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Scum's Wish
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Jan 19, 2017 3:11 PM

Apr 2015
Dystania said:
I don't even know who to ship and it's probably going to get even worse judging by the comments. Ohhh boy.

For what I've been told (a friend of mine is reading the manga),you better not ship anybody,if it wasn't already obvious,this isn't the usual plot where they live happily ever after :D
"You are the leaves bathing in the sun, I am the roots that grow in the dark."
Jan 19, 2017 3:17 PM

Aug 2015
Romances as I adore them!
Overall, the characters feel each unrequited love, except the two teachers. (perhaps?)

I didn't really expect a shojo-ai although the OP gives us a clue.

I guess what happened at the end wasn't "a dream", right?
Jan 19, 2017 3:18 PM

Apr 2015
kamisu said:
V0ltg said:
Is it just me or did they skip a lot of stuff from the manga? Feels like the whole yuri stuff is happening too sudden.

omfg thank you, i'm not insane.

i'm pretty damn sure that the yuri scene happened in like chapter 8-9? so it shouldn't be in episode 2...
yannivagenas said:
kinda upset they removed ecchans date with hanabi and her internal gushing over hanabi. feels like theyre ruining her character. there was no build up to her crush what so ever

ahh, right, that's the part that they skipped over, i'm so sad now ;-;

Maybe we'll have the background story in the next ep,it's not unusual to have the action first and then the explanations
"You are the leaves bathing in the sun, I am the roots that grow in the dark."
Jan 19, 2017 3:31 PM
Jun 2016
Holy dang, well this sure escalated quickly, pretty sick love-hexagon so far if I do say so myself
Jan 19, 2017 3:31 PM

Dec 2009
That just happened.....
That just happened.....
That just happened.....

I'm freaking out...
I'm dying...... What do?
That yuri development 💘
Here i was thinking... ohwait... She likes her... totally, naw it's not that. OMAGAD IT HAPPENEDDDDDD
I have to watch this again... and again... and again....

I know i won't happen, but PLEASE Hanabi x Sanae. TT______TT

That was the best yuri scene ever animated, ever.

It was so beautiful.
She's sitting there worrying about clothes, i'm like "wut?"
She blushing about whether she's prepared, i'm like "naw."
She blushes over the bead worrying about sleeping together, i'm like "AW YES."
She gets to the door and comes in, i'm like "yes but naw."
She talks about being positive or though she thought, i'm like "NAWWW."
GenesisAriaJan 19, 2017 3:58 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Jan 19, 2017 3:43 PM

Apr 2010
The ending was rather interesting tho i have to say the argument with Noriko/Moka was interesting as well i like where this is heading.
Anyway it seems Mugi and Hanabi have other worries to deal with as well.
Jan 19, 2017 3:47 PM

Aug 2011
All character in this series are mess up.. I hope all died
Jan 19, 2017 3:59 PM
Oct 2014
WakeUpDeadMan said:
kamisu said:

omfg thank you, i'm not insane.

i'm pretty damn sure that the yuri scene happened in like chapter 8-9? so it shouldn't be in episode 2...

ahh, right, that's the part that they skipped over, i'm so sad now ;-;

Maybe we'll have the background story in the next ep,it's not unusual to have the action first and then the explanations

I have a feeling they're rushing through some of the side stuff to focus more on Hanabi and Mugi, but I swear if they cut down Akane's parts I'm going to be disappointed, because she makes this story actually interesting.
Jan 19, 2017 4:22 PM

Aug 2016
Love love love!! Also, Moca is shit.
Jan 19, 2017 4:28 PM

Apr 2013
LOL that Naruto OP!

5/5 for that alone
Jan 19, 2017 4:34 PM

Aug 2016
Oh god damn the buildup to the end of the episode, I was never really a fan of Yuri but this intrigues me.
I look forward to some more lesbo love.
Jan 19, 2017 4:49 PM

Oct 2014
Hmm... so Ecchan and Moca will get fleshed out next episode?
Hmm a bit rearranging but so far things look alright.

Dem Naruto OP cameo so nostalgic :3
Jan 19, 2017 5:00 PM

Nov 2015
Oh we got yuri now..

Jan 19, 2017 5:10 PM
Oct 2015
Fappa said:
yannivagenas said:
kinda upset they removed ecchans date with hanabi and her internal gushing over hanabi. feels like theyre ruining her character. there was no build up to her crush what so ever


no the were suppose to have an afterschool date on the town just the two of them way before the sleepover. also alot of ecchans scenes and thoughts were removed so far unfortunatly
Jan 19, 2017 5:27 PM

Dec 2013
Naruto opening was really nostalgic.

Loved Hanabi being possessive.

We got yuri now? This ride is going to be even crazier than I imagined.
Jan 19, 2017 5:38 PM

Oct 2013
the art is so good. but wow that yuri twist at the end... kinda expected it though but not that soon.
Jan 19, 2017 5:55 PM

Apr 2015
My reaction when
Jan 19, 2017 5:56 PM

Jan 2011
shit fam the amount of one sided love keeps growing,glad the tone of this episode wasn't nearly as heavy as the first Ecchan kinda just showed up out of no where and it didn't really come across as though her and Hanabi were old friends but man was thinking that ending was a fantasy of hers but i guess not! lewd.

I have a underlying rage to hate Hanabi but i can't plus i'm really enjoying her VA only just realized it's Reina's .

highlight was still the naruto opening last show i was ever expecting to have that as the karaoke song and for once i knew it lol
Jan 19, 2017 6:04 PM
Jun 2016
Jan 19, 2017 6:05 PM
Feb 2014
Lol... that last bit actually happened.

For the manga readers disappointed with the cut scenes, personally, as an Anime-only watcher of the series, I thought I'd say that it was obvious to me that Ecchan was in love with Hanabi. I think the Anime staff did a good job of hinting it throughout the episode.

So, maybe the scenes that were cut really weren't particularly important? Just my opinion. I can empathize with you though because I've seen loads adaptations of my favourite books/manga that cut out chunks I felt were important but that no one else noticed or felt was needed. But in this case, I do feel like the staff have pieced together a pretty coherent story. I've noticed they're moving a bit fast, but I don't feel like it's too rushed or missing anything crucial in particular at the moment.

Moving on, Moca's voice is annoying... Feels out of place. A bit annoyed at how childish her character is too. So far that's been my only gripe with the Anime.

Um... also, it's okay so far, but I'm hoping they don't overdo the intimate Hanabi x Mugi scenes. I can imagine it getting a little tiring if they're not smart about it.

Edit: Just rewatched the last scene and thought I'd quickly mention that I really like Ecchan's VA as well (as opposed to Moca :|)... And the ED really is very very good. I've already downloaded and listened to it more than a dozen times over the past couple days
Duri1nJan 19, 2017 6:08 PM
The most annoying thing about some anime is that they don't know when they've died...
Jan 19, 2017 6:14 PM

Sep 2014
So she likes him as well? Childhood friend turns princess cause she overheard a grownup say that. Hmm, I can see where this is going.

Oh look. Friend asking for love advice.

Aww, sleepover. Girlt talk and.....and.....huh? Wait....wha.....HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That ending escilated so fast. I honestly didn't expect that to happen. Yes, I knew she had a crush on her but damn.

At first I was like

But then I was like
Jan 19, 2017 6:19 PM

Sep 2011
Man this series is heavy. It's not that I have anything against it, but it is so tonally different from what we've been given for the last few years that it's hard for me to really enjoy what this series is trying to offer. I think I may need to find some kind of bridge series to get me used to this sort of thing before I continue watching this.
Jan 19, 2017 6:29 PM

Jul 2007
AFter rewatching the episode and having time to think about it I can't wait to see where this goes.

Its interesting too because with Hanabi and Ecchan, this episode essentially splits viewers in half.

Viewers with an all-inclusive worldview will have a suspicion almost straight away that Ecchan might have a crush on Hanabi, empathizing with her through the episode. The only doubt that might rise is from the fact that anime usually shies away from same gender relationships. However Ecchan's reaction to Hanabi's "hug" pretty much sheds away any doubt in terms of how Ecchan might feel.

Viewers with a heteronormative view on other hand will align with Hanabi more than Ecchan and will be blindsided by what happened. They will do the same mistake as Hanabi in assuming that them being of same gender somehow alters the meaning of interactions or reactions - hell, its pretty much what Hanabi says straight to Ecchan's face when she lets her in - "oh its no problem because we are both girls" and stuff.

I can't wait to see where this go. I can only expect tragedy because this so far has dealt with relationships in very realistic tone(and because tragedy is synonymous with any sort of same sex attraction in anime), I just hope Ecchan comes out unscathed from this, because that last line of her's about wanting to die is very worrisome. The "I want to die" is chilling because suicidal thoughts ARE horrifyingly frequent part of teenagers realizing their orientation, mainly because usually in their psyche being attracted to same sex gets associated with a wrongdoing(or more exactly feeling like there's something wrong with them) and thus guilt, fear of rejection, etc.

Then again, if to be honest, from the tone so far, I don't expect anyone to get a true "happy ending" in this show. The only question is how deep the rabbit hole of toxic relationships will go before someone takes the plunge off the cliff or something.
Jan 19, 2017 6:50 PM

Dec 2014
well that was something..i was not expecting yuri in the mix..... nice episode
Jan 19, 2017 6:57 PM
Aug 2015
i think the episod was very enjoyable, we get the know new characters, we can see the main characters developing more of a true relationship even tho we all know wath is built on, the comedy in it was subtle but good. the final scene show us how can this show be unpredictible, so even if we see the main characters starting to like more each other, a crazy twist can happen to ruin that, and well, their scum wish can even become real, wath can i say, got to keep watching
Jan 19, 2017 6:59 PM

Sep 2014
Hanabi is so damn cute, and her VA is doing such a good job!

The second Ecchan had her first interaction with Hanabi I felt that she had a crush on Hanabi. It only got more obvious from there, and bam a kiss. I did like their chemistry together.

You know part of me hopes that Hanabo and Mugi actually get serious about on another since it's fun seeing them together, but they only have those unique interactions because of their situation. So idk.

I'm really liking this series so far.
Jan 19, 2017 7:45 PM

May 2012
Well, that escalated quickly and I'm not complaining.
Jan 19, 2017 8:01 PM
Jun 2012
FlamingMangos said:
2nd episode isn't even out yet. It's not even 12:55 AM in Japan right now. Why make this thread already?

Um actually it is out otherwise we wouldn't know the yuri scene at the end with hinaba and ebachi.
Jan 19, 2017 8:05 PM
Jun 2012
the end really caught me off guard. Like they led it on as normal oh she's visiting and then the kiss on top of hinaba was like whoaaa. Was not expecting that kinda cliff hangar. Yuri route would be nice screw the teach who is too into that ho of a teacher.
Jan 19, 2017 8:21 PM

Sep 2013
WAAAAAAAAAAAAA! There it is! The Hibikek replica!
Hanabi's gunning for her sensei while having a lesbian bestfriend on the side. How Reina of you, hana-chan. And you even have the same voice as her lol
Jan 19, 2017 8:28 PM

Jun 2013
Erika___ said:
WAAAAAAAAAAAAA! There it is! The Hibikek replica!
Hanabi's gunning for her sensei while having a lesbian bestfriend on the side. How Reina of you, hana-chan. And you even have the same voice as her lol

I was thinking this exact thing. XD

However, yay for actual (substantive, hopefully, even if it's unrequited) yuri and not just yuri bait.
Jan 19, 2017 8:41 PM

Sep 2013
-Trippwire- said:

However, yay for actual (substantive, hopefully, even if it's unrequited) yuri and not just yuri bait.

Yeah, watch and learn, Kyoani.
Jan 19, 2017 8:43 PM
Jul 2018
Too many girl character lead to yuri side --- just this is one going to happen next!

Cant wait to see yuri for my first time! (i.e. the next episode!)
Jan 19, 2017 8:55 PM

Mar 2016
Naruto OP 5 hahah. That was great XD

Loved this week's episode. Did not expect that ending with Hanabi and Ecchan haha. Next week is gonna be interesting. I'm loving this series, def one of my favorites from this season :D

Jan 19, 2017 9:55 PM
Dec 2016
Adellaeda said:
Tokoya said:
There's no incest in this lol, can we please stop saying that

Then... what's up with the "Onii-chan..." thing? (if it's possible to explain without too many spoilers...)
Was her mother married to his father (or something like that) and they are not blood related?

I think you don't understand the culture. You don't have to be blood related to be called Brother. Any old man is called Ojiisan or grandpa. Any young woman is called Onesan. Same goes for Ojisan (Uncle), Obasan (Aunt), Obaasan (Grandma). It is very normal in the orient.
Jan 19, 2017 10:33 PM

May 2016
Yuri scene already?... its official, this is anime of the season.
Jan 19, 2017 10:39 PM
Jun 2016
gezz this is something taboo and sensitive things that i want to see mix in each other *lol
just 2 episode but im so hype to know what their relationship will be..

when u like senpai,,but u release it with a senpai's crush fans and a woman that crush on u too!!!
so complicated but fun!

thats my inner side talking

after back to logic side said " damn... this hana shit is a bitch just bitching around with everyone near her" *lol
GlassesSenpaiJan 19, 2017 10:54 PM
Jan 19, 2017 10:39 PM

May 2015
saekano alternate universe
Jan 19, 2017 10:44 PM

Jun 2015
Erika___ said:
-Trippwire- said:

However, yay for actual (substantive, hopefully, even if it's unrequited) yuri and not just yuri bait.

Yeah, watch and learn, Kyoani.

Hahaha, could not agree more.
HijaziJan 20, 2017 8:20 AM
Jan 19, 2017 11:04 PM

Feb 2008
That was a great episode.

Maybe I am old and nostalgic, but the twintail girl voice reminded me of Rie Kugimiya. And Chika does a very good Hanakana voice, too. What the hell.

It seems the yuribait will not go away from my anime list.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum. They should really do their whining at manga forums."

Stolen from Janethan23. Add in visual novel readers too
Jan 19, 2017 11:41 PM

Aug 2014
I feel like im not following the anime well. im like super confused abt the time lines. like in the first ep they decided to date, then it flashes back? its not in the flashbacks now right?? im like hella confused lmfao
Xtina is my mother!
Jan 19, 2017 11:45 PM

Dec 2015
Unleashed_SM said:
Was she singing Opening 5 of Naruto? At karaoke.

Yup XD i was like wth? naruto? rofl

one meow a day keeps the worries away

Jan 20, 2017 12:01 AM

Oct 2011
Whoa that ending OMG
Jan 20, 2017 12:32 AM

Nov 2016
"Its fine, be positive."
and BOOM......... the plot very unpredictable and dat OP Naruto thoo!!!!!!
10/10 for this episode
Jan 20, 2017 1:37 AM

May 2009
Finally a worthy anime.
Jan 20, 2017 1:38 AM

Jul 2012
10/10 for that last scene
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Jan 20, 2017 1:59 AM

Sep 2015
I really liked this episode too. I'm not even sure why, on the surface this seems like a pretty boring formulaic series. I think it's just very good at nailing a certain melodramatic tone that works. And its art is pretty good. I like the new yuri character a lot, hope but doubt they end up together. Also I didn't appreciate it as much in the first episode but that ED is a banger.
Jan 20, 2017 2:30 AM
Aug 2011
this is sooooooo good
Jan 20, 2017 3:17 AM

Sep 2015
Only the second episode and the love relationship train has already grown complex.
I quickly assumed Ecchan was lez when she was freaking out about the sleepover, but I didn't think that was actually the case.
These trains are definitely heading to get wrecked, in fact that seems to be the destination.
Jan 20, 2017 3:23 AM

Aug 2013
so rotten, I like it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
keep them coming!
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