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Jan 21, 2019 11:24 AM

Mar 2011
Great episode. I really liked the backstory.
Jan 21, 2019 11:26 AM
Apr 2017
the gore, man how i have waited.
Jan 21, 2019 11:32 AM

Dec 2015
Great episode, but I find it stupid that he was totally content with stringing men up on crosses and torturing them by pounding nails into their body, cutting off ears and non-vital appendages, even after begging to be killed, until they finally die a gruesome death, but the moment a women is swiftly and painlessly killed he suddenly can't handle it anymore. What a bitch. At least he became awesome later. But still.
Jan 21, 2019 11:34 AM

Jul 2014
This is a very refreshing show with the oversaturation of isekais as of late
Jan 21, 2019 11:54 AM

Mar 2018
Hylianticipated said:
Great episode, but I find it stupid that he was totally content with stringing men up on crosses and torturing them by pounding nails into their body, cutting off ears and non-vital appendages, even after begging to be killed, until they finally die a gruesome death, but the moment a women is swiftly and painlessly killed he suddenly can't handle it anymore. What a bitch. At least he became awesome later. But still.
Yeah, at first I thought it was his own wife but she probably just called for her husband who was being tortured that part really didnt make a lot of sense to me either. Still, this anime is fucking amazing so far
Jan 21, 2019 12:07 PM

Jan 2018
Uhm, so a poor woman and her adorable defenseless child run into a random samurai AND HE CUTS OFF THE KID'S ARM ?? Excuse me, what the fuck??

Besides that, it was such an awesome episode, you gotta love the ones that give backstories to the characters ! Didn't think I could like Hiyakkimaru more than I already do, but damn - I am officially a fangirl ! *_*
Jan 21, 2019 12:11 PM

Oct 2014
Damn, this episode was so great! I felt sorry for the doctor, and was also happy for him not giving up on life and trying his best to do good
Wait, did you just say that Jojo is shit?
Jan 21, 2019 12:17 PM
Apr 2017
Can mal change hyakkimaru avatar pls
Jan 21, 2019 12:24 PM

Nov 2010
Really emotional and touching ep, loved it.
Jan 21, 2019 12:36 PM

Feb 2018
This was a very good backstory episode. Not only does it explore Hyakkimaru's past and how he was saved, but the past of the man who saved him as well. They did a very good job adapting this, and the flashback was so interesting this episode just flew by.

The doctor seems like a very good person spending his life trying to redeem himself by helping people, and the whole montage of raising and training Hyakkimaru was pretty cool, leading up to an emotional goodbye. I hope they meet again one day! Although I wonder how Hyakkimaru saw his name that the doctor wrote in the dirt? Or how he taught him things like that in the first place? Perhaps Hyakkimaru can "see" it with those aura senses he has? We're still not sure exactly how that works. Also, I'm interested to know how he can have those blades in his arms yet still move the fingers? That doctor must make some pretty advanced prosthetics.

Did anyone else notice the Buddha statue in the background when the doctor fell down the hill? It seems their meeting was fate :)

So he did regain his nervous system in the last episode, and he's having trouble adapting to the pain he now feels as shown when he steps on the fire. It makes me worry that regaining his body parts might make him weaker. I'm excited to see when he'll get his voice back.
Jan 21, 2019 12:38 PM

Jul 2014
A strange episode this, not really like the first two, but certainly very interesting in its own right. While the first scene was a little weird with Jukai's extremely rapid show of remorse, everything else about his backstory and the connection to Hyakkimaru was very interesting. As was seeing Hyakkimaru's development, in fact, as that was completely glossed over before.

My only other complaint is that this episode largely seems to serve the main purpose of explicitly highlighting the show's central conflict, but I feel like that was done well enough implicitly to make that unnecessary. Still, it does the job, I suppose.
Jan 21, 2019 12:44 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Easily the best show of the season at this point. Since I have not read the original manga by Tezuka-sensei I don't know how much of it is due to his storytelling, but I feel that MAPPA has done a great job so far in presenting this.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jan 21, 2019 12:47 PM

Aug 2013
This episode was SOOOO good and interesting. Now I have to wait one week again xD
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Jan 21, 2019 12:51 PM

Jan 2018
TigersAndDragons said:
Hakkimaru stomped on that fire the way a child eats a spicy pepper that he can't handle out of spite.

@ myanimelist please add a like button to forum comments so I can like this one.
Jan 21, 2019 1:04 PM
Jan 2019
*Fire Exist*
Hyakkimaru: You know what would be a great idea... stepping on the fire, yeah what could go wrong.
Jan 21, 2019 1:12 PM
Jan 2016
Awesome episode!

Hyakkimaru and Doctor backstory was fantastic, doctor, they farewell was touching!

I am liking this anime more each episode!
Jan 21, 2019 1:16 PM

Feb 2017
Nice to see Hyakkimaru's and Doctor's backstory. It was great and also touching. I got teary-eyed when they parted ways.
Jan 21, 2019 1:28 PM

Nov 2016
The pacing feels just right, great episode once again.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 21, 2019 1:48 PM

Feb 2015
*Hyakki stomps the campfire*
*feels pain caused by fire*

Jokes aside, it was nice to see something more about his past.
I have to admit that I wasn't paying attention to his limbs. I thought he still needs to get everything back when the story began but then I saw this collab art (posted below). I wasn't sure if he will get it back soon or if he already has it and I didn't notice. In this case it was nice to be wrong because it makes sense that the doc send him out after what happened.

It took me a rewatch of the 2nd episode's ending scene to see how it's slightly visible that one leg isn't joined like the other. Maybe it was hinter before too.
I'm watching anime since 2012. I also play games, sometimes.

Don't bother me if you want to 'become friends' or things like that.
It's tiresome. I know you just want to collect some meaningless numbers.
Thought: How many people sparked H. Charlotta just for blue pot?
Jan 21, 2019 1:57 PM
Aug 2018
I loved that we got to see how the MC make it in life in this episode... best part: when Jukai got rejected by the child who saved (I almost cried!)
Jan 21, 2019 2:56 PM

Apr 2015
It sure keeps on delivering, I am actually glad I picked this up after a friend said to check it out! The art, especially the use of the colours is impressing me a lot. The use of black & white for the backstory, but red for the blood in that backstory was a nice touch, reminds me of something I have seen many years ago.

This episode was so touching, the backstory between Hyakkimaru and Jukai was really good.

Really like that we get to know more and more about Hyakkimaru, can't wait to see more of this!
Jan 21, 2019 3:36 PM
Dec 2016
Jukai's backstory is not from the original manga. Is that a totally new story?
It reminds me of Kenshin but I'm not sure if the director Takahashi intentionally put Kenshin vibes into it.
He used the sunset and cross symbolism in Trust and Betrayal.
e_hobaJan 21, 2019 3:42 PM
Jan 21, 2019 3:44 PM

Oct 2014
Yeeess finally, I've been ever so curious about this character!! The scene where he picked baby Hyakkimaru up and he was sucking on his thumb broke my heart into tiny pieces ToT

Lord: "Is it born?"
Me: Fuck off!

O-ok this ep. has been pretty sad, but Hyakkimaru getting his sense of pain back was a nice touch x3
Jan 21, 2019 3:50 PM

Jul 2012
This episode was so great. Really good backstory for both charcaters, although I do think Doctor's change of heart was too sudden. Maybe show him already having regrets and then show a last straw kinda of moment, but it was really good anyway!
Baby Hayakkumaru sucking his thumb made me teary eyed and when his assistant left him uhhhg.
So he is getting his body parts back! Now that is interesting!

Jan 21, 2019 3:56 PM

Dec 2016
I'm glad we were shown Hyakkimaru's past rather than it just being a mystery for the entire show
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Jan 21, 2019 4:11 PM
Jul 2017
Great episode! The backstory of Jukai and his apprentice was sad, and then Jukai and Hyakkimaru together was great. It made me mad to see the way Hyakkimaru grew up as opposed to his brother. Of course the brother hasn’t done anything wrong, though. It’s just their dad that needs to burn in Hell. Speaking of burning, Hyakkimaru putting his foot in the fire was a really great scene. Of course it hurts, which isn’t pleasant, but I can’t imagine how amazing it is to feel like that after so many years of being unable to. Hyakkimaru must be amazed! Hyakkimaru’s goodbye to Jukai was really touching. Despite being unable to ever hear or see him, Hyakkimaru was still very grateful to Jukai, and he did what he could to keep his memory in his heart.

I loved this episode and I love this show. 5/5
Jan 21, 2019 4:13 PM

May 2015
Drunken_angel said:
Uhm, so a poor woman and her adorable defenseless child run into a random samurai AND HE CUTS OFF THE KID'S ARM ?? Excuse me, what the fuck??

Besides that, it was such an awesome episode, you gotta love the ones that give backstories to the characters ! Didn't think I could like Hiyakkimaru more than I already do, but damn - I am officially a fangirl ! *_*

Look up Kiri sute Gomen, basically a samurai could kill anyone of a lower class for any precieved affront, it was pretty fucked up. That being said, it was another great episode
Jan 21, 2019 4:38 PM
Jul 2018
I'm really digging this show to be honest. He is like a kid discovering something new.

Don't touch the hot fire, you'll burn. What does that feel like though? Might as well find out!

I imagine the changing in his body will constantly be tested as he gets more body parts.
Jan 21, 2019 4:56 PM
Dec 2016
billybub said:
Drunken_angel said:
Uhm, so a poor woman and her adorable defenseless child run into a random samurai AND HE CUTS OFF THE KID'S ARM ?? Excuse me, what the fuck??

Besides that, it was such an awesome episode, you gotta love the ones that give backstories to the characters ! Didn't think I could like Hiyakkimaru more than I already do, but damn - I am officially a fangirl ! *_*

Look up Kiri sute Gomen, basically a samurai could kill anyone of a lower class for any precieved affront, it was pretty fucked up. That being said, it was another great episode

That's not true.
Muromachi people easily killed people just because no one punished them.
A little fight could end up with a big revenge battle. Not only samurai but normies also killed people with no hesitation.
Finally in the Edo period, Tokugawa officially banned killing no matter what the class is. Murderers were punished even if he was a samurai.
Jan 21, 2019 5:05 PM
Sep 2017
Arugustor said:
This anime is too good

I am happy that this has 40+ episodes

Really? Where did you get this from? I'd love that!
Jan 21, 2019 5:11 PM

Apr 2017
Farabeuf said:
Easily the best show of the season at this point. Since I have not read the original manga by Tezuka-sensei I don't know how much of it is due to his storytelling, but I feel that MAPPA has done a great job so far in presenting this.

The anime is way better than the manga. This dark tone is almost anime-only, if u look at the manga it kinda feels like a comedy, I mean comedy might not be the right word but the anime atmosphere suits better than the manga. Also some explanations just don't make any sense (manga) while here u can see those things explained in a better way. The flashback itself does the job better than the manga, seeing how Hyakkimaru learns all this things like fighting, avoding, etc..
Jan 21, 2019 5:22 PM

Jan 2011
this shit is progressively getting better , the story of Jukai is a sad one looking for atonement but the connection is important that i can wait another week to see hyakkimaru get another piece of his body

it's super fucked up right now that hes gonna feel pain without a voice
Jan 21, 2019 5:38 PM
Jul 2018
The more I watch this show the more I like it. <3
Jan 21, 2019 5:49 PM

Sep 2016
The opening scene was a bit too fast and not storyboarded as well as it should have been to make it impactful, the scene itself seemed a bit contrived as well, I didn't quite buy the sudden gaining of a conscience. But most of this episode was really great. I loved the use of color in the flash back sequence. This show makes for a very good adaptation of the manga - less subtle in its attempts to make side characters more morally culpable than in the manga, but structurally it may even be an improvement and the art is a big improvement, even if the storyboarding isn't quite as strong as Tezuka's paneling. I do enjoy the chemistry of Dororo and Hyakkimaru in the manga more as well, but taking this direction with the mute Hyakkimaru slowly regaining his humanity over the course of the show could end up building up to be something interesting enough to make losing that worth while. Easily one of the best new anime I've seen in years, I can't wait for next episode.
Reign_of_FloofJan 21, 2019 5:54 PM
Jan 21, 2019 5:57 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
That was some great backstory we got, I feel so much for that doctor and his bond with Hyakki was very nice to see

I have a feeling that Hyakki's little brother is gonna have a lot of resentment towards him considering that he knows that his mom still has a lot of love for Hyakki....I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up killing their mom out of spite even

But man Hyakki was a beast as slaying monsters from so young, my guy freaking cut em in half with a damn wooden stick lol
Jan 21, 2019 6:00 PM

Jan 2014
Jukai's extreme change of heart in the opening scene was super jarring. I wonder if that's a thing the anime is going to clear up, because it really seems strange that he appeared to be okay with what he was doing until the soldier's wife was killed in front of him. The only rationale I can think of is that he was taught/trained to consider killing soldiers and rebels fine, and that a random woman wasn't what he assumed was under that umbrella. Even then, seems strange?

Otherwise, excellent episode. This show's got me hooked on it.
kie_ said:
So they concluded the anime with some feminist shit...

Markdoka said:
The ones hating this anime are MOSTLY SJWs, yaoifags and Narutards. LUCKILY I'M NOT ONE OF THOSE DAMN SJWS, YAOIFAGS AND NARUTARDS bashing the show for being "too edgy" and "too un-PC".
Jan 21, 2019 6:07 PM
Jan 2017
Just want to say, so far this series is seriously awesome
Jan 21, 2019 6:13 PM

Nov 2016
Jan 21, 2019 6:46 PM

Mar 2013
This show is going to be touching I can tell. It will be a nice story. loved this episode :0
Also, this show is giving me vibes from the movie Stranger with the kid and the swords man, I loved that movie so this is great.
Jan 21, 2019 7:05 PM

Oct 2015
I loved that they gave us a backstory of Hyakkimaru, I must say what sad life he had. Jukai is a kind hearted person, as nobody would've done what he did. Another person would've freaked out and tossed that hideous baby aside, but he didn't. I think he has atoned enough for his past sins now.

Good episode and loving the show right now.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jan 21, 2019 7:28 PM

May 2018
Just wanna say good job for explaining the whole Episode 1, because it is confusing why Hyakkimaru grew another face. The episode was great, and I love the backstory.
Jan 21, 2019 7:45 PM
Mar 2015
Great backstory for the doctor and Hykkamaru
Jan 21, 2019 9:11 PM

Jun 2013
it was a sweet episode!
Jan 21, 2019 9:12 PM

Aug 2014
This is how old shit should be rebooted; different enough from the source and original adaptation to keep me interested. Tezuka Pro finally making good use of their IPs.
Sieg Zeon!
Jan 21, 2019 9:46 PM
May 2014
I thought the first two episodes were ok, but that was pretty stellar.
Jan 21, 2019 10:25 PM

Sep 2018
Really well done episode. The gray-scale was sublime. Can't blame the doc's apprentice for his actions. Hyakki stomping on the fire was hilarious. The writing is so smooth flowing.....well i guess tezuka isn't called the godfather for nothing (this is my first tezuka work I'm such a noob T_T). Gotta wait another week now....
Jan 21, 2019 10:42 PM
Apr 2017

she appears later, obviously.
Jan 21, 2019 11:09 PM
Sep 2014
Didn't expect this show to be this good. Loving it so far.
Jan 21, 2019 11:29 PM
Apr 2016
So uh.... how was the doctor and hyakki able to commnicate?? And if they couldnit how the heck did hyakki know what the doctor was implying with training and also telling him to go off on his own?
Life Hurts A Lot More Than Death.
Jan 21, 2019 11:32 PM

Jul 2016
yuuriviktor said:
TigersAndDragons said:
Hakkimaru stomped on that fire the way a child eats a spicy pepper that he can't handle out of spite.

@ myanimelist please add a like button to forum comments so I can like this one.

So many likes wold be given
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