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Nov 23, 2016 6:34 AM

Dec 2009
Uh you are talking about an anime set in an alternate reality WW2 timeline that has witches and magic...
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Nov 23, 2016 9:26 AM

Jul 2014
GenesisAria said:
Uh you are talking about an anime set in an alternate reality WW2 timeline that has witches and magic...
I'm taking back what I said before. It's totally possible.
Nov 23, 2016 9:51 AM

Dec 2009
Yep, most of the science you think is modern is actually old as hell (from between the late 19th to the first third of the 20th). We're hardly doing anything these days scientifically, despite all the dramatic headlines.
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Nov 23, 2016 12:07 PM

Jan 2008
Alhakam said:
mozgow said:
It's almost certain that the girl with Berckmann was the one from the tank. But why did they need Izetta's blood? Didn't Ricelt have witch's blood with him?

I think that the stone that felt from the wall was from the rode or staff (or whatever it is called) that the White Which was using. My guess is it could store magical power to allow a witch to use magic when normally she wouldn't be able to do so.

Interesting theory and that would put izetta on great disadvantage ,but why didn't the stone fall down when izetta was there maybe Becuse it's blood from the original witch ,I think the germanian knew already a lot about the witches

Cause plot convenience. That was one of MANY things that were wrong with this episode. In fact, I didn't find anything remotely amusing or interesting. This is one of the lows of the series. I wonder if it can fall even lower.

Most people already pointed out a lot of flaws in this episode but the things that irked me the most were the random encounter of the assistant and the head guard, the fact that that old dude was a spy all along (how, why, Izetta only was shown to the world recently), the fact that the stone came out in front of the Germanians instead of an actual fucking witch such as Izetta, that scientist having the possibility to freaking create a witch, etc.

Way too many plot holes.

With only 4 episodes to go we are going to get some build up for like an episode of two (each one having over half of it dedicated to fanservice) to then end rushed and with no real conclusion.

I'm rating this a 1 just to counter the overly positive 10/10's. This is like one of a couple of shows that I've rated this low but the faults are just so glaring. If I was enjoying it nonetheless I would maybe rate it higher but it's so bland.
TheUniqueReaperNov 23, 2016 12:14 PM
Nov 23, 2016 12:52 PM

Dec 2013
reaper_unique said:
Alhakam said:

Interesting theory and that would put izetta on great disadvantage ,but why didn't the stone fall down when izetta was there maybe Becuse it's blood from the original witch ,I think the germanian knew already a lot about the witches

Cause plot convenience. That was one of MANY things that were wrong with this episode. In fact, I didn't find anything remotely amusing or interesting. This is one of the lows of the series. I wonder if it can fall even lower.

Most people already pointed out a lot of flaws in this episode but the things that irked me the most were the random encounter of the assistant and the head guard, the fact that that old dude was a spy all along (how, why, Izetta only was shown to the world recently), the fact that the stone came out in front of the Germanians instead of an actual fucking witch such as Izetta, that scientist having the possibility to freaking create a witch, etc.

Way too many plot holes.

With only 4 episodes to go we are going to get some build up for like an episode of two (each one having over half of it dedicated to fanservice) to then end rushed and with no real conclusion.

I'm rating this a 1 just to counter the overly positive 10/10's. This is like one of a couple of shows that I've rated this low but the faults are just so glaring. If I was enjoying it nonetheless I would maybe rate it higher but it's so bland.

It's sure not 10/10 show but not 1 too, and yes it could be far better , and fan services is anyone specially the"opening door and she is nude" I get that.
Having a spy even without izetta was there is normal Becuse they are enemies all countries have spies in other countries even without war and usually they will have many
About the stone we don't know yet we will see next episode it could be a dumb reason or good.
we are just having fun with some theories..
The problem with the anime fans is that they get mad when someone likes a show that they hate,and everyone thinks that he has the perfect taste ,it's normal every one has different taste ,no one has to hate or love a show Becuse most of fans hate or love.
And when I hate a show I just stop watching it,I don't waste my time with it.....
AlhakamNov 23, 2016 12:56 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 23, 2016 4:26 PM

Sep 2013
reaper_unique said:

Cause plot convenience. That was one of MANY things that were wrong with this episode. In fact, I didn't find anything remotely amusing or interesting. This is one of the lows of the series. I wonder if it can fall even lower.

Most people already pointed out a lot of flaws in this episode but the things that irked me the most were the random encounter of the assistant and the head guard, the fact that that old dude was a spy all along (how, why, Izetta only was shown to the world recently), the fact that the stone came out in front of the Germanians instead of an actual fucking witch such as Izetta, that scientist having the possibility to freaking create a witch, etc.

Oh no 2 people heading to the same place ran into each other, OMG WHAT A MASSIVE COINCIDENCE!
The old spy was there before izetta was revealed because that's what spies do, blend in for years if necessary.
"created a witch" nice headcanon, how about waiting for those things to be explained before bitching about it?

Maybe I'll rate this a 10/10 too to counteract people like you.
Nov 23, 2016 4:44 PM
Jul 2009
ichii_1 said:
reaper_unique said:

Cause plot convenience. That was one of MANY things that were wrong with this episode. In fact, I didn't find anything remotely amusing or interesting. This is one of the lows of the series. I wonder if it can fall even lower.

Most people already pointed out a lot of flaws in this episode but the things that irked me the most were the random encounter of the assistant and the head guard, the fact that that old dude was a spy all along (how, why, Izetta only was shown to the world recently), the fact that the stone came out in front of the Germanians instead of an actual fucking witch such as Izetta, that scientist having the possibility to freaking create a witch, etc.

Oh no 2 people heading to the same place ran into each other, OMG WHAT A MASSIVE COINCIDENCE!
The old spy was there before izetta was revealed because that's what spies do, blend in for years if necessary.

Izetta was revealed only recently so why would Germania need a spy to blend in for years? It's no like Eylstadt is a really important objective; they just wanted to take it over to clear the path to not!Italy.

No matter how I see it, that spy being there did feel pretty contrived imo.
Nov 23, 2016 4:45 PM
May 2010
I can't believe I knew ''he'' would kick the bucket and those words at the end were so true.
Maybe it was partially thanks to ep 7...

Really enjoy watching this series, been interesting for sure.
Nov 23, 2016 6:58 PM

Sep 2013
1idd0kun said:

Izetta was revealed only recently so why would Germania need a spy to blend in for years? It's no like Eylstadt is a really important objective; they just wanted to take it over to clear the path to not!Italy.

No matter how I see it, that spy being there did feel pretty contrived imo.

Because it's wartime sending in spies everywhere is normal, he could be a sleeper agent or a traitor.
Germania has other stuff to deal with and can't afford a full military strike.
Nov 23, 2016 7:00 PM
Jul 2009
ichii_1 said:
1idd0kun said:

Izetta was revealed only recently so why would Germania need a spy to blend in for years? It's no like Eylstadt is a really important objective; they just wanted to take it over to clear the path to not!Italy.

No matter how I see it, that spy being there did feel pretty contrived imo.

Because it's wartime sending in spies everywhere is normal, he could be a sleeper agent or a traitor.

The war is a pretty recent thing (the anime takes place in 1939), while the old guy has been living there for years. It doesn't seem to make a lot of sense really.
Nov 23, 2016 9:18 PM
Jan 2016
ichii_1 said:
Because it's wartime sending in spies everywhere is normal, he could be a sleeper agent or a traitor.
Germania has other stuff to deal with and can't afford a full military strike.

Even if they had a long-term sleeper agent inserted into an insignificant country years before the war, doesn't that entire scene strike you as being ludicrous?

The idiot spy wasn't using cover when trying to escape, it looks like he was running along a path in the forest - a path which is open and close enough that a sniper could hit him in moonlight with iron sights; the sniper stays on the wall while her subordinate goes to retrieve the body, so she's still up there with her eyes on the body when the old man spy strolls into the open to take the camera and gem. Why didn't she shoot him (or even fire a warning shot)? Surely she didn't mistake him for one of their elite boobyguards. Is she also coincidentally a spy? Did she coincidentally turn away at the right moment for this to happen? Did the writer forget she existed?

It's just like when they killed eyeglasses-kun (can't even be bothered to remember his name at this point): completely pointless character and event, his death affected nobody, prevented nothing, and only existed to waste time. The spy could have easily escaped into the darkness and achieved exactly the same end result.

Also what the hell happened to that agent Sieghard sent to shadow the spy? Are they saying the twist is that Sieghard's man is a Germanian double agent? If he was, wouldn't he have been better positioned to steal this information considering how worthless a spymaster Sieghard is with his habit of vomiting critical information out on the open? If he wasn't then where the hell was he when the old man spy showed up?
MysteriousBananaNov 23, 2016 9:26 PM
Nov 24, 2016 10:27 AM

May 2009
Psykofreac said:
Tenth said:

I don't use CR so don't really know there but don't think this show is all that talked about just from personal experience and my browsing, if anything it's on the very average/normal scale.

It's not just CR, most youtube top 10 anime of Fall 2016 will have Izetta in it, hell many people who complain about the season even say Izetta's the only redeeming factor. It even had lots of attention before airing enough for Funimation to dub it with only a couple of episodes out.

Youtube? Don't make me laugh, who gives a shit about that site? Only overhyped anime in this season are DBS and Yaoi on Fire.
Nov 24, 2016 1:56 PM
Apr 2015
MysteriousBanana said:
ichii_1 said:
Because it's wartime sending in spies everywhere is normal, he could be a sleeper agent or a traitor.
Germania has other stuff to deal with and can't afford a full military strike.

Even if they had a long-term sleeper agent inserted into an insignificant country years before the war, doesn't that entire scene strike you as being ludicrous?

The idiot spy wasn't using cover when trying to escape, it looks like he was running along a path in the forest - a path which is open and close enough that a sniper could hit him in moonlight with iron sights; the sniper stays on the wall while her subordinate goes to retrieve the body, so she's still up there with her eyes on the body when the old man spy strolls into the open to take the camera and gem. Why didn't she shoot him (or even fire a warning shot)? Surely she didn't mistake him for one of their elite boobyguards. Is she also coincidentally a spy? Did she coincidentally turn away at the right moment for this to happen? Did the writer forget she existed?

It's just like when they killed eyeglasses-kun (can't even be bothered to remember his name at this point): completely pointless character and event, his death affected nobody, prevented nothing, and only existed to waste time. The spy could have easily escaped into the darkness and achieved exactly the same end result.

Also what the hell happened to that agent Sieghard sent to shadow the spy? Are they saying the twist is that Sieghard's man is a Germanian double agent? If he was, wouldn't he have been better positioned to steal this information considering how worthless a spymaster Sieghard is with his habit of vomiting critical information out on the open? If he wasn't then where the hell was he when the old man spy showed up?

You can brew up and say that she went to get Bianca, which is obviously what they'll do next episode.
Nov 24, 2016 2:38 PM
Jul 2009
X-Alt said:
MysteriousBanana said:

Even if they had a long-term sleeper agent inserted into an insignificant country years before the war, doesn't that entire scene strike you as being ludicrous?

The idiot spy wasn't using cover when trying to escape, it looks like he was running along a path in the forest - a path which is open and close enough that a sniper could hit him in moonlight with iron sights; the sniper stays on the wall while her subordinate goes to retrieve the body, so she's still up there with her eyes on the body when the old man spy strolls into the open to take the camera and gem. Why didn't she shoot him (or even fire a warning shot)? Surely she didn't mistake him for one of their elite boobyguards. Is she also coincidentally a spy? Did she coincidentally turn away at the right moment for this to happen? Did the writer forget she existed?

It's just like when they killed eyeglasses-kun (can't even be bothered to remember his name at this point): completely pointless character and event, his death affected nobody, prevented nothing, and only existed to waste time. The spy could have easily escaped into the darkness and achieved exactly the same end result.

Also what the hell happened to that agent Sieghard sent to shadow the spy? Are they saying the twist is that Sieghard's man is a Germanian double agent? If he was, wouldn't he have been better positioned to steal this information considering how worthless a spymaster Sieghard is with his habit of vomiting critical information out on the open? If he wasn't then where the hell was he when the old man spy showed up?

You can brew up and say that she went to get Bianca, which is obviously what they'll do next episode.

Which is a pretty contrived explanation in and of itself.
Nov 24, 2016 2:59 PM
Aug 2012
Why was Fine surprised that Berkman knew who she is? She's the goddamn monarch of a country AND her face (and Izetta's) was all over the newspapers. Of course everyone will know who she is.
Nov 26, 2016 4:34 AM

Apr 2011
It's over guys, the Nazis have the philosophers stone!
Nov 26, 2016 9:46 AM

Jan 2015
Hikarusuke said:
It's over guys, the Nazis have the philosophers stone!
Yup, it's too late. But still Finne won't give up without a fight.

Oh man, please no. Not with that cuteness voice. Lotte's too cute, for sure.
[url=]convert gambar online
Nov 26, 2016 4:36 PM
Jul 2009
Mascera said:
Hikarusuke said:
It's over guys, the Nazis have the philosophers stone!
Yup, it's too late. But still Finne won't give up without a fight.

It's not like Fine can do anything on her own though.
Nov 26, 2016 8:47 PM

Jan 2015
1idd0kun said:
Mascera said:
Yup, it's too late. But still Finne won't give up without a fight.

It's not like Fine can do anything on her own though.
Well, yeah. But she's gotta be thinking about a strategy or two for fight back. Sooner or later.
[url=]convert gambar online
Nov 26, 2016 8:59 PM
Jul 2009
Mascera said:
1idd0kun said:

It's not like Fine can do anything on her own though.
Well, yeah. But she's gotta be thinking about a strategy or two for fight back. Sooner or later.

She doesn't have much of a strategic mind though. The one who came up with all her plans was Sieg.
Nov 26, 2016 9:30 PM

Jan 2015
1idd0kun said:
Mascera said:
Well, yeah. But she's gotta be thinking about a strategy or two for fight back. Sooner or later.

She doesn't have much of a strategic mind though. The one who came up with all her plans was Sieg.
The one thing that Finne have is a "permission". Permission to do or not any plan that comes from Sieg or other people.
[url=]convert gambar online
Nov 27, 2016 8:41 AM

Jun 2015
That was the best episode; liked it a lot. Probably because of Ricelt and the fact that it wasn't a happy end for once; it was sad tho. His dialogue with Bianca at the end was quit touching.

Also liked how they showed america's hypocritical nature as a matter of course. I was surprised by its precise, accurate depiction; like it was not unexpected at all for the representative to ask for troops to take care of Elystadt along with germany.
Nov 27, 2016 1:44 PM

Jun 2015
That was fucking intense.
- Izetta looks mighty fine in that dress
- Bianca does a reverse Mata Hari
- The Nazis fail do discover the secret...OR DO THEY?
- AmeriKKKa does what it does best (at least real life USA waited till Germany was done for before picking on others)
Nov 27, 2016 8:26 PM

Jun 2012
Dumb shit continues to happen lol, seems like a 12 year old wrote the plot for this.
Nov 28, 2016 4:51 AM

Jul 2008
Well Izetta is screwed. The Germans know their secret and the Ameri...errr...Atlantians are coming to kill her too.
Nov 30, 2016 9:45 PM

Sep 2013
My ship lasted a single episode. Oh my bianca x german spy </3
And the white haired girl got Izetta's first kiss, and in front of Fine. Wtf

On a serious note, things are starting to get darker, there are so many traitors like the farmer and the US allied. The secret was exposed , what will happen now?
Real life really is full of tragedies :(
Dec 1, 2016 7:52 PM
Nov 2014
The monarchies in Europe are getting freedom and democracy soon...
Dec 3, 2016 3:19 PM

Jul 2016
And another one bites the dust.

Enjoying this show alot.
Dec 11, 2016 8:09 AM

Apr 2016
Secret discover, and in the next episodes, the war will change!!!! :(
Dec 11, 2016 8:12 AM

Dec 2012
Last episode....I got a feeling someone gonna die!!
Dec 14, 2016 6:36 PM

Oct 2008
If Ricelt isn't a Spy, he and Bianca could've been together.
Looks like that's the fate of Ricelt! Finding the weakness of the witch in pace of his own life.
The camera and stone was taken by a different 3rd party!?

Dec 16, 2016 3:12 AM

Mar 2016
mozgow said:
It's almost certain that the girl with Berckmann was the one from the tank. But why did they need Izetta's blood? Didn't Ricelt have witch's blood with him?
Because yuri bait.
But no srsly, that's a good question. Even though the blood Ricelt had with him might actually be Izetta's blood when she was still caught in ep 1
No seriously.
Dec 17, 2016 4:25 PM

Feb 2013
Cute dress, Izetta.

Even though the episode wasn't focused on her, this one had me on edge. Nice suspense.
Dec 18, 2016 3:23 PM
Feb 2015
this anime feels stupid
Dec 20, 2016 2:34 AM

Jul 2009
A kiss!!! How come it was not between Izetta and the princess?! I am sure the white hair girl it's a witch...
Poor Finé she doesn't know what is coming...
Dec 23, 2016 3:52 AM
Nov 2010
The "romance" between the two fairy tale fans was so quick and undeveloped that it was really hard to care.
Tomislavr7Dec 23, 2016 3:56 AM
Dec 26, 2016 10:54 PM

Feb 2012
While I think this anime has proven itself to be far from what can be considered great, I do feel this episode shows that there are things of worth in this anime.

The romance between the spy and the guard wasn't well developed at all, and the anime suffers because of it. The star-crossed lover story is always a good story, but other stories have done it better than this one. However, Izetta the Last Witch used the story of the star-crossed lovers in an interesting way that is commendable. It presents the idea that we seek a happy end because we desire it, though reality is inherently tragic. That single speech from the spy explains why the story has been occurring the way it has been. I believe most people have been watching this anime with the expectation that it will have a happy ending, and the anime has done much to support that view. However, there have been multiple points already where a tragic outcome has occurred, and this episode just killed off one of the main antagonists up this point. I get the feeling this anime is a tragedy hidden in the costume of a happy fairy tale.
Jan 6, 2017 3:28 AM

Mar 2015
That ending bit was intense. Shame they weren't able to stop the info and red gem from leaking out?
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jan 8, 2017 7:38 AM

Apr 2014
What a sad episode.
Jan 8, 2017 11:24 AM

Apr 2014
So much for spyXguard, I heard two shots, would have been like romantic if the spys gun was empty and bionca saw that, he wasnt gonna shoot her.
---------My Profile------------
Jan 28, 2017 7:40 AM

Jan 2014
Pangeaa said:
Thoes spies was so lucky it annoyed the hell out of me. I mean what's the chance that the random dude with the cart is a spy aswell lol? And he happens to be just nearby when shit goes down? Talk about forceful plot. Took away all the fun from this ep.

ikr, it's like they're forcing the plot. just when I thought Eylstadt win this time, suddenly an out of nowhere spy come out. I hate it.
Mar 15, 2017 6:47 AM

Dec 2012
1. I wasn't paying attention or something, I guess. But why do they have blood to enter the hidden room in the castle?
2. It's hard to feel bad for that guard and the spy when their "relationship" was for less than 20 minutes.
3. Pretty convenient how they died and the... driver, I think? Was also one of them.
Apr 7, 2017 11:46 PM
Nov 2012
They're abusing "coincidences" and giving characters the "idiot balls" way too much.
While those tropes are fine by themselves, using them as the main driver to advance the plot makes the story much less enjoyable. The german head spy didn't have enough clues to make those deductions. Him making wild guesses that are correct everytime is way past what the audience is willing to believe.

While it does have nice moments here and there, abusing these tropes are the main driver just made the story weak.
Sep 18, 2017 3:57 PM

Aug 2015
That girl with dead fish eyes and white hair is a witch? This episode was very reflective and sad... Incredible.
Nov 2, 2017 2:08 AM

Dec 2015
Tardivex said:
Decent episode, the whole plot with the "germanian" Lieutenant/ Spy was pretty ham-fisted though, it could've worked if he was the "original" spy and if there was more development because he and Bianca only ended up knowing each other for like a day or two so it's hard to really care or feel like it's tragic or anything

Not just that the are not giving the anime story or characters development enough time !!
Sep 21, 2020 11:19 AM
Oct 2019
They're going to screw this up and the Nazis will win. Sigh...

So the U.S. is joining to fight AGAINST the witch? Haha...smh
HagePotPotatoSep 21, 2020 11:23 AM
Feb 25, 2022 5:04 AM

Oct 2021
I've been rooting for the Germans since the beginning, I don't care about the Eylstadt but its sad for me that he died cuz I ship him with Bianca but it was dumb of me to expect a romance in a action anime
Sep 1, 2023 1:01 PM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
Anybody who calls this yuri bait after the OG White Witch story was told, then you're brain dead.

Ricelt being a failure at pulling girls. TRAGIC. This series truly be for the gay girlies.

Whoever was in charge of the plot beats with Izetta and Fine being a couple, really wanted to pay homage to a lot of classics. Lady Oscar and Marie. *soft claps*

This masquerade ball is like the Met Gala, men putting in the bare minimum.

lmao staying true to America being greedy selfish monsters. NOT SHOCKING.
StripesSep 1, 2023 2:12 PM
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