All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 117.2
Mean Score:
- Watching7
- Completed462
- On-Hold43
- Dropped395
- Plan to Watch170
- Total Entries1,077
- Rewatched24
- Episodes7,212
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 40.6
Mean Score:
- Reading56
- Completed297
- On-Hold41
- Dropped24
- Plan to Read302
- Total Entries720
- Reread24
- Chapters6,051
- Volumes613
All Comments (30) Comments
Hmm.... Now you must elaborate more.
How is a shy and quirky artist also a Berserker? Please, it sounds interesting. Anyway, I really enjoyed your brief synopsis, Ana! I wish more people would write about themselves more like that. :)
(By the way, you're literally the only other person besides me I've EVER seen who's used the tags to make snarky comments about all the anime they've watched, haha. Why is it so underused? ;_;)
To be honest you kind of remind me of the character Mitsuko from Prison School, haha. The "fujoshi" part sealed it, I think. :P
Anyway, passion is never a bad thing. Do what you love, so long as you DO love it, I always say.
I just readed the new chapter of some manga,and now I'm just listening to music and well I'm pretty much doing nothing :"D Probably gonna go to sleep in like idk 20 minutes I'm pretty tired
Percebi que estás a ver LotGH. Opiniões :p?
TatamiGalaxy é uma obra-prima, como não ter nos favoritos? xD Tenho também meus amigos "ignorntes" :p É arranjar a oportunidade correta para mostrar haha