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Dec 7, 2019 1:12 PM
Apr 2019
I've been watching Stars Align here and there since it wasn't high on my list but I've caught up with it and looking at it now after the recent episode and reading other discussions, I've noticed how heavy-handed the drama is in regards to the parents and abuse.

Now, I want to make it clear that Stars Align is a good show that tackles lots of issues that is a reality for a lot of people, both in and out of Japan. It doesn't hold back and it can be very shocking and sad. It may be a fictional show but what's going on behind it is real. Real that a lot of people can relate to it.

But, something I and a lot of others have noticed is how there is so much drama surrounding the parents. It seems like practically every member has family issues. Which, let's be honest, no family is perfect but the way it's presented in Stars Align feels forced. In the first few episodes, it started off good with the family drama but by now it seems that that is the only thing this show focuses on, how bad the parents are in contrast to the sports anime. It's like the creator was having an Oprah moment with the characters. "You get an abusive parent! You get an abusive parent! You all get abuse parents!"

By this point with the latest episode, I started to get annoyed with the drama because it feels forced, contrived, and just unbelievable. Again, the anime does have real issues that kids go through but seeing how heavy-handed it is to practice all the characters became unbelievable. There are moments when I'm reading a book or watching a show where I have to suspend my disbelief. With Stars Align, however, I couldn't suspend my disbelief. It started off as a tennis team then turned into a team where the one thing most of them have in common is abusive parents which is just sad and unbelievable.

It's too much of a coincidence that most of the members have terrible home lives. That isn't to say that a group of people or friends can't have issues. They can but in this case, it feels too forced. It's used mainly as shock value especially in the last two episodes. If a show has to constantly give us lots of shocking moments, it can be very contrived since it doesn't come up naturally but rather forcefully.

It went from Soft Tennis, the Anime to Bad Parents, the Anime.

I want to know what you guys think of the drama. I ask that you all please be polite with each other and please respect others' opinions even if you agree or disagree with them.
Dec 7, 2019 1:45 PM

Jul 2016
Well i understand that how you could feel like the amount of drama the show throws at you at times is overwhelming,and honestly these are very real problems that people face in real life and i feel like the show tackles them sensibly.Of course it´s not very realistic that a group of boys just so happen to all have terrible home lives,but how else are they going to create conflict if all of the parents are good?Furthermore,since i feel like this anime´s main aim on the drama side to is portray difficult familial relationships,i would forgive it for this,since it´s supposed to be the anime´s main focus,so of course it´s going to come up every episode.I don't mind it to be honest,it keeps things interesting and gives me a reason to keep watching.
SummerynDec 7, 2019 1:57 PM
Dec 7, 2019 2:20 PM
Dec 2019
I feel like it is a lot but somehow it doesn't feel off to me, these issues are real and relevant, not only that but Japans laws on what is considered abuse are different in some ways, also issues like Nao having his mom being pushy in regards to school work is sort of common with a lot of parents, not just in Japan. I feel like the show is commenting on some really important issues, and honestly I love this anime a lot because of it and the characters themselves.
Dec 7, 2019 9:10 PM

Oct 2016
Yeah I feel you there. It's not like I don't think these things happen but I started watching because someone recommended it to me as a sports anime so I was bamboozled by how dark it got.
Dec 8, 2019 8:16 PM
Jul 2018
I dropped this series after three episodes because I could already tell it was taking a contrived shock value route from very early on. Looks like all of my suspicions about it have turned out to be true. Meh.

The creator of this series has issues. He has even mentioned hating sports stories... and yet he made tennis be the main focus of the promotional art and previews. Making this series is probably some weird emotional outlet for him, I guess.
Dec 8, 2019 8:40 PM

Jul 2017
I won't deny the drama is a bit too convenient, with the whole every member has some issues thing

The way I like to see it is that each member is supposed to represent individual pieces of a collective whole. Like a lot of the families' issues can easily be combined into 1 without having to separate them into different families. In that sense, it's kinda less of every family has something shitty about them and more like each of these individual problems can really impact a child even if it doesn't seem so significant
Dec 16, 2019 10:17 PM

Apr 2016
These are all real life situations that happen to people everyday. It's unrealistic that this happened to a group of boys to this severity, however I don't mind it. It tackles a lot of different issues. I don't think it's fair to say the experiences any of the boys are going through is contrived, forced, or unbelievable. Things like that happen everyday.

Obviously, if one was looking for a sports anime then they will be disappointed and not like the direction of this show. However, for me I welcomed it because I can appreciate good drama, and especially when it is tackled in a good way.

I think if you stop taking this anime as a sports anime, but an anime about abusive parents then it'll be a lot more interesting to watch. We only saw like less than a minute of actual tennis play in episode 9, and I completely understand if someone would be bummed out not saying how the boys faired against the girls especially if they still felt this was a sports anime for some reason.

I'd say that the only real complaint would be that the anime shouldn't have portrayed itself as a sports anime. I think that's bad promotion.
Dec 17, 2019 2:24 AM
Dec 2010
I thought that perhaps one or two of the boys would have terrible parents, not all of them. Episode 9 really drove home how much parental drama there is and not just the average friction; outright physical and emotional abuse. It detracts from a lot of the other good qualities of the show.

When I'm rooting for the parents to be reprimanded more than the children to win their matches, it is a serious problem. The show is a drama first and foremost, sprinkled with some slice of life and sports.

One of my biggest gripes for anime—particularly sports or slice of life—is that there is no meaningful conflict. This show has the opposite of that problem. There's way too much chaos and conflict that goes beyond the supposed premise of sports.
Dec 17, 2019 2:33 AM

Jul 2016
At this point i am not even watching the anime for the sport,i am staying for the drama.I wouldn't be so invested in this anime if it was just your ordinary sports anime with only little bits of drama here and there that are mostly related to playing the sport itself.I like that we are actually given some insight into the character's lives and how that affects them.
SummerynDec 17, 2019 2:38 AM
Dec 17, 2019 3:23 AM
Dec 2019
For me it's actually the reverse: I only watch this because it is a heavy drama and the sports is more like a backdrop. I think the show makes its intentions pretty clear at the end of episode 1 that drama will be a heavy component. Actually that was the reason I started following it although I drop many sports anime after one episode. The writer wanted to tackle bad parenting from a lot of angles. Shine a spotlight that it can happen in very different ways. It just happens that a club is a pretty neat environment to gather many people who interact with each other, strive for the same goal but have very different circumstances.

Now the criticism that it is too much I can understand. It hurts the believability that every one of them has severe parental problems. It kinda explains why the club was such a mess in the beginning, though.

It has been said by other people, but I think the biggest problem this show faces: it includes so many different scenarios, that in the remaining runtime it will not do any of them justice. Maybe that will be the ultimate message: family problems cannot be solved cleanly. Or at the end the show will sink really hard.
SylverthasDec 17, 2019 5:54 AM
Dec 17, 2019 4:02 AM

Jul 2013
I honestly don't mind how it's losing focus on the sports aspect. I've always known this was gonna be a drama-heavy show while the soft tennis is just a backdrop for it. What this show needs is an announcement for a 2nd season/cour. 2 episodes left and they're still introducing more drama. No way these are gonna get any proper conclusion. I really like Hoshiai no Sora from the get go. I've been singing praises to it since it started airing but the last few episodes just left me in a limbo. I absolutely love how it tackles social issues without holding back and actually taking it seriously but at this point, they're just trying too hard to cram whatever parental issue they can into the show. Now I'm not saying there are no parents like that but what I want is them to not keep jumping from one situation to another without expanding more on the subject. Every single time, it just keeps ending in a cliffhanger and the next episode, they treat it as if nothing happened and continue on as normal. There's a severe lack of focus in this show and I'm afraid the ending is gonna be a huge disappointment.
Dec 17, 2019 3:05 PM

May 2016
For myself is like Araburu but with parents issues, that means, they want to put everything they can in one series.
I like to post in manga forum when I feel it is worth it, so people will think. "Shit, is her again" or something.

People asked me where I read certain thing but the rules say no telling where did you read so maybe I am too boring for not saying? Or salty because you didn't check my profile that says don't ask because I hate people to ghost me after that. I love learning languages so maybe I did not read the manga in English.
Dec 17, 2019 8:54 PM

Nov 2014
Missaliensan said:
Well i understand that how you could feel like the amount of drama the show throws at you at times is overwhelming,and honestly these are very real problems that people face in real life and i feel like the show tackles them sensibly.Of course it´s not very realistic that a group of boys just so happen to all have terrible home lives,but how else are they going to create conflict if all of the parents are good?Furthermore,since i feel like this anime´s main aim on the drama side to is portray difficult familial relationships,i would forgive it for this,since it´s supposed to be the anime´s main focus,so of course it´s going to come up every episode.I don't mind it to be honest,it keeps things interesting and gives me a reason to keep watching.

But where is the conflict? Does it even matter? Despite the drama, this story is a sports series about soft tennis. If they want drama and conflict and family issues, they should make those relevant to the soft tennis plot. But instead, all we have are characters stressed out and having mental problems and are still able to play tennis just fine, and the only reason they lose is cause of physical issues (lack of endurance or physical injuries) instead of mental stress. that just makes the forced drama feel unnecessary, as if they weigh nothing and aren't important at all. It doesn't make me care about the drama, since if they don't matter when it comes to matches and the kids can play just fine, then why do I care what their family life is like? plus, none of the drama had any sort of conclusion, and more are coming and this show is about to end.

LastLuminescence said:
For myself is like Araburu but with parents issues, that means, they want to put everything they can in one series.

but they don't do it well. a bad example of forcing too many things into one anime is "actors: songs connection"
Dec 19, 2019 3:00 PM
Jan 2016
That's the only reason I watch it. Sports anime is fine but I never watch sports anime for the sport. The drama is WAY more entertaining. When the actual sport starts I just skip til it is over and accept the outcome. If I want to watch a sport I will turn on my ESPN
Dec 19, 2019 7:58 PM
Jan 2013
This show is kinda a perfect example of how not to balance drama and sports shounen

If you wanna see works that balance it right, try 3gatsu no lion or chihayafuru

I admire what stars align is trying to do but its incredibly ambitious and will NEED to stick the landing
Dec 19, 2019 8:11 PM

Aug 2018
i though it was a show about tennis
Dec 20, 2019 7:46 AM

Mar 2016
Well it’s turning out more like SoL version of Hanebado, but with not much improvement over the former. From what I can see, the subplots and direction is more or less the same, though the cast of characters and their personalities are notably different.
Dec 20, 2019 8:38 AM

Nov 2017
I'm at ep 4 but if what you guys said is true then I'd be slightly disappointed. Too much drama in a show isn't for me, like shoving how the characters have terrible lives down my throat. I like it if it has the balance of sports and drama, as this anime is tagged for both, not just only focusing on the latter too much. Cross Game is the peak of that.
Dec 20, 2019 8:48 AM

Oct 2013
The show is called "Stars Align", in reference to the coincidence how all of these troubled kids ended up in the soft tennis club.

It makes sense, because most kids go to the more popular/mainstream sports. It's literally the outcast crew, like the Losers club in the IT novel.
Dec 20, 2019 6:49 PM
Apr 2018
dc22 said:
The show is called "Stars Align", in reference to the coincidence how all of these troubled kids ended up in the soft tennis club.

It makes sense, because most kids go to the more popular/mainstream sports. It's literally the outcast crew, like the Losers club in the IT novel.

Dec 20, 2019 8:51 PM

Jul 2012
Saacool said:
This show is kinda a perfect example of how not to balance drama and sports shounen

If you wanna see works that balance it right, try 3gatsu no lion or chihayafuru

I admire what stars align is trying to do but its incredibly ambitious and will NEED to stick the landing

It's ambitious but kind of fails sadly. Chihayafuru is originally a manga so of course, everything about it is done much better. The author had more time to prep and consider things. With Hoshiai, it's an original series so it's been like "what can we do for the next episode" lol

LalatinaDarkness said:
I'm at ep 4 but if what you guys said is true then I'd be slightly disappointed. Too much drama in a show isn't for me, like shoving how the characters have terrible lives down my throat. I like it if it has the balance of sports and drama, as this anime is tagged for both, not just only focusing on the latter too much. Cross Game is the peak of that.
Literally the most recent episode just threw in even more family drama at the end that doesn't even affect the main plot lol
Dec 23, 2019 10:05 PM
Jan 2013
dc22 said:
The show is called "Stars Align", in reference to the coincidence how all of these troubled kids ended up in the soft tennis club.

It makes sense, because most kids go to the more popular/mainstream sports. It's literally the outcast crew, like the Losers club in the IT novel.

Im not saying you can't do this premise well, but as far as Stars Align goes it failed the execution (having seen all but the final episode). If they were only going to have 12 episodes the should have cut the cast in half and maybe had a satisfying arc for any of them within the limited time frame

not to mention we've had 4+ episodes dedicated to really milquetoast sports/shounen. It doesn't tie in beyond being something for these troubled youths to do and its not interesting in the least, i have to wonder if the sports is to ensure some demographic draw since the writing for the drama at least appears sincere, they might benefit from a more sket dance approach, make them an odd jobs club, put more focus on the drama but still have fun activities for some levity

if you cant execute on the concept, rework your premise.
Dec 25, 2019 9:10 PM
Jul 2019
I don't think I make excessive use of drama, dysfunctional parents are more common than it seems, it's just that those who haven't had one (and I'm glad you didn't have to experience it) don't know or know what they can affect.
Dec 26, 2019 7:37 AM

Oct 2013
Saacool said:
dc22 said:
The show is called "Stars Align", in reference to the coincidence how all of these troubled kids ended up in the soft tennis club.

It makes sense, because most kids go to the more popular/mainstream sports. It's literally the outcast crew, like the Losers club in the IT novel.

Im not saying you can't do this premise well, but as far as Stars Align goes it failed the execution (having seen all but the final episode). If they were only going to have 12 episodes the should have cut the cast in half and maybe had a satisfying arc for any of them within the limited time frame

not to mention we've had 4+ episodes dedicated to really milquetoast sports/shounen. It doesn't tie in beyond being something for these troubled youths to do and its not interesting in the least, i have to wonder if the sports is to ensure some demographic draw since the writing for the drama at least appears sincere, they might benefit from a more sket dance approach, make them an odd jobs club, put more focus on the drama but still have fun activities for some levity

if you cant execute on the concept, rework your premise.

That's your opinion, not fact. I'm enjoying it a lot.
Dec 26, 2019 10:12 AM
Nov 2015
Well there is a theory that the more realistic the story is, the less rich it becomes. It tackles the issue of broken down parents and it provides alot of issues to be addressed through the characters. The point of a story is to address the abnormal. Stories like monster, sangatsu aren't interesting cause they are realistic but because they address issues through abnormal or extreme situations that you wouldn't find in real life.
I don't see what makes it contrived ,is it unlikely yes but there was no contradiction of information nor negation of information to be contrived.
If unlikely means that it is contrived then shows like sangatsu, monster and pretty much any character drama would be contrived cause 90 percent of fiction is predicated on coincidences.
Dec 26, 2019 2:36 PM
Jan 2013
dc22 said:
Saacool said:

Im not saying you can't do this premise well, but as far as Stars Align goes it failed the execution (having seen all but the final episode). If they were only going to have 12 episodes the should have cut the cast in half and maybe had a satisfying arc for any of them within the limited time frame

not to mention we've had 4+ episodes dedicated to really milquetoast sports/shounen. It doesn't tie in beyond being something for these troubled youths to do and its not interesting in the least, i have to wonder if the sports is to ensure some demographic draw since the writing for the drama at least appears sincere, they might benefit from a more sket dance approach, make them an odd jobs club, put more focus on the drama but still have fun activities for some levity

if you cant execute on the concept, rework your premise.

That's your opinion, not fact. I'm enjoying it a lot.

Didn't say you can't enjoy it, but the bar shouldn't be "is it enjoyable" or everyone might as well just produce lowest common demo isekai forever
Dec 26, 2019 3:01 PM

Oct 2013
Saacool said:
dc22 said:

That's your opinion, not fact. I'm enjoying it a lot.

Didn't say you can't enjoy it, but the bar shouldn't be "is it enjoyable" or everyone might as well just produce lowest common demo isekai forever

Then let me rephrase it: I don't only enjoy it, I think it's very well made.
Your criticisms are subjective.
Dec 26, 2019 3:21 PM
Jan 2010
Saacool said:
dc22 said:
The show is called "Stars Align", in reference to the coincidence how all of these troubled kids ended up in the soft tennis club.

It makes sense, because most kids go to the more popular/mainstream sports. It's literally the outcast crew, like the Losers club in the IT novel.

Im not saying you can't do this premise well, but as far as Stars Align goes it failed the execution (having seen all but the final episode). If they were only going to have 12 episodes the should have cut the cast in half and maybe had a satisfying arc for any of them within the limited time frame

not to mention we've had 4+ episodes dedicated to really milquetoast sports/shounen. It doesn't tie in beyond being something for these troubled youths to do and its not interesting in the least, i have to wonder if the sports is to ensure some demographic draw since the writing for the drama at least appears sincere, they might benefit from a more sket dance approach, make them an odd jobs club, put more focus on the drama but still have fun activities for some levity

if you cant execute on the concept, rework your premise.

They literally didn't get the chance to rework the series to fit around 12 episodes because they were told too late into the production that they'd lost their second cour.
Dec 26, 2019 3:30 PM
Jan 2013
Masserati_ said:
Saacool said:

Im not saying you can't do this premise well, but as far as Stars Align goes it failed the execution (having seen all but the final episode). If they were only going to have 12 episodes the should have cut the cast in half and maybe had a satisfying arc for any of them within the limited time frame

not to mention we've had 4+ episodes dedicated to really milquetoast sports/shounen. It doesn't tie in beyond being something for these troubled youths to do and its not interesting in the least, i have to wonder if the sports is to ensure some demographic draw since the writing for the drama at least appears sincere, they might benefit from a more sket dance approach, make them an odd jobs club, put more focus on the drama but still have fun activities for some levity

if you cant execute on the concept, rework your premise.

They literally didn't get the chance to rework the series to fit around 12 episodes because they were told too late into the production that they'd lost their second cour.

honestly from what they did put out, obviously getting to finish 2 cour would be better but it doesnt seem like a lost masterpiece or anything

Saturated with numerous instances of heavy drama but not really engaging with it, and a sports aspect that makes prince of tennis look interesting, not tying either of them together. im not trying to insult the director whom probably did the best with what they had but a poor showings a poor showing
Dec 26, 2019 3:35 PM
Shōjo Specialist

Oct 2014
Wow. The light tennis clubs cursed or something. Everyone seems to have intense issues.

MAL should add ‘psychological’ genera as half the anime is psycho.
Dec 26, 2019 3:42 PM
Jan 2010
Saacool said:
Masserati_ said:

They literally didn't get the chance to rework the series to fit around 12 episodes because they were told too late into the production that they'd lost their second cour.

honestly from what they did put out, obviously getting to finish 2 cour would be better but it doesnt seem like a lost masterpiece or anything

Saturated with numerous instances of heavy drama but not really engaging with it, and a sports aspect that makes prince of tennis look interesting, not tying either of them together. im not trying to insult the director whom probably did the best with what they had but a poor showings a poor showing

Eh, that's entirely subjective. I personally loved how messy the drama is because a lot of it felt very raw. Big fan of the open discussion about LGBT+ people that occurred. Would have loved to see how it was all originally intended to be resolved. Plus... the sport element was never really the focus. The show's a lot like Battery in that sense were the baseball element is entirely secondary to the development of the two leads. In that way it never really needed to be tied together.

Honestly, I find a lot of the criticism of this show being way too dramatic or how "all the kids having shitty parents is bad" to be to be extremely silly because seeing a group of messed up individuals bonding and coming together is always very satisfying for me.

Edit: Also how dare you bully Prince of Tennis. It's awesome. Those are fighting words.
Masserati_Dec 26, 2019 3:54 PM
Dec 26, 2019 5:49 PM
Jan 2013
papsoshea said:

Saacool said:
Saturated with numerous instances of heavy drama but not really engaging with it
That's false. Kazuki Akane did a lot with the drama - he abandoned traditional storytelling in service of the topics, themes, and message that he really wanted to push out there. He put a spotlight on issues that truly need to be readdressed within this medium; boys have been badly served. Their problems have been rendered down to near irrelevancy and unimportant. Adults and society, in general, have always downplayed the emotional and mental issues boys go through - and are expected to "man-up" and to never allow yourself to be vulnerable. Discouraging speaking out because its a sign of weakness for men.

What kids tend to do that have had the issues that these characters have is compartmentalizing their lives in order to not only deal with their pain (temporarily) but to hide their pain from others. You can see the effects it had on characters like Maki - the way he acts in public is a facade - the way he acts in front of his mother is to show her that he is strong and for her to not worry - when really, we know he is deeply scarred by his father. We see him break apart at the sight of his father. We see him display emotional detachment when his father leaves.

The show makes a point to show what happens if this is allowed to continue. It will create conflict at the deeper level of his psyche, a conflict that will bubble up and manifest in troubled personal relationships, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and other forms of mental illness. We even seen Toma affected by this to the point he starts generalizing, deciding that since the primary relationship with his mother is hostile, that opening up emotionally in that specific relationship only brings anger and pain, this means that all relationships are hostile, that opening up emotionally in all relationships only brings anger and pain.

You're not wrong, bringing up awareness of these issues is certainly incredibly valuable, but you're giving the writing a lot more credit then its due, not that its not trying to accomplish as much, it fails in execution. Bringing up the differential in particular relationships is not a bad way to go about it but i definitely don't feel like the contrast you're highlighting comes through, rather it feels like the individual instances of drama are brought up more for "coverage," trying to drum up more types of drama to bring more awareness to types abusive relationships.

All of these "numerous instances of heavy drama" is making a point in the boys' ability to take in all the abuse and survive as functional adolescent people - supporting each other while flipping the bird to the rest of the world to fuck off. It baffles me how these topics, points, themes, and messages have gone over a lot of heads.

here you've sort of hit the nail on the head, how do these dramatic aspects shake out? Will they take the 3gatsu route where abuse is difficult to confront and bullying requires nuance to address? What is the conclusion to these character arcs if they exist. When the show does take time to try and engage with the drama, the answer appears to be use violence, "flipping the bird to the rest of the world to fuck off," touma uses his reputation and anger as leverage, maki grabs a knife, one of the many forgettable boys smacks a bully with a racket and is let off with a slap on the wrist because he was provoked. the "themes, and messages" haven't gone over my head, far from it, i'm very very worried about these boys whom have been abused, and to deal with it the answer appears to be "abuse the world back."

Soft tennis is what aligns these characters together where they can share a similar interest, but this is 100% a psychological drama about real issues that a lot of teens go through in dysfunctional homes, and always has been.

These characters aren't written in a vacuum, if you're making "100% psychological drama" dont put half your season on a sport shounen no one seemed enthusiastic in writing. Maybe have the cast form a Sket dan, you can have levity in activites while focusing on what you actually care about

Poor comprehension is poor comprehension. And as for the title of the thread, there is at least 4 episodes that don't include "numerous instances of heavy drama" or soft tennis so there is room to breathe.

If only it were as simple as "some episodes didn't have drama so the pace must have been good actually"

Unfortunate that the 2nd cour got cut but when i evaluate a work i don't head cannon what it could've been, I evaluate what it effectively does, and handling heavy drama well, this show did not
Dec 29, 2019 3:01 PM

Sep 2011
I'll copy what I wrote for episode 9 here.

Is every family in the club totally broken? It's one thing if you want to explore familial abuse by having one or two kids suffer and see how it affects the club, but having every single god damn family have an asshat of a parent is way too much. It reeks of not knowing how to write a complex story. They are going for breadth instead of depth and they are doing it so poorly.

I've read a bit of the criticism in this thread saying there isn't a lot of drama, but if you actually take a step back, take a deep breath, and drop the prejudices you have built up for yourself as a shallow attempt to not have to admit you were wrong, you will see that this entire show is entirely drama. Hell, the creators have straight up said that this show is about the drama and not about the sport. The drama is there, and it oozes out of everything.

Unfortunately with every single character being abused it does not invoke sympathy. It just invokes disappointment. This stuff happens, but the scenario isn't realistic, even if you were to factor in the ridiculous Asian stereotype that getting anything other than an A+ makes you a failure. I believe that humanity should be wiped off the face of the planet because of how twisted humanity itself is, and even I know this has been ballooned so much as to be unrealistic.

As I said before, this series approaches abuse in a breadth-first capacity, and in doing so it is doing an awful job exploring the bottomless depth of what real abuse is like and the devastating effects it has. Abuse is only interesting and thought provoking when you explore it from both sides, figure out how it got to that point, why, and figuring out exactly how the relationship has twisted.

Watching people get bombarded with abuse without exploring why is not entertaining.
Dec 29, 2019 4:17 PM

Jul 2015
Yeah I had thought so as well. Glad I wasn't the only one. I think it was like from episode four when this issue came about. I'm glad it's tackling issues about an array of things however it's almost as its been shoved into you rather than been spread out for a couple of seasons. Yes, I am aware that it is an original and only had 12 episodes but what happened like right at the end of season one leads me to believe there will be a second season so they should be no issue on giving us all this information now. Also as most of you guys are saying why is every member of the tennis club have family issues? I'm not trying to make a light of the situation or downgrade that these things do happen but all of them are like very serious issues and they're quite heavy to talk about... I dunno. I came in thinking it was gonna be a good sports show demonstrating how family life can impact sport and stuff but now it's just drama with sports in the background. I dunno, I really feel they should've spaced it out or even hinted at some families life problems rather than intorducing all of it at one go. A lot of people are saying they're pretty much watching it for the drama now, so if there were to be a second season I don't think I want to watch it because I feel like the drama is a bit too much for me to handle. Yeah the advertisement did the series dirty to promote this series as a sport rather than drama
silverkey26Dec 29, 2019 4:21 PM

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