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Dec 14, 2020 5:35 AM
Aug 2020

great episode, i love how the concept (which is in the real world) of hysterical strength has come into play here. although it did seem a bit far-fetched that they were able to tap into that state of mind on the first day of training, it will still make for very interesting developments next season. hopefully it begins to get a bit more realistic in that they fail to succeed at some point, and practise that skill throughout the series

and damn the 4th captain's death was brutal O.O
Dec 14, 2020 5:37 AM
Oct 2018
Finale felt more like a build up to something crazy that's about to go down. I hope there will be a season 3. 8/10 for this season. First half was amazing but second half didn't really have a significantly long/imp story arc going on.
Dec 14, 2020 2:53 PM

Sep 2013
"Matta ne"

yeah didn't need more than that,can't wait.
Deep dark fantasies
Dec 14, 2020 8:26 PM
Jun 2020
mmmm the moon at the end kinda looks like the one from soul eater lol
Dec 15, 2020 11:37 AM

Dec 2009
So when is S3? 2021 summer I guess. The first and second both began during summer, it feels like tradition. I loved they played S1's OP as the ending for the last ep, it felt so nostalgic! And also the monologue how the episodes started, awesome!

Dec 16, 2020 10:18 AM

Dec 2016
My final score is the same as 1st season, 7/10. Nothing more, nothing less -w- and I'm feeling this will get a 3rd season, maybe. I'll wait :)

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Dec 16, 2020 11:00 AM

Oct 2017
What an extremely lackluster ending.

The OP lies again.
Thought they'd cover til the fight against 1st captain as finale.
But instead we got a weakass ending on top of maybe no season 3 for a long time.

This season the story pacing is way slower than the 1st season.
Some of the fight/ dialogues seems to drag on forever even though they're not that important at all.
Because of that by the time they hit last episode they realize no more space to fit in grand final battle = OP is extremely misleading.

Would have rate higher if not for the weakass ending.
Dec 16, 2020 11:10 AM

Jul 2019
What a nice way to end the 2nd season. It made me realise what a long way they came and that I am now 48 episodes into this franchise. That went really fast.

Hopefully,the new power has some more logic to it and is situational. The "rapid" was also established as q complex and costly move, and just became a "oh, he is just really fast" and other peops block it now like it was nothing. In any case, the empire can be super thankful for the peops in Asakusa training all the heroes.
Dec 17, 2020 5:20 PM

Sep 2020
Really good episode.
Loved the "recap" of both seasons at the end.
Goddam! They even used the original OP as the ED song! Amazing!
But...WTF was the very last clip???

Mess with waifu, lose your laifu
Dec 18, 2020 1:21 AM

May 2015
Usually when they use the first opening it's because they are saying goodbye. I hope the sales go well for a continuation, and not be forgotten like Soul Eater.
I want JoJo part 6 but they should finish this anyway.
Dec 20, 2020 7:40 AM

Mar 2020
when they played their first op (inferno) i got goosebumps and a few tears. did not expect that at all

Dec 20, 2020 4:59 PM

Apr 2013
Benimaru's ̵T̵o̵r̵t̵u̵r̵e̵ Training proved effective in the end, can't wait to see the results in action, especially for Tamaki, don't want to see her beeing useless in battle anymore.

Everyone is preparing: Shinra with Arthur training and uniting all the Fire Force companies, White Clad making their moves, their higher ups plan to "claim back" Tokyo Empire and Haumea finished brainwashing Sho...

Looks like everyone is arming for an all-out War, now to hope for season 3

The first Opening playing in the end was awesome!
just because I’ve gotten weaker, doesn’t mean that you got stronger, does it?
Dec 21, 2020 4:28 PM

Jun 2014
This season was handled so much better adaptation-wise than season 1. What a great a adaptation of a masterpiece manga. This was an easy 10/10, David Pro really went above and beyond.
Dec 21, 2020 5:22 PM

Jan 2015
Eh, it had some good moments but overall it was boring, repetitive and bad. 4/10 like the first season. I guess next year we will have 3rd season.
Dec 22, 2020 7:06 PM

Aug 2015
Damn, this has to be one of the best conclusions I've seen so far.

Arthur's and Shinra's training was tough to see but glad they achieved their goal of becoming stronger.

Sad that the Captain of 4th company was killed by the white clad. His death was pretty gruesome.

Glad that everyone is helping each other out. Can't wait for a season 3.

Dec 23, 2020 10:06 AM

Mar 2016

4/10 for this season because i felt forced to finish the final 6 episodes for 'cleaning up' although i don't regret watching them.

great final episode!

unfortunately it couldn't make up for a rubbish series :( so many unanswered questions

beautiful art and enjoyable characters though <3

bonus for inferno at the end

Dec 24, 2020 2:30 AM

Apr 2020
Even Arthur and Shinra had gotten stronger.

Damnn, at the end, they used the song "Inferno" the opening song of season 1

I hope there will be a Season 3 !!!
Dec 24, 2020 8:00 PM

Oct 2013
The series is getting dark with so many deaths, i hope we get to see another season next year ! can't wait to see the other Pillars and Shinra's new abilities

Overall score 8/10
Dec 25, 2020 3:03 AM

Oct 2008
RIP fallen captain of the 4th division Captain Hague!! damn I was not expecting this!
he is already an old geezer...why take him to oblivion? damn...
blue fame effects of Shina & Arthur was badass!
I guess Captain Benimaru is on the same level as Captain Burns!
high ranks of the white clads are about to enter the game!!!
give me more of this show!!!
matias067Dec 25, 2020 3:08 AM

Dec 25, 2020 7:17 AM

Sep 2019
Another great season with lots of developments. Need s3 announcement soon.
Dec 29, 2020 7:46 PM

Jul 2013
Hysterical strength lol just call it by it's more common name, adrenaline rush. No need for fancy bs. RIP Brook I mean captain Hague. S3 when?

Dec 31, 2020 6:53 PM

Apr 2013
interesting moon at the end.
Jan 2, 2021 8:40 AM

Jul 2017
Does Arthur encounter the same of what Shinra did in the hysterical fire thingy? so the white-clad gonna burn the city next huh. that moon at the end sure is creepy tho.

And they brought back the old OP damnn didn't see that coming it sure feels nostalgic.

what an ending can't wait for next season
Jan 4, 2021 3:40 AM

Mar 2016
This episode was a banger. RIP in captain of the 4th. Benimaru just went ballistic on Shinra and Arthur. Plus, that S1 op at the end was FIRE🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Also, wtf was up with the moon at the end!?
Jan 10, 2021 11:29 PM

Oct 2008
This was a fairly enjoyable second season, I'm glad they could keep up the great animation for most of it. Overall was a bit slower than first season though, feels like barely made any progress.

Joker and Benimaru raid of the cathedral was the highlight as far as the arcs went, others felt much slower. Bothered me with how the fights went nowhere nd Shinra had absolutely no growth until the last two episodes.
Jan 14, 2021 10:38 PM

Dec 2012
The visual of this episode is amazing 10/10
SEASON 3 Soon?

Jan 16, 2021 7:44 AM

Mar 2015
That moon at the end there sure looks familiar :^)

Jan 24, 2021 2:11 PM

Jun 2015
What did we ever do for Benimaru to grace us with his presence and awesome fighting skills in the finale?

That moon at the end! I know this moon! I know this mooooooon!!!!
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Feb 14, 2021 8:38 PM

Jun 2013
This season was mainly focused around investigations. It was okay for the most part but I didn't enjoy this season as much as the last one. I would agree with Watame's review that "nothing changed". There was obviously new information about the Holy Sol Temple's Evangelist links and Amaterasu using the first pillar of Adolla burst to run but nothing else that was really interesting. Seriously I still don't understand why nobody ever bothered to capture and interrogate a white clad to get more insight? They just ignore them after they are defeated and instead go suicidal missions to the netherworld. This is exactly why I am somewhat critical of shonen anime. They just love to drag things in the most stupid way.

The fights were also a let down in this season. Most of them were one sided with Shinra getting his ass whooped. Only Ogun's fight was truly worth watching. There was also no real development with the characters either except for Juggernaut. Most of them just continued from where they left off in the first season. But I don't understand why majority of the characters have to have a semi-psychotic personality or some shit past? And why is every other white clad so OP? Does the Evangelist enters some cheat code with her grace to increase their power to god mode? I mean how did that white clad destroyer killed Soichiro who has years of experience so easily even when they are not a pillar or a protector?

At least the last episode shows that everyone is finally taking the Evangelist threat seriously. Honestly they should've done this in the first season.
Feb 14, 2021 11:06 PM

Aug 2017
This anime is overrated. I don't know why we don't have an anime original ending so we don't have to continue this trash. Most arcs are extremely boring, fights are dumb, character "development" is almost non-existent, several minutes wasted on Tamaki fanservice. Also, I was annoyed by the plot armor for our protagonists in this season. The most obvious example is when the White-Clad are using Infernals to kill several and random characters from the Special Fire Force Company 2 while everyone from the Special Fire Force Company 8 never died, even the scientist -Licht- was alone for a while he was never killed. And lets not forget how the fanservice character called Tamaki survived while stronger characters like Hajiki were killed quickly.

Stop producing this pile of trash David Production. 4/10 for the anime.
NurguburuFeb 14, 2021 11:29 PM
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We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 22, 2021 7:15 AM
Oct 2019
this episode: it was ok (7/10?). the training with shinmon was fun. but now shou is no longer a doll? why was he a doll in the first place? was that some alien adolla white clad in that group of white clads near the end talking about taking back the empire? and what was up with that moon (it reminded me of soul i looked it up, and the mangaka also did soul eater? hm, interesting, there a point?)? i think it sets up the ultimate battle of the tokyo empire pretty well. still don't understand exactly what the evangelist is, why they created the sol temple, amaterasu, etc, or what exactly they're going to do with it all (obviously the great cataclysm part 2, but how...why?). these are things that, presumably, will be answered in season 3

this season: mediocre af (5.5/10). THE TRIP TO CHINA WAS THE WORST ANIME ARC I HAVE EVER SEEN. IN ANY ANIME. EVER. it had talking animals ffs! and the one was even a fire user; it had flames coming out of its butt. there was an episode dedicated to everyone getting high on gas. seriously. it was like watching a bad side-story ova. it had awful country bumpkin potato farming voice acting. the only purpose it served was to learn that a human with an adolla burst is at the center of the amaterasu, which is admittedly an important detail. but was arthur discovering "pi" valuable info or not? were those weird, giant, mechanical "snake" things in the desert important or not? were the thousands of infernals lighting up the night important or not? i question if we'll ever find out.

this season (more): tamaki, my god. just leave this poor girl alone. it was somewhat amusing at first in season 1. but by the end of season 2 it was EXCESSIVE. it was constant. nonstop. and POINTLESS. and it turned into full blown nudity, not just flashing panties. dafuq is going on? the side stories about tamaki, maki, iris were OUT OF PLACE. that isn't how season 1 was. that isn't even how the first half of season 2 was. it was just bad tv. the raid into the underworld was bad. the powers that the white clad possess are too over the top. one guy is as hard as steel. another chick can make dead people turn into infernals. another chick can control your mind with...electricity? another chick can predict the future with...who knows what? give me a fucking break already. it's getting out of hand

this season (3rd): plus the raid on haijima. f that. they didn't even rescue the kid. the kid stayed with his torturers. and he had stockholm syndrome. the only person he felt safe with was the guy who tortured him his whole life? how fucked up is that. haijima teamed up with squad 8 to fight the white clad. but then that one white clad guardian helped save shinra on multiple occasions during the fight. if not for arthur riding that vehicle with excalibur shoved inside it for a bit of humour, that whole arc would've been crap

fire force season 2: consider yourself lucky. 5.5/10 rounds up to 6/10. if the final episode didn't have shinmon in it, i would've probably rounded down to 5/10. i want to watch season 3 just so i know how this "story" ends. but i know it's going to be mediocre af. and if the story doesn't end in season 3, i'm not sure i want to keep watching anyways. don't really want to watch 2+ more seasons of this

Apr 2, 2021 4:31 PM

Dec 2013
The brutality of the training was funnier than it probably should've been.

RIP masochistic captain. I honestly won't miss him much.

I'm actually hoping this series will get an eventual third season.
Apr 3, 2021 12:11 PM

May 2018
That was an intense final episode for the season, but it left me hanging like bad sex. Guess I'll pick up the manga since I haven't heard anything about there being a 3rd season.

"Are you intoxicated, or just insane?"
Apr 3, 2021 11:09 PM
Feb 2021
This was a 8/10 for me, and oof that moon at the end sure does bring back old memories.
Apr 12, 2021 9:59 PM

Jun 2011
Woah, brand new power up. It was pretty badass looking. It's too bad we didn't see it in action.

Captain Huang is insanely hot, glad we got to see her one last time before the season ended.

Overall, this season was a rollercoaster. So much happened. Practically every character got meaningful development, there was a massive amount of world building, and we finally started to unravel the mystery behind Adola and the White Clad.

The stellar direction, soundtrack, and sound design continued from Season 1. FF has a lot of style too. Character designs are fantastic and the fights are terrifically choreographed. I think it could be a little awkward at times with its story and character interaction, but overall I've fallen in love with Fire Force.

Praying for a third season!

Apr 17, 2021 5:20 PM

Mar 2014

The empire will become as it should be?! The moon changing to the Soul Eater classic moon?! Ok suddenly I'm 100% with the White-Clad here! AHHHHHHHHH
May 5, 2021 7:58 PM
Nov 2010
The scene about the "Press of Death" gave me goosebumps. That was cool.

Poor Hague, he's no match without buffs. Looking forward for these "destroyers" to attempt to kill Burns, Joker and Konro. We'll see how powerful they really are.

I can't wait for season 3! 8/10
Jul 4, 2021 1:02 PM
Jul 2011
I've been watching this season on and off since it premiered and just now only finished it. I kept dropping it. It felt like the plot was all over the place or the arcs where it looks like something interesting is going to be reveal have poor conclusions in the end. Joker basically feel out of the picture during the last half despite being one of the more interesting aspects with his tie in to Burns. Sho was a "doll" for one episode then all sudden on the front lines with the rest of the White-Clad again, etc, etc.

I dunno, even with the disappointment of things about the show I'm curious where this series all leads to. I mean being a Soul Eater fan and seeing the freaking SE Moon at the end of this season, I gotta know where they're going with that in Season 3 (they seem confident it's happening).
Gen2K_Jul 31, 2021 12:23 PM
Jul 9, 2021 3:49 PM
May 2020
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark... I mean Tokyo!!!

That episode does well to change from a mini training arc to another mystery filled dilemma leaving us the audience with more questions than answers in a way that doesn't feel forced. loved it
Nov 9, 2021 8:39 PM

Mar 2020
No significant progress from 1st season.

They have a lot of potential this season but its just go down to a waste.

If they can fix the lack of pace, non-progressing character development in Season 3 maybe Fire force can go back to the 1st season quality. Decent Anime.

renditoNov 9, 2021 8:44 PM
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Nov 9, 2021 8:51 PM

Mar 2020
HagePotPotato said:
this episode: it was ok (7/10?). the training with shinmon was fun. but now shou is no longer a doll? why was he a doll in the first place? was that some alien adolla white clad in that group of white clads near the end talking about taking back the empire? and what was up with that moon (it reminded me of soul i looked it up, and the mangaka also did soul eater? hm, interesting, there a point?)? i think it sets up the ultimate battle of the tokyo empire pretty well. still don't understand exactly what the evangelist is, why they created the sol temple, amaterasu, etc, or what exactly they're going to do with it all (obviously the great cataclysm part 2, but how...why?). these are things that, presumably, will be answered in season 3

this season: mediocre af (5.5/10). THE TRIP TO CHINA WAS THE WORST ANIME ARC I HAVE EVER SEEN. IN ANY ANIME. EVER. it had talking animals ffs! and the one was even a fire user; it had flames coming out of its butt. there was an episode dedicated to everyone getting high on gas. seriously. it was like watching a bad side-story ova. it had awful country bumpkin potato farming voice acting. the only purpose it served was to learn that a human with an adolla burst is at the center of the amaterasu, which is admittedly an important detail. but was arthur discovering "pi" valuable info or not? were those weird, giant, mechanical "snake" things in the desert important or not? were the thousands of infernals lighting up the night important or not? i question if we'll ever find out.

this season (more): tamaki, my god. just leave this poor girl alone. it was somewhat amusing at first in season 1. but by the end of season 2 it was EXCESSIVE. it was constant. nonstop. and POINTLESS. and it turned into full blown nudity, not just flashing panties. dafuq is going on? the side stories about tamaki, maki, iris were OUT OF PLACE. that isn't how season 1 was. that isn't even how the first half of season 2 was. it was just bad tv. the raid into the underworld was bad. the powers that the white clad possess are too over the top. one guy is as hard as steel. another chick can make dead people turn into infernals. another chick can control your mind with...electricity? another chick can predict the future with...who knows what? give me a fucking break already. it's getting out of hand

this season (3rd): plus the raid on haijima. f that. they didn't even rescue the kid. the kid stayed with his torturers. and he had stockholm syndrome. the only person he felt safe with was the guy who tortured him his whole life? how fucked up is that. haijima teamed up with squad 8 to fight the white clad. but then that one white clad guardian helped save shinra on multiple occasions during the fight. if not for arthur riding that vehicle with excalibur shoved inside it for a bit of humour, that whole arc would've been crap

fire force season 2: consider yourself lucky. 5.5/10 rounds up to 6/10. if the final episode didn't have shinmon in it, i would've probably rounded down to 5/10. i want to watch season 3 just so i know how this "story" ends. but i know it's going to be mediocre af. and if the story doesn't end in season 3, i'm not sure i want to keep watching anyways. don't really want to watch 2+ more seasons of this


Same tbh. For me, I keep watching Fire Force just because of the bangs OP
Subscribe to my Youtube : Rosvl Studio

I post Skits, Fingerstyle about Anime, F1 and many more :)

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Jan 4, 2022 6:52 PM

Aug 2019
And now we wait for the next season
Feb 12, 2022 2:28 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
What a huge contrast, here we have the adorable Tamaki in a kimono, just chilling whereas Shinra and Arthur are currently undergoing brutal training.

Brutal is an understatement, they're quite literally pushed to the brink of death, to the point where their survival instinct overtook their limitation. If from now on both of them can use a blue flame, how awesome would that be!? For someone like these two, being able to use hysterical strength is a massive improvement from the power they could harness before. If this is the equivalent of the flight or fight reaction that we can demonstrate IRL, then Shinra and Arthur quite literally broke their body's limiter. If they could sustain hysterical strength, their body's power will always be at 100% whereas most people's capabilities are limited by their body to a lower percentage.
As a further note, the scenes where Shinra saw his life flashes before his eyes until the point where his flame combust with a blue radiance, the animation in visual quality there is superb!

So that brings us to the finale of the second season, I do have to say, the 1st season is considerable more enjoyable, especially with the 1st Season finale being how it is, however, although this 2nd season finale does not compare to the zenith of Shinra's battle against Sho, it is amazing in and of itself. Thanks, to the effort of the 8th Company along with the rapidly more radical actions the White-clads have done. The fire force companies are getting united. 8th, 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 2nd and maybe even the 1st are finally united as one, not sure about the 3rd though, but the 3rd company being under Haijima's direct command meant that even the 3rd to are united, since Haijima has agreed to cooperate and support the 8th.

Then it's finally time for the culmination of all Special Fire Force units to directly combat the ever-approaching doom posed by the White-Clad Evangelist! Great last scene where Captain Obi is giving his speech and the credit with a montage of scenes from the past 2 seasons + the first OP + Soul Eater's iconic moon, was an epic final touch for the finale. Hopefully 3rd season is coming soon as it's already 2022 at the time of typing this.

ShadowkillZFeb 12, 2022 2:33 AM
Jun 6, 2022 2:26 PM

May 2020
Ah thank god Benimaru's training didn't actually suck the whole life out of those two lol. Anyways seems like Uncle Masochist got taken out all of a sudden, couldn't care less tbh but still why? We were on a "just can't die" streak not too long ago.

Nevermind, glad it's finally over. And if there's one thing I know, that is I absolutely despise the villains in this series. Make me lose some braincells whenever they're on screen, and is the prime reason I prefer season 1 over this. It's already a bit too much, no point in nitpicking anymore.

Would've gone with a 4, given how frustrating some episodes were but as that overly-edgy-wannabe-Sasuke younger brother of Shinra didn't have a speck of screentime this season(minus those 2 seconds scenes) and since they also played that 1st OP in the end, it will be the same as the first season. 5/10.

Now whenever season 3 comes.
Jul 15, 2022 7:48 AM

Jun 2019
Fire Force is pure FIRE!
Can't wait for Season 3!!!
Aug 18, 2022 3:44 PM
Oct 2013
Nice set up for season 3, with some interesting new powers perhaps?
Aug 21, 2022 8:03 AM

Apr 2013
So Hague died just like that? Feels like it should have been a strong enemy, but I don't remember that golden hand. Guess he had no part to play anymore.

Overall once again a fun season to watch, even though not quite on par with the first season imo. Can't really put my finger on the reason why though, I simply did not look forward to the next episode as much I guess. Definitely looking forward to the third season though. 8/10
Sep 6, 2022 4:42 AM
Jul 2020
Can't wait for season 3!!
Oct 10, 2022 9:03 AM
Nov 2021
lit af
why tf do they have an character count?
Nov 12, 2022 7:59 AM
Aug 2022
really nice tbh, +rep xd
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