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SK∞ 2nd Season
SK∞ 2nd Season
Jan 27, 8:32 PM
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Natsume Yuujinchou Shichi
Natsume Yuujinchou Shichi
Oct 17, 2024 10:18 AM
Watching 2/12 · Scored 8
Tasogare Out Focus
Tasogare Out Focus
Sep 15, 2024 10:34 AM
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Tokyo Tarareba Musume
Tokyo Tarareba Musume
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Cool Doji Danshi
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Jul 9, 2024 10:04 AM
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Kurt_Irving Apr 17, 2023 6:38 PM
Other than that, a buddy of mine informed me that Sunrise is planning to make a future Gundam SEED movie.

I'm certain that it'll be used to compete with future Macross movies that Harmony Gold and Big West are planning to make, localize, etc together.

Knowing Sunrise, it's clear to us that they don't intend to stop revisiting old Gundam timelines.

There is more information about future Macross movies on Den of Geek by the way.
Hyun0 Jan 11, 2023 12:28 PM
Hey! Long time no talk, don't know if you remember me but we talked about The Garden of Words almost 2 years ago. I remember you recommended me Tsurune and I've been wondering if you have started the new season and what are your thoughts on the first 2 episodes. Seems like KyoAni stepped up their animation again and after rewatching the first season it's just amazing how much they have improved since then with this new season.
Kurt_Irving May 3, 2022 11:07 PM
Hello miss! So what do you think of Rie Tanaka?
Ezekiel_01 Nov 25, 2021 6:43 PM
How are yah? Yeah an anime back in 2016, knocking on your doorsteps this 2021.
Ezekiel_01 Nov 22, 2021 6:47 AM
Hello There! Randomly Passing By!

Remusquispuair Mar 19, 2021 11:53 PM
Kuroko no Basket that's why
Wallacee Feb 3, 2021 6:32 PM
Hi Cloe,

You are right about the turn the story has taken. It hasn't had any character centered episodes yet (maybe the next one?) and the story is focused on a major event xD on the other hand, let me tell you that you would be surprised if you saw Eren right now...

About Mikasa's dependency, I would say she grew a little right after the ending of Lost Girls. She decided she would live for herself despite Eren being eaten by a titan. Furthermore, before that, she saved a group of people by kinnling a titan and ordering some merchants to stop blocking a ¿tunnel?. I think she developed some independency and she shows interest for others, too. I know it is not enough jaja I understand you, a manga just about these characters' personal interests and goals would have been more suitable!

Sure! seems interesting to me. We can start that way! each of us watches on their own and then we talk about it here. A couple of episodes per day is okay? I live in Argentina, so probably there is a huge gap jaja

Wallacee Feb 2, 2021 4:02 PM

I finished Lost Girls yesterday. Nice stories. Loved your comments. You are right, AoT got really political and it seems it will continue like that in the final season. Still, I recommend it :)

I would love that! Right now, I took a break from the animes I am watching. So, I'm very keen on watching something different. If you want to start a new anime/manga, please tell me! I will join you :)
Hyun0 Jan 13, 2021 7:43 PM
I also loved how every meeting between Takao and Yukino were left in the jurisdiction of the rain, added a nice twist to the story especially after the raining season ended in the movie. Yes! Trying to force a connection by such a forceful interaction always never seems to work, and somehow Shinkai found a way to show how true relationships between two people can from through this movie; how both character's meshed together was absolutely perfect and how their characteristics complemented each other so well was absolutely beautiful.

KyoAni has to be my favorite producers other than CoMix, the art and the characters they develop is crazy good and any show/movie they produce always has me engaged in the story. Both studios somehow make the story about the character and not about some incident or an objective to end the story, which leaves the viewer guessing what the next scene is going to be about.

Also I have to thank you for helping me find Tsurune, the animation was so beautiful and the characters of the story were so interesting and their different reasons as to why they stuck to practicing Kyudo was really interesting to discover.

Oh okay, I'll also add "School Babysitters" on my Plan to Watch, it also seems to have a fun comedic premise. I've just finished watching "Daily Lives of High School Boys" and it was a great watch, the comedic approach and the chaotic feeling of the show made it pretty fun. As for warm feeling animes go, "Tanaka-kun is always listless" is one of my top favorites, the show it really comforting and strangely relatable.

Sounds like "The Eccentric Family" is a great watch then~~ I'm glad you recommended it to me.

Oh alright, I'll also check out the prequel to "The Moment You Fall in Love", I'll probably end up watching it during the weekend if I have the time to do so. I've been very busy recently, so I've been sticking to shows rather than going with movies just to save some time.
Hyun0 Jan 10, 2021 1:39 AM
Yes!! That quote was the absolute best scene of that movie, it was really charming. ·ᴗ·
I think so too, a lot of the elements of the story of that movie is really hard to explain, but by just watching the movie in itself people could probably tell what we are talking about. And I have to agree with you with how, through rewatches, you definitely notice more subtle details that Shinkai added to the story.

Oh that's cool! I noticed that "Tsurune" is a KyoAni production, so that got me even more excited now! I will say that any KyoAni anime has always been in my top top list forever, and I hope that "Tsurune" may do the same.

Hmm, I guess I'd say a lot of the animes I have given a low rating on has had disappointing character interactions. For example (although I may get flamed for this) "One Week Friends", "Toradora", and "Kokoro Connect" had that feeling of forced character development/interactions. (If you want examples from any of these shows I could gladly explain).

Anyways, right now I'm watching "Nichijou - My Ordinary Life", which has been a lot of fun! The comedy in that anime is top notch, and if you're into Slice-of-life/Comedy anime you'll probably enjoy it as well. I'll definitely have to add "The Eccentric Family" to my Plan to Watch then, read the description here on MAL and it definitely has a fun concept!

Hahaha, that's great! I was just searching for some romance related anime and I stumbled upon "The Moment You Fall in Love", hopefully it is a good watch~~
Hyun0 Jan 7, 2021 9:26 PM
Exactly, the interactions between both MCs felt real and didn't feel forced, which a lot of animes tend to do. Personally, it was extremely interesting to see the outside influences the characters had to deal with (especially with the inclusion of literary symbols such as the rain, shoes, and food had on the narrative of the movie).

Seeing the obvious flaws of both characters which stopped them from being "an adult" (Akizuki's age/impulses and Yukino's lost dreams/dependance), yet they still kept a sense of maturity when it came to dealing with situations that related to one another. For example, as you mentioned— the act of helping another person "learn to walk again" by just showing the blissfulness of youth, and the calm nature of a person when dealing with each interaction— were great displays of maturity by both characters.

Hahaha, it's not a coincidence! I was just checking out your profile and I noticed that you had Tsurune in your list, I was intrigued by the art and I decided to add it to my plan to watch list. I found your profile through the review you left in the Manga of "The Garden of Words" which resonated with my reasoning as to why I also gave it a 10/10.
Hyun0 Jan 6, 2021 10:59 PM
True, I quite liked how both MCs acted like normal human beings with very humanesque flaws (with an added touch of maturity). Thank you, and best wishes for your 2021 as well!
Hyun0 Dec 28, 2020 7:32 AM
I see you are a person of culture as well, 10/10 for The Garden of Words
HazelShonenFan Jun 8, 2020 3:49 PM
Hey, sorry for the late reply😅.
When I saw your comment, I didn't know what to respond with. But I didn't want to leave you hanging either.
LilTinyVamp Jun 1, 2019 1:09 PM
I thought it was cool we both had Twitter Birds Never Fly in common. I hadn’t used MAL for the discussions before, so I thought I’d check a few other BL I liked and I noticed you in ones for Banana Fish, Papa Datte Shitai, Yaribu, and a few others. I liked your long comments and how nice you discuss the episodes. I kinda wanted to see more people talk like that about BL. Especially Banana Fish. You were really getting into it with your comments. I see you’re still watching it though. I hope you continue to enjoy it, it was really good.
I’m surprised you haven’t seen some of the major BL anime like Classmates, Junjou Romantica, or Sekaiichi since you seem to enjoy BL enough to make such nice comments. But I get it if you work and/or go to school since it is time consuming to watch anime. Also, they’re relatively old now but still fine I think.
I only have a few friends here since I am kinda picky but also, I’m too awkward to talk to people even online. Sorry if my replies come like later.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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