The thing is that people who do not watch anime take it as a genre rather than a medium.
My rating standard (not strictly):
10: Has profound impact on me.
9: Amazing show which I can still remember the main plots after years.
8: Amazing show, but its not as memorable. Some of them are really great show that
were downgraded from 9 because I could not remember what is the show about.
Others were rated 8 originally.
7: Good show. I enjoyed most part of them and could consider good time spend.
6: Average show. There were parts I enjoyed, but mostly just used them to waste
time. Sometime I would feel cringe, but nothing I could not handle.
5: Something I do not understand why I even bother to finish. They are either boring,
or have some part that cringe me too much. Still some might have some premise
that made me finish them.
<5: I am totally disgusted by these show. Most of them were dropped and if I had
finished them, I must had questioned myself what is the meaning of life.
All Comments (13) Comments
Good luck with your mission!
It just felt like the writers forced the incest down my throat so goddamn much and the ending was just cringey and corny as hell.
I can confirm that Kuroneko now is the best character in this show, even if she was decent at best.