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Feb 20, 2019 8:20 PM

Sep 2017
Naofumi always manages to help out the small villages, but he sure as hell makes em pay up. Was a pretty decent side story anyway.

Kinda dumb that we have Raphtalia getting jealous over a little kid. Naofumi clearly isn't interested and she's just like a clingy kid. Well I thought so until Filo said something about becoming his mate. I kinda don't wan't this to become an obvious harem so imma ignore that for now. Raphtalia and Filo were able to bond at the end of the day anyway so it was pretty good.
Feb 20, 2019 8:42 PM
Jan 2019
What a fun chapter. Raphtalia and Filo seriously look like sisters. LOL. They are so tender and grateful to Naofumi, no doubt, they are a nice family. PD: For a moment I thought they would be exiled from the city of hot springs for having hunted the silver boar xD.
Feb 20, 2019 8:45 PM

Jun 2015
i thought for a moment they bought him a tiny hammer as a weapon lool
Feb 20, 2019 8:56 PM
Nov 2018
2ego said:
Demyx_IX said:
The only one brain dead here is you, hell one of the more vocal critcs of the writing/story disagreed with you on this. Sooo...Bye Felicia.

I like how you without finishing the first season of Konosuba jumped to the second one-- and still dropped it-- that's not how it works...F.e.l.i.c.i.a... Back to the point, instead, maybe try providing any actual valid arguments? So far the show is dead & terrible, and you can't defend it because it really is. Even if I am not supposed to judge; what if I'm right? Bye, *Felicia*

In case you diddn't notice there are lot of things going on
1. Getting good EXP for the party to level up.
2. Getting money to improve their equipment for the next wave.
3. Improving shield hero 's reputation among common folk.
4. Gaining lot of connections to merchants which interm lead to gaining more knowledge.
5. Confirming that raphtalia loves him as a member of opposite sex.
6. Forming bond between the party members after filo joining the party.
7. We get to know what other heroes are doing.

There are lot of things are contributing to the story and character development how is this dead lol.

Also there are apparently TROLLs in this website who says "<insert anime title> is utterly trash" without giving a proper justification so beware of those fools.
Dhyan_manuFeb 20, 2019 9:00 PM
Feb 20, 2019 9:20 PM

Nov 2014
Jak said:
OG_Gattsu said:

Jealous love rivalry between Raphtalia and Filo, who btw have the mental age of children. Disgusting

Firo might, but Raph does not. Raph has the physical, mental, and emotional level of an adult due to leveling up, she was just acting like a kid in this episode. Adults can have moments where they act like kids. She's the only viable love interest of the 2. Firo on the other hand is usually played up for comedy. Also, you are looking at 2 non-humans in a world with magic and monsters so things are different from the real world so these kinds of things are probably way more in the norm than in the real world. Though considering you added "disgusting", you are probably too stupid to understand that.

he said disgusting because he thought Raph still has a children's mentality (which is honestly what I thought of at first while reading the manga cause they said her body age with her levels and didn't mention her mind) and Firo is obviously a child. That's why two children fighting for a grown ass adult especially one of the child mentions "mating" makes this really disgusting to him
Feb 20, 2019 9:26 PM

May 2011
The series is starting to lose it's atmosphere/vibe that it has built over the first few episode which, personally, was the appeal of this anime for me...

BlackLatias said:
Killuan said:
is it possoble the translation was off for the mate part? That does seem strange...

It may be? I really hope it was just a mistake in the translation, because if it wasn't it kind of ruins the relationships of the characters :/

Huex3 said:
I agree with you here, why are they making the anime into a harem bait wtf.

@ttcchen : Now I understand your complain after watching the episode. That shit about Filo wanting Naofumi to be his mate is BS and I don't remember that being in the LN at all.

Yeah, that really confuses me. They said they didn't want to make it into a harem anime and then this? Really hope it was just a translation mistake.

I hope it's a translation error too. I don't read manga or LN but so far the impression that Filo gave me was that she's a pet who wants to be loved and praised frequently, just like how a typical pet/animal wants to. I feel that that's very adorable until the conversations in this episode, which kinda threw me off a little...
Feb 20, 2019 9:35 PM

Sep 2016
Next episode title -"Curse series"
Shit about to get real =D
Feb 20, 2019 9:37 PM

Oct 2015
Wasn't too impressed with the content in the second part of this episode, but it was still tolerable I guess. So long as it's the last of its kind..

Next one seems like it will be interesting going by its title.
Feb 20, 2019 9:50 PM

Mar 2010
Wow disliking raph and filo now lol

Harem anime sigh
Feb 20, 2019 9:53 PM

Aug 2008
ehhh, i heard this is in the novel but i feel is to soon put in the anime regarding her feelings toward him
barely been 7 eps ...i wasn't fond of thesecond part at all:))
The spider is watching
Feb 20, 2019 9:57 PM

Apr 2007

dany_elle1908 said:
ehhh, i heard this is in the novel but i feel is to soon put in the anime regarding her feelings toward him
barely been 7 eps ...i wasn't fond of thesecond part at all:))

The :)) makes it hard to tell if you're being serious or not.
Feb 20, 2019 10:01 PM

Aug 2008
Killuan said:

dany_elle1908 said:
ehhh, i heard this is in the novel but i feel is to soon put in the anime regarding her feelings toward him
barely been 7 eps ...i wasn't fond of thesecond part at all:))

The :)) makes it hard to tell if you're being serious or not.

with my hand on heart i tell i'm serious ...
but yes wasn't much fond, because felt this could been good bit later in the story
The spider is watching
Feb 20, 2019 10:07 PM

Apr 2007
dany_elle1908 said:
Killuan said:

The :)) makes it hard to tell if you're being serious or not.

with my hand on heart i tell i'm serious ...
but yes wasn't much fond, because felt this could been good bit later in the story

hah okay, yeah it just looked like a smiley face

Just keep in mind, we already know that Raph loves Naofumi from previous episode. Naofumi still doesn't realize her affection though--so thats what they can focus on later in the series.

This was adapted from an extra chapter of the LN Volume 2. If they were going to adapt it, it had to be either this episode or next episode.
Feb 20, 2019 10:19 PM

Aug 2008
Killuan said:
dany_elle1908 said:

with my hand on heart i tell i'm serious ...
but yes wasn't much fond, because felt this could been good bit later in the story

hah okay, yeah it just looked like a smiley face

Just keep in mind, we already know that Raph loves Naofumi from previous episode. Naofumi still doesn't realize her affection though--so thats what they can focus on later in the series.

This was adapted from an extra chapter of the LN Volume 2. If they were going to adapt it, it had to be either this episode or next episode.

yes i know she does, i'm a manga reader only and there is a tad different than the novel:))) but i can cope with no problem
hm,probably,how i said never read the novel so ya

and true he doesn't yet one bit :O
The spider is watching
Feb 20, 2019 10:39 PM

Jul 2012
I guess you can get pregnant from kissing and mating means marriage 😂

Both girls are really cute. Looks like we'll be revisiting whatever the "Curse Series" is next episode!
Feb 20, 2019 11:14 PM

Nov 2016
I won't judge easily, but this show is getting awful. With generic harem lolicon bait. I hope it get better later
Feb 20, 2019 11:16 PM

Feb 2014
Am I missing something or does Filo have her level up faster than those two? In episode 6 it was like 16 or 17 and episode 7 it rises at 36?!
Feb 20, 2019 11:17 PM

Nov 2011
Jak said:
Sachyan said:

I wasn't comparing anything, just quoting what I've been told, and SAO is an isekai, don't get overly attached to genre semantics, deal with it.
Gets called out for being blatantly wrong. Deflects. It's not an isekai at all.
Except that it kind of is? Especially the first season. Also he has quotation marks in his initial post, meaning that he was told by someone else. Don't be a dick because you have a hate boner for sso.
Feb 20, 2019 11:18 PM

May 2015
Filo has a nice life. Eat a lot, be fat, and run fast...

Raphtaila's ears are twitching and her tail is wagging...

Filo and Raphtalia had a bit of a rivalry, but they got to settle their differences this episode. Cute. Now Captain Japan and his servants will be venturing East where medicine is in high demand. I wonder how much money he's made now. Next episode is titled "Curse Shield." Is he going to have to kill 250 enemies to uncurse it?
TarotistFeb 20, 2019 11:23 PM
Feb 21, 2019 12:02 AM

Feb 2016
Nothing to watch here. Boring filler
Feb 21, 2019 12:22 AM

May 2018
Removing parasitic plants from a kid by making him drinking herbicide?
Best written isekai ever!

Kids indeed do this at home, you will make the news!

I am joking but this and the pain-pleasure routines with Raphtalia when she was little (forcing her fight through the enslavement seal and then feeding her "special" meals) doesn't sound fun.
alshuFeb 21, 2019 12:34 AM
Feb 21, 2019 12:35 AM
Dec 2014
SSL443 said:
BlackLatias said:
Sadly, the anime leaves out a lot concerning the shield abilities. The shield Naofumi uses right now? From the Chimera the heroes killed in the first wave (I think it is that one at least). He got it in the village Filo hatched in. But there we just saw the flesh hanging in that barn, because of that montage, so how could anime only watchers know?
It is a fault of the anime, since they would just need to show him absorb some things.

And the plant fight was also a bit different, but I digress. The anime changed a whole lot of things this episode.
I still liked it in the end, but it could've been done better.

I recall from the producer/director AMA that they deliberately downlayed the "game" aspect of the world, which presumably includes the shield abilities. Seems like they took that approach too far because the shield seems like an afterthought at this point.

That said, I still find some of the abilities to be strange. Like, why would he be able to manipulate plants just because he absorbed a plant? I can see if he could shoot vines out of his shield or something, or even get the regenerative abilities. But instead he is now some kind of ultimate greenthumb? K.

He absorbed the seed and that gave him some kind of plant gene modification skill since this was the same seed the alchemist was working on (with genetic splicing probably).

I think the anime dropped the ball. There's a lot of stuff that seemed like they came out of nowhere. I'm sure they made this anime with the assumption that the ones who will watch are LN,WN, or manga readers.
Feb 21, 2019 12:41 AM
Dec 2014
Draconalis said:
I swear... The amount of people that think this is a worthless filler episode annoys me. It's like you don't understand how a story is supposed to get told. Plots climb and fall with highs and lows. You can't run at high all the time or the next "high" you really want to hit home will fall flat. These episodes are the calm before the storm.

And as story telling episodes, you get quiet a bit of both plot AND character development. You find out how both the spear and sword gero have screwed up, and Raphtalia-chan has become less jealous of Filo, and Filo has come to accept Raphtalia-chan more. This is how story works. Filler, this is not.

As to the people talking about Filo wanting to be Naofumi's mate... I think that happened in the Web Novel. I might be wrong, but that line didn't feel out of character to me. I'll have to try and find it again to be sure.


“Firo, you really do like Naofumi-sama don’t you.”
“Yup! I won’t lose to you Raphtalia onee-chan.”
“How did you end up with that!”

Chapter 34 of the web novel, right before plant village and the two making up

First of all Filo does not understand the concept of romantic love. So when Filo says "she won't lose to Raphtalia" she meant it as she won't lose to her being Naofumi's favorite. If you've read the ending of WN shield hero you'd know that Filo does not harbor any romantic feelings for Naofumi.
Feb 21, 2019 12:55 AM

Nov 2012
Why cant they put more effort on the art and animation..... some parts were really bad.
Feb 21, 2019 1:00 AM

Aug 2013
Not a bad episode. Hot spring episode.

Looking forward to next week's episode.

Feb 21, 2019 1:14 AM

Feb 2014
Starting to become a bit too carefree/light-hearted for few episode now, hopefully there is more drama in the next episodes.
Feb 21, 2019 1:54 AM

Jul 2017
revyHOLiC said:
I won't judge easily, but this show is getting awful. With generic harem lolicon bait. I hope it get better later

It’s gone downhill since the duel against Spear Hero, probably even earlier. Fanboys will still say this hot spring episode filled with harem aspects was amazing though
FlexstyleFeb 21, 2019 9:59 AM
Feb 21, 2019 2:01 AM

Jul 2014
First half was reasonable enough, but the "romance rivalry" crap in the second half was absolutely awful.
Feb 21, 2019 2:02 AM

Mar 2013
Hmm... very interesting. So, everyone who's saying that Firo did not say "mate" in her speech in the source LN, you guys read the Japanese->English translation? I'm asking because I read Japanese->Russian translation of LN on ruranobe (by a guy who knows Japanese and directly translates into Russian). I still remember that she did say "самец" (mate) in that translation, just checked, and indeed according to that translation, she did say "mate".

Maybe replacing "mate" with "favorite" was just a mistranslation by whoever did Japanese->English translation?
Feb 21, 2019 2:02 AM
Nov 2018
OG_Gattsu said:
revyHOLiC said:
I won't judge easily, but this show is getting awful. With generic harem lolicon bait. I hope it get better later

It’s gone downhill since the duel against Spear Hero, probably even early. Fanboys will still say this hot spring episode filled with harem aspects was amazing though

Remember those words you can't say them after episode 8.

Without these episodes there was no way of forming a strong bond between those 3.
Dhyan_manuFeb 21, 2019 2:16 AM
Feb 21, 2019 2:20 AM

Jun 2013
I don't give a fuck about Naofumi and Raph's love story. It's obvious they're going to end up together. I wanna see him get revenge on those morons that fucked him over while he shows how much of an awesome character he is. These love scenes attract some of the most annoying viewers debating on who deserves who the most.

Chicken girl was fucking awesome being cocky as fuck. She's my favorite for being a gluttonous, fat ass chicken. I don't care much for her human form since she's funnier when she's in her chubster chicken form.

I did enjoy the part where they worked together to get something for Naofumi. I much rather have them get along than this turn out to be some stupid fucking harem which I doubt it is.

The after credits scene were very interesting and I want to see the cursed shield in action.

Feb 21, 2019 2:21 AM
( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.

Jul 2013
It was an okay-ish episode, better than the last one at least. Although, I have to say that I am a bit disappointed by how this is turning out. It's enjoyable to watch, but some of the earlier episodes were really special and not your generic Isekai stuff. I hope the next episodes are going to return to that path.

I will show no mercy for you
You had no mercy for me
The only thing that I ask
Love me mercilessly
Feb 21, 2019 2:28 AM

Apr 2018
Can't believe this is by the same studio who made MIA (made in abys). Please tell me the next episode can't get any worse than this episode
Feb 21, 2019 2:42 AM

Jun 2015
Esquirtit said:
Damn one of the worst episodes I've seen in a while, all of the dialogue is either NPCs sucking his dick or birdloli and raccoonwaifu having beef. Makes me wonder how stupid the reason everyone hates Shield Hero is going to be. Where is the underdog story of a hero having to buy slaves because everyone hates him, I only see a dude with a harem doing sidequests waiting for Team Rocket to make their appearance again

Best post in this thread by far.
Feb 21, 2019 3:27 AM
Jan 2018
I did not understand why some people really hated and even tried to drop this anime, I think this episode is interesting and not boring we can see the raphtalia and filo ties personally and I even laugh at the innocence of Raphtalia when she sees Naofumi and Filo playing, so please tell the reason why this episode feels boring in your perspective, by the way I'm a fan of anime and manga
Feb 21, 2019 3:53 AM

Aug 2018
Raphtalia1 said:
I did not understand why some people really hated and even tried to drop this anime, I think this episode is interesting and not boring we can see the raphtalia and filo ties personally and I even laugh at the innocence of Raphtalia when she sees Naofumi and Filo playing, so please tell the reason why this episode feels boring in your perspective, by the way I'm a fan of anime and manga

Some people have different taste and perspective so you can't blame them for not liking the show because of that. I myself consider this episode as a weak one and others too, but I still liked the show because I know that this episode is important with the character development and gaining popularity of Naofumi.

I even thought that if I didn't read the source material I would feel the same as them but not to the point that I will drop the anime itself.

This is my biased opinion for the people who hate the anime because of this, fellas this episode does not dictate the theme of the anime itself, are you sure that you are watching Shield Hero? Are you sure that you understand the story well because all I see is that you are pointing out the bad scenes and criticize the whole show even that scene is not really important or just a comic relief by the author, come on guys almost any anime has it's comic relief and you guys should know that because we watch anime. If this is not your cup of tea then please drop it because it's really pointless because almost all of your arguments that this show is bad are REALLY REALLY WEAK.

Btw this is my biased opinion, sorry if you felt attacked to this but let's be friends guys after all we are all anime lovers.
Feb 21, 2019 4:59 AM
Jan 2018
Cleckeroo said:
Raphtalia1 said:
I did not understand why some people really hated and even tried to drop this anime, I think this episode is interesting and not boring we can see the raphtalia and filo ties personally and I even laugh at the innocence of Raphtalia when she sees Naofumi and Filo playing, so please tell the reason why this episode feels boring in your perspective, by the way I'm a fan of anime and manga

Some people have different taste and perspective so you can't blame them for not liking the show because of that. I myself consider this episode as a weak one and others too, but I still liked the show because I know that this episode is important with the character development and gaining popularity of Naofumi.

I even thought that if I didn't read the source material I would feel the same as them but not to the point that I will drop the anime itself.

This is my biased opinion for the people who hate the anime because of this, fellas this episode does not dictate the theme of the anime itself, are you sure that you are watching Shield Hero? Are you sure that you understand the story well because all I see is that you are pointing out the bad scenes and criticize the whole show even that scene is not really important or just a comic relief by the author, come on guys almost any anime has it's comic relief and you guys should know that because we watch anime. If this is not your cup of tea then please drop it because it's really pointless because almost all of your arguments that this show is bad are REALLY REALLY WEAK.

Btw this is my biased opinion, sorry if you felt attacked to this but let's be friends guys after all we are all anime lovers.
Thank you, I am really satisfied with your answer. Hope this can represent all the other questions
Feb 21, 2019 5:20 AM

Sep 2018
More and more average every week.
Feb 21, 2019 5:49 AM
Feb 2017
OG_Gattsu said:
What the hell did I just watch?

Jealous love rivalry between Raphtalia and Filo, who btw have the mental age of children. Disgusting

Shield Hero is slowly devolving into a generic harem isekai which is hilarious. Fanboys will still try to deny it though

PS: Naofumi was given a pick hammer as a present.

“I can’t use another item to fight with besides my shield” hur durr. Well, you got one now.

Yes because a pick hammer will do a lot of damage...
Feb 21, 2019 5:58 AM

Aug 2018
BlakexEkalb said:
OG_Gattsu said:
What the hell did I just watch?

Jealous love rivalry between Raphtalia and Filo, who btw have the mental age of children. Disgusting

Shield Hero is slowly devolving into a generic harem isekai which is hilarious. Fanboys will still try to deny it though

PS: Naofumi was given a pick hammer as a present.

“I can’t use another item to fight with besides my shield” hur durr. Well, you got one now.

Yes because a pick hammer will do a lot of damage...

Except if he use it for combat the Shield will immediately reject it a cast an electric magic to remove its user's hands
Feb 21, 2019 6:01 AM
Feb 2017
2ego said:
Demyx_IX said:
This was the only thing worth of value that you wrote in your childish, profanity riddled temper tantrum of a response.

Also, bye Felicia

You're the biggest hypocrite in the town. Also unfortunately I am far older than you.

Being childish does not have a set age, you can be as old as you want and still be childish.
Feb 21, 2019 6:01 AM
Jan 2018
Why in every Isekai people think the citizens of that world are NPCs
Feb 21, 2019 6:02 AM
Feb 2017
Cleckeroo said:
BlakexEkalb said:

Yes because a pick hammer will do a lot of damage...

Except if he use it for combat the Shield will immediately reject it a cast an electric magic to remove its user's hands

That would probably be the case, but even if it were possible, sword>>>>>>>>>>>>pick hammer.
Feb 21, 2019 6:05 AM

Aug 2018
BlakexEkalb said:
Cleckeroo said:

Except if he use it for combat the Shield will immediately reject it a cast an electric magic to remove its user's hands

That would probably be the case, but even if it were possible, sword>>>>>>>>>>>>pick hammer.

Yep most likely if that's case.
Feb 21, 2019 6:25 AM
Apr 2016
BlakexEkalb said:
2ego said:

You're the biggest hypocrite in the town. Also unfortunately I am far older than you.

Being childish does not have a set age, you can be as old as you want and still be childish.

Yes, adults tend to be immature-- but it doesn't change a thing, I did not act immature-- he did.
Feb 21, 2019 6:45 AM

Oct 2018
So... about the Curse Series

Contain major Spoiler for the next Episode and the Whole Series .Read at your own risk

PsyKhiFeb 21, 2019 6:51 AM
Feb 21, 2019 7:01 AM

Dec 2014
Killuan said:
Lelouch0202 said:

The only thing I dislike about this episode is how obvious the 'romance' pandering is. In the WN, the trio feel a lot closer and Filo only ever wants attention, she never goes around saying she wants Naofumi to be his mate or whatever. For Raphtalia, while it is clear that she wants Naofumi to look at her romantically, she's never overly open about it. She also never really comes of as jealous of Filo, in fact she is genuinely quite like a sister to Filo and she takes care of her. I can understand if they want to make Raphtalia's romantic actions/thoughts a little more overt but making Filo do it as well makes the show seem a little harem'ish when that really isn't the case.

I heard this twice now. But in the manga she does get jealous, maybe not to the same degree. In the previous episode when they were making the clothes for Filo; Raph was even more jealous in the manga.

Not sure about the manga but in the WN, she gets a little jealous in the beginning but it never gets to the point where they consider themselves like rivals or anything as it almost seemed like here. Not that they are actually rivals here but just the way they portrayed it made it look that way.
Feb 21, 2019 7:10 AM

Dec 2011
Huex3 said:
Draconalis said:
I swear... The amount of people that think this is a worthless filler episode annoys me. It's like you don't understand how a story is supposed to get told. Plots climb and fall with highs and lows. You can't run at high all the time or the next "high" you really want to hit home will fall flat. These episodes are the calm before the storm.

And as story telling episodes, you get quiet a bit of both plot AND character development. You find out how both the spear and sword gero have screwed up, and Raphtalia-chan has become less jealous of Filo, and Filo has come to accept Raphtalia-chan more. This is how story works. Filler, this is not.

As to the people talking about Filo wanting to be Naofumi's mate... I think that happened in the Web Novel. I might be wrong, but that line didn't feel out of character to me. I'll have to try and find it again to be sure.


“Firo, you really do like Naofumi-sama don’t you.”
“Yup! I won’t lose to you Raphtalia onee-chan.”
“How did you end up with that!”

Chapter 34 of the web novel, right before plant village and the two making up

First of all Filo does not understand the concept of romantic love. So when Filo says "she won't lose to Raphtalia" she meant it as she won't lose to her being Naofumi's favorite. If you've read the ending of WN shield hero you'd know that Filo does not harbor any romantic feelings for Naofumi.

You are forgetting when she goes into heat and wants to "eat master". She's an animal, so they are different, but her affections are there.
Feb 21, 2019 7:34 AM

Sep 2014
Just want to give my 2c on what Filo said in regards to her mating comment. What she said was 番い (a pair) which yes, can be used to refer to a pair of animals (often birds) but also pairs of earrings, chopsticks etc. It doesn't by itself carry a sexual connotation unlike "mate/mating"

The challenge with translating japanese to english oftentimes is that japanese itself is a very contextual based language as compared to a more straight forward one like english. often, translators have no choice but to choose the closest matching words just to make the sentence sound coherent in english.

My take on Filo comment is that she wants to bring the egg to Naofumi so that he'll pair up with her and give her more headpats, absolutely zero sexual context and infact showcases her very childlike line of thinking.

On the other hand Raphtalia misconstrue Filo comment as marriage thinking that it means mating (Filo does not use the word mating but rather mate which can also be used to refer to a friend, abit of a word play if you will), sexual in context to highlight Raphtalia budding maturity.

Bottom line is I have not seen thus far, any context that insinuate Filo as showing sexual interest in Naofumi (usually depicted with blushing face etc, like our raccoon friend). Filo has a really child like state of mind and what one takes away from her action/speech really references that viewer state of mind..

tl;dr - Most viewers can't into context and can only form thoughts based on surface level takeaways
Feb 21, 2019 7:46 AM

Dec 2016
Oh hoh, so Raphtalia have strong feelings for Naofumi. That's cute but I think her jealousness is more cuter <3 That gift sure made him very happy :)

Please, don't make this a love triangle =_= not that I mind love triangles, but come on, Filo is just a child!

Nice episode! Cursed Shield next episode? That doesn't sound good but I'm very curious to know what will happen >>;

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