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Oct 30, 2019 8:31 AM
Dec 2015
I want to know how you guys understood the ending, and just general thoughts on the movie's story.

The "plot twist": the scene where Naomi wakes up in a hospital bed only to find a grown up Ruri and the ALLTALE crew around him.

What I understood from this scene is that Naomi was the one in coma all along. During the firework festival, he was the one hit by the lightning- because of the wound on his back.

At first I thought the wound was a side effect of him accessing the ALLTALE technology but there was a scene in the movie showing that the lower extremities were affected (thus his weak legs). I'm not certain if it ONLY affects the lower extremities or if it damages other parts of his body too BUT if we assume it was the former then the back wounds can only be from the lightning strike (he's extremely lucky he's still alive).

The first half of the movie was him trying to go back 10 years back via the "ALLTALE" when he infact was IN the ALLTALE (?). When he "succeeded" in bringing "Ruri" back, the "real" ALLTALE security system triggered trying to get rid of him. I also interpreted this as Ruri (in the real world) trying to get him to wake up. This does imply that maybe he's been inside ALLTALE for the last 10 years, based on the short montage of him learning about the ALLTALE staff and all that jazz.

So basically the whole movie is inside his head- trying to go "back in time" via the ALLTALE to save Ruri from the lightning strike when it fact he was the one hit by it. The ALLTALE tech was trying to delete HIM specifically and not the younger Naomi because he was the one that didn't really belong.

In "real world" he was actually the one being cared for.... and they're on the moon.

TL;DR: He was the one hit by lightning and all of the movie was just his dream.

That was how I interpreted it. I still don't fully understand the whole thing so I apologize if it was repetitive and/or incoherent; I just wanted to get my thoughts out.

What are your thoughts? How did you understand it? Did you like it or no?
fatiqsue_Oct 30, 2019 8:36 AM
Nov 3, 2019 3:17 AM
Nov 2019
I will discuss the plot using 3 different terms for the timelines: real - the real world, false - the timeline where ichigyo (the girl) gets comatosed and "past" - the world 10 years prior "false"

In the real world, Katagaya was the one struck by lightning and then comatosed. To help him be a working functional part of society instead of a 16 year old, he was put in a scenario where Ichigyo was the one comatosed - the false world.

In this false world, the main objective was to create a 26 year old Katagaya that is a functional member of society (an ALLTALE staff) and contained the parameter that made Katagaya himself, selfless, hence why he protected Ichigyo in the real world. Here, he goes into the past world to fix the false Ichigyo.

The whole point of the movie was for Katagaya to let go of the past and be the same man that Ichigyo loved which is "selfless". This was the main characterization.

However, the movie sort of clunked it up because
a) the focus was on a premature romance, like just the start of a relationship,

b) the focus was on the past Katagaya too much instead of the false Katagaya,

c) the stakes were not established, the stakes (I think) were that false Katagaya could have been braindead since he was "real"

and d) there was literally 1 scene in the real world.

Note that "selfless" may not be the right adjective here, maybe decisive since that was his character flaw but idk.
Nov 9, 2019 3:49 AM
Jan 2019
I really don't understand the whole plot twist but I first thought future Naomi was sent to the moon because of his contribution in ALLTALE and treated there until their company get bigger that they can operate in the moon and Ruri had wakened up and she tried to save Naomi after she herds Naomi tried to save her that's why he was in that situation/condition and work in ALLTALE to save him

well again I don't really understand so this is only my theory
Nov 22, 2019 3:49 AM
Jul 2016
Disciple_Cross said:

b) the focus was on the past Katagaya too much instead of the false Katagaya,

c) the stakes were not established, the stakes (I think) were that false Katagaya could have been braindead since he was "real"

To be fair, maybe that's why the director created a spinoff series, Another World. Though I haven't watched it, the description hints more about the fake Katagaya's background.

Honestly, I hope they expose a bit more about the real Katagaya as well so we have the whole picture.
Apr 10, 2020 6:24 AM

Nov 2019
The movie pulled a Null Peta
Apr 10, 2020 3:00 PM

Apr 2015
hacker09 said:
Anoo-Domini said:
I really don't understand the whole plot twist but I first thought future Naomi was sent to the moon because of his contribution in ALLTALE and treated there until their company get bigger that they can operate in the moon and Ruri had wakened up and she tried to save Naomi after she herds Naomi tried to save her that's why he was in that situation/condition and work in ALLTALE to save him

well again I don't really understand so this is only my theory

Do you know where I can find this movie?

you can watch it on k*ssan*me (replace the asterisks with i's)

Although we part as I leave for Inaba,
where pines grow on the moutain peaks
If I am to hear that you pine for me
I shall come back to you again
Hyakunin Isshu (小倉百人一首):
Poem #16 "Tachiwakare"
Apr 10, 2020 3:04 PM

Dec 2019
gekkouka said:
hacker09 said:

Do you know where I can find this movie?

you can watch it on k*ssan*me (replace the asterisks with i's)

Nice,thank you so much! It's already there and I didn't know...
Apr 10, 2020 7:38 PM

Sep 2019
Well, i think you know who the bird was, and maybe they literally made him a new "soul" with the machine they have like the "fake Katagaya" did in the "matrix", they made him relive his life... probably, so he could rebuild his brian to get to the affection to level to 100% with her, so they can export his brain to the real person, morally questionable in most people's morals, you might have a happy ending but at the end of the day the original guy indeed died, and they got a replica of his brain to replace him, trully something questionable if its good or not, but after all the "hero" of this story was a tragic one from the start, being blind to whatever was going in counter of his selfishness because he lost the only person he loved, instead of moving on, they just kept going to get each other back.

This over obsession isn't healthy, he never learnt to understand where to stop, to respect the death, this reminds me of the character that Willem Dafoe portrayed in beyond two souls, he wanted his family back so he literally made a portal to the afterlife to get their souls back even tho they didn't want to be back, or Kimping on Spiderverse that is the same idea but instead taking his family from other dimension or with Astroboy by the scientist who wanted his son back but he just couldn't build him, etc. you understand the point, its not a new concept. But, the "false Katagaya" overcame his tragic blindness and finally had his lucid moment when he understood this person he fabricated isn't the one he loved for real, and the one he loved isn't really replicable, but the story instead of ending like a good ol' greek tragedy, it ended in the middle part of a story with our tragic hero dying after realizing he fucked up, but it didn't end like that but instead it ended in the part the kid Katagaya (i think?) woke up to the adult body in the same situation Ruri did, so he either has the existential crisis Ruri had (really unlikely but without the world recreating itself like its xenoblade chronicles) or they have the most fucked up happily ever after, a tragedy with a ending but with the characters being happy instead of living miserably (which is morally questionable giving the fact they probably made him a new "soul" like "false Katagaya" did with Ruri), but i think is the second option, they live happily ever after because our premature teen romance is bigger than anything you could understand, my love is so big i will commit crimes against humanity to get you back because our love overcomes any barrier and I'm defiantly not obsessive type of ending, idk i like more the option where our MC has the same problem his little gf had when she got imported into the "real one".

Really fucked up ending if they did make him a new brain, i prefer to think that because it makes it more interesting, making me think there is a second part where the whole situation shows how fucked up it to do something like that. But if its a situation like that one on Futurama (that probably was based from somewhere else) where Lilla wanted Fry back after he died but at the end of the ep it was actually her the one dying and Fry did survive, so he waited every day alongside her bed like a """"simp"""" every day begging her to wake up it would be boring for me.
Apr 10, 2020 9:45 PM

May 2015
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main(){

int score = 10;
std::cout << "HELLO WORLD is a " << score << "/10 Anime!\n";

if (score == 10) {
else {

Apr 11, 2020 1:32 AM

Oct 2017
This is what the last plot twist meant.

At the last scene Naomi woke up and Ruri hugged him. This happened in the real world and not in grown up Naomi's data world.

In real world Naomi was the one who was in coma and Ruri used alltale to bring him back. It's not specifiq how Naomi became brain dead in real world but we can take a guess from the entire stuff that happened in the data world. It's most likely that he was the one who was struck by that lightning and ended up in coma in the real world. Then Ruri used alltale in real world to bring him back like how grown up Naomi used it in the data world to bring back Ruri.

YggdraSEED said:
The movie pulled a Null Peta
True XD.
Apr 11, 2020 3:58 AM

Jan 2009
ye your interpretation makes sense

im just gonna say that the real world (or base reality) old Ruri (aka the crow bird) save the simulated young Naomi and simulated young Ruri and give them a new simulated universe (within one of the simulated universe) where they can live good

Apr 11, 2020 8:11 AM
Jun 2016
After watching the movie with the 3 spin off, now I think I can safely believe it is Ichigyou who got struck by lighting.

from my understanding the timeline should be like this

1. Real Naomi date with Ichigyou then she got struck by lightning at the festival and went into comatose state

2. Real Naomi finds about ALLTALE and deeply involved with the project. He then tries to extract Ichigyou record from the past. While attempting he then finally made to the past (2027) but at the same time put himself into comatose state.

3. Everything went like the first half of the movie and at the same time Ichigyou wakes up in the Real World, finding that Real Naomi is in comatose (His mind is not in sync with the body) she then become involved with the ALLTALE project then diving to the past as the bird and probably meet the recorded version of Real Naomi a.k.a Adult Naomi(2037) before the Adult Naomi leap to the past (2027).

4. As the movie progress Adult Naomi in 2037 realize that he too in the ALLTALE not in the real world at the same time Ichigyou as the bird bring the Young Naomi to the Adult Naomi world to solve various problem (the plot to sync Naomi mind with the real one so the Real Naomi can wake up)

5. All went well and finally Real Naomi recovered as shown at the ending scene

Well this my take and may still have plot holes but hopefully helps
Apr 11, 2020 5:38 PM

Nov 2018
As shown in the movie, Noami probably got that scar during the process of reviving Ruri. Ruri in the original world did get hit by the lightning and Naomi was trying to get her back. Although he did Revive her back, but it probably effected his brain and caused him to go to coma for a long period of time.
Apr 11, 2020 8:38 PM
May 2009
In the end, everyone got a happy ending.
Apr 12, 2020 11:02 AM
Mar 2017
so did the two Naomis merge? Where did the kid naomi go?
Apr 12, 2020 3:38 PM

Sep 2013
I liked this movie-and honestly think it could have been a 10/10 steins;gate-level masterpiece- but it left me with too many questions- Here's what I got : I don't really understand the plot twist, and I think your theory makes a lot of sense, but after watching the spinoff it makes it seem like it was really Ruri who was in a coma all along and Naomi spent his time studying and working to bring her back, then in the movie it shows how he did it and succeeded in bringing Ruri back, BUT then it doesn't really work out because the system tries to erase the duplicates so 26 y/o Naomi sacrifices himself so young Naomi and Ruri in adult Ruri body can return to the original world of 2027 (?) so in 2036 not only is Ruri no longer there but Naomi also dies and Young Naomi and Ruri return to another world where the system will not try to erase Ruri due to the Professor turning off ALLTALE (?) I will keep watching this thread to see everyone's theories an explanations bc I REALLY want to see if anyone can make the plot twist make sense :/

Apr 16, 2020 5:39 PM

Dec 2019
Disciple_Cross said:
I will discuss the plot using 3 different terms for the timelines: real - the real world, false - the timeline where ichigyo (the girl) gets comatosed and "past" - the world 10 years prior "false"

In the real world, Katagaya was the one struck by lightning and then comatosed. To help him be a working functional part of society instead of a 16 year old, he was put in a scenario where Ichigyo was the one comatosed - the false world.

In this false world, the main objective was to create a 26 year old Katagaya that is a functional member of society (an ALLTALE staff) and contained the parameter that made Katagaya himself, selfless, hence why he protected Ichigyo in the real world. Here, he goes into the past world to fix the false Ichigyo.

The whole point of the movie was for Katagaya to let go of the past and be the same man that Ichigyo loved which is "selfless". This was the main characterization.

However, the movie sort of clunked it up because
a) the focus was on a premature romance, like just the start of a relationship,

b) the focus was on the past Katagaya too much instead of the false Katagaya,

c) the stakes were not established, the stakes (I think) were that false Katagaya could have been braindead since he was "real"

and d) there was literally 1 scene in the real world.

Note that "selfless" may not be the right adjective here, maybe decisive since that was his character flaw but idk.

Bro, I loved you theory, it's a good one "with happy ending", I also totally agree with everything you said (if your theory is true!)
Apr 16, 2020 5:41 PM

Dec 2019
keithmaxx said:
Disciple_Cross said:

b) the focus was on the past Katagaya too much instead of the false Katagaya,

c) the stakes were not established, the stakes (I think) were that false Katagaya could have been braindead since he was "real"

To be fair, maybe that's why the director created a spinoff series, Another World. Though I haven't watched it, the description hints more about the fake Katagaya's background.

Honestly, I hope they expose a bit more about the real Katagaya as well so we have the whole picture.

I really expect that these spin-offs explain these questions that everyone had

This movie is really similar to Steins gate and to Sword Art Online (that also really similar to Shichisei no Subaru).
It's similar to steins gate because they go back and forward from future to past, and there are a lot of worlds and paradoxes, this kind of makes the movie hard to undertand, but I love this kind of movie!
This movie is also similar to SAO because it's like a couple being together inside a game, everything is possible, even ilogical things in the real world.


1 Did the kid version of Naomi Katagaki deleted his future Naomi Katagaki version?

2 Why did they appear on the moon? (this didn't seem to be something happening inside someone's mind!)

3 So actually the movie showed in the end that Ruri Ichigyou was alive during these 10 years, and because she loves Naomi Katagaki she was the one that tried to synchronize his mind and body, instead of being the opposite? (Actually the whole movie (Except for the end) shows that Naomi Katagaki is the one trying to "Save" Ruri Ichigyou)

If my 3 question is true (Ruri Ichigyou was trying to save Naomi Katagaki AND NOT THE OPPOSITE)
4 Did Naomi Katagaki took the lightning instead of Ruri Ichigyoui?

who was as the crow? (I was thinking that was the own system, but this doesn't make sense), the theory about this question in It's really good and nice, but I'm not sure if it's true...

also on in "1.4) what are they doing on the moon?", his theory is good too, but I'm not sure if it's true...

There's this link about the ending theory too, but it's useless
hacker09Apr 16, 2020 6:01 PM
Apr 16, 2020 9:14 PM
AhMeiZing #1000

Sep 2007
Syliph said:
After watching the movie with the 3 spin off, now I think I can safely believe it is Ichigyou who got struck by lighting.

from my understanding the timeline should be like this

1. Real Naomi date with Ichigyou then she got struck by lightning at the festival and went into comatose state

2. Real Naomi finds about ALLTALE and deeply involved with the project. He then tries to extract Ichigyou record from the past. While attempting he then finally made to the past (2027) but at the same time put himself into comatose state.

3. Everything went like the first half of the movie and at the same time Ichigyou wakes up in the Real World, finding that Real Naomi is in comatose (His mind is not in sync with the body) she then become involved with the ALLTALE project then diving to the past as the bird and probably meet the recorded version of Real Naomi a.k.a Adult Naomi(2037) before the Adult Naomi leap to the past (2027).

4. As the movie progress Adult Naomi in 2037 realize that he too in the ALLTALE not in the real world at the same time Ichigyou as the bird bring the Young Naomi to the Adult Naomi world to solve various problem (the plot to sync Naomi mind with the real one so the Real Naomi can wake up)

5. All went well and finally Real Naomi recovered as shown at the ending scene

Well this my take and may still have plot holes but hopefully helps

I think this might be the best theory on it
I viewed it as some Mind body and Soul

As him teaching young him, was building the mind

when he sacrifices in the end, the body

and I guess his initial lov for her was the soul?
Behold a work of art made in Paint on Windows XP in 2007

too lazy to update these
Apr 25, 2020 7:50 PM

Jan 2020
I think the most plausible explanation is that the real world is the one where they live in the Moon. There's no way the repair programs would simply jump out of the computer in real life. Even the protagonist (older) said that when they suddenly appeared at the hospital. There are some hints for that conclusion is that the girl's body never aged while she was in a coma. When the protagonist woke up in the Moon he was visibly older. The crow was also traversing between both worlds.
May 2, 2020 3:52 PM

May 2019
Guys, dont fall in the Lost paradox. Sometimes, the author is not hiding an incredible secret about the plot, but just want to show you exactly (not more neither less) what you watched.

- Naomi thanks to Sensei Naomi, found will power, love and learned important lessons...

then he also helped the Naomi Sensei to also realize about himself and learn important lessons...

and finally, all that was a system to recover the real life Naomi's mind and soul...

operated by the woman who loved (and was loved by) him, the Ex-machina crow Ruri.

That is what we see, and its good enough.

In fact it really fits a Black Mirror episode.
Rob7May 2, 2020 4:03 PM
May 11, 2020 2:46 AM

Apr 2020
I love this movie very much. Today I thought about the plot again. Many people on the Internet say that there are three worlds in total. In the real world, elder Naomi died to protect Ruri. In virtual world 1, elder Naomi went through virtual world 2 to guide younger Naomi in order to save Ruri who died ten years ago. When Naomi successfully took Ruri to virtual world 1, Ruri's remained the same as it was ten years ago. But why did Naomi in the real world wake up as his body would be what it was ten years later? If Ruri had been saved ten years ago, his body would have been what it was ten years ago.

So I guess that it was still Ruri who died that day in the real world. Naomi spent ten years learning technology to save Ruri, and finally saved her. However, the technology at that time was still insufficient, so Tom couldn't go back to the real world. In the real world, Tom died when Ruri woke up, which can explain why Tom's body looked like ten years later.

In this way, the real world timeline is:
① 16-year-old Ruri died, and Naomi kept learning technology during the ten-year period.
② Ten years later, 26-year-old Naomi saved Ruri. However, due to the lack of technology, he died (could not go back to the real world).
③ At this time, Ruri (16-year-old body) also kept learning technology. It is estimated that it will take almost another ten years, when technology is developing fast and people can return to the real world from the virtual world safely. Ruri (26-years-old body), disguised as a crow to save Naomi, entered the virtual world 1 (the reproduction of the real world ten years ago, when Ruri died twenty years ago), and then went through the space to the virtual world 2 twenty years ago with Naomi.
④ In the virtual world 2, Ruri's soul was synchronized to the virtual world 1, before this the crow (the real world's Ruri) did not speak. As part of her plan, she did not interfere with what happens in the real world. Later, she took the initiative to speak and guided Naomi into the virtual world 2 and these things would finally lead to Naomi's self sacrifice, which was the heart of her plan. In this way, we can give an explanation to the crow why there were three worlds rather than two worlds, why the crows didn't talk before but talked after.
⑤ And we can see that in the real world Naomi woke up with a shock. It can be inferred that Naomi's soul was synchronized to the real world. Both sides have had a decade of hard work trying to save each other and they should deserve a happy ending!

May 11, 2020 8:58 AM

Dec 2019
GavinHon said:
I love this movie very much. Today I thought about the plot again. Many people on the Internet say that there are three worlds in total. In the real world, elder Naomi died to protect Ruri. In virtual world 1, elder Naomi went through virtual world 2 to guide younger Naomi in order to save Ruri who died ten years ago. When Naomi successfully took Ruri to virtual world 1, Ruri's remained the same as it was ten years ago. But why did Naomi in the real world wake up as his body would be what it was ten years later? If Ruri had been saved ten years ago, his body would have been what it was ten years ago.

So I guess that it was still Ruri who died that day in the real world. Naomi spent ten years learning technology to save Ruri, and finally saved her. However, the technology at that time was still insufficient, so Tom couldn't go back to the real world. In the real world, Tom died when Ruri woke up, which can explain why Tom's body looked like ten years later.

In this way, the real world timeline is:
① 16-year-old Ruri died, and Naomi kept learning technology during the ten-year period.
② Ten years later, 26-year-old Naomi saved Ruri. However, due to the lack of technology, he died (could not go back to the real world).
③ At this time, Ruri (16-year-old body) also kept learning technology. It is estimated that it will take almost another ten years, when technology is developing fast and people can return to the real world from the virtual world safely. Ruri (26-years-old body), disguised as a crow to save Naomi, entered the virtual world 1 (the reproduction of the real world ten years ago, when Ruri died twenty years ago), and then went through the space to the virtual world 2 twenty years ago with Naomi.
④ In the virtual world 2, Ruri's soul was synchronized to the virtual world 1, before this the crow (the real world's Ruri) did not speak. As part of her plan, she did not interfere with what happens in the real world. Later, she took the initiative to speak and guided Naomi into the virtual world 2 and these things would finally lead to Naomi's self sacrifice, which was the heart of her plan. In this way, we can give an explanation to the crow why there were three worlds rather than two worlds, why the crows didn't talk before but talked after.
⑤ And we can see that in the real world Naomi woke up with a shock. It can be inferred that Naomi's soul was synchronized to the real world. Both sides have had a decade of hard work trying to save each other and they should deserve a happy ending!

1 the kid version of himself,seems to hate his old version,because they are both fightin for the same girl,so when they were fightin with the "huge boss",he killed his old version to safe himself and his loved girl,this creates a paradox,if he killed himself he would not exist in the future or something like that...

2 I love to talk about time travelling, but this kind of conversation is really complex too,so you're saying that there are 3 world right? the one the girl dies, the one that his future version save the girl and dies and the 3 world where the saved girl tried and succeed to save the future version of the boy that saved her?
if I got it right,then maybe your theory makes sense.

3 I will try to explain what said, just to make sure that I got it right ok?

if I got it right, we are still talking about 3 different worlds right? both of them in different times/ages. In the 1 world the kid tried tried to learn about tech just because he liked it. In the 2 world, his old version from the future tries to save the girl, but he dies because technology at his future time wasn't good enough, so that's basically why he died and why his future also ended up becoming part of the "mega computer". In the 3 world, the girl as saved and he died inside the game a long time ago,so the girl with the technology of her future (far better than the old version guy future), was able to save him.

If I got your theory right, this really makes sense.

4 What you said about the cows and 3 worlds makes sense, so just to make sure of what you said, you're confirming that "Naomi Katagaki took the lightning instead of Ruri Ichigyoui"?

also on in "1.4) what are they doing on the moon?", his theory is good too, but I'm not sure if it's true... DO YOU agree with his theory?
May 11, 2020 1:05 PM

Apr 2020
hacker09 said:

1 the kid version of himself,seems to hate his old version,because they are both fightin for the same girl,so when they were fightin with the "huge boss",he killed his old version to safe himself and his loved girl,this creates a paradox,if he killed himself he would not exist in the future or something like that...

2 I love to talk about time travelling, but this kind of conversation is really complex too,so you're saying that there are 3 world right? the one the girl dies, the one that his future version save the girl and dies and the 3 world where the saved girl tried and succeed to save the future version of the boy that saved her?
if I got it right,then maybe your theory makes sense.

3 I will try to explain what said, just to make sure that I got it right ok?

if I got it right, we are still talking about 3 different worlds right? both of them in different times/ages. In the 1 world the kid tried tried to learn about tech just because he liked it. In the 2 world, his old version from the future tries to save the girl, but he dies because technology at his future time wasn't good enough, so that's basically why he died and why his future also ended up becoming part of the "mega computer". In the 3 world, the girl as saved and he died inside the game a long time ago,so the girl with the technology of her future (far better than the old version guy future), was able to save him.

If I got your theory right, this really makes sense.

4 What you said about the cows and 3 worlds makes sense, so just to make sure of what you said, you're confirming that "Naomi Katagaki took the lightning instead of Ruri Ichigyoui"?

also on in "1.4) what are they doing on the moon?", his theory is good too, but I'm not sure if it's true... DO YOU agree with his theory?

To make sure my theory makes sense, I played back to the scene where the kid version of Ruri was trapped in a container. The future version of Naomi said that in his world Ruri was not dead, but brain-dead. What he said puzzled me so I checked on the Internet. Although a brain-dead person may still have heartbeat, it is different from people in a vegetative state. In fact, it is equivalent to death. So now that one's dead, his body doesn't grow, but we can obviously see that RW Naomi woke up with an adult body.

And I saw the theory you gave me. Referring to his noun explanation, I also use the noun mentioned by him.

The three worlds:
① RW: the real world that we can see it in the end of the movie. People can repair a person's consciousness in RW by diving into AT1 and making his/her soul synchronized to RW.
② AT1: ALL TALE 1, a copy of RW. The world where the future version of Naomi live. People can repair a person's consciousness in AT1 by diving into AT2 and making his/her soul synchronized to AT1.
③ AT2: ALL TALE 2, a copy of AT1. The world where the kid version of Naomi live. People can repair ……

And you can see they are infinitely nested just like programming.

Based on this, I have the same idea with him. That is to say, RW Naomi didn't take the lightning instead of RW Ruri. RW Ruri was indeed brain-dead because she took the lightning. RW Naomi did bring the consciousness of AT Ruri back to RW Ruri, but he couldn't come back and finally became brain-dead (Because it can be seen from Naomi's numerous failed experiments and spinal cord injuries that this technology was still quite immature and even gave people life-threatening side affect). RW Ruri who woke up after RW Naomi was dead knew everything, then took over the previous research of RW Naomi and wanted to bring him back in the same way. The difference is that the technology at that time had been improved and she used a safer way to save him (Maybe the scene on the moon can show that the human technology at that time was great and people could live on the moon).

Why do I have this idea? Because I have seen the movie and the three publicity films. Then combined with the setting of the movie, the original intention of ALLTALE is to record everything that happened, which can not affect the real world or create a new history. Moreover, in the publicity films, the description of the university period and research period is too detailed. It is so real and I don't think it is the memory created on purpose by someone.

What's more, the crow at the beginning didn't speak. Why did it suddenly open its mouth when it appeared in front of the kid version of Naomi again? I don't think it's the same crow. In the other words, it's not the crow that RW Naomi brought to save RW Ruri, but that RW Ruri pretended to be to enter AT1 world in order to save RW Naomi. AT1 Naomi, who thought that AT1 world was the real world, took crow Ruri to AT2, and crow Ruri intentionally didn't speak in the process. At first, RW Naomi only considered the performance and didn't add too many additional functions such as voice function to the crow. After he died, RW Ruri who knew everything especially the crow, knew how the story would go in AT1 (a copy of RW) and disguised as a crow to help AT1 Naomi. And because the crow is herself, she could finally speak and guided AT2 Naomi to fight against the system and save AT1 Naomi whose soul had the possibility of being synchronized to RW Naomi.

And as for "1.4) what are they doing on the moon?" "my theory is that Ruri wanted to avoid the feedback of her diving into AllTale be recorded by Alltale" you mentioned at last, I think it is just because the technology at the time improved a lot. After all, it is 2037 or 2047. And I don't agree that RW would be recovered by ALLTALE, because RW has no monsters (system program). Only ATs have them, and you can see why AT1 Naomi was shocked when the monsters appeared, because he thought he was in RW where there was no monster.
Tomoe_HotaruMay 11, 2020 1:29 PM

May 11, 2020 9:55 PM

Apr 2020
hacker09 said:
1 the kid version of himself,seems to hate his old version,because they are both fightin for the same girl,so when they were fightin with the "huge boss",he killed his old version to safe himself and his loved girl,this creates a paradox,if he killed himself he would not exist in the future or something like that...

2 I love to talk about time travelling, but this kind of conversation is really complex too,so you're saying that there are 3 world right? the one the girl dies, the one that his future version save the girl and dies and the 3 world where the saved girl tried and succeed to save the future version of the boy that saved her?
if I got it right,then maybe your theory makes sense.

It's not a time travel. In short, it's made up of three parallel worlds. Each world has the same people and the same events, but they are differentiated by levels, not three of the same levels. RW, of course, is the highest level, which can affect all the lower level worlds. It has a sub world, AT1.

And AT1 has a sub world AT2 too, so AT1 can affect at2, but it can not affect RW. AT2 Naomi can jump out of AT2 to AT1 because of crow Ruri (the highest level). AT1 Naomi, of course, can jump out of AT2 and go back to AT1 (he is originally in AT1), but because of the immature technology at that time, he has the possibility of being unable to go back. At that time, maybe crow Ruri made him go back to AT1 safely.

May 12, 2020 5:43 AM

Dec 2019
GavinHon said:
hacker09 said:

1 the kid version of himself,seems to hate his old version,because they are both fightin for the same girl,so when they were fightin with the "huge boss",he killed his old version to safe himself and his loved girl,this creates a paradox,if he killed himself he would not exist in the future or something like that...

2 I love to talk about time travelling, but this kind of conversation is really complex too,so you're saying that there are 3 world right? the one the girl dies, the one that his future version save the girl and dies and the 3 world where the saved girl tried and succeed to save the future version of the boy that saved her?
if I got it right,then maybe your theory makes sense.

3 I will try to explain what said, just to make sure that I got it right ok?

if I got it right, we are still talking about 3 different worlds right? both of them in different times/ages. In the 1 world the kid tried tried to learn about tech just because he liked it. In the 2 world, his old version from the future tries to save the girl, but he dies because technology at his future time wasn't good enough, so that's basically why he died and why his future also ended up becoming part of the "mega computer". In the 3 world, the girl as saved and he died inside the game a long time ago,so the girl with the technology of her future (far better than the old version guy future), was able to save him.

If I got your theory right, this really makes sense.

4 What you said about the cows and 3 worlds makes sense, so just to make sure of what you said, you're confirming that "Naomi Katagaki took the lightning instead of Ruri Ichigyoui"?

also on in "1.4) what are they doing on the moon?", his theory is good too, but I'm not sure if it's true... DO YOU agree with his theory?

To make sure my theory makes sense, I played back to the scene where the kid version of Ruri was trapped in a container. The future version of Naomi said that in his world Ruri was not dead, but brain-dead. What he said puzzled me so I checked on the Internet. Although a brain-dead person may still have heartbeat, it is different from people in a vegetative state. In fact, it is equivalent to death. So now that one's dead, his body doesn't grow, but we can obviously see that RW Naomi woke up with an adult body.

And I saw the theory you gave me. Referring to his noun explanation, I also use the noun mentioned by him.

The three worlds:
① RW: the real world that we can see it in the end of the movie. People can repair a person's consciousness in RW by diving into AT1 and making his/her soul synchronized to RW.
② AT1: ALL TALE 1, a copy of RW. The world where the future version of Naomi live. People can repair a person's consciousness in AT1 by diving into AT2 and making his/her soul synchronized to AT1.
③ AT2: ALL TALE 2, a copy of AT1. The world where the kid version of Naomi live. People can repair ……

And you can see they are infinitely nested just like programming.

Based on this, I have the same idea with him. That is to say, RW Naomi didn't take the lightning instead of RW Ruri. RW Ruri was indeed brain-dead because she took the lightning. RW Naomi did bring the consciousness of AT Ruri back to RW Ruri, but he couldn't come back and finally became brain-dead (Because it can be seen from Naomi's numerous failed experiments and spinal cord injuries that this technology was still quite immature and even gave people life-threatening side affect). RW Ruri who woke up after RW Naomi was dead knew everything, then took over the previous research of RW Naomi and wanted to bring him back in the same way. The difference is that the technology at that time had been improved and she used a safer way to save him (Maybe the scene on the moon can show that the human technology at that time was great and people could live on the moon).

Why do I have this idea? Because I have seen the movie and the three publicity films. Then combined with the setting of the movie, the original intention of ALLTALE is to record everything that happened, which can not affect the real world or create a new history. Moreover, in the publicity films, the description of the university period and research period is too detailed. It is so real and I don't think it is the memory created on purpose by someone.

What's more, the crow at the beginning didn't speak. Why did it suddenly open its mouth when it appeared in front of the kid version of Naomi again? I don't think it's the same crow. In the other words, it's not the crow that RW Naomi brought to save RW Ruri, but that RW Ruri pretended to be to enter AT1 world in order to save RW Naomi. AT1 Naomi, who thought that AT1 world was the real world, took crow Ruri to AT2, and crow Ruri intentionally didn't speak in the process. At first, RW Naomi only considered the performance and didn't add too many additional functions such as voice function to the crow. After he died, RW Ruri who knew everything especially the crow, knew how the story would go in AT1 (a copy of RW) and disguised as a crow to help AT1 Naomi. And because the crow is herself, she could finally speak and guided AT2 Naomi to fight against the system and save AT1 Naomi whose soul had the possibility of being synchronized to RW Naomi.

And as for "1.4) what are they doing on the moon?" "my theory is that Ruri wanted to avoid the feedback of her diving into AllTale be recorded by Alltale" you mentioned at last, I think it is just because the technology at the time improved a lot. After all, it is 2037 or 2047. And I don't agree that RW would be recovered by ALLTALE, because RW has no monsters (system program). Only ATs have them, and you can see why AT1 Naomi was shocked when the monsters appeared, because he thought he was in RW where there was no monster.

WOW,thank you so much for replying me again!
Your theory makes so much sense!
I will accept your theory in my heart!

According to your theory of 3 worlds,the movie becomes even coolest than when I watched it once a while ago,I've also watched the three ONAS, but when I watched them I just thought that they showed a lot of things that the movie didn't show,but that everything was not important at all. Now with your theory, I was finally able to get the point of them,that's now I think that is just to show that the RW has better tech than the AT's worlds.

Got it! But I love animes that are about parallel worlds too,it's similar to time travelling, actually in the beginning of the movie,everyone thinks that it's all about time travelling...

haha,gosh,the ideia of sub worlds are so nice kk,I laughed.

Know I got all of your points, thanks for helping me out,your theory will probably help a lof ot other people too,I hope so!
May 12, 2020 7:46 AM

Apr 2020
hacker09 said:
WOW,thank you so much for replying me again!
Your theory makes so much sense!
I will accept your theory in my heart!

According to your theory of 3 worlds,the movie becomes even coolest than when I watched it once a while ago,I've also watched the three ONAS, but when I watched them I just thought that they showed a lot of things that the movie didn't show,but that everything was not important at all. Now with your theory, I was finally able to get the point of them,that's now I think that is just to show that the RW has better tech than the AT's worlds.

Got it! But I love animes that are about parallel worlds too,it's similar to time travelling, actually in the beginning of the movie,everyone thinks that it's all about time travelling...

haha,gosh,the ideia of sub worlds are so nice kk,I laughed.

Know I got all of your points, thanks for helping me out,your theory will probably help a lof ot other people too,I hope so!

Haha, I also like this kind of animes. In fact, I like to think about the foreshadowings and mysteries in animes. This movie is just related to the parallel world, so I tried my best to figure out the whole timeline, and I am glad that you can accept my theory. (^v^)

May 12, 2020 2:39 PM

Dec 2019
GavinHon said:
hacker09 said:
WOW,thank you so much for replying me again!
Your theory makes so much sense!
I will accept your theory in my heart!

According to your theory of 3 worlds,the movie becomes even coolest than when I watched it once a while ago,I've also watched the three ONAS, but when I watched them I just thought that they showed a lot of things that the movie didn't show,but that everything was not important at all. Now with your theory, I was finally able to get the point of them,that's now I think that is just to show that the RW has better tech than the AT's worlds.

Got it! But I love animes that are about parallel worlds too,it's similar to time travelling, actually in the beginning of the movie,everyone thinks that it's all about time travelling...

haha,gosh,the ideia of sub worlds are so nice kk,I laughed.

Know I got all of your points, thanks for helping me out,your theory will probably help a lof ot other people too,I hope so!

Haha, I also like this kind of animes. In fact, I like to think about the foreshadowings and mysteries in animes. This movie is just related to the parallel world, so I tried my best to figure out the whole timeline, and I am glad that you can accept my theory. (^v^)

Your are welcome,thank you again!
May 13, 2020 10:38 PM

Mar 2012
I just finished watching Hello World and Another World, and the way I made sense of the plot is that there were three layers of reality.

1. The real world that we saw a very brief glance of at the end when Real Naomi reunites with Real Ruri.

2. The first Alltale layer that Copy Naomi thought was the real world, and where he tried to use Alltale Ruri to bring back Copy Ruri.

3. The second Alltale layer with Alltale Naomi and Alltale Ruri.

The story began with Real Ruri and Real Naomi falling in love in the real world. Everything occurred as Copy Naomi knew in the future diary he carried with him to the second Alltale layer. Except Real Naomi was the one who was struck by lightning, likely as he tried to save Real Ruri.

Real Naomi then entered a coma/became brain dead. To revive him, Real Ruri went through all that Copy Naomi thought he went through in layer 1--finding out about the possibility of bringing someone's consciousness back by injecting nearly identical electronic data derived from Alltale into the person's brain and then becoming an assistant to the professor at Alltale. To do that for Real Naomi, a Copy Naomi was placed into Alltale. But Real Ruri decided that it was not good enough to replicate their high school life to bring back Real Naomi. This is perhaps because of the issue we observed later on when Alltale Ruri was brought to layer 1--Real Naomi brought back as his high school self may not be able to function as an adult. Instead, she thought it was a good idea for Copy Naomi to experience the flipside of what happened. Thus, Copy Naomi, an adult, was made to believe he could bring back Copy Ruri by synchronizing Alltale Ruri with Copy Ruri. Why flipside? I believe this is because so when Copy Naomi is pulled out of layer 1, he would not be pulled from a loved one the way Copy Naomi pulled Alltale Ruri out of layer 2.

After Copy Naomi's plan succeeded, he brought Alltale Ruri from layer 2 to layer 1. This was NOT the right synchronization/outcome that Real Ruri sought from Copy Naomi, however. At the end we were told that the right synchronization involves acting on behalf of someone important, but even if Copy Naomi was acting on behalf of Copy Ruri, he acted selfishly by stripping Alltale Naomi's loved one, and that selfishness was not present when Real Naomi tried to save Real Ruri from the lightning. Then Real Ruri interfered as the crow. We know she is the crow since her voice merged with that of the crow before Real Naomi woke up, and because the crow flashed into Real Naomi's mind when he saw Real Ruri, but it is also NOT clear if Real Ruri directly acted as the crow or if it was a copy of her. Either way, Real Ruri was likely limited in that she couldn't deus ex machina everything. Just as Copy Naomi interfered with only Alltale Naomi and not Alltale Ruri, Real Ruri also likely couldn't interfere with Copy Naomi because the synchronization would not be genuine if so.

So Real Ruri instead interfered through Alltale Naomi. It is NOT clear how clairvoyant Real Ruri is or why she interfered. She may have done this a number of times and knew Alltale Naomi's interference in layer 1 would awaken Copy Naomi's altruistic side, and she may have genuinely just wanted to save Alltale Naomi and Ruri. Of course, there is also the possibility that the crow was not directly controlled and did as it pleased. Either way, once Alltale Ruri and Naomi both appeared in layer 1, the "anti-virus" in layer 1 also surfaced to delete them because they were "excessive" to the real world Alltale machine. Of course, it doesn't make sense for the layer 1 anti-virus to have actually gained form from the layer 1 Alltale machine. Like the anti-virus that appeared in layer 2 from layer 1, I think the correct assumption is that the anti-virus in layer 1 appeared from the real world Alltale machine trying to correct what's excessive in layer 1, which would be Alltale Ruri and Naomi from layer 2.

At the end, Copy Naomi, in sacrificing himself, successfully achieved synchronization and brought back Real Naomi. Again, whether Real Ruri planned this is unclear. And it was possible that Copy Naomi realized that he is also in Alltale when the anti-virus showed up in layer 1--but we can at least assume that in the end his willingness to sacrifice himself was genuine.

During the credits we could see the ending for both layers 1 and 2. In layer 1, Copy Naomi left a note for the professor and his name remained on the wall of the lab (in red, signalling his death). In layer 2, Alltale Naomi and Ruri lived happily ever after. I think the fact that both Alltale layers were still running indicates that Real Ruri and Naomi decided to not shut them down at least for the time being (which I think would be consistent with why Real Ruri decided to place Copy Naomi in a flipped history--she does not view the "life" in Alltale as mere tool). So a good ending for everyone.

Overall, I very much enjoyed the movie and the three separate episodes. They gave us a sweet and genuine love story. The characters were very endearing (I found myself rooting for both Copy and Alltale Naomi by the end), the plot contained just enough twists, and the presentation was pretty superb on multiple fronts. One could also raise a ton of questions regarding the ethics and morals behind the whole scheme--to effectively inject a a new person, however close to the original, into someone who was practically dead. Fortunately we may not have to face this question in our lifetimes.

Finally, Hello World was not on my radar at all so it was a bit of accident that I even picked it up, but boy am I glad I did. What a wonderful piece.
zannettMay 14, 2020 5:53 PM
May 14, 2020 1:40 AM

Apr 2020
@zannett Hey friend, I read your theory, and let me gather all the things slowly.

Real Ruri and Real Naomi loved each other in the real world. One day Naomi was hit by lightning and became brain-dead. Then Real Ruri became a member of the laboratory in order to save him. Alltale in the lab can make people in the real world wake up through certain conditions by synchronization with the people in it. Therefore, Real Ruri made Copy Naomi experience the flipside of what happened in the real world (made Copy Ruri die, and made Copy Naomi believe that he could save Copy Ruri through Alltale), because she worried if his high school self may not be able to function as an adult.

However, Copy Naomi's selfish behavior led to a wrong synchronization, so Real Ruri interfered as a crow, and she guided Alltale Naomi to layer 1 (maybe she did a lot of experiments and knew that this would make Copy Naomi finally have the awareness of self sacrifice, or just wanted to save Alltale Naomi and Alltale Ruri). But Crow Ruri was not omnipotent, as anti-virus appeared in layer 1. Finally, Copy Naomi sacrificed himself and achieve synchronization successfully. Alltale Naomi and Alltale Ruri went to a new world. Real Naomi and Real Ruri reunited in the real world.

Did I get it right? If so, then came the questions…
GavinHon said:
In virtual world 1, elder Naomi went through virtual world 2 to guide younger Naomi in order to save Ruri who died ten years ago. When Naomi successfully took Ruri to virtual world 1, Ruri's remained the same as it was ten years ago. But why did Naomi in the real world wake up as his body would be what it was ten years later? If Ruri had been saved ten years ago, his body would have been what it was ten years ago.

GavinHon said:
To make sure my theory makes sense, I played back to the scene where the kid version of Ruri was trapped in a container. The future version of Naomi said that in his world Ruri was not dead, but brain-dead. What he said puzzled me so I checked on the Internet. Although a brain-dead person may still have heartbeat, it is different from people in a vegetative state. In fact, it is equivalent to death. So now that one's dead, his body doesn't grow, but we can obviously see that RW Naomi woke up with an adult body.

So can we think that if there was anything else that happened to Real Naomi until he really died?

And you can read my theory at #26 and #29 where I made an assumption about this.

And perhaps you forgot Copy Naomi's shock when seeing anti-virus. Because he thought he was in the real world and there was no anti-virus in the real world.
zannett said:
2. The first Alltale layer that Copy Naomi thought was the real world, and where he tried to use Alltale Ruri to bring back Copy Ruri.

I think it was a distraction that the anti-virus in layer 1 was swarming out of the layer 1 Alltale machine. It doesn't make sense for the layer 1 anti-virus to have actually gained form from the layer 1 Alltale machine. Like the anti-virus that appeared in layer 2 from layer 1, I think the correct assumption is that the anti-virus in layer 1 appeared from the real world Alltale machine trying to correct what's excessive in layer 1, which would be Alltale Ruri and Naomi.

May 14, 2020 5:47 PM

Mar 2012
GavinHon said:
@zannett Hey friend, I read your theory, and let me gather all the things slowly.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but your theory seems to be that:

1. Real Naomi was indeed the one who was struck by lightning;
2. Another World depicted Real Naomi's journey to save Real Ruri;
3. After Real Naomi saved Real Ruri, however, he then became comatose/brain dead, which led Real Ruri to then save Real Naomi through the same method and that's Hello World.

I don't think there's anything in HW or AW that specifically disproves your thinking, but I don't think this is right.

1. Just the impression on its face, it seems to be one twist more than needed. Don't get me wrong. HW contained its twists, but there was no twist that was unnecessary to get to the conclusion of the plot. I don't know what the point of this twist would be.

2. You base this theory in part on your belief that Real Naomi's body aged (from high school) whereas Copy Ruri's body didn't. But I don't think that's supported. It's true that Alltale Ruri and Copy Ruri look very similar (compared to Alltale Naomi for scale). But for one, girls hit their puberty earlier than boys, so Ruri might've been done with her growth spurt already. For another, Copy Ruri doesn't look very different from Real Ruri aside from the glasses and the hair. There's also literally no way to prevent bodies from aging while someone is comatose/brain dead.

3. There's a pretty plausible explanation for why Real Ruri decided to flip the world for Real Naomi: if Copy Ruri is "dead," taking Copy Naomi from layer 1 would not separate him from a loved one. This was the fundamental problem with what went wrong with Copy Naomi's synchronization: the selfishness in his action. Now, taking Copy Naomi from layer 1 would cause no problem for Real Ruri anyway, but I'd like to think that Real Ruri isn't a hypocrite and that she would be loathe to do what Copy Naomi did considering that she became/used the crow to help Alltale Naomi take back Alltale Ruri.

Again, I don't think HW or AW could disprove your theory. But I tend to think the straightforward explanation works--AW follows the story of Copy Naomi that Real Ruri conjured up in reverse to save Real Naomi in HW--and we don't have to agree.
May 15, 2020 12:34 AM
Aug 2017
This is the movie story from what I saw.
P.S/ My English not that good, but just bare with me.

All what happened in the movie with 3D animation was in ALLTALES world (not real), and what happened in 2D was in real life [1].
Naomi fell in love with Ruri, and when they went to the festival a lighting strike Ruri and she get into a coma. Naomi starts doing everything he could to bring her back. He joined the ALLTALES team and start working on a way to bring Ruri back, the only way he found is to dive in the ALLTALES and bring Ruri soul back to her original body. However, there is one condition, he has to make her soul sync with her body [2]. So, he went to young Naomi with a well-done plan to make him fall in love with young Ruri, and makes Ruri love Naomi back so he can take her soul back to her original body with perfect sync(100% gage bar).
He succeeds with his plan, and manage to make young Naomi fall in love with young Ruri almost exactly as happened in real life, and then steel her soul. Then he managed to bring Ruri back from the coma, but Naomi himself get trapped into the ALLTALES world [3].
Now, the movie starts! After a long time, Ruri dive into the ALLTALES world [4]. Going to the past in ALLTALES world [5] as crow avatar [6] to help Naomi (the original one/older Naomi) to get his soul back from ALLTALES world. She dived in the world at a certain time before the older Naomi supposed to dive, then she goes and takes a young Naomi book and guide him to the older Naomi [7]. Since Ruri dived into the second layer of ALLTALES that's mean it will not be the same as the first one.
Now, the older Naomi thinks that the crow is just the hand of God which will help him in his plan. But, he doesn't know that the crow is Ruri from the future, and Ruri (the crow) can't say anything because at that time, she didn't save by older Naomi yet! And her existence is not allowed yet [8]. With the hand of god, young Naomi changes the original story that happened in real life [9].
When the time comes and older Naomi saves young Ruri and takes her back to the third layer. The second one gets deleted like the first one (first time/layer), but the difference this time that Ruri(Crow) now can act because her existence is allowed now (since she gets saved) and she takes the young Naomi to the third layer where older Naomi is get trapped in. She guided the young Naomi & Ruri to a new world [10].
Since the third layer is about to get deleted because of the changes that older, younger Naomi and older Ruri (crow) did! In the meantime, while everything was happing, the older Naomi (original) forced to remember that he loves Ruri [11]. Finally, in the end, we see the gage bar reach 100%, and Ruri now able to bring Naomi soul back to his body because that was the only condition [2].

1- Throughout the movie, the animation was in 3D except for the last scene in the movie was 2D.
2- “The soul and the vessel must be of the same state” mentioned in the movie.
3- In the hospital, Naomi when he sees the monster and say that this is a data world as well (referring to layer 2).
4- In last the scene, Ruri was holding a jacket similar to the one that Naomi was wearing when he was trying to dive in the ALLTALES.
5- Ruri dive to the past in ALLTALES world like what Naomi did in the begging.
6- When someone dives into ALLTALES they can choose what avatar they want.
7- When older Naomi get into the second layer, he respawned in the mouton which he wasn’t planning for! “It’s off the mark” he said. But the crow who bring young Naomi to him knew exactly where he will respawn, which means that all of this is old data and the crow knew about it.
8- “I am a mere a crow that has seen your hard work for the last three months”. Which mean that Ruri(yellow hair crow) was the same crow from the begging.
9- In real life, Ruri books get burned and Naomi comfort her and they get in love. However, in the second layer, young Naomi with the hand of God brings the books back and then they get in love.
10- Since the ALLTALES core gets disappeared form the third layer, a new Layer had created (a new universe), and Young Naomi/ Ruri went there. “Did we get back to our world?” Ruri said, “For sure this is a new world that no one know” Naomi said.
11- In the end and before young Ruri goes to the new world, she hugged older Naomi and then he said “Ichigyo, I loved you” which mean at some point he stopped loving her that’s why he can’t go back because his soul and body are not in sync. Maybe because he is trapped in a data world or saving Ruri becomes his obsession and only goal in life that he forgets that he loves Ruri.
May 15, 2020 9:17 AM

Jun 2017
Firstly, it's clear from the Another World Spin-off that the person to take the lightning was definitely Ichigyou-san and not Naomi. Another World perfectly captured his hardships over the next 10 years there and it honestly added like a layer to this story which was just brilliant! Pity that the team over in the lab didn't get any much worthwhile screentime time here in the Movie though, I would've loved to see more of that.

Interesting point I want to highlight is the bit over the use of 3D and 2D Animation and its significance to the real v fake worlds. It's a wonderful idea if intended from the creators, in my opinion.

Syliph said:
1. Real Naomi date with Ichigyou then she got struck by lightning at the festival and went into comatose state

2. Real Naomi finds about ALLTALE and deeply involved with the project. He then tries to extract Ichigyou record from the past. While attempting he then finally made to the past (2027) but at the same time put himself into comatose state.

3. Everything went like the first half of the movie and at the same time Ichigyou wakes up in the Real World, finding that Real Naomi is in comatose (His mind is not in sync with the body) she then become involved with the ALLTALE project then diving to the past as the bird and probably meet the recorded version of Real Naomi a.k.a Adult Naomi(2037) before the Adult Naomi leap to the past (2027).

4. As the movie progress Adult Naomi in 2037 realize that he too in the ALLTALE not in the real world at the same time Ichigyou as the bird bring the Young Naomi to the Adult Naomi world to solve various problem (the plot to sync Naomi mind with the real one so the Real Naomi can wake up)

5. All went well and finally Real Naomi recovered as shown at the ending scene.

Easily the most sound and plausible theory, in my opinion. Rewatched bits and pieces from the Movie after reading this and I was amazed by just how right it seemed. I'm convinced with this but of course there are still a few holes I managed to spot/unclear about.

Firstly, from point 3, there's no doubt that Ichigyou is the bird. Clear confirmation of that during the last scene, and avatars keeping whatever forms they desire was shared early on in the movie too so all clear here.

My little ambiguity lies with the fact that she managed to dive but didn't fall into comatose state, however. I don't know if I'm missing a little trick here but I'm certain the whole point as to why Naomi fell into a coma in the first place is because of the diving. It's like you can maintain consciousness in one world at a time kind of thing, right?

Another bit is regarding a but during the first bird talking scene. Chronologically, it doesn't add up if "she really were observing him for the past 3 months". Naomi was in comatose this whole time and she was supposed to have returned back the moment Ichigyou from the fake-1 (as in young Naomi's world) world so how does that work? Weren't they two different birds entirely? What was the yellow patch on the head for then?

And lastly, why are they on the Moon in the real world? I think this was a total random drop out of nowhere.

Edit: Having re-watched the Movie, I'm getting the feeling that the Moon and Ichigyou not getting coma are intertwined. Basically, the experiment conducted on the Moon is like a quick demonstration of how far tech developed in Year 2047. Seems plausible but it's just an assumption really at the end of the day.
_MushiRock11_May 16, 2020 2:47 PM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

May 15, 2020 1:23 PM

Apr 2020
zannett said:
3. There's a pretty plausible explanation for why Real Ruri decided to flip the world for Real Naomi: if Copy Ruri is "dead," taking Copy Naomi from layer 1 would not separate him from a loved one. This was the fundamental problem with what went wrong with Copy Naomi's synchronization: the selfishness in his action. Now, taking Copy Naomi from layer 1 would cause no problem for Real Ruri anyway, but I'd like to think that Real Ruri isn't a hypocrite and that she would be loathe to do what Copy Naomi did considering that she became/used the crow to help Alltale Naomi take back Alltale Ruri

Thank you for your correction. I went over the movie again and found that AT1 Ruri's body did grow. Comparing the appearance of Ruri back to AT2 with that of AT1, it can be found that AT1 Ruri grew taller and her hair grew longer.

But maybe you don't seem to understand the synchronization. You think it's the wrong synchronization because Ruri said that AT1 Naomi was not Naomi she knew? In fact, there is no wrong synchronization. The condition of synchronization is to synchronize with the state/spirit before death. It's Ruri's death. It's not related to Naomi. As for Ruri, when she woke up, she knew that "Naomi" was not Naomi, because she had gone through many things with Naomi before, which AT1 Naomi did not know.

I found the official book, in which I knew the real world is in 2047 at the end of the movie. So I drew a timeline.

1. Many years ago in the real world, the one who took the lightning was Naomi instead of Ruri. Real Naomi became brain-dead and Real Ruri wanted to save him. (synchronous condition: sacrifice himself for his loved one)
2. Real Ruri's plan was to recreate the lightning strike scene once again in AT1, and made Naomi rescue Ruri so as to reach the synchronization, but the plan failed and AT1 Ruri became brain-dead.
3. AT1 Naomi didn't give up. He used the same method as Ruri to save the AT1 Ruri who was in a coma. Then came the plot seen in the movie. AT2 Ruri liked AT2 Naomi. For AT2 Ruri, AT1 Naomi sacrificed himself and died. At this time, synchronization was successful.
4. AT2 Naomi's consciousness came alive in the real world. AT2 Naomi and AT2 Ruri came to a new world, because the repair system was shut down so that AT2 is no longer limited, which means it is a new world.

In the real world, Alltale was just put into use in 2037, At that time it only recorded Kyoto. In 2047, when the movie ended, it had developed to record the whole world.

AT2 is controlled by the laboratory team of AT1, which is used to record everything in Kyoto. After Naomi joined the team and rose to a high position, he secretly used this to make a treatment plan. Therefore, AT2 is not created to save people, and everything in it can't be changed (like AT2 Ruri was going to be hit by lightning. When it changed, the repair system began to run.)

While AT1 is controlled by the international record organization of the moon in the real world. When Real Naomi woke up, there were many people cheering. It can be assumed that AT1 was created by Real Ruri's team to treat Real Naomi. Ruri's team has the right to change anything (people with brain death can be a different one, AT1 Ruri was brain-dead), and Real Ruri can change parameters or reset AT1.

And there is one thing you're right about. It's that Ruri did do a lot of experiments. The condition to achieve synchronization is to make him sacrifice himself. However, because of AT1 Naomi's obsession with saving Ruri, he made selfish actions that hurt the two in another world to save his Ruri, so Real Ruri reset and reanalyzed them again and again. And Ruri tried to guide AT2 Naomi into AT1 in the end, which led to a success of reaching synchronization.

Since he only needed to sacrifice himself, why not reset to the lightning strike scene every time? That's the act of sacrificing himself. You think he might be like Ruri that reached the so-called "wrong synchronization"? I don't think it matters. After going to AT2 at the beginning, AT1 Naomi said that there was a time gap. He wanted to go directly to the day of lightning, but he came the time of three months ago. What happened in these three months is different from the original, which is doomed to be a "wrong synchronization". However, the technology in the real world is more developed, and AT1 can be modified without restriction, so it can arrive at the lightning day accurately. The memory that Real Naomi has after he wakes up is the memory of the original he has in the real world. However, why didn't it reset to lightning directly? I think she did do it at the beginning, but later she found that every time AT1 Ruri died and gave up this method. Later she found that after AT1 Ruri died, AT1 Naomi would have the idea of saving Ruri, so she tried to guided him. (of course, it wasn't a success, and the selfish action of AT1 Naomi would lead to failure again. It wasn't be successful until 2047.)

The happy ending is the result of cooperation of the three worlds. Real Ruri tried to save Real Naomi, which is also the self-rescue of AT1 Naomi. Finally, AT2 Naomi saved AT1 Naomi and Real Ruri. However, without the 20-year efforts of Real Ruri and 10-year efforts of AT1 Naomi, there would be no AT2 Naomi, so it is the cooperation of three worlds. (In other words, Real Ruri thought the cooperation of three worlds would be more likely to succeed.)

May 15, 2020 11:01 PM

Apr 2020
_MushiRock11_ said:
My little ambiguity lies with the fact that she managed to dive but didn't fall into comatose state, however. I don't know if I'm missing a little trick here but I'm certain the whole point as to why Naomi fell into a coma in the first place is because of the diving. It's like you can maintain consciousness in one world at a time kind of thing, right?

Another bit is regarding a but during the first bird talking scene. Chronologically, it doesn't add up if "she really were observing him for the past 3 months". Naomi was in comatose this whole time and she was supposed to have returned back the moment Ichigyou from the fake-1 (as in young Naomi's world) world so how does that work? Weren't they two different birds entirely? What was the yellow patch on the head for then?

And lastly, why are they on the Moon in the real world? I think this was a total random drop out of nowhere.

I ever thought it was the most reasonable theory (Real Ruri died from lightning and Real Naomi saved her but couldn't come back to the real world. Then it was Real Ruri's turn to save him). At that time, I thought the reason why Real Ruri didn't go into coma could be attributed to the fact that the technology in 2047 was better than that in 2037.

Another point, I always thought that AllTale was a copy of the real world, but why is it Ruri dead instead of Naomi dead in AT1? (no monsters appear for repair.)

According to this, I was convinced that Real Ruri became brain-dead first. Naomi dived into AllTale but was trapped in it. At the same time, he went into coma in the real world. When Real Ruri was saved, she used the same method to save him. Another world is actually AT1, which reproduces the scene that shows Naomi's efforts to save Ruri in the real world. (premise: AT1 is a copy of the real world)

So based on this, I think the theory mentioned above is a reasonable explanation. I also wrote it in detail at #26 and #29.

However, when I read the official book, I found that AT1 is not a copy of the real world. AT1 is created based on the real world, and its parameters can be modified or reset. AT2 is the copy of AT1 and the parameters in it cannot be modified. Once modified, the repair system (AT2's blue monsters) will begin to run. AT1's monsters are purple, which also shows that AT1 is a data world. The reason why the monsters appear is that Ruri in AT1 has already died. There is no/zero Ruri. Once Ruri is resurrected, everything will be messed up, so it needs to be fixed. Just like AT1 Naomi and AT2 Naomi cannot exist at the same time, one of them must be deleted, because there is only one Naomi in AT1. Perhaps you will ask why it hasn't been repaired when there are two Naomi in AT2 at the beginning of the movie. Actually AT1 Naomi at that time was a high-dimensional being like the crow Ruri, low-dimensional world can not deal with it.

So, based on the official book, I changed my theory which also mentioned the moon. You can see it at #36.

May 16, 2020 5:52 AM

Jun 2017
@GavinHon Just had a read through post #36 and it sounds more like the Movie and the Official Book were telling two different stories in that case. I had the pleasure of re-watching the Movie just a couple of hours ago or so and it doesn't really add up to me.

By the way, I don't find anything about this Official Book that you say...
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

May 16, 2020 6:07 AM

Apr 2020
_MushiRock11_ said:
By the way, I don't find anything about this Official Book that you say...

Hello World - Official Visual Guide

May 16, 2020 9:53 AM

Jun 2017
GavinHon said:
Hello World - Official Visual Guide

Definitely need to get that! For now, it all seems a little surreal so I will just consider the two (anime & the book) as different entities.

I don't believe that the Movie was hinting at Naomi getting the lightning struck and Ichigyou going for the save first at all, for one.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

May 16, 2020 12:11 PM

Apr 2020
_MushiRock11_ said:
I don't believe that the Movie was hinting at Naomi getting the lightning struck and Ichigyou going for the save first at all, for one.

I checked on wiki just now. The Japanese version didn't say it was a lightning strike, but it says that Naomi died in 2027. In the movie, the only event that can make people die in 2027 is perhaps the lightning strike. However, the English version says that Naomi fell into a coma after saving Ruri due to the injuries from failing to enter Alltale in his previous attempts, which implies that Ruri died first. Comparing two different versions, I prefer to believe in the Japanese version. After all, it is more detailed, and the original work is made in Japan. Some official settings about the plot is written in Japanese, so the Japanese may be more clear about it…

It's fine as anyone has his own opinions. In fact, both the theories really make sense, and there is no need to tangle up with the right plot. A happy ending is just enough.

May 16, 2020 12:48 PM

Jun 2017
GavinHon said:
I checked on wiki just now. The Japanese version didn't say it was a lightning strike, but it says that Naomi died in 2027. In the movie, the only event that can make people die in 2027 is perhaps the lightning strike. However, the English version says that Naomi fell into a coma after saving Ruri due to the injuries from failing to enter Alltale in his previous attempts, which implies that Ruri died first. Comparing two different versions, I prefer to believe in the Japanese version. After all, it is more detailed, and the original work is made in Japan. Some official settings about the plot is written in Japanese, so the Japanese may be more clear about it…

It's fine as anyone has his own opinions. In fact, both the theories really make sense, and there is no need to tangle up with the right plot. A happy ending is just enough.

Same here, I'd rather want to settle with the Japanese version too but it's hard to justify with the Movie alone, I feel. Besides, I don't feel right that the struggles of Naomi as evident from Another World was but in a fake world for some reason. But I realize that's more of a personal reckoning, of course.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get the chance to get my hands on the book sometime so I can appreciate that and maybe come to terms with the alternate version.

Thanks for sharing that earlier, by the way!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jun 25, 2020 6:57 PM

Oct 2009
Huyse !

I've not taken the time to read everything in this post.

I'm sorry, but it's too late, so I'll be going the egoistic way and lay off what I personally understood, could you tell me if I'm way off ?

I don't usually do this, I like to read other people thoughts, but right now I just can't haha.

So it's clear to me there's at least 4 "conscious" characters ;
Recorded-2027-Naomi (young Naomi)
Recorded-2027-Ruri (young Ruri)
Recorded-2037-Naomi (adult Naomi)
Real-world-Moon-Ruri (real Ruri)

My guess would be that Record-2027 events were happening inside Record-2037's ALLTALE ; so it was indeed "a recorded world inside a recorded world" - my argument would be - that 2027 and 2037 have very different "colors" styles (echoing the 3D-2D transition) ; for example the ALLTALE's administration system puppets are blue in 2027, and purple in 2037, suggesting two different versions of ALLTALE.

So we would have Real's ALLTALE, and Recorded-2037's ALLTALE.

I think the ending is showing us Young Naomi and Young Ruri ending up in a weird new world, Recorded-2037's ALLTALE disappearing.

I also think we can assume that it's adult Noami (2037) that is brought "back" to the real world as well (otherwise, the "weird new world" scene wouldn't make much sense).

It's safe to say that interactions between Recorded-2037's timeline and Recorded-2027's timeline are well defined in the film, but what about the interactions from the real world ?
And this is where I begin to be lost.

Was the fact that 2037-Naomi dived in to 2027 even recorded in real's ALLTALE ? Or was that an event induced by the real-world diver (crow-Real Ruri) ?

So far, I have the following events in my hypothese ;

1. Real Naomi and Ruri went together to the festival, lighting struck (wait a bit before I'll explain who)
?. Things happened in real 2037 ?
2. Real Naomi ended up brain-dead
3. Ruri and scientific team on the moon wanted to bring back Naomi so dived into ALLTALE with the remote-controlled crow
4. The crow reached a recorded version of 2037 Naomi before something bad happen to him (Recorded-2037 Naomi couldn't exist in the record of real-world's ALLTALE if it was originally him that was struck by lighting, so Ruri had to be struck, and Noami had to have her brought back somehow for Real Ruri to exist)
5. The events of the film follow
6. The thing that made Naomi brain-dead was prevented, allowing him to be brought to real-world.

My final guess is that, indeed, Naomi DID dive in real 2037 and brought-back Ruri but ended up brain-dead at some point and the remote-controlled crow succeeded in preventing that in Record 2037.
Another intersting argument to that claim is that there is a big difference between the 2037 diving and the moon diving ; we never saw someone entered ALLTALE himself in the moon diving, only a remote controlled crow, in contrary to 2037's diving where Naomi dived as himself (+ a crow) ; this may be the reason why Naomi ended up brain-dead and why no ones dived in the moon point of time (to prevent becoming brain-dead as a result).

So, how off am I ?

Thank you if you made it this far ;)
Jun 25, 2020 10:03 PM

Apr 2020
MonsieurPapillon said:
1. Real Naomi and Ruri went together to the festival, lighting struck (wait a bit before I'll explain who)
?. Things happened in real 2037 ?
2. Real Naomi ended up brain-dead
3. Ruri and scientific team on the moon wanted to bring back Naomi so dived into ALLTALE with the remote-controlled crow
4. The crow reached a recorded version of 2037 Naomi before something bad happen to him (Recorded-2037 Naomi couldn't exist in the record of real-world's ALLTALE if it was originally him that was struck by lighting, so Ruri had to be struck, and Noami had to have her brought back somehow for Real Ruri to exist)
5. The events of the film follow
6. The thing that made Naomi brain-dead was prevented, allowing him to be brought to real-world.

My final guess is that, indeed, Naomi DID dive in real 2037 and brought-back Ruri but ended up brain-dead at some point and the remote-controlled crow succeeded in preventing that in Record 2037.
Another intersting argument to that claim is that there is a big difference between the 2037 diving and the moon diving ; we never saw someone entered ALLTALE himself in the moon diving, only a remote controlled crow, in contrary to 2037's diving where Naomi dived as himself (+ a crow) ; this may be the reason why Naomi ended up brain-dead and why no ones dived in the moon point of time (to prevent becoming brain-dead as a result).

I saw your hypotheses 1 to 6, which really make sense. In conclusion, you mean that Real Ruri was brain-dead first, and Real Naomi dived into ALLTALE in order to save her, but it made him become brain-dead. Ruri who was rescued back to the real world used the same way to save Naomi, but in order to prevent becoming brain-dead, this time only the crow was allowed to dive in, and finally Naomi was rescued successfully.

Well, but I see that you only mentioned 2037 in your hypotheses, and you also mentioned 2027 earlier. I feel that you should not only consider 2037, which gives a feeling that everything just happened at 2037.
MonsieurPapillon said:
So it's clear to me there's at least 4 "conscious" characters ;
Recorded-2027-Naomi (young Naomi)
Recorded-2027-Ruri (young Ruri)
Recorded-2037-Naomi (adult Naomi)
Real-world-Moon-Ruri (real Ruri)

I have written two hypotheses in this forum, in which all the basic elements are taken into account. The whole event started from 2027 and ended in 2047. The first one is at #26 and #27, that Real Ruri became brain-dead first, which is also an advanced version of your hypothesis. The second one is at #36 and #37, that Real Naomi became brain-dead first. You can have a look at them when you have time.

Jun 26, 2020 7:03 AM

Oct 2009
GavinHon said:

I have written two hypotheses in this forum, in which all the basic elements are taken into account. The whole event started from 2027 and ended in 2047. The first one is at #26 and #27, that Real Ruri became brain-dead first, which is also an advanced version of your hypothesis. The second one is at #36 and #37, that Real Naomi became brain-dead first. You can have a look at them when you have time.

Thank you to have taken time to read me ;)

I've now taken the time to read the others posts (my brain is more fresh right now haha).

For your first hypothese (Real Ruri became brain-dead first) ; I agree strongly there seem to be two crows, one for the 2047 diving (Ruri's speaking remote-controlled crow), and on for the 2037 diving (Naomi's). There is one point in both our hypotheses that I find weird ; you said that adult Naomi didn't come back from his 2037 dive (and ended up brain-dead).

That strikes me as weird ; the speaking crows only appears to child Naomi after adult Naomi took back child Ruri (we see Ruri awakening in 2037 before the speaking-crows appears). So that means ; eveything before speaking-crow intervention should have been recorded in Real world's ALL TALE. So it means, it was recorded that Noami did come back ; I can't figure out what really happenned to Naomi that made him brain-dead with this.

This problem doesn't come if we consider both crows to be the same crows ; it means since the begining, Ruri's crow has influenced the recorded events, so Naomi coming back was a result of that influence. But I find that weird as well, I can't wrap my head around it.

And your second theory basically throws aways everything so far ; I've not considered the fact that ALLTALE could be an alternate record of the world since the beginning (well in fact, in the original hypothese, it may be, as diving in change the flow of events and create alternated records, but it was assumed it was not alternated in the 2047 dive to 2037) and that speaking-crow may have alternated 2037 Record since way before.

But tha train of thoughts is a brain wreck, we have very few clues that explain what could have lead to the alternate 2037 record. So few that I still find the Ruri-brain-dead-first most plausible.
And I dont' understand why you wouldn't simply go find 2027 Noami in the first place if it was him that was struck. Maybe because the speaking-crow wasn't enough to bring him back ?

I must maybe state that I didn't see "Another World" episodes yet, maybe they have more insights on this ?

And all of this doesn't answer my most important question what the hell was Kadenokouji there for ? I spent the whole film wondering "okay, when are we going to see the jealousy of pink cute girl or the formation of a love-triangle ? Haha.
MonsieurPapillonJun 26, 2020 7:07 AM
Jul 1, 2020 6:39 AM

Apr 2019
3 worlds. Past Alltale, Future Alltale, Realworld

Naomi manages to save Ruri in the Realworld. Naomi went into a coma the moment he went into the ALLTALE and never actually woke up.
adult Ruri wakes up and adult Naomi is in a Coma.

adult Ruri learns from the mistake of adult Naomi (using his brain/avatar to go into ALLTALE puts you in a coma) so she only used the crow.
she goes into the Future Alltale using the crow and observed what happened in the 3months during the events where adult Naomi was trying to save her.
she follows adult Naomi from Future Alltale to the Past Alltale.

young Ruri gets saved from the lightning and adult Naomi captures her.
adult Naomi goes back to the Future AllTale to revive young Ruri, young Ruri was revived in the Future Alltale and not the realworld.

adult Ruri realized that this is where everything went wrong when Naomi saved her. So she makes her move
(she woke up when Naomi saved her, but Naomi never woke up because there was no one to sync him back from his coma)
adult Ruri couldn't still save Future Alltale Naomi in this current state, because adult Naomi still haven't met the sync requirements.
(Reliving the events and his true feelings)

when Ruri got stroked by lightning, she was inlove with Naomi. Her requirement for sync was to be fully in-love with Naomi and relive the events.
adult Naomi went into a coma with only wanting to see Ruri smile again. His requirement for sync was to realize his true feelings and relive the events.
(That's why adult Ruri never actually interfered in the past AllTale)

adult Naomi's personality changed throughout the movie, from selfless to selfish, so even though he relived the events, he still wasn't his real self.
So when he got synced, he was back to his selfless mode, thus, Ruri could finally synchronize him back to reality.

Important Notes :

-ShinzoJul 1, 2020 8:34 PM

Jul 30, 2020 1:13 PM

Aug 2012
Syliph said:
After watching the movie with the 3 spin off, now I think I can safely believe it is Ichigyou who got struck by lighting.

from my understanding the timeline should be like this

1. Real Naomi date with Ichigyou then she got struck by lightning at the festival and went into comatose state

2. Real Naomi finds about ALLTALE and deeply involved with the project. He then tries to extract Ichigyou record from the past. While attempting he then finally made to the past (2027) but at the same time put himself into comatose state.

3. Everything went like the first half of the movie and at the same time Ichigyou wakes up in the Real World, finding that Real Naomi is in comatose (His mind is not in sync with the body) she then become involved with the ALLTALE project then diving to the past as the bird and probably meet the recorded version of Real Naomi a.k.a Adult Naomi(2037) before the Adult Naomi leap to the past (2027).

4. As the movie progress Adult Naomi in 2037 realize that he too in the ALLTALE not in the real world at the same time Ichigyou as the bird bring the Young Naomi to the Adult Naomi world to solve various problem (the plot to sync Naomi mind with the real one so the Real Naomi can wake up)

5. All went well and finally Real Naomi recovered as shown at the ending scene

Well this my take and may still have plot holes but hopefully helps
MonsieurPapillon said:
Huyse !

I've not taken the time to read everything in this post.

I'm sorry, but it's too late, so I'll be going the egoistic way and lay off what I personally understood, could you tell me if I'm way off ?

I don't usually do this, I like to read other people thoughts, but right now I just can't haha.

So it's clear to me there's at least 4 "conscious" characters ;
Recorded-2027-Naomi (young Naomi)
Recorded-2027-Ruri (young Ruri)
Recorded-2037-Naomi (adult Naomi)
Real-world-Moon-Ruri (real Ruri)

My guess would be that Record-2027 events were happening inside Record-2037's ALLTALE ; so it was indeed "a recorded world inside a recorded world" - my argument would be - that 2027 and 2037 have very different "colors" styles (echoing the 3D-2D transition) ; for example the ALLTALE's administration system puppets are blue in 2027, and purple in 2037, suggesting two different versions of ALLTALE.

So we would have Real's ALLTALE, and Recorded-2037's ALLTALE.

I think the ending is showing us Young Naomi and Young Ruri ending up in a weird new world, Recorded-2037's ALLTALE disappearing.

I also think we can assume that it's adult Noami (2037) that is brought "back" to the real world as well (otherwise, the "weird new world" scene wouldn't make much sense).

It's safe to say that interactions between Recorded-2037's timeline and Recorded-2027's timeline are well defined in the film, but what about the interactions from the real world ?
And this is where I begin to be lost.

Was the fact that 2037-Naomi dived in to 2027 even recorded in real's ALLTALE ? Or was that an event induced by the real-world diver (crow-Real Ruri) ?

So far, I have the following events in my hypothese ;

1. Real Naomi and Ruri went together to the festival, lighting struck (wait a bit before I'll explain who)
?. Things happened in real 2037 ?
2. Real Naomi ended up brain-dead
3. Ruri and scientific team on the moon wanted to bring back Naomi so dived into ALLTALE with the remote-controlled crow
4. The crow reached a recorded version of 2037 Naomi before something bad happen to him (Recorded-2037 Naomi couldn't exist in the record of real-world's ALLTALE if it was originally him that was struck by lighting, so Ruri had to be struck, and Noami had to have her brought back somehow for Real Ruri to exist)
5. The events of the film follow
6. The thing that made Naomi brain-dead was prevented, allowing him to be brought to real-world.

My final guess is that, indeed, Naomi DID dive in real 2037 and brought-back Ruri but ended up brain-dead at some point and the remote-controlled crow succeeded in preventing that in Record 2037.
Another intersting argument to that claim is that there is a big difference between the 2037 diving and the moon diving ; we never saw someone entered ALLTALE himself in the moon diving, only a remote controlled crow, in contrary to 2037's diving where Naomi dived as himself (+ a crow) ; this may be the reason why Naomi ended up brain-dead and why no ones dived in the moon point of time (to prevent becoming brain-dead as a result).

So, how off am I ?

Thank you if you made it this far ;)

both of this thesis can be true for me, its such big plot twist that i didnt manage to uncover it 100% by myselfs, either he saved her and she him or she saved him and he her, end is happy, where both of them recovered :D
Aug 16, 2020 4:53 PM
Aug 2020
Well bassicly i think,
(Im bad at explaning stuff)
Real world Ruri did get struck by lightning and got in comatose state,
Real world Naomi did everything in the movie and 3 episode.
When real world Naomi was in ALLTALE world,real world Ruri wakes from comatose state and wanted to do the same thing to Naomi.
But she developed it so that when she entered ALLTALE world she doesnt have to go to comatose state.

Real world Naomi need to die in ALLTALE world so that his mind can go back to the real world,at the same time real world Ruri made sure ALLTALE Naomi is safe.

And then after REAL WORLD Naomi dies in ALLTALE,he wakes up finding grown up Ruri and ALLTALE crew around him. Maybe human tech is far advanced in the future, because they were in space.

Feel free to correct me if im wrong,im still confused by the ending and other stuff in this movie.
Nov 7, 2020 8:05 AM
Nov 2020
Here is my theory after watching this movie

HD (if the Image is Expired) :
Nov 29, 2020 8:30 AM
Nov 2020
The story is all about the RW naomi is brainded by his process and the machine and he successfully recover his gf from (comma?) due to lighting srtrike(yeah its another story in the ALLTALE 1 how he bring his gf back successfully but after all, the movie is focused on bringing back naomi) but RW naomi in the past is brain dead and cannot go back to existing (real) world because it shown in the movie that he electricuted himself several times(because contacting an electric can affect you brain and cause to brain damage or even comma). His RW gf knew his process from the machine . The machines purpose is record everything in the world using those drones right? so both of them are also recorded in the past. So in order to see naomi's past, she enters the machine forming a crow avatar on the ALLTALE 1 where aldult naomi is alive (his memory). her mission is to help kid naomi with his future naomi to save her from lighting.The mission of the Future naomi is focused on himself and his gf to get along together until in the lighting scene where his gf in the present died. After saving kid naomi's gf from lighting, future naomi selfless personality successfully save his gf's memory but it turns out that her memory stayed at the ALLTALE 2 layer and ended up corrupting the system between 2 simulated world ALLTALE 1&2 and
the anti-virus robots are after them. Now the naomi kid enters the ALLTALE 1 world with the help of the crow (naomi's gf). the present naomi realize that his world is simulated by his past that's why he save kid naomi by sacrificing himself from the robot with the reset pulled by the professor with his co workers. Thanks to his gf(manipulate into a crow) send herself into simulated world manage to help the kid naomi and ruri, however both live another world. And then, the past naomi successfully recover his memory synced from the past-present as you can see at the post-credits in the movie. finally, they live happily ever after.
_charles_Nov 29, 2020 8:46 AM
Dec 26, 2020 4:38 PM
Dec 2015
dobolo00 said:
Here is my theory after watching this movie

HD (if the Image is Expired) :

Seems fair, so there is a happy ending for everyone - even for the 'old' main character we seen dying. Now my idea are more clear. Thanks for posting this

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