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Sep 18, 2018 10:03 AM

Nov 2011
Ooh, Rebecca actually came back for a cameo this episode. I wasn't expecting that.

That Lupin and Fujiko scene though. It's about time they kissed in this season :o
Either way, the episode felt emotional and also intense as she finally got out of that cage.

Was a fun show overall.
Sep 18, 2018 11:56 AM

Aug 2016
What an great ending, love the cameos and damn, it makes so much sense that the master of disguise has never showed his true face, such an awesome series.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Sep 18, 2018 12:41 PM

Jan 2010
The best words were said at the end: "He never changes, neither do we, and that's a good thing!" Part 5 was amazing because it had a bit of everything, but at the core it's still good old Lupin III.
(|__/) Never give up, aim for the top!
(='.'=) Top wo nerae!
o(")(") Anime music:
Sep 18, 2018 1:36 PM
Apr 2011
Last two episodes do not fit with me, not because of story or how it connected but Jigen's character seems to be changed twice o.O and I do not like that :(

ps:previous episode created that feeling
Sep 18, 2018 1:38 PM
Jul 2018
That was incredible finale! almost had me heartbeat the moment Lupin was going to revealed his poker face to Fujiko and wow - all the time we had been seeing Lupin was not his true face! Talk about plot twist!* Also nice to see Amy's last moment how she developed from start to end. I really hope someday in future we can see OVA/movie related to this series and can see how everything developed from here.

I can't say say enough how much I was invested throughout this series. Every episodes and animation-wise has been consistently great without ups and downs and don't think not many recent anime that qualitatively can reached as great as this series has been to me. Personally this part has been faithful to what Lupin show could been (which Part IV couldn't been) with overarching story arc format . Everything wrapped up very satisfying way with all the previous plot thread connected nicely at the end and really couldn't ask for more from this series (although Yata hasn't been doing much and Zenigata slightly played role aside from first arc). This whole series had been reminder of the older parts and done new things almost right.

Speaking of Part VI..

*Have been thinking alot of that vague yet interesting part and thankfully managed to find someone who could up with closest possible answer.

removed-userSep 18, 2018 10:07 PM
Sep 18, 2018 3:00 PM

Feb 2015
This series was much better than part 4, wasn't keen on the green jacket episodes but it was a very satisfying ending.
Sep 18, 2018 4:13 PM

Sep 2011
I'm crying, this was so good, I love these characters so much!

First, it was great to see Rebecca, she was looking great as usual, as we know, she is pretty new in the franchise, she was only part of Part IV, but I like her. Then I just loved how Goemon, and Jigen wiped out an army by themselves, Goemon slicing through bullets is nothing new, but that combination attack with Jigen was simply amazing!

And then Fujiko, the best girl, even without confirmation or anything, it was obvious from a very long time ago that she had something special with Lupin, but to hear from her about the "uneventful", and wholesome days they shared, was so rewarding somehow. I guess it's pretty safe to assume that the scenes from the ED are bits of this epoch of their lives, and now I love it so MUCH more, and I already loved it a lot, mind you. It's a bit sad that a simple married life didn't suit them, but it was to be expected. At least they love each other, and this is what matters most, they are still together in a way or another after all. I loved this so much that I can't even, and to think that Lupin's face wasn't even his true face! And by Fujiko's reaction, I guess that it was the first time she saw it too, and now she may be the only one from the characters we know that got a front view of it.

My only problem is with Enzo, he should've died or be captured, well he was, but not like that with Zenigata's protection, and stuff. I can't believe Ami forgave him so easily after the way she was treated; it was like he changed into a completely different character from one scene to another, and it just feels cheap, I hated it. But Albert's last scenes were great, to think he would force that guy to his side, and by what he said he's going to try and steal France for good, not only for a period of time, I guess he isn't interested in democracy, but I can't hate the guy. I also loved to hear Ami talking about the way she feels towards Lupin, and I guess that's it.

It just ended, but I already want more! I shall be here waiting for Part VI for as long as it takes, after all, just like the episode title said: Lupin is forever!
Sep 18, 2018 7:02 PM
Jun 2016
Another great series :> The cheeziness of it all, and the way to defeat the super computer :> I so can't wait for more :>
Sep 19, 2018 12:37 AM

Apr 2012
So, Lupin has his own harem and now he added Ami to it. Lol. In any case, although this is the first Lupin's show that I watched, I really liked this series. I'll have to watch at other parts of the franchise, now I'm motivated.


Sep 19, 2018 1:33 AM

Mar 2009
The part with Enzo was weird, for sure. But hey, that does nothing to dampen this otherwise stellar season. Loved that moment with Lupin's real face. Neat stuff.

Just a phenomenal season of Lupin. Even when it changes with the modern times, it still stays as consistent as ever. Viva Lupin! See you in Part 6. Hopefully sooner than later.
Sep 19, 2018 9:09 AM

Aug 2014
Weak resolution to the arc, but amazing ending for part V. Can almost forgive that bullshit with Enzo and Ami. A lot of fun cameos but needs even more Rebecca.
Sieg Zeon!
Sep 19, 2018 9:47 AM
Mar 2016
Thank you for everything.
Sep 19, 2018 9:50 AM

Apr 2009
Some parts were maybe a bit too over the top but at the end I wouldn't find it weird to call it the quintessential Lupin entry.

It's the fusion of the best parts of every Jacket entry, packed full with references, fanservice and other nods to oldschool fans but not getting too overbearing while also delivering modern arcs that stay true to the formula and bring the franchise up to par so to speak. I think it is safe to assume that Blue Jacket overall might be a contender for the strongest period the series has ever been in terms of writing even with some smaller holes and weird twists inbetween. If we get another entry in this stellar run I wish we can expand more on the support cast, as Rebecca, Nix, Yata, Ami and Albert have the potential to become cornerstones in the Lupin world and it would be a serious waste not to utilize them in other spots.

Easy 9/10, possibly even a spot in my favourites (the first time in years this has happened). Now, let's all hope for Part 6 :)
NidhoeggrSep 19, 2018 11:38 PM
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Sep 19, 2018 12:53 PM
May 2015
That was quite an explosive finale.

The finale sort of puts things in a new context: this show is about identity, about who you are under the view of the whole world. All those episodes with different jackets showcase different aspects of Lupin (and his friends too) at different eras.

I'm a little surprised the gang had to re-assess themselves, but then again they've been such a mix of friends and enemies throughout their history that I can understand them needing to sort things out.

I enjoyed the cameos from Rebecca and Diana (didn't expect her back), as well as seeing everyone cheer on Lupin. I enjoyed hearing the Lupin Samba theme, that was fun.

It looks like Albert is set up to become a rival for the next Blue Jacket show. He had a great setup for this show, I hope it follows through.
Sep 19, 2018 4:37 PM

Aug 2016
Haneken2086 said:
That was quite an explosive finale.

The finale sort of puts things in a new context: this show is about identity, about who you are under the view of the whole world. All those episodes with different jackets showcase different aspects of Lupin (and his friends too) at different eras.

I'm a little surprised the gang had to re-assess themselves, but then again they've been such a mix of friends and enemies throughout their history that I can understand them needing to sort things out.

I enjoyed the cameos from Rebecca and Diana (didn't expect her back), as well as seeing everyone cheer on Lupin. I enjoyed hearing the Lupin Samba theme, that was fun.

It looks like Albert is set up to become a rival for the next Blue Jacket show. He had a great setup for this show, I hope it follows through.

The mask part was Lupin's face being the mask, he escaped Enzo's App because nobody had ever seen his real face. He also showed it to Fujiko to show her how much she means to him.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Sep 19, 2018 9:07 PM

Jun 2010
A master thief never shows his true face to the world. Apparently Lupin takes this phrase to its literal extreme.

I have some problems with Lupin III Part V overall (we were teased on the Fujiko/Lupin relationship for far too long, Enzo/Ami's relationship doing a complete 180 in the span of minutes, Albert's introduction boiling down to more assassins instead of more him vs Lupin, Albert's involvement with the rest of the story arcs being more tertiary etc.), but I'd be lying if I said this hasn't been a thrilling season to watch or a contender for best this year. Ami and Albert were great additions to the cast, thieves dealing with/overcoming modern technology is a fantastic premise that I'm glad they focused upon, a lot of great moments for the entire cast (including Goemon, who typically gets overlooked), and plenty of rewarding callbacks to both earlier events in this Part and the rest of the Lupin III franchise as a whole. Words fail to express how entertained I was the whole way through, and to properly explain the void I'm sure I will be feeling without it.

Episode was a 4.5/5, with the series getting a 9/10. Hoping that the next Lupin adventure we get will be as great as this one was!
Sep 19, 2018 10:29 PM
Oct 2017
I definitely did NOT see the part with Lupin III being a mask hiding his real face the whole time coming. I mean it was kinda explored in Red vs Green, but goddamn.
Sep 20, 2018 3:47 AM

Jul 2017
ganomed said:
Rebecca ♥♥♥
So does it means that Lupin 2015 was first half of Part V and the real Part IV is Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna ?

No, Part IV is still it's own thing, it's just that Part V is a sequel to part IV. The Fujiko Mine anime is essentially it's own separate universe that's unrelated to any of the other shows. The setting, tone and the way characters act in that series are way too different.
Sep 20, 2018 8:09 PM

Oct 2008
Very satisfying finale episode of this Lupin season!
The whole episode was legendary on a grand level!
can't say anything else!
"Viva Lupin III"!
matias067Sep 20, 2018 8:15 PM

Sep 20, 2018 9:58 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Man this finale was just awesome, everything about it was Lupin at it's best.

Lupin comes in to save the day and rescue Fujiko as well as Ami. It's pretty nice to know that Enzo actually cared for his daughter and it seems like we can expect more villainous stuff from Albert in the future.

Really loved the final scene where the gang is running off in the field, having a good time while Zenigata is chasing them lol. Very beautiful scene as well as the words that they said which describes them perfectly.

I really hope we get more Lupin in the future.
Sep 20, 2018 10:25 PM

Jan 2013
I wish it had more episodes/more than 21 mins per ep because some parts felt rushed like Enzo not giving a crap about Ami to him suddenly caring when she gets in the way of him shooting Lupin. Why would learning that she's Underworld change his mind? We needed more on his past with his wife.

That mask bit. I'm going to ignore it. I've already read a bunch of comments about it.

Still it was all good.

If we get more Lupin soon it'll probably be set after the Goemon's Blood Spray special or some random one-off thing, we won't see a part 6 for a while but I like to be proven wrong.

(has anyone seen the "Is Lupin Still Burning" special that was released with the 1st Part 5 dvd set)

Bring back Albert and Ami in the future. I want to see Albert and Lupin at odds again and I want to see a how a adult Ami seduces Lupin.
Sep 22, 2018 10:22 PM

Apr 2016
Although times changed, the years run and the world evolves, Lupin and friends will be here for us with their personal styles!!!
Always Lupin!!

Great Season, and Cool end episode!!!

Sep 23, 2018 11:12 AM
Aug 2017
Amazing end for a incredible season!
Sep 25, 2018 1:10 AM
Aug 2018
This was the best Lupin season for me.. and the ending was great.. that mask part sure took me by surprise but then again he is Lupin III..
I'm glad Lupin and Fujiko had progress..
and I hope they make a new season soon
Sep 26, 2018 9:16 PM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
Hell yeah! This was great! It had a near perfect balance that I just really appreciate a lot. We got to see these beloved characters in some really tough spots-- both situational and emotional. That's what's so nice about a GOOD sequel; they try to give MORE to the characters while still staying true to them. A lot of sequels/spin offs just don't when they should (not counting purposely out-of-character, spin off parodies like, let's just say Teen Titans Go). I really feel like this new addition did a lot of things really well. I want to say that maybe one episode was out of place when it came to the overall tone of the show, but I was still amused by it.

I did think Enzo's kinda sudden change of heart for Ami was... odd. Most of their interactions were pretty distant, and then for him to say that he couldn't shoot her was kinda like... huh? Okay. I mean, maybe if it was a latent, kinda hidden love for his daughter and actually being in the situation where he maybe had to make a decision to shoot her or not made him realize or reveal that he cared more for her than he let on... but if that's the case then they didn't make it too clear.;;

Overall though, this was such a fun ride!

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Sep 27, 2018 11:56 PM
Feb 2018
I apologize for my bad English. The show was a 10/10 but on the mask I have a doubt. In a chapter Lupine suggests that he won the position of "Lupine" to Albert: Is not it that the place of Lupine III comes with the mask? Since the show has 5 parts, it will not be different people with the same mask who won being considered "The best thief in the world".? That is why Lupine will not change and will be eternal, at least that is how I understood it.
Oct 1, 2018 11:25 PM

Sep 2016
Now that's what I call an epic finale to one of the best series this year had to offer, I pretty much started to get into Lupin thanks to this anime, and I have to say, I don't regret making that choice.

The only thing that felt really ehhhh, and spoils this a little bit is Enzo's showing his love for Amy, and for Lupin, it feels more like "Hey, let's rewrite him" rather than a natural progression, and is just one of those things that you can't just redo. But despite all that, this finale and this last arc was glorious.

Long Live Lupin the Third!
Oct 17, 2018 5:04 PM
Mar 2016
They definitely delivered the climax Lupin teasered at the end of ep 23.
Such a great episode - several references to older parts of the series such as Cagliostro and twists that honestly completely caught me off guard.

I think my favourite moment from the episode was the scene at the top, especially for the choice of music there:
It's Lupin's theme whistled and played on cembalo. It was used in part IV (ep 10 I think) already and since then it's been one of my favourite pieces from any soundtrack. The use in this particular scene just felt so nice and almost had me in tears.

Overall a great episode, and a great series as well. Looking forward to the next part! (9/10)
Mar 27, 2019 2:04 AM

Oct 2012
Rebecca made her appearance at the last episode
I guess the goodbye wasn't real
Hey it's Diana from Harimao's Treasure

So Lupin's face is just a mask?
I prefer this Lupin though.. that reveal is ehh
I guess necessary for this episode's plot

Why did suddenly Enzo become good?
I mean probably because Ami is a famous hacker, he's proud of her
But still, way too sudden 180°

Pretty fun ending
But I still prefer Da Vinci's ending

Where's part 6? Oh wait this isn't Jojo xD
Rayl1ghtMar 27, 2019 5:36 AM
"Signature removed"
May 6, 2019 9:32 PM

Jul 2012
That was awesome!! This was my first full season of Lupin III. I've only watched the movies before but this was great. I love the modern twists to this because it was in 2018.

Looking forward to more in the future!
Dec 8, 2019 12:58 AM

Mar 2014
I am so confused but the Rebecca cameo was nice.
Jun 24, 2020 12:49 AM

Jul 2009
Great finale!!

Glad to see Rebecca here! Even had Mirage's Sniper and her daughter from Jigen's episode.

Though why did Diana appeared from the seventh special of Lupin. Which came out in 1995!

Kinda random tbh. I feel like Rebecca was enough since Part 4 and Part 5 are the "modern" Lupin series.

So, basically Lupin's secret is that he has a different identity altogether?! O_O

WTF! No way!!

Yeah, Seeing Fujiko tied down to Lupin and staying in one place. It just not them tbh. There's no thrill, excitement or anything.

This is why, it's always good to have some "secrets" between two people. If everyone knows everything about them. It'll be a pretty boring relationship with no revelations watsoever.

Still, Ami's father feels like a copout. So it is true that Ami is his daughter afterall. Even naming her daughter as a another word for "net".

Amazing stuff! I plan on watching Movies and Specials afterwards. Especially the Fujiko Lie Movie which is a sequel to the other two movies (Goemon and Jigen).

Definitely better than Part 4!! 9/10!

Can't wait for more Lupin goodness!!!!
Oct 16, 2020 8:00 PM
Nov 2018
Man that ending was just perfect. Kinda like how they handled enzo’s character. Rebecca is back for an episode and I love it. Wasn’t sure if part 5 was gonna top part 4 from me, but this last arc might have done it. I dunno what they are gonna work with if they do a part 6.
Nov 4, 2020 10:41 PM

Mar 2014
Meh, Im thinking I might like Part 4 more after this arc (will rewatch). Yuji Ohno soundtrack was beyond amazing the whole time though, it might be his best ost yet?
Arc 1 and 2 were really good and the fillers were good as well. Arc 3 and particularly arc 4 kinda dropped the ball for me.
So Lupin has a different face? Ok.. Everything Felt like too much of a cop out during the final arc but it was fun a ride. Hopefully we can get a Part 6 sometime soon.
Jul 24, 2021 7:04 AM

Nov 2016
She wants a bit of thrill and acknowledegment/validation, yet still be independent. Fujiko is a female after all. I was honestly expecting more drama or rather said something crazier from this storyline, but I appreciate the focus on their relationship. For sure one of the benefits of this season. In the end they keep the status quo, as it should be. Lupin real face reveal was a bit of a wtfer in this xD Was is it only to prove how much he cares? Or something along the lines of look, there's even more to me? I'm not quite sure how to interpret this without digging deeper. He keeps being a mystery and that's what makes him so attractiveour man even became a harem protagonist

Great wrap up overall and showed what this series can do with an overarching narrative. It was satisfying to see how all these characters came into play. I love that feeling of when everything is connected and it elevated these latest Lupin's parts. (besides that every single episode was entertaining on it's own) For my taste there could've been another episode just for the sake of pacing That's just a nitpick, tho.


Hyped for Part VI. I wonder how they're trying to surpass this one.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 27, 2022 2:33 AM

Jul 2016
JokerVentura said:
Haneken2086 said:
That was quite an explosive finale.

The finale sort of puts things in a new context: this show is about identity, about who you are under the view of the whole world. All those episodes with different jackets showcase different aspects of Lupin (and his friends too) at different eras.

I'm a little surprised the gang had to re-assess themselves, but then again they've been such a mix of friends and enemies throughout their history that I can understand them needing to sort things out.

I enjoyed the cameos from Rebecca and Diana (didn't expect her back), as well as seeing everyone cheer on Lupin. I enjoyed hearing the Lupin Samba theme, that was fun.

It looks like Albert is set up to become a rival for the next Blue Jacket show. He had a great setup for this show, I hope it follows through.

The mask part was Lupin's face being the mask, he escaped Enzo's App because nobody had ever seen his real face. He also showed it to Fujiko to show her how much she means to him.

But the real question is if his real face is the same as his mask.
Jan 12, 2023 1:39 PM

Aug 2012
What a phenomenal finale to a truly special series. I loved every second I spent watching this show, the formula of TV Special length arcs with fantastic throwback "filler" episodes inbetween just works so well. Then the Lupin and Fujiko storyline was just perfect. Every character got a chance to shine throughout, Ami was a great addition and I was always happy to have her back. Even Enzo in the end turned out to be an interesting villian. The callbacks/references to prior Lupin outings had me yelping with exictement each time. So while cheap, moments like Diana and the golden sub appearing were very effective on me.

I'm finding it hard to really express how much fun I had with the show, I think will be giving this a 10/10. I mean I literally just watched the final 8 episodes and the OVA in a single sitting. The series grabbed me, so despite the odd flaw I'm happy to overlook it because damn this is the best time I've had with modern Lupin by far. Not to say the last decade has been bad, far from it in fact, just that this series won me over and then some.

Mar 26, 2023 12:23 PM
Sep 2007
At last, the great finalle.
Rebecca from Italian Adventure is back. Among others.

Enzo finally trying to be a father to Amy. Too bad they had to nearly die on collapsing building to get there.

Politicans declaring a war on PeoplesLog. Of course they're not gonna like the idea of the world with no secrets, since it takes away all control they had.

Overall, it was pretty fun series.
Jun 5, 2023 7:17 PM
Jul 2021
A great send off to a great Part.

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