UPDATE: I just score based on my feelingz now, sorry for being a sperg before.
The score distribution used to resemble a symmetrical bell curve, but I suspect it will skew toward the higher range as I continue to be more selective.
And it has! 5.00 mean has shifted to 5.05 as of 4/1/2014.
Before 4/1/2014
Here are my quasi-objective criteria for scoring each completed entry. Just because I may like a series does not mean others will. The goal is to attempt to keep my scores consistent so scores can be compared under the same standard, regardless of any arbitrariness of a criterion. Scores are subject to modification at any time.
3 pts. distributed between setting
- plot: existence of a story (the fewer overarching stories the better unless the show is intended to have a number of small stories), appropriateness of location and setup of the story (in view of any plot holes), captivation from the story (deviance from the average, twists)
- characters: lack of extraneousness (are all characters necessary?), their motives (how compelling are the material characters' reason for being shown? do they drive the story forward?), how much I learn from their actions and interactions
3 pts. among aesthetics
- animation and visuals
- voice acting (anime only)
- sound and music (anime only)
3 pts. for subjectivity and bias: how much I can get engaged in the anime, since enjoyability is a big part of watching a show.
The last point is reserved for the extra special. I give half points as well, and then I round down after everything is totaled.
If I wanted to give a totally subjective rating on how good it is, I would use the Rewatch Value rating.
All Comments (6) Comments
I think your mean score should be 5 if you've watched every anime that exists, but you can choose your picks and you drop (without rating) unwatchable shows, so shouldn't it be higher?
It's a genuine question... What do you think?