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Oct 21, 2016 3:40 PM

Feb 2016
silverwalls said:
aw no i feel bad for yurio ;_;
yuri's performance was good though. i can't believe his eros is katsudon though, he is so pure haha.
katsudon alone wasn't his Eros lol, it was eating it with Viktor that got him going because he's gay AF for Viktor
I think that strangers are just friends you haven't met.

Oct 21, 2016 4:35 PM

Aug 2014
Cativa said:
Araneae said:

Wait. Wait. Wait. Are you saying this anime has an actual romance in it and not just BL teasing? O.o

Where, in No.6? If so, then yes.

If you're asking about YoI, then it's what everyone's hoping for. Empty fanservice at this point would really ruin the story. But no one knows for sure.

Ah, I was asking about YoI, since this anime has only one tag, so I thought maybe some of you have seen more tags for it, and know something more than I do. :)

I really hope this is not just empty fanservice. Like omg, that would be such a waste. I would love to have some nice romance in there. :D

PS. I've already seen No.6. ;P
Oct 21, 2016 4:56 PM

Jun 2015
such a good episode, I really hope we won't stop Yurio, he is my favorite character so far ...well we see him in the preview for next episode, but I want him to stay in Japan and not to go back to Russia :(
Oct 21, 2016 8:38 PM
Oct 2016
In response to those who believes Yuri only won because of his status as a main character and plot convenience, I would like to speak in his defense and I'll try to be as objective as I can. Don't misunderstand; Yurio should definitely receive credits for his skills despite his young age and I don't have anything against him. Okay first, I think it's safe to assume Yuri have more experiences as he's eight years older and he's been actively engaging in skating since his childhood. Second, during the match, I believe Yurio made up to three mistakes: a flashy outfit, traveling spins, and drifting from the main concept at the end. (By the way, credits to the person who mentioned the mistake of choosing a flashy outfit in another comment.) Even Yurio himself accepted his own mistakes and defeat and he knows where he made the wrong choices. With such a wonderful attitude, he will improve in no time. Now, let's shift to Yuri. Surely, he doesn't have as impressive jumping skills as Yurio but his step sequences and spins are well polished. He was able to recollect himself after his failed salchow and stick to his "eros" theme. Some may say how ridiculous it was for his to skate with the image of katsu don. However, I truly believe he was subconsciously thinking about Victor and that's a good thing? I don't know. Also, I'd like to apologize in advance for my poor grammar and how long this crap is.
Oct 21, 2016 10:07 PM

Jun 2015
Pork cutlet is Yuri's eros! That's funny!

The yaoi scenes will continue I guess.
Oct 21, 2016 10:46 PM

Nov 2013
This anime is getting gayer by the episode, I wouldn't be shocked if they're borderline fucking by ep 12 let alone a kiss happening. This is like that Kaworu/Shinji moment + No.6 stretched out into a full fucking series. Like my ovaries left me
Oct 22, 2016 12:49 AM

Feb 2014
I don't mind the gay elements because it feels pretty real and what I'd expect from gay/feminine guys. In yaoi it's way more idealized and silly, but here it feels a bit more real and it feels like genuine gay fanservice. After this episode I really am wondering if Yuri is gay lol. It was quite the bold move to instead of being the playboy... be the girl trying to lure the guys in. I think that speaks for itself!

Anyways the animation in this is great and characters and their passion for ice skating is awesome. This show really came under the radar coming into the season and now I'd say it's top 3 for Fall so far.
LoomyTheBrewOct 22, 2016 12:53 AM
Oct 22, 2016 2:07 AM

Apr 2013
As a Russian person I enjoyed it very much - they pronounced the Russian words with a very little accent which is hard for foreigners :) Surprising that they somehow did learn Japanese, but I guess one cannot expect to hire Russian voice actors - too much hassle.

The plot is not something incredible and breathtaking, but at least it is not boring (I am looking at you, "Free!").
The figure skating scenes were not perfect - Yurio became a woman for a second, but generally they were good.
The best about this show is fanservice, of course. Gay touches, glances, and men are not monsters with square Pure Romantica jaws.. thanks Goddess.

Apart from the majority of this tread I do not want this anime to be officially BL. Because we can see how almost in each anime tons of ecchi fanservice is added; and plots are general, like time traveling ( Stein Gates), RPG (SAO, ZeroKara) etc., and they are all more or less generic, and they are all filled with boobs/harem/boobs & harem. I want this anime to be generic (at least without a tag "shounen-ai") and be filled only with fanservice for hetero females :)
noteofallanimeOct 22, 2016 6:20 PM
Oct 22, 2016 2:47 AM
Mar 2010
Help me I can't breathe this episode was too much. HELP. *fans self*
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Oct 22, 2016 3:28 AM

Jul 2016
I think this anime needs more attention,this show is very inspirational 5/5

Life is empty without anime

Oct 22, 2016 6:50 AM

Nov 2015
Great choreographie again.
I also like the character developement from Yurio, didn't expect that this early.
I don't mind about the Yaoi, it's even funny if you ask me.

5/5 as usual.
Oct 22, 2016 7:13 AM

Jul 2009
Yurio was able to admit Yuri was better and that's everything I could remember for a while after the episode ended. I didn't expect he could be so mature (at least not so early in the series) but I'm obviously happy since he surprised me in the most positive way. Can't wait to see them both in another competition!

Their performances were very well animated, it's good to know they don't try to cut the expenses too much on that.
Oct 22, 2016 8:04 AM

Mar 2010
Holy shit, this is so good. I don't even LIKE yaoi vibes in general, but I'm shipping ViktorxYuri now. Also, I'm so sad that Yurio is leaving, I thought we'd get to see the rivalry between them develop.
Oct 22, 2016 8:10 AM
Sep 2014
Okay, I know that this show only falls under the sports genre, and everyone is like "the gayness is just fanservice!!! that is all it will ever be!!!" but there are shows out there like No.6 which don't even fall under romance, nevermind shounen-ai, AND THE CHARACTERS WERE CANON FUCKING GAY FOR EACHOTHER. There's no way that Yuri and Victor are not going to end up together. I refuse.
Oct 22, 2016 8:55 AM

Feb 2016
One of the very few times that yaoi-vibes are actually....enjoyable?

Solid episode as usual.
All people have their own sh*t tastes, therefore, there are no sh*t tastes, since everything is equally sh*t.

Oct 22, 2016 9:48 AM
Apr 2016
omg I loved it. Hot damn, that whistle Victor gave when Yuri started skating!!!!! I died right there
Oct 22, 2016 11:04 AM

Sep 2010
Honestly, at this point the Yuri/Viktor scenes don't even seem like mindless fanservice. Compared to shows like Free! which are renowned for the M/M fanservice I think Yuri!!! on Ice is much bolder with the gay romance hints.

eternaltorture said:
okurinn said:
I liked Yurio's performance more, but oh well. It sucks that Victor just left him like that... and only that girl went to see if he was okay.

Did you expect something more from Victor?
This is the same guy who forgets a promise he made to an aspiring teenage figure skater, drops everything and goes to Japan to coach his new muse
And when the poor forgotten kid comes to Japan and practices alongside said muse, he gets sidelined as Victor is constantly pre-occupied and enamored with the new boy
Yurio was never on his (Victor) radar. Dude only has eyes for Yuuri.
Sad thing is I think Yurio realizes it too.

So, when Victor just left him like that and basked in the spotlight with Yuuri, I expected nothing less.

I haven't seen enough of Victor to judge him yet, but this post made me wonder if Yuuri's story about the playboy who makes women fall in love with him and then goes onto another city is somehow referencing Victor's character...
Oct 22, 2016 11:54 AM

Apr 2016
cockaine said:
Cloe900311 said:
I adore and really appreciate Victor's guidance. It was very uplifting to see Yuri gain confidence and he recognized his own identity - why be the playboy when it's just not him? He fit the role of the woman being pursued from his story very well... He wanted Victor to look at him and be proud of his performance. :) I want to see how their pork cutlet bowl meal goes <33

I hope Yurio comes back... ^^ He's only 15, so it makes sense that he didn't have a solid sense of his identity. His greed - that desire to win was very obvious toward the end of his performance...

This was a very motivating episode. :) I loved it!

AHH! I just got reminded of the funny comments too!! xDD LOL when Yuri said, "It's enough to make even me, a man, pregnant! Such eros!" Victor's eros and agape on ice... Definitely a genius <3 I really like the Yuri x Victor moments, like when Yuri smirked and Victor whistled...and when Victor gave Yuri a hug which had our shy boy make his confident speech :)

WHEN VICTOR WHISTLED. Yes, this did it in. It was the whole clap on the back thing going on like "Yuri, you've just pulled me into your snare" AUGHHHH these two

^ I love how natural Victor and Yuri feel when they're simply being themselves around each other. :) It was absolutely gratifying to see Yuri so confident!! I want to see more warm Yuri x Victor interactions like these again <33 I hope Yuri takes that new mentality of his into other competitions too.
Avatar credit: vuvuzela
Oct 22, 2016 12:00 PM

Jun 2008
And that hug omg!
At the beginning of the show i was a bit unsure on the whole VictorxYuri ship, but now i'm totally on board :D
Oct 22, 2016 3:32 PM

Jun 2014
Wow, this is getting as gay as it can be with each episode. But the episode was good though.
Oct 22, 2016 3:36 PM
Sep 2009
It keeps getting gayer with each episode.

I thought Hibike Euphonium was bad with bait but this is ridiculous.

Either make it canon or stop baiting, it's just dumb.
Oct 22, 2016 3:51 PM

Aug 2016
this is so gay but it's cute (โ™ก >ω< โ™ก) i really enjoyed this

Oct 22, 2016 5:48 PM

Oct 2013
This Yuri & Victor boat is sailing full speed and I don't mind it one bit, amazing episode.
๏ปฟ    ๏ปฟ
Oct 22, 2016 6:12 PM

Jan 2015
Please, make it real. I'm gonna be very sad if YoI is another yaoi bait :(

The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth.

Oct 22, 2016 8:00 PM

Jun 2013
Cloe900311 said:
cockaine said:

WHEN VICTOR WHISTLED. Yes, this did it in. It was the whole clap on the back thing going on like "Yuri, you've just pulled me into your snare" AUGHHHH these two

^ I love how natural Victor and Yuri feel when they're simply being themselves around each other. :) It was absolutely gratifying to see Yuri so confident!! I want to see more warm Yuri x Victor interactions like these again <33 I hope Yuri takes that new mentality of his into other competitions too.

That grope on Yuri's shoulder from Victor was such a defining moment. It really exemplified how Victor is (and for a long time, has always been) his pillar. It's great to know that he can have actual physical support now on top of his emotional connection to his idol and crush!

---The End.
Oct 22, 2016 11:52 PM

Dec 2012
Absolutely fantastic, forgot the last time an anime got me this hooked.

Gabrello said:
Please, make it real. I'm gonna be very sad if YoI is another yaoi bait :(

If this turns out to be real, I'll be freaking out (in a good way).
Oct 23, 2016 12:14 AM

Oct 2016
Tbh I'm actually really worried that there are gonna be parallels with the story about the playboy, but also there aren't enough similarities in the details so it would just be bad writing on the writers part.

-the playboy bewitches lots of women in town before going to the woman but Viktor goes straight to Yuuri in the anime without stopping anywhere.
-the woman isn't interested in the playboy but Yuuri has always been interested in Viktor

Also I think the story was symbolic of how Yuuri interpreted the situation thinking that he was the woman in the story, but he could get the playboy to stay if he tried hard enough and Yurio symbolised Viktor moving on to the 'next town'. So the playboy story already played out in that episode and Yuuri managed to give it a different ending.

That's just my guess (because I can't bear more angst this year lol)
Oct 23, 2016 1:51 AM

Aug 2013
In this case, the art quality is not enough to keep me watching it. Drop.
Oct 23, 2016 3:01 AM

Jul 2013
I've already rewatched this episode twice, and I expect I will again. It's so good!
Oct 23, 2016 6:12 AM

Mar 2015
I'm glad to see how popular this show is at the moment.

But I fear - somewhere along the way - the popularity might drop drastically when the producers decide to take the show into another direction.

Don't get me wrong: I adore the BL subtext of this show. But knowing how sport anime work I just cannot believe they will stick with the gay implications til the end or even make something canon. That's why I usually don't like 'slashable' anime.

There is always the danger of angering the fans by give the MC a girlfriend or an interest in girls. Let's see how this will pan out.
Oct 23, 2016 8:01 AM

Apr 2012
FANGIRLING LIKE CRAZY!!!! This anime is absolutely hilarious I can't xDDDD
and that whistle........... >////<
Oct 23, 2016 8:47 AM

Sep 2012
Oh my oh my I cant I just CANT i watched it like 7times or more, there are more things im supposed to watch but I CANT
please keep this pacing oh please
AvoKeijiOct 23, 2016 8:51 AM
Oct 23, 2016 8:54 AM

Sep 2012
thirstyforlemon said:
Tbh I'm actually really worried that there are gonna be parallels with the story about the playboy, but also there aren't enough similarities in the details so it would just be bad writing on the writers part.

-the playboy bewitches lots of women in town before going to the woman but Viktor goes straight to Yuuri in the anime without stopping anywhere.
-the woman isn't interested in the playboy but Yuuri has always been interested in Viktor

Also I think the story was symbolic of how Yuuri interpreted the situation thinking that he was the woman in the story, but he could get the playboy to stay if he tried hard enough and Yurio symbolised Viktor moving on to the 'next town'. So the playboy story already played out in that episode and Yuuri managed to give it a different ending.

That's just my guess (because I can't bear more angst this year lol)

Exactly what I was thinking while watching the story but couldn't put in words! thank you~
Oct 23, 2016 9:28 AM

Jun 2016
omg!!! So many fujoshis just appeared and im soooo freaking happy in not the only one who's gasming over this series XD
Oct 23, 2016 12:18 PM
Aug 2014
before I started this anime I saw someone say "this is not a yaoi" but iF THIS ISN'T A YAOI I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS
Oct 23, 2016 7:19 PM

Oct 2011
Amazing performance from Yuri and Yurio. That whistle from Victor,๐Ÿ˜
Oct 23, 2016 11:33 PM

May 2016
First things first, awesomely timed nosebleed there when Victor was showing Eros for the first time, those are always highly rated in my books, especially when a surprise one is timed well hehehe.

weird_nerd said:
omg I loved it. Hot damn, that whistle Victor gave when Yuri started skating!!!!! I died right there

My favorite part too!! The pork cutlet had me laughing but when Minako talks about teaching Yuri to be more feminine and there's this scene when he says 'who am I dancing for? I know who' and throws a sultry look at Victor [cut to gif scene of victor whistle in reply] ... I died, I paused rewound and watched it again.

I haven't fangirled over a show this hard, ever.

I was disappointed with the change of subtitle of 'girlfriend' lost in translation since Victor used a gender neutral word but I love it so much I forgive the translator.

FYI the opening song is 'History Maker' by dean fujioka and is on iTunes for download - it's on high repeat, love the opening to this!

Now, Titania, shall we bet? If those two would get along.
Rather than that, it would be better to bet on how many are made.
โœฟ ้ญ”ๆณ•ไฝฟใ„ใฎๅซ set designed by SenpieX โœฟ

Oct 24, 2016 4:10 AM

Jun 2013
It's pretty stupid that Japanese Yuri was able to skate like that thinking of katsudon. Then again, food and sex seemingly go hand-in-hand, right? I'm sure all the BBW feeders have raging hard-ons whenever they think of shoveling food inside a 300+kg (600+ lbs) woman tied up on the bed. Reminds me of that shitty Australian movie, "Feeder." But I digress, good job on Japanese Yuri for winning. Russian Yuri's reaction was expected, he's such a fucking tsundere. Lots of gooey, oozing homoerotic moments between Japanese Yuri and his Russian beau. One of them should just seriously bend over.
Oct 24, 2016 5:50 AM

Aug 2009
And here I was thinking this anime couldn't get any more gayer lol
Oct 24, 2016 12:18 PM

Sep 2010
Ishikatsu said:
Holy shit, this is so good. I don't even LIKE yaoi vibes in general, but I'm shipping ViktorxYuri now. Also, I'm so sad that Yurio is leaving, I thought we'd get to see the rivalry between them develop.

I'm pretty sure that Yurio will be back soon with even more rival - attitude
Oct 24, 2016 1:09 PM

May 2014
I just need to gush about how wonderful this anime is man service is also welcome to since I like how its played off so far...I had a big grin on my face the entire episode!

I loved Yurio's performance, but it seems that although he technically did a perfect routine, he couldn't truly get his theme across emotion wise. Yuri had me damn son got a lot of passion for "pork cutlet bowls" but c'mon we all know he was thinking about Victor. It was definitely a good move for him to incorporate more feminine movements since he doesn't exactly ooze traditionally masculine confidence.

Was kinda sad for Yurio at the end there since I wanted him to stick around, but he's obviously a major character/rival who we'll be seeing regularly. Cannot wait for Wednesday...I'm so glad I held off on watching this episode ^^
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Oct 24, 2016 6:58 PM

Apr 2014
omg my heart was beating during Yuri's performance, although Yurio was very good as well. it was a bit sad though...i wonder why he wanted it to be over

so far this anime is very good, entertainment factor is definitely a 10 for me so far.

also, i think Yuri is even more attractive than Viktor when he's skating. i really think the slicked back hair goes well with his thick eyebrows. just a detail i noticed

another thing....i think it would be very cool of this anime to make a canon relationship between Viktor and Yuri. you rarely see gay cannon couples in anime/manga that is not labeled as yaoi or yuri. i think it would be very believable with how their characterization is going
belovingOct 24, 2016 7:15 PM
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Oct 24, 2016 9:19 PM

May 2010
If Yuri's hair is down it will be more sexy especially he's trying for female role
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Oct 25, 2016 12:21 PM

Mar 2013
SchwingBoner said:
Yuri fantasizing about pork cutlet bowl to help his dance was just too funny. How can a 23-year old be that innocent?

I'm 24, and I would probably do the same thing :p Food is love.
Its an amazing series so far, but I really hope the BL stuff won't get anymore than this :( I want it about figure skating and close relationships, no romance.
Overall, I just hope the dudes become more brotherly. Remove all this fanservice...
Cause if this does turn out to be homosexual... I will drop it. Not to be offensive or anything, but that stuff makes me very uncomfortable, be real life or not.
KilikcliaOct 25, 2016 12:35 PM
Oct 25, 2016 4:55 PM

Jan 2014
This is getting gayer by the episode and I'm absolutely loving it.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Oct 25, 2016 6:00 PM

Dec 2008
Yuri's skating was sexy as hell! I died...
Oct 25, 2016 10:59 PM

Aug 2008
Status: Currently Airing
Aired: Oct 6, 2016 to Dec 22, 2016 <---- joke, glinch, or ...
The spider is watching
Oct 26, 2016 3:06 PM

Feb 2014
Holy crap, Yuri, your skating makes me howl in fangirlism! That was super sexy and beautiful ^^ I feel sorry for Yuio's past about his grandfather. Yuio might be an ass but you gotta feel sorry for him to have such a sad childhood.
Cartoons and anime is my reality.
Oct 26, 2016 4:51 PM
Sep 2015
Well the YurixVictor relationship has gotten hot and steamy on Ice!!
Oct 26, 2016 6:57 PM
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