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All Comments (5) Comments
you weren't the only person in that SK8 thread who made good points ofc, but yours certainly stuck out to me
Mummykun said:
For the same reason why a girl normally finds disgusting a guy telling her that he likes to watch pornography.
Snaps after being corrected by two commenters..
Mummykun said:
Then go masturbate to porn and stop bothering me.
Goes full religious fanatic out of the blue..
Mummykun said:
But yeah, I respect a lot the wise Christian parents who homeschool their children to become properly educated beautiful people instead of degenerates who are brainwashed in public schools to believe they are moist robots and mutilate themselves with tattoos and piercings to show just how open minded they are.
Yes, as well. Sex is a part of a relationship.
As a private thing that occurs between a man and a woman who have been married, yes.
What an odd way to discredit oneself..
I never wrongfully equated the letters b and l with pornography.
No one corrected me in that thread. Those two commenters just wrote excuses trying to justify their degeneracy.
"Religious fanatic" is an invalid thing to write, so using those words to describe my attitude was completely pointless. There are just properly educated people who try to live their lives following the true religion, that was founded by God himself, instead of believing that it's normal to do immoral things.
There's nothing odd in stating an obvious fact that any decent person knows.