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Durarara!! (light novel)
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Feb 25, 2015 6:59 AM
Jul 2011
By the way.

Vorona must be written Varona (it is written "ворона" in russian but is pronounced "варона").
It means hooded crow (corvus cornix - more common in Eastern Europe).

Sloan must be written Slon (it is written and pronounced "слон").
It means elephant (explained in this episode).
Feb 25, 2015 10:43 AM
Aug 2013
Takuan_Soho said:
OrangeRium said:
damn this was intense, i don't really like Varona she's so conceited

Varona is the last thing from being conceited. That is her charm. The best way to describe her would be the quote from Hamlet:

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. "

Varona's entire interaction with humanity has been through books (because of her father), but unlike Horatio she is not trapped by mere philosophy. For her it is the reverse: she is desperate to find things OUTSIDE of her knowledge. Finding out that beings like Celty or Anri exist is for her a reason to exist. This should become clearer next episode I believe.

Trust Durarara!! to make someone say something like this. That's why I love it!
Feb 25, 2015 2:44 PM

Mar 2010
megaload said:
By the way.

Vorona must be written Varona (it is written "ворона" in russian but is pronounced "варона").
It means hooded crow (corvus cornix - more common in Eastern Europe).

Sloan must be written Slon (it is written and pronounced "слон").
It means elephant (explained in this episode).

Drakon (Vorona's father) means dragon too. Their codenames seem to have some animal theme going on. I dunno it Egor fits the pattern however.
Feb 25, 2015 4:12 PM

Jun 2014
I'm a little disappointed that Vorona's backstory turned out to be the typical childhood of a psycho character. I'm not liking her much, idek know why yet. I think she's just too conventional.

Mikado, I knew you were never exactly the brightest crayon in the box, but I didn't think you would be dumb enough to think that Izaya's a good guy. How many people have given you perfectly sound evidence that he just manipulates people for a laugh.

I really want the plot to move forward o.o

(By the way, what was with the animation this week?)
KageNoAbisuFeb 25, 2015 4:17 PM
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Feb 25, 2015 5:08 PM
Feb 2015
[quote=KageNoAbisu]I'm a little disappointed that Vorona's backstory turned out to be the typical childhood of a psycho character. I'm not liking her much, idek know why yet. I think she's just too conventional.

I don't think that's conventional. Psycho characters usually experience very traumatic events or have a sad childhood and end up hollding a certain grudge against others. The anime overdid it a bit but in the novels Vorona was only a bit scared during the robbery and didn't think too much of it after that.
Feb 25, 2015 6:07 PM

Apr 2013
This episode's visuals looked unfinished. Hope next week is better, because I really don't feel like waiting for the blu-rays.
Feb 25, 2015 9:23 PM

Jun 2013
Aside from some bad visuals stellar ep, hmm when I read the light novel I did not get the impression that Vorona got knocked back so hard from Anri. But Celty scaring the crap out of them, good job!
Feb 26, 2015 5:33 PM

Jul 2009
Wow the animation this week ... was pretty bad :S
Some backstory into Vorona and the Russians ... kinda typical I guess, left alone with only books but enjoyed killing. Seems like she ended up firing that weapon she stole too ... man it looks strong O_O Fight with Anri could've been more intense I think, but the car chase with Celty was pretty cool. Then they go off together. Mikado and Izaya's talk was interesting too, especially when they talked about the direction of the Dollars (or the lack thereof?). Hope we get to see more of Izaya :D
Sounds like Kida narrating the preview so maybe we get to see him too next episode?! Or Aoba, who came in search of Mikado ... I just want more to happen lol :P
Feb 27, 2015 7:03 AM

Jun 2014
yuigadokusonmaru said:
I don't think that's conventional. Psycho characters usually experience very traumatic events or have a sad childhood and end up hollding a certain grudge against others. The anime overdid it a bit but in the novels Vorona was only a bit scared during the robbery and didn't think too much of it after that.

Isn't it though? There are many different ways to have a traumatic/sad childhood but hers is very generic. Parents weren't around, other children/people avoided her, books were her only companion, she killed a person, then started killing more people because she thought it was fun.

Her personality and overall character are also quite typical for a psycho. Beautiful, smart/clever, more or less emotionless...

I just don't find her very unique, that's all I'm saying.
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Feb 27, 2015 11:21 AM

Mar 2010
i know it*s probably just an english idiom but it it still made me chuckle.

Feb 27, 2015 1:31 PM
Jul 2018
The only thing I didnt really like in this episode was the animation, I enjoyed the focus on Vorona. She's no match for either Celty or Anri though.
Feb 27, 2015 9:25 PM

Apr 2011
at the end the narrator said the two types of japanese men both read situations better than they need to and then the two men were not shown in mikado's view when he opened the door. Is something going to happen?!
Feb 27, 2015 9:41 PM

Jul 2014
We already knew everything we needed to know about Vorona, this episode was mostly filler. Guess with 2 more cours to go they're padding as much as possible. Once the 3rd cour is done it will probably be worthwhile to edit them all down into 1.
Feb 28, 2015 4:34 AM

Jan 2015
The reason the animation is bad is because the sales numbers are coming back and they are shit.

Sokah said:
We already knew everything we needed to know about Vorona, this episode was mostly filler. Guess with 2 more cours to go they're padding as much as possible. Once the 3rd cour is done it will probably be worthwhile to edit them all down into 1.

You cannot have filler in a show with no actual direct plotline. If you want that, please go watch Hunter x Hunter and leave shows with character driven stories alone. Durarara doesnt need a villain to defeat.
Feb 28, 2015 4:36 AM

Dec 2010
Awesome episode, especially past the Russia part. Whoooouh!~
Feb 28, 2015 5:43 AM

Dec 2013
I wonder why they choose Russia for this kind of group ._.
Good job author lol

Nice Episode. Varona vs Anri is the best i saw in this episode :3
Aishiteru Saika~

This episode shows that there will be Mikado development, i want it so bad =.=
Skill 1 - Mask Maker.
Skill 2 - Binding Spell.
Skill 3 - Conceal Darkness.
Skill 4 - Mind Shield..
Feb 28, 2015 10:43 AM
Aug 2013
Sokah said:
We already knew everything we needed to know about Vorona, this episode was mostly filler. Guess with 2 more cours to go they're padding as much as possible. Once the 3rd cour is done it will probably be worthwhile to edit them all down into 1.
That would be a terrible idea, given that we're half way through airing time but not near half way through the source material.
Feb 28, 2015 11:01 AM

Mar 2010
ChairForceOne said:
The reason the animation is bad is because the sales numbers are coming back and they are shit.

Anime production doesn't work like. The budget and cours are set in long before any show actually airs. The reason the animation like this is because wasn't quite able to fine tune the episode in time.

KageNoAbisu said:

Isn't it though? There are many different ways to have a traumatic/sad childhood but hers is very generic. Parents weren't around, other children/people avoided her, books were her only companion, she killed a person, then started killing more people because she thought it was fun.

Her personality and overall character are also quite typical for a psycho. Beautiful, smart/clever, more or less emotionless...

I just don't find her very unique, that's all I'm saying.

Dude, she became a killer through reading books, not because she had some sob story childhood where parents died and she pick by some shady organization. Hell her father put her in said group initially as protection. That is far from generic. And if think she is emotionless then understand the "Ivan concept/stereotype and why she is both. Beside she was terrified of Anri at first which doesn't happen to psychopaths.
Iron_MawFeb 28, 2015 11:11 AM
Feb 28, 2015 11:12 PM

Jul 2008
I feel like eating sushi after this episode. Nice to learn about Vorona, but this felt like a filler episode almost.

I know what it is, NO TWINS!!!
Mar 1, 2015 7:53 AM
Mar 2015
I think Vorona's background story felt quite fillery indeed, not sure if it's because the animation *ahem*, but then it's an important part to know more of her.

Plus this arc is only gonna last in a day after eps 7. That is, 8-13, six episodes will feel like a long day. It's better to watch them at once if possible. Probably that's part of the reason why the separated episodes seem to contain only a little, while it constantly builds into a large united story.
I mean, what can you do with all those bunch of characters in an episode?

And I heard this last arc of Shou is just the beginning of an end, so it's neat. Gotta wait for the second and third cour to make sense of the story I guess.
like2seepicturesMar 1, 2015 8:04 AM
Mar 1, 2015 8:24 AM

Jan 2013
The animation was unbearable to watch, but the story writing for this episode made up for it.

Why did Vorona attack Anri again?
Mar 1, 2015 10:24 AM

Jan 2013
The animation was choppy this episode.
Some of the backstory was interesting, but it's not really that engaging.
Mar 1, 2015 12:41 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Varona reminds me of old school Noir villains. I feel like rewatching another episode now.




[H+] ³  
Mar 1, 2015 7:04 PM
Feb 2015
Jagd84 said:
ChairForceOne said:
The reason the animation is bad is because the sales numbers are coming back and they are shit.

Anime production doesn't work like. The budget and cours are set in long before any show actually airs. The reason the animation like this is because wasn't quite able to fine tune the episode in time.

KageNoAbisu said:

Isn't it though? There are many different ways to have a traumatic/sad childhood but hers is very generic. Parents weren't around, other children/people avoided her, books were her only companion, she killed a person, then started killing more people because she thought it was fun.

Her personality and overall character are also quite typical for a psycho. Beautiful, smart/clever, more or less emotionless...

I just don't find her very unique, that's all I'm saying.

Dude, she became a killer through reading books, not because she had some sob story childhood where parents died and she pick by some shady organization. Hell her father put her in said group initially as protection. That is far from generic. And if think she is emotionless then understand the "Ivan concept/stereotype and why she is both. Beside she was terrified of Anri at first which doesn't happen to psychopaths.
Mar 1, 2015 7:22 PM

Jun 2014
Jagd84 said:
ChairForceOne said:
The reason the animation is bad is because the sales numbers are coming back and they are shit.

Anime production doesn't work like. The budget and cours are set in long before any show actually airs. The reason the animation like this is because wasn't quite able to fine tune the episode in time.

KageNoAbisu said:

Isn't it though? There are many different ways to have a traumatic/sad childhood but hers is very generic. Parents weren't around, other children/people avoided her, books were her only companion, she killed a person, then started killing more people because she thought it was fun.

Her personality and overall character are also quite typical for a psycho. Beautiful, smart/clever, more or less emotionless...

I just don't find her very unique, that's all I'm saying.

Dude, she became a killer through reading books, not because she had some sob story childhood where parents died and she pick by some shady organization. Hell her father put her in said group initially as protection. That is far from generic. And if think she is emotionless then understand the "Ivan concept/stereotype and why she is both. Beside she was terrified of Anri at first which doesn't happen to psychopaths.

Her dad only occasionally showing up and not really giving her any attention (and idk what happened to her mom) still means that she was pretty much alone. So she read books, and yes learned from them ways to kill people. But it's not that she became a killer because she read books, she's clearly pretty messed up to repeat what she read about. A natural killer, I guess.

As for why she's both, the two Russian dudes were kinda questioning whether she really could, weren't they? It seemed to me like they were. And I wouldn't say she was terrified of Anri, yeah she was shocked but terrified? I also read some comments from manga readers saying that the anime overdid it and she wasn't actually that scared.

I wasn't hating on her or anything, I'm just not liking her so far, maybe I just haven't seen enough of her personality yet.
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Mar 4, 2015 6:36 PM
Mar 2009
Unusual episode, but at least I now know how (not to) read situations....
Mar 8, 2015 4:52 AM

Apr 2014
Lmfao shitty animation for a mediocre first half second season.

Z4KMar 8, 2015 6:22 AM
Mar 14, 2015 3:30 PM

Jul 2013
Vorona underestimated things too much! She pissed herself, and felt she had to use that weapon!
Celty & Anri good combo!
Mar 28, 2015 12:46 PM

Jul 2012
Haha wow Vorona's dad Dracon is awesome. I dig how psychotic he is!
Mar 31, 2015 4:52 AM

Dec 2013
the fuck is up with the animation in this episode?
dd they just completely forget about the existence of in-between animation?
Apr 3, 2015 12:33 PM

Jan 2011
We got to see more about the Russian folks, was pretty cool.
What wasn't as cool this episode was the lack of frames. ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ
Mikado will probably get rekt by his "friend" next episode. :'o
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
May 9, 2015 5:24 PM

May 2012
Quite nice episode actually, liked the action and backstory! Let's see what's next.
Jun 1, 2015 1:28 AM

Feb 2013
Great episode, much better then the past few.

I'm also loving Varona, shes pretty badass. I do hope we get to actually see her kick some ass soon though, her getting beaten back so easily by Anri was a bit disappointing honestly.
Jun 13, 2015 2:45 AM

Jun 2012
Haha the password for the dollars website is Baccano :D
What is the most cowardly and shameful thing in human conduct? It's when people with power and people who flatter them hide in safe places and extol war, force patriotism and self-sacrifice on others, then send them to the battlefield to die. For the sake of peace in the universe, before we continue this fruitless war with the Empire, mustn't we first start by exterminating such evil parasites? - Yang Wenli
Jul 13, 2015 8:29 AM

Jul 2014
Jul 19, 2015 5:23 PM

Mar 2012
Well, I guess they didn't want to use much of their budget on this episode lol. The scenes with the old russian guys were terrible...
Sep 7, 2015 12:22 PM

Feb 2015
I was seriously laughing when Mikado was thinking that "Izaya really is a good guy!" I don't think anything good has ever come from that. Just look at Kida. xD

But I liked this episode although the animation was quite horrific at times. We get to see more Izaya which is always a plus.
"Oh, I wasn't trying to be funny.. I would've put a 'Haha' at the end of it."

Dec 26, 2015 1:09 AM

Jul 2013
xXAnimefanXxx said:
I was seriously laughing when Mikado was thinking that "Izaya really is a good guy!"
yeah Mikado will eat those words.

Also those Russian duo are obnoxious as fuck especially the blonde bitch. What the hell are they doing in Ikebukuro anyway?
Jan 2, 2016 6:17 PM

Jul 2012
The scene with Verona was pretty interesting but I found the rest really dull.
Jan 12, 2016 7:48 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
"Izaya's a good person"... you haven't learned Mikado have you?

Jan 30, 2016 5:26 PM
Jun 2013
man these russian characters guys sure are cold. varona was the unlucky person to try to take anri. So varona is crazy and has daddy issues.was nice to see some background on her.
Apr 6, 2016 10:05 PM

Sep 2014
The animation was pretty fking bad this episode.

Also don't fall for Izaya's traps Mikado!

Anri showing up that Russian girl was pretty cool.

It seems that Durarara shows tend to lose their edge in the 2nd halfs :/ First half was good, but this is only alright.
GokuApr 6, 2016 10:08 PM
Oct 7, 2016 1:31 AM

Jul 2012
Yeah Mikado, Izaya is the nicest guy in the city. He only tried to involve Dollars into an all out war a few months ago :D

Vorona had to learn the hard way that Ikebukuro isn't boring at all haha. At least she didn't run into Shizuo ..yet 😋

I thought the animation diring some parts were just a stylistic choice during the Russian scenes, but then it continued and I realized that they seemed to be short on time/money for this episode 😵 But hopefully this is just a 1-episode thing!
Dec 7, 2016 5:38 PM

Nov 2015

Ok, there was a lot of backstory for Varona. Even Simon and Dennis appeared in it.
There's a bunch of russian characters in this arc it seems! jaja.

This is going to unfold in some brutal way, I know it. So far I don't understand the big picture but I know Narita will surprise me with later episodes. I don't know if in the Shou arc or in later arcs but he will.

Damn, Varona almost really kills Celty. She was pissed, and she was coming for her!

Izaya? A good guy? Oh, this is a good joke.

PD: Celty, baka... you can make your own helmets xD
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ando- said:

Vorona had to learn the hard way that Ikebukuro isn't boring at all haha. At least she didn't run into Shizuo ..yet 😋

Yeah, I want that to happen. For various reasons jajaja.
HumbertoZeroDec 7, 2016 5:43 PM
Jan 16, 2017 2:38 AM

Dec 2012

Home Alone.

Varona goofed when she decided to approach my waifu, Anri.

Oh, Mikado.

The other Taro is here.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Dec 2, 2017 11:41 AM

Jul 2011
Watched 7 eps so far.
Sooooo boring :(
and stupid.

Sometimes (well, most of the time) it is better to leave original show alone and never make dumb sequels.

nick_el_sonDec 2, 2017 11:45 AM
Feb 23, 2018 7:55 PM

Sep 2013
Interesting back story for Varona. I don't like her though. I hope Celty kicks her ass.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Apr 9, 2018 11:10 AM
Nov 2010
Backstory on vorona was awesome. I repeat. The new characters are amazing. Binge watching this shit. I took forever to finish season 1 because it was so hard to get into.
DannimeApr 9, 2018 9:18 PM
Jan 29, 2019 11:57 AM
Jul 2018
new stories of new uninteresting characters, i can't care less
Nov 6, 2019 11:07 AM

Sep 2019
That bitch Verona for what she deserves. I hope she'll now think with her brain for one's not her ass hole. F*ck that bitch
AvichiiNov 6, 2019 11:10 AM
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