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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Mar 2, 2019 7:23 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm, now Alice has an eyepatch since her incident. Makes sense I guess. Looks like they actually went down to the 90th floor.

An important episode for sure though as Kirito and Alice continues their journey up the tower. Ugh, I can't stand that Chudelkin guy though. He has such an obnoxious personality. I don't blame Alice for snapping at him.

Seems this episode is setting up for a big fight against Eugeo (who happens to be an Integrity Knight now).

Mar 2, 2019 7:25 AM

Nov 2007
Alice girl, somehow with eyepatch, waking up seeing Kirito guy breathing rapidly.

He stopped the bleeding, but that's it. She decides to keep as it is.

They saw how Suwabe-san's character look, and Alice girl might know who really did. He was able to open his eyes with his condition. He also told Kirito guy where Eugeo guy is.

He got Eugeo guy's sword, which got trapped under ice.

She experienced how scary that lady is 6 years ago.

Oh, that creepy guy is part of the group who maintains the rule. A room with full of those heads when the people break rules. Then tube that feeds them...

Creepy guy looking at the sphere with image of when that lady trying to brainwash Eugeo guy, and yelling "NOOOOOO~~~" loudly.

That creepy guy is really kimoi... He talked about when Alice girl from brainwash to him training.

Eugeo guy as a part of enemy team. He can bring his own sword back using magic. His brainwash is different, because he refuses everything Kirito guy says. Their battle begins.
tsubasaloverMar 2, 2019 7:42 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Mar 2, 2019 9:12 AM

Dec 2014
All these clown people, making trouble everywhere. XD
He did talk about what happened to Alice in the past, I'm assuming he was trying to provoke Alice into hitting him so that he could escape.

Was that food that came down the pipe for the senators?

Was expecting Eugeo to be the Integrity Knight that was coming down the elevator and that indeed turned out to be the case. Let's hope Kirito and Alice can bring him to his senses.
Mar 2, 2019 9:15 AM

Jun 2015
Kirito really worked hard to get them both inside the walls. I guess pain will be a good reminder of one's decision to fight. Still thats a nice bandage that Kirito managed to create there. Its good that they were able to find out the truth about the elder's betrayal. If anything seeing the KC like that serves to reinforce Alice's belief that the admin has to be dealt with. Hmm so the senators are essentially watchdogs of the people then. The senate sure was a surprising place. Those senators though are essentially just prisoners. That was a cool way for Eugeo to arm himself lol. Looking forward to seeing the fight between Eugeo and Kirito. Apprentice vs master huh. A calm ep but one that did well in not just showing Alice's determination but also show the true evil that the church has performed on its subjects. And thats v13 covered. Looks like the last four episodes will focus on v14 with the third arc being v15 onwards.
ShingsterMar 2, 2019 9:18 AM
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Mar 2, 2019 9:30 AM

Apr 2014
This episode is a simple one to understand. I was so hurt/pained when seeing Eugeo being an Integrity Knight, and therefore Kirito and Eugeo ended clashing. I freaking swear that Administrator better die...
Mar 2, 2019 9:35 AM

Sep 2018
God dammit dude I wanted to see that fight so bad, really left us on a cliffhanger there.
"Literary experts revealed that reviews on sites like MyAnimeList kill more than 200 brain cells per second."

- Joey, "The Anime Man"
Mar 2, 2019 9:35 AM
Jan 2018
Ready to be disappointed agian next episode A-1 dosent seem to know how to extend a fight for more then 3 mins.

Still think a-1 are lazy though adapting wise . Anyway was I the only one that thought egueo didn't actually join her for what she said . When his voices in his head telling him to run and him ingnoring it but decided to continue anyway and thought the only reason he did that was because he thought he had an opportunity to take her down but the minipulation was too strong apprently she started brainwashing him before she even opened her mouth
Mattinator95Mar 2, 2019 11:26 AM
Mar 2, 2019 9:43 AM
Nov 2017
Eugeo is gunna fight kirito,
Pontifex sin is unforgivable, after every thing the built, all wasted??
Mar 2, 2019 9:48 AM

Aug 2013
Eugeo ended up becoming an Integrity Knight. Looking forward to his fight with Kirito.

Mar 2, 2019 9:55 AM

Apr 2018
I just don't like Eugeo but great episode like the others
Mar 2, 2019 10:08 AM

Apr 2013
Ready to have a Sao's fight of this season...Kirito vs Eugeo...

But as anime-watcher only, really curious what happen now in outside world since the appearance of the war ship at episode 17 back then...
About 5 episodes to go for finishing cour 2, will we getting to know what happen in outside world condition prior this remaining eps for this cour?
Mar 2, 2019 10:09 AM
Aug 2018
Got to know some of Alice's past in the Central cathedral .
The last scene of the episode about the start of the fight between Eugeo and Kirito gave me goosebumps!!
Next time it's going to be a showdown between heroes !
I am looking forward to the next episode!
Mar 2, 2019 10:50 AM

Nov 2010
Eugeo enjoys some sweet honeytrap and betrays his bro. smh
Mar 2, 2019 10:51 AM

Nov 2016
The clash that was bound to happen. Looking forward to it.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 2, 2019 11:00 AM
Oct 2013
I was expecting Kirito to fight him 二刀流 (Nitōryū) but that wont happen i guess
Mar 2, 2019 11:10 AM
Jul 2018
Good episode though I wished they would've shown more of the fight. Chudelkin is one creepy guy even for clown standards.
Mar 2, 2019 11:37 AM

May 2018
I knew it Eugeo becomes an integrity knight, that Prime Senator Chudekin was a crafty one.
Mar 2, 2019 12:01 PM
Cherry Thighs

Apr 2013
Dammit, I wanted a dual-wielding Kirito!
Mar 2, 2019 12:14 PM

Jul 2014
I've said it before, I'll say it again and I'll keep saying it if he keeps appearing: Chudelkin is a dumb character who simply doesn't belong in this show and complete disrupts the tone just by being on-screen. That aside, the show hasn't actually made me care that much about Eugeo, so it's hard to be interested in him becoming an Integrity Knight, other than for the fight that's coming next week (and is hopefully more dynamic and well-animated than what this arc has bothered with so far).
Mar 2, 2019 12:16 PM

Jun 2010
Eugeo's all like, "Betray all my ideals, my mentor, and my entire life up until now? Doesn't matter, had sex."
Mar 2, 2019 12:28 PM

Apr 2015
isuzusan said:
Dammit, I wanted a dual-wielding Kirito!

welp that's too bad
Mar 2, 2019 12:35 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Good ep.

Felt pretty sad seeing how quick they turned Eugeo into a knight.

am looking forward to the next ep.
Mar 2, 2019 12:43 PM

Jul 2016
Great episode, Alice with eyepatch is both badass and cute. Bercoulli is ok, Alice find some resolve to fight the Administrator. Chudelkin is annoying and ugly as ever. And that cliffhanger like the books. Next is fight between Kirito and Eugeo. Overall hyped for next episode.

Mar 2, 2019 12:57 PM

Apr 2017
I feel like that after next episode A-1 will be poor for 3 decades...
Mar 2, 2019 12:59 PM

Apr 2017
kiza1379 said:
I was expecting Kirito to fight him 二刀流 (Nitōryū) but that wont happen i guess

Heck yeah I hope there will be a dual-wielding fight (Maybe the final one?)

Let's wish that xDarkKenshiKirito-sama_KazutoSamuraiEdgyAngelKirigaya6969x will come back!
Mar 2, 2019 1:16 PM
Feb 2019
I love how at the beginning, Kirito's helping Alice and everything but she freaks out because they're DIRTY.

I also kinda feel bad for Eugeo but I'm mad at him too...
Mar 2, 2019 2:16 PM
Jul 2018
I know how they will bring back Eugeo, and this is only my theory. I think they can bring back Eugeo by love!
Mar 2, 2019 2:21 PM
Nov 2018
Would be interesting if it turned out Chudelkin was behind this all along. That he has manipulated the Administrator's mind.
Mar 2, 2019 2:26 PM
Dec 2018
What happen to bros before hoes?
Mar 2, 2019 2:32 PM

Jan 2009
Eugeo wants to fuck lol

hopefully the fight between Kirito and Eugeo will be full of sakuga next episode
Mar 2, 2019 2:38 PM

Feb 2014
Eugeo fell to the ARA ARA~ trap so hard. Now he wants to finish his mate? WEW
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Mar 2, 2019 2:52 PM
Sep 2018
People need to search up Eugeo's backstory. The anime skipped over it. It should help explain how he was so easily manipulated. And damn I really wanted a dual-wielding Kirito.
Mar 2, 2019 3:02 PM

Jan 2019
Mattinator95 said:
Ready to be disappointed agian next episode A-1 dosent seem to know how to extend a fight for more then 3 mins.

Still think a-1 are lazy though adapting wise . Anyway was I the only one that thought egueo didn't actually join her for what she said . When his voices in his head telling him to run and him ingnoring it but decided to continue anyway and thought the only reason he did that was because he thought he had an opportunity to take her down but the minipulation was too strong apprently she started brainwashing him before she even opened her mouth

i agree, the fights have been extremely short and and not smooth, also some fights were just bad animation wise, like kirito vs alice, the way he was moving hurt to look at the jumpes looked so shitty , but the point you are making is very good, they cant smooth out fights they always slow down time and then a really short fight :S im pretty disappointed tbh
Mar 2, 2019 3:15 PM
Mar 2017
Damned opening fulfilled its prophecy, Quinella gains a new Integrity Knight using the weak-minded Eugeo.
It is a pity that Eugeo was transformed into an Integrity Knight, now the apprentice and the master must face with all their strength, I hope nothing bad happens, the fights between friends always end in something very sad or shocking.
Alice with that eye patch looks very good, gives her that rebellious Knight touch and now she knows her teacher Bercuoli is alive and now is Chudelkin and Quinella's turn to pay for the suffering and misery provoked.
Fortunately, Bercuoli is still alive, although his condition is not the best, for a moment I thought he would break his body.
Damn Chudelkin, piece of scum, I can not believe he laughed at Alice's suffering and the worst thing is that he did it in the same face of the poor girl, I felt so angry when the cowardly clown fled, I hope Alice cut his filthy tongue and in the process she cut his neck so that he dies slowly. What hurt me was that Chudelkin's bastard forced Alice to become an Integrity Knight.
The scene of the dignitaries was shocking, the poor unfortunate enslaved to keep the entire population in order and see that the Taboos index is respected, what a miserable life, Quinella is ruthless.
Damn this episode was so good, I admit it had a very peaceful rhythm, but the events they showed were good and they left us a cliffhanger that promises an epic fight between Kirito and Eugeo and I hope in my heart that Alice manages to assassinate the cowardly clown, because I swear to you that since Chudelkin appeared, I hate him.

Mar 2, 2019 3:15 PM

Sep 2014
The great thing is no matter how hard kirito is going to club eugeo (but Im sure plot powers will prevent him from rightfully roflstomping) you dont have to feel bad for him since he betrayed the one golden rule

Bros before hoes

For real though, admin sama looks really nice and you have the perfect excuse for beating up kirito. Saying I would not have done the same would make me a hypocrite.

But I did want to see dual wielding kirito, he should just asspull another Excalibur with admin commands.

Why do I feel like next episodes fight is going to get interrupted by asuna drinking coffee?

"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Mar 2, 2019 3:37 PM
Sep 2016
DedPanda said:
Eugeo became Proto-Arthur....the FGO references intensify boyos XD. And uh...nice to know that they basically had Alice become an integrity knight by some weird gangbang mind fuck ritual. That only made the visual of what I read in the LNs just THAT much worse now. GDI Reki.

The web novel prototype for this arc was made back in 2005. It came before Fate GO.
Mar 2, 2019 3:41 PM

Jul 2009
Hoping that weak willed soyboy Eugo gets killed next episode because he is seriously annoying... ^.^
Mar 2, 2019 3:49 PM

Jan 2017
Ahh, that was a great episode... I loved the closing freeze on Eugeo and kirito; shit's going down next week
Mar 2, 2019 4:05 PM
Sep 2016
DedPanda said:
GrandWizardLamp said:

The web novel prototype for this arc was made back in 2005. It came before Fate GO.

Too bad the web novel prototype didn't come before Fate itself. Buy hey, that's none of my business.

Thats not the point of the arc but ok.
Mar 2, 2019 4:09 PM
Oct 2012
MrBluebear said:
Ready to have a Sao's fight of this season...Kirito vs Eugeo...

But as anime-watcher only, really curious what happen now in outside world since the appearance of the war ship at episode 17 back then...
About 5 episodes to go for finishing cour 2, will we getting to know what happen in outside world condition prior this remaining eps for this cour?

Keep in mind that everything that happens in anime have a correct time-ratio between UnderWorld and Real World.

with a Speed of 1000x Faster in UnderWorld, every day that happen in UW = few min in Real World.
Which is Why we only got a few sec in EP11, Asuna go to eat breakfast.
EP11 to 17, only 1 day passed, Asuna is still eating breakfast.

and about your question. very minor spoiler
Mar 2, 2019 4:09 PM
Jul 2011
I thought Kirito will dual wield again. :(
Mar 2, 2019 4:10 PM
Oct 2012
DedPanda said:
GrandWizardLamp said:

The web novel prototype for this arc was made back in 2005. It came before Fate GO.

Too bad the web novel prototype didn't come before Fate itself. Buy hey, that's none of my business.

web novel did came out tho, but it was not popular and widespread.

It came out for free in author's blog, he was releasing SAO since 2002 like that until 2008 when he finish everything.
Mar 2, 2019 4:11 PM
Sep 2016
DedPanda said:
GrandWizardLamp said:

Thats not the point of the arc but ok

nor is it the point of whatever discussion this is lol still memeworthy on the design department

Shouldn't be. We're talking about Fate GO not Fate itself.
Mar 2, 2019 4:16 PM
Oct 2012
megumintakahashi said:
I know how they will bring back Eugeo, and this is only my theory. I think they can bring back Eugeo by love!


Mar 2, 2019 4:24 PM

Apr 2015
Alice with an eyepatch is actually still very cute, but atleast she has broken the right eye seal. This episode was setting up the battle between Kirito & Eugeo very well. Can't wait for next week!
Mar 2, 2019 4:52 PM

Feb 2018
neonie said:
Eugeo's all like, "Betray all my ideals, my mentor, and my entire life up until now? Doesn't matter, had sex."

LMAO , you cought me off guard with that .
Mar 2, 2019 5:54 PM

Feb 2013
Eugeo was cold as ice towards Kirito.
Mar 2, 2019 6:13 PM

Jan 2008
I swear the author created that ugly jester creature for the sake of doujinshi or something.
Mar 2, 2019 6:37 PM

Jan 2013
Finally, they climbed the tower! "they", more like Kirito xD
That clown is really annoying, can't wait to see him dead.

Never thought i would see Eugeo so soon :/ I don't think Kirito will be able to defeat Eugeo on his own, Alice must help him for sure because this isn't the same Eugeo as before.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Mar 2, 2019 7:20 PM

May 2015
10936 Kirito's dual-wielding ability doesn't carry over to this world? How disappointing...

Aww...Alice just cucked Chudelkin with all the action going on between Administrator and Eugeo...

Wow, Chudelkin is one well-animated character...

Well here we go, Eugeo vs. Kirito. Kirito may be Eugeo's master, but Eugeo got some upgrades from Administrator. Kirito is going to need some Alice ex Machina to pull through.
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