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Jan 21, 2019 3:30 PM

Sep 2011
That ghost family bit hit me alot harder than i expected it to, extremely well handled all around. The part where the father slowly turned more monstrous but catched himself and just reverted back to begging was really poignant.

I guess next episode is the start at least of the stuff people keep hyping to no end.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jan 21, 2019 3:38 PM

Apr 2016
it may seem like not much happened in this episode, but it actually gave a pretty deep glimpse into Mob's psyche
he thinks of humans and spirits as equal, and he is starting to wonder why he's even doing what he's doing when whatever choice he makes, he'll either hurt the humans or the spirits
Mob is becoming a more and more complex character
Jan 21, 2019 3:38 PM
Jul 2017
Part 1: some creep wants someone cursed. Reigen plays along to get rid of him, which seems wrong to Mob.

Part 2: a perv uses his power to spy on a woman. the woman is no longer scared when she finds out it was just a perv and not a spirit. Mob is confused about why that would make a difference.

Part 3: a bully threatens Mob. Mob's friends stop the bully, and tell Mob he should have fought back.

Part 4: some bratty kids want a ghost family exorcised, even though that family just wants to live in peace. Reigen and Ekubo don't see the problem, though Reigen eventually tells Mob it's OK not to do it.

Ending: Mob tries to make sense of it all. Will he always do the right thing? Will he always make the right distinction between spirits and humans? Will anyone be there to give him the right advice?

This is the type of episode that defines an outstanding series.
...but then again, I unironically like Warau Salesman.
Jan 21, 2019 3:49 PM

Feb 2013
Mob should listen to his feelings and let the brain rest a bit.
Jan 21, 2019 4:10 PM
Apr 2016
Life and death, the fictional alternative life for unfulfilled humans, good humans, getting rid of them is like killing an actual human, like killing a good human, then getting rid of a same degree entity but valuated by inside... Meaning those three actual humans deserved death more than those spirits.
Jan 21, 2019 4:28 PM

Dec 2014
That was beautiful, it was so very heartfelt and somehow very personally moving for me.

Loved the part with the bullies and how different people came to Mob's rescue. :)

I never thought I'd get emotional over a bunch of black blobs on a screen but man the segment with the ghosts was extremely well done. I can really relate to what Mob's going through, he's realizing that his views of the world are so very different from the people around him. That there will be times where he has to decide between what he feels is right and what is perceived as right and he's really not at a stage to make those decisions yet. The dilemma he faced with the spirits is just the beginning and it'll probably pave the way towards him growing as a person with his own ideals. The final scene with him wondering if someone will stop him for doing something bad some day might be reflective of him wondering if someone will help guide him down a path he feels is right.

I also really need to mention how amazing of a character Reigen is, he's a two faced con-man who has no misgivings about ripping people of their money yet he cares so very deeply for Mob. He tries his hardest to try and show Mob the way to becoming his own self, he's always quick to pickup on Mob's doubts and fears and is always trying to prevent him from bending under the pressure of his own powers and the expectations placed on him. It's interesting in that it might be because Reigen started growing a little complacent that Mob might have started this phase of questioning what he believes in from what the people around him do.

Can't wait for more.
Jan 21, 2019 5:23 PM
Sep 2017
Germs_N_Spices said:
One thing I want to add is that, the characterization really makes people NOT want to watch Mob explode. I remember during the first season everybody is like "Would Mob explode next ep?" "Cmon why hasn't he exploded already?"

But these contemplative episodes really adds consequence onto that explosion. As we come to understand Mob as a person, we subconsciously fear losing that person whom we know and love. ONE is really a genius at creating endearing and at the same time incredibly complex characters.
But of course, he is really afraid of hurting people and using his powers wrongly, that why when he expotes its consequnences really hurts him. The story line is making that Mob is relatable to the audience, that empaty has been strongly improved in just 3 episodes. Just amazing how overpowered characters are made so humane in ONE´s two main works.
Jan 21, 2019 5:40 PM
Jul 2018
Getting heavy fast this season, I love it though.
"The hell do you want?" ~Dimple
Jan 21, 2019 6:00 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
The first half of this episode was hilarious, especially the scene with the two bullies xDDD

I was dying at how Reigen was willing to take those college kid's money no matter what but that stuff with the ghost family and seeing how Mob felt had me in my feels TwT

Also LMFAO at how that one dude in the beginning with the funny rape face actually cursed Reigen xD
Jan 21, 2019 6:17 PM

Aug 2015
I wasn't expecting this episode to be so touching. I like this introspection.
Jan 21, 2019 6:51 PM

Oct 2015
Reigen thought Mob was gonna think of putting a curse on him judging by that sweat, gotta like that guy.

If I was Mob too I would've let that family go, they didn't seem that harmful to me.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jan 21, 2019 7:10 PM

Sep 2017
I feel like Reigen and Mob share a father son relationship, with Reigen having Mob to some soba. Reigen is realising that Mob is getting more and more considerate of other spirits and people and now he decides to help him make that bridge work. Good work!!

I was happy when Dimple ghost stripped that bully and the club crushed him. Also powerful is that the father didn't turn into a evil spirit because of his son. Cool.

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Jan 21, 2019 7:19 PM

Jul 2016
Great episode. I really enjoyed it. The scene where all Mob's friends and Ritsu were protecting him from that excuse of a bully was very sweet.

The story of the family of spirits was really touching, being honest. Not to mention that the inner conflict Mob was having was quite interesting to see as well. Episode by episode, he's been receiving more and more devolpment as a character, which is really nice since having his perspective of his dilemma is quite refreshing.

It was also interesting to hear his reasoning at the end of the episode. The fact that if he ever loses control of his actions, there won't be anyone to stop him must be really scary to think from his perspective.
Jan 21, 2019 8:03 PM

Jun 2015
Damn, why does the ending is so nostalgic to me? I can't understand why.
Jan 21, 2019 8:14 PM

Dec 2013
Looks like Mob is finally starting to realise how shitty of a boss Reigan actually is.
Jan 21, 2019 8:18 PM

Jul 2016
G_Spark233 said:
Looks like Mob is finally starting to realise how shitty of a boss Reigan actually is.

Is he?

I thought he was just starting to realise how shitty humans are.
Jan 21, 2019 8:24 PM

Aug 2018
Major character developments ahead for Mob. I like that he's becoming more self-aware. I like the gradual existential crisis with regards to his powers. Mob's growing and I think that's really cool.

I hope Reigen fully knows how responsible he is over Mob's well being. I can see him sorta trying, but I hope he really is.

Can't wait for next episode.
Jan 21, 2019 9:28 PM

Sep 2017
Wow this episode felt very different from pretty much everything else we've had, but it really came together in the end. There has been some great character development for Mob in the first episode and now this. I'm really excited for where this is gonna go.
Jan 21, 2019 9:33 PM
Mar 2017
The character development in this episode was espectacular, Mob finally understands that there are things that are correct and things that are wrong, that sometimes the same human being is more dangerous and cruel than a harmless or evil spirit and this episode was a clear example of that.
First the asshole who wanted to curse someone, in the end he cursed Reigen, then we have the stalker who harassed his neighbor using his astral body and finally the stupid ones who wanted a photo with a spirit, they were bunch of bastards that abandon Reigen and Mob, but afterwards they come for help only because they saw a spirit in the photo and they wanted to eliminate them just because their existence bothered them, WTF?.
Today we also saw a moment, which personally moved me a lot, Mob was cornered by two delinquents, but Ritsu, Mob clubmates and Dimple defended him from the bastards who wanted to rob him.
But without a doubt it was Reigen who also surprised me, he noticed that Mob questioned things more and gave his opinion, besides he noticed the conflict that the little one had at the moment when he was going to exorcise the innocent spirits and he tricks the customers, to avoid the suffering of Mob.
I felt very sad for the spirit of the father, when he asked for mercy and he also asked not be separated from his family.

Now I can understand that last sentence in English that comes out in the opening "your life is your own", Mob needs to know what to do with his life, with his powers, I felt bad to see Mob questioning who would punish him if he did something bad, Mob needs someone who really listen to him and support him.
In the previous season, when Mob reached the maximum stress point and exploited his psychic power was incredible, but after this episode and knowing the account of his stress was at 67%, I can say that I do not want to see Mob explode, I have a very bad feeling that Mob will be emotionally wounded.
salbery755Jan 21, 2019 9:41 PM
Jan 21, 2019 9:36 PM
Mar 2017
Vindicater said:
G_Spark233 said:
Looks like Mob is finally starting to realise how shitty of a boss Reigan actually is.

Is he?

I thought he was just starting to realise how shitty humans are.

I agree with you, Mob was a witness of the most filthy side of the human being in this episode
Jan 21, 2019 9:46 PM

Dec 2016
I could be wrong but I feel like this show has skipped quite a lot. For instance his exercise club friends now know he has psychic powers? When did that happen?
Jan 21, 2019 10:09 PM

Jul 2016
Cbr_Star said:
I could be wrong but I feel like this show has skipped quite a lot. For instance his exercise club friends now know he has psychic powers? When did that happen?

They’ve known ever since - from the Mob vs Teruki fight. They know Mob’s the shadow leader as they said in a conversation with Onigawara on episode 6. Plus, Mob is famously known for having psychic powers as said by one of the telepathy club members all the way back in episode 2.
Jan 21, 2019 10:17 PM

Aug 2013
salbery755 said:
The character development in this episode was espectacular, Mob finally understands that there are things that are correct and things that are wrong, that sometimes the same human being is more dangerous and cruel than a harmless or evil spirit and this episode was a clear example of that.
First the asshole who wanted to curse someone, in the end he cursed Reigen,

The interplay between the two is exceptional.

Reigen didn't want a troubled Mob to lift the expected curse. He realizes the latter is contemplating all the vices he's endured, finding introspection through the forlorned family of spirits. The psychological toll of his abilities are presenting Mob with unalloyed existential questions.
Jan 21, 2019 10:20 PM

Oct 2018
AnimaticLunatic said:
Konpurekkusu said:
It felt filler-ish once again, like episode 2. That’s honestly my opinion to sum it up. While I was a big fan of the first episode and the first season also, I don’t think the 2nd season has had the strongest start to everything.

How? How can this episode feel like filler to you? I am interested why you think that.

I found this episode a little tasteless. Not to poop on anyones opinion about it being a good episode, but I just didn't see any sort of development on anything but Mob. I'm not the typical shounen or fight anime fan either, and there's no doubt that this was an important episode for Mob (if they decide to use this for developement.)

I just felt however, that the sudden urge for Mob to doubt everything came so randomly and got introduced without any previous context or previous situation that changed his mind, that it honestly just felt like filler. Also with the fact Reigen had to explain it to the audience instead of us being able to figure it out. Cause at the same time the plot didn't move and so didn't any of the characters but Mob. But I can understand people who found this to be a good episode because of Mob, hope that clarifies things.
【🇳​🇪​🇼​ 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇫​🇮​🇱​🇪​ 🇩​🇪​🇸​🇮​🇬​🇳​】

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Jan 21, 2019 10:22 PM

Sep 2017
so the next episode is the beginning of the darkest arc (mogami keiji), cant wait!
Jan 21, 2019 10:57 PM
Sep 2018
Loved the character development that mob got this episode
Jan 21, 2019 10:58 PM

Dec 2016
Another great episode but man do I need them to get into a long story arc and really build up to a good fight scene
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Jan 21, 2019 11:28 PM

Apr 2016
so help me god i will give mob-kun a hug and a kiss on the cheek
moe moe ichijou seiya

Jan 21, 2019 11:38 PM

Feb 2014
Now that's a satisfying way to see a bully get humiliated. Get Dimple to possess him and make him strip naked, then as the bully regain his consciousness, Mob's protectors from the fitness club all squashed the bully until he conked out.

Although that scene was great, the main scene that's on my mind, along with everyone else here, was with the family spirits. The father just wanted him and his family to live at peace and not harm anyone, as it was proven when Dimple tried to manipulate the father to go all out of control, but he regained his senses just in time.

Mob look really stressed out as he just couldn't go through with exorcising the spirit family at all, so Good move on Reigen for realising this and used his stash of salt to convince the dumb college students that the job was done.

Mob is now at 67%, which is kind of alarming. I do have sympathy for him, but I do have a feeling that there will be more scenarios like this in the future where he'll be in this position again, stuck between two choices that will have a significant stress to him that'll cause a spike in his explosion percentage. I just hope he doesn't make a decision that he'll regret though.

Solid episode once more and I look forward to the next arc that has already been hyped quite a lot. =)
Jan 21, 2019 11:57 PM

Dec 2012
Oh no 67% Mob gonna go berserk soonish

Jan 22, 2019 3:00 AM
May 2017
I love Mob very much......
So, that line from episode 1 of s2 really had an impact on him, huh. He finally started considering his own opinions... Oh yes, the good ol' existential crisis! I wonder, would s1 Mob have exorcised the spirit family after Reigen told him to?
Speaking of, the spirit family bit really tugged on my heartstrings. I think Bones adapted it very well. I don't really have much to say that hasn't been already said by other people here, but I hope they have a long and happy afterlife!!

The animation quality in this season is... both an upgrade and a downgrade from s1. In the beginning of the episode, I was thinking "Man, they didn't even try, huh.", but when the spirit family bit came, it improved drastically. It's kinda this way in the previous two episodes and even the OP, too. Reused footage, wonky animation with not a lot of effort put into it, in the OP they even used the goddamn reference sheets for 3 characters (Teru, Reigen, and Mezato), and then movie quality animation in other parts. I hope the animation quality... stabilizes.

Oh man, the bully scene.... It was really heartwarming. After remembering what the next episode is gong to cover, however? Not so heartwarming.
Lactic_AcidJan 22, 2019 3:04 AM
Jan 22, 2019 3:10 AM
May 2017
Konpurekkusu said:
AnimaticLunatic said:

How? How can this episode feel like filler to you? I am interested why you think that.

I found this episode a little tasteless. Not to poop on anyones opinion about it being a good episode, but I just didn't see any sort of development on anything but Mob. I'm not the typical shounen or fight anime fan either, and there's no doubt that this was an important episode for Mob (if they decide to use this for developement.)

I just felt however, that the sudden urge for Mob to doubt everything came so randomly and got introduced without any previous context or previous situation that changed his mind, that it honestly just felt like filler. Also with the fact Reigen had to explain it to the audience instead of us being able to figure it out. Cause at the same time the plot didn't move and so didn't any of the characters but Mob. But I can understand people who found this to be a good episode because of Mob, hope that clarifies things.

Mob's urge to doubt everything actually came from ep 1. Remember when he told Emi he'd consider his own feelings more? This is the result. As a manga reader, I believe everything in this episode to be crucial to the story later on. While it didn't really develop the plot, it introduced the question of whether spirits and humans are really that different, and whether it is moral to exorcise spirits just because. It also developed Mob's character and showed that he started to consider his own opinions on things, which is going to be crucial for the arc after the next one.
Jan 22, 2019 3:39 AM

Jul 2016
Konpurekkusu said:
AnimaticLunatic said:

How? How can this episode feel like filler to you? I am interested why you think that.

I found this episode a little tasteless. Not to poop on anyones opinion about it being a good episode, but I just didn't see any sort of development on anything but Mob. I'm not the typical shounen or fight anime fan either, and there's no doubt that this was an important episode for Mob (if they decide to use this for developement.)

I just felt however, that the sudden urge for Mob to doubt everything came so randomly and got introduced without any previous context or previous situation that changed his mind, that it honestly just felt like filler. Also with the fact Reigen had to explain it to the audience instead of us being able to figure it out. Cause at the same time the plot didn't move and so didn't any of the characters but Mob. But I can understand people who found this to be a good episode because of Mob, hope that clarifies things.

You’re completely wrong - the entire season so far has been developing Mob to this point. The reason he’s considering his feelings and opinions more was because of his time with Emi and the powers he awakened in that episode will be important for a later part in the season. In the second episode his lack of fear against spirits had a huge part in episode 3 as he begins to realize that he’s as close to the spirit world as he is with the real world. The structure of this episode had a huge part to play as well. The situation with the stalker has Mob questioning the differences between humans and spirits. As the client’s reactions changed when the she found out it was a human not a spirit. In the second situation with the bullies Onigarawa, Musashi, and Dimple says he shouldn’t put up with people pushing him around as he has the power to stop them - Making Mob question his morality of not using psychic powers on humans. And finally, the spirit family situation. This is where the lines begin to blur. This is the first time Mob has met a spirit with human compassion. His struggle against pacifying the spirit family as his clients are constantly trying to have them excorcised has Mob questioning the differences between human and spirits. The decision of whether or not to exorcize that family was not obvious at all. If the living and the dead are so similar, and Mob has done nothing but exorcise spirits, then perhaps killing people is not so different from exorcising spirits? That's what got Mob thinking about at the end of the episode. If you start to put the dead above the living, then you might as well 'exorcise' the living, too. If you exorcise evil spirits, doesn't that mean you should kill evil people, as well? I think this is writing is amazing and is very interesting character development for Mob that was definitely not introduced without context.
Cayro666Jan 22, 2019 3:43 AM
Jan 22, 2019 4:03 AM

Dec 2014
Konpurekkusu said:
AnimaticLunatic said:

How? How can this episode feel like filler to you? I am interested why you think that.

I found this episode a little tasteless. Not to poop on anyones opinion about it being a good episode, but I just didn't see any sort of development on anything but Mob. I'm not the typical shounen or fight anime fan either, and there's no doubt that this was an important episode for Mob (if they decide to use this for developement.)

I just felt however, that the sudden urge for Mob to doubt everything came so randomly and got introduced without any previous context or previous situation that changed his mind, that it honestly just felt like filler. Also with the fact Reigen had to explain it to the audience instead of us being able to figure it out. Cause at the same time the plot didn't move and so didn't any of the characters but Mob. But I can understand people who found this to be a good episode because of Mob, hope that clarifies things.

You know there was an entire season before that? And even in the first season that specific development started for Mob, now 3 Episodes in the 2nd Season where all episodes got into Mobs development further and furter... you say it was sudden and you say this just randomly happened out of the blue?

I think you have been watching a different show or skipped over Season 2, but what you just did is solidify that your opinion is completely baseless, please do not continue watching this show since you seem to have a hard time keeping up with simple AND more complicated things.

"no other characters moved but Mob" ... yeah you should stop watching shows or anything in general, don't think this medium is for you.
Jan 22, 2019 4:24 AM

Apr 2016
I love how everyone is protecting especially Reigen . That emotion level went up so fast too .
"Mountains, beings, and nature's laws are bound by an arrangement, and within it, we live." -Mushishi Zoku Shou Suzu No Shizuku
Jan 22, 2019 6:07 AM

Jul 2015
Sheesh, this episode was all over the place emotionally and it was deep. I was hoping Reigen would step in and just like, dump some salt on the ground somewhere and end it but he just chucked the salt at the three which made me happy but that whole moment was kind of chilling.

Mob is growing and changing, now he just needs to start learning how to fend for himself a bit more... against someone stupid enough to try and rob him three times in a single afternoon.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Jan 22, 2019 9:13 AM

Mar 2018
ttcchen said:

It's a bit different in the manga

Wow, this is a HUGE difference in language that really changes a lot about what Mob is feeling here. The way I interpreted that watching the show was he felt like nobody would even care, or at least nobody would be angry about it. Like it's what is expected of him (the way Reigen expects him to exorcise spirits).

But with that manga translation, that comes across more like Mob being afraid of his own power, and realizing that if worst comes to worst, there will be nothing anyone can do to stop him.

Thanks for posting that.
Jan 22, 2019 9:18 AM

Apr 2013
67%? We're close to an explosion then. If the next episode is the start of an arc we're definitely going to see 100% soon. Wonder what emotion will it be this time?

With that said, gotta love Reigen. Even if he's baffled at times by Mob he still is one of the few people that are able to understand him properly.
Jan 22, 2019 9:27 AM
Feb 2016
i really love this episode!!

you know, i have so many friends and people i don't even know come at me for loving Reigen Arataka, their reasoning for this unnecessary hate was because Reigen is a scammer who uses Mob to earn money. Argument totally invalid! Reigen is one of those characters who confuse people a lot, is he a good person because we're seeing this show mainly in Mob's point of view? or is he actually a bad person?

the answer is, however biased i may be, is of course the first one.
Reigen Arataka has cared for Mob ever since Mob was little and is just getting to know his psychic powers, sure it was a scam and he had no intention to actually raise the boy, but he grew attached and actually cared for him, giving him important life advices and such. and Mob doesn't feel any sort of hate towards Reigen so if Mob doesn't mind it, why should you?

this episode just further proves my point. how he was oblivious at it first, but came to realize his ignorance and told him to listen to his feelings and that he can stop whenever he wants, he has now fully grasped Mob's situation and is trying his best to help Mob with it. Oh and i love how Mob matured this episode, he voices his own opinion and can reject orders now it's so nice!! art style as always, amazingly done!
Jan 22, 2019 11:23 AM

Jul 2014
So a calm before the storm episode? and this one caught my feels so damn hard, the moment Reigen also realized his judgements and how he was shaking near the end of the EP sent chills down my spine, like its him realizing that his judgements and how he guides Mob can either lead to him being humanity's greatest ally or its greatest foe.
Jan 22, 2019 12:13 PM
Jul 2018
Reigen with photoshop
so guuuud
Jan 22, 2019 1:31 PM

Apr 2009
Very interesting with good vs evil, human vs spirit in this episode.
The man to that wants to put a curse on someone
the bullies
the stalker, and mob asking why the woman felt differently after finding out it was a person instead of a ghost
and then the innocent ghost family vs clients that want them to disappear
Jan 22, 2019 1:57 PM
Aug 2014
This episode was done perfectly, I can't get enough out of the interactions of the trio: Mob,Dimple and Reigen
Jan 22, 2019 4:35 PM
Nov 2015
ttcchen said:

It's a bit different in the manga

AnimaticLunatic said:

How? How can this episode feel like filler to you? I am interested why you think that.

To some people no action means filler. They don't understand that's not the kind of show Mob Psycho is.

Simply a guy / people that never never wacth slice of life show genre.
Jan 22, 2019 4:56 PM
May 2016
God the scene with the ghost family was surprisingly melancholic. The pacing of it all and godly direction really made the emotional impact hit hard.
Jan 22, 2019 6:27 PM

Jan 2011
best episode so far the direction of mob questioning himself and his actions is a interesting but dangerous one ,since his character is the classic case of a character that is young but insanely powerful and could easily stray off the path of good without a good mentor and Reigen realized he almost screwed up.

also that eye catch showing how they got home was a nice use of the shot.
Jan 22, 2019 8:24 PM

Aug 2011
These "professional" subbers have gotten worse over time.
Jan 22, 2019 10:23 PM

Jan 2014
stand said:
These "professional" subbers have gotten worse over time.
Cant believe they fucked up so bad at the end. "Yell at me"? Please.

The episode was really good other than that. I loved the eerie atmosphere and the bit with the ghost family was really heavy (props to the ghost father's voice acting, which was spine-chilling). Mob has obviously had a lot on his mind and it shows in the spike in his stress level, but I don't think he'll get to relax anytime soon, sadly.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jan 23, 2019 12:07 AM

Jul 2016
Build up episode. Its good but, I wish they speed up the arc cuz its confirmed to be 1cour. Mob this episode having doubts himself is interesting.

Jan 23, 2019 2:58 AM
Nov 2015
There nothing wrong about this episode.

It's just oh dear God why people allowed to miss translated so much in this anime.

They need to fix the endlish sub, is that hard to read the manga and use the word in the manga for anime English sub ?
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