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Mar 29, 2018 4:43 AM
The episode was good I guess, I personally think the whole fighting and war plot is boring so it's not that enjoyable to me but the 2nd half of the episode was great. |
Mar 29, 2018 5:07 AM
I haven't read the novel and I'm simply watching the anime, and for me, it is beautiful the way it is now. I guess the main focus of the anime is to show Violet's determination to move on from her past self. She suffered big time and her current resolve is understandable. The fight scenes from this episode seem lacking but pretty intense at the end, which is alright for me. The anime was beautiful, but I guess reading the LN has more impact that's why there's a few disappointed LN readers with how the novel was adapted in anime. But for me who only watched the anime, Violet Evergarden was a beautiful and an amazing anime. I find all the heart-wrenching moments to be worthwhile and meaningful. |
Mar 29, 2018 5:24 AM
Now I'm confused about whether this show has 13 or 14 episodes now. Other than that, this was a pretty intense episode. Diethard's skills are awesome, but I still find him to be an arse though. It's only natural that he would have a grudge over Violet after Gilbert died, and that he never warmed up to her at all when she was a child soldier in the past, but I think his grudge is clouding his judgement and opinion of Violet too much. The constant sneering at Violet when she's trying to move on with her life makes me want to hate him, but I honestly don't. Either way, Violet's skills was badass as she took on the anti-peace faction, but after losing her emerald brooch, she had to be save by Diethard and now things are going even more intense. I did question why the faction didn't shoot their guns first, but I guess that their plan would go haywire if anyone on the train knew about their presence other than Violet and Diethard. Not all missions require all guns blazing left and right after all. Afezeria said: Thread is full of salty LN readers as usual. It almost reminds me of Fate Stay/Night UBW's episode discussions all over again. Although most episodes were met with high praise, certain users, who claimed to have played the original VN to completion, always wrote an essay-style post explaining why they thought the adaptation was garbage, with the more common criticism being that the anime wasn't adapting the VN material 1:1. Then the whole discussion turned into a hate war between fans who liked the shows and those who hated it. It was amusing, but also cringe worthy at the same time. Not everyone is going to like every show, that's a given, but certain users thought it was better to go into pure fanboy rage with their reasons rather than listing out their reasons respectfully. Regardless, I've really enjoyed Violet Evergarden a lot, although I do understand why the other users here who've read the original LN aren't enjoying the adaptation as much as they wanted. |
Mar 29, 2018 5:28 AM
Afezeria said: Thread is full of salty LN readers as usual. Wanting an adaption to stick to it's source material is being "salty" now? Stop being stupid. |
Mar 29, 2018 5:43 AM
Mar 29, 2018 6:17 AM
Chento said: Can't contain the excitement! I hope they don't cut things off like ending the scene after episode 14 I checked the official website yesterday. The anime will end next episode (episode 13). Episode 14 is episode 4.5 of some sort. DedPanda said: Lol people in here are acting like this is the first series that started off adapting close to the source before veering off in its own direction after a certain point in the series. Guys, it's been done before plus this isn't the first time KyoAni has done some "butchering". Look at Sound Euphonium, Myriad Colors Phantom World, and so on. If people want to know how the story really happened, they'll find a way to check out the source I imagine. There was butchering for Phantom World I admit but Hibike! Euphonium actually turned out better. It was better that they kept the canon romance out of the plot and kept it subtle. So far, Violet Evergarden has been better than the novel from the bits and pieces I have picked from all the comments from the LN readers without clicking the shit ton of spoiler buttons. They have novel discussion threads and also the option to PM one another yet they keep on posting spoilers without following MAL general episode discussion guideline. It's one thing to post one or two spoilers under spoiler button but posting them all over the thread is downright ridiculous. Anyways, I initially thought those who post in the episode discussion threads (except for the OP, who know for sure that doesn't understand Japanese but has this obsession of creating episode discussion threads) watch the anime raw because they understand Japanese but it seems like they don't and start complaining without understanding a thing. |
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands. Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones. Protect Your Community and Help Defeat Coronavirus. |
Mar 29, 2018 6:40 AM
Major_Gilbert said: D1tchd1gger said: Learning why Dietfried is so bitter towards Violet was useful information. As he blames her for getting his brother killed, I'm sure he might in turn blame himself somewhere deep down as he was the one that introduced them to each other. The fight on top of the train was a bit silly as people have pointed out that they could have easily shot her, but then again you see it lots where the bad guys have the good guy in a bad spot and screw up. Also to those saying she hasn't got a weapon, she does have metal arms which must hurt plenty when she punches them (especially as they seem to be made out of Adamantium or Vibranium after taking that explosive shell at the end). Also one weird translation, both English subs and dub: when Dietfried says they'll attack us at the bridge he goes on to say it took them 10 years to build the tunnel 😂 I went back to the shot where they fly over just in case there was a tunnel leading to the bridge, but the approach both sides look open. Also checking the French subs with my limited knowledge it seems the line should just be it "it took ten years to build it". I noticed that as well. HereticHunter said: Major_Gilbert said: The chances of Gilbert being alive was around 40 to 60, but now it's gone down even more to 20 to 80 I think. What's so special about Gilbert being alive? from how the anime has been executed it seems to me that him being dead fits better than him being alive. I don't mind spoilers if you want to elaborate your answer. The only reason I would want him to be alive is because of a conversation he had with Violet. This isn't much of a spoiler, but she said this: “I have become able to somewhat feel. With this new life, which Major granted me, it was only little by little, but I have become able to understand. The sadness and joy… pride, fear, everything… that someone can feel towards another person… I do not fathom those as my own, however. But through writing on others’ behalf, and through the people I meet, I can feel them. Major, I… gradually… have also come to understand… the things you say.” Saying this in front of the Major had a unique effect, I think. It wouldn't have the same effect if she had told this to Hodgins, Cattleya or anyone else. But that reason alone is not enough against making Gilbert dead. With the ending already closing in, it would be ridiculous to just suddenly make him alive. If they were going to make him alive, they should've done what the novel did, which was a phone-call between Hodgins and Gilbert: Hodgins expressed his opinion against Gilbert so-called "favour". “Are you a foster parent and his daughter? A superior and his subordinate? You say that it’s for her sake that you play the role of guardian without being nearby, but this is just an excuse for you not to get involved too deeply with Little Violet, isn’t it? If that’s only out of affection, you should protect her by her side. You entrusted to me a child that lived by doing nothing but chase after your back, and… and… do you really think she will become happy like this?" Also, if they were going to make him alive, why are they going as far as making his gravestone? The novel didn't go that far, it was pretty obvious he was alive early on. Overall I'm pretty much 50/50 about it. I won't be bothered too much whether he's alive or not. I see, I understand now, I would probably accept him being alive if KyoAni didn't fuck up certain stuff. 1 week left and the OVA (Ep 14) I wonder what will they do |
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes." ~Blackwall |
Mar 29, 2018 6:44 AM
RisMax said: HereticHunter said: See? this is how a well paced episode looks like. Violet's stubbornness were quite annoying tho (Reminds me of those action shows were the main character doesn't want to kill to the point of being almost useless) So according to some comments on this forum, it will only be 13 then? GreenEmu said: Oh wow looks like they will actually keep Gilbert dead as opposed to the LN where he's alive Why keep him alive? Gilbert being dead is better Imho. Gilbert being alive would just end like the ending of Clannad AS. SalmonSandwich said: Major_Gilbert said: SalmonSandwich said: Major_Gilbert said: SalmonSandwich said: Major_Gilbert said: Disappointed by the way they set this out. The novel's version of this episode is so much better than this. The way the enemy just drop like flies is to the point where I don't even feel excited to see Violet win. I mean, the novel did lack in this aspect as well, but not as much as this. The chances of Gilbert being alive was around 40 to 60, but now it's gone down even more to 20 to 80 I think. I definitely think combining aspect of flying letter with the final chapter was interesting idea since they wanted to wrap up Dietfried storyline while also giving more room for the finale. I'm also disappointed like you said, the enemies have a clear numerical and tactical advantage but Violet knocks them out no problem with NO WEAPON. In the novel Violet was definitely more careful since she had a disadvantage by using the lack of light, the element of surprise, and the fact that she had self defense weapons. Since there's only 1 episode left aside from the OVA, I agree that this isn't a bad option. I'm wondering how they will end this, since I don't see how Hodgins will be able to bring out a plan like in the novel without Gilbert, assuming he's dead at this point. I loved their conversation on the phone, they were matching the puzzles about their enemy like detectives. A pity that it's unlikely I'll see that. I really miss Gilbert now after watching this episode, Dietfreit just can't replace him for me. Definitely thinking they are going to spend alot of the time on the epilogue, that's why they combined elements of flying letters and the finale, and removed story elements to shorten the train hijacking, since the novel did end very abruptly. I really do wish Dietfried and Violet have that conversation from the flying letters chapter next episode. That would imo satisfyingly end Dietfried story-line with the exclusion of Gilbert being alive Despite the fact that we've seen a few encounters between Dietfreit and Violet, none of them were interesting enough compared to the one in flying letters in the novel. I guess it's because we never had much information about his relationship with Violet. I agree that they should include that conversation Yeah I agree, as much as I love ep 6 with Leon, that episode should have been cut, and should have moved up Oscars episode so they could add one more flashback episode with Violet and Dietfried meeting on the island, her first meeting with Gilbert, and the barrack training. Anime only viewer have really no context to Dietfried without that backstory on what Violet did before meeting Gilbert so its hard to understand why he acts that way to Violet. FUCK YOU ALLl LN FANATIC READER, don't keep sneering at this anime. if you don't like anime violet , just don't watch ! I didn't even read the source. What are you? 6 years old? I don't remember insulting you to be treated like that |
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes." ~Blackwall |
Mar 29, 2018 6:46 AM
Burguburu said: HereticHunter said: See? this is how a well paced episode looks like. Violet's stubbornness were quite annoying tho (Reminds me of those action shows were the main character doesn't want to kill to the point of being almost useless) So according to some comments on this forum, it will only be 13 then? GreenEmu said: Oh wow looks like they will actually keep Gilbert dead as opposed to the LN where he's alive Why keep him alive? Gilbert being dead is better Imho. Gilbert being alive would just end like the ending of Clannad AS. 13 episodes? Why it is listed as 14? I will prepare my review! I'm not 100% sure, but I've heard that Ep 14 is an OVA, probably they meant that 13 will be the real end of this series while 14 might be filler. |
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes." ~Blackwall |
Mar 29, 2018 6:55 AM
Not sure how I feel about this episode, wasn't really as strong as some of the previous ones. There was a little too much plot convenience during the fight at the top of the train that it kinda took me out. I did like the conviction Violet showed towards not wanting to kill and following Gilbert's words to live. Dietfried comes of as a big jerk to me, trying to push all the blame on Violet. I understand that he feels grief over the loss of his brother but I just dislike how he blames it all on Violet. The deflect at the end was pretty damn cool. |
Mar 29, 2018 7:19 AM
So anyone else thought what Claudia meant? Was it Cattelya or Violet? Was the father embracing the daughter representing himself and Violet or was that an indication of Gilbert coming back? The latter doesn't make sense because Claudia believes/considers Gilbert as dead. But somehow it felt like a premonition of Gilbert's return. D1tchd1gger said: Also one weird translation, both English subs and dub: when Dietfried says they'll attack us at the bridge he goes on to say it took them 10 years to build the tunnel 😂 The tunnel is ahead of the bridge. It's not uncommon to specify/identify a location with a bridge that signifies an important infrastructure/means that connected the North with the South and can be considered as a symbol of unity/peace. Dietfried said トンネル建築に十年かかっている which actually translates to: The construction of the tunnel took 10 years. I dunno what's funny about it. Then he went on to say if that tunnel is destroyed (which took 10 years to be completed) the bridge of such significance will essentially become useless for quite some time. |
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands. Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones. Protect Your Community and Help Defeat Coronavirus. |
Mar 29, 2018 7:24 AM
Lelouch0202 said: Not sure how I feel about this episode, wasn't really as strong as some of the previous ones. There was a little too much plot convenience during the fight at the top of the train that it kinda took me out. It's just a buildup episode (pretty sure you can tell that, no?). Can't expect every episode to be tearjerking, you know? :p |
Mar 29, 2018 7:36 AM
why the hell is everybody here talking in damn ln spoilers, for real? Without any context spoiler tags are virtually useless, especially since people don't exclusively use them for spoilers. Some of you couldn't even keep the entire spoilers hidden, so gg on giving some major ln spoilers everybody. |
SrgtButterscotchMar 29, 2018 7:44 AM
Mar 29, 2018 7:40 AM
D1tchd1gger said: Also to those saying she hasn't got a weapon, she does have metal arms which must hurt plenty when she punches them (especially as they seem to be made out of Adamantium or Vibranium after taking that explosive shell at the end). I'm pretty sure she mentioned they were adamantine in the first episode. When she was talking to the Evergarden lady. |
Mar 29, 2018 7:53 AM
shanimebib said: Chento said: Can't contain the excitement! I hope they don't cut things off like ending the scene after episode 14 I checked the official website yesterday. The anime will end next episode (episode 13). Episode 14 is episode 4.5 of some sort. Then... should we expect that they ARE going to cut it and continue with a movie/ova? T-T |
Mar 29, 2018 7:56 AM
shanimebib said: D1tchd1gger said: Also one weird translation, both English subs and dub: when Dietfried says they'll attack us at the bridge he goes on to say it took them 10 years to build the tunnel 😂 The tunnel is ahead of the bridge. Was it on the map? Forgot to recheck that. It wasn't seen when Violet flew over the bridge. Dietfried said トンネル建築に十年かかっている which actually translates to: The construction of the tunnel took 10 years. Fair enough, I don't know Japanese. I dunno what's funny about it. Because he was talking about them attacking the bridge which they had already established as important as Violet flew over it, but then went on to talk about a tunnel out of, seemingly, nowhere. Then he went on to say if that tunnel is destroyed (which took 10 years to be completed) the bridge of such significance will essentially become useless for quite some time. Same could be said if the bridge itself was destroyed. Maybe I need to rewatch that whole part again as I literally woke up and then started watching. 😴 |
Mar 29, 2018 7:59 AM
Swagernator said: Well, good God that Captain America was there at that time on that train to save everyone. The story is really mess, it's all over the place. Captain America, I am dead. Some episodes suck and some are good. I don't even know anymore. |
Mar 29, 2018 8:03 AM
Smh, when I saw that it was doing that last train scene, I assumed the rest of the anime would be completed following the LN wrt Gilbert, etc. That scene with his bro and Violet was MUCH more intense and I didn't think they should've been put to fight together, especially for that brooch scene too. Defeated the whole purpose of the enemy hold it at ransom, etc and Gil appearing. Tbh, I didn't like this who combination of the flying letters, Gil's bro encounter AND the final chapter being combined into one. It actually felt confusing and worst of all, there really may not be a happy ending like the LN. She totally knocked a LOT of the enemies off the train in the LN too. Way more BA than what she was portrayed as in this episode. Almost like if she got rusty rather than not wanting to kill. |
Zetto92Mar 29, 2018 8:06 AM
Mar 29, 2018 8:11 AM
Chento said: shanimebib said: Chento said: Can't contain the excitement! I hope they don't cut things off like ending the scene after episode 14 I checked the official website yesterday. The anime will end next episode (episode 13). Episode 14 is episode 4.5 of some sort. Then... should we expect that they ARE going to cut it and continue with a movie/ova? T-T Oh dear! I didn't want to make you sad of all people. I dunno what you mean by cutting it unless you are implying something from the LN which I never read. To make it brighter for you, all but Phantom World of KyoAni owned adaptations in recent years had a sequel in the form of a TV series/movie so cheer up! :) D1tchd1gger said: Then he went on to say if that tunnel is destroyed (which took 10 years to be completed) the bridge of such significance will essentially become useless for quite some time. Same could be said if the bridge itself was destroyed. I am no civil engineer but if you look up the time required to construct a bridge and time required to construct a tunnel during the WWII era and even in modern time, it would make sense which would have more impact once destroyed. Also, when I said ahead of the bridge, I didn't mean it would be like few meters away lol. That was actually funny. |
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands. Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones. Protect Your Community and Help Defeat Coronavirus. |
Mar 29, 2018 8:16 AM
What is this.. Dissapointing: the Evergarden? When I first started watching this show I thought It will be a 9/10 or 8/10 at least.. now it's gone down to 5/10 or even 4/10. Damn KyoAni, why do u have to make everything so dissapointing. |
Mar 29, 2018 8:23 AM
"Bitch! Go back to making my sandwich! ... ... By the way, have you noticed that no one talks like me?" Here we are, after the last episode which gave us a sneak peek into this episode, Violet meeting the asshole brother of the beloved *swoon* Major. Here we are in Metal Gear levels of political intrigue, minus the cut scenes and robots from Japanese anime, where the navy is sent to a train to protect the special envoy during the signing of the peace treaty, and the anti-peace forces wants that to burn to the ground. And the guy who lost the battle from Intense (PFFT!) and the sniper who shot down his own men at Ctrigall are part of this scheme too. WHAT WERE THE ODDS! We finally have an episode where Bourgainvillea (I'll just call him McKillBaby for simplicity's, it's too convoluted) meet the reformed Violet, and she is more than eager to help him in his mission, which pisses him off for some reason. And best Waifu, Claudia (#PLEASE_NERF) and lazy schmuck are here too! What were the o..Actually, since Violet was away at Ctrigall, she took the job, which was shown last episode. And then we move on to the battle on the Orient Express, where shit gets down, assholes get their face pummeled and their asses handed to them, but despite Violet accumulating badass points for a special combo, she was subdued, she losses her brooch (We'll get there) and almost had her head plopped off, until McKillBaby shows up and Kung Pows his way to Violet and scolds her for not killing them and for not being good at being Vash the Stampede. We leave on a cliffhanger, with a grenade to the fist, HOLY SHIT! OK, let's get to the brooch part. I see a lot of people up there saying that it was 'moustache twirling evil', but in the context of the scene, I think it fits. The Gardrik empire fought against the South for years, only to lose and settle for a peace treaty. Because of this, everything that the army has fought and died for were rendered moot, as they will now be portrayed as the bad guys, dead or alive. When you get down to it, it reminds me of the image of the Nazis, the evil that plagued Europe and was the central heart of World War II, and the origins of Millenium from Hellsing. The anti-peace factions felt that losing was a huge BETRAYAL to what they have thrown away and sacrificed for the sake of their empire. Yeah, they were assholes, but they don't want everyone to know that. Imagine your family seeing you off to the army, thinking that you were out saving the world, only to have lost the war, and all your asshole-ry exposed and now EVERYONE HATES YOU, and you have brought shame to your family. All of a sudden, losing in Jeopardy is a cakewalk compared to this. They have lost everything, and seeing how the brooch was important to Violet, he wanted her to feel the shame, grief and hopelessness when you lose something, and die knowing you have lost what you treasured. An interesting insight into the anti-peace faction's motive, in conjunction with the poor chap from the last episode. As for the dynamic between Violet and McKillBaby, it is true that he was an asshole, there is no question about that, but when you look into it, he is pissed at her, because she failed at protecting the Major, the ONE OBJECTIVE that she was bought for. Depending on Violet's dialogue later on, we finally get a sense of what kind of person McKillBaby was. He was an asshole, who cared for his brother so much, that he tried to protect him the only way he knew how: By being an asshole, buying a little girl and train her to fight in the front-lines, so that she could protect Major Gilbert with her life. And, let me reiterate, she failed, and that is why he was pissed as FUCK! All of a sudden, McKillBaby's not just an asshole, he is an asshole character. But is the titanium-vibranium-dildonium (I don't know) arms be enough to avert the crisis? Will the clouds of war stay looming over our heroes as Thundurus and Landorus plan on reigniting the flames of war? OR will the Millenium Comet bring forth the coming Jirachi and save mankind - From THEMSELVES? Find out NEXT TIME, on Violet Evergarden. |
ONWARDS! Away from homework and on to more anime!!! |
Mar 29, 2018 8:24 AM
That was decent, thought that after 9th episode it will be different stories with letters "kinda" unrelated to the main line, but it seems like some kind of continutation, so there will/should be 2nd ending. The scene on the train, the obvious thing that comes to mind just shoot ... Well that should now be expected after previous episode superhero plane drop. |
Mar 29, 2018 8:24 AM
Well, just a build-up episode, I'm sure they'll punch us in the gut next, but... with the talk of POW, and Gilbert's body MIA, did anyone else think they might go in that direction? It might be me just jumping for any way for the anime to reasonably and sensically end in a fashion similar to the light novels (I haven't read them, but I looked through the spoilers in these discussions before), but I thought I'd share. |
Mar 29, 2018 8:44 AM
Decent episode with some bad action, it wasn't as strong as the previous ones. Everything felt forced in this. Those soldiers on the train were just terrible. |
Mar 29, 2018 8:57 AM
shanimebib said: D1tchd1gger said: Then he went on to say if that tunnel is destroyed (which took 10 years to be completed) the bridge of such significance will essentially become useless for quite some time. Same could be said if the bridge itself was destroyed. I am no civil engineer but if you look up the time required to construct a bridge and time required to construct a tunnel during the WWII era and even in modern time, it would make sense which would have more impact once destroyed. Also, when I said ahead of the bridge, I didn't mean it would be like few meters away lol. That was actually funny. OK, where is it? They did everything to establish the bridge as important. Flying over it and pointing it out on the map, but nothing about a tunnel until he says it took 10 years. Let's just say poor writing in the original script. The bridge looks a lot like the Forth Bridge, but more complicated. That took 7/8 years. A similar length tunnel and of similar date, the Severn Tunnel took 13 years. So yes a tunnel would be harder to rebuild from scratch, but if they blew a bridge in the right place a lot more would need fixing due to the way a bridge handles the forces upon it. |
D1tchd1ggerMar 29, 2018 9:23 AM
Mar 29, 2018 9:09 AM
eplipswich said: Lelouch0202 said: Not sure how I feel about this episode, wasn't really as strong as some of the previous ones. There was a little too much plot convenience during the fight at the top of the train that it kinda took me out. It's just a buildup episode (pretty sure you can tell that, no?). Can't expect every episode to be tearjerking, you know? :p It's not the build up that I have a problem with but rather the plot convenience. |
Mar 29, 2018 9:11 AM
It wasn't a bad episode. As for many of us I assume, I agree that the fighting scene was questionable lol |
Mar 29, 2018 9:12 AM
There's always something that is satisfying when seeing someone you hated die. At least it didn't hit me with the feels :P |
Mar 29, 2018 9:28 AM
Ok, this episode is litterally a trainwreck. Why Kyo Ani has to mess everything? The previous episode were good so why ruining the show this way? At this point I can't even expect a season 2 with the rest of the chapters adapted. Will the new project they teased be worth seeing? Dietfriet's character was so interesting in the novel, what did they do to him in the anime? Even the action scenes were bland. Just because we've read the novel doesn't mean we're salty. It's just that we express how much we are disappointed with the show. When you like something, it's only normal that you want it to be well adapted. I'm not closed to changes (I also prefered Leon, Oscar and Ann anime version stories) but here the anime staff is just not respectful of the novel author who made a beautiful story. Cattleya and Benedict are useless, Hodgins too. It's a shame. |
Mar 29, 2018 9:30 AM
D1tchd1gger said: So yes a tunnel would be harder to rebuild from scratch, but if they blew a bridge in the right place a lot more would need fixing due to the way a bridge handles the forces upon it. Whatever feels the best for you. I just pointed out other ways to see it. |
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands. Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones. Protect Your Community and Help Defeat Coronavirus. |
Mar 29, 2018 9:44 AM
Havent read the spoilers but I understand the frustration of the LN readers, normally when something gets an adaptation you would want it to stick to the original source, but ya'll shoulda been ready for this since this is KyoAni we're talking about, just look at what they did with Phantom World. Other than that, quite a fun episode with some weird developments, I mean the dude in charge obviously knows who Violet is and what she can do, and yet he made his soldiers go near her instead of using their guns and fire at her? just.. why? |
Mar 29, 2018 10:19 AM
Mar 29, 2018 10:38 AM
shanimebib said: Chento said: shanimebib said: Chento said: Can't contain the excitement! I hope they don't cut things off like ending the scene after episode 14 I checked the official website yesterday. The anime will end next episode (episode 13). Episode 14 is episode 4.5 of some sort. Then... should we expect that they ARE going to cut it and continue with a movie/ova? T-T Oh dear! I didn't want to make you sad of all people. I dunno what you mean by cutting it unless you are implying something from the LN which I never read. To make it brighter for you, all but Phantom World of KyoAni owned adaptations in recent years had a sequel in the form of a TV series/movie so cheer up! :) Yeah, KyoAni never fails us regarding that. I also haven't read the LN, though I'm considering it now. Since the series is so great. I'm just thinking of the waiting time, if the series ends like with a major cliffhanger. We're still not sure if it will continue as a movie/ova/season 2 But yes, lets put our hopes with KyoAni hahahaha |
Mar 29, 2018 10:39 AM
I hope eyepatch gilbert will show up at the end of this ova...fingers cross for this beautiful dream >< i literally cry in every episode... it was so beautiful that timelapse scene <33 |
Mar 29, 2018 10:42 AM
ichii_1 said: Peace talks and the anti war faction makes their move. The train battles was okay except the not shooting part, they are on a train so that might be difficult for average soldiers. They could easily get stability by being on one of their knees and take Violet out. Unlike the snowfield, Violet didn't have much room to avoid shots from such close range. But the moment they came to close combat zone they lost any chance against her. I could understand the first two guys but when the whole bunch of them just ran towards her was pretty bad imho form directional point of view. The stupid execution with sword was more Japanese than anything. Also, if I were in Dietfried's position, I would have taken out the General instead of aiming for his sword. The fighting aside, the episode has been pretty entertaining. Since it's not an action anime, I would let it slide. Chento said: Yeah, KyoAni never fails us regarding that. I also haven't read the LN, though I'm considering it now. Since the series is so great. I'm just thinking of the waiting time, if the series ends like with a major cliffhanger. We're still not sure if it will continue as a movie/ova/season 2 But yes, lets put our hopes with KyoAni hahahaha Good thing that it has brighten your mood. :P |
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands. Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones. Protect Your Community and Help Defeat Coronavirus. |
Mar 29, 2018 10:44 AM
Seriously, next episode is the last one? Fuck, so quick. |
Mar 29, 2018 11:26 AM
Violet is still deeply affected by the last letter. I was very interested in the relationship between Violet and Diegfried. They both are hurt by the death of Gil. I wasn't expecting Diegfried to blame Violet though. That hurts. Pretty sure if Violet was still killing this would've ended the rebellion already. |
Mar 29, 2018 11:31 AM
GreenEmu said: Afezeria said: Thread is full of salty LN readers as usual. Wanting an adaption to stick to it's source material is being "salty" now? Stop being stupid. Any medium should be judged without comparing it to its source material (if there's any). It stands on its own; in case of Violet we got few original characters and later Violet didn't kill these soldiers while trying to rescue that other soldier boy so she can write letter for him, that's enough of a reasons to drop the "it's not like a novel" since it became something different early and only continued being different. |
I'm watching anime since 2012. I also play games, sometimes. Don't bother me if you want to 'become friends' or things like that. It's tiresome. I know you just want to collect some meaningless numbers. Thought: How many people sparked H. Charlotta just for blue pot? |
Mar 29, 2018 11:45 AM
That fight on the train could be great but thanks to KyoAni was lame af and I don't even need to read the LN to know that. |
Mar 29, 2018 1:13 PM
Mar 29, 2018 1:46 PM
Normally I'm heavily on the side of not butchering source material - but Violet is a rare case where I read the spoilers (because they just don't bother me with this series) and the source often sounds awful compared to what happened in the anime. |
![]() |
Mar 29, 2018 1:47 PM
meh, as for me this show is a bit overrated. slice of life drama wrapped up in post-war period this one, episode 1 and 9 were probably the best ones so far |
Mar 29, 2018 2:15 PM
Honestly, having Gilbert being alive would ruin my viewing experience as an anime-only viewer. Why allow Gilbert to be alive when Violet has to cope with such emotions in order to develop herself as a human being? To me, Violet Evergarden is not a story of love or pursuit, but rather a story of moving on and learning of the realities of life. If anything, Gilbert being alive would be an asspull for giving Violet a happy ending regardless, making her experiences worthless. Comparing an anime to its original source will always ruin the viewing experience, so people should honestly just find the enjoyment out of the thriller aspect. I’m not on the bandwagon of, “I don’t really find the core of the series or film interesting but I’ll watch it because of the visuals or because it’s popular.” I just watch it because I enjoy it. With all of the venting beside, that was a really thrilling episode. |
Mar 29, 2018 3:48 PM
I didn't expect to watch so much action in this episode. That cliffhanger, tho. I hope this arc ends happily. So the episodes are changed to 13, the 14th will be a special. Next week, it will end. T^T |
Mar 29, 2018 4:15 PM
@shanimebib OK watched it again. There is no mention of a tunnel until Dietfried says that line. These are the lines from the sub (the dub is similar bar a rejig of the order of a couple of words in a couple of lines): Soldier: Where do you think they will attack? Dietfried: Somewhere where we slow down. And somewhere where it will be hard to restore if it is destroyed. The Grandezza Bridge! (which Violet flew over earlier and the pilot called it so) It took ten years to build that tunnel(!?) The transcontinental railroad will be out of commission for some time if it is destroyed. See how that can be confusing? If the line about the tunnel is as you say (no reason to doubt you) then maybe a previous line is different in Japanese and that's where the mistake is? I looked up the Japanese for both tunnel and bridge, but the word after Grandezza (both the pilot and Dietfried) in the Japanese version didn't sound like either? Otherwise it's a mistake in the original script or a line was cut or something 🤷♂️ There is a tunnel though, we see it in the latter part of the fight. Anyway, as I rewatched the dub with the subs on I did spot a stupid mistake in the dub. In the plane after going over the bridge there's a wide shot of some mountains and on the far right we see Intense, the place where the Major was last seen (shown in a brief flashback). The Japanese VA for Violet says Intense and so do the sub, but in the dub Violet says beautiful 🤦♂️ I did wonder when I watched it first time why there was a flashback to the Majors last scene after the "beautiful" scene 🤔 |
D1tchd1ggerMar 29, 2018 4:41 PM
Mar 29, 2018 4:25 PM
So when they're about to conclude the anime, they decided to lower the great pace we used to see each episode and compensate that in the finale! Very crucial episode to the story with the very bad shitty directing I've seen till now in the anime. this was the weakest episode.! |
Mar 29, 2018 4:25 PM
Was there a "no kill treaty" signed by Violet and her enemies? I understand she not wanting to kill them, but why the hell the guys who are trying to start a war are not using their guns? It didn't make sense. "Look that girl is kicking our comrades asses in a melee, but we have guns so maybe we shoot her from afar? No wait that would be dumb, it's just better to go fight her in melee range as well." The rest of the episode was ok, just this part was bad. |
Mar 29, 2018 4:41 PM
Mar 29, 2018 4:57 PM
Did Violet's broach fall off the train along with General Douchenozzle? |
The sword that takes life gives life |
Mar 29, 2018 5:11 PM
Afezeria said: Thread is full of salty LN readers as usual. lmfao that's exactly what I was thinking, almost every second post is about comparing it to the LN |
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