogatari movie....

I'm not gonna say anymore. An easy 10/10 for me (if possible, 100/10 lol)....

Studio Shaft, you're now my one of the all time best studio that I've ever found after this godly movie... Time to finish this Monogatari Series once and for all. Now I'm really pumped up finishing this after this.
Feb 3, 2021 7:30 AM

Oct 2016
Fantastic ending to a fantastic trilogy. It explains well how Araragi ended up a human vampire-ish and how Shinobu became a shell of her former self, looking forward to see how Shinobu and Araragi's relationship progress since I watched this after Bake so, I haven't really seen much of the two together.

I knew that I saw that Araragi and Hanekawa boob fondling scene before lmao, I saw it on reddit probably, years ago. Even though I kinda forgot, I felt that Araragi was actually not going to fondle them honkers lmao.

I think the first movie was the weakest of the three, so I gave an 8 to the first one then 9 to the second and third movie. Though overall I guess it's a 10/10 or maybe a 9.5/10. Either way this trilogy was a fantastic experience.
Feb 20, 2021 4:20 PM

Jul 2020
I loved this series from the start and it never let me down. The one question that sticks in my craw is why'd Araragi wind up with Senjogahara and not Hanekawa? I mean as the story timeline goes, I was in love with Hanekawa by the second movie. I guess the answer is just a personal one. I really liked Hitagi's character, tsundere ways and all, but Tsubasa would have been closer to my "dream" girl. Oh well...great anime all 'round.
Mar 4, 2021 11:08 PM

Jul 2019
Araragi had one job... (no, not talking about the titties scene)
Mar 21, 2021 2:22 PM

Feb 2020
Well that was a tragic story for sure. Good thing Araragi now has Senjougahara by his side... I hope Kiss Shot will find someone too.

That was a good closure for this movie series, however I was a bit disappointed by this third movie. I don't know what exactly was missing, but due to how much praise it is getting, I think I raised my expectations a bit too high. I prefered the second movie, I thought it had better pacing and character development and was more emotionally impactful. But this third movie was still very good, though the Hanekawa boob grabbing scene lasted for WAY too long, that was very awkward, good thing it turned out being just imagination but still, that was clearly fanservice for some sort of sexual assault fetichism and I really didn't like it (but before someone attacks me : no, I'm not gonna go complain about it on Twitter nor will I try to cancel the series).

In the end my biggest issue regarding the trilogy would be the way Kiss Shot has been handled. The movies turned out being much more about Araragi and Hanekawa for the most part, and it's only in this third movie, and mostly at the end, that she played a big role. The issue I have with it is that I consequently didn't spend enough time with her to feel truly impacted by her wish to die, I found it sad but that's about it unfortunately. Maybe her apparitions in the following series will help me get attached to her and see this ending in a new light, I hope so.
(And maybe I shouldn't have followed the advice I read everywhere that Kizu is supposed to be seen after Bake and has actually aired way too late. At least if I didn't I would've had the same experience as most fans. But it doesn't change my complaint since the author wanted for Kizu to be seen right after Bake.)
But I still really liked this story, especially thanks to the development provided to Arararararagi-kun who I'm liking more and more. And Kiss Shot is still an interesting and touching character, I'm looking forward to her development.

This third movie gets a 7/10 from me, after I gave the first one a 7 and the second an 8. Not a bad score at all !
Jun 11, 2021 9:07 PM
Jan 2021
'The words and action will contradict the inner thought' is the basic formula author has used for almost every female character. One-shot was no diff. Made the movie predictable. I knew she wasn't trying to kill araragi and Oshino will play the main part in the ending.

That breast scene. Of course, he didn't touch her Breast and the girl got angry because he didn't while she denying the Idea from the very start. A typical female horny lead.

That last fight was kinda hilarious. Lol. But sure was a bloody one.

Animation and OSTs no doubt were beautiful as always.

8/10 for me.
Jul 5, 2021 8:23 AM

Jul 2008
I have such mixed feelings about this series and trilogy. It's mostly around Araragi. I mean...I kinda hate him to be honest. He's selfish, ignorant, naïve. Does he have any redeeming qualities? I really don't know. Keeping Kill Shot alive in such a sorry state, when she actually had been wanting to die after living for 500 years, is such a dick move. I mean really...he's just kind of a bad guy. And watching how he treats her in Bakemonogatari makes me dislike him even more.

Side Note: And speaking on Bakemonogatari, there seems to be a disconnect between the relationship of Araragi and Tsubasa. It was pretty clear in this trilogy, that she was into him. Like...really into him. But in Bake, just seemed like Araragi was 100% clueless leading into Black Cat. Or maybe I misread it.

Saying all that...I still enjoyed the story, art style, animation, and all the other characters involved.

8/10 for the entire trilogy.
Jul 10, 2021 2:56 AM

Aug 2020
damn what an experience.

Visuals are absolutely stunning as expected from shaft and the OST is chef's kiss.

to be honest, I don't really understand why Araragi still chose to save Kiss-Shot there. It didn't seem logical since they would now have to depend on each other for the rest of their lives. It also puts a potential threat on humanity by keeping them as almost vampires. Maybe that's how much he owes his life to her? Either that or he feels bad and whats to give her some kind of happiness in the future im not really sure.

With that, the Scarstory ends.

onto Nisemonogatari now.
Aug 24, 2021 3:01 PM
Mar 2020
I just don't understand how the hell did he chooses senjouhara don't get me wrong I like her but after waching this It doesn't fell right what a good movie 9/10
Sep 23, 2021 12:06 AM
Aug 2021
This trilogy was amazing. A solid 10/10 with its amazing animation. Shaft went all out on this one.

And so, ends the Koyomi Vamp arc, with Kiss-shot and Araragi bound in the relationship of a master and a servant. He's now a quasi human and Kiss-shot's a quasi-vampire. Poor Araragi he was so depressed in this arc. The scene where he imagines eating Hanekawa's face off is so powerful and shows his fears of being a vampire. The fight scene between Kiss-shot and Araragi was SO GOOD. Such a satisfying fight for gore lovers like me. I liked the song played in the end credits.

My only gripe is that they extended the booba scene.

And I gotta say that
I FRICKIN LOVE KISS SHOT(≧▽≦)(especially the adult form)

-Facktack-Sep 23, 2021 12:48 AM
Jan 1, 2022 4:56 AM

Dec 2020
Make him vampire to save your life and kill yourself just to bring him back to human. What a dumb girl and of course plot. 7/10
May 2, 2022 1:21 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Excuse me, mommy? Sorry.... mommy? Mommy... sorry, mommy?

And wow. Despite everything we know and think about Araragi now, he still was able to resist THIS because he valued their friendship even more.

I've always been curious as to how Araragi and Shinobu wound up together, tied by fate and inseparable in life. They briefly touch on it now and then in the monogatari series, but it was never fully explained. Perhaps it was explained was in Bakemonogatari, but it's been so long since I watched it that my memory is rather hazy. But no worries now, because these three movies fully flesh out the origins of the relationship and dynamic between Araragi and Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-under-Blade. Which, I must say, nearly moved me to tears. Watching the monogatari series AFTER this would've definitely added more weight to their relationship. This certainly would be beneficial for newcomers to watch before Bakemonogatari, if they don't mind the animation style change.

You know, should the monogatari series should ever be rebooted (which certainly is NOT needed, it's already quite perfect as it is) in this more simplistic, bare-bones manner, I would definitely watch it. It certainly would make it easier for someone like me to follow along. Again, I'm sure that they had the possibility that many would be entering the monogatari series through these movies in mind, as it does chronologically come first. Thus they made this in a way that is easier for a newcomer to consume rather than the dialogue-heavy nature that this series is known for. Some elements would be lost, sure, but for someone shallow minded like myself, I would definitely enjoy something that I could wrap my head around a little easier.

Anyway, I'm giving the third, last, and BEST Kizumonogatari movie an 8/10. I love Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-under-Blade three-fold as much as I did before.

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 5, 2022 12:08 AM

Feb 2021
This is the first time I've completed a Monogatari series anime. Let's just say I'm glad I read the novels before this
Jul 5, 2022 10:13 PM
Oct 2020
As this was my first Monogatari movie series I wasn't sure what to expect. Bakemonogatari is still my favorite so far but Kizu holds up quite well, I think. It does a good job filling in some ambiguities from the original series. In this last one Part 3: Reiketsu we complete the circle of Kiss-Shot to Shinobu. This helps explain some of the scenes in Bakemonogatari where Koyomi is feeding child vampire, and the relationship to Meme. Araragi's desire to help everyone no matter the cost to him is consistent throughout the series/movies even though it just ends up in shared misery. But in the end he seems happy with that state. The breast fondling scene with Tsubasa was kinda awkward but also reached the amusing conclusion that it would somehow prepare Koyomi for battle with Kiss-Shot. Expect he failed miserable in the cop-a-field-of-battle. And Tsubaba after all that had to be satisfied with a pinky pledge. Guess we'll see how that progresses when they return to school. It's interesting to contrast some of the scenes where Araragi is lying on top of Kiss-Shot. He seems so comfortable and confident, but completely goes to pieces when Hanekawa is essentially presenting herself with a bow on top. Or an untying the bow that holds her top. I know I'm all over the place in this post but I gotta say one more thing. That Koyomi and Kiss-Shot battle was one of the strangest I've seen so far. Certainly heads did roll. And roll.
Aug 26, 2022 7:23 AM

Jan 2015
Not a single "kaka..." I guess Shinobu is too depressed for that to fit though. Definitely has a similar quality to Oldboy in its ending here, definitely didn't know whether I should be happy from how it ends. Really did leave me unsure how to feel.
Loved seeing Araragi and Kiss-Shot on the roof, talking, simply enjoying each other's company. Very nice scene.
Though the whole gym scene was hilarious, for sure, laughed heaps, the film didn't quite have me laugh as much as in the second where I was laughing till I was lightheaded. On the contrary, it also didn't hit me emotionally as hard, teared up some, didn't cry like in the previous though. Would overall call the second my favourite film of Kizumonogatari. Amazing trilogy however! Very good ending to lead into Bakemonogatari. Shows why Shinobu was quiet for so long, poor vampire.
Fight scene was awesome! Really, really fun. Every moment had something to be in awe of. Also, would have to say, probably the most capable Araragi's ever been in a fight. The regeneration was too good.
Very cool arc. Third didn't wind up being my favourite like I kind of hoped, but, did still love it! Nine out of ten trilogy/arc, easy.
MSSS is still definitely, absolutely my favourite.
Loved Kizumonogatari! Excited to keep going!
Sep 26, 2022 5:14 PM

May 2021
Best movie in a trilogy where each film turned out to be better than the one before it. A lot of depth given to Shinobu and Meme especially. Even the "fanservice" scene served to characterize both Ruraragi and Hanekawa. I did not expect it to have the tragic ending that it did of two people, both somewhat half-vampires, who wounded each other and now lick their wounds. Not only did it answer the questions I had from Bake, but it also changed how I see them. The fight was a bit hilarious or maybe experimental would be a better way to describe it.

Better than even Bake for me, only this movie.

Oct 5, 2022 8:24 AM

Nov 2021
damn Shaft-sama, thanks for the this well done trilogy \(@^0^@)/
Jan 7, 2023 4:33 PM

Sep 2016
amazing movie! Only textual critique I would have is, especially compared to the book, that it is clear in the book that if araragi killed kissshot, he would return to humanity. thats not really mentioned in the film unless I overlooked something. Kissshot is more selfish in the movie, which takes away some of the stories emotional depth. She just wants him to kill her. In the book, the side effect of araragi killing her is that he can become human again, which was additional motivation for her to go through with the plan.
Objectivity doesn't exist. Subjectivity is an excuse. Beautiful world of online discourse.

Jan 11, 2023 10:11 AM

Jan 2009
damn Araragi and Hanekawa almost did the thing but Araragi chickened out lol and very good story too

so that is how Ararargi and Shinobu form some symbiotic relationship

Oshino is the MVP of this trilogy though

and the sakuga is still great
Jan 27, 2023 7:53 PM

Oct 2021
not only it sums up overall situation of past events before bakemono, but it also beautifully ended it... this triology was very worth my time and MAN WHAT IN THE FCK WAS THAT ANIMATION IN LAST FIGHT BETWEEN KISS-SHOT AND ARARAGI!!! 

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