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May 16, 2020 2:23 PM

Feb 2010
kidlat020 said:
hazarddex said:

as another avid reader of books visual novels AND light novels.

1. touma lost his memory since season 1, but he had some idea of the dragons due to events in season 1 episode 9 where the dragon king made its debut. dragons have been references constantly since then. there are also several hits about toumas past including angel fall where his dad told him the place he grew up in saw him as a god of pestilence.

railgun chapter 67 which this is the adaptation of was released a few months after NT 9 which explains a lot about Imagine breakers origin. so while chronologically it takes place before outside the w timeline the author wrote railgun to begin with as a basically explanation and teaser for stuff in the main series. he fully expects people to have read the main series before reading any of railgun. which is why railguns manga title is railgun gaiden

2. No nothing to do with guts but part of crowley's plan and dragons are mentioned in the fittingly named dragon arc when accelerator and co are trying to get baggage on Crowley. again this is a novel that was written before the manga and index season 3 even adapted it (although cutting out most the details.)

3. No he does not future NT novels expand on this. this moment was meant to serves as a teaser for the next main arc in NT.

4. you seem to not understand his character not surprising as the anime butcher it. please remember he was quite willing to die at the end of index season 3 and in several arcs prior to that. such as the sister arc vs accelerator to save everyone. touma while very strategic tends to see himself as the only piece that can be sacrificed on the board. he already views himself as having died since the end of the first arc of index.

5. doesn't look like a question just rambling.

tl;dr he doesn't know the dragons fully, but still went for a suicide attack. for a "fukou da" character he's a badly written character and inconsistent.

nah hes very consistent.
his entire motto "No matter how many times I reach game over and no matter how many times I must pathetically hit continue, I will not stop moving forward." Shinyaku_Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_Light_Novel_Volume_07

"'me' from the past still motivates the 'me' that can't remember anything today. What he left behind isn't in the 'head', but in the 'heart'. So, it doesn't matter if I can't remember, I still understand what I need to do. Kamijou Touma isn't the kind of person that lets something small like losing a bit of memories stop him." Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 16

"Everyone carries something important enough to die for and they are running around so as not to lose it. So how am I supposed to abandon this? This isn’t an issue of duty or important-sounding reasons. If you want to stand up and fight, I say you should stand up and fight." Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 18

"What why? Do I need a reason to save others?" Toaru Majutsu no Index Light Novel Volume 02

just a few quotes

from novel.

GrimAtramentMay 16, 2020 3:10 PM
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

May 16, 2020 2:26 PM

Apr 2015
"No matter how many times I reach game over and no matter how many times I must pathetically hit continue, I will not stop moving forward."

so basically YOLO except he has plot armor on so it works either way! yeah, that's the definition of badly written character. please just go back to being a fukou da character. at least you were funny back then.
>I had no brain when I was 12
>Then everyone must had no brain when they were 12
>I experimented 100 samples and proved that they had no brain when they were 12
>Therefore children cannot consent

This is what science has done to humanity.
May 16, 2020 2:29 PM

Feb 2010
kidlat020 said:

incidentally this is why I'm more of an Accelerator fan. at least he's consistent with his character! and yes I'll say it: this isn't Touma at all. the Touma we know from season 1 is a fukou-da character. a very unlucky guy. not a hero that will jump without any insurance he'll survive at all.

kidlat020 said:
"No matter how many times I reach game over and no matter how many times I must pathetically hit continue, I will not stop moving forward."

so basically YOLO except he has plot armor on so it works either way! yeah, that's the definition of badly written character. please just go back to being a fukou da character. at least you were funny back then.

your goal post shifting.

first you saying "touma's not a heroic character why he acting heroic? HES INCONSISTENT"

then when you get told that he actually is and the novels do a good job at representing this your "I DON'T LIKE THAT HES HEROIC"

kidlat020 said:

Please just go back to being a fukou da character. at least you were funny back then.

touma can't go back to something he never was. the anime was the only thing that took a small joke and then made it the only feature of his character cutting out all his inner dialogue and though processes. he was never like that he has always been one of the most pragmatic characters with a ideological code. also please remember that his act before his first death/memory lost was to sacrifice himself to save index?

before that with kanzaki she literally beats him senseless he lost that fight.

and again with aqua he gets literally chucked like a skipping stone.

NT he loses a lot as well. (but i won't go into spoilers.)

you do know he's lost several times through out the series? please learn the definition of plot armor.

by your own logic accelerator has plot armor hell in the novels he should have died with awiss anime changed the scene so it was not graphic but in the novel awiss literally splits him in half and he shuts down his own power to make awiss vanish. accelerator is more suicidal then touma fyi.

also accelerator uses black wings and white wings without knowing what they are as well.

also if a self sacrificing makes a character "badly written." then accelerator takes the cake. parts near the end of OT. numerous times in NT and

Looks at GT the shit he pulls that literally got a what the hell accelerator even out of the most die hard accelerator fan.

if you can't read a single paragraph then you probably don't actually read many Visual novels just saying.

here want to prove me wrong lets call it a challenge. you say you read VN's so go read all 22 of OT and 23 of NT then well talk.

ssjokg said:
RayReynolds said:
woah gentlemen I comment a lot of trash against to Misaka but nobody cares, I casually say one thing about touma that was not even specially bad thing and automatically everyone to defend it. It's not like they retcon, it so it felt like it went backwards on Mikoto's character wasn't something really negative, it just makes it clear that even here she is not the protagonist.

@Nurguburu hypocrite

She isnt the protagonist because someone that has way less screen time than her, in her show, saved her?

What logic is this?

And how did it go backwards on Misaka's character?

he probably still thinks Silent party arc is canon when it's not.
GrimAtramentMay 16, 2020 3:25 PM
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

May 16, 2020 3:24 PM

May 2017
*clap* *clap* *clap*
good work
May 16, 2020 4:05 PM

Feb 2019
Really do wish J.C. staff fix up Index cause that was awesome
May 16, 2020 6:48 PM

Jun 2015
Awesome... I was hoping for a bit more level 6 chaos but I've not watched any of the previous seasons and given the end, the dragon conjuring dude probably fits into it. Who cares anyway, I witnessed an awesome sequence of anime goodness in how the fight vs the out of control lvl 6 was brought back. Even kinda touching. Very well done. Love this show!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
May 16, 2020 6:58 PM

Jan 2011
looks like i i totally forgot that part in the deep blood arc was under the impression the dragon wasn't real this whole time lol big oof or else this wouldn't came as such a big surprise mainly because i didn't think we'd see such a degree of IB showcase in Railgun of all things.

wild how good JC as been doing on making this look great despite this world crisis going on

Kuroko managed to protect her girl that was way to much suffering lol
katsu044May 17, 2020 5:29 PM
May 16, 2020 9:11 PM
May 2010
Tiau said:

Ohhh ok, so that's how the author manages the spin offs, I get it now. So it would be safe to assume before this battle he wasn't aware of this type of power, and after activating the dragon power he now knows sth is going on with his arm not only IB....???

I would say it's safe to assume he knew something was up since the time it happened against the alchemist and this arc reinforced this idea. It's also safe to assume he doesn't question it mostly because it's entirely in his favor.

Laplace_kun said:


thanks a lot for the help
May 17, 2020 1:19 AM

Apr 2011
Touma missing arm shoots out dragons... how come I never seen this from the main Index series? Rail > Index

I wish Misaki didn't hid the event from Mikoto friends. Otherwise, this episode is topnotch and looking forward to this type of quality.

Misaki met up with Mitori in the episode, I wonder if its closure between them for their dead friend in the past.
May 17, 2020 2:30 AM

Jan 2008
So much guts. Not even Fiamma did that much damage to Touman, or maybe he did and the way they visualized it in Index was just that bad.

Kongo's reaction to being told her friends came to help her was cute.

Festival part was great, nice to see some actual interaction between Misaka and Touma that doesn't just involve her blasting electricity at him. Glad to see good ol Kuroko back too, the realization of what Saten was planning.
May 17, 2020 2:58 AM

Jul 2013
vansonbee said:
Touma missing arm shoots out dragons... how come I never seen this from the main Index series? Rail > Index
Many people in this thread have already pointed this out but, Index Season 1 episode 9, or Old Testament Volume 2. (Called the Deep Blood Arc)

Yes, it was only one dragon back then, but having eight dragons come out just to deal with some alchemist? That's some overkill level shit right there.
May 17, 2020 5:50 AM

May 2011
katsu044 said:
looks like i i totally forgot that part in the deep blood arc was under the impression the dragon wasn't real this whole time lol big oof or else this wouldn't came as such a big surprise mainly because i didn't we'd see such a degree of IB showcase in Railgun of all things.

Me too, but I think someone mentioned in the thread that it was supposed to be ambiguous at that point so we wouldn't really know.

There was only one dragon back in Deep Blood Arc too, so I had a "wait what" moment when all those dragons came flying out. I dropped index 3, where it seems like they showed the dragons, so I missed it.

Index 3 was chaotic and I couldn't really understand what's going on. The animation flow was giving me a headache too so I ended up dropping it.

At least I can easily understand what's going on in railgun. I love how the fights in railgun are being animated.
May 17, 2020 6:41 AM
Dec 2018
I didn't like the part with Kongou Mitsuko, too cringe for me, I always have difficulties with the "I'm sorry" "No I'm sorry" or excessive apologies in general. I know it's a japanese thing but... Well I don't like it.

I would have liked to see a bit of a conversation between Misaki and the purple haired villain, to conclude the Dolly plot.

It always bother me when characters forgot the story we just saw, so obviously it's also the case here.

The CG dancers were awful.

Except for those things I liked the episode.
May 17, 2020 7:12 AM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
People in the Toaru community hate this director, but honestly at least he actually delivers in production values unlike the other Toaru series that were adapted.
May 17, 2020 7:21 AM

Nov 2019
ACasualViewer said:
People in the Toaru community hate this director, but honestly at least he actually delivers in production values unlike the other Toaru series that were adapted.
They usually hate him for his fillers. He's great at adapting stuff.
I take him over the Index'one any day.
May 17, 2020 9:00 AM

Aug 2009

jrShark said:
katsu044 said:
looks like i i totally forgot that part in the deep blood arc was under the impression the dragon wasn't real this whole time lol big oof or else this wouldn't came as such a big surprise mainly because i didn't we'd see such a degree of IB showcase in Railgun of all things.

Me too, but I think someone mentioned in the thread that it was supposed to be ambiguous at that point so we wouldn't really know.

There was only one dragon back in Deep Blood Arc too, so I had a "wait what" moment when all those dragons came flying out. I dropped index 3, where it seems like they showed the dragons, so I missed it.

Index 3 was chaotic and I couldn't really understand what's going on. The animation flow was giving me a headache too so I ended up dropping it.

At least I can easily understand what's going on in railgun. I love how the fights in railgun are being animated.

Nah Index 3 doesnt have dragons even tho his arm was ripped off.

There is an interesting fact about what happens when he loses his arm.

Every time it happened inside Academy City, dragons appeared from inside.

Every time it happened outside the city it was a transparent formless thing that came out or tried to come out.

Unless of course I missed a side story where dragons appear outside AC.
May 17, 2020 9:17 AM
Jul 2016
[quote=Hatsuyuki message=59816425][quote=Tiau message=59816214]
Hatsuyuki said:
hazarddex said:
okay jc staff no seriously WHERE IS THIS EFFORT WITH INDEX?

It's most definitely a director effort. Railgun's director should teach Index's how to properly adapt this kind of material.

Honestly, it isn't really a director effort issue(Index actually always delivered in big scenes like these, even in S3 with it's own reveal for the MCs). The issue is pretty much production side of things, we even learned that the people who animated these spots was supposed to work on Index III but couldn't due to the scheduling. If they had gotten what they wanted like more episodes from the production committee things would be very different.[quote]

yeah also i think it's the series compositions writer's of index iii (which did the movie too) more than the director himself ( he wasn't even have an assistant director to help) also to put in mind

Index III : does have a tight schedule with no delays which affected it's quality in the long run with having a different series writer than the previous seasons too.

Railgun T.: does have a tight schedule but with delays that made the staff breathe also nagi is having for this season an assistant director unlike the previous season which proves my point so it's not his work only duh and while it have a different series writer but it was a better one lol it was the food wars main series writer.

May 17, 2020 9:20 AM
Jul 2016
Tiau said:
Hatsuyuki said:

This production is literally plagued by a global pandemic and it managed to be better than Index S3. Not sure what you're talking about tbh.

Also this DEFINITELY has better storyboarding and direction than Index S3, lmao.

You should read up on what happened with Index III in regards to production, it's actually funny how a pandemic still isn't as fucked up as a producer trying to force the staff to stuff as many volumes as possible while also not wanting to give them either more episodes or more time on top of both telling the director about the season late AND giving them a now or never attitude meaning they couldn't get their best animators(some of which, as I said were going to work on Index III, the same people who are doing T right now), at least these delays got put to good use by the animators as we've seen on their twitters. I personally think Index 3 did a good job on it's big moments like

yeah also i think it's the series compositions writer's of index iii's problem (which did the movie too) more than the director himself although the series writer might couldn't work on such scheulde which i won't blame him ( he wasn't even have an assistant director to help) also to put in mind

Index III : does have a tight schedule with no delays which affected it's quality in the long run with having a different series writer than the previous seasons too.

Railgun T.: does have a tight schedule but with delays that made the staff breathe also nagi is having for this season an assistant director unlike the previous season which proves my point so it's not his work only duh and while it have a different series writer but it was a better one lol it was the food wars main series writer.

so in short Railgun T. have a better schedule than Index III but that's also due to airing in Winter 2020 instead of Fall 2019 (unlike Index III which aired in fall 2018 and the production wasn't behind) which is what really helped it or else it could have screwed like Index III but it was lucky and Kadokawa is the one is who make them keep working even with the conditions of corona virus J.C.Staff is no.6 of the production committee in Railgun T. which is lower than the previous seasons so it's deadline too so they had to continue like Kadokawa wants especially if J.C.Staff can continue.

todd2580May 17, 2020 9:28 AM
May 17, 2020 9:36 AM
Jul 2016
ChloeVonEinzbern said:
hazarddex said:
okay jc staff no seriously WHERE IS THIS EFFORT WITH INDEX?

That's cause Railgun >>>>>>>∞>>>>>>>> Index. Index S3 anime never happened.

Touma's Dragon Attack was as awesome as Goku's Dragon Fist back in the Dragon Ball Z movie: Warth of the Dragon movie.

>Index S3 anime never happened

i bet if you was working in the production of index iii you'll appreciate their efforts more especially in short amount of time unlike the previous seasons which was have between good to moderate schedule. (even if their work wasn't great or was rushed which was under their control).

May 17, 2020 10:07 AM

Apr 2014
todd2580 said:

i bet if you was working in the production of index iii you'll appreciate their efforts more especially in short amount of time unlike the previous seasons which was have between good to moderate schedule. (even if their work wasn't great or was rushed which was under their control).

I was hyped for S3 as much as probably everyone else after that S2 was better and got a slap in my face with rushed plot with materials for 50+ episodes packed in 26. Me and every other fan out there has their right to complain about it.
May 17, 2020 10:23 AM

Aug 2009
ChloeVonEinzbern said:
todd2580 said:

i bet if you was working in the production of index iii you'll appreciate their efforts more especially in short amount of time unlike the previous seasons which was have between good to moderate schedule. (even if their work wasn't great or was rushed which was under their control).

I was hyped for S3 as much as probably everyone else after that S2 was better and got a slap in my face with rushed plot with materials for 50+ episodes packed in 26. Me and every other fan out there has their right to complain about it.

That's right.

Yes the staff may have worked hard with what resources and time they had on their what? The end result was still horrible. Whether it is solely their fault or not doesnt change anything.

S1 and S2 arent good adaptations either but at least they are enjoyable anime series that are coherent from start to finish.

S3 isnt enjoyable or coherent.It is a rushed, badly animated mess of events that demands from the viewers to have the LNs on hand in order to make sense.

Even the delivery of the VAs is better in Railgun and Accelerator. Apologists cant convince me that the "evil producers" are the only ones at fault here.

They cant convince me that lack of episodes and time resulted in Accelerator punching

Small and big issues like that is what make so many fans angry at the staff.
May 17, 2020 10:37 AM

Dec 2015
ssjokg said:
ChloeVonEinzbern said:
I was hyped for S3 as much as probably everyone else after that S2 was better and got a slap in my face with rushed plot with materials for 50+ episodes packed in 26. Me and every other fan out there has their right to complain about it.

That's right.

Yes the staff may have worked hard with what resources and time they had on their what? The end result was still horrible. Whether it is solely their fault or not doesnt change anything.

S1 and S2 arent good adaptations either but at least they are enjoyable anime series that are coherent from start to finish.

S3 isnt enjoyable or coherent.It is a rushed, badly animated mess of events that demands from the viewers to have the LNs on hand in order to make sense.

Even the delivery of the VAs is better in Railgun and Accelerator. Apologists cant convince me that the "evil producers" are the only ones at fault here.

They cant convince me that lack of episodes and time resulted in Accelerator punching

Small and big issues like that is what make so many fans angry at the staff.

Tsukumo_YuumaMay 17, 2020 11:59 AM
May 17, 2020 10:41 AM

Dec 2015
FrozenRaider said:
Tsukumo_Yuuma said:

js06 (the LN translator) translated them from the manga editor twitter
+ they released a special illustration

Wait... i can only see 7 dragons explained. What is the power of the other "golden" one? You know the one between green and lightning dragon on postcard

that's the Angel dragon, he didn't mention its powers because it'll appear in another arc so that will be a spoiler.
May 17, 2020 11:54 AM

Dec 2015
Koldmotro said:
I didn't like the part with Kongou Mitsuko, too cringe for me, I always have difficulties with the "I'm sorry" "No I'm sorry" or excessive apologies in general. I know it's a japanese thing but... Well I don't like it.

I would have liked to see a bit of a conversation between Misaki and the purple haired villain, to conclude the Dolly plot.

It always bother me when characters forgot the story we just saw, so obviously it's also the case here.

The CG dancers were awful.

Except for those things I liked the episode.

they'll conclude the Dolly plot in the next episode, watch the preview at the end
May 17, 2020 12:09 PM

May 2015
Tsukumo_Yuuma said:
FrozenRaider said:

Wait... i can only see 7 dragons explained. What is the power of the other "golden" one? You know the one between green and lightning dragon on postcard

that's the Angel dragon, he didn't mention its powers because it'll appear in another arc so that will be a spoiler.

I see. Thanks for the info. :)
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
May 17, 2020 1:14 PM
Oct 2018
ssjokg said:
ChloeVonEinzbern said:
I was hyped for S3 as much as probably everyone else after that S2 was better and got a slap in my face with rushed plot with materials for 50+ episodes packed in 26. Me and every other fan out there has their right to complain about it.

That's right.

Yes the staff may have worked hard with what resources and time they had on their what? The end result was still horrible. Whether it is solely their fault or not doesnt change anything.

S1 and S2 arent good adaptations either but at least they are enjoyable anime series that are coherent from start to finish.

S3 isnt enjoyable or coherent.It is a rushed, badly animated mess of events that demands from the viewers to have the LNs on hand in order to make sense.

Even the delivery of the VAs is better in Railgun and Accelerator. Apologists cant convince me that the "evil producers" are the only ones at fault here.

They cant convince me that lack of episodes and time resulted in Accelerator punching

Small and big issues like that is what make so many fans angry at the staff.

The lack of scheduling is actually indeed, the reason why moments like that can be lackluster...because their animators like Aoki couldn't work on the season like they wanted as well as them cutting down on Uiharu scenes to focus on other things? That's literally what you'd need to do for something like this, you didn't really refute what Todd said. If the best you got is newer animators and a few good ones(like whoever handled the Kakine vs Accelerator fight itself, that was accurate and even effectively redone the same in the manga with a minor addition)

There are definitely enjoyable moments of Index III are enjoyable though, you are also joking if you're saying Accelerator or Touma's VA delivery isn't as good as their previous seasons. That's nonsense and honestly disrespectful to both Abe and Nobuhiko.
There's disliking something, but there's also refusing to give credit where credit is due, which is ridiculous.
May 17, 2020 1:20 PM

Aug 2009
Tiau said:
ssjokg said:

That's right.

Yes the staff may have worked hard with what resources and time they had on their what? The end result was still horrible. Whether it is solely their fault or not doesnt change anything.

S1 and S2 arent good adaptations either but at least they are enjoyable anime series that are coherent from start to finish.

S3 isnt enjoyable or coherent.It is a rushed, badly animated mess of events that demands from the viewers to have the LNs on hand in order to make sense.

Even the delivery of the VAs is better in Railgun and Accelerator. Apologists cant convince me that the "evil producers" are the only ones at fault here.

They cant convince me that lack of episodes and time resulted in Accelerator punching

Small and big issues like that is what make so many fans angry at the staff.

The lack of scheduling is actually indeed, the reason why moments like that can be lackluster...because their animators like Aoki couldn't work on the season like they wanted as well as them cutting down on Uiharu scenes to focus on other things? That's literally what you'd need to do for something like this, you didn't really refute what Todd said. If the best you got is newer animators and a few good ones(like whoever handled the Kakine vs Accelerator fight itself, that was accurate and even effectively redone the same in the manga with a minor addition)

There are definitely enjoyable moments of Index III are enjoyable though, you are also joking if you're saying Accelerator or Touma's VA delivery isn't as good as their previous seasons. That's nonsense and honestly disrespectful to both Abe and Nobuhiko.
There's disliking something, but there's also refusing to give credit where credit is due, which is ridiculous.

There is nothing to to give credit for except the OPs.

You must be crazy if you think I should be grateful for anything in the actual episodes.

The majority of anime onlys and ln readers agree that the whole thing was a giant letdown.

Stop defending it as if anyone of us will agree with that bullshit.

And no, kakine vs Accelerator wasn't accurate and whatever the manga did is irrelevant.
May 17, 2020 1:26 PM
Oct 2018
ssjokg said:
Tiau said:

The lack of scheduling is actually indeed, the reason why moments like that can be lackluster...because their animators like Aoki couldn't work on the season like they wanted as well as them cutting down on Uiharu scenes to focus on other things? That's literally what you'd need to do for something like this, you didn't really refute what Todd said. If the best you got is newer animators and a few good ones(like whoever handled the Kakine vs Accelerator fight itself, that was accurate and even effectively redone the same in the manga with a minor addition)

There are definitely enjoyable moments of Index III are enjoyable though, you are also joking if you're saying Accelerator or Touma's VA delivery isn't as good as their previous seasons. That's nonsense and honestly disrespectful to both Abe and Nobuhiko.
There's disliking something, but there's also refusing to give credit where credit is due, which is ridiculous.

There is nothing to to give credit for except the OPs.

And no, kakine vs Accelerator wasn't accurate and whatever the manga did is irrelevant.

There's nothing to give credit for? The design of the Star which greatly surpasses the novel?
The Accelerator scene at his climax which honestly was better than the novel version because of the excellent delivery of Nobuhiko?
Abe's delivery during scenes like OT16?
the IT scene which is also, nearly word for word?
Hell, the literal setting art? None of that is worth giving credit for?
That's just completely disrespectful.

Also, the manga is what many considered one of the best adaptations in the franchise as far as what it actually covers is concerned, what do you see that both Chuuya and the animestaff didn't as far as the Kakine Vs Accelerator fight is concerned? Because it sure seems like you overhyped it to hell and is really disappointed to see it didn't line up with whatever you had imagined in your head(i.e headcanon)
May 17, 2020 1:31 PM

Aug 2009
You are delusional.Or a blind fan. I don't care which one it is.

I dont care if you want to give them a medal for trying. It doesn't matter if it is the workers or the boss that was at fault. If the job isnt done I am not obligated to clap for their sweat and tears.

Yes sure, it is headcanon even when I said word for word what the ln did.
May 17, 2020 1:39 PM
Oct 2018
ssjokg said:
You are delusional.Or a blind fan. I don't care which one it is.

I dont care if you want to give them a medal for trying. It doesn't matter if it is the workers or the boss that was at fault. If the job isnt done I am not obligated to clap for their sweat and tears.

Yes sure, it is headcanon even when I said word for word what the ln did.

So you're really going to sit here and say there's literally nothing that was done right, not a single aspect? You're fucked dude, you really don't have any idea on how to actually critique something.
"You're a blind fan to say that Index 3 had good setting art"
"You're a blind fan to say Index 3's VAs did a good job"
"You're a blind fan to say Index 3's OST wasn't good"
You don't have to be a blind fan or "delusional" to state there was some good aspects of something you don't like, infact it's more delusional to claim there's nothing to take away from things. Even children are capable of saying "I don't like this thing but that part was cool"
May 17, 2020 1:44 PM

Aug 2009
Tiau said:
ssjokg said:
You are delusional.Or a blind fan. I don't care which one it is.

I dont care if you want to give them a medal for trying. It doesn't matter if it is the workers or the boss that was at fault. If the job isnt done I am not obligated to clap for their sweat and tears.

Yes sure, it is headcanon even when I said word for word what the ln did.

So you're really going to sit here and say there's literally nothing that was done right, not a single aspect? You're fucked dude, you really don't have any idea on how to actually critique something.
"You're a blind fan to say that Index 3 had good setting art"
"You're a blind fan to say Index 3's VAs did a good job"
"You're a blind fan to say Index 3's OST wasn't good"
You don't have to be a blind fan or "delusional" to state there was some good aspects of something you don't like, infact it's more delusional to claim there's nothing to take away from things. Even children are capable of saying "I don't like this thing but that part was cool"

I said it. The Ops were cool.

It doesnt matter if, big IF, a few secons scene is done right if hours of content are fucking horrible.

You want me to praise Index 3 because they managed to make a good art of the background scenery or of the Star?

If that's how low i have to reduce my expectations then there is a serious issue with the show and guess what, thats exactly the case.

Dont continue this. You are wasting your time if you think that I should and will thank them.
May 17, 2020 1:52 PM
Oct 2018
ssjokg said:
Tiau said:

So you're really going to sit here and say there's literally nothing that was done right, not a single aspect? You're fucked dude, you really don't have any idea on how to actually critique something.
"You're a blind fan to say that Index 3 had good setting art"
"You're a blind fan to say Index 3's VAs did a good job"
"You're a blind fan to say Index 3's OST wasn't good"
You don't have to be a blind fan or "delusional" to state there was some good aspects of something you don't like, infact it's more delusional to claim there's nothing to take away from things. Even children are capable of saying "I don't like this thing but that part was cool"

I said it. The Ops were cool.

It doesnt matter if, big IF, a few secons scene is done right if hours of content are fucking horrible.

You want me to praise Index 3 because they managed to make a good art of the background scenery or of the Star?

If that's how low i have to reduce my expectations then there is a serious issue with the show and guess what, thats exactly the case.

Dont continue this. You are wasting your time if you think that I should and will thank them.

That's real funny, considering the biggest aspects of this entire franchise is how great they make the setting look, now it's suddenly "low expectations" to admit that they continued to do so?
It's low expectations to admit that a voice actor did a good job? Are you really so petty as to try and claim Nobuhiko and Abe etc didn't act their lives out? Yeah you can go and cry and scream about the staff all you want but you're really going to sit here and try to knock down the voice actors? There's no need to continue this because clearly you aren't worth doing so with. Afterall you really legitimately sat there and asked what is effectively "how does Poached staff, impossible crunch and workload, and all with basically many new staff that has never done a index anime. explain the problems". Even the Japanese fanbase can admit there are things about Index III that they liked. Crazy ain't it
May 17, 2020 1:55 PM

Oct 2013
Is amazing we almost can't go a single episode without complaining about Index III despite we already had Accelerator and now Railgun T coming out
May 17, 2020 1:58 PM
Oct 2018
Deknijff said:
Is amazing we almost can't go a single episode without complaining about Index III despite we already had Accelerator and now Railgun T coming out

Well I guess the definition of insanity is doing something over and over and expecting a different result.
May 17, 2020 1:59 PM

Oct 2013
Tiau said:
Deknijff said:
Is amazing we almost can't go a single episode without complaining about Index III despite we already had Accelerator and now Railgun T coming out
Well I guess the definition of insanity is doing something over and over and expecting a different result.
Indeed indeed my dude
May 17, 2020 2:07 PM

Aug 2009
Crazy ain't it? That i have to be forced to like anything in a shitty production just because some people are fine with a series being good at everything except the story and character development, the things this series is praised for by fans.

I should be grateful for the background art, which I just realized that some crazy part of the fandom thinks thats why the anime are praised for.

Yes, that's why I watched two seasons of Index and got interested in the novels.... Because they can draw scenery.
May 17, 2020 2:15 PM

Oct 2013
@ssjokg is ok man I feel you I feel you
I too was raped by my beloved J.C. STAFF when doing Index III like many of you were

But complaining about voice work seems like a stretch to me honestly
not like it matters though. Its just people trying to look at the bright side in the trash nothing wrong with that when it comest to a franchise we all clearly enjoy and are passionate about
not like if dude saying Index III was the best season for all of To Aru or something right?
May 17, 2020 2:26 PM
Jul 2018
Deknijff said:
Is amazing we almost can't go a single episode without complaining about Index III despite we already had Accelerator and now Railgun T coming out

finally I found someone who understand me, Yeah it's really annoying.
May 17, 2020 2:26 PM
Oct 2018
Deknijff said:
@ssjokg is ok man I feel you I feel you
I too was raped by my beloved J.C. STAFF when doing Index III like many of you were

But complaining about voice work seems like a stretch to me honestly
not like it matters though. Its just people trying to look at the bright side in the trash nothing wrong with that when it comest to a franchise we all clearly enjoy and are passionate about
not like if dude saying Index III was the best season for all of To Aru or something right?

My favorite season of Toaru is really Index 1, but that's besides the point. You can very much clearly see he only works in absolutes, so there's no point in even bothering.(even though Hamazura, Accelerator and Touma's character development didn't get butchered in that season and honestly neither did Acqua's and a few others, although I can definitely say Accelerator's stands out the most due to having some of the best looking scenes in the climax).

Like even then, while I do really like Index 1, I can admit that Touma's character is better done in Index 3(or at least, they paid more attention to things he was supposed to be worrying about IN index 3). But I can say for sure Index 1 had some of the best pure animation/moments in the franchise and holds up really well even today, there's a lot wrong with Index 3. Anyone can tell you this, but I also don't like going out and saying the entirety of a product is complete garbage except for very special occasions.

Also for that reason you don't see me joining hate bandwagons, most of that stuff does have some good things about them like with Gundam Seed Destiny, which isn't good plot wise but the designs and concepts it introduces aren't bad either
May 17, 2020 2:37 PM

Oct 2013
Tiau said:
Deknijff said:
@ssjokg is ok man I feel you I feel you
I too was raped by my beloved J.C. STAFF when doing Index III like many of you were

But complaining about voice work seems like a stretch to me honestly
not like it matters though. Its just people trying to look at the bright side in the trash nothing wrong with that when it comest to a franchise we all clearly enjoy and are passionate about
not like if dude saying Index III was the best season for all of To Aru or something right?
My favorite season of Toaru is really Index 1, but that's besides the point. You can very much clearly see he only works in absolutes, so there's no point in even bothering.(even though Hamazura, Accelerator and Touma's character development didn't get butchered in that season and honestly neither did Acqua's and a few others, although I can definitely say Accelerator's stands out the most due to having some of the best looking scenes in the climax).

Like even then, while I do really like Index 1, I can admit that Touma's character is better done in Index 3(or at least, they paid more attention to things he was supposed to be worrying about IN index 3). But I can say for sure Index 1 had some of the best pure animation/moments in the franchise and holds up really well even today, there's a lot wrong with Index 3. Anyone can tell you this, but I also don't like going out and saying the entirety of a product is complete garbage except for very special occasions.

Also for that reason you don't see me joining hate bandwagons, most of that stuff does have some good things about them like with Gundam Seed Destiny, which isn't good plot wise but the designs and concepts it introduces aren't bad either
Yeah saying the whole thing is garbage seems like a over step Id say

Index II personally my favourite because of the arcs and the build up it did for Index III years before I was disappointed
Still glad I finally saw it years later even if major disappointment
May 17, 2020 5:32 PM

Jan 2011
jrShark said:
katsu044 said:
looks like i i totally forgot that part in the deep blood arc was under the impression the dragon wasn't real this whole time lol big oof or else this wouldn't came as such a big surprise mainly because i didn't we'd see such a degree of IB showcase in Railgun of all things.

Me too, but I think someone mentioned in the thread that it was supposed to be ambiguous at that point so we wouldn't really know.

There was only one dragon back in Deep Blood Arc too, so I had a "wait what" moment when all those dragons came flying out. I dropped index 3, where it seems like they showed the dragons, so I missed it.

Index 3 was chaotic and I couldn't really understand what's going on. The animation flow was giving me a headache too so I ended up dropping it.

At least I can easily understand what's going on in railgun. I love how the fights in railgun are being animated.

yeah index 3 was a mess it would've needed like a whole another 2cour at least to fit in the amount of stuff from the LN
May 17, 2020 6:31 PM

May 2011
ssjokg said:

jrShark said:

Me too, but I think someone mentioned in the thread that it was supposed to be ambiguous at that point so we wouldn't really know.

There was only one dragon back in Deep Blood Arc too, so I had a "wait what" moment when all those dragons came flying out. I dropped index 3, where it seems like they showed the dragons, so I missed it.

Index 3 was chaotic and I couldn't really understand what's going on. The animation flow was giving me a headache too so I ended up dropping it.

At least I can easily understand what's going on in railgun. I love how the fights in railgun are being animated.

Nah Index 3 doesnt have dragons even tho his arm was ripped off.

There is an interesting fact about what happens when he loses his arm.

Every time it happened inside Academy City, dragons appeared from inside.

Every time it happened outside the city it was a transparent formless thing that came out or tried to come out.

Unless of course I missed a side story where dragons appear outside AC.

That's interesting! Thanks for letting me know!
May 17, 2020 7:12 PM
Mar 2015
Our boy saves the day but their dance is interrupted
May 17, 2020 7:12 PM
Jul 2016
Tiau said:
ssjokg said:

That's right.

Yes the staff may have worked hard with what resources and time they had on their what? The end result was still horrible. Whether it is solely their fault or not doesnt change anything.

S1 and S2 arent good adaptations either but at least they are enjoyable anime series that are coherent from start to finish.

S3 isnt enjoyable or coherent.It is a rushed, badly animated mess of events that demands from the viewers to have the LNs on hand in order to make sense.

Even the delivery of the VAs is better in Railgun and Accelerator. Apologists cant convince me that the "evil producers" are the only ones at fault here.

They cant convince me that lack of episodes and time resulted in Accelerator punching

Small and big issues like that is what make so many fans angry at the staff.

The lack of scheduling is actually indeed, the reason why moments like that can be lackluster...because their animators like Aoki couldn't work on the season like they wanted as well as them cutting down on Uiharu scenes to focus on other things? That's literally what you'd need to do for something like this, you didn't really refute what Todd said. If the best you got is newer animators and a few good ones(like whoever handled the Kakine vs Accelerator fight itself, that was accurate and even effectively redone the same in the manga with a minor addition)

There are definitely enjoyable moments of Index III are enjoyable though, you are also joking if you're saying Accelerator or Touma's VA delivery isn't as good as their previous seasons. That's nonsense and honestly disrespectful to both Abe and Nobuhiko.
There's disliking something, but there's also refusing to give credit where credit is due, which is ridiculous.

you said it better than me mate.
May 17, 2020 7:19 PM
Jul 2016
ssjokg said:
Tiau said:

The lack of scheduling is actually indeed, the reason why moments like that can be lackluster...because their animators like Aoki couldn't work on the season like they wanted as well as them cutting down on Uiharu scenes to focus on other things? That's literally what you'd need to do for something like this, you didn't really refute what Todd said. If the best you got is newer animators and a few good ones(like whoever handled the Kakine vs Accelerator fight itself, that was accurate and even effectively redone the same in the manga with a minor addition)

There are definitely enjoyable moments of Index III are enjoyable though, you are also joking if you're saying Accelerator or Touma's VA delivery isn't as good as their previous seasons. That's nonsense and honestly disrespectful to both Abe and Nobuhiko.
There's disliking something, but there's also refusing to give credit where credit is due, which is ridiculous.

There is nothing to to give credit for except the OPs.

You must be crazy if you think I should be grateful for anything in the actual episodes.

The majority of anime onlys and ln readers agree that the whole thing was a giant letdown.

Stop defending it as if anyone of us will agree with that bullshit.

And no, kakine vs Accelerator wasn't accurate and whatever the manga did is irrelevant.

so by that you're like saying that Hiroshi deserved hate from the fans of this IP while he just thanked them in twitter so who's the bad side now tell me the staff or the toxic fandom ? also who cares about LN readers they're just want the source material to be 100% with the anime with a director's vision or they'll be angry like some crybabies or like they got butthurted i mean sorry dude there's a line between getting what you want and be respectable guy and you crossed that line thin.
May 17, 2020 7:32 PM
Jul 2016
Deknijff said:
@ssjokg is ok man I feel you I feel you
I too was raped by my beloved J.C. STAFF when doing Index III like many of you were

But complaining about voice work seems like a stretch to me honestly
not like it matters though. Its just people trying to look at the bright side in the trash nothing wrong with that when it comest to a franchise we all clearly enjoy and are passionate about
not like if dude saying Index III was the best season for all of To Aru or something right?

i think Taiu said that while Index III was a rushed production so ofc it isn't the best out of the series but it isn't necessarily bad (the BD fixed some of the art and animation too) but there's still good aspects and mr ssjokg likes to say "you're delusional" as his excuse while it's a shallow reason itself which is really funny that i actually thought it's a meme. i mean who's here isn't respect others' opinions him or me ? i know that Index III was below your expectations and you have the right to hate it but does it mean you'll force your opinion on others...which is the opposite of respecting the opinions of others. so yeah you got far about it also Deknijff nice reaction photo.
May 17, 2020 9:13 PM

Aug 2009
Ah yes. If you are hating on the production you are forcing your opinion on others. If you excuse every aspect if it you arent.

Amazing logic.

And no we don't want a 100% adaptation. We want a decent one.
May 18, 2020 12:04 AM

Feb 2019
ssjokg said:
RayReynolds said:
woah gentlemen I comment a lot of trash against to Misaka but nobody cares, I casually say one thing about touma that was not even specially bad thing and automatically everyone to defend it. It's not like they retcon, it so it felt like it went backwards on Mikoto's character wasn't something really negative, it just makes it clear that even here she is not the protagonist.

@Nurguburu hypocrite

She isnt the protagonist because someone that has way less screen time than her, in her show, saved her?

What logic is this?

And how did it go backwards on Misaka's character?

It is as bad as it would be to see Naruto (MC) always being rescue by Sakura(for example) and reduced to his basic characteristics like goofy loser, this is worse for Mikoto because she is not a helpless girl, she is a level 5 that as the story establishes they are powerful characters, however when she is close to Touma drains Misaka of her personality. Misaka may be a simple character in terms of personality and ideals but when she's around Touma, she get reduced to tsundere in a one sided crush without much further attraction to Touma as a person rather than the ideal that it makes her look bad compared to what they let Touma get away with.
May 18, 2020 12:22 AM

Aug 2009
RayReynolds said:
ssjokg said:

She isnt the protagonist because someone that has way less screen time than her, in her show, saved her?

What logic is this?

And how did it go backwards on Misaka's character?

It is as bad as it would be to see Naruto (MC) always being rescue by Sakura(for example) and reduced to his basic characteristics like goofy loser, this is worse for Mikoto because she is not a helpless girl, she is a level 5 that as the story establishes they are powerful characters, however when she is close to Touma drains Misaka of her personality. Misaka may be a simple character in terms of personality and ideals but when she's around Touma, she get reduced to tsundere in a one sided crush without much further attraction to Touma as a person rather than the ideal that it makes her look bad compared to what they let Touma get away with.

Well lucky for her that none of that was true in this arc or the Sisters arc.

Just because any character is strong it doesn't mean that they cant be turned helpless by some stronger antagonist. And in this case it was a smarter antagonist that is partially responsible for how their powers work.

Also, Touma may have fought Accelerator in last season but it was Misaka and the Sisters that saved his ass.

Here Touma wouldn't have been able to do shit if Gunha, Misaki and Misaka' s friends didnt help.

Touma also cant do shit when he is alone in his own series. He gets his ass saved again and again by Misaka, Index, Misaki, Tsuchimikado, Kanzaki, and every other character that is on his side or share the same enemy.

It is pretty bad when you willingly ignore the entire story just to talk shit about the characters.
ssjokgMay 18, 2020 5:48 AM
May 18, 2020 3:16 AM

May 2014
God I love this anime so much. That Touma reveal was crazy.

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