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I'm mostly a fan of Shōnen anime. While I do branch off into other genres, it's the one I'm most familiar with. I rate Animanga based on pure enjoyment because I'm not too familiar with the sophistication of media works. The same goes for the characters. As for people and companies, I rate them for their performance/contribution to a community/media and not who they are and/or their business practices. Anything 6≥ is what I consider a positive work.
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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo 2nd Season
Feb 16, 5:20 PM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 163.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries121
- Reread11
- Chapters19,353
- Volumes908
All Comments (1582) Comments
Two students at once is actually good since you can often get the second one cheap if the first one drops before pity. In this case it's a rate up too so really you want to roll on this banner as much as possible. I have literally every festival student so not much point for me though. I did keep dropping Extra Mikas and Hoshino summers so this should be an amazing banner for newer players.
I'll definitely get Seia for the full Tea party. Don't think I care about the rest.
Also got both Hoshino and Shiroko in just 80 pulls. Kisaki is the only other upcoming character I really want so I definitely might do some random impulse pulls going forward. Maybe I'll get Kikyou or Mari idol.
Not sure I have too much more to say. The visuals were decent enough with the fights being only passable. Could have been better of course but could have also been way worse so I'm not overly complaining. Of course I didn't get to see many of my favorite girls but I do like the Abydos students and didn't mind revisiting their story. It was nice seeing them animated and this was a decent adaptation of their first arc. I would have definitely liked to see more lighthearted/fanservice moments including the bonding scenes with sensei but I guess you just have to play the game for that. Hoshino's probably the character with the most "feelz" points for me right now and at least top 5 overall. Sensei was fine but felt like he didn't really contribute too much. Even the presentation of the show was mostly focused on the girls, starting the show with them instead of Sensei's perspective. Overall I gave it an 8/10 with the entire game probably being a 9/10 if I was gonna rate it. So it could have been better but definitely a passable adaptation all things considered.
Btw nice SRT banner on your profile. Hope we get some more Fox squad in the game soon. Whenever they're complaining about being low on manpower I always think they should just let them out of prison and I'm sure they would help rescue Nonomi or whoever. Literally the strongest group of students in the game (so far) and all they want is to rebuild their academy. Surely a compromise could be reached there.
I decided to roll for the Midori/Momoi maid banners because I do like them and I was hoarding so many gems so figured why not. Got Midori before pity so I was able to get both from 1 round of pity. Decent result overall. Next is Fubuki swimsuit, fest banners and then Kisaki. Should have no trouble getting all 4 of those. Afterwards I'll have to see what I'm sitting at but Kikyou is a potential option.
Miku is a limited character so you physically can't get her. I meant in terms of thinking you'll get a non limited character like Atsuko for free so there's no point pulling on her banner. But then a year and a half goes by and you still don't have a single copy. So that's why I stopped thinking in those terms. If I really want a girl I'll just pull. Like right now these maids weren't limited but I pulled for them anyway. I do have Miku in case you didn't know. Pretty garbage character gameplay wise but if you're a fan of course you'll want her just to have anyway. Speaking of there is a Hatsune Miku movie coming out soon: https://myanimelist.net/anime/59419/Project_Sekai_Movie__Kowareta_Sekai_to_Utaenai_Miku
After finishing Dark Souls I started playing Elden Ring and got pretty into it. Took me 150 hours to beat the game including DLC. A lot of people are saying it's the best game ever made and I'd definitely say it's a contender. Not sure how interested you are in non anime waifus but I loved this girl from it: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Melina
Now that I'm done with that I should probably catch up on some anime. Actually still haven't seen Blue Archive even though I've been playing the game practically since launch. And then maybe my Monogatari rewatch.
I got my Kirara at 30 pulls so pretty happy with that. She's also grown on me a lot from the story. At least A tier at this point. Maybe could go even higher. I like her friendly lack of boundaries nature even though she's probably very innocent at heart. Leans to some pretty interesting interactions with sensei. And her live2D is hot af of course.
From her skills it looks like she just does a self buff and then deals sonic damage? Sounds like exactly what you're looking for if you're low on Sonic units. I got her only with my free 10 roll tickets so I'm still sitting very comfortable on gems but it's up to you what you want to prioritize for yourself.
Pretty sure 90 is the final level cap at least for the foreseeable future. When they were gradually increasing it in the past the exp bar would still fill up after reaching max level and then stay at 1 exp from lvl up. But since it was increased to 90 it juts says "lvl max" when you reach it.
I also find the Fuuka getting kidnapped joke annoying at this point but it was a very minor part of the new year event. Yes they kidnap her at the start but then she agrees to help the restaurant owner out of her own volition and the rest of the event is about that. They never actually forced her to do it. And her stories with sensei are about her being overworked so he takes her out on her day off to do all sorts of stuff like go to an amusement park. It was pretty cute imo. Actually even for her regular version scenes she goes to senseis house to cook him a meal. Nothing to do with the Gourmet research society. Other girls don't really appear in those unless there's some exception.
Well as far as Gehena clubs go at least Kirara and Erika are relatively normal all things considered so there's one more for you. There's also Iroha but her club is a mess. And school lunch club that we just discussed. Yea Juri constantly makes those monsters instead of food but she's not doing it on purpose so in theory they're above board. Maybe emergency medicine too although Sena is the only member. But yea I will say the Trinity vibes agree with me way more. Although I guess either SRT or Abydos would be my favorite at the end of the day.
Btw I played Dark souls 1 for the first time and beat the final boss yesterday. Although there's still some DLC content so I'm playing NG+ now. I know we talked about BLACKSOULS before but not sure if you've ever played the actual Dark souls games.
As for me, I've played Genshin for 2 years, got a burnout and never happened to look back at it anymore. I thought myself the burnout would be just for a while and I might play again later so I'm surprised myself I actually could cut it off completely. From that point on, I haven't touched a single Hoyoverse game because they look too similar to each other, and also demanding in file size and specs. ZZZ is the least interesting for me cuz I don't like its cyberpunk aesthetics at all.
I also tried Wuthering Waves for like, 3 hours and just dropped it fast because it's just too similar to Genshin. Currently waiting for Azur Promilia from Azur Lane devs to give one more chance at open-world gacha because I like its girls' designs. Hope it won't be another Genshin.
"Saya also had some recontextualization, the immortality potion gag she always wanted to create was the cure for Kisaki's condition all along."
Because it's a retcon of a character's gag characteristics into story, also seems forcibly so. The rest are all... how should I put it... very 'BA-like' writing so I don't mind I guess? Also, you said this event hinted a Shanhaijing volume but I think the opposite. Normally, events are just light-hearted stuff that doesn't touch much on lore except for some new character introductions but this event digs deeper into SHJ lore, which I think they're doing this because they have no intention to give SHJ a separate main story volume, at least for now. Of course I might be wrong but I'm more convinced on this when I see another new SHJ event coming, which seems sequel to this event. See SHJ will disappear from the game for a while after this new event, as always their modus operandi.
If you don't have anything to reply after this, you can tell me what other gacha games you're playing now, or which ones you're waiting. If you have none, tell me about your opinion on Hoyoverse games (Genshin, HSR, ZZZ) that are basically dominating the gacha market now. I'm kinda in a chatty mood.
I also have some 10 roll tickets so I probably have enough for 3 sparks already. I still want Kirara and Fubuki so I guess technically if I have to spark each of them I might be short for Kisaki. In that case I'd probably have to skip Hoshino just because of placement. Otherwise I do want her. But 6 months might also be enough to get a bunch of gems. I don't know the exact math.
You shouldn't use that mentality on non limited characters because of how many there already are. I skipped Atsuko on her first banner, it took them a year and a half to rerun her, and I didn't get a single copy in that entire time. I got 10+ Hina's and Hoshino's but that's just how it goes sometimes. So yea for me it's completely irrelevant if they're limited or not at this point. I assume if I don't pull on a girl's banner I'm never getting her.
Do you like Fuuka? She really grew on me during this exact event when it first came out but I didn't pull at the time. This time I still wasn't sure if I wanted to but considering I got her early and how nice her bond events were I'm obviously glad I did. Also seems to be decent meta wise.
Haven't played any Senren Kagura games but I do know about the series and from first impressions this girl would be my favorite: https://myanimelist.net/character/67733/Hikage
I know there's an anime too but it could be shit so not sure I'd want that to be my first introduction to the series. Haven't heard of the other 2 games. I do know about Nobeta but haven't played it.
Like yea It's so sad all the best character designs these days are from gacha games or Vtubers. I guess that's where all the money is at even if the fans get a worse experience out of it. But I'm sure there's some decent looking girl in a visual novel somewhere that I could play. Just remembered that Date a Live game I've been putting off for years now. It has this cute Kana Hanazawa girl: https://vndb.org/c14344
That could work.
As for anime I want to watch the 3rd season of Kimi ni Todoke and then rewatch Monogatari before the new season. Also still haven't seen Blue Archive anime. And I guess this Spice and Wolf remake is almost done airing too: https://myanimelist.net/anime/51122/Ookami_to_Koushinryou__Merchant_Meets_the_Wise_Wolf
Wonder if they'll immediately announce season 2 or if they'll just leave the story unfinished again.
But yea after Shiroko Terror probably the character I was most hyped for. Fox squad is close but Kisaki might be better. At least than any individual member. If there was a story with all of them plus Rabbit squad I might be more hyped for that overall.
Have you been doing anything interesting recently? I've been playing this shitty SAO game for the past month and think I'm finally almost done now. After that I've got some anime to catch up on and then I kinda want to get back into visual novels so I might try to find something good and just immediately play it. I need some actual payoff instead of all these gacha games that just tease you for 5 years and then go end of service.