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That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
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Dec 24, 2018 3:27 PM
Apr 2009
redcobra said:
No you can't because instead dead because poisoning, the orc army will be have poinson resistance because how the world works.

The orc army have similar skill as rimuru.

Just like gobuta did when eating shion cooking.

Huh, I thought Gobuta just got lucky. Rimurus reaction kinda got me thinking that way.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming you for explaining or anything, but if the orcs would really just gain resistance against anything unfavourable by encountering it ONCE then that is boring world building.

It leads to every violent conflict being resolved by person A and person B whacking each other on the head with hammers and the person with the bigger hammer winning. What a thrill.

Dec 24, 2018 3:27 PM

Apr 2017
Eoc said:
ManMythPimp said:
This is actually a really interesting idea, but from how the skill works I'd assume they're immune to poison. Hell, it might even just give them poison powers.

*sigh* If they're really capable of just eating anything and be fine/gain powers, then they should just stop marching and start eating the ground they stand on.

I'm not knowledgeable of the in-universe rules, but if that were the case, then there would be no need to march in the first place?

If more details were given somewhere, I must have missed them.

How would eating the ground be nourishing? They're hungry for meat.
The world is very game-like btw. The poison would be a skill or enchantment or something like that. The mechanics aren't exactly like the real world.
"The future ain't what it used to be"
Dec 24, 2018 3:28 PM

Aug 2013
ManMythPimp said:
The Ogre village was tiny. Around 500 people I believe. Sharing that across 200,000 isn't going to make a noticeable dent. The only noticeable difference would occur on the front lines. Which is what you see in the episode. Just because a few lizardmen die doesn't mean the whole army has webbed feet.
Also, I would assume the Orc Generals/Lord would have gotten the lion share of those ogre corpses.

Rigurd and Gobta are at the same level evolution-wise. Its merely a joke that Gobta appears incompetent. To the point that it doesn't even look like he evolved.

At least a few hundred orcs were shown to gain some of lizardman’s power after eating one of them (increase movement speed in swarm). Not sure how large was the ogre village, but the majority of orcs should have gotten ogre’s power.

I am certain they stated Rigurd was promoted to a Goblin King, and Gobta should still be a Hobgoblin. They shouldn’t be same evolution unless Rigurd’s title is just a name only.

NdanHM said:
nah, Gobuta is strongest in Goblin Tribe, Rimuru say Gobuta is Genious but cant be a teacher
rigurd evolution more to be administration role, not a fighter role

There seems to be a direction correlation between monster title and strength established in this show so far, as all evolved monsters became significantly stronger. Yea sure, one hobgoblin might be stronger than another hobgoblin, but I doubt it's easy to surpass a monster that has a higher rank (Goblin King). I would be really surprised if one genius normal orc in the orc army is somehow stronger than an orc general.

NdanHM said:
that already explained, when rimuru give ogre's a name
with rimuru magic power, he normally can give a name for 300++ individual
in Ogre Case, magic power which can give a name for 300++ monsters that give to only 6 individual, so an ogre get same 50x rimuru's magic power for 1 monster, and rimuru already at Demon King Tier
so that way Kijin ridiculous strong

Not really, that would only mean a regular ogre is 50x stronger than a regular goblin, which is reasonable. There is no correlation to the magnitude of power jump (evolved ogre's boost in strength doesn't have to be larger than evolved goblin's boost).
UImoetardDec 24, 2018 3:50 PM
Dec 24, 2018 3:33 PM
Apr 2009
ManMythPimp said:
How would eating the ground be nourishing? They're hungry for meat.
The world is very game-like btw. The poison would be a skill or enchantment or something like that. The mechanics aren't exactly like the real word.

Unless the fansubs were inaccurate it was never mentioned that they are specifically looking for meat? It was described as "a state on the verge of starvation". They should be able to/want to eat next to anything. They might get a dozen skills or favourable traits out of eating the earth and grass anyway

But I should probably stop now. I don't understand these rules anymore.

Dec 24, 2018 3:34 PM

Aug 2015
Really cool episode, but seriously how did they get so strong? It's like they went straight from level 20 to level 90.
It's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
Dec 24, 2018 4:02 PM

Sep 2017
I'm really surprised how enjoyable this anime is

I'm always frustrated I couldn't watch all the episodes in one row, I feel like every episode is way too short and ends way too quickly

I really hope this anime gets a second season, which is very likely to happen according to the rating and the overall reception
Dec 24, 2018 4:08 PM
Nov 2017
Just one word for each
Rimuru - boss
Souei - cool
Shion - sexy
Red haired kijin and old man kijin - crazy
And now
We've got more villains than normal
Dec 24, 2018 4:13 PM

Oct 2015
Real episode indeed!

Everyone at Rimuru's camp is way beyond strong, but that Ranga was the real deal for me (personally love that wolf). Gabil was in way above his league for thinking he could contain those orcs. I guess it's The master's turn to display his strength.

I wonder who would win if Ains's squad could face up with Rimuru's? They both seemed to be overlords both of them.

Anyways great episode,
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Dec 24, 2018 4:21 PM
Mar 2016
lihle808 said:
Real episode indeed!

I wonder who would win if Ains's squad could face up with Rimuru's? They both seemed to be overlords both of them.

At this point of story I would say Ains, but Rimuru gain a large number of extremely strong follower later on that also keep level up themselves to be Rimuru number 1 subordinate - -''
Dec 24, 2018 4:30 PM

Oct 2018
HorokeuAburame said:
Kirasaya said:

His normal powers would destroy everything in sight so he uses the mask to not absolutly wreck everything.

Ohh yess he did talk about that indeed!!! I totally forgot. I knew there was something. Thanks.

The mask doesn't suppress his powers, it just suppresses his aura, so he appears weak to others. He can wear the mask and fight completely fine, the opponent just won't know what's hitting them until it's too late.
Dec 24, 2018 5:40 PM
Apr 2016
This episode was really good and fun to watch. Really like how overwhelmingly overpowered Rimuru's group is
Dec 24, 2018 5:48 PM

Apr 2012
I'm disappointed in the execution of this battle: The over the top powers of Rimuru's subordinates ruined and killed whatever tension was built for the past couple of episodes. All that hype about the orcs being an actual threat was nothing more than hyperbole. There's no point for Rimuru to even go himself. Gabiru's fight was really good and was within the narrative of orcs being an overwhelming scourge, after that scene, it just fell into the shounen trope of superpowered beings blasting away irrelevant foes that were built up as unstoppable. Pretty underwhelming imo.
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Dec 24, 2018 6:16 PM

Apr 2018
killuaxgon said:
What an amazing episode, i love this show!
Kijin are badasses!

But now we have to wait ~2 weeks for the next episode :"(
why 2 weeks. Are they taking a break?
Dec 24, 2018 6:20 PM
Mar 2015
The one who devours all Looks like pork is on the menu for Rimuru
Dec 24, 2018 6:32 PM

Jan 2011
great episode animation wise not surprised by the outcome after they showed up what ever tension that got built vanished was like"yep looks like they'll take care of everything easily" i mean we knew this from the start it's that kind of show.

wonder if this show will run to power level struggle at this rate

also Shion's sword looks like inuyasha's
Dec 24, 2018 7:00 PM

Apr 2018
Janethan23 said:
I'm disappointed in the execution of this battle: The over the top powers of Rimuru's subordinates ruined and killed whatever tension was built for the past couple of episodes. All that hype about the orcs being an actual threat was nothing more than hyperbole. There's no point for Rimuru to even go himself. Gabiru's fight was really good and was within the narrative of orcs being an overwhelming scourge, after that scene, it just fell into the shounen trope of superpowered beings blasting away irrelevant foes that were built up as unstoppable. Pretty underwhelming imo.

the orc lord is the real deal here, (SPOILER) even the kijin and ranga cant do much about the lord.
And btw. Its funny how a lot people keep complain that rimuru and his friends are too OP, no. Its not yet to complain, Rimuru and kijin is too weak at this point. One of the demon lord could destroy rimuru effortlessy
Dec 24, 2018 7:10 PM
Mar 2018
Janethan23 said:
I'm disappointed in the execution of this battle: The over the top powers of Rimuru's subordinates ruined and killed whatever tension was built for the past couple of episodes. All that hype about the orcs being an actual threat was nothing more than hyperbole. There's no point for Rimuru to even go himself. Gabiru's fight was really good and was within the narrative of orcs being an overwhelming scourge, after that scene, it just fell into the shounen trope of superpowered beings blasting away irrelevant foes that were built up as unstoppable. Pretty underwhelming imo.

Chill bruh orc lord will reck every one like shit, that guy is the real deal
Dec 24, 2018 7:29 PM

Apr 2018
Sushantbro said:
killuaxgon said:
What an amazing episode, i love this show!
Kijin are badasses!

But now we have to wait ~2 weeks for the next episode? :"(
why 2 weeks. Are they taking a break?

I think yes, but i'm not sure, many shows have break next week
Dec 24, 2018 7:59 PM

Dec 2014
well that was awesome...stupid Gabiru...I hope he falls down a hierarchy or something.... damn the the undeniable strength
Dec 24, 2018 8:48 PM

Nov 2017
hamanito said:

i dont think it necessary to mention.

- To bad that Gabiru doesnt become meat in this episode
Now Loading.....
Dec 24, 2018 9:04 PM

May 2018
No Rimuru this time, but the war between the two teams are fun... Just kinda disappointed because it looks like a one sided war, and the Orcs looks so weak when Rimuru's team arrive.

I decided to give the show 9/10 as it is now.
Dec 24, 2018 9:12 PM

Jul 2017
Great and very intense episode. One of its best episodes for me.
Dec 24, 2018 10:02 PM

Apr 2009
Great episode, loved every action parts! Gabiru's not that bad but his level is too low and Gobta blocking the Orc General's death blow for Gabiru was a great entrance! Ranga casting his AOE attack was awesome, the Kijin's showing off their skills were great too, Souei takes the cake though even taunting the puppet master controlling the Orcs.

Was that a Demon Lord, the dude (vampire?) in the castle? He doesn't look like Cromwell so maybe it's another or someone else entirely.

Well finally see Rimuru against the Orc Lord next!

You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Dec 24, 2018 10:33 PM

Dec 2011
killuaxgon said:
Sushantbro said:
why 2 weeks. Are they taking a break?

I think yes, but i'm not sure, many shows have break next week

Well most anime are usually on break for the New Year holidays in Japan.
Dec 24, 2018 10:43 PM

Jun 2017
Easily the best episode yet. I was hoping to see Gobta fight the Orc Captain, but it was cool seeing Ranga evolve again.
Dec 24, 2018 11:53 PM

Jun 2013
One the funnest episodes so far, I have been enjoying all of the episodes thus far but this one is the best one. I enjoyed seeing them all participate in the fight, especially Ranga's death storm (?) technique was nice.

Can't help but think of eating some pork like roasted pork, samgyupsal, etc. whenever I see the orcs eat each other up.

I'm glad that Benimaru and the other kijin finally got their revenge. Souei was fucking badass, actually, everyone was badass. Funny how Rimuru kept mentioning how hot/goodlooking Souei was lol

I'm guessing the guy in the castle is one of the demons. I think some of the kids that Shizue raised either became demons or bad guys. I remember a scene where she recalled a few of the kids that she raised/trained? I haven't read the manga or light novels yet so I'm not sure.
Dec 25, 2018 2:01 AM

Mar 2018
I liked how they showed how OP Kijin are, but the show got slower after Rimuru stopped with the goblins village. I would have liked it more if he helped people while traveling.. we'll see how it goes i guess.
Dec 25, 2018 2:29 AM
Apr 2018
Eoc said:

An army of 200.000 invaders. They constantly feel a great sense of hunger and eat everything. Even their fallen comrades. I have two words for you.

Poison arrows.

Kill one orc with a poison arrow. Step back and watch him be eaten. Then the orcs who ate him will die and, again, be eaten by other orcs. Replenish poison where necessary.

And don't you dare telling me that nobody has access to a powerful poison. The dryad has supervision over an entire forest and sees everything in it, according to herself. The lizardmen chieftain has spent his whole, long life fighting and living in his swamp. And Rimuru (I think?) has learned a poison-based skill himself. Even if he didn't, he has more than enough advisers to get him one. So literally EVERY faction involved can get poison and should be well versed in using poison.

But of course that's not necessary because Rimuru&friends can just kill any- and everything with a fingersnip. That was such a boring solution to a possibly intriguing enemy.

Actually, as a person that has read the manga, i would say this action scene
Dec 25, 2018 2:41 AM
Apr 2018
Janethan23 said:
I'm disappointed in the execution of this battle: The over the top powers of Rimuru's subordinates ruined and killed whatever tension was built for the past couple of episodes. All that hype about the orcs being an actual threat was nothing more than hyperbole. There's no point for Rimuru to even go himself. Gabiru's fight was really good and was within the narrative of orcs being an overwhelming scourge, after that scene, it just fell into the shounen trope of superpowered beings blasting away irrelevant foes that were built up as unstoppable. Pretty underwhelming imo.

As manga reader, i will say that this action scene that make everyone looks op is important. Bcuz in the next battle, it will show how strong the orc lord is. He survive everything and regenerate from being attacked by the kijin.
Dec 25, 2018 3:24 AM
May 2013
SmileyOfChaos said:
The series was quick to show that Rimuru would grow to be overpowered but damn, guess I'll take this episode as the official reveal that he and his subordinates are Overlord-level and every fight from here on is going to be cake.

No they are far from op at this point. Most demon lords at this point could wipe the village and rimuru of the map without much effort put into it.
Dec 25, 2018 3:30 AM

Jun 2016
damn kijin so overpowered lol, can wait to see rimuru vs orclord
Dec 25, 2018 3:37 AM

Sep 2018
The episode satisfied me: the narration had the right rhythm, the fights were well choreographed and animations and drawings were excellent. The ending that reveals the new enemies, bodes well in a next episode as interesting as the previous ones.
Dec 25, 2018 5:12 AM

Feb 2014
I first thought the explosions were form Rimuru
But now that i know it's from Benimaru I can't even imagine how much powerful Rimuru is!!
Dec 25, 2018 5:35 AM

Dec 2013
A lot of great action in this episode. Rimuru’s group is op af! The lizardmen reactions were hilarious.
Dec 25, 2018 6:08 AM
Jul 2016
The episode is very good and it clears that the next episode is going to be awesome when Rimuru fights the Orc lord.
Now the things I liked in this episodes are-
5. Gabiru fighting bravely with orc general.
4. Seeing Hakurou and Benimaru in action.
3. Shion with her greatsword.
2. Ranga getting angry, evolved to tempest star wolf and bringing the storm.
1. Gobta saving Gabiru from orc lord and giving the awesome pose.
Dec 25, 2018 8:30 AM
Mar 2018
You know this anime is kindda cruel, we were shown just OP the kijin are and that make anime only seriously thought the orc lord will get rekt easily.

Hohoho if only they know

(Spoiler ahead)
Damn clayman since when you're that baddas
Dec 25, 2018 8:35 AM
Mar 2018
tofei said:
Great episode, loved every action parts! Gabiru's not that bad but his level is too low and Gobta blocking the Orc General's death blow for Gabiru was a great entrance! Ranga casting his AOE attack was awesome, the Kijin's showing off their skills were great too, Souei takes the cake though even taunting the puppet master controlling the Orcs.

Was that a Demon Lord, the dude (vampire?) in the castle? He doesn't look like Cromwell so maybe it's another or someone else entirely.

Well finally see Rimuru against the Orc Lord next!


Well it's not a spoiler i guess

Yup he's a demon lord, and there's multiple demon lord at that, he's one of the newer entry when it come to demon lordhood. The youngest DL is leon btw lol
( Not sure why the anime don't get too deep to the lore and stuff, this stuff is seriously so cool )
Dec 25, 2018 9:09 AM
Oct 2007

One entire week of waiting is more than worth it! 11/10 for me~
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 25, 2018 11:15 AM
Nov 2018
yuukiwr said:
Prog_upworks13 said:

really ? So I glad they didn't show it. I will be ruin my mood

How so can't take a gender less being being dressed up?

Leftist pervert showing his perversion for Political Correctness points. LOL Just gotta go that route even when there was no reason to start it in this thread, right? And now you can preen about being on the side of the media owners who promote whatever sickness you can dig into with your snout. Please, do go on, it's amusing.
Dec 25, 2018 11:18 AM
Nov 2018
redcobra said:
Eoc said:

An army of 200.000 invaders. They constantly feel a great sense of hunger and eat everything. Even their fallen comrades. I have two words for you.

Poison arrows.

Kill one orc with a poison arrow. Step back and watch him be eaten. Then the orcs who ate him will die and, again, be eaten by other orcs. Replenish poison where necessary.

And don't you dare telling me that nobody has access to a powerful poison. The dryad has supervision over an entire forest and sees everything in it, according to herself. The lizardmen chieftain has spent his whole, long life fighting and living in his swamp. And Rimuru (I think?) has learned a poison-based skill himself. Even if he didn't, he has more than enough advisers to get him one. So literally EVERY faction involved can get poison and should be well versed in using poison.

But of course that's not necessary because Rimuru&friends can just kill any- and everything with a fingersnip. That was such a boring solution to a possibly intriguing enemy.

No you can't because instead dead because poisoning, the orc army will be have poinson resistance because how the world works.

The orc army have similar skill as rimuru.

Just like gobuta did when eating shion cooking.

Yes, that surprised me a little, when Gobta gained the poison resistance. That was like, no matter what negative thing you're exposed to it doesn't kill you, it just improves you - that's a bit backward. But I guess Gobta is supposed to be an exception - he gained poison resistance, others wouldn't. But that wasn't clearly shown, and instead it fit in neatly with Rimuru gaining power after power.
Dec 25, 2018 3:44 PM

May 2018
Kinda little sad because Rimuru's crossdress scene didn't adapted on anime (which is actually happen last episode). Yeah, that didn't affect the story, just for joke spices (and for happiness of "Rimuru is a girl" cult xD).

One of my favourite chapter in the manga. This is where rimuru and friends got more intense in battle, after some episode of strategy planning. Shion never stop amuse me, now with greatsword. With her figure + with that weapon, reminds me of murata himeko from honkai impact.

At least, that dumb Gabiru learn something today, right ? Can anyone take a shot of lizardman king's surprise expression (and also his daughter's jawdrop) ? Damn, that made me laugh xD

We got a sight of new guy in the end. If I'm not wrong, that's
Dec 25, 2018 4:35 PM

Apr 2014
Anyone knows where I can continue this from manga? Which chapter?
Dec 25, 2018 4:41 PM
Jan 2018
Amazing episode! the fighting scenes were great, the abilities of each character are very creative! fantastic anime
Dec 25, 2018 5:26 PM

Nov 2017
As usual,another excellent episode.The look on the lizardman chieftains face when Souei killed that orc general was hilarious,and Ranga's Deathstorm was amazing,and even more amazing than Benimaru's Hellflare.Also the noise when Souei used shadow motion was pretty cool.
All these people saying the Kijin and Rimiru's followers are too op are going to get a shock when the Orc Lord turns up hopefully.
At the moment Rimiru him/herself isn't even at a Demon Lords level yet.
Yet :)
Dec 25, 2018 6:29 PM

Jan 2013
Great episode! Finally xD
Damn, the Kijins are strong.
Rigurd surprised me, what a power!
Next episode will be good.

I hope there will be an enemy hard to defeat.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Dec 25, 2018 7:28 PM

Apr 2018
One week break confirmed:

Episode 14 release date: January 7

2nd cour visual

Dec 25, 2018 10:12 PM
Jun 2011
TsuzukuHunter2nd said:
Kinda little sad because Rimuru's crossdress scene didn't adapted on anime (which is actually happen last episode). Yeah, that didn't affect the story, just for joke spices (and for happiness of "Rimuru is a girl" cult xD).

One of my favourite chapter in the manga. This is where rimuru and friends got more intense in battle, after some episode of strategy planning. Shion never stop amuse me, now with greatsword. With her figure + with that weapon, reminds me of murata himeko from honkai impact.

At least, that dumb Gabiru learn something today, right ? Can anyone take a shot of lizardman king's surprise expression (and also his daughter's jawdrop) ? Damn, that made me laugh xD

We got a sight of new guy in the end. If I'm not wrong, that's
yes you are correct about the one in the spoiler
Dec 25, 2018 10:40 PM

May 2015
"I left Rigurd and the others behind to protect the village. If we lose, they are to flee." Rimuru doesn't underestimate his enemies. He doesn't mention that he can win confidently.

Wait, wait, wait...If an orc eats one lizard...then it affects the entire Orc army? Nawww...It should only apply to the orcs that ate it...

Props to the animators making Gabiru vs. the Orc General a good fight. But I guess Gabiru didn't get the memo that Spears lose to Axes...

Be honest, you guys thought that the dark flame explosions were coming from Rimuru. It was just Benimaru throwing them around!

Ranga has a weather-manipulating attack? Man every character in this series is OP. And Ranga became Star Wolf...

Oh look...a castle on top of a cliff under a full moon with Dracula holding a wine glass...

We already know how strong Rimuru is, so let's see how tough of a monster the Orc Lord will be.
Dec 26, 2018 12:31 AM
Oct 2017
Gabiru is not a coward at least.
At the end of the day the Benimaru and manga wiped the floor with those orcs :3 Sed
Dec 26, 2018 2:05 AM

Jul 2014
Great battle but they're all so rididculously overpowered that there is zero dramatic tension at all. Other than that, Treyni just proved that the Dryads are completely useless at their jobs.
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