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Oct 14, 2018 6:24 AM

Nov 2011
Now that the proper introductions were done, it's about time Jeanne herself showed up in the show.

Not exactly as I had imagined thoug with that personality of hers. In the meantime, the show establishes the MC's personality as a man with good intentions. Eh, still not sold on this show yet. We even got kissing this week that seems to tried to make a weird appeal with the way it was done lol

Some of the guys in this series are also cruel bastards for hurting fairies.
Stark700Oct 14, 2018 7:46 AM
Oct 14, 2018 8:03 AM

Dec 2014
That was still a pretty mediocre episode.

That moment when you know that the character with the colorful design is gonna be the only relevant character in the troupe, not complaining though. XD

The transitions from scene to scene are very jarring and almost feel out of place. One moment the village gets attacked, the next moment we see those fairies running away, the next moment they go back the village to find it burning, so do I assume the mercenaries lost? The next moment Jeanne is injured by rando soldiers, then Montomorency decides to give her power, we then see the mercenary leaders still alive, okay I guess these two were the only ones left but at the end we see such a large group of mercenaries still alive. Did the mercenaries even fight the army or did they just let the army burn the village? What?

Jeanne's character was not built strongly enough to make me feel something during the scene where Jeanne asks for power, I wish they had focused on her last episode and given Montmorency his background story later so we could have felt something for her need to save people. The ritual as I'm gonna call it was pretty hard to watch though, the part where he puts the stone in her wound, damn. Anyway, back to major point at hand, just because you decide to make a character represent a heroic figure doesn't mean they don't need to be given focus, I hope that changes in future episodes.

So Ulysses is basically Jeanne Alter. XD
Come on, I bet the author is a big fan of Jeanne d'Arc and Jeanne d'Arc Alter from Fate/Grand Order. XD

Action was pretty cool I guess.
Will stick around and see if this gets better.
Oct 14, 2018 8:30 AM
Jan 2016
So, any news on Richemont?
Ok, I will take it, I know that I shouldn't but I will take it, but my sacrifice will be harder than yours, harder than all of yours... I will shed blood for an stupid thing and I'm pretty sure that it will be all for nothing. I will live in hell for some time, so... if you can... please help me....
Oct 14, 2018 8:40 AM

Aug 2013
Not a bad episode overall.

Jeanne was cool the way she was beating those mercenary soldiers. Felt sorry for those fairies, being killed.

Oct 14, 2018 9:02 AM

Sep 2017
I enjoyed it but it wasn't amazing - however I do hope that Montmorency gets a bit stronger in one way or another...

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Oct 14, 2018 9:11 AM

Jun 2015
The fairies praying that the invaders will go home was quite funny. Jeanne's personality and aura sure changed vastly after taking the stone though to the point she's an entirely different person. An interesting episode that expanded upon Mont's character and his motivations while also introducing new ones like Jeanne and La Hire. The insight into the power of Ulysses was pretty interesting though the price paid for using that power sure was steep. But what this country needs more now are not more soldiers but a saint a role than Jeanne will be perfect for. RIP the fairy tribe though those soldiers deserved their fate.
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Oct 14, 2018 9:12 AM

Nov 2013
DeepEyes7 said:
So, any news on Richemont?

Not in the episode, but she is based on a real life person, so it's easy to guess: She has sided with England, will fight France (the main characters) for a while and then come back to them.
Oct 14, 2018 9:31 AM

Apr 2012
Oh, now I wonder how the French viewers will react to the second episode. I am Russian, but it seemed to me that the image of Jeanne in the first half of the episode was... a bit offensive.

Nevertheless, I liked that for such type a show, it has a fairly normal quality of animation and plot. I thought it would be more poor and silly.

Oct 14, 2018 9:32 AM

Aug 2015
So, is this show about the adventures of Jeanne Alter and Gilles de Rais?
Oct 14, 2018 9:43 AM

Aug 2013
Jehanne so badass. RIP poor little fairies.

Looking forward to seeing them childhood friends.

NTR scene anytime now. XD
Oct 14, 2018 9:44 AM

Sep 2015
Looking the way thing developed this episode (and the OP) Richemont has a 99% chance to be a sex toy in the hands of the creppy looking dude. Nice, seven years well spent.
Oct 14, 2018 9:47 AM

Apr 2016
shiro_kai said:
Looking the way thing developed this episode (and the OP) Richemont has a 99% chance to be a sex toy in the hands of the creppy looking dude. Nice, seven years well spent.

I think the MC is "kinda" late to help her. Just a bit.
2D > 3D
Oct 14, 2018 10:02 AM
Mar 2018
Next episode with Richemont will be tagged with "Gangbang" and "Mind Break" OMEGALUL

Well, MC found new waifu already, so who cares about that other girl xD
Oct 14, 2018 10:09 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I felt really bad for those cute little fairies, that shit hurt me A LOT....Also, I dunno how I feel about this man frenching a little girl lol

Episode was decent overall though, and the action scenes were pretty good (Mainly when Jeanne went apeshit on those mercenary cunts)
Oct 14, 2018 10:40 AM

Dec 2015
It's not that bad. Reminds me a bit of that Maria virgin witch anime or Izetta. A bit better than Maria (which I dropped early) ... but not as good as Izetta.

Without the focus on too much girls and boobs (La Hire could just have been a guy and not been made into a girl) this would have been a lot better. The alchemist stuff is nice and the violence and medieval setting as well. Also I'm okay with Jeanne. Her other personality when in Ulysses mode is nice.

I'll decide after episode 3. Not to check the stuff I skipped and maybe decide on some things I'm definitely going to finish and/or dropping stuff after episodes 3. Hopefully not that many where I need until episode 3 for a final decision.

For this anime here: We'll see how this works with the other girls. Seems next episodes it might be politics ... and well ... tons of other girls involved. (At least that other princess or something like that we saw in the preview.)
Oct 14, 2018 10:44 AM

Sep 2015
ItzToxic said:
shiro_kai said:
Looking the way thing developed this episode (and the OP) Richemont has a 99% chance to be a sex toy in the hands of the creppy looking dude. Nice, seven years well spent.

I think the MC is "kinda" late to help her. Just a bit.

He probably thinks she still fighting, it was just 7 years. There some giants fighting for more than 100 years so far in One Piece. Its possible...

But hey, if things didn't work well with Richemont he at least has a Psycho Loli now.
Oct 14, 2018 10:48 AM

Oct 2012
Those poor fairies and that lewd taking in of the stone. A silly show but I thought it was pretty fun overall.
Oct 14, 2018 11:03 AM

Mar 2016
well at least the mouth-to-mouth part and killer Jeanne was entertaining
Oct 14, 2018 11:04 AM

Sep 2013
Those poor fairies!

I don't mind this show at all tbh. The bust size is a pretty important plot. Jeanne is gonna turn one of those crazy yanderes that has a love interest for the MC, right?

fair/okay episode, 6.5/10

Oct 14, 2018 11:20 AM

Apr 2015
We finally get to see Jeanne! Expected her to show up in episode 1, since the story is about her XD

Those poor fairies, that was just beyond cruel! Those mercenaries should pick one their own size. Glad to see that Jeanne was able to avenge them.
Oct 14, 2018 11:27 AM

Feb 2014
Did the episode go over 60fps? That was damn fast plot move.
I can't believe those cute fairies just died like nothing after such a heartwarming moment. And Jehanne just went ape-shit and so fast forwarded the plot to joining the La Hire?
Ugh can only watch this show for lost plotholes.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Oct 14, 2018 11:38 AM

Jul 2013
Feel the episode way too rushed, tbh. The scenes happened too fast and you didn't had time to rest sequence after sequence, especially when they introduced La Hire.
I like the voice acting of Jeanne in her Ulysses state, I have heard her VA in Mahou Shoujo Site (and Pop Team Epic), but she has a nice lower pitch.

FuryTank said:
So, is this show about the adventures of Jeanne Alter and Gilles de Rais?
I hope my boi Gilles appears at some point of the story. Hopefully as sexy as the one from Fate.
Oct 14, 2018 11:41 AM

May 2016
Important questen for you guys: What happened to the other half of the stone? Did the MC use it?
Oct 14, 2018 11:58 AM

Apr 2017
An okay episode. After last week I thought I may end up dropping this one, but the romance may just save it for me, even if it started veeeeeeeeeeery awkwardly. Also, considering Jeanne d'Arc's actual role in history, felt it was a bit weird and off-putting that she would pray for her boobs to get bigger after praying for wars to end in what seemed to be a atleast somewhat sacred ritual. Seemed tonally inappropriate - and the boob fanservice is annoyingly obvious to begin with.
Oct 14, 2018 12:38 PM
Nov 2016
What a waste of time.. he spent 7 years to make himself immortal and then just gave the power away.. If he doesn’t take the other half of the stone then this is ruined for me, I don’t want a weak mc who always has to depend on girls when he could have power of his own
Oct 14, 2018 1:39 PM
Jul 2017
GhostXo said:
What a waste of time.. he spent 7 years to make himself immortal and then just gave the power away.. If he doesn’t take the other half of the stone then this is ruined for me, I don’t want a weak mc who always has to depend on girls when he could have power of his own

I 100% agree. If our MC doesn't use the rest of the stone, I'm dropping this.
Oct 14, 2018 2:19 PM
May 2016
My heart is broken to see those cruel soldier killing those cute Fairies... (T^T)
Oct 14, 2018 2:23 PM

Nov 2016
Still not sold on this series, even tho it has some amusing aspects.

The animated fairies at 12:25 were a bad joke.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 14, 2018 3:40 PM

Aug 2013
What the fuck is this anime even trying to do now? Like seriously. Even the blatant fanservice is fucking awkward as shit. I mean sure, dark skin babe with huge tits but damn we just randomly got a full-on metaphorical sex scene with the MC and the loli? I can't even XD. At least now we know how Jeanne became Jeanne Alter.

Side note: In regards to this alleged NTR to come going by the opening and ending credits. Is that some head-canon because unless this MC somehow manages to become a magical pussy whisperer, her fate is just a bad joke. Trying to one-up Grancrest Senki on that one.
DedPandaOct 14, 2018 3:46 PM
Don't believe the hype.
Oct 14, 2018 5:03 PM

Sep 2012
I'm sorry but that fairy part where they died is the most stupid shit I've ever seen in a while. How the hell would that ever be a good idea to go towards the enemy when they're giants and you have no weapons and any kind of plan at all? That's literally pointless suicide.
Oct 14, 2018 5:04 PM

Jul 2009
*Sees a young girl jump from a church tower and run ... let's say 80 m in a few seconds, and questions how she's going to achieve anything unarmed instead of doing anything*

And judging from his reaction... that's either entirely normal to him or he just didn't have time to accurately think what the means and react the hell out

Also a bit unsure as to why the hell plate armored troops would have bows with them.
'Everything is impossible until proven possible.' - Me

Oct 14, 2018 5:52 PM

Dec 2015
Aw...the fanservice looks really annoying....

But....Jeanne can turns into Ulysses in 3 minutes looks interesting .
Oct 14, 2018 6:03 PM

Mar 2012


Blade-Fang-Kaori said:
Aw...the fanservice looks really annoying....

whine whine whine

complain complain complain

fanservice this, fanservice that..

cry me a god damn river

EcchiGodMamsterOct 14, 2018 6:07 PM
Oct 14, 2018 6:11 PM
Jun 2017
Jeanne have already shown in this episode and from the typical Jeanne she became the Jeanne (alter version)- Fate Grand order... hahaha...

*and it just shown how powerful that alter version is.. hahaha.. for 3 mins!!!
Oct 14, 2018 6:55 PM

Jan 2013
jesus the pacing of this episode was all over the place, they just throw alot of things into one and expect some of us to care.

normal Jeanne was annoying...Ulysses Jeanne was better, curious to see how the limitations are handled (i have no faith in them with the rate they are going so far)

i couldnt care for the fairies...they had a chance but they were too dumb by turning back. knew they were just tools to set the premise for Jeanne and MC
Oct 14, 2018 8:20 PM

Jan 2012
This actually turned out better than what I was expecting from this series so far...

However, if I've learned anything from anime, I can guess where this is ultimately going to end up:
The other half of the stone is going to be chopped up into more pieces and given to more girls, granting each a different power and emotional characteristic - ultimately turning this into a harem of kissing and exchanging fluids with multiple girls...
Jeanne will be main girl since [1] Her name is in the title [2] She's first [3] She gets the biggest piece of stone [4] She's the ultimate cute girl, turned ultimate badass = maximum gap moe.
NyaaOct 14, 2018 8:41 PM
Oct 14, 2018 11:09 PM

May 2015
Ok...the history of the war in the beginning went way too fast. As if anyone is going to remember what was just said...

Oh so this is where the ending of Code Geass left off:

I do like Montmorency's design though. That hat is stylin'.

Well I have to admit, they did a good job with La Hire's design too. Clean character design so far.

THEY'RE KILLING THE LITTLE FAIRIES!!! This is already darker than Goblin Slayer!

Down the throat Montmorency's elixir goes. He's gonna be kissing everyone we go again...

Well they got the amplified emotions correct. Even when infused with the Philosopher's Stone, Jeanne still gets irritated with large breasts.

"Acceleration" amplified. So Jeanne not only moves faster, but she heals faster too...

This was a speedy episode, but I hope Montmorency gets some more action. You can't be styling that hat and do nothing! Also, despite the several moments focusing on La Hire's breasts, the fan service didn't really bother me much, so it's doing ok so far.

So the next episode is "The Scheming Palace". Will this be when Jeanne goes to Chinon to meet Charles? That's one of my favorite moments in the Joan of Arc story, but I'll doubt that they'll make it that great in this anime. Oh well...
Oct 15, 2018 2:58 AM
Oct 2018
I’m dropping this. The first episode was okay but the show went completely off the rails this episode. I didn’t mind the fanservice, but I can’t stand normal Jeanne or the MC. The whole grown man French kissing a child was the straw that broke the camels back. I don’t mind relatively powerless MC’s if they bring something to the table. It seems this loser is going to French kiss children then send them to fight while his worthless behind watches. This show and it’s tropes trigger me too much to hate-watch.
Oct 15, 2018 6:56 AM
Nov 2017
JGChaves said:
DeepEyes7 said:
So, any news on Richemont?

Not in the episode, but she is based on a real life person, so it's easy to guess: She has sided with England, will fight France (the main characters) for a while and then come back to them.

I hope your right and based on the OP it does seem like she will come back but not b4 giving he body to the guy with glasses if that was her getting groped in the middle of the OP.
Oct 15, 2018 6:58 AM
Nov 2017
Lambdaa- said:
Jehanne so badass. RIP poor little fairies.

Looking forward to seeing them childhood friends.

NTR scene anytime now. XD

God I hope ur wrong lol
Oct 15, 2018 8:23 AM
Mar 2018
TheLogicalResult said:
I’m dropping this. The first episode was okay but the show went completely off the rails this episode. I didn’t mind the fanservice, but I can’t stand normal Jeanne or the MC. The whole grown man French kissing a child was the straw that broke the camels back. I don’t mind relatively powerless MC’s if they bring something to the table. It seems this loser is going to French kiss children then send them to fight while his worthless behind watches. This show and it’s tropes trigger me too much to hate-watch.

Yeah, he reminds me of that beta cuck Alexis from Grancrest. Jehanne Ulysses and Montmorency Useless.
Oct 15, 2018 9:44 AM

Mar 2015
This anime it's so close to be dropped.... The 3-episode rule can be the only way this can be saved.

But the future seems to be dark to this one...

EDIT: I hope the title won't change from "Ulysses" to "Another Example of How to Turn a High Ranked Light Novel into a Shitty Anime"
rafaelferndsOct 15, 2018 9:49 AM
Go up, go down, go, come, take, bring, jump, scream, run.
Oct 15, 2018 10:57 AM

Jul 2015
Episode was alright nothing special though.
i was thinking about the drop but those french lessens at the end looks useful, so i might stick around for those.
Oct 15, 2018 11:05 AM

May 2018
EEEWWW EEEWWWW EWWW, that drool. it gonna make me sick, Oh my oh my oh my I think I'm gonna puke.......
Oct 15, 2018 12:22 PM

Nov 2013
as expected, Jeanne (and maybe the winged fairy) is the only reason to continue watching this
While Jeanne (and the fairy) is awesome, everything else feels like it deserves a 1 LOL
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Oct 15, 2018 2:13 PM
Jun 2015
The preview of the 3rd episode gives me bad vibes about richemont. If you guys haven't noticed then check the preview by the end of episode 2 credits. If they can kill those cute fairies then IDK what they're going to do with her. And MC has done nothing for past 7 years besides wearing a cool hat. I think he might've forgotten about why he started doing these in order to save richemont. He might end up fighting against Richemont. I know this anime is mostly focused on Jeanne, but Montmorency is the only male MC so he needs to do something within next 2 episodes.
Oct 15, 2018 7:12 PM
Nov 2017
I really might drop this anime based on Richemont's fait. Coz I really hate rape and ntr plot. It disgust me.

So, if I see her gating raped by bastard with glasses then I really might drop this anime. So, it depends on the next episode that whether I'm gonna watch this anime or drop it. It's the decisive episode for me. But I really hope that she doesn't get raped even if it's just a wishful thought.
ANIME_WIZARD420Oct 15, 2018 7:59 PM
Oct 15, 2018 11:42 PM

Jul 2012
That one merc totally has a version of Guts sword.
Oct 15, 2018 11:56 PM

Nov 2007
For those of you worried about Richemont
Oct 16, 2018 12:02 AM
Jun 2015
I really might drop this anime based on Richemont's fait. Coz I really hate rape and ntr plot. It disgust me.

So, if I see her gating raped by bastard with glasses then I really might drop this anime. So, it depends on the next episode that whether I'm gonna watch this anime or drop it. It's the decisive episode for me. But I really hope that she doesn't get raped even if it's just a wishful thought.

Well, so many peoples are already freaked out about her situation and after watching the first episode, she became everyone's favorite. Well why not? Out of the 4 characters introduced, she was the only one seems matured and one of the best fighter on their class also seems to care more for MC. I wouldn't mind if they were to put one of the other two on her situation, but putting one of the best character in such situation and ruining her is really bad. I am now mostly focusing on MC, Jeanne has already contributed by his help but he needs to stand up and do something by himself. If you only focus on richemont then idk how you might end up after next couple of episodes, but I am going to focus into the MC and I really hope to see his awakening within next two episodes. If he does then this anime might turn out to be a good one, who knows. Also, Jeanne was calling him "nii-san" so if there's going to be some romantic relation then Idk who might MC end up with, richemont would've been a good option if she weren't being taken still not impossible, even though they said they are friends for ever but it has shown that all 3 of the girls loves MC, so who knows. But action is action, I want him to join the battle and fight, not only powering up other girls or jeanne all the time. And hope he rescues richemont asap.
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