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Aug 19, 2018 8:25 AM

Nov 2011
Hanesaki still has those intense eyes on her face. The way she plays is really different and much more aggressive than before.

Felt like the episode had a good amount of psychology to it. I think Nagisa played a solid game. In her match against Nozomi, I feel like she showed a lot of potential. The match also had the crowd hyped too and bought more excitement to the episode.

Aug 19, 2018 9:29 AM

Apr 2014

hmm?...she looked rather cu-OH MY GAWD
Aug 19, 2018 9:35 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode again.

Ayanon is almost a lost cause now, when our girl Elena can't talk sense into her I wonder what it's gonna take for Ayanon to snap out of this cold condescending demeanor of hers. It's like she's completely regressed through what she learn in the beginning of the series.

It pains me to see Nozomi being controlled by that coach who was obsessed with winning. It was really clear that she wasn't enjoying Badminton playing like that. It was really cool watching Nagisa finally powering through the attrition strategy that the opposing coach was using and I'm glad that she was eventually able to wake Nozomi up letting her play a really fun game. :)
Nozomi is pretty cute when she blushes. :3

I'm also really glad that the opposing coach humbled himself after the match admitting that he lost sight of the player in search for victory.

Ayanon vs Nagisa next? I'm excited.
Aug 19, 2018 9:56 AM

Apr 2016
Another great episode. So in the final we'll see Aragaki and Ayano.. Hope Aragaki will make Ayano be back to the cute girl...I like Ayano's bad attitude but i like her more when she is cute and smiles..
Connie is again lost xd i don't think that she will manage to arrive in time for the final..I think that b*tch mom will be there too. Wonder how will react Ayano.. a little curse maybe xd
Can't wait to see next episode.. only 6 days and 23 hours left (f&%*)

Aug 19, 2018 10:13 AM

May 2015
Why in the hell author thought making ayano so edgy was a good idea
Aug 19, 2018 10:28 AM

Mar 2016
For now I can't stand for Ayano, give me the cute and nice girl of the first episodes back.
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nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Aug 19, 2018 10:30 AM

Nov 2011
This is how a Sports anime should be. This is real life shit people. That ass clown of a coach...those people exist in High School Sports. And even levels below that. (Little league baseball, soccer, football etc)

People wanna say how Ayano is too mean. False. This is survival of the fittest. Yeah she should probably be a little nicer to her teammates, but she's a realist and a competitor and she's gotta do whatever it takes to win, even if it means being a dick. Badminton for the most part is a solo sport so obviously she's focused on herself. She breaks the mold of the lead Protagonist in Sports anime.

I do have a feeling however Ayano wont make the finals and that will be the snap back to reality she will eventually get. I mean Nagisa already assumed she would be in the finals but its not set in stone yet.

The one flaw I have for the past few weeks is what happened to that BITCH of a mother?
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Aug 19, 2018 10:34 AM

Jun 2014
To repeat what I said last week, I really don't like Ayano's attitude. It just feels....stupid, honestly, to have her act this way. Hope she snaps out of it soon because it's annoying to watch.

God that coach was annoying as fuck, constantly yelling at Nozomi to do this and that. I'm glad Nagisa got the victory, as it seemed to get Nozomi's coach to realize his methods were mistaken.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Aug 19, 2018 11:09 AM

Mar 2013
Ayano is pissing me off...

Aug 19, 2018 11:10 AM
Mar 2018
Overall I enjoyed the episode...

Things I liked
The Match between Nozomi and Nagisa...

Things I hated
Aug 19, 2018 11:13 AM

Mar 2014
Pretty nice to see about the relationship about Nagisa and Nozomi. Next episode the girls from Frederecia will be visiting

RedChromeAug 19, 2018 11:35 AM
Aug 19, 2018 11:19 AM

Mar 2012
I'd lick every inch of sweat off Nagisa's body...
Aug 19, 2018 11:32 AM
Jan 2017
_juno said:
Ayano is pissing me off...

yeah this new ayano is so annoying and makes me dislike the old ayano .. i hope she returns to her old personality
Aug 19, 2018 11:33 AM
Jan 2017
anybody knows why the manga is different from the anime .. i opened the manga to read it from the start and found out that the there are so much difference between them
Aug 19, 2018 11:49 AM

Apr 2015
Intense and good match. I wasn't even sure who was going to win and that's a positive point for the episode.

Everybody hates Ayanon now but I really like her personality, she's focused on winning. I rather see her like that than broken like she was at the ep Kaoruko was introduced.

Don't get me wrong, she's being a dick in unnecessary levels, but it's still good she's being serious about the game without being emotionally down because some blondy girl "steals" her mom's attention. Now THAT would be stupid.

Eventually she will snap out of it when it's necessary to understand that you don't have to be a dick to everyone just because you're focused or something important.

My favorite character is Nagisa so far. She's the most balanced and less dramatic character and I like her strong personality.
Aug 19, 2018 11:53 AM

Apr 2012
Ayano becomes so much like Bakugo that it seems to me that later episodes will turn her into an opponent for Nagisa as MC. And do I understand correctly that Nozomi's coach wanted Nagisa to get a knee injury? Is it legal at all !?

Otaku4ever10 said:
anybody knows why the manga is different from the anime .. i opened the manga to read it from the start and found out that the there are so much difference between them

They decided to make the adaptation closer to the mood of the new volumes and concentrate more on the drama, making the anime more original than the standard all-female spokon. At the same time, I heard rumors that fans in Japan are very angry because of this.

Aug 19, 2018 12:00 PM

Oct 2014
Hanesaki is a yandere now I guess. The girl with chopsticks in her hair got verbally abused by her coach, and then after she lost her coach somehow had an epiphany that he was wrong for being such a dick to her. Cool. Pretty much any joy this show once had has been all but sapped out by this point, it's still visually appealing at times but otherwise watching it is no fun at all.
Aug 19, 2018 12:04 PM
May 2017
TheOrdinaryMaiky said:
Why in the hell author thought making ayano so edgy was a good idea

Was it not? I'm quite alright with it. This way the anime somewhat distinguishes itself from the basic sports anime with friendship power and "just believe in yourself".

But obviously, at the end of the anime, I hope she will get back to a more healthy mental state.
Aug 19, 2018 12:06 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
I mean, i was ok with Ayano being a dick with Kaoruko last week because she deserved it but now she just annoying as fuck. Ayano and her story is definitly ruining the anime.
Aug 19, 2018 12:08 PM
Mar 2018
That coach rofl. Yeah really realistic. Damn, that was probably the fastest change of heart in the history of humanity. Can this anime be even more ridiculous?
Aug 19, 2018 12:13 PM

Nov 2011
I hope Ayanon stays like this forever.
Hate Keeps me warm
Aug 19, 2018 12:28 PM
May 2017
SoraSenpai said:
I do have a feeling however Ayano wont make the finals and that will be the snap back to reality she will eventually get. I mean Nagisa already assumed she would be in the finals but its not set in stone yet.

Yeah, it is kinda hard to predict, as Ayano is the" B*TCH who needs to be corrected" and she is sooo high up on that horse xd.
On the other hand, she is probably capable to exploit Nagisa's problem with her knee even more than the opponent this match and it was causing plenty of issues already.
Aug 19, 2018 12:34 PM

Oct 2012
Honestly, who doesn't hate Hanesaki right now? The way she acts now and shuns everyone else is totally nonsensical, not after their friendship trip in the bus.

But she doesn't act like real person would, she acts the way the writers wanted her to be for the plot. There is like 99% chance big crying happens when she sees her mom... it's plot device to create some feelz but really bad one. The way she is now she is the most unlikeable character of this show and her developement really doesn't make any sense.

Other then that, I enjoyed their match a lot, even though it feels this match is long overdue (several episodes in row now and cliffhanger with her mother coming to the hall is still left unresolved like she wasn't even there in the first place.
Aug 19, 2018 12:35 PM
May 2017
SNDT said:
That coach rofl. Yeah really realistic. Damn, that was probably the fastest change of heart in the history of humanity. Can this anime be even more ridiculous?

Well if something is clearly not working, why wouldn't you change it as soon as possible. But yeah, well, in reality we usually don't :D
Aug 19, 2018 12:56 PM

Nov 2011
Mich666 said:
Honestly, who doesn't hate Hanesaki right now? The way she acts now and shuns everyone else is totally nonsensical, not after their friendship trip in the bus.

But she doesn't act like real person would, she acts the way the writers wanted her to be for the plot. There is like 99% chance big crying happens when she sees her mom... it's plot device to create some feelz but really bad one. The way she is now she is the most unlikeable character of this show and her developement really doesn't make any sense.

Other then that, I enjoyed their match a lot, even though it feels this match is long overdue (several episodes in row now and cliffhanger with her mother coming to the hall is still left unresolved like she wasn't even there in the first place.

I like her just the way she is. She breaks the mold on Protagonists for Sports anime. The writing for her is over the top but I feel like it's done on purpose. Mainly to show the amount of Physical and Mental strain and pressure and Athlete goes through especially dealing with parents and people who have HIGH expectations for you. The coach literally said he wanted to get Ayano to the Olympics. In reality if you're that Great of an Athlete then yeah you're going to do whatever it take to win at all costs.

As for her bring a bitch that will eventually be fixed with the power of friendship.
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"You can have multiple Waifus" -me

Aug 19, 2018 12:58 PM

Aug 2012
I don't know. I can't bring myself to dislike Ayano. It's like the more I watch her, the more I want to give her a hug.
Aug 19, 2018 1:05 PM
May 2017
Mich666 said:
Honestly, who doesn't hate Hanesaki right now? The way she acts now and shuns everyone else is totally nonsensical, not after their friendship trip in the bus.

Depends on what are you looking for. I find it hilarious. I mean it's been a while since we got an MC who is a total ass :D

And it does make some sense. At the trip Connie flipped a switch, turning her back the way she was before she quit badminton. IMO it is fine, afterall you can't have character development if there is nowhere to develop to.
imSOuniqueAug 19, 2018 1:34 PM
Aug 19, 2018 1:16 PM

Sep 2013
Ms lips coach was pretty cool, highlight of the ep along with her playing for herself.
Aug 19, 2018 1:17 PM
Mar 2018
Mich666 said:
Honestly, who doesn't hate Hanesaki right now?

I like her that way. It's better than cliche like in this episode when everyone became friends after the game because of what? Power of friendship I guess? Ganbatte!!!
Aug 19, 2018 1:38 PM

Jan 2013
unlike Pinky and MAYBE fishy lip coach, Nozomi is a good example on how to develop sympathy for a character and make her likable in the end.

not feeling this double face/heel turn, for Nagisa and Ayano...its nice to see Nagisa is being a redeemable character but the complete 180 on Ayano is whatever. its understandable against Pinky and on the court but elsewhere makes it look force.
bc (as non-reader) i can maybe see that her "durrhurr eff my mom" phase will be useless once her mom and/or Connie shows up and Nagisa gets her win back from her. (am i right in this part?)
Aug 19, 2018 1:47 PM

Jul 2017
I always felt like Hanesaki was the wrong protagonist for a show like this and actually, should be the main antagonist, whilst Nagisa should have been the actual main character.

And this episode proves me right.

This was its best episode that it had since its first 2 outstanding episodes (that was also Nagisa focused).

There was some good psychology, great action, intensity, unpredictability since I couldn't tell if Nagisa was gonna drop the ball again and much more.

Nagisa just comes off as a likable character who fits the bill of a MC more than Hanesaki in the anime.

Nice to see Hanebado! back to its top form after a few weeks of weird mixed emotions.
Aug 19, 2018 2:06 PM
Jul 2018
This was better episode for me compare to last couple of episodes and hopefully it keeps getting good. Personally really liking the new Ayano's twisted personality and finding her very consistent compare to her old self. Aragaki's match was good too and showed us how much she changed compare to first couple of episodes. The animation was still good (altho not as special compare to first two episodes). At the end we got to see Connie and highly anticipating to see her match against Ayano's new form!
Aug 19, 2018 2:16 PM

May 2015
Isn't it like normal Ayano has become a cold hearted person? I mean she was literally dragged into badminton again. And when she began to value her teammates, Connie flipped the switch.
Guess she is mentally exhausted, which I understand, given the situation she's in.

I just hope someone helps her out of this situation. She was really cute when she tried to communicate with her team!

Also, where the hell is her mother????
Aug 19, 2018 2:19 PM
Jul 2018
i feel like i'm wasting my time watching this anime
Aug 19, 2018 2:47 PM

Feb 2014
It's amusing to see two reoccurring opinions on Ayano on this discussion. One side who really dislikes her personality right now and want to see her act normal, while the other side find her cold current self very refreshing for a MC.

For me, I still worry for her as she shuns everyone around her, blows of Elena's second attempt to talk some 'sense' into her and constantly criticises Nagisa's performance against Nozomi. Connie really did hit that switch perfectly, didn't she?

Nozomi has become a likeable character in this episode. Her coach was one arrogant bastard and I really wanted him to get proven wrong about his approach and thankfully, Nagisa helped Nozomi to become herself and not some puppet of some asshole of a coach, who at least saw the errors of his strategy.

Not just that, but Connie is now on her way to see Ayano again.........although that might take a bit longer as she got on the wrong train at Shinjuku. XD
Meta_YoshiAug 20, 2018 2:32 AM
Aug 19, 2018 2:52 PM
Feb 2018
am i the only one who wishes the series made aragaki the main character.
Aug 19, 2018 2:56 PM

Jul 2013
I get it that characters are supposed to have flaw, but boy, everyone in this show has their flaw turned up to 11 to the point that they don't act like human being anymore.
Aug 19, 2018 3:01 PM
Mar 2017
So Nagisa wins her game, good for her, I'm really glad.
Nozomi had a change of attitude when she stopped depending on the irritable coach.
Ayano is the one that worries me most, that cold and arrogant personality are a sum of factors that were accumulating, first the match with Kaoruko at school, second the meeting with Connie (personally this was what transformed poor Ayano ) and last but not least, what Connie said about her mother at the end of the training.
I already assume that the final match will be between Ayano and Nagisa since both are in the same qualifying group, personally I want Nagisa to win, Ayano needs to lose for his own good.

PS: I do not want to see Connie in the next chapter, I know she will say something that will hurt Ayano and in the worst case, that Ayano's mother will appear next to Connie (which would be worse).
salbery755Aug 19, 2018 3:06 PM
Aug 19, 2018 3:11 PM

Dec 2015
Is Connie going to play vs. Ayano in the next match/episode? (Other semi final?)
Did someone read the manga? From the train shown ... I though they were just coming to watch and she was from another "region" and already won her qualifier and a possible match between them could happen in those "nationals".

I mean ... which other "enemy" could they present if Ayano already beats that strong world class player now. Nationals probably would be boring and isn't the manga still not finished? So this has to take a bit longer for her until Ayano manages to win vs. Connie.
Aug 19, 2018 3:15 PM

Jan 2008
Ayano's personality change feels way too off. Her becoming so arrogant just doesn't seem right.

Also hope we don't have to see that instructor from the other school anymore.
Aug 19, 2018 3:35 PM

Aug 2013
So (now that the MAL forums are back and I can finally discuss things...) I just want to say that I'm really confused by the atmosphere of this anime. It's okay but I feel like it's forgetting itself. When you compare the manga (what little chapters are out to read) compared to the anime, there's a stark contrast. The element of competition is present in the manga but there's a lot of light-hearted comedy. As for the edge, it's present but not a primary focus. Whereas in this, it's just hardcore mental anguish and melodrama. Granted, I don't mind this in the anime because when I decided to check out the source, I couldn't get into it. However for me, I'm just confused on how to take it.

Getting to the discussion of the episode, Aragaki vs. Ishizawa was really solid. Probably one of the more solid episodes of recent weeks given the tension between the two. Fuck Ishizawa's coach to be honest. So now Aragaki moves on, the blondie chick is coming back, and Ayano is continuing her quest to be the Savage Queen.

One thing though, did they completely forget that Ayano's mother is there? Because she popped up like two episodes or three episodes ago to watch the matches and now she's not there at all.
Don't believe the hype.
Aug 19, 2018 5:21 PM

Dec 2016
I just can't seem to sympathize with Ayano's cold personality... It's so out of caracter! I would like to see someone change her back to normal and wake her up before she hurt someone's feelings like she's doing with her own team :( how sad...

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Aug 19, 2018 5:50 PM
May 2017
Hanesaki is really annoying now, even if she regain her innocent attitude (I didn't like her very much at that time but I didn't dislike her though) it'll be impossible to forget everything she is doing/thinking/saying now.

I love how they introduce a yelling coach, because I think it's the first time I see it and this type of coach is present a lot in sports. He admitted his wrong at the end but not a lot do that in real life.

I really wanna know how Nagisa will handle the Final, and I hope somebody wake Hanesaki up.
Aug 19, 2018 5:54 PM

May 2017
The only thing I'm not quite enjoying from this anime is how Ayano's character is going. Everything else is still awesome though. Hope they do something about Ayano. Also, Nozomi best girl.
Aug 19, 2018 7:44 PM

Aug 2014
That coach obviously picked Nozomi to make lips team.

Having Nozomi in these last two episodes almost makes up for all the dumb shit surrounding Ayano. Why is best girl side girl.
Sieg Zeon!
Aug 19, 2018 7:58 PM

Nov 2008
RobertBobert said:
Ayano becomes so much like Bakugo that it seems to me that later episodes will turn her into an opponent for Nagisa as MC. And do I understand correctly that Nozomi's coach wanted Nagisa to get a knee injury? Is it legal at all !?

Otaku4ever10 said:
anybody knows why the manga is different from the anime .. i opened the manga to read it from the start and found out that the there are so much difference between them

They decided to make the adaptation closer to the mood of the new volumes and concentrate more on the drama, making the anime more original than the standard all-female spokon. At the same time, I heard rumors that fans in Japan are very angry because of this.

Even the new volumes arent as close to this 'edgy' and down right angst (and having characters with different personalities ). Tournament Mode Drama and..this mess are two different things.
sirwenceAug 19, 2018 8:43 PM
Aug 19, 2018 8:24 PM

Aug 2010
RobertBobert said:
Ayano becomes so much like Bakugo that it seems to me that later episodes will turn her into an opponent for Nagisa as MC. And do I understand correctly that Nozomi's coach wanted Nagisa to get a knee injury? Is it legal at all !?

In sports as long as you don't break the rules, you aim and exploit your opponent's weaknesses, either mental, physical or technical. Nagisa's knee problem happens because she always overextends her play aka her own fault. Nozomi's coach just planned his strategy based on that.
Aug 19, 2018 9:02 PM
Jul 2018
I still don't understand the sudden change to Ayano's personality. People are saying that Connie flipped a switch in her, but are you people forgetting that she was still acting her old way even after playing against Connie? She still had that "playing badminton with friends is fun" attitude even after that.

People are also pointing out the she was dragged back into playing badminton but are forgeting she actually found it fun to be playing again. See, that's why the sudden 180º in her personality doesn't make any sense. Even if you take ther personal vendetta against Kaoruko into consideration, I don't think the 180º to her personality is justifiable.

And what about her mom appearing on episode 6? It's like it never happened, they never touched upon it again. Agh, this anime is driving me crazy with its inconsistencies and plot holes. At least it's still a decent sports anime even with all the flaws.
Aug 19, 2018 9:04 PM

Feb 2011
TheOrdinaryMaiky said:
Why in the hell author thought making ayano so edgy was a good idea

idk man personally i LOVE how the MC isn't the generic happy go lucky you see in every other anime
Aug 19, 2018 9:48 PM
Feb 2017
Oh no. I swear. Ayano has really reached a new low with this episode. Her case needs to be sorted out soon. Otherwise, she is just going to end up dragging down this anime. At this point, I seriously cannot blame people for hating Hanebado because of her. And that is something I do not want happen.

On a side note, to make Mr. Loud Coach not turn into a complete jerk, I am seriously impressed by that. Still as intense and visually stunning as it was back in Episode 1. I am overall very happy with the effort put in by Lidenfilms. 😁
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