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Dec 28, 2020 5:08 AM
thepath said: Which chapter in the manga should I start ?? It end at chapter 28, so start at 29. |
Dec 28, 2020 5:25 AM
ahhh, im not sure with how this end as i have a mix emotion about it... as i am not sure if this will have a 2nd season... Its just sad to see Michiru dying just to save Nana. Well that just to show you how she take care of Nana... but out of nowhere we have some another killer? aside from Jin? and its one of their classmates... well this thus needs additional episode... not a fan of final episode... |
Dec 28, 2020 5:42 AM
I wonder why they didn't extend it to a few more episodes ? Whilst unusual, it can happen. I suppose this would have been the only point for a cliffhanger |
Dec 28, 2020 6:22 AM
Despite how kind Michiru was, I didn't think that would be enough to melt Nana's ice-cold heart but I was wrong. I mean Nana only started confessing to Michiru that she treated her like a dog (etc.) to make her run away, and maybe Michiru picked up on that which is why she ran back to heal her friend. I guess even a trained killer like Nana has human emotional weaknesses which Michiru (unintentionally) tapped into. I thought that was a cute scene when Nana blushed when she thought about buying a present for Michiru since they were now "friends". With the way the episode ended, there definitely has to be a season 2 right? (Then again, King's Game explicitly said on the last episode that there would be a season 2 and we're still waiting on that one lol). |
Dec 28, 2020 6:40 AM
Unlike some series from the curr, where there was an almost immediate announcement about a sequel (wots-her-name wants to hang out, for example), there is generally a long wait. I presume because a) they need to work out whether it's worth the time and effort b) time to organise |
Dec 28, 2020 8:31 AM
It was better than I thought after first episodes, but this moment to end on really upsets It. First time outside gets in Nana's way, she gets really confused and goes from thinking one thing to another quickly, actually saves someone...aaaaand It went wrong into rolling credits. Hope they do continue. |
Dec 28, 2020 8:50 AM
Dec 28, 2020 9:52 AM
Dec 28, 2020 9:53 AM
I actually really enjoyed this series. It made me feel such a different type of hype for every week. I'll definitely go read the manga because I really want to see what Nana does next. |
Watashi wa a victim of cyberbullying. Everyday someone online calls me a "weeb" desu. Watashi won't stand for this. 26 percent of bullying victims are chosen due to their race or religion desu. I may look like a basic white boy, but deep down I am Nihongo desu. Watashi religion is anime. Anata wa bullying me because of my race and religion desu ka? Disgusting desu. Anata should be ashamed of yourself, racist pig. A baka gaijin like anata is probably jealous of my race and culture, cause Nippon is more sugoi than your shitty country desu. Watashi pity anata. You'll never be Nihongo like watashi. Educate yourself on nani a "weeb" is. |
Dec 28, 2020 12:51 PM
Manga readers should i read from the beginning? Was anything important cut? |
Dec 28, 2020 12:57 PM
It was pretty obvious Michiru was gonna die sooner or later with all these red flags, but I didn't expect her to die by the end of this season. Wasn't really feeling this last episode since the murderer was as I predicted and I don't really care for Michiru that much, but it was still pretty sad. Poor Nana, figured out too late that Michiru was always there to help her. Overall, there were some plot-conveniences and none of the characters were really interesting besides Nana, Kyouya, and Jin, but entertainment-wise, it was a surprisingly enjoyable watch. Therefore, I'll give it a 6.5/10. I'm definitely gonna binge-read through the rest of the manga today. |
"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower." |
Dec 28, 2020 1:02 PM
nope you can continue with 29th chapter adaptaion was pretty much page to page. |
Dec 28, 2020 1:03 PM
Thank you very much. |
Dec 28, 2020 1:42 PM
Oh boy, that was a good story. I would love to see a second season where Nana goes berserk on the shady organisation killing all the talented in revenge for the sacrifice of her only friend. That would be awesome season 2 material I think! |
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl |
Dec 28, 2020 1:52 PM
Sku_Te said: Nieznajomy43 said: Sku_Te said: Kur4y4m1 said: Sku_Te said: Kur4y4m1 said: Eno-shima said: Kur4y4m1 said: Eno-shima said: Michiru wasted her own life for a murderer. How pathetic. Once again, Nana gets away scott free with no repercussions for her actions. Such big plot armor. Ugh Interesting, so there are people like you who still cannot forgive a murderer that has possibilities to change and redempt herself. Just cause she's trying to "change" now doesn't forgive the fact she killed several students beforehand. Students with potentially promising futures ahead, gone. She needs to be held accountable for said deaths. I totally agree.. She deserved both redemption and punishments at the same time. If you read the manga, you will understand why she deserved redemption. After all, she is just a victim I'm sure she could have validated everything told to her without blindly accepting it If she has a big trauma and the bastard that exceled at manipulation has been manipulated her for do the killing, it's impossible. After all, this bastard is her superior and the government. Governments are as leaky as anything (which makes me wonder how they could keep the whole operation secret) - just poke around and see what happens. Or maybe not... which would show that she has no morals either. There is equation calculating how fast conspiracy can be revealed. Basically if more people know then faster will spread that's why Area 51 became famous relatively fast and Project MKUltra only after ~20 years. About her morality... she was raised to have different morality, for her it was ok to kill "enemies of humanity", it is similarly like with homophobes and racists... they are also people but from their perspective some humans are subhumans because they more than often were raised this way (or not raised at all). Overall there are child soldiers in real word, even now. Actually, she would make a very good Nazi. Which is another reason she should really be dealt with as soon as possible. Child soldiers are prosecuted when need be, although I don't see the relevence, unless you're trying to say because of her age all should be forgiven and forgotten. Oh, and the "I was only following orders" defense doesn't work either. "forgiving" and "forgetting" are two completely different things. And actually Nazist and Germany are good examples of that. Also you would be surprised how easy is to make anyone a murderer, proven by unethical "Milgram experiment" answering "I was only following orders" problem and "Stanford prison experiment" about authoritarian abuse of power. I don't read manga so I can only guess about outside world but I can imagine that last arc of this series could be Nana's court case. Overall I wanted to say that Nana's situation isn't simple, she was raised to be killer, she was raised to not feel any empathy towards Talented. She isn't mindless monster who can't change, who can't redem themself. |
Manga recommendation: - Spy x Family (Ch.112/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.203/? - weekly) - MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly) - Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly) - Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly) Anime recommendation: - Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished) - If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished) - Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished) |
Dec 28, 2020 1:57 PM
She's certainly a monster. Whether it would be possible to tame is another question. |
Dec 28, 2020 3:11 PM
Dec 28, 2020 3:13 PM
holy fuck, that was hard to watch, Michiru being all scared, being saved by Nana, Nana screaming shit at her to make her leave, and then Michiru just saving her again.... DAMN seems like she died after using the power, but this ending was kinda strange, at least give it another minute to hint what they will do from now on...geez i mean, the guy who trained Nana is coming, i guess that's something but still... anyway i'll go with a 7 (maybe even 8), this was quite entertaining, even if i usually don't like death stuff that much, but was fun seeing Nana try to fool everyone and her own doubts (specially at the last few episodes) wonder if there will be a sequel or even an ova, i'm kinda interested what happens next lmao and we didn't even have any beach episode yet, did we? |
Dec 28, 2020 5:38 PM
FMmatron said: So it happened....I'm just glad that Michiru went out on such a high note and Nana became really likeable over the course of the show. Overall a pretty entertaining softcore thriller. The one thing that definitely could've been handled better was how Nana always managed to slip out a tight spot. I get it, these talented are supposed to be ignorant, but if the mangaka insists on this gimmick as a key element then I expect a bit more finesse, but then again, given the above mentioned nature of the show and how tropey it is in general, it gets a pass. 7/10 Dunno if I'm gonna pick up the manga so I hope for S2 That pretty much sums up my thoughts, my biggest gripe with the show was how she gets out of suspicion, this episode does give some hope for Nana's character, I don't want her to walk away unscathed but I want her to change her ways at least before she faces the consequences. |
Dec 28, 2020 6:48 PM
Actually not a bad episode, but that was a really weird place to end it.. |
Dec 28, 2020 8:49 PM
What a way to end this season? (i hope). RIP Michiru Who would have thought that this could have ended up this way, Nana dying just to save Michiru, and then Michiru saving her again. If only she had fewer injuries maybe Michiru could have survived. So the assassin was one of those guys, but why did he kill him? Maybe i missed that part, or it was just for fun? The guy that Nana was talking is indeed a big deal, he was probably the one who killed her parents! Only Michiru to see what actually happened from something that happened when Nana was a kid, just from listening to the story, what a queen! It can't end this way! We need a 2S or some OVA's to end this! There's no way, pleaseeeee! Not with that ending :/ I honestly loved this show, it was very intriguing and all the plot development was really nicely done. It's kinda hard to me to give this a score now because there is still so much missing to end this show. I do be hoping for a sequel in some way, 8.5/10 |
Dec 28, 2020 9:13 PM
I wisht this anime gets a season 2 because the behind the scene organization and the real plot all happens in later half. But this yuri relationship is a nice way to end the story too. Again, we need a season 2. |
Dec 28, 2020 9:15 PM
kuroneko99 said: I don't like this show so much. But this episode is way more touching than "Kamisama ni Natta Hi". --- [edit] ...wait. Is this the last episode? Can't agree more. The emotional impact is done much better than Kamisama ni Natta Hi" Ep9~12 ruin the serie. |
Dec 29, 2020 2:36 AM
I really hope Inukai is revived somehow Y~Y |
Dec 29, 2020 3:51 AM
They just left it a cliffhanger Well i really hope for a season 2 |
Dec 29, 2020 8:50 AM
This made my eyes tear up. Kyouya should've been the one to go save Michiru, if he was stabbed he could just regenerate, that way Michiru wouldn't have died. It was so nice to see Nana being actually nice instead of faking it. She was literally crushing on Michiru, it was so cute. I am disappointed yet I liked this episode. It was a nice character development of Nana but considering the actual plot, they just left it hanging...I wanna know Rentaro's side of story, just what kind of fetish does he have... It should have another episode to tell what happened after this incident and especially about Nana's mission. Because of this not so organized ending I'll give it 7/10. |
Dec 29, 2020 8:59 AM
I think the anime staffs did an amazing job lifting the source material with limited budget. The direction is good and the anime managed to keep everyone hooked by various cliffhangers. They even respected the manga by not skipping anything, and even adapted the general plot panel-by-panel. It is a shame that there is probably no good alternative of having another episode or squeezing the plot to end the Invisible Blade arc (since this one extends to Volume 5, while Michiru's sacrifice is at the end of volume 4) The plot could be kind of a hack, and everyone have complained how other characters act stupid. I could partly understand this because it takes much more effort to describe a bunch of factors going around which I don't think the author could deliver the story in a satisfying way. He probably chose the safe way of introducing new characters by batch and generally deal with them. |
Dec 29, 2020 9:26 AM
Rickydory123 said: This made my eyes tear up. Kyouya should've been the one to go save Michiru, if he was stabbed he could just regenerate, that way Michiru wouldn't have died. It was so nice to see Nana being actually nice instead of faking it. She was literally crushing on Michiru, it was so cute. They discussed that in this ep. Kyouya had to be the 1 to find Rentaro's body and force him back, because after that Rentaro could use his power to fight back, and in that situation Kyouya had more chances in beating him than Nana, because of his Immortality and physical strenght. Yes, Nana could restrain him and then force him back, but that still wouldn't change a thing. With his ability he would just smack Nana and free himself. She would have to kill him, which would give away the fact that she is capable of killing people to everyone. She would need to come up with a plan first, but there wasn't time for that, and by that time she only cared about was Michiru's safety. I highly recommend to read at least chapters 29 and 30 of a manga, to see Invisible blade arc finished, because there was more to that case and have pretty much the proper ending to season 1. The way anime did it isn't imo a good way to end the show, they should do just 1 more ep. |
StrykerynoDec 29, 2020 9:30 AM
Dec 29, 2020 10:26 AM
Ironic, must be the best term to define what Nana-shan felt in that last scene, a serial killer crying over her first friend death is ironic and sad as hell. Michiru could break Nana-shan barrier and finally became real friends. I think it was a good ending for a good show, not exceptional but good. Michiru, you did it, now rest in peace |
Dec 29, 2020 2:16 PM
I almost never post on this site these days, but this show made me curious to see what others thought. Might as well vent my brain here too. Ryusei and velkro already summed up the majority of my thinking - in my opinion, overall, the show as a whole just lacked the oomph needed to make me care about basically anyone or anything. I could tell what moments were supposed to be emotional and important, but it never really felt like it, most of the time. Some small moments felt very well done (Nana standing at attention the moment she realized who had called her was wonderfully portrayed), but ultimately, the only major portion of the story I felt any attachment to or have any strong positive feelings about was the relationship between Nana and Michiru (and Michiru was the obvious 'watch me die for emotional impact' choice from the moment she appeared on-screen, so it's not like I got attached enough to actually feel a great level of sadness when she died). Maybe it's just me, but a lot of the mysteries and problems Nana has to solve felt like they were always determined off-screen. As in, the pieces the viewer needed to solve things themselves often felt like they just weren't particularly clear, or at least not well portrayed (Kyoya almost had her caught a few episodes back, but oh no she just kinda left her phone with some random bodies that melted, something we weren't made aware of or given indication of until the episode after... So why was Nana reacting internally, to the viewer, like she was screwed?). It could absolutely be that I just didn't catch all the hints, but feeling that way for an entire series isn't normally how I feel after investing in the mystery side of a show. As for the episode itself, it was honestly not that badly done. A lot of it went as I think a lot of us expected it to, but it still felt decent as far this series is concerned. But the abrupt ending with no indication of any anime continuation just felt entirely off. Not something I'm foreign to, but this ending just seemed like the studio didn't realize they only got 13 episodes. As much as it likely seems like I'm just complaining, I REALLY wanted to enjoy it, since the overall premise seemed interesting. I just couldn't enjoy the characters (no, not even Nana - I know manga readers tend to state she can redeem herself in later arcs, but with her merciless killings of so many other students, I frankly don't think I'll care what develops to make her character more understandable. I'll be shocked if anything happens that can change my opinion of her.), couldn't get past how blind half of the cast seemed to what was going on around them, etc. Still, if anime is supposed to help draw people to other media or merch, it's done something right, because I'll likely pick the manga up and see where the story goes. |
Dec 29, 2020 4:21 PM
Rest in Peace was sad to see her go, i knew she may passed from using her power but i never expected it to be there (and this early) i wanted to see more of here Nana-shan i have also loved you from the the get go and its sad that your first friend had to die T_T Can't belive this was the final episode...... it was a great watch, i went it into it blind not knowing of plot and genres and it was worthwhile experience |
Dec 30, 2020 7:34 AM
great episode I really liked i RIP Michiru |
Dec 30, 2020 9:46 AM
Well that was an interesting place to end it. None the less I can't say this anime was satisfying at all. Redemption arcs are a common trope but even if she was manipulated and even if she realises here actions I can't see myself ever truly forgiving her as a character. So it's a weird idea for a story honestly. Are we suppose to pity her now? Or does the plot go else ware because no she does not deserve pity. |
"When everyone else is about to give up, the fighter who becomes the role model, is the true Leader." |
Dec 30, 2020 1:07 PM
TehWhiteTiger said: Well that was an interesting place to end it. None the less I can't say this anime was satisfying at all. Redemption arcs are a common trope but even if she was manipulated and even if she realises here actions I can't see myself ever truly forgiving her as a character. So it's a weird idea for a story honestly. Are we suppose to pity her now? Or does the plot go else ware because no she does not deserve pity. I was exactly like you at first. Even when Michiru's sacrifices arc, I still not pity Nana. But when I read the manga much further and learned the "truth", I feel immeasurable pity to her and immeasurable hatred toward a certain person as well. So, if you want to know whether Nana is really worth to get forgiveness or not, try to read the manga from chapter 29. |
Dec 30, 2020 2:06 PM
I had zero expectations for this show going into it initially but I am pleasantly surprised at how it turned out. All in all, it's a very solid and well constructed show. For the majority of its run, each episode would leave me wanting more. While a few episodes lagged a bit in the second half, that's pretty much the only negative I have for the show. Though I guess the animation could have been better, but it got the job done. Nana was a very engaging character, especially toward the end. I didn't care for Michuru all that much at first, but I really appreciated her role by the end. I really hope this series gets continued as I think it could do some new and interesting stuff with Nana's now developed character. Overall, AOTS for me. 8.75/10 |
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Dec 31, 2020 4:53 AM
Kur4y4m1 said: TehWhiteTiger said: Well that was an interesting place to end it. None the less I can't say this anime was satisfying at all. Redemption arcs are a common trope but even if she was manipulated and even if she realises here actions I can't see myself ever truly forgiving her as a character. So it's a weird idea for a story honestly. Are we suppose to pity her now? Or does the plot go else ware because no she does not deserve pity. I was exactly like you at first. Even when Michiru's sacrifices arc, I still not pity Nana. But when I read the manga much further and learned the "truth", I feel immeasurable pity to her and immeasurable hatred toward a certain person as well. So, if you want to know whether Nana is really worth to get forgiveness or not, try to read the manga from chapter 29. Curious, i may give it a look thanks ^^ |
"When everyone else is about to give up, the fighter who becomes the role model, is the true Leader." |
Dec 31, 2020 11:42 AM
I am so mad. why you gotta kill of michuru like that. I am even more mad that theres no S2. |
Dec 31, 2020 3:07 PM
One of my favourite seasonal anime, I'll give it a 9/10. The ending is just so sad😭 I think I'll start immediatly the manga |
Jan 1, 2021 12:30 AM
Well the highlight of my New Year's was when I was crying during the Michiru death scene and started to bleed from my nose while I cried in the first 5 to 10 minutes into 2021 They did me dirty by killing her off and it's good for the plot but still sad that the author killed my favorite character. |
XxMoosexXJan 2, 2021 12:21 AM
Jan 1, 2021 4:04 AM
Ravenhood said: Maybe it's just me, but a lot of the mysteries and problems Nana has to solve felt like they were always determined off-screen. As in, the pieces the viewer needed to solve things themselves often felt like they just weren't particularly clear, or at least not well portrayed (Kyoya almost had her caught a few episodes back, but oh no she just kinda left her phone with some random bodies that melted, something we weren't made aware of or given indication of until the episode after... So why was Nana reacting internally, to the viewer, like she was screwed?). It could absolutely be that I just didn't catch all the hints, but feeling that way for an entire series isn't normally how I feel after investing in the mystery side of a show. That's just detective(don't know what genre it's called) manga in general. Sometimes there was a hint but sometimes not, and sometimes the hint was made to mislead the viewer(the zombie cottage). Personally I like this kind of thing. It made me want to guess what the author will do to make character solve the current situation. |
Jan 1, 2021 1:29 PM
This anime started so well and just got worse and worse. So much plot armour and it was so ridiculous that it made the characters appear more and more stupid each episode. Kyouya was the light in the darkness but even he became pretty meaningless. Jin came along and spiced it up a little... but that didn't come to anything either, this late in the game. This finale might've been emotional if Michiru and Nana weren't such 2 dimensional characters, and we actually gave a shit is if either of them died. So much potential down the drain. Completely disappointed with this anime! |
Jan 1, 2021 2:35 PM
OH NO YOU DONT!!!!!!! YOU CANT JUST END IT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!! That was such a good heartwrenching episode!!! I really liked the scene of Nana being selfless and taking those knives for her. I had a feeling they wouldnt be able to resolve the plots points but to end on a cliffhanger like that???? They didnt even announce a season 2 or anything. You cant just end a great super interesting anime like that. Come on man thats the biggest "Go read the fucking manga" moment ever. And its working fuck! Idk now. Throughout this entire thing Ive thought this series is super re-watchable cause its so interesting and good but that cliffhanger ending gives me mixed feelings. It was good but to end the anime on a cliffhanger with no promise of a season 2 is a bit unsatisfying. At least Btooom ended satisfyingly even though it still had plotpoints left. I really hope they announce soon that this will get a season 2 but I dont know whether it'll do well enough to receive one. I just gotta pray. Amazing anime though. It was definitely the anime from this season that I wanted to watch the most. Its a nice fresh of breath air from the usual anime I watch. Might go read the manga but then I'd have to go through the anime portion again so idk. Also this would be better experienced as an anime so I'll probably just wait and pray for season 2. It sucks SO MUCH that the one adorable friend Nana had is now dead. I guess she still has kyouya in the manga so theres that I guess. And I have heard one bit of infomation about the manga about a certain character which has me hopeful for something. Nana best girl of the season. |
DarknessRealityJan 30, 2021 11:51 AM
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!! |
Jan 1, 2021 3:56 PM
DarknessReality said: OH NO YOU DONT!!!!!!! YOU CANT JUST END IT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!! That was such a good heartwrenching episode!!! I really liked the scene of Nana being selfless and taking those knives for her. I had a feeling they wouldnt be able to resolve the plots points but to end on a cliffhanger like that???? They didnt even announce a season 2 or anything. You cant just end a great super interesting anime like that. Come on man thats the biggest "Go read the fucking manga" moment ever. And its working fuck! Idk now. Throughout this entire thing Ive thought this series is super re-watchable cause its so interesting and good but that cliffhanger ending gives me mixed feelings. It was good but to end the anime on a cliffhanger with no promise of a season 2 is a bit unsatisfying. At least Btooom ended satisfyingly even though it still had plotpoints left. I really hope they announce soon that this will get a season 2 but I dont know whether it'll do well enough to recieve one. I just gotta pray. Amazing anime though. It was definitely the anime from this season that I wanted to watch the most. Its a nice fresh of breath air from the usual anime I watch. Might go read the manga but then I'd have to go through the anime portion again so idk. Also this would be better experienced as an anime so I'll probably just wait and pray for season 2. It sucks SO MUCH that the one adorable friend Nana had is now dead. I guess she still has kyouya in the manga so theres that I guess. And I have heard one bit of infomation about the manga about a certain character which has me hopeful for something. Nana best girl of the season. I would recommend you to read at least chapters 29 and 30 of the manga, because ch.30 would be ideal end for the 1st season, and there was much more to Rentaro's case. After that you can decide yourself if you want to continue with the manga or wait for 2nd season. |
Jan 1, 2021 4:46 PM
katie_potaty said: This anime started so well and just got worse and worse. So much plot armour and it was so ridiculous that it made the characters appear more and more stupid each episode. Kyouya was the light in the darkness but even he became pretty meaningless. Jin came along and spiced it up a little... but that didn't come to anything either, this late in the game. This finale might've been emotional if Michiru and Nana weren't such 2 dimensional characters, and we actually gave a shit is if either of them died. So much potential down the drain. Completely disappointed with this anime! Plot armor ? Sure, maybe 1 or 2 times at max, but most of the events were explained or have some kind plausible self-explanation why they happened the way they did. The times I felt some sort of plot armor were 1: coffin scene and 2: shack scene, BUT 1: Yea, somebody could insist to ask the body , but on the other hand the moral question is: would you zombiefie the body and torture a soul of your former classmate? Just because he may had some information about EoH, what if he was just truly sick? He was a loner so nobody knew. 2: It really felt like deus ex machina/plot armor moment, when sun rised when zombies jumped at Nana, but it's not hard to predict the dawn. Still I find it less Plot armor heavy unlike ''Power of friendship'' or nobody can shot a dude standing in open space moments. If you curious about the rest I would highly recommend you to read Deed's review, where he gives a solid explations to most of these ''Plot armour'' moments. 2 dimensional characters aren't always the problem (especialy in shounens), if they their behavior or why they are the way they are have some plausible explaination via their backstory or else. Which was a Michiru's case so I don't see a problem here. Unlike Rentaro or most of SAO villains which were evil just because author wrote them that way. I wouldn't really say that Nana is 2 dimensional at all. For example, here on MAL there are many threads regarding opionions on her. She is very divisive in that way. |
StrykerynoJan 1, 2021 4:50 PM
Jan 1, 2021 7:17 PM
Strykeryno said: I mean, most of the points were blatantly stated in the series, and the rest were at least very heavily implied. I just compiled some of them. I really don't get why they are so controversial. I felt like the series already spells things out too hard, but apparently not.katie_potaty said: This anime started so well and just got worse and worse. So much plot armour and it was so ridiculous that it made the characters appear more and more stupid each episode. Kyouya was the light in the darkness but even he became pretty meaningless. Jin came along and spiced it up a little... but that didn't come to anything either, this late in the game. This finale might've been emotional if Michiru and Nana weren't such 2 dimensional characters, and we actually gave a shit is if either of them died. So much potential down the drain. Completely disappointed with this anime! Plot armor ? Sure, maybe 1 or 2 times at max, but most of the events were explained or have some kind plausible self-explanation why they happened the way they did. The times I felt some sort of plot armor were 1: coffin scene and 2: shack scene, BUT 1: Yea, somebody could insist to ask the body , but on the other hand the moral question is: would you zombiefie the body and torture a soul of your former classmate? Just because he may had some information about EoH, what if he was just truly sick? He was a loner so nobody knew. 2: It really felt like deus ex machina/plot armor moment, when sun rised when zombies jumped at Nana, but it's not hard to predict the dawn. Still I find it less Plot armor heavy unlike ''Power of friendship'' or nobody can shot a dude standing in open space moments. If you curious about the rest I would highly recommend you to read Deed's review, where he gives a solid explations to most of these ''Plot armour'' moments. And also the idea that human beings often believe in irrational things when fed false information. I don't get why that is controversial either. You'd think people would see it all over society. Just open your nearest social media platform. Even watching the news might suffice. Or simply some general knowledge of what kinds of things millions and billions of people believe in. Strykeryno said: I am also curious about where the well-written, interesting anime characters are then. I have some examples of series like that, sure, but are we supposed to call almost all anime character casts boring and poorly written then? If set the bar there, then I suppose, but it will be scorched earth. We'll end up with an average anime score of 3.0 or something.2 dimensional characters aren't always the problem (especialy in shounens), if they their behavior or why they are the way they are have some plausible explaination via their backstory or else. Which was a Michiru's case so I don't see a problem here. Unlike Rentaro or most of SAO villains which were evil just because author wrote them that way. I wouldn't really say that Nana is 2 dimensional at all. For example, here on MAL there are many threads regarding opionions on her. She is very divisive in that way. |
TheDeedsOfMenJan 1, 2021 7:31 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:05 PM
OOF. What a brutally sad ending. Of course that sweetheart was too good for this world. Rest in peace, Michiru. Ahh, the classic "read the manga" ending. Come on, man... |
Jan 2, 2021 2:10 AM
Strykeryno said: DarknessReality said: OH NO YOU DONT!!!!!!! YOU CANT JUST END IT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!! That was such a good heartwrenching episode!!! I really liked the scene of Nana being selfless and taking those knives for her. I had a feeling they wouldnt be able to resolve the plots points but to end on a cliffhanger like that???? They didnt even announce a season 2 or anything. You cant just end a great super interesting anime like that. Come on man thats the biggest "Go read the fucking manga" moment ever. And its working fuck! Idk now. Throughout this entire thing Ive thought this series is super re-watchable cause its so interesting and good but that cliffhanger ending gives me mixed feelings. It was good but to end the anime on a cliffhanger with no promise of a season 2 is a bit unsatisfying. At least Btooom ended satisfyingly even though it still had plotpoints left. I really hope they announce soon that this will get a season 2 but I dont know whether it'll do well enough to recieve one. I just gotta pray. Amazing anime though. It was definitely the anime from this season that I wanted to watch the most. Its a nice fresh of breath air from the usual anime I watch. Might go read the manga but then I'd have to go through the anime portion again so idk. Also this would be better experienced as an anime so I'll probably just wait and pray for season 2. It sucks SO MUCH that the one adorable friend Nana had is now dead. I guess she still has kyouya in the manga so theres that I guess. And I have heard one bit of infomation about the manga about a certain character which has me hopeful for something. Nana best girl of the season. I would recommend you to read at least chapters 29 and 30 of the manga, because ch.30 would be ideal end for the 1st season, and there was much more to Rentaro's case. After that you can decide yourself if you want to continue with the manga or wait for 2nd season. Yeah Im literally just about to start the manga lol. I need to know what happened after that scene. I cant wait to see what Kyouya's gonna see when he comes to the beach to whether its a weeping Nana or just an emotionless dead Nana. |
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!! |
Jan 3, 2021 8:27 AM
This is random (and maybe it was already answered elsewhere), but does this mean that the thing that pushed nana in the first episode was/could have been Tsurumigawa? |
Jan 3, 2021 9:14 AM
Monsundo said: This is random (and maybe it was already answered elsewhere), but does this mean that the thing that pushed nana in the first episode was/could have been Tsurumigawa? I doubt it was him, even as a manga reader I don't know what happened there. Could have been just wind or someone truly did attack her. Have to wait for future chapters of the manga I just hope the author will not forget to clarify this. On the other hand he kinda does this retrospective clarifying like Media manipulation, holes in Nana's mind reading ability, students actually suspect Nana etc. |
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