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Apr 14, 2017 6:54 AM

Nov 2011
This Yaha-kui zaShunina guy is so strange...almost god-like actually. He is able to control power of the cubes and the show gives him god-like powers. I think the guy also wants cooperation with Shindo and the government so I'm curious to know what his endgame really is.

Such a mysterious individual really. I don't think he can be trusted tbh.
Felt bad for the passengers this episode. It's like their prisoners.
Stark700Apr 14, 2017 7:23 AM
Apr 14, 2017 7:48 AM

Nov 2010
The alien seems to have the ability of the god and he wants to accelerate the human world. But the vector and the reason are not disclosed yet. Since no hostility and sense of urgency are detected, the momentum of the show was lost a bit. Need some more suspense.
Apr 14, 2017 7:49 AM

Jul 2015
We know now what happened in the first hours inside the cube, but we still have no useful information about who/what is he.

It seems he has god-like powers inside the cube, but it isn't omnipotent outside (because he can't send the passengers back). I need more explanation on why people can't leave the cube immediately. Maybe it is another dimension inside the cube?

AdrianRubinskyApr 14, 2017 7:54 AM
Apr 14, 2017 8:00 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
This had my full attention for the whole time, it felt like 5 mins.

Now the look inside the cube. Yaha-kui has interesting intentions of improving the world, now what that means needs to be seen but i'm intrigued by him.

Specific mention of 29 days when the passengers can leave. Yaha-kui wants to take Shindo outside though and mentions a 2,7 hour gap. I'm not sure if i understood it right but can he only leave for this time and then needs to return?

Shindo realized that he can communicate with him and use his skill of negotiating.

Seems like we got a female counterpart for the humanity outside of the cube. The preview looked very cool as well.

Still one of my top 3 favourites non-sequel wise.
SmudyApr 14, 2017 8:04 AM
Apr 14, 2017 8:32 AM

Jun 2015
This is probably the only anime I watched in the last year or so that made me go Fullscreen uninterrupted and watch the entire episode. Good that it got my attention.. but I'm kinda surprised that the reason for him arriving there still isn't disclosed after 2 episodes... and that this is slated for 12.. does that mean there isn't much content to go by and they're trying to drag it out US TV-style? Hmmmmm....

I find the calculation aspect of the Kado interesting.. they're kinda like AI robots with math as their foundation.. but I don't get why Yaha can't just wave his hand to open a pathway and let the people evac out, or at the very least reply something like "The moment negotiations with the jap govt are done, I will let you all go."

Must be a reasoning behind it. Hopefully they'll explain it soon enough. I'm very intrigued by this.. just feel that it might go thin once things start getting clearer.. like faster than 12 eps long kinda thin.

Smudy said:
I'm not sure if i understood it right but can he only leave for this time and then needs to return?

I think he meant that it takes 2.7 hours for the Kado to process a single human for him/her to be able to leave the cube. But I think once they return back (like after the duo's brief interaction with the outside world to announce his arrival,) the Kado will need another 2.7 hours to process again before he can leave again.
walldotfmApr 14, 2017 8:37 AM

Apr 14, 2017 8:50 AM

Apr 2013
12:07 Geass!

I'll trust zaShunina for now. Maybe he wants to advance the world to prevent its destruction. Some bad guy from Novo is the one pulling the strings. Can't wait for negotiator showdown(Shindo vs Tsukai) next episode!

Apr 14, 2017 8:59 AM

Jun 2015
Very good episode. Got to see what was going on inside the cube. I'm not sure if I can trust Yaha-kui zaShunina. He's been helping the people so far, but that's not enough to trust him. He also wants to advance humanity, whatever that means. He seems very god-like.
Apr 14, 2017 9:02 AM

Apr 2015
Awesome episode. I really can't wait for next episode because the preview looks really good.
Apr 14, 2017 9:23 AM
Jun 2011
ARubinsky said:
We know now what happened in the first hours inside the cube, but we still have no useful information about who/what is he.

It seems he has god-like powers inside the cube, but it isn't omnipotent outside (because he can't send the passengers back). I need more explanation on why people can't leave the cube immediately. Maybe it is another dimension inside the cube?

to be specific he can send them back in 29 days
Apr 14, 2017 9:33 AM
Jul 2016
The most likely scenario that the cube walls are the boundary lines for two different dimensions. It makes a lot of sense when you think that during the tests in the first episode it was a perfect black body with no electromagnetic spectrum emissions.

Loving the Sci-Fi ideas behind this so far. Kado is something akin to a quantum supercomputer. My best guess is that it is capable of calculating the quantum states of every single particle and then by analysing that information it can somehow manipulate subatomic particles to create something new.

So, there are two very interesting scientific ideas that are pushed to a fictional limit. Current physics says that it is impossible to know all the information of a subatomic particle, i.e. we can't simultaneously know its momentum and position. (Heisenberg's uncertainty principle).
The other interesting piece is that it somehow creates mass from nothing. It might be possible, but the energy requirements for something like this are unimaginable.

The reason why it takes so long to let the people out of the plane. In order to cross the boundary safely - Kado has to calculate and analyse every quantum state of every subatomic particle in the plane. It takes time and it is logical that it takes less for a single human, because smaller mass -> less particles to analyse.
Apr 14, 2017 10:00 AM

May 2010
Watching zaShu...(my brain still fails to register his name)... slowly learning the way to humanely communicate is fun. I also really like how the CG handles slight change of expression, like when Shindo suggested him to change his clothes again. His look was like saying "Why is it still no good?" haha.

I wonder why is it probably not a good idea for Shindo to be on this side, because he sympathize easily? The new long haired girl character probably has different principle.
EDIT: I was thinking too much. They probably just meant it's a shame that the other side got a tough negotiator.
petalshredsApr 14, 2017 9:10 PM
Apr 14, 2017 10:03 AM

Sep 2015
Sadly even with the most advance tech from alien civilisation, there is no way to advance/unite/improve/anything the world and human. Because of lack of information and the most importantly- human is not one. Well if human can know what other human thinks then there might be chance, so in the end at most only the earth technology will be improve.
Apr 14, 2017 10:15 AM

Aug 2013
So far interesting. Yaha-kui seems mysterious. I was surprised how quick Shindou connected to him.

At least we got to see the other negotiator, Saraka Tsukai.

Looking forward to next week episode. Hope to see some tough negotiations.

Note: Advancing the world never works out Yaha-kui. It never ends well.
LeoApr 14, 2017 10:25 AM

Apr 14, 2017 10:34 AM

Sep 2013
Shindo the negotiator even has the skills to work with advanced aliens :)
Apr 14, 2017 12:30 PM

Sep 2015
im liking the girl char that's about to come
Apr 14, 2017 1:18 PM

Feb 2009
"And when the king saw this, he went out into the yard and talked to the dog."
Apr 14, 2017 1:23 PM
Jun 2016
I quite like the last line said, I'm curious how the series will continue to make me think. Also loved some of how the "tech" works being hinted at
Apr 14, 2017 1:44 PM

Jan 2011
so when he will learn that humanity not worth for living and start killing everyone ?
well that's what could happen in real life

I guess this anime has potential, if they start (war of ideas) rather than stupid drama to show how humanity weak but they have good inside their souls
Apr 14, 2017 2:29 PM
Jul 2018
Hmm... this show has got "Mysterious" by the introduction of new alien (well his name is too big to remember for my brain at my current age)

Another slow episode and imo this is another great show in this season.Very exciting, and keeps us glued to the screen from the start to end, which is always very nice to watch.

By the way, CGI is really fantastic! I don't see any flaws that can be distracting.I see they are making this anime with lot of care.
Apr 14, 2017 4:47 PM

Jul 2016
Wow. 5/5. 10/10. 100/100. Congratulations. I'm speechless.
Such natural movements, no cliche exaggerated reactions, creepy but also beautiful moments...almost as if you're watching a live action movie.
Yes, the animation kinda bothers me, but if that's what it takes to make such a realistic scenery, then go for it. You have my support.
Apr 14, 2017 4:59 PM

Apr 2015
As far as CGI in anime goes, I think this making history. Like seriously, has any of Polygon Picture's, Sanzigen's or any other studio's looked this good? Theres gonna be people saying CGI in anime is shit but to beat every other studio is a pretty good achievement.

Plot-wise, Im really liking this so far, there isnt enough anime with this kind of atmosphere. Looking forward to the rest of it!

Also, really digging the OP and ED, so epic!

Apr 14, 2017 5:55 PM

Jul 2011
No one is going to mention how careless is to oversight the fact that 250 persons have to survive enclosed in a commercial plane for a month, and how no one is wondering about the toilet situation?

I know that women don't shit but what about the rest? the series will have to deal with this at some point, all that food has to come out and end somewhere.
Apr 14, 2017 6:13 PM

Dec 2016
Pretty spectacular.

I am enjoying this so far, really interested to see what happens next.

Looking forward to the next episode.

Apr 14, 2017 6:16 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
After thinking it through, I finally realize why I am enjoying this so much....This LITERALLY is the anime version of Arrival lol and that's sweet!

Loved this episode and I did not expect to get a new lead female either =o
Apr 14, 2017 6:46 PM
Apr 2017
Haven't been this hyped for an anime in a long time.

I hope this ship sets sail!
Apr 14, 2017 7:08 PM

Jan 2014
AOTS for me, easily. If we take out sequels, then this is probably the best thing to come out of this season.
Apr 14, 2017 8:27 PM

Aug 2013
Those OP and ED oh shet my eardrums are trembling. XD
This was an amazing recap of what happened inside that cube from last episode.
I would really pump my score to 9 depending on how it plays out.
Definitely going to be my favorite anime that properly uses CGI.

Apr 14, 2017 9:36 PM

Dec 2015
This has started to get my attention just like ACCA did in the previous season, I always find myself curious about what will happen next, I like that.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Apr 14, 2017 9:38 PM

Jul 2015
I have mixed feelings about this show. Its episodes feel both too long and too short. The way the plot develops feels like it takes forever, but the quick change of scenes (which not necessarily cut in a rough way) makes it flow a bit better and you can focus in what truly matters the whole time, so it's very easy to follow. However, whenever it starts getting interesting, the episode ends and you get a little anxious (well, at least me), which is not the best way to introduce suspense, but at least makes you look forward to the next episode.

In regards to visual art and animation, KADO looks amazing, the animation flows so well and it's always pleasing to look at, I just hope they don't overuse it to the point of it getting old too quickly. The characters flow in a variety of framerates so it doesn't feel like it's "stuck" in a certain framerate the whole time (something that most 3DCG japanese animation attempting to resemble 2D tend to fail at) and, moreover, the facial expressions are so good when the characters face a strong emotion or feeling like fear or pain (take notes, Berserk). Although it feels really odd to see 3D characters coexisting with 2D ones.

Well, I may say something about the sound next time. Overall, I liked this episode and I hope it doesn't get stuck or something.
Some lazy guy on scene!

waterfallsxo said:
Why do I think most of the people who have a crush on Archer are straight males lol.
Apr 15, 2017 1:39 AM
Sep 2016
The story is slowly rolling out, and as someone mentioned, that's a bit concerning the fact that it'll have a 12 episode run. I do appreciate the ominous vibes, and the unanswered questions, especially the true intentions of the SADO landing.

There's really not enough information so far to assume anything regarding their motives, and whether their intentions are benign or cancerous. Either way, they're doing a great job at building the suspense.

I think character development here will probably be an afterthought, with the mystery aspects taking front seat. I mean, we are nearing episode 3, so how much can we really get to know the characters, much less see them evolve and change.

The MC is surprisingly quick to accept the situation, he's actually rather eager, but then again, I suppose I'd be eager to get to know a foreign being that very well may end up being a God, too.

After seeing Arrival, I definitely see it's influence here. I'm not sure if this script was written prior to Arrival or not, or whether their is some other source material, but if it turns out anything more like Arrival then it'll probably be about two distinct species coming together in acceptance of eachother.
Apr 15, 2017 1:45 AM

May 2016
Doomroar said:
No one is going to mention how careless is to oversight the fact that 250 persons have to survive enclosed in a commercial plane for a month, and how no one is wondering about the toilet situation?

I know that women don't shit but what about the rest? the series will have to deal with this at some point, all that food has to come out and end somewhere.

I'm guessing the alien will take care of that too. He said he would provide them with any accommodations, like when he multiplied food. He could provide showers, and as per the toilet situation, he could do something about it too. Maybe they just didn't mention it because it'd be redundant/too explicit. We still don't know how his learning process goes, but maybe he could learn that from the phone/Internet (if there's any signal inside Kado).
Apr 15, 2017 1:45 AM

Jun 2013
shit this is getting real good
Apr 15, 2017 1:55 AM
Jun 2011
Ketamigo said:
The story is slowly rolling out, and as someone mentioned, that's a bit concerning the fact that it'll have a 12 episode run. I do appreciate the ominous vibes, and the unanswered questions, especially the true intentions of the SADO landing.

There's really not enough information so far to assume anything regarding their motives, and whether their intentions are benign or cancerous. Either way, they're doing a great job at building the suspense.

I think character development here will probably be an afterthought, with the mystery aspects taking front seat. I mean, we are nearing episode 3, so how much can we really get to know the characters, much less see them evolve and change.

The MC is surprisingly quick to accept the situation, he's actually rather eager, but then again, I suppose I'd be eager to get to know a foreign being that very well may end up being a God, too.

After seeing Arrival, I definitely see it's influence here. I'm not sure if this script was written prior to Arrival or not, or whether their is some other source material, but if it turns out anything more like Arrival then it'll probably be about two distinct species coming together in acceptance of eachother.
since there will be diplmatic talking between both sides as you seen in the preview then i think they will ask him such questions
Apr 15, 2017 2:10 AM
Jan 2015
Time went so fast, I thought there was something wrong with my video. This anime is good, you rarely see this kind of anime series on TV nowadays.

Base on what I saw, watching all seasonal anime even the short ones, except fujo eccentric stuffs, millenial casual fans only look for the edgy, cute, and fanservice stuff, resulting to abusive rehashed anime market, and once in a blue moon gem, like this one.

Toei anime originals are always a must watch.

MysteriousSoul said:
As far as CGI in anime goes, I think this making history. Like seriously, has any of Polygon Picture's, Sanzigen's or any other studio's looked this good? Theres gonna be people saying CGI in anime is shit but to beat every other studio is a pretty good achievement.

Plot-wise, Im really liking this so far, there isnt enough anime with this kind of atmosphere. Looking forward to the rest of it!

Also, really digging the OP and ED, so epic!

Toei's CG department is the best in the industry. I read on another thread that one of Toei's CG director single-handedly improved Graphinica's CG, starting from Expelled from Paradise.

And this vid, saw it on 4chan.
the first part in the video is the best we got in terms of 2D aesthetic, and it is also made by Toei.

I'm also hyped for their new Mazinger Z CG project, because of that Gaiking short clip.
Sebastian6996Apr 15, 2017 2:36 AM
Apr 15, 2017 2:56 AM

Oct 2008
Alien life form technology is always 10 steps ahead and more advanced compared to mankind's technology
looks like next episode is all politics and talks!
matias067Apr 15, 2017 3:00 AM

Apr 15, 2017 4:16 AM

Apr 2012
Can't wait to see what zaShunina wants from humanity. So interesting,I love this anime. :D
Apr 15, 2017 6:06 AM

Jun 2015
After last weeks shock revelation lets see where this week leads us
The reactions of everyone is to be expected though.
Hmm so is the guy communicating via telepathy then.
Hmm letting Shindou tell his version of events to the people was a smart move.
So this being wants to converse with the government then eh
And Shindou is the one thats negotiating with the being and advising him on humanity eh.
Interesting indeed. 3 hours for the government to summon their best negotiator after Shindo eh. Its good that all the passengers and crew on the plane are safe and that they have the means to survive though. Though i wonder how long it is before they start to escape from the cube or cause disruptions. The next move is with the government though.
The Kado situation lol an apt name given the circumstances.

Well they certainly need someone thats on par with Shindou in terms of negotiation skills though. Given that is who you are facing. I like the way that they introduce each of the characters though in giving both their positions and their names as well. Far more effective than. Hmm so the main opponent for Shindou will be Saraka eh. As international negotiator she has to have skills equal to Shindou i think. Nice opening theme though. Its very calming and features some traditional themes to it. Its nice that we also get to see what happened to Shindou and the others after they were absorbed into the cube as well. Hmm it looks like every other passenger was only mildly hurt during the absorption. As the only other passenger that looks fine and a important enough person within the government it's wise that Shindou is drafted in to help with the situation.
Well at least for the moment they are on solid ground, they have air and systems seem to be functioning. Shindou is brave to be the one that trailblazes though. Hmm the interior of the cube looks pretty mysterious and amazing at the same time. Hmm so thats how the owner of the cube was born then. Hmm so im guessing that attack on Shindou was simply the beings attempt to learn about the internal structures of humans im guessing. Like find a way to communicate with them. Finding a way to communicate is the first step in getting to know something unknown. I like how this anime understands this. Hmm Za Shunina learns pretty quickly. Its nice that from this Shindou is able to establish a kind of relationship with Za Shunina though. Good first step though. Shindou's first priority is to get the passengers out of the cube and if not then supplies for their existence in the cube. Its nice that both parties are learning about each other though as they negotiate. Well now that food and water are secured then the passengers should be safe for now. Hmm so Za Shunina and Kado which is the cube are from Novo then. Hmm so they will be able to leave in 29 days time but until then they will be safe. Hmm so the cube which is called Kado has its own computing power and is presently doing the processing needed to get the passengers out and that takes 29 days to do eh.

In a way i think negotiating between large gaps is something that Shindou enjoys. Like enjoying a challenge really. The gap between Humanity and Za Shunina certainly fits that criteria. It will be interesting to see where this will go though. I can't wait to see what happens next week. Another great episode and things are getting more and more interesting.
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Apr 15, 2017 6:55 AM

May 2016
Doomroar said:
No one is going to mention how careless is to oversight the fact that 250 persons have to survive enclosed in a commercial plane for a month, and how no one is wondering about the toilet situation?

I know that women don't shit but what about the rest? the series will have to deal with this at some point, all that food has to come out and end somewhere.
Well "Kado" (the cube thing) can make food (the bread and other stuffs) so there is no problem with that but i think there will be a riot between the people and Yaha-Kui regarding about their freedom and i wonder how will it go…
Apr 15, 2017 7:51 AM

Dec 2015
I liked the episode and the pacing. Nice to see it from different points of view. Maybe the'll keep that even later (switching between Shindos group and the group of the Jap. government and the other negotiator).

With 12 episodes only they need to be careful not to be too slow. So far I like the slow pacing but I don't like rushed/bad endings (Japanese often aren't good at making endings).

Nice to see Shindo negotiating. He told the government that the passengers were safe (to avoid/prevent them from taking rushed aggressive rescue actions that could start a war). They still think they are being kept hostage though. I think that cube is scanning them and their brains and stuff (human brain can store a lot of memories and information) to better understand humans. Otherwise I don't see why it would take such a long time to let them out (letting them in was fast as well).

zaShunina ... seem like he was "born" just there ... and then learned the language by scanning the smartphone. I guess he his some kind of avatar of that cube structure.
Apr 15, 2017 9:56 AM

Mar 2017
Tauruss said:
The most likely scenario that the cube walls are the boundary lines for two different dimensions. It makes a lot of sense when you think that during the tests in the first episode it was a perfect black body with no electromagnetic spectrum emissions.

Loving the Sci-Fi ideas behind this so far. Kado is something akin to a quantum supercomputer. My best guess is that it is capable of calculating the quantum states of every single particle and then by analysing that information it can somehow manipulate subatomic particles to create something new.

So, there are two very interesting scientific ideas that are pushed to a fictional limit. Current physics says that it is impossible to know all the information of a subatomic particle, i.e. we can't simultaneously know its momentum and position. (Heisenberg's uncertainty principle).
The other interesting piece is that it somehow creates mass from nothing. It might be possible, but the energy requirements for something like this are unimaginable.

The reason why it takes so long to let the people out of the plane. In order to cross the boundary safely - Kado has to calculate and analyse every quantum state of every subatomic particle in the plane. It takes time and it is logical that it takes less for a single human, because smaller mass -> less particles to analyse.

I like your analysis here. The dimension theory does make a lot of sense.

I was wondering if that might be why all the passengers seemed nauseous or unwell when they first entered the Kado. It made me think of how changes in air pressure, altitude, oxygen concentration etc. can cause nausea and headaches, as well as other symptoms in people who aren't used to a particular environment. Maybe since the aspects of the Kado were different in whatever way, and since the change in environment was so sudden, everyone started feeling sick until their bodies adjusted.

Of course, that also could have been because of a lot of other things too. Like the fact that they may have been jostled around in the plane a bit, or just from being scared. But it seemed like it was pretty wide-spread amount the passengers so it made me wonder.

In any case, this anime is amazing so far, can't wait to see where else they take things!
Apr 15, 2017 11:59 AM

Jan 2017
amazing episode. The mystery for me is: "What´s the right answer?" what if Kado, as a god, want to improve humanity, but simply can´t improve, because naturally humanity is moved by anxiety? and I liked the analogy of a god who created a "man", later "multiply breads"...
Apr 15, 2017 3:05 PM

Aug 2012
This was a seriously good episode. I'm bubbling with excitement on the potential of this series right now. I was totally gripped with this totally brilliant piece of Science Fiction story telling. Hopefully the high standard of this episode can be kept up!
Apr 16, 2017 6:52 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
This series is really different in scope and feel to 99% of stuff out there (and of course MAL gives it a bad score because the animation style is a bit zany). Enjoying it and looking forward to more of it.

Bishoujo detected. Will she be Shindo's nemesis?
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Apr 16, 2017 7:36 AM

Jan 2016
Out of all anime this season. CGI on top of it, episode 1 and 2 felt only like 10 mins.
This show is pretty damn amazing right now. The way CGI moves felt like it's 2d animated. I hope a certain CGI anime could take lesson from this *cough* Berserk *cough*
Apr 16, 2017 10:42 AM

Aug 2009
So this isn't as thrilling as I initially thought it was, the main character is interesting as a negotiator, but what could there to be negotiated between the alien and the humans?
Is he planning on taking over earth or is it just him deciding he wants to help the technological advancement of earth?

The CG was fantastic, I'm so excited for Japan's future in cg. I'd love it if they could produce more shows quicker because of using cheaper methods. Hand drawn, I'd say should be limited to movies, short shows. I love a good hand drawn anime, but seeing how cute and good looking the characters were and the designs of the environment looked in the cg, I can't argue with where animation is headed.
Apr 16, 2017 10:57 AM

Nov 2010
Wow, this just got a whole lot more interesting.
Apr 16, 2017 12:25 PM

May 2016
Saraka Tsukai is freakin hawt. That purple hair of hers and her eyes are just.. words can't describe it

Now i'm freakin excited!
Apr 16, 2017 1:30 PM

Feb 2013
it is like the film from last year
Also about aliens, who came to several countries to gift the humanity the Universal Language to advance their technology

I forgot the title

EDIT: Found the title, Arrival
MidAvionicsApr 16, 2017 1:35 PM
MyAnimeList』 『』 『MyMangaList
Apr 16, 2017 3:26 PM

Oct 2012
Pretty good episode, it really hit the nail right with first encounter with alien civilization. And even that annoying scientist wasn't there anymore.

The scene when the airplane emerged from the darkness and the artificial person was born was marvellous.

Advancing the humanity, eh? Wonder what moral problems they would be hitting. And I also woner if other countries won't try to destroy the cube or to take it over. Surely, it's dangerous thought that Japan could advance the most in comparison with them.
Apr 17, 2017 4:00 AM
Mar 2009
Really good episode. A lot of thought has been put into this first encounter.

I'm impressed by the design and behavior of the cube, the "boundary unit", and the way this lifeform takes a shape and learns. The mathematics and philosophy are intelligent and well thought out. This is a fantastic but realistic scenario for first contact.

I like the careful, considerate way zaShunina interacts with Shindo, as well as Shindo and Hanamori's friendship and their reaction to ZaShunina. The humane aspect of the series so far is endearing.

The pacing is good and the art is gorgeous. Can't wait to see where they will take this.
KemosabeApr 17, 2017 4:07 AM
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