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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (light novel)
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Oct 12, 2018 5:34 AM

Nov 2015
joe_g7 said:
Abusaeed said:

I think it's just bad pacing
True. And trying to convince myself otherwise isn't gonna change that.
Pretty sure it's bad pacing, but two weeks has passed after the first episode, plus they had a "fight" since, and nope, it's their chemistry (opinionated, I know). So it still makes within the story's context.
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Oct 12, 2018 6:33 AM
May 2016
Tennouji said:
I'm really liking this anime so far. I hope goodness will continue until the end. Too bad it's just 13 episodes but at least there's an already confirmed sequel.

Honestly I was expecting that this is just a generic ecchi comedy because of the cover and synopsis. Good thing I'm wrong.

There is indeed a sequel movie planned on LN volumes 6 and 7 but I don't think there is a sequel series planned.
Oct 12, 2018 7:32 AM

Dec 2017
Reading the description on MAL before this show aired is so confusing. But now Im glad i watched this. The story is amazing. A little bit of comedy is great.
Now think about this. Had this phenomenon be real, no one would know about it, because all the memory is gone. We could have had a friend like Mai but she disappeared.
Oct 12, 2018 8:54 AM

Apr 2017
ZapOnTheSpot said:
Gametaff said:
I'm really loving this, every scene reached my heart literally and the romance between Sakuta and Mai is just way too good I haven't felt like this in ages haha :3
I'm just hoping he doesn't forget about her although I'm pretty sure he'll end up doing it.

Look at episode 1 again, I felt bad already, I think that girl he forgot is Mai.

I just did, he looked at his dairy and completely forgot about her, how heartbreaking this could be? all I'm asking is a happy ending.

Oct 12, 2018 12:43 PM

Aug 2013
AX3M said:
joe_g7 said:
True. And trying to convince myself otherwise isn't gonna change that.
Pretty sure it's bad pacing, but two weeks has passed after the first episode, plus they had a "fight" since, and nope, it's their chemistry (opinionated, I know). So it still makes within the story's context.

I'm think it's more because of the heavy Monogatari influence. I mean, "be a good guy, save the girl, steal her heart" that happened with Araragi and Senjou. But she's not as strong a character as Senjou (nor a maniac tsundere) so she's going way much with the flow and yielding easier.

But I don't really have a problem with it tbh, it's not as dumb as to bother me, and the anime is making a good work of turning everything fun (except that part with him kicking the girl's butt which was weird af).
Oct 12, 2018 2:19 PM

Feb 2008
It seems that Mai's situation won't get any better before it gets a lot worse. Remaining unseen even to her own mother must have been quite a shock. From the limelight into darkness.

The opening minutes of the first episode suddenly make a lot sense. Not that it provides any consolation, though. I could feel Mai's anxiety exude from the fluorescent screen on my desk.
Oct 12, 2018 2:26 PM
Sep 2018
I like the chemistry between the two a whole lot. The plot is starting to become more powerful, and the art is very good, as well.
Oct 12, 2018 2:37 PM

Aug 2017
Nyaa said:
This show is awesome. I love the way they calmly tease one another.
exactly it's like karakai but the guy is teasing too and they both have almost no reaction this show is so cool
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Oct 12, 2018 3:24 PM

Aug 2015
Wow that was actually really good. The perfect balance between serious romance and humoristic lewdness. The conversations seem very honest and convincing too, like we're actually watching two people have a serious conversation. The anime really takes itself seriously and so far I really like it. Looking like this could be one of the gems this season.
JokucOct 12, 2018 3:29 PM
It's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
Oct 12, 2018 3:46 PM

May 2016
Love the pace it's gonna be awesome if Sakuta remains the same till the end.
Oct 12, 2018 6:16 PM
Oct 2017
This is actually really good so far, I just hope that it stays good throughout unlike DitF (also cloverworks).
Oct 12, 2018 7:59 PM
Dec 2014
Is it just me it looks like it's rushed?

Man this is so weird, lots of scenes that should have an emotional impact feels like just another random joke sometimes, bc you don't have the time to actually "feel" it, when one finish another starts then there's the tease between them, I mean that scene with the mother forgetting everything about Mai had the impact and all to be the last scene of the episode.

Don't know feels too rushed and it diminishing the anime....
Oct 12, 2018 9:20 PM
Oct 2017
Mentar said:
Alex_Uzumaki said:
Really, I only see ‘May 20th’ in the beginning. I never saw ‘May 25th’ throughout this episode. I’ll need to rewatch it again then and find it...

Remember when the calendar was shown where he marked the 25th with a heart for the date with Mai?

They then spent one night in the hotel room, so by the end of the episode, it's the 26th.

Yeah you’re right! How did I miss that? Thanks!
Oct 12, 2018 9:39 PM
Mar 2016
from what I saw at the beginning of the last episode, looks like someone's gonna have to try to eat an pocky from their nose.
Oct 12, 2018 9:52 PM

Jul 2014
SNDT said:
SeraNoona said:
marry if possible

dudeee now i really can't wait they adapt this, tho i have doubt the anime will reach that moment in this season, thanks for telling btw..
Oct 12, 2018 9:55 PM

Jul 2014
holy shit, they both are so adorable and likeable...
I forgot when the last time i love mc and heroine in same time, hope they end up together...
Also the MC really reminds me with Hachiman and Oreki with that personality lol..
Oct 12, 2018 10:02 PM
Jul 2009
that mum is such a MILF
Oct 12, 2018 10:18 PM

Jun 2017
If all else fails, she can start carving wooden starfish.

Oct 13, 2018 12:28 AM
Sep 2018
This is a good show I will say that but if you look at it carefully you'll begin to realise someone really liked Monogatari, were 'inspired' by it and fucked up the inspiration making the soundtrack generic, the characters blander, not bland blander, and the really cool supernatural element in Monogatari yeah, sorry no.
It is a good show yes but if compared to the thing it wants to be compared to *cough* Monogatari *cough* then its just OK lacking in what made Monogatari more than just a good show.
TrashIsMyWaifuOct 13, 2018 12:34 AM
Oct 13, 2018 12:40 AM
Sep 2018
Crocospect22 said:

Also the MC really reminds me with Hachiman and Oreki with that personality lol..

Btw nothing like Oreki don't compare that rip-off Arraragi to the master of sloth Oreki.
Oct 13, 2018 2:19 AM
Aug 2017
Mystery - Check
Lighthearted romance - Check
Relatable - Check
ASMR- Check
Not too predictable - Check

At first I was surprised that people were comparing this to the Monogatari series because the pacing and animation are very dissimilar. However, upon further introspection they are both about a young student trying to help a girl with a supernatural (or perhaps an unexplained quantum physics) quandary. Overall pleasant to watch and listen to.
Oct 13, 2018 4:48 AM

Apr 2015
Terrible choice of fashion considering he was pondering over it for a while.

Ok material but the execution was impeccable, loved it! Though I have a niggling feeling that this would be the high point of the entire story
Oct 13, 2018 6:02 AM
Sep 2017
I truly love this anime and Seeing them as Funny Cute Couple warms my heart
I feel sad for her that no one sees her even her mother doesn't see her anymore Thats HeartBreaking
and When Sakuta holds her hand and says Everything about her and He will never Forget her was really sweet of him <3 <3 <3 I already love them together
They should've kissed already but yea he missed his chance
She even asked him Why don't we kiss ? This will be One of The Best Anime this Season
Oct 13, 2018 6:23 AM
Oct 2018
I just want to know in the end of it's manga.
What's the meaning of sakuta yelled, give me back 24x12hr or so?
What's about this syndrome, because basic on medic terms it was not.
Oct 13, 2018 8:12 AM

Jul 2015
Another fantastic episode, the interactions between these two are so great and I like how it's handling the drama coming from this supernatural element, hyped for more!
Oct 13, 2018 8:47 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
I will board the hype-train and give this one a 9 for now, the last episode left me wanting more, this one increased that feeling further.
Really, really enjoy seeing both MC chemistry with each other.
Havent seen much drama/supernatural settings myself, but this one is really interesting!

Faederwulf said:
New drinking game: Take a shot every time an anime character mentions Schrödinger's cat.

Not only anime, I have seen that alot on all the content I consume lately, must be mainstream loving quantum physcis now. lol
Oct 13, 2018 10:49 AM

Jul 2014
Ma11h3w said:
Crocospect22 said:

Also the MC really reminds me with Hachiman and Oreki with that personality lol..

Btw nothing like Oreki don't compare that rip-off Arraragi to the master of sloth Oreki.

Everyone have their preference and opinion, for me that's how he looks like because who else can be..
Many people keep saying he looks a bit like Ayanokouji which even makes no sense, but they both actually have no common except the willingless to help a girl but they have totally different prespective.
Ma11h3w said:
This is a good show I will say that but if you look at it carefully you'll begin to realise someone really liked Monogatari, were 'inspired' by it and fucked up the inspiration making the soundtrack generic, the characters blander, not bland blander, and the really cool supernatural element in Monogatari yeah, sorry no.
It is a good show yes but if compared to the thing it wants to be compared to *cough* Monogatari *cough* then its just OK lacking in what made Monogatari more than just a good show.

Also what is this? Why are you so salty about this lol, so why is it bland just because some aspects are following monogatari formula? There are many anime who keep following one formula from other anime and it is fine. In anime industry, nothing wrong at all. And btw i have seen nobody compare this anime too much with Monogatari and saying it's shit, because except the part where the mc tries to save the heroine, they both are different. Different art style, different story, different animation and different character personality.
Oct 13, 2018 11:44 AM
Mar 2015
Sakuta and Mai really need to hold onto each other or she will dissappear
Oct 13, 2018 3:48 PM
Jun 2016
Two episodes in and I am hooked. The vibe reminds me of Sakurada Reset, which I absolutely loved. (Edit to clarify, the overall feel, not any plot points or things of that nature. The pacing and style.) We have got one heck of a mystery unfolding. Mai is too adorable, I want to protect her too. Too soon to tell but this is probably going to be my favorite this season. <3
JessicaAFMOct 13, 2018 3:52 PM
Oct 13, 2018 5:12 PM
Jul 2017
They skipped out quite a bit of dialouge in order to fit all 5 volumes into 13 episodes. They aren't that important plot-wise but it's great for character development. For example, the scene where it introduces the new character - it was quite bland in this episode but in the LN it had more dept. The scene when they were in the hotel and the bed scene. They were way better in the LN and Manga adaptation. Though, they did adapt this episode quite well. Obviously I'd recommend reading the LN for the full experience or just read the manga for the 1st volume (probs so 1-3 of the anime).
Oct 13, 2018 6:50 PM

Oct 2015
The dialogue and conversation between both MC are amazing. I would have love a more complete adaptation but so far so good. Can't wait for the next episode!
Oct 14, 2018 1:36 AM

Jun 2013
Banter on point.
Oct 14, 2018 4:33 AM
Sep 2018
This is the saddest thing I've ever done.

Crocospect22 said:
Ma11h3w said:

Btw nothing like Oreki don't compare that rip-off Arraragi to the master of sloth Oreki.

This next part is a quote

[Everyone have their preference and opinion, for me that's how he looks like because who else can be..
Many people keep saying he looks a bit like Ayanokouji which even makes no sense, but they both actually have no common except the willingless to help a girl but they have totally different prespective.]

When I quoted you here I was talking about how their personalities, what you said are different from each other where Arrrraragi and Hachimans are different to the mc not the looks.

Ma11h3w said:
This is a good show I will say that but if you look at it carefully you'll begin to realise someone really liked Monogatari, were 'inspired' by it and fucked up the inspiration making the soundtrack generic, the characters blander, not bland blander, and the really cool supernatural element in Monogatari yeah, sorry no.
It is a good show yes but if compared to the thing it wants to be compared to *cough* Monogatari *cough* then its just OK lacking in what made Monogatari more than just a good show.

Also what is this? Why are you so salty about this lol, so why is it bland just because some aspects are following monogatari formula? There are many anime who keep following one formula from other anime and it is fine. In anime industry, nothing wrong at all. And btw i have seen nobody compare this anime too much with Monogatari and saying it's shit, because except the part where the mc tries to save the heroine, they both are different. Different art style, different story, different animation and different character personality.

-First of all not salty I directly say this is a good show in my first sentence.

-Second, I said blander, not bland.

-Third, if an anime keeps following a format from another show that is fine like you said but it doesn't make the show creative and makes a genre seem repetitive e.g. Darling in the Franxx

-Fourth, I don't remember calling it shit just that some characters are a little too close in character roles.

-Fifth, the differences make it worse than Monogatari but that doesn't mean it was a bad show.

My main problem with the show is that it's similar enough to Monogatari to compare them and when they are compared Bunny Girl is inferior in almost every way. An example would be the explanation characters Meme, yes I call him that, and science teacher, I'm too ignorant to remember her name. Memes way of explanation is fun and the supernatural shit is fucking amazing but the first thing science teacher explains is Schrodinger's cat, something Game Theory taught me when I was 10 AND it had nothing to do with it if you think about it because Schrodinger's theory is that there are two worlds were the cat is dead or alive due to a POISON while in the anime if you take what it's saying into the context of the theory, the cat hid in the box, with the poison because people kept on asking if it was alive or dead.

PS I actually would enjoy the show if I didn't watch Monogatari first.
Oct 14, 2018 3:23 PM

Apr 2011
This is everything Oregairu is failed to be, I guess. Actually, not really similar in plotwise but very close in terms of the personality of the main characters.

It was my most anticipated show coming to the season, and it certainly delivered so far. Dialogues are written quite craftily and the chemistry between the Sakuta and Mai is great.
Oct 14, 2018 7:30 PM
May 2017
It's actually amazing to me that some people are complaining about the pacing. How many LN adaptations out there are there with a fucking awful protagonist and a romance that goes nowhere in 12-13 episodes?

Romance that happens within the first arc is a breath of fresh air and it's not bad in the slightest.
Oct 14, 2018 9:28 PM
Moe Lover

Aug 2015
Really loving the vibe this show is giving me. The way Sakuta and Mai's relationship is developing gives me lots of hope for what is to come...but we sort of know what to expect to come so far assuming we are interpreting the scene from episode 1 correctly. Quality wise it is remaining stunning and really nice to look at, nothing crazy like Kyoto Animation but still not bad whatsoever. Overall this episode gave us some good character development which was great with our straightforward protagonist.
Oct 15, 2018 2:59 AM
Oct 2017
The chemistry between Mai and Sakuta is pretty great. I did not expect this anime to be so good so far (judging by the cover). xD
Oct 15, 2018 9:21 AM
Mar 2018
I think I figuered it out. This is actually a dramedy with a romance and the main guy is just imagining the Mail, because there was some traumatic event in his past and from there on he became an outsider. This would explain his sisters bruises and why nobody else can see Mai, nor ever heard of her. At least some drama will be there in the end, I mean it has 13 episodes and we all know that there is drama in the 12th episode...
Oct 15, 2018 8:24 PM
Jul 2015
Pretty entertaining but I don't like Sakuta (male protagonist). He's some kind of forced character that I feel uneasy.

Oct 16, 2018 12:27 AM

Oct 2008
I like this kind of: "Not your usual romance!"
w0w! it's very rare to see teens in anime sleeping in one bed and both are not freaking about it! quite different if i have to say compared to others where they freak-out to the ends of the earth just being on the same room alone. This one is quite exemplar!

Oct 16, 2018 2:47 AM

Aug 2018
I wasn't really looking forward to this, had no idea but I've gotta say it has me hooked. I just can see it breaking my heart later on.... at least I'm prepared
Can I offer you an egg is this trying time?
Oct 16, 2018 8:35 AM
Apr 2017
This is really suprising to me, this show is much better than I expected, as I thought it would be a generic shoot
Oct 16, 2018 10:54 AM

Jul 2014
Ma11h3w said:
This is the saddest thing I've ever done.

Crocospect22 said:

This next part is a quote

[Everyone have their preference and opinion, for me that's how he looks like because who else can be..
Many people keep saying he looks a bit like Ayanokouji which even makes no sense, but they both actually have no common except the willingless to help a girl but they have totally different prespective.]

When I quoted you here I was talking about how their personalities, what you said are different from each other where Arrrraragi and Hachimans are different to the mc not the looks.

Also what is this? Why are you so salty about this lol, so why is it bland just because some aspects are following monogatari formula? There are many anime who keep following one formula from other anime and it is fine. In anime industry, nothing wrong at all. And btw i have seen nobody compare this anime too much with Monogatari and saying it's shit, because except the part where the mc tries to save the heroine, they both are different. Different art style, different story, different animation and different character personality.

-First of all not salty I directly say this is a good show in my first sentence.

-Second, I said blander, not bland.

-Third, if an anime keeps following a format from another show that is fine like you said but it doesn't make the show creative and makes a genre seem repetitive e.g. Darling in the Franxx

-Fourth, I don't remember calling it shit just that some characters are a little too close in character roles.

-Fifth, the differences make it worse than Monogatari but that doesn't mean it was a bad show.

My main problem with the show is that it's similar enough to Monogatari to compare them and when they are compared Bunny Girl is inferior in almost every way. An example would be the explanation characters Meme, yes I call him that, and science teacher, I'm too ignorant to remember her name. Memes way of explanation is fun and the supernatural shit is fucking amazing but the first thing science teacher explains is Schrodinger's cat, something Game Theory taught me when I was 10 AND it had nothing to do with it if you think about it because Schrodinger's theory is that there are two worlds were the cat is dead or alive due to a POISON while in the anime if you take what it's saying into the context of the theory, the cat hid in the box, with the poison because people kept on asking if it was alive or dead.

PS I actually would enjoy the show if I didn't watch Monogatari first.

Well now i got your points but still it depends on every people perspectives. For a person who already watched all monogatari series, i actually really enjoy this show maybe because not too many anime adapting same formula like Monogatari series did and that's why it's not unique but not mainstream like another romance anime nowadays who being released and i know everyone have their own opinions about it not stands on my personal opinion only.

I like the mc because he isn't your typical mainstream harem/romance mc, yes maybe he is probably a "rip-off" of araragi, hachiman or oreki but back again, with a lot of shit rocom anime nowadays this is actually a quite refreshing for having mc like this again for a while..
Crocospect22Oct 16, 2018 10:57 AM
Oct 16, 2018 12:58 PM
Aug 2018
So far it looks pretty good. Though after rewatching the first episode I couldn't shake the feeling that the show would soon slip into genericism. I feel like I'm willing to suspend my disbelief about the adolescent syndrome thing assuming that it's purpose is as a plot device to bring the two closer together. So far looking like a somewhat less fantastical more romance focused Bakemonogatari.

Looking forward to the rest of the show.
Oct 16, 2018 1:13 PM
Aug 2018
AX3M said:
joe_g7 said:
True. And trying to convince myself otherwise isn't gonna change that.
Pretty sure it's bad pacing, but two weeks has passed after the first episode, plus they had a "fight" since, and nope, it's their chemistry (opinionated, I know). So it still makes within the story's context.
In fairness they haven't kissed or even had to much romantic tension, sure they slept in the same bed but Sakuta turned down the kiss or was at least to slow to get it. I guess you could say that they are dating because they went on one date but neither has admitted to anything beyond physical attraction either internally or externally. Even if it is bad pacing I think it's more interesting to have a story about two people in a relationship then the tired trope of admitting to being in love right at the end.
Oct 16, 2018 4:00 PM

Jun 2015
Nicely executed, the atmosphere is relaxed and calm but the progress is decided and fast, a lot happened and I loved it, all because of the smoothness and the natural way they made everything flow.
Best couple, best MC.

Oct 17, 2018 8:30 PM

May 2010
I was fully expecting a scene when he bought underwear from the store....very disappointed lol.
Oct 18, 2018 2:42 AM

Sep 2017
I am really loving it so far

Oct 18, 2018 3:31 AM

Jun 2017
This was a good episode but this series is not for me so I am gonna drop it
Oct 19, 2018 12:50 PM

May 2017
I'm really liking whatever it is this show is doing. The dialogue, artwork, background, and music are all great. These two MCs are carrying the show wonderfully with their blunt conversations. Also the butt joke in the park was hilarious.
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