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Jun 24, 2020 12:21 PM
Shinokami_ said: Before the credit scene, jyu viole grace finally make his first appearance. Can we take that as unofficial statement for season 2 approval? not yet, they even remove something important for s2. Like the ring, and Lero Ro mission to go for 77th floor |
Jun 24, 2020 12:21 PM
Well, I guess that wasn't complete dogshit, but the show was still highly disappointing. The world-building sucks in the show. At least from what we've been shown so far, I got no reason to care about the world therein. Especially with the power system. Bam was essentially given awesome powers to him in a blink of an eye. Seriously? On top of that, he is the same cookie-cutter MC we've seen a million times at this point. He doesn't not change from the beginning to the end of the show besides a damn haircut and him getting sponsorship from Nike. The supporting cast isn't much better either, filling some sort of caricature without developing beyond that. They gave no reason for me to care about them. I don't even want to go into the terrible pacing and tonal whiplash this show had. Seriously, shows like Hunter x Hunter and Made in Abyss are better versions of this show. 5/10 |
Jun 24, 2020 12:23 PM
Can someone put the differences in a spoiler tag regarding what happens in this episode compared to what happens in the original material? I'm curious to know what did they change exactly that got most of the fans to hate the episode |
Jun 24, 2020 12:25 PM
Hmm its nice that we got to see the first trials that Rachel faced after leaving Bam in the past. But to think that she was there when Bam faced the first trial. Still the choices that she was forced to take up contrasted well with Bam's actions. Hearing her thoughts as she see's Bam gradually eclipse her and become the star that she so desires sure was interesting. Though i wonder was it worth it in terms of emotional trauma. Overall a solid finale that managed to do well in expanding upon Rachel's character while also showing how the admin's plan progressed as the series progressed. In the end while the tale ended badly for Bam it also served to establish a strong foundation for the second season that will see Bam and Rachel fight as enemies in their respective quests. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jun 24, 2020 12:25 PM
Based on the hype around the manwha, I kinda feel a little underwhelmed. ToG just seemed like it could have been a lot more interesting. It wasn't that the plot wasn't interesting enough to carry everything, but it was that the characters were pretty shitty tbh. Bam's naivete gets annoying real fucking quick, Khun almost seems like he could be an interesting character, and Rak appears to serve no real purpose in the narrative besides being loud and caring about Bam. And then the entire supporting cast is pretty shitty. What especially irked me is when the test takers all come together (at some point in the latter half of the season) and say stuff like : "we won't abandon Bam!" Jesus, 6-8 episodes ago you all were in a battle royale to the death in order to climb the fucking tower and now you're all best buds? Even when they're supposed to go and make "friends" (like getting a bunch of signatures and stuff), I felt like there should have been quite a lot more distrust and paranoia going around, especially given that the Tower is meant to be a treacherous place where loyalty and friendship don't matter in the face of death and terror. Overall, ToG just falls into too many shounen tropes to be good. Hopefully, the manwha is better, and Bam becomes more of a character than a human cream puff. |
Jun 24, 2020 12:26 PM
It's not because there are reasons and motivations to her actions that it's justified. I do hope she will become a villain in this story. Even by this world standards what she did was wrong, and it wasn't on impulse, she had weeks to think about it. edit : I will say, Rachel is definitely a better character than the one dimensional bitch from Shield Hero. I do agree. |
ElleryKJun 24, 2020 12:29 PM
Jun 24, 2020 12:28 PM
Lax_Caux said: So, CR did not announced season 2, but it seems that is liklely to we have it; The sucess is indoubtable, in views and in scores given. Popularity & score are not the important things... merch & bluray sells are the important parts. |
Jun 24, 2020 12:28 PM
The protagonist is the typical standard MC and I didn't like him, I hope that what the girl did with him changes his personality a little. This story could have taken the normal route and he could have gone up with the girl and his new friends. But this turnaround may have been a good thing. Some things make me confused even if I pay close attention, but there are only 13 episodes so that's okay, I don't care about the characters or the fights I want to know more about worldbuilding and lore. It was good, but the only thing I don't accept is Rachel's motivation is ... 'whatever'. It looks like they tried to force a Griffith-type-character. |
Jun 24, 2020 12:28 PM
I saw a lot of people annoyed with how half the episode felt like a re-cap but, honestly, it was good to know Rachel's perspective on things. I dislike anime that get a bit too singular in their focus. Off to the webtoon to read the rest xD 8/10 |
"The speck of fear grows in your eyes You'll meet your death in no disguise It may come as a small surprise There will be no compromise for you" - Nikopol Lyrics, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann |
Jun 24, 2020 12:28 PM
emraanash said: How many chapter they covered? and was it rushed? almost 80 manhwa chapters... yes a lot of things were cut. |
Jun 24, 2020 12:30 PM
dc22 said: Finally this trash is over. Rachel would be a good character if her motivations weren't so vague/basic. Solid 1/10 You're a masochist, right? why else would you watch to the end something that you cleary hated... :dafuq: |
Jun 24, 2020 12:30 PM
In 13 episodes (4h+ of runtime), Tower of God manages the exploit of achieving nothing (expcept failing at everything). Regarding worldbuilding, we do not know anything about the Tower or outside of the Tower. Not telling anything is not "worldbuiling". Regarding character motivation, for most of them, we don't know anything. And for the few, we do know... the author managed to make them invalid in less than one second. Bam (Yoru) had one clear goal. Go to the Tower to find Rachel. He found her before he even reach the Tower. What's his goal now ? Anak want to get revenge against "Jahad". But, in the next episode after this "revelation", she is not even hostile to Endorsi (and they end up friend). What happend to her goal ? If speaking to someone for 3 minutes is enough to stop your whole reason to be there, why even bring it up ? Tower of God seems like the author thought of some "cool" stuff and decide to throw them at random. First, we start testing with a battle royal (who starts exactly when Bam is teleported to the tower). And we see him getting chased... people killing each other... OK, that's kinda nice... There is a little tension... end of the first episode... ok, seems nice... Good... Because that's the last time I felt any tension in this show. Khun is friendly from the start, Rak who just killed someone stop killing, character dynamic doesn't make any sense just because they need to be alive for the next "test". The problem is that "killing" here doesn't seem to affect anyone. No one care to be surrounded by murderer. It's like "ok now we are in the next scene, let's just forget about it". The "third" test (second was finding allies !) is probably the worst because people have just been killing each other and now if you can't pass this water barrier you fail. Why not start with this test ? Just a pointless test to let Bam talk with Lero. So, in the first test, you fail, you die, in the third, you fail, you go back alive, in the fourth test you die because you did not choose a door and in the fifth test you can die or not (it's bonus stage), in the six test you affront an administrater but he doesn't kill you and in the seven test you can die. That's just non-sense. Finally, in regard to character, I don't understand why everyone like Bam (?) and why Bam like Rachel (I mean I understand the reason but she doesn't have any quality). I had some hope after the end of episode 5 and 6 but he went downhill... In the end, this show has : No worldbuiling (at this point), no character I feel I can understand their motivation, almost no humor, almost no fanservice, barely any character worth remembering (Khun come to mind but I'm still wondering if it's only because I associate him with Killua), no tension, some interesting fight and abilities in the middle of the show but nothing better than any shonen, no good OST (I have seen some people saying there were good OST but I didn't notice any). It's probably a very rushed adaption but from this 13 episodes alone, I would dare to say this is amateur work from an author who doesn't understand the basic of story writing. The best protagonists are protagonist which are willingly taking action and not having situation happening upon them. Sure, Bam doesn't remeber anything so he can not be in this position, but, the others character should fill this place for him. We should be able to understand very quickly their basic motivation, why they are willing to go as far, for at least the main cast. What do we know about Rak ? (except he likes to eat ?). Sure, you need to resist the "urge" to tell everything about your story, but, not saying anything is not how you should do it ! PS : At least, the 13 episode explains why Rachel was so weak (and manage to survive her first test). And regarding Rachel "betrayal", sure, we can hate her… but is she really worst that any of character in the show who didn't hesitate one second to kill people in a death match "to get to the top of the towers" ? PS2 : Never understood why people like Bam "that much". It's not like he saved anyone or had any brillant plan to help anyone… he just got saved by Khun and being useless he was useless in the "door test", in "crown test", he was useless until they decided to give him some awesome power (never saw them again), useless in the fifth game (did not manage to save Rachel), and ultimately so useless in the last game he just had to stand there… until they again give him some awesome power (which is not in adequation with his trainning result at all). Especially considering the Bull did not change anything to the plot, so, why even bother with it ? And I'm not even going to start with everything which does not make senses like giving some random guy one of the strongest sword in the world… 4/10 |
Rukodaime91Jun 24, 2020 12:44 PM
Jun 24, 2020 12:30 PM
I hope Bam doesn't continue being such an incredible simp after the object of his affections basically tried to murder him in order to fulfill her insane ambitions. An ok series. Nothing more and nothing less. The source material must be much better the way people rave on about it. |
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov |
Jun 24, 2020 12:33 PM
cchigu said: > Awkward tonal shifts Endorsi vs crocodile girl: A serious fight is going on and then the anime decides to dick around by inserting a comedy skit. > hollow obnoxious your basic archetype characters Endorsi: A badass girl saying badass dialogues and doing badass things, Koon: your typical sidekick of the incompetent MC that takes a liking to the MC for god knows what reason (Killua that you?). Crocodile guy: Your typical obnoxious sidekick that fools around... > anything goes series of tests The passing requirements of one of the test were to simply pass through any of the gate. The test basically implied that being cautious is not a good trait. Ok. > use of unimportant disposable side characters' deaths to create tension giving a backstory to a character that has had a total screen time of <5 mins and then killing him/her doesn't evoke any type of emotion. > misplaced "nakama power" trope I ate with a guy at the cafeteria 2-3 times so now I am fully prepared to risk my life for him. That last one is not even nakama power. You have a Fairy Tail avatar, i would expect you to actually know what it is lol. |
Jun 24, 2020 12:41 PM
It wasn't the perfect adaptation, but tbf there is only one major change that I didn't like. Otherwise, the voice acting was top tier, the music was FKN AMAZING, and I really like the art style they went with. I just for the love of god hope that they don't plan on ending this now and not continuing it further on, because there are sooooo many things I want to see animated and voiced! But yea, I'm really pleased with the adaptation! 8/10 and a gold star for showing us Viole! |
Jun 24, 2020 12:44 PM
This anime was amazing omg. I especially loved Rachel and Rak!!! I can't wait for season 2!!! |
![]() [url][/url] |
Jun 24, 2020 12:59 PM
This bitch really DID betray our man smh. I expected Bam to be more angry at the end but oh well. it was an okay show 7/10 |
Jun 24, 2020 1:00 PM
Why I see some people assuming that Headon and what's his face blonde guy want to kill Bam? To me, it feels like they are trying to make him understand the world. Stop being naive and trusting and become the GOAT of the tower. |
Jun 24, 2020 1:07 PM
tottobennington said: dc22 said: Finally this trash is over. Rachel would be a good character if her motivations weren't so vague/basic. Solid 1/10 You're a masochist, right? why else would you watch to the end something that you cleary hated... :dafuq: Yes I watched Ousama Game too. You can have fun watching trashy stuff sometimes. As long as it's not +100 episodes. |
Jun 24, 2020 1:12 PM
Has it clear pacing issues but aside from that it was decent. Call me biased cause I read the manhwa years ago so it was somewhat nostalgic to watch 7/10 at best |
Jun 24, 2020 1:14 PM
@tottobennington I mean some people watch shows like Boku no Pico, Mars Destruction or Ousama game to lower their overall mean score :v |
MALoween✟Mansion (2024) Candy Basket 🎃: |
Jun 24, 2020 1:24 PM
Overall adaptation was like 6.5/10 to me but the last episode a solid 9/10. Loved the tease at the end. Rachel was pictured really well (although they portray her better than she is really). HOPE for a season 2 |
Jun 24, 2020 1:25 PM
OMFG, that ending gave me chills! It made me so angry that Rachel not only betrayed Bam and didn't feel a thing about it but also, that his friends are basically gonna carry her weak ass all the way to the top of the Tower. She's the most selfish, sly and vile person and the fact that she tried to kill her best friend just so she could see some bloody stars is plain twisted! A season 2 NEEDS to happen! I feel like Bam is going to change drastically after that betrayal and I wanna see what becomes of him without his adoration of Rachel. I'm definitely going to read the webtoon cause I just need to know what happens next now! |
Jun 24, 2020 1:28 PM
Farabeuf said: I hope Bam doesn't continue being such an incredible simp after the object of his affections basically tried to murder him in order to fulfill her insane ambitions. One can only dream. I have a bad feeling that the next time Rachel and Bam meet, he's going to have forgiven her or some bullshit like that. |
Jun 24, 2020 1:29 PM
cchigu said: Koon: your typical sidekick of the incompetent MC that takes a liking to the MC for god knows what reason (Killua that you?). I mean, how can you be this clueless.. |
Jun 24, 2020 1:41 PM
Mixed feelings, tons of changes to this episode, maybe it works but I wouldn't call it faithful and at many points it feels like the anime is trying to convey something different about the characters compared to the manhwa. Lots of dialogue and interactions between characters was modified. They are all subtle changes but together they kind of add up to give off a different feeling. They tried to humanize Rachel too much, the way they did it here will likely work for anime-only watchers but for source readers, it feels off. They almost make it seem like Rachel didn't want to do this, that she was somehow forced(manipulated?) into betraying Ba'am with inclusions of her feeling apologetic or concerned about the dark choices she will have to make. They try to show her as the gentle person Baam thinks she is, eventually driven mad by the tower but the catch here is that, Rachel was always like that (As Headon rightfully says). The way she's characterized in the manhwa is almost in exact contrast to Baam. Take what Baam feels about her and negate everything and you have how Rachel feels about Baam. The scene with Rachel laughing is actually a very nice touch and would've worked really well had they kept the original dialogue and characterization. In fact there is a very similar scene in S2 of the manhwa where Rachel laughs like this, I wonder if they just took that and inserted here. I'm not going to nitpick on the various other subtle changes to every scene, but sometimes it feels like those scenes give off an entirely meaning. For example trying reading the scene between Lero Ro and Quant. The changes are a little subtle but the meaning of the scene is almost completely changed, the same thing goes for the scene with Baam and Hwa-Ryun at the very end. The interactions between Rachel, Hansung and Hwa-Ryu are pretty important in my opinion and they skipped it. Many more changes too so yeah, mixed feelings. Overall, I think it's great that this happened but I'm not incredibly excited about how it happened. Too many subtle changes to the script I think bubbled up to convey completely different meanings in various scenes. Some of the changes are acceptable, some feel like they shouldn't have happened at all. I wish they would have stuck panel by panel with the manhwa while including some bonus comedy/action scenes but with the constraint of time I guess they weren't able to do that. Probably could've been one of most favorite shows had it been more faithful, and as someone who reread the manhwa after this started airing, the changes are way more obvious which kinda hurts a lot. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed this caused seeing Tower of God animated was super cool. The production was pretty sweet, OST was great and the art style was unique. If only the script had stuck closer to the manhwa. 7/10 |
Jun 24, 2020 1:42 PM
anime-prime said: A lot of revelations and reveals in this episode. If only the build up was as strong as this episode. Good music integration here as well. A very Ghost in the Shell like sound. While explaining a lot that has transpired throughout the series, they just bring up more future questions, which is a great way to build hype for a second season. They finally gave Rachel some character...still waiting for Bam to get some though. I am very excited to see what will happen in the second season. There is a lot of potential. Bam is going to have his character development in S2 |
Jun 24, 2020 1:43 PM
Confusing finale with unanswered mystery. The first half consist how Rachel being a antagonist, she just want to become a star. And second half is set up for future season. And the tease at the end long haired Bam? Nothing happens significant to the story but how the event has pass on the whole season. To feel that its a good execution but its not with cutting and rushing to reach this climax. It felt unearned and underwhelming. Overall ToG is overhyped and nothing special about it. But im gonna watch the 2nd season because im curious how Bam becomes and Rachel too. Simp/10 |
Jun 24, 2020 1:47 PM
Lelouch0202 said: The scene with Rachel laughing is actually a very nice touch and would've worked really well had they kept the original dialogue and characterization. In fact there is a very similar scene in S2 of the manhwa where Rachel laughs like this, I wonder if they just took that and inserted here. Well.... yep :) they did make her seem VERY human though. I don't dislike it at all. Voice acting was top notch, too. |
Jun 24, 2020 1:48 PM
This adaptation was underwhelming in pretty much every regard, except the music. It didn't look good, wasn't animated that much and compositing is one of the worse I've seen so far. The story also wasn't done justice at all which was the biggest problem, but you get what you can... Regardless of all that it managed to turn out to be somewhat enjoyable, tough most of episodes were kinda boring. Could've been such a cool anime if done properly but oh well. Hopefully season 2, if there is going to be one, is better made. |
TsarkoJun 24, 2020 1:51 PM
Jun 24, 2020 1:53 PM
MigthyDoom said: anime-prime said: A lot of revelations and reveals in this episode. If only the build up was as strong as this episode. Good music integration here as well. A very Ghost in the Shell like sound. While explaining a lot that has transpired throughout the series, they just bring up more future questions, which is a great way to build hype for a second season. They finally gave Rachel some character...still waiting for Bam to get some though. I am very excited to see what will happen in the second season. There is a lot of potential. Bam is going to have his character development in S2 While I can't wait for that to happen, a good adaptation knows when to add stuff to fill in the weak links of the source material, instead of adding stuff which makes it harder to understand and removing stuff to make the weak links even more brittle. |
Jun 24, 2020 1:56 PM
Shadzzo said: Well as an anime only, this episode was somewhat better than the other ones. It felt really rushed as always and felt like lots of details were missing. I cant decide if this is a 5/10 or 6/10 right now. If i just rate by this last episode, its a 6/10. But... Didn't feel any connection to any of the characters throughout the series. Didn't feel any excitement in any scene either. Animation was mediocre to bad. Even the character relationships felt flat and fake. Interactions were kept to a minimum. Opening and general ost was nice tho. Voice acting was okay as well. The red head girl we saw at the end and Endorsi were pretty cute. These are the only positives i can think of. I think i will stay with a 5/10 on this. That pretty much sums up my thoughts about this anime. I will only change it to a 6/10 and add Yuri (the black haired princess) to the positive things. |
OwezJun 24, 2020 2:02 PM
Jun 24, 2020 2:12 PM
Yeah.....this adaptation is not what I was expecting.....I don't think they adapted it super well.....I started having doubts about the quality after hearing this was 13 vs 24 episodes, and pretty much lost all faith in the adaptation after seeing how butchered Crown Game was (which was my favorite part of season 1 of the manhua). It looks like they changed a bit of the a way that makes me think that there will be no season 2. They removed Lero quitting to go to Wolhaiksong, and instead made it that he has "fired" and made it seem like Hwaryun was the one who was going to train Bam.....when she isn't. |
Jun 24, 2020 2:16 PM
SenpaiMars-Barz said: and made it seem like Hwaryun was the one who was going to train Bam.....when she isn't. Yeah that's a solid remark but then again, everyone knows by now she's a guide yeah? A guide shouldn't be training but guiding to whoever is going to.. ;) |
Jun 24, 2020 2:16 PM
I already read ahead but i still liked how it ended! :) |
Jun 24, 2020 2:17 PM
chriskor022 said: Confusing finale with unanswered mystery. The first half consist how Rachel being a antagonist, she just want to become a star. And second half is set up for future season. And the tease at the end long haired Bam? Nothing happens significant to the story but how the event has pass on the whole season. To feel that its a good execution but its not with cutting and rushing to reach this climax. It felt unearned and underwhelming. Overall ToG is overhyped and nothing special about it. But im gonna watch the 2nd season because im curious how Bam becomes and Rachel too. Simp/10 Don't judge the series by this adaptation.....they put 76 chapters in 13 episodes, and ToG chapters are pretty long by webtoon standards. They cut out a lot, and made the whole arc a lot more underwhelming. Also I don't think there will be a season least not immediately. The way they changed the ending leads me to think that there is going to be no season 2..... |
Jun 24, 2020 2:18 PM
Not shabby, was a pretty decent ending overall. Saori killing it with her voice acting as always. |
Here we go again... |
Jun 24, 2020 2:22 PM
Ending on a cliffhanger huh? I kind of figured seeinv how things were going. So Rachel is so desperate she'd do anything, and it looks like the Caretaker took her up on the offer. My question is, does the girly looking guy know thay Bam is still alive and being helped by the red head? She imples that it'll be a time before Bam sees Rachel again, so I would assume there will be somewhat of a time skip. I'm hoping we see a sequel soon, as I enjoyed this first season and it seems to be moderately successful. As for the season as a whole, I enjoyed myself. It was boring or slow at points, but many of the tests were fun. The art style is attractive. the animation was above average, and I like the music. Character designs and the story reminded me somewhat of HunterxHunter. Things were weird and different; some had wings, extra eyes, or magical items, and others werent even human. This diverse cast make things interesting and keeps you on your toes because you never know who or what you'll see next. I would like to see more explanation on how things work and overall world building. It's clear that there's a big mystery behind how things work, but I'd like them to start explaining more. As well as more back story for characters like Khun. I think the success for Crunchy and Webtoon will continue with the God of Highschool, and if so, I think a sequel to ToG is definitely in the cards. Overall, I give it a 7/10 |
Jun 24, 2020 2:32 PM
SenpaiMars-Barz said: but they teased at the end. Which I think is Bam. Its crunchy, its like shield hero they gonna announce it.chriskor022 said: Confusing finale with unanswered mystery. The first half consist how Rachel being a antagonist, she just want to become a star. And second half is set up for future season. And the tease at the end long haired Bam? Nothing happens significant to the story but how the event has pass on the whole season. To feel that its a good execution but its not with cutting and rushing to reach this climax. It felt unearned and underwhelming. Overall ToG is overhyped and nothing special about it. But im gonna watch the 2nd season because im curious how Bam becomes and Rachel too. Simp/10 Don't judge the series by this adaptation.....they put 76 chapters in 13 episodes, and ToG chapters are pretty long by webtoon standards. They cut out a lot, and made the whole arc a lot more underwhelming. Also I don't think there will be a season least not immediately. The way they changed the ending leads me to think that there is going to be no season 2..... |
Jun 24, 2020 2:33 PM
So far this anime was ok, but it wasnt that good. Animation wasnt a big deal and the story was rushed with a few important explanations being skipped, events being changed or unnecesary anime original scenes being included (like Rak eating chocolate). It was better than the average shit we get every season (like most isekais), but it wasnt much more than an ok anime. Well, there werent that many great anime this season, Kaguya-sama is the only one that comes to my mind. As a webtoon reader i can say that Season 1 of the webtoon (which is completely covered by the anime) was good, it wasnt that great though (the hype around ToG comes from S2 and S3 of the webtoon) but the anime didnt do it justice, i guess this is what you get when try to adapt around 80 chapters in 13 episodes. The last scene of the episode seems to suggest that they do plan to make a S2, if thats the case i hope they dont rush it, 25 episodes for the first 100 chapters of S2 would be ideal... and hopefully they change the director too please. This anime adaptation i would rate it a 6 or 7, haven't decided yet. Season 1 is a prologue of the story, is basically an introduction to some characters and a bit of how the tower works and what it is. People complain that they didnt explain much, yes, but the show will get to it during Season 2 when we actually get to see the characters climb the tower (almost all of S1 was on the second floor alone). If ToG got your interest and plan to read the webtoon, i recommend starting from episode 1. |
Jun 24, 2020 2:43 PM
Ellenwitch said: Now we finally understand Rachel's side. We can see her true colours now too. She really is an asshat. Also oof, I really felt Rak's cries there, that really broke my heart. Overall, would love to see more. Yeah, Rak's cries cut right through me. |
Jun 24, 2020 2:43 PM
Ace-1 said: Can someone put the differences in a spoiler tag regarding what happens in this episode compared to what happens in the original material? I'm curious to know what did they change exactly that got most of the fans to hate the episode Warning.....there's a lot.....sorry lol There's a few things. First is that the Rachel laughing schene wasn't in the Manhua....Hwaryun just visits her and asks her why she wants to see the stars, and she says it is because "she fears the night." there is a ot of star and shadow symbolism in the finale episode that was done in the manhua more vaguely. For reference "Bam" is night in Korean and Rachel in this season is Michelle "Light." in season 2, bam takes the name "viole" meaning star in korean. This name dynamic is important to the next part. Headon, in the manhua, does not tell Rachel to kill Bam, but rather that he will make a deal with her, and if she succeeds she will be made the "heroine" of the story, who will change the Tower. This however, does not happen, and is reflected when Bam's name becomes "viole" for star. Rachel in this case is a lamb (the meaning of the name Rachel) that is being lead (guided, and Hwaryun is her "guide") to steer Bam into his fate. There is so much symbolism like this that is left out of the adaptation and makes it a lot easier to understand what is happening in the story....Also that whole recap section where Rachel is trying to hold herself back from killing Bam is not in the Webtoon. All we knew is that Rachel made some kind of deal with Headon, and Hansung and Hwaryun were in on it. We don't know if that was to kill him, or if they knew exactly what was going to happen, and simply instructed her to betray him when the time came (since there are people, mainly guides, who can see the direction of fate). the only other two major changes are that Hansung gave all the people who passed a ring as a parting gift before they warped to the next floor, and that in the manhua Lero Ro was not fired but quit to go to the 77th floor of the tower to meet Wolhaiksong (he says this directly in the chapter....they do not mention Wolhaiksong in detail until later in the story). |
Jun 24, 2020 2:45 PM
Rachel truly is a sad, weak, lonely, miserable character. I'm still baffled how people enjoy calling her a B***h. Why make it so special? Her story was a much sadder version of Scar betraying Mufasa, or Thanos vs his "daughter" and I don't remember people b***ching about Scar or Thanos being the worst! Contain you hatred people, it's not even that big of a deal!.. I'm more annoyed with Khun fan-girling over Bam... |
Jun 24, 2020 2:46 PM
For those who might struggle understanding some parts of what happened in this season. Here some explanations. Take into account that some parts are theories not actual confirmations.. there are no real spoilers here, only a lot of time and understanding of the situation of S1/the bigger picture, but I'll put it between tags read at your own discretion Yu Hansung (coffee maniac) was never interested in Anak, Green April or whatever. Everything done has been for the sole purpose to seize the irregular. All the other regulars? Low-ranking princesses of Zahard? Khun family? The only TRULY special and important being on this floor and season was Baam the irregular, a being with the capacity and shinsu affinity to change the whole tower. Therefore, a big ass complot has been in motion to pull this off. First, instead of hiding the fact that an irregular entered the tower and risk the possibility that Zahard finds out later and deals with it, they (Yu Hansung, Headon. etc) intend to make the arrival of an irregular known to the Tower, and then make the irregular "die", officially. They have a RED agent (Ren) come to the Testing Floor by having Anak Jahad with Green April at the same place and time as the irregular. This is important, because now a direct agent of Zahard has confirmed that an irregular has entered the tower, and also has dealt with him directly (the official version is that The Bull aka Ren, has killed Baam the irregular). So now Yu Hansung has the perfect conditions to do whatever his plan is, he has seized the irregular, and Zahard and everyone thinks Baam the irregular is dead, so no one will be looking for him. Second, they lured Yuri into the Test Floor by first luring her to the first floor and making her loose the Black March, so she would have to go to the Test Floor to retrieve it. They made this so she would find Ren in there, and make her deal deal with him. This way, they (Yu Hansung, Headon, etc) keep their hands clean, and everything remains as an internal Zahard family matter. It is obvious that to make this possible, Headon is in the scheme (as seen how he manipulated Rachel), but also, since he selects the regulars and send them to the Test Floor when he pleases. He, in kahoots with Yu Hansung put together Baam with the pieces (regulars, Black March, Rachel) they needed to move forward their plan. Also, not so obvious but necessarly true, the Floor administrator in the Test Floor (the giant tortoise/eel) has to be in the plan, since he allowed everything to happen during his test, so he is ok with the intromission of RED and Yuri in a regular's test, and faking somebody's death during his test. It is also interesting to note that despite coming from the outside, there were people inside the Tower aware that someone was going to enter it at some point. Yuri travelled the whole tower (maybe form the 77th floor) to get to the first floor. We have seen how long it took her to move from floor 1 to 2: months, so imagine if she were coming from floor 77th (would that take years?). Someone knew way way before Baam came into the tower that an irregular was coming, and seeing that Yuri got there just in time, then it might mean that this someone might have known the exact or almost the exact moment this irregular was going to enter the tower. Also Headon and Yu Hansung seemed to have everything prepared beforehand. Conclusion, some people knew with good precision that an irregular was coming into the tower. But, how is that possible? Well, we have seen that Baam was in a fucking cave, and we also know that he got into the tower to follow Rachel. We know that Rachel took an active decision to leave Baam and told him, making him despair and thus giving him the will to open the door and follow her. Sooooo if someone inside the tower knows with precision when is this irregular coming, then this must mean that he knew when Rachel was going to leave Baam and force him to follow her and enter the tower. So this someone has a means of contacting another someone from outside the tower (that has Baam kept in a cave?), and thus controlling his situation via using Rachel. This someone outside the Tower, in coordination with the someone inside the Tower, decided when they would tell Rachel to leave Baam, to make him enter the tower and put the plan in motion. And now, if you think about it, the only reason Rachel is being helped by Headon/ Yu Hansung to climb the tower is because if she climbs the Tower, Baam will also climb it. They know they have an irregular with zero will/purpose to reach the top of the Tower, so they desperately need something to make him climb and get whatever they want from Baam, probably bringing change to the tower; to Zahad's reign. Conclusion, this season is a big ass complot to bring a locked away irregular with crazy potential into the tower, hide him from prying eyes, and manipulate him to climb the tower and get what exactly it is they want from him. The little tease at the end of S1 talks about the story of Rachel and Baam, then shows someone looking a LOT like Baam-with-longer-hair and a very serious expression... |
batenJun 24, 2020 2:53 PM
Jun 24, 2020 2:48 PM
Aren't you special,Rachel? Amazing how many groups were planning for the moments Rachel pushed Bam |
Jun 24, 2020 2:51 PM
Pretty good. Makes me want to read the webtoon in one go just because a second season will be a long ways away. |
Jun 24, 2020 2:54 PM
Anime version has been saved on the last 2 episodes for me. Finally people stopped praising that two-faced betraying blond hair. Yes you didnt know because you havent read the webtoon but still it was annoying. |
Jun 24, 2020 2:54 PM
ISKKILL said: Pretty good. Makes me want to read the webtoon in one go just because a second season will be a long ways away. I recommend it :)! The art is subpar at the start because it's his early work, but the art gets better. The story however, is GOOD. |
Jun 24, 2020 2:56 PM
Shame that there seemed to be a lot content cut out of the series. If there is a second season I hope it is better. |
Jun 24, 2020 2:57 PM
chriskor022 said: SenpaiMars-Barz said: but they teased at the end. Which I think is Bam. Its crunchy, its like shield hero they gonna announce it.chriskor022 said: Confusing finale with unanswered mystery. The first half consist how Rachel being a antagonist, she just want to become a star. And second half is set up for future season. And the tease at the end long haired Bam? Nothing happens significant to the story but how the event has pass on the whole season. To feel that its a good execution but its not with cutting and rushing to reach this climax. It felt unearned and underwhelming. Overall ToG is overhyped and nothing special about it. But im gonna watch the 2nd season because im curious how Bam becomes and Rachel too. Simp/10 Don't judge the series by this adaptation.....they put 76 chapters in 13 episodes, and ToG chapters are pretty long by webtoon standards. They cut out a lot, and made the whole arc a lot more underwhelming. Also I don't think there will be a season least not immediately. The way they changed the ending leads me to think that there is going to be no season 2..... You might be right.....the teaser was indeed Bam from the next arc, but I though they just flashed it to show what he became through his training....for dramatic effect. I just have very mixed views about them adapting the next arc is my favorite and I will be heavily disappointed if they butcher it.....which is likely since the next arc is over 100 chapters, and there is no butchering that unless they make it at LEAST a 3-cour season, which is heavily unlikely seeing as how they couldn't even give this season the 2 cours it needed. This is Webtoon's really will only be given justice as a long running show like Naruto, Fairy Tail, or Black is not really written to be a seasonal show, as there are way too many chapters (almost 600 now) and has really extensive lore. And let it be said that those 500+ chapters barely scratch the surface of the plot. I would not be surprised if ToG finished it's story while in the 1000s. |
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