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Dec 7, 2017 5:31 PM
Dec 2014
This season really has two enjoyably stupid shows this season counting this and Juuni Taisen
Dec 7, 2017 6:32 PM
Feb 2017
LeoGTT said:
Aeonenleben said:
Man, this anime really went downhill quick.
I really thought it had quite an interesting concept with an old man as main character.
But having the antagonist go full "hurrgurr i kill everyone." is just fkin sad.
His character reminds me of the trash-villains of Accel world and SAO.

No motivation, no reason, no goal. Just doing evil things cause evil.

I go from 6/10 to 4/10. It's not a complete trainwreck (yet) but it's on its way there.

From the last 8 episodes you had at least 4 that focused mainly in developing his personality and motivations, and you say he's just doing "evil cause evil".

He's clearly a guy with problems, both mental and social. Then he lose the most important thing in his life, and almost lose the two people that were making him feel human again.

If you ask me, i think he might be one of the only villains in these past seasons to have an acceptable motivation to do evil things.

You're so right. Hiro clearly has motivation. It's these haters who've got no reason for hating other than hating.
Dec 7, 2017 7:15 PM

Sep 2011
Oh man, this is getting serious. Come on Inuyashiki, it's time to teach this young whipper-snapper some respect. I loved the bait-and-switch they pulled this episode, setting up multiple situations where they make you think he's going to start shooting through people's phones again (the baby has been mentioned several times, but I'm surprised no one else has mentioned the moment when I went "Oh shit he's going to kill Mari through her phone and Inuyashiki's going to go berserker mode," momentarily pulled in and forgetting that they still have to give a strong pay-off for her seeing him fly away), and then PSYCHE he brings down a plane instead. I had thought of it as soon as they showed the planes, but again they diverted my attention with the phones and kept me guessing, and that was amazing.

I'm sad to see how many people are still complaining about Hiro's motivations. I can't expect the show to be for everyone, but at this point they've explained his motivations pretty exhaustively, and they make sense when you take into account that he is clearly a mentally disturbed sociopath, which he even straight up tells Andou is how he's always been even before he got these powers... now he just has the power to act on those thoughts without fear of meaningful retaliation.

All that said, there are a couple small things: I have to admit, as much as I understand Inuyashiki struggling to understand and master his powers while Hiro has picked them up exceptionally quickly (he's an old man struggling with the same newfangled computer a kid has no trouble figuring out, I'm actually a little surprised so many people don't seem to have picked up on this use of stereotypes), it is getting a little tiresome at this point, especially when we only have 2 episodes left for him to figure out how to deal with Hiro. The other thing is, it took me out of the moment a little that when Andou started telling everyone not to use their smartphones because someone's shooting people through them, EVERYONE immediately drops their phones. You know there would be people going "haha yeah right, what kind of idiot do you think I am?" when presented with something so outside of what anyone would generally consider possible. I felt a little better that afterward, some people were back to just using their phones, but it did break my suspension of disbelief for a moment.

Dec 7, 2017 7:41 PM

Dec 2014
That 9/11 coincidence. Anyway, that was a brutal episode.

Hiro is going full mass termination mode, Goddamn this guy. From mass shooting to bringing down planes, Hiro is gonna stop at nothing.
To be honest, I was wondering why we had this random scene inside an airplane but once I saw Hiro bringing down I was literally like, 'Well Shit'. xD

I really hope Inuyashiki can stop Hiro.
Dec 7, 2017 7:48 PM

Jan 2013
I'm speechless...
Oh, and btw, a fan site? wtf is wrong with people.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Dec 7, 2017 8:04 PM

Jun 2017
Wow, a 9/11 reference. Can't wait for the outrage.
Omeganimes said:
ZuzuMiBachi said:

HAHA i thought the same. Kind of reminds me of Death Note. There was a lot of people who actually supported "Kira." They're both psychopaths but i would think it would be easier to support someone like Light.

Another good episode. When that lady was showing the baby a video on the plane, OMG I THOUGHT HIRO WAS GONNA KILL THE BABY. **Big exhale** then.... the plane went down -_-
I THOUGHT EXACTLY THE SAME haha about deathnote , when worse peoples get lot of admirators , remember me one other anime but forgot which one

I don't have to look at anime. Plenty of real life people are fans of serial killers or cop killers. Self proclaimed rebels.
Dec 7, 2017 8:10 PM
Sep 2012
I think the part where the fan girl got shot in the crowd was kinda funny. She was supporting a murderer but didnt think to herself that she could also get killed. What are the fans gonna think now, now that even the fans themselves could get killed?
Dec 7, 2017 8:17 PM
Sep 2012
Roowanx said:
Am I the only one who thinks Hiro's powers make no sense at all? I mean at this point there's most likely no limits to what he can do, yet Inuyashiki can't even track him down, they're supposed to have the same powers but Hiro just seems way too overpowered, it's ridiculous..

I think its more that Hiro figured his powers out quickly and inuyashiki is still figuring his out. Like the other episode where Ando was helping Inuyashiki find out his powers. Hiro was probably testing things and then figured out he could do these things. Probably thought there was no end to what he could do so might as well try everything!
Dec 7, 2017 8:25 PM

Jul 2012
張大です for 張大勇督察
Dec 7, 2017 8:32 PM

Jan 2012
JoboMAL said:

Hiro has a pretty clear motivation, and it is explained during this very episode. Did you not watch it?

No, he has not. His motivation is foreced af and has absolutly no logic behind it. It's made even worse that the public barely seems to care about someone clearly able to kill everyone everywhere. His powers are also beyond BS now. It's like the writer had a stroke after episode 2.

The whole anime seems like a very bad joke by now, that drags on and on while already having ruined its punchline.

HereticHunter said:

... lets not forget how bullshit his powers are, how come Hiro can access to literally everything around him to kill everyone via bullshit method while Oldman Inuyashiki is "struggling" to find Hiro. Not only that, People in this anime is RETARDED as fuck. I Like to believe that the girl that "loves" hiro is the only one that somehow isn't that retarded, sadly she can't get trough Hiro's windows 95 to make him realize how stupid is the idea to kill everyone...

This annoyed me as well. We get basically no explaination why Hiro can almost immediatly use the full potential of his powers while Inuyashiki is struggling like anyone would in a situation like this. We are just told: This is how it is so stfu and accept it. His powers are beyond any reasonable logic now as well. The USB-Finger reminded me of independence day. Lucky the Aliens use USB technology.
"Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt." - Faust I, Vers 317
Dec 7, 2017 8:38 PM

Jan 2012
LeoGTT said:

From the last 8 episodes you had at least 4 that focused mainly in developing his personality and motivations, and you say he's just doing "evil cause evil".

He's clearly a guy with problems, both mental and social. Then he lose the most important thing in his life, and almost lose the two people that were making him feel human again.

If you ask me, i think he might be one of the only villains in these past seasons to have an acceptable motivation to do evil things.

No. I doubt you are that naive. It's forced af, just like in SAO. Sure, they tell you why the antagonist is evil but it is oversimplified beyond any reasonable limit and makes no sense at all. Why did he start killing random families? Just for fun? No. Thats just the typical: "Look how evil this guy is" level of character writing.

"clearly has problems." Everyone has. This is no explaination at all.

He is established as a very smart person. If so he should know that killing citizens and ordinary police officers is pointless and will get him nowhere.

What do you think is his motivation?
"Hurrgurr i want revenge because they killed someone close to me after i massacred countless families including children."
What a fuckin meme....

Gaiking said:

Thats the level of judgment i expect from someone with a che guevara signature...
AeonenlebenDec 7, 2017 8:42 PM
"Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt." - Faust I, Vers 317
Dec 7, 2017 8:42 PM

Jan 2015
Phew, now Shishigami's really done it. A total nightmare, fighting using electronic device.
Now... what to do? Daily life without smartphone and just waiting for another Shishigami's announcement of his killing spree?
[url=]convert gambar online
Dec 7, 2017 8:42 PM

Sep 2016
LeoGTT said:
Aeonenleben said:
Man, this anime really went downhill quick.
I really thought it had quite an interesting concept with an old man as main character.
But having the antagonist go full "hurrgurr i kill everyone." is just fkin sad.
His character reminds me of the trash-villains of Accel world and SAO.

No motivation, no reason, no goal. Just doing evil things cause evil.

I go from 6/10 to 4/10. It's not a complete trainwreck (yet) but it's on its way there.

From the last 8 episodes you had at least 4 that focused mainly in developing his personality and motivations, and you say he's just doing "evil cause evil".

He's clearly a guy with problems, both mental and social. Then he lose the most important thing in his life, and almost lose the two people that were making him feel human again.

If you ask me, i think he might be one of the only villains in these past seasons to have an acceptable motivation to do evil things.

He literally is evil just because he's evil ._.

He kills people because he enjoys it and now its a blend of revenge and the aforementioned. He's not a deep character he's a puddle.

Speaking of which is can raise the dead so pretty much every bad thing that happens to him is because he's an idiot.

Really Hrio is just a dangerous idiot who would have been gunned down 4 fucking times by now if he wasn't overpowered.
I've surpassed your limit!
Dec 7, 2017 8:53 PM
Jul 2018
Listen. I love this show, but I'm getting tired of Inuyashiki not fighting Hiro.

People are keep on dying and nobody is stopping Hiro.

It is really stressful to watch.
Dec 7, 2017 8:57 PM

Feb 2016
LaLeLuLiLo said:
Ok... so how does the BANG thing work again?

It just works... Via Bullshit
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Dec 7, 2017 9:10 PM

Jan 2011
this show has reached full on meme status ,Hiro has to be the edgeist character this year

Bang Via any piece of technology with a screen leads to some serious dumb scenes
Dec 7, 2017 9:10 PM

Nov 2014
This show is getting worse with every episode.

Dec 7, 2017 9:37 PM

Jun 2015
iorn said:
I really wish Inuyashiki would just curb Hiro's emo little head in already.

I'm getting really sick of seeing the same fucking shit over and over again.

He's not funny, he's not interesting, and he's not deep.

I honestly don't understand how this anime has a fanbase considering that it's just a mindless gore fest with no substance at this point...

Your ratings suggest that you are offended by mature contect, I suggest you sticking to shounens.
Dec 7, 2017 9:41 PM

Jul 2014
Honestly I can't stop laughing when watching the entire episode lol

At this point, we don't even need a reasonable critical judgement to rate this anime because it doesn't make any sense from the start. Hiro could just flee to some at-the-end-of-the-world country with his beloved ones if he wanted to live peacefully. But anyway, I'm still gonna watch this show just because his craziness and the meme materials that he has provided so far.
Dec 7, 2017 10:03 PM

Feb 2012
Man, this anime really went downhill quick.
I really thought it had quite an interesting concept with an old man as main character.
But having the antagonist go full "hurrgurr i kill everyone." is just fkin sad.

No motivation, no reason, no goal. Just doing evil things cause evil.

I go from 6/10 to 4/10. It's not a complete trainwreck (yet) but it's on its way there.

These people... hes a freakin machine who lost his soul
Dec 7, 2017 10:05 PM

Oct 2017
just as expected . hiro went kicking ass again and the WONDERFUL gov cant hold their ego . they must make war so more death to comes .
- its getting so damn oneside to make hiro to be the main villain here .
everybody suddenly forget why he did it - vengaence and to protect
- still why dont hiro just blow a nuc warhead onto jap . make it like ww2 on bigger scale hahhahaha but that would be too easy , too fast . the story wont be more RIDICULOUS DONT IT . GANTZ .
-war is inevitable anyway . when the gov loves their ego over safety of their people . its always one of those most popular reason to start a war in history .
- lets see how long our inuyashiki can maintain his MORAL HIGHGROUND eh hahaha . soon
Dec 7, 2017 10:13 PM

Oct 2017
Rumble_Shift said:
Honestly I can't stop laughing when watching the entire episode lol

At this point, we don't even need a reasonable critical judgement to rate this anime because it doesn't make any sense from the start. Hiro could just flee to some at-the-end-of-the-world country with his beloved ones if he wanted to live peacefully. But anyway, I'm still gonna watch this show just because his craziness and the meme materials that he has provided so far.
EGO . you hit me , i hit back . i cant take it to forgive and forget . easy to understand right?
+ still cant say its childish but its because . he is selfish . cares only for himself , what he want rather than care his love ones now is the girl and her grandma .
Dec 7, 2017 10:13 PM

Mar 2017
To address people saying "why does hiro have fans", ask yourself this, how do murderers find wives in prison? How do cult leader convince people to kill themselves? How do certain serial killers become immortalized through pop culture?

You find hiro having a fan club unlikely? when we live in a world where people make blogs glorifying school shooters. The fact is some people find themselves attracted to murderers, add to the fact the boy looks hot, I am not shocked he has a fan club.

come, you sweet hour of death
Dec 7, 2017 10:32 PM

Apr 2017
Cringy episode as always! I couldn't stand to watch Hiro killing more innocent people. Please stop for the sake of us! Now I am afraid using my phone.
Dec 8, 2017 12:08 AM
Nov 2010
Aeonenleben said:

No. I doubt you are that naive. It's forced af, just like in SAO. Sure, they tell you why the antagonist is evil but it is oversimplified beyond any reasonable limit and makes no sense at all. Why did he start killing random families? Just for fun? No. Thats just the typical: "Look how evil this guy is" level of character writing.

"clearly has problems." Everyone has. This is no explaination at all.

He is established as a very smart person. If so he should know that killing citizens and ordinary police officers is pointless and will get him nowhere.

What do you think is his motivation?
"Hurrgurr i want revenge because they killed someone close to me after i massacred countless families including children."
What a fuckin meme....

Well, simply put, Hiro clearly has issues as a crazy psychopath. That's what he meant by "problems". Sure, everyone has problems, but his case is the type where he just couldn't control his emotions. There are crazy people like that.

Rather than evil, I regard Hiro as crazy with clear mental issues. Simple as that.
Dec 8, 2017 12:21 AM

Oct 2008
Damn! killing goes on!
even if smartphones are out the question, Hiro would still find a way to mass kill innocent people!
old man should head-out already since its only 2 episodes left!

Dec 8, 2017 12:29 AM

Jul 2016
Tenth said:
Hiro's logic is fucking retarded, what a dumb episode. I really hope the finale is good or atleast satisfying.

Since when have sociopaths been logical?
Dec 8, 2017 12:33 AM

Jul 2016
Aeonenleben said:

This annoyed me as well. We get basically no explaination why Hiro can almost immediatly use the full potential of his powers while Inuyashiki is struggling like anyone would in a situation like this. We are just told: This is how it is so stfu and accept it. His powers are beyond any reasonable logic now as well. The USB-Finger reminded me of independence day. Lucky the Aliens use USB technology.

If I could faceplam harder I would.

Hiro is a digital native, born and raised on the internet and with technology. Inuyashiki meanwhile is 50+ years old and clearly portrayed as someone who is not adpating to the new world.
Dec 8, 2017 12:55 AM

Jan 2012
Swim_Swim said:
iorn said:
I really wish Inuyashiki would just curb Hiro's emo little head in already.

I'm getting really sick of seeing the same fucking shit over and over again.

He's not funny, he's not interesting, and he's not deep.

I honestly don't understand how this anime has a fanbase considering that it's just a mindless gore fest with no substance at this point...

Your ratings suggest that you are offended by mature contect, I suggest you sticking to shounens.

This is very rich coming from someone that has his list on private....
"Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt." - Faust I, Vers 317
Dec 8, 2017 1:08 AM

Jan 2012
rafi160 said:

These people... hes a freakin machine who lost his soul

No he is not.
A machine has no thirst for revenge. And even if he was it would make no sense to massacre people indiscriminatly. But then again... Akame ga kill avatar....
I guess you just came for the senseless gore. Just be honest with yourself.

eplipswich said:

Well, simply put, Hiro clearly has issues as a crazy psychopath. That's what he meant by "problems". Sure, everyone has problems, but his case is the type where he just couldn't control his emotions. There are crazy people like that.

Rather than evil, I regard Hiro as crazy with clear mental issues. Simple as that.

"Cause he is a psychopath" is not a very good explaination.
It's clearly VERY lazy character writing. The Joker is a psychopath in the truest sense. And he has quite a well written background and motivation. Hiro is just evil because he is evil.

You clearly have no clue how mental problems work.

Vindicater said:

If I could faceplam harder I would.

Hiro is a digital native, born and raised on the internet and with technology. Inuyashiki meanwhile is 50+ years old and clearly portrayed as someone who is not adpating to the new world.

Ah yes. As every digital native he has learned to fly, to controll airplanes, hack mobilephones, computers and shoot rockets out of his back...

It's neither the same technology nor interface wich means both, Hiro and Inuyashiki started from nothing since they were both completly unfamiliar with this type of technology.

Sorry, but your facepalm comment while uttering such nonsense is cringey beyond believe.
Having yourself truned into a robot is not the same as getting a new iphone, you tool.

"Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt." - Faust I, Vers 317
Dec 8, 2017 1:09 AM

Oct 2015
This anime did the airplane scene which the ajin adaptation didn't do :oo
Dec 8, 2017 1:27 AM
Oct 2007
Shishigami reason and motivation make sense to me. Some people mentioned why not just go after the people who are after him (police/army/government)?

There's just no way the police/army/government would let him go because of ground sentiments. Supposedly he do wipe out specifically the targeted group. He still couldn't walk around the street with the girl and her grandma like nothing happen. He would still be a wanted man.

There's a high chance the normal population will take up arms, replace the wiped government as well. (Don't underestimate the human being. People do unite in term of a common threat)

And if he doesn't take out the entire country, what guarantee is there that people won't find out the relationship between the girl and grandma with Shishigami sooner or later? Then whatever happened to his mum might happen to his loved ones again.

The easiest and cleanest way is to eliminate all possible threats.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 8, 2017 1:49 AM

Jun 2017
kiyame said:
Roowanx said:
Am I the only one who thinks Hiro's powers make no sense at all? I mean at this point there's most likely no limits to what he can do, yet Inuyashiki can't even track him down, they're supposed to have the same powers but Hiro just seems way too overpowered, it's ridiculous..

I think its more that Hiro figured his powers out quickly and inuyashiki is still figuring his out. Like the other episode where Ando was helping Inuyashiki find out his powers. Hiro was probably testing things and then figured out he could do these things. Probably thought there was no end to what he could do so might as well try everything!

Hiro and Inuyashiki do have the "same stats and ability" but both of them take a different path because 1 thing that Hiro dont have while Inuyashiki still held on, a "moral code".

and for why he ended targeting the country itself, i think because of 2chan and news media involvement that causing her mother suicide, he ended on conclusion that nobody can be trusted and the "whole world" are his enemies.
remember that Hiro are just a kid who doesnt have enough experience and understanding about real world.

PS: Hiro character reminding me of many teenage shounen character from popular series back when im younger, every time the MC facing someone that hinder his way, he killed/defeat all of them.
linuaDec 8, 2017 2:05 AM
Dec 8, 2017 2:16 AM
Sep 2015

No motivation, no reason, no goal. Just doing evil things cause evil.

I go from 6/10 to 4/10. It's not a complete trainwreck (yet) but it's on its way there.[/quote]
Dec 8, 2017 2:21 AM

Jan 2015
The man with the child seems to have been American and there were probably other Americans on board the plane meaning Shishigami has effectively dragged the USA into his one man war, this on the 9/11 episode. Not to mention the girl talking about Americans dealing with the impending meteor crises
Dec 8, 2017 2:30 AM

Dec 2014
I really preferred this show when it had a far smaller scale and was about the duality between the two mains. Not good looking sociopath decides to "kill all of Japan". An unfortunate degradation of what was once an extremely intriguing premise.
Dec 8, 2017 3:28 AM

Jul 2017
This episode is insane af... I was speechless when he killed those 100 people already then when he portrayed 9/11 im like...... Idk this show keeps on having the kills lol
Dec 8, 2017 3:35 AM

Jan 2013
LaLeLuLiLo said:
Ok... so how does the BANG thing work again?
Im guessing that Hiro can kill through any nearby technology based device. Maybe he can stream those bullets through the frequencies and shit
Dec 8, 2017 5:41 AM

Jun 2016
So, Hiro can kill people through electronic gadgets. Goddamn. (Alright, I remembered when he kill those assholes in the internet when they're cyberbullying his mom). He's like can do anything and can figure out his abilities so fast. Heck, he's smart as fuck after all which is very unfortunate. He's nothing but a sociopath. The fact that he's got fanbase. These fucked up people. -_-

Yeah, Hiro just go and kill people randomly. Fuck you. I hate him all over again. I hate him so fucking much all over again, I mean. Now, Hiro is targetting Andou. Inuyashiki-san, please hurry up and do something about Hiro. He needs to go. Those poor people. :/ He killed 100 people randomly in just 30 minutes. He's so vile! HBASIFUHASDIGHBSDIGBSDIGBU!

It worries me that Hiro will ended up killing Andou and I don't want to see Andou go; he's too precious. Ugh.

At least, Shion is WOKE AS FUCK NOW. Though, I don't want her to be angry at Hiro because who knows what he'll do? Shion and her grandma are the only things that makes him somehow sane. Lmfao.

Forfucksake this guy crashed an airplane this time. Ohmyfuckinggod. Why am I having a feeling Mari was harmed, too, because of the freaking airplane!?!? Ohmygod. Ohmygod.

5/5 for my hatred for Hiro. Fuck that guy. Inuyashiki-san, tasuketteeeee!

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Dec 8, 2017 6:06 AM

Feb 2017
lol, this is episode 9/11

Much better than the previous episode. I hope they don't screw it up again. But FFS, most of the side characters just don't give a single shit about what's happening, do they?

I'm praying to the gods that Hanako doesn't die. I'll go apeshit.

"ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴡᴇʀᴇ sᴇᴇɴ ᴅᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪɴsᴀɴᴇ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴇᴀʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴜsɪᴄ."

Dec 8, 2017 7:19 AM
Sep 2015
Key highlights-

1) Using your smartphone too much will kill you
2) Watching TV too much will kill you
3) I'd crashed that plane too if a damn baby was crying middle of the flight.
l2azorDec 8, 2017 7:32 AM
Dec 8, 2017 7:51 AM

Feb 2014
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Dec 8, 2017 9:26 AM
Aug 2017
I was really terrified when that lady on the plane faced her smartphone towards the baby. I was like "no way, he is not going to do it. He won't. No no no. This is too much".

This kind of power is really terrifying in modern world. Now world depends on technology and he is using that as a weapon.
Dec 8, 2017 9:36 AM

May 2017
Lord kira Hiro

Hiro's kingdom
Dec 8, 2017 9:38 AM
Jul 2017
I have to say it's getting me somehow overwhelmed and disgusted to see Shishigami keeping killing. Yes I know he's dark and a psychopath, but can we see some development of the characters? any character,I mean.
I think the plot need to be rescheduled, so i can ignore the low-quality animation part.

lastly, how ironic. 9/11, seriously?
Dec 8, 2017 10:02 AM

Apr 2015
I'm neither a psychopath nor socially unhappy but would be a lie to not say his methods of killing are extremely...compelling? What's the word.

Mari dropped loads of death flags there
Dec 8, 2017 11:03 AM
Jul 2018
I see a lot of people here saying that Hiro has his reasons and that his actions are justified but you're all forgetting a really important thing: this is all his fault.

He brought this all upon himself when he started killing people just because, but he is so brain damaged he can't rationalize like a normal person and realise that he is the one in the wrong.

He is just like those people that think life is unfair and blame everyone else for their failures instead of taking a look at themselves and realising that they're the problem.
Dec 8, 2017 11:59 AM

May 2017
Smudy said:
Holy fuck.

Bringing down airplanes, now we're fucking hardcore o_____O

Honestly was expecting that baby to get offed with the smartphone and the ''baby stop crying'' would have been morbid as fuck.

IKR? I was expecting a bullet to go through that baby's skull any moment. Damn this show has me on edge the entire episode!
Dec 8, 2017 12:00 PM

May 2017
iorn said:
I really wish Inuyashiki would just curb Hiro's emo little head in already.

I'm getting really sick of seeing the same fucking shit over and over again.

He's not funny, he's not interesting, and he's not deep.

I honestly don't understand how this anime has a fanbase considering that it's just a mindless gore fest with no substance at this point...

Well what was the point of SEELE offing the entire human race for their pet project? This show is refreshing amidst a sea of moe-blob, high-school and Dragonball-Z fests.
Dec 8, 2017 12:03 PM

May 2017
AivanK said:
I'm speechless...
Oh, and btw, a fan site? wtf is wrong with people.

Ummm remember Kira?
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