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Aug 19, 2020 6:31 AM

Nov 2011
Jesus Christ, they made this episode look like some an action flick at first but the storytelling overall still is lacking. For what's worth, we also got a bath scenes for both genders because why not..the crew needs their break right?

With the world at stake, it's no wonder Kanzaki is focused on what really matters. Those battle scars on his back also has a story although the anime seems doesn't really reinforce its importance. Pretty meh episode again, nothing really memorable at all.
Aug 19, 2020 7:37 AM

Jun 2017
Yikes, this show just keeps getting comically bad by the episode. Action choreography in particular is seriously out of this world...

Anyway, new character into the mix now. Amazing how 50 rounds of machine guns have little to no effect on these Gibias yet one shot from this police officer is more than enough. Plot armor is strong in this one.

And xD, I just knew that the ojiisan from the interview was her father but the way the whole scene was handled was hilarious.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Aug 19, 2020 7:54 AM
Sep 2015
I conclude that this is not just any mess, it's a calculated mess, intentionally created to be criticized and take a shortcut to be a cult anime or at least an internet meme.
Aug 19, 2020 8:09 AM

Apr 2020
Lmaoo I didn't even watch an episode since the first one, but every Wednesday when I see that another episode aired I keep coming back to the episode discussion threads here and hearing y'all talk about it is hilarious

It's not an anime,
without a beach episode.

- William Shakespeare
Aug 19, 2020 8:27 AM

Apr 2018
More and more backstories, Sensui, Kathleen etc... RIP her father.
And we even had onsen time xD
Aug 19, 2020 9:23 AM

Feb 2019
This was by far the least ass episode because not as much CGI and sensui back story. Solid 5/10. Still undoubtedly the worst anime I’ve ever seen
Aug 19, 2020 9:53 AM

Jul 2017
WELP, ANOTHER CHARACTER? And this time, a female cop to add to the mix of Gibia-escaping reality.

Halfway into this comical BS of a show, and more backstories, but not particularly very fond of, because of the flacid storytelling that gets worse by the episode. You wanna make me feel emphatic for someone's death, at least do it decently...but that's not the case for Kathleen's dad: a death so undeserving it just felt like plot armor.

WELL, at least everyone made it out alive, so that's an achievement of the survival trait with the "battles" being so comically stupid I can't wrap around my head for size. The next step being a well-deserved break from the action through onsen time, because that's how easy it is to be the only ones surviving through an epidemic like this and breaks are truly "a break from the action".

EXTRA WELP, I was right, the yakuza and his group of goons are back, possibility to fight back against Sensui and Co. in the near future. Is the new female cop part of this to arrest her former dad?

Sensui's backstory, I was kinda expecting it to be something else, and whaddya know: same plotlines, different times (or eras should I say). The Warring States of Oda Nobunaga geting more complex...but the important point being Sensui deemed a real deal of a samurai.

Well, the best thing about this episode is that IT FLEW FAST and just as quick. That is the sign of a GREAT episode by VERY mediocre standards.
Aug 19, 2020 11:33 AM

Dec 2015
Not bad - this episode. Again some backgrounds. But it was okay since there wasn't a super long scene but a few short ones.

The ex cop girl is nice. And I'm looking forward to her meeting her father again in the next episode.
Aug 19, 2020 1:25 PM

Jun 2015
Love it. After last week I thought had it pegged what was about to happen, went on a mini rant and overall totally missed the incoming curve ball of the spiky haired pump action toting double barrelled shot gun lady this eps. Damn, you need to be one tough cookie to survive in this world! And credit to the new character, after the gangstas last time its nice to meet new people who look like they value human life!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Aug 19, 2020 6:13 PM

Aug 2018
Hat damn we got an onsen episode. I still like the historical sections.
Aug 19, 2020 7:38 PM
Jun 2017
so tell me, this is all about killing some monsters.. but what we are watching are some bunch on unimportant/ irrelevant past of some characters... does it affect what will happen to the story--- NONE!!!

im sad to say this is so far the lowest rating i have given to any anime series that i have given.. (as it beaten the likes of Shadowverse which is 5/10)...

ive rated this series as 2/10... the plot they are showing are unrelated at each other.
Aug 19, 2020 8:01 PM

Jul 2012
I don't know why her dad reminded me to cross between Pico and Vince from Space Brothers (looks wise)

I don't know if it's just me but I feel the pacing is getting weirder.

LeSponge said:
so tell me, this is all about killing some monsters.. but what we are watching are some bunch on unimportant/ irrelevant past of some characters... does it affect what will happen to the story--- NONE!!!

+1. I too keep asking myself why are they showing us all these backstories, and I still wonder why were the samurai needed for this post-apocalyptic scenario.
Aug 19, 2020 11:39 PM

Oct 2017
Well the onsen time was nice atleast and the new female cop is kinda ehh tbh.
Aug 20, 2020 12:48 AM

Jun 2013
This series is obviously anime of the millennium. Just look at everything that's happened so far. No one would've predicted that yakuza dude was the cop's daddy.
Aug 20, 2020 4:55 AM
Jul 2020
I swear when the cop lady started shooting. They had the same excact clip or scene 2 times in a row
Aug 20, 2020 5:10 AM

Feb 2020
Finally, the badassess woman appeared to helped the useless Kathleen out of her misery. Ofc she might served well for the group to survived long enough until their goals reached. Some flashback still held the okay moments. I don't wanna talk much with the crappy art and awful animation. The storyline so far served well enough to keep me motivated through the obvious boredom until its finally ended. Thats it for me.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 20, 2020 6:35 AM

Oct 2008
oh god! Sensui's hand are not proportionate with his child body on the flashback scene! the visuals are getting abomination!

Aug 20, 2020 10:12 AM
May 2020
This really is doing 70's anime.
I don't understand, it's like they wanted to recreate a show that they watched as kids.
Maybe they have to throw all caution to the wind. Plot, who needs one.
Aug 20, 2020 1:47 PM

Jul 2020
_MushiRock11_ said:
Anyway, new character into the mix now. Amazing how 50 rounds of machine guns have little to no effect on these Gibias yet one shot from this police officer is more than enough. Plot armor is strong in this one.

Bro, I had the same reaction too. Like how, she just came out of nowhere, blast one "fucking" shot and half the Gibia are already dead. Indeed, plot armor is strong with her and Kathleen. The whole fighting sequence was all over the place and I found myself laughing once again at how bad this is.

phantomfandom said:
I conclude that this is not just any mess, it's a calculated mess, intentionally created to be criticized and take a shortcut to be a cult anime or at least an internet meme.

That, I can agree on. But, I don't know if they did a good job on doing that.

KANLen09 said:
WELP, ANOTHER CHARACTER? And this time, a female cop to add to the mix of Gibia-escaping reality.

Halfway into this comical BS of a show, and more backstories, but not particularly very fond of, because of the flacid storytelling that gets worse by the episode. You wanna make me feel emphatic for someone's death, at least do it decently...but that's not the case for Kathleen's dad: a death so undeserving it just felt like plot armor.

WELL, at least everyone made it out alive, so that's an achievement of the survival trait with the "battles" being so comically stupid I can't wrap around my head for size. The next step being a well-deserved break from the action through onsen time, because that's how easy it is to be the only ones surviving through an epidemic like this and breaks are truly "a break from the action".

EXTRA WELP, I was right, the yakuza and his group of goons are back, possibility to fight back against Sensui and Co. in the near future. Is the new female cop part of this to arrest her former dad?

Sensui's backstory, I was kinda expecting it to be something else, and whaddya know: same plotlines, different times (or eras should I say). The Warring States of Oda Nobunaga geting more complex...but the important point being Sensui deemed a real deal of a samurai.

Well, the best thing about this episode is that IT FLEW FAST and just as quick. That is the sign of a GREAT episode by VERY mediocre standards.

It feels like with every episode, the plot deviates so much from the actual goal of the story: to get the cure-all for the Gibia virus (unless it is one of "those" small fry viruses, how the fuck can they cure a VIRUS??!!!) I'm gonna stick on for the long-run, tho.

Bibimbapski said:
This series is obviously anime of the millennium. Just look at everything that's happened so far. No one would've predicted that yakuza dude was the cop's daddy.

Yeah, who would have thought a female cop would come out of nowhere, start banging, and save a useless teenage girl... am I right?

MegamiRem said:
Well the onsen time was nice atleast and the new female cop is kinda ehh tbh.

I thought that there would at least be a lot of fanservice for this scene, but I guess even that they can't manage to do, lol

alpo42ab said:
This really is doing 70's anime.
I don't understand, it's like they wanted to recreate a show that they watched as kids.
Maybe they have to throw all caution to the wind. Plot, who needs one.

Which one do you think is worse? 70's anime or this
Aug 20, 2020 6:18 PM
Mar 2020
For Gibiate standards, this episode is okay. Still filled with plot holes, little to no explanation, predictable plot twists and just a big mess. But hey ! At leas there's a bathing scene.
Aug 21, 2020 7:21 AM

Aug 2018
By far not the worst episode, I'd say it was saved by the flashbacks which basically allowed us to not look at the horrible designs Gibias have.

Lot of background parts actually : Kathleen past, Sensui's past, the Yakuza dad's past and of course the appearance of her daughter
Aug 21, 2020 5:20 PM

Apr 2017
Action scenes are really outdated in style and choreography...

I feel like they slapped a bunch of renown names from JP together but then don't know what they are delivering/have not kept up to date with anime for the last 2 decades.
There's no inherent right or wrong in this universe, but when we think with emotions rather than logic, we make things so.
Aug 22, 2020 5:31 PM

Feb 2017
I’ll be honest: I had no idea what was even going on during most of that battle scene. Between the god-awful choreography and awkward jump cuts it was just complete chaos.

I also thought someone would actually save Kathleen instead of that Gibia just... backing off from being about to sting her (supposedly their main purpose in life!). Especially after we dragged out the cliffhanger with a random monologue from bad(?) dude and an even more random flashback sequence.

Then again, I also thought our heroes would make some attempt to get over to Kathleen when her fate was in question instead of killing a Gibia and standing completely motionless after lmao.

No idea where this show is even going at this point, but cop girl and her incredibly ham-fisted backstory seem like the immediate direction. I’m curious if Yakuza Daddy and his minions will join up with the gang or continue to be antagonistic.

Score-wise, I’m holding at a 3/10 for now, but I can see a drop to 2/10 coming soon because this keeps getting worse and worse in every way. I can’t quite see myself giving it a 1/10 because it keeps managing to entertain me/crack me up every episode.
Aug 23, 2020 8:53 AM
Dec 2019
eh, this episode didn't really progress the story all that much. we did get introduced to a new character. who uses guns. as this person isn't from the past, i wonder how long it will be until they get killed off?
Aug 23, 2020 11:07 AM

Apr 2018
Meh episode we get to see more of Sensui's backstory as well as Kathleen's. Senusi's scars on his back were mentioned but not really given a reason why he has those scars.
Aug 23, 2020 1:07 PM

Aug 2019
I really thought Kathleen was gonna die. They made it seem like there was nothing anyone could do to save her, but yeah.
I like sensui's backstory, his master seems cool. Good episode 4/5
Aug 23, 2020 1:09 PM

Aug 2019
Marinate1016 said:
This was by far the least ass episode because not as much CGI and sensui back story. Solid 5/10. Still undoubtedly the worst anime I’ve ever seen

Have you watched azure lane?
Aug 24, 2020 9:23 AM

Dec 2016
I really wanted Kathleen to die but instead she was saved by the new character who looks just like Kenroku...
I remember when they showed her in the OP I thought that was Kenroku with pink hair and blue lipstick...

It's getting more dull and also kinda predictable each episode, can't wait for it to end.
Aug 25, 2020 12:32 PM
Mar 2020
Luthandorius said:
Not bad - this episode. Again some backgrounds. But it was okay since there wasn't a super long scene but a few short ones.

The ex cop girl is nice. And I'm looking forward to her meeting her father again in the next episode.

Nahhhh, es realmente malo, sin duda el peor anime que he visto en mi vida.
Aug 27, 2020 1:31 PM

Dec 2016
Frostyinside said:
Marinate1016 said:
This was by far the least ass episode because not as much CGI and sensui back story. Solid 5/10. Still undoubtedly the worst anime I’ve ever seen

Have you watched azure lane?

I watched Azure Lane, Gibiate is on another level of bad. At least in case of Azure Lane action was competent and had ... nice views, if you know....
Like I think even Cheat Magician was better than this.

heck, if Azure Lane cutted out most of supporting character (like Unicorn) and focused on Enterprise and Ayanami storyline then Azure Lane could be even good anime.
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.113/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.205/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
Aug 28, 2020 12:00 AM

Sep 2007
I died when Kathleen came from off-screen to ask that cop who she was lol.

Then I died in a different way when they proceeded to have a conversation while I could hear Gibia squirming in the background. If you can stand in the open and have a convo, the threat probably ain't that bad.
Aug 30, 2020 4:11 PM

Aug 2019
Nieznajomy43 said:
Frostyinside said:

Have you watched azure lane?

I watched Azure Lane, Gibiate is on another level of bad. At least in case of Azure Lane action was competent and had ... nice views, if you know....
Like I think even Cheat Magician was better than this.

heck, if Azure Lane cutted out most of supporting character (like Unicorn) and focused on Enterprise and Ayanami storyline then Azure Lane could be even good anime.

yes lol. I think i just dont like azure lane, love the fan service tho 😍
i half asleep most episodes
Sep 1, 2020 7:49 AM

Feb 2018
Nieznajomy43 said:
Frostyinside said:

Have you watched azure lane?

Like I think even Cheat Magician was better than this.

you better don't know about Mars of Destruction and Skelter+Heaven, guys
Sep 1, 2020 12:59 PM

Dec 2016
TenshiTobacco said:
Nieznajomy43 said:

Like I think even Cheat Magician was better than this.

you better don't know about Mars of Destruction and Skelter+Heaven, guys

I both have on my PTW list. >:)
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.113/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.205/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
Jan 2, 2021 8:16 PM

Apr 2016
What was that utterly meaningless character video thing in the beginning? Why even include it?

Wow this anime loves making unrealistic character entries! Kathleen was miraculously saved by it. Sure it makes no sense, but for the sake of keeping the main character around, they pull a card out of Houdini's hat! It's masterful and 100% justified writing, really.

Pointless shit as usual this episode. They spent what feels like an eternity in a tunnel and meaningless backstory on Kathleen was thrown in for the sake of supposedly developing her character, to no avail of course. I half don't know why I'm still watching this.
Feb 2, 2021 2:57 AM

Jul 2015
OMG what a plottwist at the end, who would have thought that the yakuza convict would turn out to be the punk cop Ayame's dad after she explained her dad was in jail?!?

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