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Kitzo Apr 25, 2019 6:08 PM
Showa Dec 21, 2018 4:58 AM
Ahh haha well that makes a lot more sense and yikes it seems like people fall for that trap at least once. xD

Yeah it is even if some people can be rather harsh about it
Showa Dec 20, 2018 12:38 AM
Ahh well that makes a little more sense lol.
It's not weird I have friends who watch hentai it's totally cool lol :o
Showa Dec 19, 2018 10:02 PM
Is there a hentai mixed in there? lol
Looks like you have a lot though! Best of luck catching up!

Yeah, it's a bummer..honestly I don't want to go in at all, but if I call off I'll rack up points which could get me fired if I got too many. ^^;
Thanks though! I'll try!
Showa Dec 18, 2018 9:57 PM
Ahh okay gotcha. c:

Oof so you got a lot of homework even on the holidays? That's rough! What anime do you have to catch up on?
Well I don't have the holidays off aside from my normal days so probably working haha
Showa Dec 18, 2018 12:07 AM
Oh yeah?
What do you have planned?
And yeah I'm fine. Why?
Showa Dec 17, 2018 9:30 PM
Not much! Yourself?
Showa Aug 22, 2018 4:18 AM
totally followed you, but you saw that already lol
Showa Aug 21, 2018 4:25 AM
Ah I see.
What do you normally use?
Showa Aug 20, 2018 7:03 AM
Thank you for accepting!
I hope we can be great friends and I hope you're having a good day! c:
opinguo Aug 16, 2018 7:02 AM
Hmmmm ok then. Well, work hard for everything :), and youll be able to enjoy the time after classes! Ill be waiting for your first drawing :3.

Ganbatte yo, Sasha-chan!
opinguo Aug 1, 2018 1:38 PM
D: Nooo thats really bad :( but I feel you. My father and mother dont support my artistic side because they think I cant get anything from that too, but I showed them the contrary, but they still dont really think I can make a living out of it. But if its your real desire, if you really want to start drawing, why not buying a cheap tablet to start doing some good art? When I had my PSP I remember that I needed a case for it. But I didnt have any money at the time, so I started to save every penny that I could grab. You know what? after a year and a half I was able to buy my desired case, a logitech hard case for my PSP 1000. With pennies (1,2 and 5 cents :P). I had payed in total... maybe 80-90€ with pennies xD.

If drawing is your desire, and you dont have anyone close to give you a little push or even help getting on the boat, then youll have to do it alone girl. If you really want that, grab that friggin boat, hop on, and start to row with all your strength. If no one helps you, you will need to create your own push. Like my pal said, Shia LaBeouf, "JUST DO IT"! Grab your dreams! If you have to wait a year to save, wait that year! When you get to do what you really like, you become happy. So, why not? Drawing is nothing bad. Or just try go get to the end and get a job. Then you can afford everything you need to be an artist (graphic artist). My pc dies when I try to draw on it but that doesnt make me unable to draw. What you can do too is start posting your hand drawn art in deviantart. Take a pic with your phone or with a camera and post it online. Art is to be appreciated in any kind of form. You can start with that :). It doesnt matter where the art comes from, if its from a super expensive tablet, a cheap one, hand drawn, doesnt matter! If the artist is good, the art will come out good too!

If you need any help with setting a DeviantArt or something like that just tell me and Ill gladly help you :).

By the way, sorry for the late reply, I was really busy with my manga. You can check the first page here ^^:
opinguo Jul 26, 2018 3:59 PM
EVERY WEEK!? O_O Dayum thats... thats alot of work xD. But you said it, they get paid, so it makes kinda sense that they can do it inside the schedules. My cousin has lots of korean manga and only some are coloured :3.

I know what you mean. Sometimes its good to see something with color, makes it lively right? Sometimes, in a monochrome, you cant get the same feelings you get in a full coloured page :P. Yeah... After Ive seen the back of one of the One Punch Man manga... in which the Pretty Pretty Prisioner was... well... doing... I mean... practicing ballet... my eyes melted and I was never the same... person... I miss my sain mind you know? xD.

If you dare to check that image... youve been warned xD

"i wish i could get a job like that here, but in my country it's impossible :(" I mean, you can. Its not easy, but you can try and self-publish or even upload your own story on the web. Thats what Im doing, and Ive seen alot of people even doing 900$ with their comic (basically a manga). If you really want it and you know you have a great story to share why not bet on it? Im trying to (planning :P) make this my full time job, and if I could, I seriously would quit mine and bet everything on this. Internet can be used as a good thing. Like for example, you can set a patreon, which is basically creating your own job. If people like it, they will donate. Donating every month gives you a salary. If you can gather 500 people donating 1 dollar a month, you get 500!

But its your call, you have to plan everything to see if it really would be good to become an artist. Like, check if you want to emigrate or you want to stay home, if you can support yourself as an artist (basically, if you have everything that you need), and etc etc. But I dont see the problem if you made it like it if was a secondary job and by the passing time turning it into a full time job. But everything requires alot of effort and work tho... Im talking by myself xD sometimes I dont like to work (yep Im lazy, and probably in some days, the laziest person you could ever meet hahahah), but if you really want to get your goal completed, theres nothing more than hard work to get there :P. Sorry if I said something that bothered you though.
opinguo Jul 22, 2018 9:34 AM
Korean manga is always coloured?? Where do they get the time to paint it?!? :O thats really cool xD. But if its shorter, well, I guess they can paint a volume. But imagine a long series... how do they even manage?! Hahahah. I like the manga in monochrome to be honest, because you have to imagine the colors by yourself and figure out the feelings and such. But being painted here and there I think theres no problem with that tho :3.
opinguo Jul 20, 2018 7:49 AM
Ok haha... because it happened again :P (really busy right now :\)
Yes and I gave it a sneakpeek and looks good. But maybe the anime was pushing the watcher to the manga? Could be a possibility.

Hahahhah "like a trainwreck, extremely surprising" these words made me laugh so hard xD. That was one of the best ways that Ive seen when comparing something good with something catastrophic but notherless leading it into a good comparison of something great xD.

Hmmm, so you dont have a favourite year. Ok. I think I dont have favourite years either, but I do have some year prefferences, like the 80s and 2007-10. For manga, that one I surely dont have any favourite, but if I were to choose one I would say 2006 (higurashi) and 2012 (Citrus). Im currently finishing reading Beatless (finishing it before watching the whole anime) and halfway the Hibari-kun series (so many charpters xD). One thing that I found peculiar in the list youve shown me, is that all those manga are Korean. Is that like a prefference of yours? I kinda think its cool :P. My cousin reads Korean manga too haha, so I cant say that I didnt read one, but an entire series, unfortunately, Ive never read one.
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