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Jul 31, 2019 5:23 AM

Dec 2018
Judging from the anime adaptations only, it seems to me like Opm took the hype which was rightfully Mob psycho's, I mean this for me is the better series out of the two, the action scenes are beautifully animated and Bones actually held onto the anime unlike Opm where we had a great 1st season and an alright second one done by Jc staff. Like if we only compare the anime its pretty obvious that Mob psycho is the one which deserves the fame and not Opm, plus mob psycho is a shonen so it has a lot more territort to be more popular than Opm.
So in your opinion, what is the reason why Opm is so much more popular than Mob psycho when Mob Psycho has a lot more potential to be the popular One??
Jul 31, 2019 5:28 AM

May 2014
It's all about the premise. One Punch Man's premise is immediately attention grabbing. Plus with it being about super heroes, many non-anime fans got into it as well.

I completely agree about Mob being much better though. I enjoyed OPM, but i don't find the story, characters or animation to be as good as Mobs.
Jul 31, 2019 5:42 AM

Dec 2018
Oh ok I get what you mean, Opm appeals to westerners much more than Mob Psycho because Opm is about superheroes fighting bad guys so very close to what westerners are used to with Marvel and DC comics, while Mob Psycho is about psychic powers and urban legends only japanese people can relate to.
Jul 31, 2019 5:46 AM
May 2019
That is just your opinion it is not a fact.
Besides who cares it doesn't matter in the slightest. I just don't see the point in these type of low effort treads.
Jul 31, 2019 5:49 AM

Apr 2012
I'd say the memes. Normies and casuals love memes, hence OPM more popular.
Jul 31, 2019 6:21 AM

Dec 2018
Xstasy said:
That is just your opinion it is not a fact.
Besides who cares it doesn't matter in the slightest. I just don't see the point in these type of low effort treads.

Lmao since when is asking a question about anime industry low effort, isn't that one of the reasons why this forum was created anyway.
Plus this isnt just my opinion, I know at least 3 friends who watched both and prefer Mob psycho I mean just look at the mal rating for season 2.
Mob psycho is objectively better when it comes to sound, animation, production and whole lot more stuff. So I genuinely want to know why its not as popular as Opm.
Jul 31, 2019 6:44 AM
May 2019
imagodlikeBeerus said:
Xstasy said:
That is just your opinion it is not a fact.
Besides who cares it doesn't matter in the slightest. I just don't see the point in these type of low effort treads.

Lmao since when is asking a question about anime industry low effort, isn't that one of the reasons why this forum was created anyway.
Plus this isnt just my opinion, I know at least 3 friends who watched both and prefer Mob psycho I mean just look at the mal rating for season 2.
Mob psycho is objectively better when it comes to sound, animation, production and whole lot more stuff. So I genuinely want to know why its not as popular as Opm.

It is just your opinion whether you friends share it or not is irrelevant.
And these type of treads are pointless since anyone with a common sense can tell why. Not to mention that they are usually baiting in nature and are design to start flame wars.
Aug 8, 2019 9:31 PM

Mar 2017
OPM came out first and with it's huge amount of hype in the underground lead to it beaching the mainstream non anime viewers. I had a friend that didn't like anime what so ever come up to me talking about it, that is how popular it was. Mob's initial hype for most was from OPM and knowing that it had been made by the same creator.

While I think Mob is way better, I honestly think that within a couple years Mob will be around the same level of popularity (or at least I hope that it dose).
Aug 8, 2019 9:51 PM
Jul 2018
One-Punch Man deals with superheroes and action.

Mob Psycho deals with slice of life and the supernatural.

One show is clearly more easily accessible to the general audience than the other, hence why it's more popular.
Aug 10, 2019 2:52 PM
Jul 2016
i feel like actually there's no one better than the other both are great series and i'm with Frankyp with the reason Mob is like the more serious doraemon so some people won't get it well as OPM while OPM is your more serious and funny Anpanman so people will like it because most people love superheroes
Aug 10, 2019 5:16 PM

Jun 2011
It's probably the art or sexy female characters? Idk. OPM s1 was great too. Tho I think MP100 is really better. But I love both.
Aug 10, 2019 5:34 PM
Feb 2017
S1 of Mob didn't no the reach the same hype or goodness that OPM did. Basically, it was inferior in every way. S2 fixes this by making it on par or close to what OPM S1 brought to the table.

Basically the two shows switched roles in their second season, with OPM S2 being not popular for reasons and Mob II being popular because it brought everything to the table that OPM 2 lacked.
Aug 10, 2019 5:50 PM
Dec 2017
I like both but I agree that Mob Psycho 100 is better than One Punch Man. Not only does MP100 have a more likable main character, it has colorful and amazing animation and great comedy.

But I think a lot of people love the concept of an overpowered main character who has already done all his training. In OPM, there are no training arcs so it's perfect for people who are sick of the "train, fight, train, fight" pattern.
Aug 11, 2019 1:59 AM
Aug 2018
A popular series doesn’t mean it’s good: it just has a lot of mass appeal. One punch mans simplicity and beautiful art/ action sequences are really easy to watch for the masses. Mobs artstyle is great, but more niche, and the plot is more intricate. It also helps in the west that Netflix have OPM.
Aug 11, 2019 2:06 AM

Jul 2016
Mob started out good, but then became dumb fights at the end.

Also, popularity does not mean better.
Aug 11, 2019 5:39 AM

Dec 2013
OPM is more instantly gratifying and has as eye-catching of a premise as there is in modern media. Season 1 of OPM is fantastic and arguably better than Mob's first season, so regardless of Season 2's failures, and the beauty that is Mob's second season, OPM has already built for itself such a huge fanbase.

But yeah, Mob is clearly better imo and it's not close. This second season was truly a masterpiece
Immahnoob said:
They say Jesus walked on water.
People are made out of 79% water.
I can walk on people.
So I am 79% Jesus.
Sourire said:
I once fucked an apple pie.
Aug 11, 2019 11:01 AM
Dec 2014
It’s called an opinion and doesn’t have to be true
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Aug 11, 2019 11:02 AM

May 2012
I personally liked one punch man much more Mob Psycho
Aug 13, 2019 8:55 PM

Dec 2017

Jan 16, 2020 10:54 AM

Nov 2012
Even as a fan of Mob Psycho I definitely preferred OPM.

So maybe you're opinion is the minority.
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Jan 16, 2020 5:10 PM

Nov 2012
I wouldn't say either is BETTER, they just have wildly different tones to the point that which one you prefer probably says a lot about your general taste in anime. In fact, both works sort of feel like ONE was intentionally trying to tell stories that feel opposite of each other?

OPM is an action comedy with moments of introspective drama.

MP100 is an introspective drama with moments of action and comedy.

Action and comedy are MUCH more popular genres in the world of anime, ESPECIALLY among western fans. It's why Shonen Jump titles are so insanely popular worldwide.

So, naturally, when you have two shows of relatively similar quality, but one is a drama and the other is action, the action show is gonna win out in terms of popularity.
Jan 22, 2020 5:58 PM

Nov 2015
Because they don’t like the art style of mob and OPM is about super heroes
HACKs! ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ
Jan 23, 2020 9:54 PM

Dec 2018
tahts debatable, i disagree. although mobs story was unique and had experimental art and storytelling, this second season just felt really off to me. I dont know maybe its the villain or the way the show tries to take a serious turn, but it didn't land with me. I would say mob s1 > opm s1. But for s2, pretty suure mobs is worse even tho i haven't seen opm s2
Jan 23, 2020 9:56 PM

Dec 2018
Optigisa said:
Mob started out good, but then became dumb fights at the end.

Also, popularity does not mean better.

ye exactly, got pretty stupid and dumb
Feb 3, 2020 5:17 PM
Jan 2013
Maybe because OPM came out first. Also their world building seemed more detailed than MP100's. That's just from memory though; I might be wrong as I haven't seen either in a while.
Feb 12, 2020 9:04 AM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
One Punch Man is better for me, especially that sad undertone to it. Mob Psycho S2 was tripping but let's be real, the story turned into a typical shounen story at the end.
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
Feb 12, 2020 9:37 AM

Jan 2020
OPM is much more accessible. It was the first anime I ever watched just because the premise sounded fun and interesting.
If you had tried to explain Mob to me before I got into anime, I probably wouldn't have been very interested. OPM is more
straightforward. Instant action with amazing fight scenes from episode 1, filled with gags and jokes, less focus on story and
character development to make room for a more relaxing, fun, and consistent show. Mob takes it time to build up its primary
characters, with the main villains only appearing well past the halfway mark. Mob has a lot more emotional weight behind it,
weight that could bring a more casual viewer down. Its weird how aspects that make a show 'better' can lead to it becoming
less popular when compared to a show that omits aspects like character development and a deeper story.
TheDunnFeb 12, 2020 11:37 AM
Feb 12, 2020 9:41 AM

Jun 2019
TheDunn said:
OPM is much more accessible. It was the first anime I ever watched just because the premise sounded fun and interesting. If you had tried to explain Mob to me before I got into anime, I probably wouldn't have been very interested. OPM is more straightforward. Instant action with amazing fight scenes from episode 1, filled with gags and jokes, less focus on story and character development to make room for a more relaxing, fun, and consistent show. Mob takes it time to build up its primary characters, with the main villains only appearing well past the halfway mark. Mob has a lot more emotional weight behind it, weight that could bring a more casual viewer down. Its weird how aspects that make a show 'better' can lead to it becoming less popular when compared to a show that values things like story and characters above all else.

What this guy says! I'd say Mob Psycho's art style isn't as normie friendly as the season 1 of OPM either.


Feb 12, 2020 9:48 AM

Jan 2020
Shitaste said:
TheDunn said:
OPM is much more accessible. It was the first anime I ever watched just because the premise sounded fun and interesting. If you had tried to explain Mob to me before I got into anime, I probably wouldn't have been very interested. OPM is more straightforward. Instant action with amazing fight scenes from episode 1, filled with gags and jokes, less focus on story and character development to make room for a more relaxing, fun, and consistent show. Mob takes it time to build up its primary characters, with the main villains only appearing well past the halfway mark. Mob has a lot more emotional weight behind it, weight that could bring a more casual viewer down. Its weird how aspects that make a show 'better' can lead to it becoming less popular when compared to a show that values things like story and characters above all else.

What this guy says! I'd say Mob Psycho's art style isn't as normie friendly as the season 1 of OPM either.

Another good point. Mob has a much more expressive art style that makes use of a bunch of different techniques. The overly exaggerated facial expressions and such could be off-putting to a more casual viewer.
Feb 12, 2020 9:49 AM

Jul 2014
I'd say another part of it besides OPM being more of a meme grabber than MP100 is the artstyle. MP100's artstyle really isn't the type to get popular unlike the standard designs Madhouse did with OPM.
I do agree that MP100 is way much better than OPM not just in characters but also in story.
Feb 14, 2020 12:37 PM
Nov 2019
For me I see them both as battle shounens with little to no story or plot direction, just a random accumulation of epic fights, so on that basis I’d have to say mob psycho is better personally. I would’ve said opm if it kept the same standard in season one but it just didn’t hold up last season and for from what I know is to come in the manga is very underwhelming.
Feb 19, 2020 7:11 AM
Apr 2014
Saitama ist just more grown up and "just does it" (requires no mental breakdown every time..), mob starts as the typical whiny highschooler.
Saitama doesn't care. And OPM has far superior arts at first. I like both, and I hope both get a 3rd season (and OPM gets back to a better art style.)
Feb 19, 2020 7:29 AM

Sep 2019
Both are good. The roles are just a bit reversed.

In opm, saitama is way too strong that he doesn't even need the help of others, most of the times. There is no deep relationship or character development in the story. He just simply beating up the bad guys in town.

For mob, however... he is not the strongest person there is. He had potential but refuse to do it.

Saitama just decide everything on his own, because living as a hero is his own escape from a dull life. He's living a carefree life.

But for mob... he does the opposite. He's got power but refuse to live a carefree life with it. He decides that nothing good came out from relying on his physchic alone. He forms a relationship with others. He get helped and got helped in return.

Saitama is just.... well. Do his things. But, opm is still good on its own. It is a simple and fun story that you don't need to give so much thought about. That's why people prefer to opm. And actually... the artstyle is better. You know... every characters in MP 100, looks exactly like a copy paste of saitama. And it's ridiculous.

Wandering Witch is the best light novel ever!
Feb 19, 2020 7:42 AM
Apr 2014
Well you're certainly right with saitama just not needing anyone. But on the flip side he needs people to feel something despite boredom. (It really hurt how well his boredom got portrayed.)

I personally see OPM as the "light" show you can watch to get some heavy fights and a funny story, just like you said. Mob is more thoughtful and you can actually take some thoughts from the show. So this is why I'd personally like to see an OPM3, it's just fun to watch and I like Saitama as character. Sometimes you just don't want another "deep shit" thing :) [For that part OPM II got kinda too serious.] I really wish for a fight like the end of OPM I again.
Mar 19, 2020 9:26 AM
Dec 2019
Idk but maybe cuz OPM is funnier than mob psycho 100
Mar 19, 2020 9:52 AM

Jun 2015
Because One Punch Man has a lot more widespread normie appeal. Rarely does anything ever get popular because it's good. Or at least not what I would consider good.

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