First and foremost, when scoring shows I use the whole 1-10 scale and everything from 6 and up I enjoyed and like! Anything under that was more or less a chore to get through or simply bad in my opinion.
I watch anime in cycles. Sometimes months go when I won't watch anything but then I marathon series day and night sacrificing my sleep. So if I disappear from time to time... that's the reason.
My favorite kind of series are those that leave me confused for a good amount of time and put the story together as it goes. Interesting visuals and symbolism is right at my alley but I can't say I don't also enjoy just fun no brainer shows.
Usually the crazier or morally questionable the character is the more interested I am of them. Usually, not always.
I also have an incredible love for Japanese music. Vocaloid producer and utattemita artists are close to my heart and sometimes I spend hours looking for new songs to fall in love to. I just love unique voices in songs as well as in anime.
It would be a dream of mine to travel more again after the world stops ending if that ever happens. I'm studying international economics and business in hopes of living abroad in the future.
I read, draw, paint and write a lot although I have no confidence in any of those skills. Plants are cool. When they don't slowly wither away while I wish I'd water them.
I'm always excited to talk to new people about anime, life, art or whatever but my mental health goes up and down so I might not answer even in months sometimes and it's not personal. Just that I don't have the mental energy to deal with the world.
~ Homeless_Swallow ~
Let's see how many you can kill with the power of love. - Sanetoshi, Mawaru Penguindrum
Man, kids these days. They think it's a competition to have the most friends. One is enough. Find someone completely unique. - Yato, Noragami
joo siis ei tullu ajatelleeks et eihän se ihme kyllä vieläkään oo loppu XD, mä vaan muistan et oli niin surullinen se animen eka kausi ja sitte taas toisaalta oli se Sebastianin muodon muutos siinä lopussa niin jäi kaikki se mieleen lempi animena OWO, juu ei siinä kiire oo, mut mä alan unohtaan paljon mitä tapahtu niin jos en muuta lukemistä keksi niin siinä mulle idea
Black Butler oli muuten mun lempi anime et ihan varmasti luen joskus, anime vaan jääny Mangan kans nykyään sikseen ku sitä osais palailla vähän takas >W<
joo sori mä olin kateissa taas kuukauden XP, aa juu mulla on pari ekaa volumea siitä, oikeestaan se syy miks en lähteny lukeen sitä, aattelin sillon kauan sitten et hankin loput ja sitten luen mut enhän mä perhana niitä hankkinu XD, parempi ku lukis netistä loput
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