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Fruits Basket Collector's Edition
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May 17, 2019 4:34 PM
Feb 2019
I was having doubts about which anime would my anime of the season, not after watching this episode. The Hatori backstory and how it relates to the rest of the somas and Tohru hit me quite hard with the feels.

I have always loved romance and drama anime, and Fruits Basket is no different. This maybe too early to say, but with how Fruba is going, this is my anime of the season.
May 17, 2019 4:45 PM

Dec 2011
Glad to see others have already pointed out what I've been thinking.
I think this adaptation is ultimately trying to combine the old anime with the manga...? But it's just ended up feeling hella strange. For example, the old one combined Hatori's story into 1 episode, just as it did here. Unlike the original though, it did follow some details from the manga. Unfortunately, by doing this, the pacing is messed up, which makes the emotion and the character dynamics have less impact...

In both the original and the manga, when Kana finds out about Hatori being a seahorse, it felt like he knew it was inevitable and just let it happen because his trust and his feelings for Kana were that deep. In this version, it seemed like an accident, an event Hatori was trying to avoid (shown by him rejecting her kiss... which isn't a scene shown in the other two). Both Kana and Hatori felt/seemed like more slow and gentle characters than depicted here, where it goes by so fast that Hatori comes across as more angsty than he is + we don't even get to enjoy our time with Kana since they slid right over her cheerfulness and playful nature.

The setting where Hatori erases Kana's memory is obscure in the manga. I personally took the snow falling around them as symbolic over literal, because of how it was illustrated. It's just darkness and snow, perfect for representing how Hatori is feeling. No trees or lamps or anything like that. I appreciate how the old one put them inside closed walls -an empty, intimate space- with the snow falling outside. Here, the bandage coming off his eye irritated me because it felt like they were forcing the drama (it's a bandage, not a feather, why is it falling like that omg) and them literally being in the snow with what they're wearing made no sense to me.

They kept Tohru and Hatori inside the Souma family area and randomly Kana pops out of nowhere?? She's still there after 2 years, what? In the manga, this happenstance is better excused by the setting being somewhere in the city, and Kana is actually visiting Tokyo after a long time.

The car scene also bothered me. There's no way Tohru would be able to get a good look and tell that's Akito in the car. Being at a window is a more mysterious and beautiful way of showing tension imo.
CMYKMay 17, 2019 5:12 PM
May 17, 2019 5:22 PM

Jun 2008
Although this version is beautiful I'm completely biased with the old version. I loved this episode but the old version made me bawl like a baby...

Anyway Momiji BEST BOY in all Versions! Can't wait for his episode, really.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

May 17, 2019 5:48 PM

Dec 2014
Great episode.

Hattori's backstory was so sad. :(
I feel really bad for the guy, having to erase the memories he loved from the person he loved the most and relegating himself to be nothing but a bystander in Kana's life. At least he's happy that Kana has found happiness.

I liked the parallel between Tohru and Kana this episode especially at the very end when she says, after winter spring comes. :)

I would like to know more about Akito and why he lashed out the way he did back then.

That final Tohru smile in this episode was so purifying. <3
May 17, 2019 5:56 PM

May 2016
The emotions are uncontrolable anymore poor Hatori, I despised him so much after that phone call last episode, I was trully mistaken of how much of a good guy he was.
May 17, 2019 6:21 PM

Oct 2015
I was about to hate Hatori, but this episode has changed my perception of him as I thought he was those stuck characters that like to control others. His backstory carried more emotions and tragic, he's actually a great guy but I wished he defied the family particularly Akito and married Kana anyway.

Speaking of Akito, I want to see the jerk, he sounds like a pain in the ass guy.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

May 17, 2019 6:44 PM

Oct 2008
This show keeps getting better and better!
that is such an emotional tragic event for Hattori's past especially for her loved one!

May 17, 2019 7:10 PM
Apr 2008
Great episode for what it is.

Even back a decade ago when I read the manga, the reasoning never made sense to me as to why Kana blamed herself. Akito should be the one to blame, being so unreasonable like that. In real life, it would take an exceedingly submissive and sheltered person to blame themselves for Akito's actions, and Kana doesn't really seem that submissive. So the premise behind the tragedy was really off-putting to me, though I still find the drama that happened after well-done.

I agree with the anime-onlies that from what is revealed so far, the curse's mystery makes it really hard to sympathize and empathize when we use our more rational brains; there's just so much confusion and ignorance.

Anyways, poor Hatori. Shit like this sucks when it happens in real life, and it does happen in real life (excepting supernatural windwiping). There are legitimately noble people who are forced to take the higher road after being fucked unjustly; and to that, I empathize with so hard. The misunderstanding and uncharitable assumptions about people before you actually get to know them is also well-represented.
TheOtherJNMay 17, 2019 7:15 PM
May 17, 2019 7:17 PM
Apr 2019
Zaugr said:

And since this has happened before, if I make any source material readers who know more salty, you can respond with salt but don't reply with spoilers for why/how I'm wrong. If that's the case just let the story do it's job and convince me otherwise. I'm only criticising how it is working for me now--I know that I probably don't have the complete picture yet.

Hey, all I can say is the story is doing its job if it's making you wonder how and why the hell characters are letting such outrageous abuse just slide.

I do think there is ... hmm, some cultural nuance non-Japanese viewers might not pick up on. I mean, the story is understandable without it but it might make it richer and easier to understand more quickly with it ... I think a lot of non-Japanese fans take some aspects of the Sohma for granted, like yes they know they're a bit odd and out of place but not the true extent to which they are. Maybe they think, "oh, there are just big and wealthy families like that in Japan". But no, a family having a Head of the Family like that in modern day Japan is really odd. Family members having to ask the Head of the Family if they are allowed to marry (not just getting their blessing but explicitly getting permission and not being allowed to if they say no, which is what was happening) is odd. A family being that huge is odd. It's all very odd, so it's supposed to make you wonder why and how this family exists and wonder, as you did, why no one fights back.

In my heart, I would like to believe that viewers who are more resistant to this and wondering how this makes sense or how any of this is justified are going to enjoy the story more in the long run than viewers who are just immediately going "oh yeah, that was tragic" - at least, as long as they stick with it.
thebond_thecurseMay 17, 2019 7:28 PM
May 17, 2019 7:22 PM

Aug 2018
Wow, that was really a very strong & deep part of Hatori's past we learnt this week... his cold face was actually built on a very tragic reason.

I'm a bit disappointed that Akito & Tohru won't meet next week (most likely), I thought they would have a proper discussion instead of a quick staring clip.
May 17, 2019 7:56 PM
Sep 2017
Awwww! Poor Hatori! His backstory brought tears to my eyes. I was ready to dislike him last episode, but now I just want him to find happiness someday too. When he said all he seems to be able to do is make people cry, it broke my heart. :(
May 17, 2019 8:20 PM

Sep 2017
Tell me the curse. TELL ME THE CURSE GOD DAMNIT.

Really enjoyed this episode too. I thought Hatori was gonna do something super no bueno but he really just wanted to be a good guy. His backstory was so sad though... Hopefully, he finds happiness by the conclusion of this show. Also, this Akito guy is seeming more and more fucked.
May 17, 2019 8:33 PM

Sep 2017
Best episode by far but man I'm pissed. There's obviously more to this story and the whole curse thing cause god that's fucked up. How could you not blame Akito in that situation. What a total prick. I'd bet he thinks Tooru might be able to break the curse which is why he's letting her hang around, but still fuck that guy right now.
May 17, 2019 8:40 PM
Oct 2018
Zaugr said:
Wow Hatori is a fucking bitch lol. I get that the curse PROBABLY plays some role in it, but to be denied love and then take your loved one getting her hair viciously pulled and thrown around in front of you like that, and to then get fucked up yourself, all without fighting back or standing up for yourself or her just once? ...And then to have your wife blame herself, become mentally ill and traumatized in grief, and still just take it idly and not hold any blame to the person who actually caused it all? And continue serving him without issue?

I can't be the only anime-only who's finding it hard to sympathize for him right now, right? Maybe I'm just heartless, but with where the story is now for me and what it has shown, it doesn't really look like either fought for that relationship much. The girlfriend/fiancee or whatever have you seemed pretty weak and I'm not sure I fully buy that reaction, seemed like a 180 of the character she was set up to be. To break and completely give up on everything just because you blame yourself for your partner being punched by a clearly petulant family member (his father?) and losing some of his eyesight, or being denied just once a blessing for marriage...

So far I've loved everything about this show (especially the great soundtrack) but the writing, which is a shame. The writing for me is feeling way too contrived way too much, and commits WAY too much to tell not show in it's thematic exploration. And the protagonist is the worst of it for me, she constantly just comes across as a device for the author to jamfist and preach her personal philosophies rather than an actual, believable person. So much out of place, unnatural, "deep" monologuing... I can forgive all the tired tropes and clichés keeping the source material's age and genre influence in mind, but... Man the writing style just hasn't been for me thus far.

And since this has happened before, if I make any source material readers who know more salty, you can respond with salt but don't reply with spoilers for why/how I'm wrong. If that's the case just let the story do it's job and convince me otherwise. I'm only criticising how it is working for me now--I know that I probably don't have the complete picture yet.

Swagernator said:

Also let me say this, i absolutely despise any form of memory erasing shenanigans in romance stories.

100% thank you. I hate this trope with a godamn passion, and not just because some NTR shit nearly always follows. They always write the characters as either completely helpless or completely useless to their situation, and neither is ever interesting because it always just feels contrived and forced for the sake of easy grand drama. Also why write romance with entirely, utterly unrelatable issues? Nothing about memory loss in a relationship is relatable to anyone under 50 or who doesn't look for dates in Alzheimer's carehomes.

Well yes tohru is really positive almost to the point that it's annoying but i can assure you that is exactly the reason why she can help the sohmas. If it was anyone else she would've ended up like kana. I don't mind the philosophical elements, i think it's nice change of pace from the usual animes with tournament arcs and fighting. Slice of life anime usually have these elements.

Not to mention we barely spend any time with kana and her character who knows what could've happened in the past to make her so broken. We basically just got the gist of it. And about hatori without spoiling there's a valid reason for it.

I know you may be confused with all of this But if you can be patient i assure you the show is worth. Everything will be revealed about the curse and the anime will become darker in the latter half. So as a manga reader if you're interested in the story i would recommend you to continue but it's up to you.
fiza_imranMay 17, 2019 8:50 PM
May 17, 2019 8:44 PM

Sep 2015
I think a good thing to remember for everyone is that right now, the audience is supposed to know as much about the curse as Tohru does. She literally asks Shigure at the end “What is the curse?” And he says its not time to tell her or something like that.

So for the previous fans who know the whole story, like me, we have to remember this and not get annoyed or angry because newer fans don’t understand all the hidden meanings so far. For example:

And for new anime only watchers, it’s good to remember that this is still very early in the story. This info comes from chapters 10&12, out of 136 total. Your questions are not meant to be answered yet, and you will learn more about the curse as Tohru learns more. I do hope that the wait for this does not hurt your enjoyment factor.
May 17, 2019 9:20 PM

Oct 2011
great episode

I like how they started to introduce more layers and mystery to the "curse"... and they casually showed a glimpse of an important character =D

anyway, I like better when they dedicate a full episode to one story... the pacing in this one feels more "normal" (the last one was a little rushed)
May 17, 2019 9:22 PM

May 2014
This chapter in the manga always made me so sad inside. The anime did a really good job at capturing all the sorts of emotions in this episode. I can’t wait for all the unadapted chapters of Akito to be adapted. I’ve been waiting so long for them and I can’t wait !!!
Oscar and Andre deserved better
May 17, 2019 9:23 PM

Oct 2011
Kisa1208 said:
I think a good thing to remember for everyone is that right now, the audience is supposed to know as much about the curse as Tohru does. She literally asks Shigure at the end “What is the curse?” And he says its not time to tell her or something like that.

So for the previous fans who know the whole story, like me, we have to remember this and not get annoyed or angry because newer fans don’t understand all the hidden meanings so far. For example:

And for new anime only watchers, it’s good to remember that this is still very early in the story. This info comes from chapters 10&12, out of 136 total. Your questions are not meant to be answered yet, and you will learn more about the curse as Tohru learns more. I do hope that the wait for this does not hurt your enjoyment factor.

exactly all what I was thinking reading the comments... thank you, XD
May 17, 2019 9:24 PM
Apr 2019
Personally, Hatori's story never hit me hard emotionally reading the manga. Momiji's was really the first thing that got to me. So the draw of Hatori's story was never that it made me have a lot of emotion and empathy for him - it was that it was confusing and mysterious. I think, in a way, that's supposed to be its main point - especially when you consider that both this anime and the 2001 condensed Hatori's story into Tohru's one visit to the main estate, but in the manga she visits the estate, gets told to leave by Hatori, then gets briefly told aloud by Momiji about Kana, "that's the curse", and then Shigure shows up to take her home and they leave. Hatori's backstory isn't revealed in full until the chapter after the next. When taken separately like that each chapter has at its core a tinge of sadness, but mostly confusion and mystery, as it should be.
May 17, 2019 9:27 PM
Mar 2018
Atavistic said:
I'm sorry, but how can this be described as a curse? The only reason Kana developed mental problems was because Akito went crazy and attacked Hatori for trying to marry her. Now, maybe there's a reason for that (that we've yet to be told, and other than the zodiac secret), but if not then the only conclusion is that Akito is an asshole. And, on top of that, just because Kana fell apart after Akito got violent, doesn't mean everyone in that position would; I know Tohru isn't entirely secure emotionally due to her own past, but I don't imagine she'd break down in the same way in that position.

I get what the show's going for emotionally, but it needs more sound reasoning rather than trying to force it with such flimsy reasoning and excuses (for example, it seems incredibly abrupt for Tohru to say that Hatori is nice after just two actual interactions with him - both of which involved him telling/advising her to leave the Somas - and a sob story that doesn't make any sense for the reasons described above). I will say though that the emotion behind his pained acceptance of Kana's newfound happiness was very well-executed.

Still, the insight into the workings of the Soma clan is pretty useful, if nothing else. Akito is absolute scum though and his(?) existence and violent nature is the only "curse" the Soma clan is suffering (outside of the small few who are zodiac members).
Tohru said that hatori was so kind because she realized that he was trying to protect her rather than just kicking her off the house even if he doesn't know her that well, so she admitted that he was really kind because he doesn't want any other person outside the somas to suffer(and he worried about tohru too so). The curse actually exist, it isn't a metaphor to say that akito is, and i don't know what you're talking about when you say that they said it's for the curse the things that happened to kana, technically it is but they said that hatori never BLAMED akito for the curse, because spoiler and technically indirectly akito's reaction for the matter is because hatori is a zodiac so for the curse, if he wasn't akito wouldn't even care
Alex82829290May 17, 2019 9:39 PM
May 17, 2019 9:37 PM
Mar 2018
Zaugr said:
Wow Hatori is a fucking bitch lol. I get that the curse PROBABLY plays some role in it, but to be denied love and then take your loved one getting her hair viciously pulled and thrown around in front of you like that, and to then get fucked up yourself, all without fighting back or standing up for yourself or her just once? ...And then to have your wife blame herself, become mentally ill and traumatized in grief, and still just take it idly and not hold any blame to the person who actually caused it all? And continue serving him without issue?

I can't be the only anime-only who's finding it hard to sympathize for him right now, right? Maybe I'm just heartless, but with where the story is now for me and what it has shown, it doesn't really look like either fought for that relationship much. The girlfriend/fiancee or whatever have you seemed pretty weak and I'm not sure I fully buy that reaction, seemed like a 180 of the character she was set up to be. To break and completely give up on everything just because you blame yourself for your partner being punched by a clearly petulant family member (his father?) and losing some of his eyesight, or being denied just once a blessing for marriage...

So far I've loved everything about this show (especially the great soundtrack) but the writing, which is a shame. The writing for me is feeling way too contrived way too much, and commits WAY too much to tell not show in it's thematic exploration. And the protagonist is the worst of it for me, she constantly just comes across as a device for the author to jamfist and preach her personal philosophies rather than an actual, believable person. So much out of place, unnatural, "deep" monologuing... I can forgive all the tired tropes and clichés keeping the source material's age and genre influence in mind, but... Man the writing style just hasn't been for me thus far.

And since this has happened before, if I make any source material readers who know more salty, you can respond with salt but don't reply with spoilers for why/how I'm wrong. If that's the case just let the story do it's job and convince me otherwise. I'm only criticising how it is working for me now--I know that I probably don't have the complete picture yet.

Swagernator said:

Also let me say this, i absolutely despise any form of memory erasing shenanigans in romance stories.

100% thank you. I hate this trope with a godamn passion, and not just because some NTR shit nearly always follows. They always write the characters as either completely helpless or completely useless to their situation, and neither is ever interesting because it always just feels contrived and forced for the sake of easy grand drama. Also why write romance with entirely, utterly unrelatable issues? Nothing about memory loss in a relationship is relatable to anyone under 50 or who doesn't look for dates in Alzheimer's carehomes.
the fact that he didn't fight back it's because of the curse, it's not that he doesn't want to protect her, he can't even if he tried. But you'll know more soon enough so you won't have complains like this and memory loss is an actual problem that can happen like amnesia via an incident or something like that so yeah
May 17, 2019 9:54 PM

Oct 2012
I hope Hatori gets his spring again soon and really looking forward to seeing what Akito's deal with.
May 17, 2019 10:12 PM
Jan 2019
A very sad and emotional episode. I cried inside. The story of Hatori was very beautiful and at the same time tragic. At first I thought he was a bad guy, but I realized he is a great man. Kana, her first love, she accepted him as he is and changed his life completely. He was "snow" and she was his "spring." He loved her so much that he had to let her go so she could be happy, even if it meant forgetting all the beautiful moments they had together. It hurts me that your love story has ended that way. I hope both, Hatori and Kana, have a happy ending even if their paths are no longer together.

It was not their fault, it was Akito's fault and that's why I hate him. If Kana was from the same Soma clan, then why did not she accept that Hatori and she get married? So much power does Akito have in the Souma clan? Because the? I HATE IT AND I DETEST IT !.

Well, Tooru demonstrated once again the kind and loving heart that has the Souma family. She is a wonderful girl. His words calm my heart.

By the way, I did not expect to see a seahorse in the Japanese zodiac, much less that Hatoru was one. I was surprised too. I admit it, I laughed when I saw his transformation. LOL 😂.
I hope he can be a good friend of Tooru.

Oh, it's true! What will the Souma family refer to as "curse"? I am intrigued.

Anyway, with a sad heart, I say goodbye. Until the next episode.

PS: Despite not having seen the previous version, I love this anime. And I also love the songs of the opening and the ending.

"I was snow and she was my spring" ❤. I love that little phrase, I identify myself.
May 17, 2019 10:41 PM

Apr 2012
I wish they used "For Fruits Basket" song as the insert song here, because I remember hearing that song as a background song in the old anime moved me more emotionally... might only be me because I still love the old song.

And that foreshadowing when Momiji's figure was shown after the crying Yuki when Hatori recalled how he erased others' memories without caring if it would hurt the other Zodiac members... can't wait for my baby Momiji's background story! It was already revealed how Yuki had Hatori erase the memories of his first friends, but Momiji's case has never been brought up until this episode.

I like Akito's VA tbh... no problem so far.
And that glimpse of an important character in the car!! Although I prefer the old anime where Akito was observing Tohru and Tohru noticed this...
May 17, 2019 11:42 PM
Dec 2017
Oh my god i'm cry 😭😭😭
May 18, 2019 2:42 AM

Feb 2017
ggultra2764 said:
Kimurah said:
I really don't like the way Okitsu Kazuyuki voices Hatori's lines, he sounds so monotonous and lifeless. All of his lines sound the same in terms of emotion, he almost sounds like a "shonen character" trying to sound badass, and that really ticks me off. Inoue Kazuhiko had a threatening but softer voice and also was able to portray regret and sorrow in the most important moments of Hatori's arc.

I actually have to agree with this point. The new VA for Hatori seems to lack the expressive range of emotions that Hatori's old VA demonstrated in the older Fruits Basket. New Hatori sounded too stern and emotionless, and that effected how his scenes came across for this episode.

I agree!! His monotonous tone bothered me so much.
But it's not because the VA lacks the expressive range. I loved him in Brothers Conflict, but his voice sounded two octaves higher there. I think he can't express much cause he's forcibly using the lower range of his voice.
What a shame... Hatori's a great character. This adaptation has been perfect up until now... But well, maybe he'll get better in later episodes.
May 18, 2019 4:07 AM
Jan 2018
FuMomo-kun said:
Hatori's backstory was more clichéd than sad.

Is there a seahorse in Chinese zodiac?

Both people that accept the Souma family are quite similar. It would have been better if they added some differences between the two girls to make them feel more real. They even sound alike!

The story feels like something I have heard countless times to the point it gets tedious. Hope it gets better because I don't want to dislike an anime with such a beautiful art.

We are watching a remake of a series made in 1998-2006 so it's gonna be obvious if you heard the story countless of times .

Mattinator95May 18, 2019 4:12 AM
May 18, 2019 4:36 AM

Sep 2011
Hatori called Tooru to try and make her leave Shigure's house in order to protect her and Kyou/Yuki, so that they wouldn't have to go through something similar to the suffering him and Hana went through. His approach seemed harsh at first, but Momiji made sure he was understood.

And I remembered that Hatori had a lover and that things didn't work out for them, but I didn't remember the details well. I won't harshly judge Akito, not yet as it wouldn't be really fair, but his reaction was so infuriating. He seems to be emotionally unstable, and he assaulted Hana, and almost made Hatori lose an eye by shoving him. And he even blamed her for it, what "worked well" because she was never the same again. To make things worse he suggested "freeing" her to Hatori with a smile, not sparing a thought to what he did to what they once had. He might have suffered a lot too, and he might have "reasons" for reacting like this, but the way he dealt with the situation was still too much.

Welp, Hatori is the dragon, actually a really cute seahorse, and he could see some of Tooru's essence during the short time he spent with her, and I'm sure that her earnest nature touched him. This episode was pretty much all about Hatori, someone who only appeared briefly previously, but it was still one of the best so far. It was so poignant and beautiful that I can't. "Haru ni narimasu" was one of the lines/moments I never forgot, and it moved me all again.
May 18, 2019 5:18 AM
Sep 2010
FuMomo-kun said:
Hatori's backstory was more clichéd than sad.

Is there a seahorse in Chinese zodiac?

Both people that accept the Souma family are quite similar. It would have been better if they added some differences between the two girls to make them feel more real. They even sound alike!

The story feels like something I have heard countless times to the point it gets tedious. Hope it gets better because I don't want to dislike an anime with such a beautiful art.

I hate to say this, but if you aren't liking any of the "cliche" type stories. This isn't the one for you.
This is based off a manga written in the late 90's and early 2000's, and they are trying to do the manga justice.
So it as a lot of cliche elements. I've read the manga and watched the anime, and if you don't like it already, you probably won't later either.

I'm used to the storyline and I mostly love this story for the characters, not particularly because of the "uniqueness" perse to the story itself, though it is.

I'm just saying, it's an older story, from an older manga. So don't get your hopes up, or just enjoy it for what it is.
May 18, 2019 5:20 AM
Sep 2010
ggultra2764 said:
Kimurah said:
I really don't like the way Okitsu Kazuyuki voices Hatori's lines, he sounds so monotonous and lifeless. All of his lines sound the same in terms of emotion, he almost sounds like a "shonen character" trying to sound badass, and that really ticks me off. Inoue Kazuhiko had a threatening but softer voice and also was able to portray regret and sorrow in the most important moments of Hatori's arc.

I actually have to agree with this point. The new VA for Hatori seems to lack the expressive range of emotions that Hatori's old VA demonstrated in the older Fruits Basket. New Hatori sounded too stern and emotionless, and that effected how his scenes came across for this episode.

Yeah, I was also a bit disappointed about this; because he's actually a kind person, just hurt and also protective of Tohru.
May 18, 2019 6:50 AM
Apr 2019
Julianne_san said:
FuMomo-kun said:
Hatori's backstory was more clichéd than sad.

Is there a seahorse in Chinese zodiac?

Both people that accept the Souma family are quite similar. It would have been better if they added some differences between the two girls to make them feel more real. They even sound alike!

The story feels like something I have heard countless times to the point it gets tedious. Hope it gets better because I don't want to dislike an anime with such a beautiful art.

I hate to say this, but if you aren't liking any of the "cliche" type stories. This isn't the one for you.
This is based off a manga written in the late 90's and early 2000's, and they are trying to do the manga justice.
So it as a lot of cliche elements. I've read the manga and watched the anime, and if you don't like it already, you probably won't later either.

I'm used to the storyline and I mostly love this story for the characters, not particularly because of the "uniqueness" perse to the story itself, though it is.

I'm just saying, it's an older story, from an older manga. So don't get your hopes up, or just enjoy it for what it is.

I have to firmly disagree. I think the story is incredibly unique and I really don't see much about the writing itself that dates it terribly. It is timeless in its own way and there's a reason it's gotten this revival. I have never seen a story that has the same narrative element as what the Sohma curse turns out to be, or that was written with such flawlessly interwoven character complexity, or that could portray abuse and trauma which such nuance and realism through a lens of such brilliantly crafted symbolism. And I think it sets up cliches and tropes in the beginning so that it can purposefully subvert them later on.

But hey, to each their own. Opinion isn't fact though and the way people view stories is hardly universal so I wouldn't tell someone they should drop a show just based on your own take that it is cliche throughout, which is something I think many people would disagree with you on.
May 18, 2019 7:00 AM

Jul 2015
"If you love her, let her go."
So much feels this episode.

I'm just wondering whether Akito in this adaptation will be make or female.

May 18, 2019 7:07 AM
Mar 2015
Excellent backstory for Hatori He really did love Kana.
May 18, 2019 8:02 AM

Jun 2013
This is based on a older shoujo manga series that was created in the late 90. There are tropes in this series that may not appeal to everyone. Probably one of the reasons why I enjoy this show is because I've seen the original and read the manga. It's a series that I still love and appreciate to this day. For those who are complaining about the plot, perhaps it's time to drop the series and move onto other things that won't waste your time.

Regarding this episode, I already knew was going to happen but I still loved it. That part of Hatori wiping Kana's memories still made me sad, despite knowing it was going to happen. That side glare that Akito gave Tohru while in the limo though.
May 18, 2019 8:19 AM
Mar 2019
As soon as I saw the cherry blossoms I knew I was going to cry. Hatori, such a haunted soul, I'm glad he was able to find some bit of peace once seeing that Kana lived a happy life.
Akito is such a dick head but from my gathering in the comments here, I have a feeling we are going to be forced to feel for and understand why Akito is such an asshole. I guess he is the curse, but I'm not too sure what that means just yet. I don't want to understand him, I want to hate him. Hatori is very strong for not blaming him for bringing such darkness into his life.
I didn't thing the art direction could get any better this series but this episode in particular seemed to jump with life and emotion. I'm not sure if we can exactly consider Fruits Basket to be a slice of life show, but it has definitely made a lasting impression on me in that same vain

Soumu said:
This remake is just getting bad lol
Hatori sounds like a robot and what's with Momiji's German
And the way Kana just pops up out of nowhere?? How convenient
The old adaptation did Hatori's story so much better, in fact nearly every episode so far

They are part of the same clan so I think it is reasonable for them to run into each other. I haven't seen the original, I'm curious to know some of the key differences in Hatori's backstory presentation (I'm not really planning on watching the original after watching it in this quality for the first time)
KidLeafMay 18, 2019 8:22 AM
May 18, 2019 9:58 AM
Apr 2019
It's breaks my heart 😖😞😟
May 18, 2019 10:34 AM
Apr 2014
ok now im just really sad :((( i forgot how sad the manga was since i havent read it in such a long time. i wish hatori could find his spring again ...
May 18, 2019 10:41 AM

May 2017
Good episode, must really suck for Hatori to see Kana moving on with life and even finding new love while hes having those painful memories with her and stuck looking after that bitchy akito

I hope he finds someone new aswell
May 18, 2019 10:44 AM

Dec 2009
Was that Mayu-sensei at the end with Kana? Glad to see her ^^ can't remember if she appeared in the old version..

Soumu said:
And the way Kana just pops up out of nowhere?? How convenient

It's not that convenient tho... They are from the same clan and Hatori and Tohru were near the Sohma house. Anyway, they played that scene exactly like in the manga, fyi. Also, as you know, it's an old story... obviously some events are gonna look convenient lol
AmyywMay 18, 2019 10:56 AM
May 18, 2019 11:24 AM

Dec 2016
Amyyw said:
Was that Mayu-sensei at the end with Kana? Glad to see her ^^ can't remember if she appeared in the old version..

Soumu said:
And the way Kana just pops up out of nowhere?? How convenient

It's not that convenient tho... They are from the same clan and Hatori and Tohru were near the Sohma house. Anyway, they played that scene exactly like in the manga, fyi. Also, as you know, it's an old story... obviously some events are gonna look convenient lol

Yet they hadn't crossed paths in TWO WHOLE YEARS, but they actually do cross paths right at that moment. If that can't be called convenient, I don't know what does.

And CMYK also pointed out posts before that their reunion was after Kana came back to Tokyo after being absent for quite a while. So forgive me if I don't believe a bit you say that it was "exactly like that in the manga"

And what the fucking hell does it being old has to do with "events are going to look convenient"? There are older titles from the 70s, 80s and early 90s that aren't this atrociously convenient.
KimurahMay 18, 2019 11:30 AM
May 18, 2019 12:04 PM

Dec 2009
Kimurah said:
Yet they hadn't crossed paths in TWO WHOLE YEARS, but they actually do cross paths right at that moment. If that can't be called convenient, I don't know what does.

I didn't said it wasn't, I said that "it's not THAT convenient" since, like I said before, they are from the clan and they were in front of their clan's house.. also, its almost New Year and Momiji said that the outside people help them prepare for it so there's that x)

Kimurah said:
So forgive me if I don't believe a bit you say that it was "exactly like that in the manga"

Here you have it.. yes the dialogue is a little bit different but the event where she appears behind him while he's sitting on a bench is exactly like in the manga...

Kimurah said:
And what the fucking hell does it being old has to do with "events are going to look convenient"? There are older titles from the 70s, 80s and early 90s that aren't this atrociously convenient.

But there are SOME that are though...
AmyywMay 18, 2019 12:09 PM
May 18, 2019 12:07 PM

Aug 2007
What I like about this story is that it takes time for Tooru to meet the 12 zodiac horoscopes. And meet I mean about which animal are they.

The curse... Little by little Tooru will know the true meaning about it and how dangerous person is Akito. Not only because what ... did to Hatori.

Next episode we will meet another zodiacal character according to manga.
May 18, 2019 1:38 PM

Apr 2018
What a great episode that was
Watashi wa a victim of cyberbullying. Everyday someone online calls me a "weeb" desu. Watashi won't stand for this. 26 percent of bullying victims are chosen due to their race or religion desu. I may look like a basic white boy, but deep down I am Nihongo desu. Watashi religion is anime. Anata wa bullying me because of my race and religion desu ka? Disgusting desu. Anata should be ashamed of yourself, racist pig. A baka gaijin like anata is probably jealous of my race and culture, cause Nippon is more sugoi than your shitty country desu. Watashi pity anata. You'll never be Nihongo like watashi. Educate yourself on nani a "weeb" is.
May 18, 2019 3:58 PM

Feb 2016
Maybe it's just me but it feels like Tohru (her empathy/kindness/cheerfulness) is being flanderized.
I recently rewatched FSN UBW and she is starting to remind me of Shirou, and coming off (at least to me) as mentally ill.
May 18, 2019 6:32 PM

Feb 2012
did anyone notice the slight change in ED xD the dragon form ?
i wish and dream for the Future where everyone i care can Smile happily from their heart. But no matter where i look. how ever i see... there s no me. im not there. Just like that.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

May 18, 2019 8:43 PM

Jul 2012
Wah... I don’t think I liked this one. Maybe i’m just biased but I believe the original did it best. I spent the whole episode saying “wait! No thats not how it happened!” I know I shouldn’t because duh its a remake but I honestly couldn’t help it. I just didn’t enjoy it honestly. I liked the other episodes a lot but eh this one fell short for me.

And also:

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May 18, 2019 8:59 PM
Aug 2018
Instead of comparing...I might say that I love both adaptations..I don't know why but both really make me heartbroken & sad more like what the manga did.

And its really nice to see that they included from the manga where Kana & Hatori cross paths again though Kana didn't noticed him..what makes this scene really felt bittersweet for me is that on Hatori's part there's already a closure for him..knowing that he pray Kana's happiness...sad but its for the best.
enaj_cMay 18, 2019 9:06 PM
May 18, 2019 9:24 PM

Oct 2007
Bibimbapski said:
This is based on a older shoujo manga series that was created in the late 90. There are tropes in this series that may not appeal to everyone. Probably one of the reasons why I enjoy this show is because I've seen the original and read the manga. It's a series that I still love and appreciate to this day. For those who are complaining about the plot, perhaps it's time to drop the series and move onto other things that won't waste your time.

Regarding this episode, I already knew was going to happen but I still loved it. That part of Hatori wiping Kana's memories still made me sad, despite knowing it was going to happen. That side glare that Akito gave Tohru while in the limo though.

As much as I hate to say it about my favorite anime ever, I'd agree. If the show isn't hitting any of your buttons by this point, there's not going to be a point in future where it does.

Granted, we're only on ep 7 of maybe an estimated 70ish, so no, nothing is due to be explained yet and at this point we're still being introduced to vital characters and at the question-raising period, not the question-answering.... but the heart and emotional core of series is present. There are many surprises and characters still to come, but if the foundation being laid now isn't doing it for you, it's probably not your particular jam.
May 18, 2019 10:19 PM

Apr 2017
oh fuck i'm crying so damn loud. like ugly crying. hatori's story was so sad but i'm glad he can at least be happy that kana found happiness. it really fucked me up when it turns out she still remembered him and how he was her dream man. fuck - and i cannot stress this enough - akito.

this was the first episode of this series where i actually cried. from where it's going now i have a feeling this won't be the last.
May 18, 2019 10:51 PM
Jan 2018
Why MR and orginal watchers complaining about it being conviant ... Dosnt she (kana) show up out of no where in all version ?

I looked at a Manga panel it's pretty much the same The only thing that's Missing is Tokyo isn't it ? And I don't see how it forced either

What epiosde is this scene in the original
Mattinator95May 18, 2019 11:09 PM
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