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Fire Force
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Jul 4, 2020 5:35 AM

Dec 2018
Gosh,The animation is on an another level.

The opening song was sung by Aimer. I can't hate or complain this show anymore, I hope this season is better than the previous season. and advice for Shinra, yes, women are scary.
"Anime Was a Mistake."- God

Jul 4, 2020 5:43 AM

Jun 2013
oh boy here we go again
Jul 4, 2020 6:11 AM

Sep 2017
Hylianticipated said:
Also, what the fuck is wrong with Japan? A company nude calendar of men? My god.

It's a pretty common thing actually

Here in France, the men's national rugby team sells nude calendars each year (and firefighters do it too, not nude ones though)
Jul 4, 2020 7:01 AM

Jun 2016
the opening song so fucking lit !!!

i love it !
Jul 4, 2020 7:07 AM

Dec 2016
ViktorZhukov2018 said:
Ugh. This was terribad.

Even as a starter episode that's supposed to be some kind of a breather, it's just all over the place in terms of tone and content.

The first third of it, was okay, but quite dragged, really no need to remind the viewers that this world is filled with people that can combust and turn into flame mosnter at any time. The second third even though it has the best animated sequences, it has the most jarrying comedic bits in the worst of moments, add to that the mindnnumbing long pauses between combat where they have to explain to the audience their attack plan while the huge monster probably went out for a smoke break. The third part is probably the worst filler I've seen in ages, nothing to add or lampshade for future events but just dumbed down manservice.

That is, is it abnormal for you when the chapters adapt in order? The first season ended in chapter 90. The first episode of the second season adapted 91 and 92 chapters of the manga. The only filler here was the battle with the infernal.

The order of chapters adapted is inconsequential IF the adaptation enhances the storyline or if it fixes a timeline problem from the source. Neither of these 2 situations happened in this first episode.

In manga this kind of strategy works as padding to publish something while the author thinks and crafts the next arc. Even Gintama explains a parallel situation when the anime is running side by side with the source. Filler is filler, no matter how you want to dress it up with euphemisms

ViktorZhukov2018 said:

It seems that people here do not understand that before you call the series filler, you need to check the manga. And it’s called a filler that it is not a filler and they don’t realize what kind of nonsense they wrote.

This is some dumb preconception that only works in manga circles. Why is this something relevant in the anime adaptation?

Filler is a concept used in various kind of media (books, movies, TV series) depicting content that deviates or inserts a substory that doesn't help the main story at all (ex: the fly episode in Breaking Bad) and can be easily discarded or skipped by the audience without any consequences to the story.

If you want to talk about nonsense you should check your last line that works as an oxymoron.

KimurahJul 4, 2020 7:19 AM
Jul 4, 2020 7:12 AM

Jun 2013
I can't believe I missed this show as much as I did. I'm keeping up with the manga which is rumored to end soon and be the author's last work before he retires. I didn't rewatch the first season but seeing pics of it on social media and me keeping up with the manga weekly made me miss things like animation, OP and ED songs.

This season the OP song is okay, I might like it more after I've heard it a couple more times like I did with the second OP in the first season. ED was more catchier from the first listen. That nude calendar bit is really from the manga, Benimaru's butt is more thicc in the manga. Of course, he's my favorite character so I stan, plus he's voiced by the awesome Miyano Mamoru, who has a naturally ikemen voice. Love it.
Jul 4, 2020 7:41 AM

Feb 2018
It was a very good beginning for second season, meant for us to remember the universe again. So story was simple, because of that. But sound effects and animations was amazing, as always.
Jul 4, 2020 8:17 AM

May 2016
Dead end with that crazy pose...I have my hopes high for this season LET's hope we don't
get disappointed.

and too bad that this will be the last manga of this shows mangaka, I wanted to see more
of his art.
Jul 4, 2020 8:18 AM

Nov 2016
Silveryo said:
Fun first episode
Loved the Soul Eater reference
No Tamaki fanservice, hopefully, they'll work on best girl's character some more
at 11:32 does Maki do a Dempsey Roll from hajime no ippo?

Yeah, I also thought it looked like Star Platinum was performing a Dempsey Roll haha.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 4, 2020 8:24 AM

Nov 2018
great first episode in my opinion. I really liked its art style as well as the action scenes. For the comedy, it was fine, made me chuckle a bit, moreover the 'fan service' was weird but sure why not go for something new.
Really looking forward to the upcoming episodes in this season, I hope it doesn't get held back like some shows from last season.
MrSundayJul 4, 2020 9:17 AM
Jul 4, 2020 8:35 AM

Mar 2017
Best way to start the season; begin with an awesome action scene that reintroduced Company 8 plus the new members and then some fun and humor, Company 8 style... I missed these guys!

My thirst ass loved this episode with the nude calendar (even though I didn't get to see Benimaru in his birthday suit)a haha
Jul 4, 2020 8:48 AM

Oct 2019
Personally, I was glad to see the characters again but I was not thrilled about the episode. The OP/ED were very well done, I enjoy the music, and some of the animation looks cool. Having said that, I wasn't too thrilled about the filler involved. Yea, we got to see the main women of the show appear in casual clothes but I did not care about them dressing up the guy with glasses nor was I thrilled about the nude fire calendar. If I wanted to go watch muscular dudes, would have gone to see JoJo. And, I find it ridiculous that they wait till a little over halfway into the show before they air the OP, what the hell took so long? The show is still early but I give this episode a 5/10
"Perfection is perception. For me, humanity's imperfections is what makes it perfect"

Jul 4, 2020 10:16 AM

May 2018
JokerVentura said:
The man calender, it was funny in the manga, it's even funnier in the anime.

FMmatron said:
"Nudist Bitch"

Starting off round 2 with a little gym session and manservice? Nice xD But wtf? A nude calendar as promo for the company? Seriously, I'm done, haha. Featuring a gag segment revolving around such a cliché is simple yet brilliant.

Opening is goood again. This gotta be one of the rare occasions (that isn't Fate) where Aimer is not just performing for the ending.

Talking about the OP, did you notice this 0.5 second? WTF lmfao.

Wait a minute!!!! why do i see Benimaru's nude calendar photo in the magazine that he have on the floor?????!?!?
Jul 4, 2020 10:53 AM

Jul 2019
A nice case study to reintroduce the cast. The demon they fought was not nearly as goofy as our beloved lieutenant. They really should have shown more of both yers calendars. The littel bit we got to see was funny and oddly tempting. Manly men, grrr! >w<

OP/ED fall flat compared to last season. The design is nice and so is the choreography but its only the music that can make them excel.

btw did somebody else perceive the animation during the figh to be clunky?
Jul 4, 2020 11:43 AM
Jul 2019
Oh they've started with something boring, and next something usual and they ended it with something , corny.
Jul 4, 2020 11:53 AM

Mar 2017
kinda disappointing that it starts with a filler ep (or it isn't?) but damn I'm impressed with how they're handling the 3d parts, especially on Obi vs the infernal.
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Jul 4, 2020 12:06 PM

May 2018
red-tomato said:
kinda disappointing that it starts with a filler ep (or it isn't?) but damn I'm impressed with how they're handling the 3d parts, especially on Obi vs the infernal.

It was not completely filler, the nude calendar and the girls picking Hinawa's clothing was canon.
The fight was filler but it was inspired by a chapter that wasn't adapted in the first season (i think it was chapter 31).
Jul 4, 2020 12:11 PM
Sep 2015
Nude calendar part is so good that it can only make better by make them completely naked... come on! I want to see their cobra!

Also as much as I hate Rekka's crime, his body is so great, and he's charming. It's shame that he was killed, he could be a great wife, a motivational mother. If being a part of cancel culture mean I've to burn his calendar after his crime was exposed then I want to leave a cancel culture and continue fapping to his calendar.
Jul 4, 2020 12:13 PM

Apr 2019
Season 2 baby, really excited for whats to come this season.

I really forgot about that calendar segment, and that twin cobra thing...
The new OP and ED are pretty good. Although I think the first OP and ED are probably better as of now.

Well next episode's trip to Company 4 should be pretty cool to watch, looking forward to it.
Jul 4, 2020 12:13 PM

Apr 2019
Season 2 baby, really excited for whats to come this season.

I really forgot about that calendar segment, and that twin cobra thing...
The new OP and ED are pretty good. Although I think the first OP and ED are probably better as of now.

Well next episode's trip to Company 4 should be pretty cool to watch, looking forward to it.
Jul 4, 2020 12:47 PM

Mar 2020
Jul 4, 2020 1:26 PM
Nov 2017
Glad that this is back. Yay for more Maki.
Good episode to recap some things, and get everybody ready for the new season.
Jul 4, 2020 2:21 PM

May 2020
It was nice to see the crew fighting together again and I thought this episode had a great recap of the main cast. It was nice to start the new season off with some comedy as I'm sure it'll get pretty serious later on. I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes this season!
Jul 4, 2020 2:34 PM

Jul 2014
The king of shounen mediocrity is back for more!!!! can't say anything's changed with the awkward pauses they do and instant scene change monogatari like shiz going on but eh, the OP song was.. meh.. I guess nothing will ever top their 1st OP Inferno.
Sister is still adorable af! and one of the main reason I'm staying with this, the animation is so fire!! very fitting since this show is literally fire user vs fire user/fire monster stuffs but damn... how can the fight have good choreography and amazing animation BUT STILL FALL THIS FLAT!? I literally do not feel anything from the fights here, there's no story in them, they have no impact besides looking cool... I really hope this gets better, please get better, I WANT TO LOVE THIS SHOW!
Jul 4, 2020 3:56 PM

Dec 2016
Now that infernal is a beast! Very powerful too O_O;

Shinra have feelings for Princess Hibana and so does she!

Did I hear right, or did Leutenant Obi gave the same idea like in the first photoshot for the calendar? XD He sure loved the idea! lol

It was ok episode. As always, aimer's songs are lovely to hear <3 Great OP!

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Jul 4, 2020 4:32 PM
Aug 2018
This woulda been fine in the middle of the season, but given how incredible season 1 was and how anticipated season 2 has been, I really wish this first episode had pertained to the overarching story arc. I mean, this is practically filler... :/
Jul 4, 2020 5:29 PM

Mar 2016
nudist bitch.

was an underwhelming first episode. will see what's to come though!


Jul 4, 2020 11:20 PM

Nov 2018
Arthur and Shinra be like: achievement get - return to sender.

Good start to S2, looks like DP have improved the production quality compared to last season. Hoping this'll turn out better as well
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Jul 5, 2020 12:49 AM

Aug 2017
Ok, Fire Force, ur first season was a disaster in epic proportions, let me check if this season is at least entertaining and you function as a good shounen parody and you don't take yourself too seriously.

The first episode feels like a filler and its just flexing the animation in the first half with the battle against the giant Infernal. Second half is the best part (subjectively speaking) since since it contains my favorite manservice with HOT GUYS, especially BENIMARU'S ASS ♥♥♥♥
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Jul 5, 2020 3:18 AM
Sep 2018
It was a decent episode but am I the only one confused about power balancing, so the lieutenant guy destroys a core with 1 hit from a shotgun but maki spends ages ora ora-ing and it does almost nothing?
Jul 5, 2020 3:38 AM

Jul 2015
Animation is perfect.
also I liked the small soul eater reference :)
Jul 5, 2020 7:51 AM
Apr 2017
Great re-introduction to the series. The animation was top-notch, as always, and the banter with all the other members of the force was great to watch. Can't wait to see more!
Jul 5, 2020 11:14 AM
Mar 2019
Really enjoyed this episode, I did however get a feeling that they spent too much time re-introducing the cast again. But I'd suspect it was a good thing for a lot of people. The preview for next episode looks sick and I'm looking forward to it a lot
Jul 5, 2020 12:29 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
The gang is back and they got some reinforcements. And Maki's muscles are as luscious as ever. A lighthearted and action packed start to the season.

I've never understood how much hate this got the last time around. It's far from a masterpiece and has flaws in several departments. But when words like train-wreck get bandied around, you really have to think that people are exaggerating a notch.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jul 5, 2020 1:24 PM

Dec 2009
That was FUN! I've watched some episodes today from other series but finally got to the point when I didn't check the time even once, and the episode finished in a flash! It was good, nice to see the characters again. Last year summer when the first season aired, so it comes again! And even the opening sequence with the monologue is the same: ..."Causes of death are many an varied. Old age, suicide, illness... But the cause of death that scares the most people in this day and age... is death by fire." So nostalgic, like not even a year has passed.
Jul 5, 2020 2:07 PM

Sep 2018
Quite an enjoyable first episode, nothing happened in terms of story, but it did a nice job as a sort of re-introduction episode. Some laughs and a solid 10 minute fight
Jul 5, 2020 3:16 PM

Jan 2009
More Sexy Commando Gaiden references will take this show a long way.
Jul 5, 2020 10:32 PM

Mar 2009
Let's hope Hibana and Maki get more screen-time this season.
...and less so for Tamaki.
Jul 6, 2020 12:48 AM

Jun 2014
I thought this was a really strong first episode Even tho it was a filter I loved it Opening and closing songs were great The calendar idea so hilarious too
Jul 6, 2020 1:09 AM
Mar 2020
Well... that certanly was... an episode? If youre new you'd probaly be confused by the fanservice and if youre here from last season the reintroduction was wasted. dunno what this was for... if this was the first episode of fire force s1 id probaly have dropped the show... ah well lets hope the story picks up next episode.
Jul 6, 2020 5:54 AM

Jul 2017
The amount of action, filler, and fan service (though its the male one this time) is perfectly balance in this episode.
its good to see they're re-introduce all the character and their abilities with the first-second-third gen thingy just to recall my memory about the last season.

overall a pretty enjoyable episode. can't wait for the next ep

O yea the OP and Ed are lit af
Jul 6, 2020 8:37 AM

Aug 2015
Woah, this was so fun! The effort put into the animation was a notch above the previous season's (where it was already good) and all the gags were funny.
In the last season, the first episode left me in awe because of how good the fire sakuga was, but as the show went on, the rest of the aspects kinda left me a bit disappointed.
Once again, the first episode leaves me in a pretty good mood and hyped for what comes next. Having read the manga since the end of the first season and knowing what to expect, hopefully I'll be able to like it more now.


      BE KAWAII         
Jul 6, 2020 10:49 AM
Nov 2019
Jollyne7 said:
I need a nude photo of Benimaru; P Now people don't complain about the fanservice, and they even want pictures of women. You don't remember how last season they had a pain in the ass when a fanservice appeared. People have double standards or are they just hypocrites?

fan service is a controversial topic a lot of people love them and a lot of people hate them and are often criticized for not making sense and being a filler in a lot of shows , and a usually cringy , most shows that escape criticism are shows that use it for comedy
Jul 6, 2020 11:45 AM
Jul 2018
as an anime-only I'd say it was a perfectly fine episode. Had some good action, was funny at times, and I liked seeing the characters for the first time in 6-7 months.
Jul 6, 2020 2:42 PM

May 2018
Wow! The latter half of the episode was a pure sakuga fest :O Also that ED is one of the most unique ones I've seen yet. Also Nudist Bitch more like
Jul 6, 2020 4:27 PM
Sep 2015
LMAO The nude calendar. July and December would be the only months I’d be looking forward to. ;)

Siked for this new season though, seems very promising already. I rarely watch shows while airing because I’m impatient, so I might just read the manga. ^^
Jul 7, 2020 4:44 AM

Jan 2011
Fire Force Season 2 episode 1........I should start off by saying something nice. The art and aniamtion are still not terrible. Look, I know I gave season 1 a 2 out of 10 but I'm not hate watching this show. I just feel like being a fan of this genre since I was a kid, I need to see this one out. Besides, I heard the manga is ending soon.

Now for the rest of the episode, well this is not how you follow up. This episode was extremely boring for the most part. This episode also doesn't make company 8 more likable. I didn't like the comment made about the death of Rekka from Company 1. I also feel the useless waifus(my new name for Maki, Tamaki, and Iris) are bitches for forcing Hinawa into that that awful out and blaming it on Shinra. Why do they try to make company 8 so unlikable but force you like them?

At least Hibana has a good line this episode.(I know it's not shocking for me to say that because of my current avatar). I will also say the English Dub cast has greatly improved. They feel more comfortable in their roles. So that is a good sign. Lastly, the idea of a calendar from these people has to be extremely fucking stupid. I don't see why civilians would care about you like that.

The OP is okay and this pretty damn stylish. Fire Force still sucks.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 7, 2020 7:57 AM

Sep 2014
deg said:
i just notice that this season have a new director lol no wonder i did not feel or see those awkward long pause scenes with still frames anymore

That's exactly what I thought as well. They finally fired the previous director and everything feel much more alive in the 2nd season. Somehow the last season felt too surreal. This is so much better now.
Jul 7, 2020 2:07 PM

May 2009
JokerVentura said:
Talking about the OP, did you notice this 0.5 second? WTF lmfao.

Assault is training hard against Tamaki.
Jul 7, 2020 2:09 PM
Jun 2020
Honestly it was pretty disappointing for a first episode of a sequel. I hope it gets better and more action-packed, since the fight scenes in this anime are really lit

hehe see what I did there haha funi

But the one fight scene in this episode was REALLY COOL NGL. The new OP is a bop and I can tell that this anime has a lot more potential now. I loved Fire Force season 1, and now that I know that the director is different I think this will be a lot less awkward and a bit more entertaining. But what’re you supposed to do with a first episode of a sequel, y’know?
nexnoodlesoupJul 7, 2020 2:13 PM
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