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Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online (light novel)
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Apr 7, 2018 2:57 PM
Apr 2016
zcv45 said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

Again, everyone is strongly advised to stop pretending to be a combat specialist, even more so while denying the reality and concept of the episode. There was nothing in their immediate vicinity they could be aware of, except for the fact that the enemy was somewhere there in an open, where they saw NOTHING. Their eyes give the mind the information that the sector is visually clear, why would not they move in? Maybe they should have pushed the bus in the middle to have just some cover, you could argue. Are they supposed to stand still and wait for something to happen? I guess, if they were playing the game. Another thing you all ignore masterfully - they were training, they are not your average shooter player that sits behind corners half the match. Hatism is bad, critique is expected, but constructive critique is welcome. Get your priorities straight, everyone.

I wasn't even hating on the anime. I said I enjoyed it and in fact I look forward to it.

I just said that the pro-team made an obvious mistake. Also visually clear doesn't make it clear. There's such things called ambushes and snipers. The enemy won't just let you see them.
Also the scanner only scans for LEADERS. This means that a non-squad leader could easily of ambushed them for waltzing in the open like that.
Not only that, they knew someone was near them. Even if they couldn't identify where she was, why would you stand out in the open knowing someone was there? Assuming she was visually out in the open, you wouldn't want to reveal your position either.
There's no reason for them to do what they did.

I wasn't complaining that they moved in. I was complaining how they moved in. You move from cover to cover.
Also they are 'training' which is weird since the military should have their own VR for training but I can let that go. Just like I can let this scene go since as you said, its not a big deal.
But since you mentioned training, yea that's true but they would still be leagues ahead of your average shooter player. As for hiding behind a corner half the match, noo... If you ever seen battlefield, CS;GO and CoD, people run around and jump non-stop the whole game not camp.
Regardless, using cover =/= camping.

The above was just minor issues with how the scene played out. Not the integrity of the story itself. If you want me to critique the story then I would say the following:
Having the MC defeat a fireteam consisting of real soldiers really raises the bar for future enemies....For something this early, I kind of worry. Maybe they can try to play it off as just good thinking but still.

Now that critique is something I would at least agree with. That speed could go a long way, and I hope it does not, as supposedly there are better players than that and will be able to counter mere speed-built characters. Yes, she is fast, yes, she can evade, but does not mean that it is all that takes to defeat enemies. Again, there was the M persona (who is my favourite now), who does the thinking part for the tall-turned-littler girl. I am honestly expecting no big deal with the game, but would like to see how they will "Help Karen rediscover her dignity regardless of how she looks and find content in living in reality again", as it supposedly has to be the main point of the series.
Apr 7, 2018 2:59 PM
Apr 2016
SayuriUliana said:
Ashix said:
Not liking that high speed of hers those pros would've won otherwise. Though it surprises me that they claim to be pros yet they leave a possible IED lying on the road when they go on foot. They should've destroyed it as soon as it came into view that was their mistake.

These are Japanese, which I don't think have the same kind of experience with IED's as Americans or British do.

Note though, the second their strategist took a look at the suitcase he knew it is a trap. As the saying goes, if you want to do it well, do it yourself. But where that would get main heroine? "M" is an irreplaceable part of her "speed" strength, as of now.
ValkyrieFE said:
Punkero said:
LLENN is so cute I can't even.

I liked this episode a lot up untill the end when she beasts those pros with out much trouble, I hope we are given a valid reason for why she is so good in the game all of a sudden, can run so fast and jump that high.

The pros said it best. "That speed isn't the speed of a normal human."

They were using the tournament as a means for training themselves for the real world. Her speed wasn't something they would encounter in the real world. So the four who were up close were caught off guard, and the two who were far away saw no merit in continuing since it wasn't something they'd encounter irl.

As I saw it, they were more like "Oh well we got wrecked, no point in taking away their victory" and decided not to fight back, as the training, evidently, failed.
Apr 7, 2018 3:09 PM

Jan 2008
This was surprisingly enjoyable. Wonder if we'll get any references from the GGO Ps4 game. Don't remember a speed skill like hers though.

The bodies being indestructible objects needs to be patched.
Apr 7, 2018 3:10 PM
Nov 2010
Man did not expect the pink loli to look like this.

Apr 7, 2018 3:13 PM

Sep 2010
SayuriUliana said:

These are Japanese, which I don't think have the same kind of experience with IED's as Americans or British do.

Being aware of your surrounding is common sense for military since forever, but that's pink girl with P-chan against full pro team, which already destroyed several teams...

Of course they have no chance but suddenly lose like idiots, or how else you understand that she is "cool"?
Apr 7, 2018 3:16 PM
Apr 2016
MrJc said:
Man did not expect the pink loli to look like this.

Apr 7, 2018 3:26 PM

Mar 2008
Apr 7, 2018 3:30 PM

Sep 2015
MrJc said:
Man did not expect the pink loli to look like this.

She's very yummy.
Apr 7, 2018 3:31 PM

Aug 2014
Actually decent. Super dumb outfit though.
Sieg Zeon!
Apr 7, 2018 3:34 PM

Dec 2016
Don't know much about this story for SAO but I was rather impressed and I enjoyed this.

So our main team is an older dude an a loli completely pinked up.

LLENN moves so fast, no wonder even pros cannot her hit.

M is a great tactician, it's almost a perfect team, they seem to be fine with just the 2 of them and won't need another 4 people but they might get more eventually, that would most likely help at some point.

That was quite the brilliant plan to hide her in the suitcase like that, kinda funny as well.

Looking forward to watching more.
Apr 7, 2018 3:34 PM

Feb 2012
This was a solid first episode and I get the feeling this will be an enjoyable anime to watch. I'm glad I read the first volume of the manga so I had an understanding of what was going on because this episode tells the audience next to nothing.

It was ridiculous how Llynn took out four trained soldiers, but at least they did it in a believable way. The effectiveness of a modern light infantry team goes out the window when a melee is started. Infantry formations are designed to direct as much fire as possible in a single direction, and have a tough time dealing with an enemy that has broken into the lines. Llynn shows why agility builds were considered OP in Gun Gale Online. That still doesn't excuse the fact those soldiers were just standing in the open. They could have handled the situation better though I don't know if it would have mattered much.
Apr 7, 2018 3:38 PM

Aug 2017
I really liked the first bow of Sword Art Online II, so I'm going to enjoy this anime too lol
I hope there is at least some reference to Sinon.
Apr 7, 2018 3:41 PM

Apr 2017
First episode was fine. Going to have to get more back story to the team up etc... I'll keep watching because it's "Sword Art Online" and I'm a hopeless fanboy...
Apr 7, 2018 3:48 PM

May 2015
Don't mess with the midget, she's dangerous and fast as hell, in-game that is. Karen's real life counterpart is a beauty for sure, lol.

Great first episode, enjoyed it a lot.

Apr 7, 2018 3:49 PM

Feb 2017
As someone who only enjoyed the first arc of season 1 and the 2nd arc of season 2, I never really expected to see anything great from this series. But now i have hope for this show tbh. I enjoyed the first episode and the absence of Kirito is refreshing. But the whole "over power enemies with my speed" thing can get old fast so we'll see. Hopefully she actually faces a serious challenge at some point (and maybe is actually defeated once?? wouldn't that be wild to see in this show??).
Apr 7, 2018 4:05 PM

Mar 2008
Strikingly boring. So much was watching generic PCs get shot down by other generic PCs and watching our two characters strategize with one big ambush at the end. Can't believe they managed to make non-stop action scenes so uninteresting.
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Apr 7, 2018 4:28 PM

Feb 2014
I think LLENN might be the legendary 5 speed ash with even smaller hitbox
Apr 7, 2018 4:32 PM
Jul 2007
The last fight was cool, but only because they didn't show them TALKING about it. There was way too much talking by the big guy on her team. He didn't have to explain every little sound or detail... made it so tiresome to watch. A lot of tension comes from not knowing what is going on in shows generally, and him talking and explaining EVERYTHING all the time kind of defeats the purpose. That's why the last scene was cool because you don't know what's going on.
eraltergApr 7, 2018 4:35 PM
Apr 7, 2018 4:56 PM

Apr 2018
LLENN > kirito already and its barely the first episode lol

but then again it doesnt take much to be a better character than kirito...
Apr 7, 2018 4:57 PM

Jul 2017
Ehh, it was fine I guess.

+ Pretty good ending theme.
+ The "battle royale" idea is pretty good for an anime.
+ The overall atmosphere is well done.

+ While neither main characters are as bad as typical SAO characters, they still lack depth. At least, within the game. Honestly, it looks more interesting when it's not in the game.
+ I get the whole "Tall girl wants to be a loli" idea, but they went so far with the design that it just seems tacky.
+ The character animations weren't really impressive.
+ She gave her gun a name? Ugh.
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Apr 7, 2018 5:06 PM
Apr 2018
It started okay! Hope its going to keep this vibe in the next episodes.. the original sao made me feel uncomfortable most of the time😩
Apr 7, 2018 5:07 PM
Feb 2012
I think this is a amazing first episode! Karen is so cute! Also opening is so great!

My concern is with the characters. Outside of Karen and the antagonist pretty much everyone else is faceless grizzled gray looking soldier. Can show really have 12 episodes with basically two characters ? I get bad feeling after a few episodes it will start majorly dragging on.
Apr 7, 2018 5:11 PM

Sep 2016
MrJc said:
Man did not expect the pink loli to look like this.

Yeah i don't know why she's embarrassed about her body figure, shes fucking beautiful.
The Anime Binge Is Life

-PolarCyrus97 2k17-
Apr 7, 2018 5:13 PM

Sep 2016
Also LLENN is fucking kawaii as fuck, pink outfit and pink P-90 (P-chan xD)
The Anime Binge Is Life

-PolarCyrus97 2k17-
Apr 7, 2018 5:16 PM
Mar 2018
Dizzee said:
speedhacks are considered as cheating, anime heroes always have some kind of advantage, it's very unrealistic

it's a full vr dude, we don't have this kind of game in realistic
Apr 7, 2018 5:34 PM

Oct 2017
T̶h̶e̶ ̶n̶e̶w̶ ̶P̶U̶B̶G̶ ̶u̶p̶d̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶k̶s̶ ̶g̶r̶e̶a̶t̶.̶
In all seriousness this is a very promising first episode, I just hope it doesn't go downhill afterwards like the main series.
Apr 7, 2018 5:42 PM

Sep 2015
Mmh, that was a pretty decent start. I mean, I hate Battle Royals and PUBG, so the fact that the game they're in is basically PUBG isn't exactly great news to me, but apart from that... not bad at all :3. If nothing else, it's looking better than the original GGO so far, which is a step into the right direction for sure. Anything that's not the original GGO is appreciated.

Hirugiku said:
NEed more episodes to judge it ofcourse, since especially the last part of the episode made me 0.0 really hard.
yeah, that last scene was a bit of a shift, LOL. But at least SAO seems to be handling its two very distinctly different styles competently and in a way that works, unlike other shows I could MSS--- I mean mention.

Hirugiku said:
I really like how well 3hz explained what the anime is gonna be about in the first 40 secodns of prologue , very very good.
I mean... let's be honest, all they needed to do was stick the words 'Battle Royal' somewhere and literally everyone would've known what the anime would be about within FOUR seconds, so it's not like what they did was too special :v
dunkan85Apr 8, 2018 5:05 AM
Apr 7, 2018 5:52 PM

May 2015
Did she called her gun P-chan?! Lol!
Apr 7, 2018 6:00 PM
Feb 2017
I didn't even complete SAO yet lol. Anyways, its okay so for. God, I love the cute MC. Much better than kirito.

Apr 7, 2018 6:01 PM

Apr 2015
Back to the world of Gun Gale Online but with different characters... I like it so far, we got some action and tactical play this first episode, which surprised me a little.

LLENN and Karen are both pretty cute.

That pink outfit though XD way to stand out from the crowd
Apr 7, 2018 6:12 PM

Apr 2016
made me wanna go play fortnite
Apr 7, 2018 6:23 PM

Oct 2014
The "pro" team is a bit too retarded and by the book, but other than that it's a great episode.
19 minutes of build-up for a minute of effective fast-paced, but most importantly effective action.
Re:Creators should learn from this.
Apr 7, 2018 6:25 PM

Dec 2010
god damn that was boring
Apr 7, 2018 6:30 PM

Oct 2015
This show is created to the people who love playing a battle royal games like me. And I think it was a fantastic episode !

Btw, the real face Karen is more cute for me .
Apr 7, 2018 6:33 PM

Oct 2015
FireFistYK said:
Ummmm, disappointing tbh. It's weird how it feels like it was written by somebody who's never played a first-person shooter before. The last part of the episode was a bit exciting, I'll stick around and see how this turns out.

First Person shooter is totally different than Battle Royal. Well I know you will don't care about it :P
Apr 7, 2018 6:38 PM

Jun 2016
Unbalanced trash game it turned out to be. A midget avatar with speed hacks and pink P90. What was the dev team thinking?

4/10 for now.
Apr 7, 2018 6:55 PM
Feb 2018
Talk about realistic from the game hmmm
This is a game, but everyone using bland ordinary equip. Does mc is the only premium player here?
If i had a speed cheat like that, ill be running around in chicken costume holding a golden ak47
Apr 7, 2018 6:59 PM

Nov 2015

Well, would you look at that. It was not bad at all.
The best Sword Art Online just by not having Kirito hahaha.

Now, being serious, I like how much more attention to game mechanics and gun mechanics was paid in this spin-off compared to the second season of SAO. The characters seem nice, I liked them.
I want to watch more of this to see what they do have in store.

PD: P-chan = best gurl
I mean, gun.

PD2: Will the female MC be our new Sinon? heh.

Sossig said:
Talk about realistic from the game hmmm
This is a game, but everyone using bland ordinary equip. Does mc is the only premium player here?
If i had a speed cheat like that, ill be running around in chicken costume holding a golden ak47

Do not forget those soldiers screaming "SHE NO HUMAN!!!11!"... dude, you are playing a game, chill.

And just quiting the game just like that hahaha.
Apr 7, 2018 7:01 PM

Aug 2016
bitchassdarius said:
i like this new PUBG anime
This feels more like COD Online's Battle Royale mode rather than PUBG or Fortnite. You don't drop from a vehicle or plane and parachute. Instead the spawns are randomly set for each team. The speed LLENN has seems slightly overpowered but there must be a class system where speedy characters have less health and are more effective at close range.
Apr 7, 2018 7:22 PM

Aug 2016
Seems to have a lot of potential for good action scenes coming from the OP, but so far pretty standard episode nothing too insane. Gotta love the pouts and P-chan though

I'm not smart, I just wear glasses
"Anime is just Japanese Cartoons, Cartoons are just Western Anime"
☁ н є ѕ ι т α т ι σ и ☁
Apr 7, 2018 7:34 PM

Sep 2015
Dizzee said:
speedhacks are considered as cheating, anime heroes always have some kind of advantage, it's very unrealistic

Pknoctis said:
Good episode, she's cute. How does she move so quickly though?

There is a reason behind the agility of the protagonist that as much as possible explain later
FireFistYK said:
Ummmm, disappointing tbh. It's weird how it feels like it was written by somebody who's never played a first-person shooter

It also has to be taken into consideration that GGO is not 100% FPS. Use statistics as if it were an RPG, a correct comparison would be with Destiny.

For other comments, people forget that in GGO there are skills, statistics or most importantly, you can transfer characters from one game to another obtaining bonuses in both statistics and skills that in some cases, not even part of the game real thanks to the Seed connects the servers of all the games in a single one as it was the end of Ordinal Scale
Apr 7, 2018 7:38 PM
Feb 2018
Good standalone. P-chan is cute. She's one hot lady.
Apr 7, 2018 7:58 PM

May 2015
LOL. When the pros were looking for her out in the residential district, I said to myself, "I swear to God if she has a cloak or invisibility skill, she needs to be banned asap."

This was fun. A lot of exposition yes, but it all sticks with the current situation. And they stayed true to the P90: Super-fast fire rate, but poor range. Luckily with LLENN, she's got speed to make up for that. She seems to be rather inexperienced in the game though, but with a good tactician, she'll learn quick. The only thing that she needs to change though is her default outfit. Pink is too attractive of a color for a game like this where everyone is looking down their sights. I hope the next episode explains her skills and why she runs so fast. I wonder if it has to do with her height. Or maybe gun weight plays a factor too. Oh well. We'll see. I hope we get to see more tactical action like this in the future episodes.
TarotistApr 8, 2018 1:46 AM
Apr 7, 2018 8:04 PM

Aug 2016
yep, good first episode, but needs more kazuto
Apr 7, 2018 8:04 PM

Nov 2016
Pretty good start for the series, but let's hope it isn't like S2 of the orig.

I hope it only gets better.

Apr 7, 2018 8:12 PM

Jan 2016
People that wonders why LLELLN runs like sanic it's because the put all her stats at AGI litteraly ALL her stats. Except the requirement to use P-90. She gets countered by tank build and she dies in 1 or 2 hits. Amazing how people can't seem to deduce this...
Anyone impressed by the OP? it's really clean, there aren't many words on it. Really highlight the animation. 3Hz delivers again!

edit: For dumb kids that think pink camo is ridicilous search up pink desert camo on google. It's legit.
forexjammerApr 7, 2018 8:17 PM
Apr 7, 2018 8:24 PM

Jul 2016
That's an entertining straight to action, with an introduction of the mechanics of this team battle royale "Squad Jam". So it's the team battle version of GGO season 2's BoB "Bullets of Bullets". M's prediction on battle looks like he's a pro player of GGO or maybe he's actually a soldier in real world. Llenn with his high pitched voice and loli height in contrast to her real world voice and tall height, plus rushing with P90, calls it P-chan, how much adorableness is that. I wonder if this GGO is set in the same world of season 2's GGO, would like to see a Sinon Cameo, I guess I'll read the novel.

Nayout said:
Dizzee said:
speedhacks are considered as cheating, anime heroes always have some kind of advantage, it's very unrealistic

Pknoctis said:
Good episode, she's cute. How does she move so quickly though?

There is a reason behind the agility of the protagonist that as much as possible explain later
FireFistYK said:
Ummmm, disappointing tbh. It's weird how it feels like it was written by somebody who's never played a first-person shooter

It also has to be taken into consideration that GGO is not 100% FPS. Use statistics as if it were an RPG, a correct comparison would be with Destiny.

For other comments, people forget that in GGO there are skills, statistics or most importantly, you can transfer characters from one game to another obtaining bonuses in both statistics and skills that in some cases, not even part of the game real thanks to the Seed connects the servers of all the games in a single one as it was the end of Ordinal Scale
Well thanks to Kayaba's Seed Package program, not only many vrmmorpg had been created with this packgae as the based program but also the account conversion bevome possible, though I doubt that this fast agility comes from another game Llenn played before GGO, like how Kirito has a high agility and evasion rate in GGO even though he's new, so looking forward for next episode for further explanation for speed hack like ability of her.
Apr 7, 2018 8:36 PM

Dec 2015
no one is retard enough to use sword here like kirito lol
the machine gunners ppl are just so dumb

that duo , isnt the leader should be the man, i mean he planned eveything
and karen able to hide in a suitcase lol , i thought it gonna be in the tire hole , but that speed tho , i wish i could move like that in cs , i hope that speed is not just a protagonist skill , but rather some experience on vr , or something else
Apr 7, 2018 8:37 PM

Jul 2016
forexjammer said:
People that wonders why LLELLN runs like sanic it's because the put all her stats at AGI litteraly ALL her stats. Except the requirement to use P-90. She gets countered by tank build and she dies in 1 or 2 hits. Amazing how people can't seem to deduce this...
Anyone impressed by the OP? it's really clean, there aren't many words on it. Really highlight the animation. 3Hz delivers again!

edit: For dumb kids that think pink camo is ridicilous search up pink desert camo on google. It's legit.
That might explains her high speed. Looks like you have read the novels, based on how you said, you're sure about it.

Pink Desert Camo, I searched it lol xD, I didn't expect such pink thing was been used in war, its says that its good for desert camouflage. But since Llenn is in forest its full of greens: trees, grass, etc, so her pink suit stands out.
cronoSpirAApr 7, 2018 8:42 PM
Apr 7, 2018 8:43 PM
Jul 2014
That SAO is choosing to focus on other characters is a nice touch. I think the most impressive part of the episode for me was that JSDF squad using the tourney as training. It makes sense, as some of the more modern armies in the world today do the same with virtual environments or simulated munitions.

Good start to this season, but it seems very average; we already know what to expect here, methinks.
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