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Oct 26, 2015 5:36 AM

Nov 2014
The show isn't bad but I feel like that they could use the settings better. We'll see in the following episodes.
Nov 3, 2015 3:58 PM
Feb 2015
So even if Taroumaru didn't seem to like Mii-kun in the first episode because apparently she shouted at him, he still came to save her that's kawaii as fuck :3

I loved the swimsuit part hehe, but yeah apart from that the whole episode was just awesome :)
Nov 10, 2015 6:13 AM

Feb 2014
This was the most intense episode yet. Although, it's annoying how only Kurumi carries a weapon while the rest simply run around or cower uselessly. I don't want them to turn into some badass zombie hunters, but at least keep something handy and make yourself useful, especially when going outside exploring places where there's a high chance you might run into a zombie or even get surrounded by them.
Dec 28, 2015 9:46 PM

Jun 2013
Finally Yuki is starting to remember, and still Kurumi best character.
I'm learning english.
Jan 29, 2016 10:28 AM

Sep 2015
Oh my... I've detected a big death flag there o.o
May 26, 2016 12:01 AM

Apr 2011
Rii is so well endowed.

Intense episode. Glad they have saved Miki back there. Chances of Kei surviving is 50/50 for me.
Jul 9, 2016 10:54 PM

Dec 2012

Miki in pure pantsu this time.

This anime got further than the other zombie anime. :D
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Dec 15, 2016 1:36 AM

Jun 2013
Continuation of how they met Miki-chan! Taroumarou is so cute, he's my favorite and if he dies, I'll die. (not really) However, I hate it when animals get hurt even in animated films or series.

Kurumi is always a badass. I love her so much. I know some people may think Yuki is annoying or useless, I can understand. I find her to be annoying at times too but she can't metabolize what's happening. Her acting ditzy and being in denial is a coping mechanism. Not everyone can be a super cool badass like Kurumi or want to take responsibility as an adult like Megu-nee or be calm and collected like Rii-chan.
Mar 7, 2017 11:51 AM

Dec 2014
well that was deep ...she was suddenly saved like that
May 25, 2017 6:22 AM

Nov 2016
Were the swimsuits a foreshadowing for a beach episode ? I hope so.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 30, 2017 6:12 AM
Jul 2016
So finally yuki Conscious of her hallucinations eh
finally they meet Mii-chan in the mall
A very stressful episode
Jun 26, 2017 7:48 AM

Apr 2014
I've been Observing carefully at their Conversation And I can Definitely ... I can Really Conform That Megune is really dead. Those Conversations...those Inconsistent Moments Where she's there. It's Really Sad..Really.. Really Sad. And That Little Vision yuki sees...Probably The last person to see her.
Front Hooks...Oh yeah...
Aug 28, 2017 6:16 AM
Jan 2012
FMmatron said:
Were the swimsuits a foreshadowing for a beach episode ? I hope so.
That would be an interesting to ruin the anime. The stupid fanservice so far has been bad enough.

So Megumi is really dead and it seems like it was her death that made Yuki's mind block all the stuff related to the zombie apocalypse. Judging by the fever, it seems her body can't deal with that stuff all that well.
Aug 28, 2017 6:26 AM

Nov 2016
ReilaNimu said:
FMmatron said:
Were the swimsuits a foreshadowing for a beach episode ? I hope so.
That would be an interesting to ruin the anime. The stupid fanservice so far has been bad enough.

So Megumi is really dead and it seems like it was her death that made Yuki's mind block all the stuff related to the zombie apocalypse. Judging by the fever, it seems her body can't deal with that stuff all that well.

Well, I can see why a girl isn't fond of the idea, but imo it's cute and does fit in this anime, even tho that after finishing this show I also tend to say that I would've prefered more plot.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 13, 2017 2:53 PM

Sep 2017
Pretty intense episode. Megumi actually being dead this entire time was quite the plot twist.
Feb 18, 2018 8:45 PM
Jun 2013
the fan service was a bit odd but its nice they had a moment to feel normal. I also think we got a quick vision of how megumi died from yuki and maybe thats when she officially snapped and fell into delusion. Also again these zombies seem pretty easy to take out as long as your not cornered with nothing. If there was a gun store these girls would probably have an easy time.
Aug 9, 2018 9:42 AM

Sep 2017
Seriously, Yuki is becoming more and more intolerable. She is so loud and insensitive. It wouldn't be surprising if I hate her within next few episodes.
A few questions I haven't asked.

Why is Yuki having a different uniform(Maybe she is in kindergarden)? Also, is Megu-nee her mom/sister at the same school? In case you need evidence Megu is dead, refer the below pic.

And somehow, the alarm works. I have a problem understanding how zombies can live so long, given they eat way less and drink way less. But that is just some suspension of belief required for the plot to work, so, ok.

I support the theory Megu is Yuki's sis since she only cares about her, knows about her overweight, and calls her Megu-nee than Sakura sensei. I guess everyone did the same.

I also saw that Kurumi Ebisuzawa wears almost no panties while sliding down the elevator, so that's something.
Let's see how shopping for the next episode improves things.
BTW, does anyone else get Madoka Magica vibes? Madoka=Yuki, Kurumi=Sayaka, Naoki Miki=Sakura, Mami=Yuuri, Shidou Kei=Homura and of course, Kyuubey=Megu-nee, cause no one cares about them both.

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Nov 29, 2018 5:06 PM

Feb 2012
At episode 10 and I only just realized how silly it was that they returned to school after getting out of it, knowing well that the zombified people gather around places they used to daily visit. Getting a good supply of food and taking refuge in someone's house sounds much more sensible. I suppose they believe that other places do not have any running water or electricity.
SombrefloeDec 1, 2018 8:35 PM
Mar 5, 2019 7:00 PM
Apr 2016
These must be THE MOST inconsistent zombies I've ever seen in anime, they're just so unbalanced, sometimes they're dangerous - sometimes they're harmless. Decent backstory though.
Apr 21, 2019 1:30 PM

Feb 2015
Not looking forward to when they decide to show Megumi's death... not looking forward to it at all.
Dec 30, 2019 7:27 PM
Jun 2017
This felt like a beach episode xD
Also, that "mini alarm" was like too freaking loud for being... a "mini" alarm.
Apr 4, 2020 5:02 AM

Feb 2020
It was alright, I guess, but I was once again expecting a bit more.
Yuki's character is pretty hard to understand, but not in the way that her character is complex, in the way that the writing is very inconsistent, I don't get what exactly they want us to see in her. She definitely behaves like a toddler despite being an high-schooler, and episode 3 already confirmed that it has nothing to do with her trauma and she's always been like this, so it is becoming very annoying, I can't imagine her be an adult in a year. I would've appreciated her better if she was a bit more mature. Not that I hate her, but they really could've made her behave more like someone her age. You can be a cheerful airhead without being so childlike.
And now her trauma... I don't understand how it works. It has been established since the beginning that she imagines people who already died, the school being exactly like it used to be, she doesn't realize anything, she's in her own world. But here, she actually saw the zombies ? I thought she was so far gone she couldn't even pay attention to them. And she even has enough bravery to try to help Miki... It is totally against what we've always known of her. Not that she is a coward, but she reacts normally to a zombie invasion : she's terrorized. That's what has been shown and most likely what led her to break. So what happened here ? Also, it looked like she was getting triggered at this moment, which is normal, but then it just looked like she was more or less okay (I mean, as okay as you can be after going through this sort of things). So she can snap from her delusion for a time but then forgets what she saw ? I wish it was explained better. Well, there's still 7 episodes left,so I'll wait.
I also really disliked that little fanservice scene, it wasn't at all needed. And of course they had to emphasize Yuuri's big breast, of course, they had to do that. I'm starting to get really tired of this.
But, I didn't dislike everything from this ep. The mystery surrounding Megumi is still interesting, I noticed that she disappeared once again multiple times, but I still can't tell if she is real or not. She is dead, that's for sure, but can Kurumi, Yuuri and Miki see her ? I wonder. I like her character, I'm sure I'm gonna be sad when the truth is revealed.
For the rest, it is interesting to see how Miki met the "club", but it seemed a bit too quick to me.
So it wasn't a bad episode, but definitely my least favorite. But now that we're done with Miki's flashback, I hope the quality will go back to how it was in episodes 2 and 3, it was great.

(Also, I noticed the change with Kei in the op... Guess it just confirmed her death, right ? Poor girl...)
May 6, 2020 1:39 PM

Mar 2010
Second half was pretty good, kinda wished ries character died lolz

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
May 15, 2020 6:04 AM

Oct 2019
Solid episode. Megu-nee was cute as ever.
Feb 20, 2021 10:49 AM
Oct 2019
i was hoping to see the seating arrangement in the car after picking up another person, in order to see how the teacher fit in. but alas...

anyways, the show continues to be good. only complaint would be that shouldn't all that noise attract even more zombies? and shovel girl seems to be able to do everything in regards to zombie killing. just seems "too easy" for her. which, now that i say that, makes me think something bad will happen to her. only other question would be, "loud noises stuns zombies?"
Oct 29, 2021 4:07 AM

Jun 2016
Well, at least they seem to be getting supplies that the school store wouldn't have. Also:

100% OFFFF ! ! ! (y'know, because we're no longer in a society.) Okay I'll stop with the dumb jokes, but I'm surprised no one brought that bit up yet (then again, half of the forum still hasn't picked up on Megu-nee-sensei's current situation so...)

Overall this is alright and far from the dumbest zombie story I've seen, but it keeps cutting itself short to add in some lame joke or unfittingly cutesy CGDCT moment. I end up wishing it would commit fully to the zombie survival story; it doesn't need to get rid of Yuki's delusions or all of the SoL elements, but it ought to have accepted that the twist had passed a long time ago.
Feb 3, 2022 10:46 PM

Jul 2016
Freaking personal alarm ended up being so loud it paralyzed the zombies.
Jan 25, 2023 12:29 AM
Jul 2018
part of me really wants kei to be okay but i also doubt that will be the case. really happy that mi-kun was found and recruited by the group though, along with the cute little puppy (i'm watching this episode at 2am in the morning and i have a class tomorrow morning. i can't stop watching though)
Feb 17, 2023 5:50 PM
Feb 2021
made me shocked made me surprised
Mar 8, 2023 11:30 PM
Sep 2020
I dont know how i feel about this.
May 3, 2023 1:05 AM

Aug 2019
and thats how they met mii but i wonder what happened to kei if she survivded out of the mall where would she have even gone

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Jun 24, 2023 4:30 AM

Dec 2022
The zombies are right on top of Miki and yank her off the piano...then do nothing and step back a few feet. That scene could've been executed better.

I do appreciate the fanservice in this episode. There's a dearth of it otherwise.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Oct 17, 2023 2:43 AM

Apr 2013
So I guess now we have all the backstories and are up-to-date with the current situation.
Oct 21, 2023 1:48 AM
Oct 2019
Megu-nee always appearing out of nowhere and only interact with Yuki, it was more obvious in this episode.

Yeahhh i think with that split second of images, confirmed Megu-nee already dead.

Jan 13, 2024 10:45 PM

Oct 2022
This is some heavy stuff. And poor Yuki. I know everyone must think she's annoying and weak but she just wants to forget everything and be happy. Even tho she is delusional, she didnt ignore it when she heard that girls voice. She could have pretended to not hear it just like everything else but she didnt.
Aug 18, 2024 3:25 PM
Apr 2024
Reply to HaXXspetten
Why can't all zombie apocalypse stories be this good
@HaXXspetten REAL
Jan 31, 5:42 AM

Sep 2020
And what about the fight against the zombies? Did they rescue her through teleportation? Ohhh, I don't like this adaptation at all.

Sorry if I write something incorrect, English is not my native language.

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