My Rating System:

10: Very appealing to me on almost every level. I will like the character writing, design, world building, background art, soundtrack, and pacing. I don't have to like all these aspects, but most will be meet. These have to be shows that left me craving more. When I am old and cynical, I think that these will stay with me until the end.

9 I deeply like this and or appreciate these to no end. They might have problems or just don't connect with me on the same levels as a ten out of ten. I would consider most nines favorites.

8 I thoroughly enjoyed these but they have small flaws the hold them back or they don't make me invested enough to make me love them. Their must be a mix of entertainment and good production in order to move past a seven.

7 I like these shows and movies enough to defend them and talk about their positives rather then their negatives.

6 These are passable or I appreciate them but don't get much from them personally. If an anime you love gets a six from me that still means I like it on some level, I just have my problems with it or it just didn't grab me hard enough to get full invested as others.

5 Mixed feelings about aspects of the anime or they are just mediocre and I couldn't really care much about them.
4 I think these are bad. This is usually from not liking an aspect of the story or character writing. If you like these, I can understand, but I can't get much from them.
3 I avidly dislikes these. I don't want to watch these again (unless it is for ironic enjoyment of laughing at it). These are typically boring are way way to long.
2 Absolutely terrible and it was actively annoying or boring to watch. Either production or the writing is usually the fault where one of them just doesn't work at all.
1 Disgusting. An insult to me as a viewer. I feel almost offended while I am watching this. I am baffled by the existence of these and how they were given the green light.
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