All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 156.7
Mean Score:
- Watching40
- Completed945
- On-Hold15
- Dropped11
- Plan to Watch536
- Total Entries1,547
- Rewatched141
- Episodes11,465
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 96.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries397
- Reread15
- Chapters16,408
- Volumes424
All Comments (470) Comments
wtf lol
Whenever i see your high score for something i didnt watch/read,for something i dont have a personal opinion yet, i see the anime as great or at least pretty good(like with Lance,despite it having a low score) i thought that's what friends are supposed to do, whatever, forget it
Opposite for me, i want summer to go on for forever. Goblin slayer does have a lot of rape tho, so not sure why you are so positive.
Yeah ofc again... you know you'll hate something, you call them shitty, but still yet you watch them, making me so mad... i on the other hand am very eager to watch those 2 new isekais... Yes yes man, go rewatch it instead of watching something you dislike. That isekai maou has a lot of sex scenes, for a snowflake like you, you better avoid it, also slaves. you dont like sex slaves right.0
Noone is trying to be a gakkou gurashi 2, they have their own personality and soul, they are compeltely diifferent substances. Its like me saying you are ttrying to be that youtuber you adore for some freaking reason, whne it suits you more to be a kind person >.>
Flaming legendary anime gintama that has 6 titles in top 20? that's a wtf.
OFc you'll like something like back street girls, why am i not surprised............................
Well at least you are excited for grand blue and some other animes... still man >.> you made me so depressed, i just feel like going to sleep and not doing anything else. whatever i dont want to talk abotu next season with you anymore, you are way too negative, it makes me feel negative as well >.> just be happy you get to live and enjoy all those wonderful things (like those new animes especially the new isekai :P)
P.S at first when i saw the word "NOTEPAD" and then i read the first sentence, i instantly thought you were writing something down, like quotes or your favorite moments. But no, it was just simply something that ANYONE can remember on the top of its head, well alright i thought then :)
Oy you poor soul, you cant post images, oh nooooo :( its not like you never post images, your whole text is just a white wall, but ofcourse now that images arent working you are craving for them.
that's why you save images on your phone and you always have your soul food whenevre you want.
still happy for you, for jojo :v
Very cool verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry cool stuff................
also was a bit, JUST A LITTLE cautious whether all our messages would be gone x_x those messages,those words that were made through sweat and blood or bloody sweat or sweaty blood . AFakgfsdhgfsdgsdfjksfjafa
Ok im feeling better, smiley face :) we are back to positive smiley face :)