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Sep 9, 2016 7:11 AM

Nov 2011
So Guts faced off against some stronger enemies this episode, at least more than the typical ones.

This might of been his toughest on-screen fight this season so far. I mean, Mogzus and those rocky arms..he's far from an angel imo now.

Literally, Guts goes berserk in Berserk so I suppose this episode was decent in terms of action. Oh and quite a bit of teasing with the God's Right Hand. Too bad we won't be getting more focus on them at this pacing. Also, the Zodd cameo...
TyrelJul 24, 2017 8:00 PM
Sep 9, 2016 8:19 AM

Feb 2012
Nooooooo Mozgus is down. And lel so next episode really is a final one.

Why even bother with Berserk if you'll only do 12 episodes.
Sep 9, 2016 8:31 AM
Mar 2008
Yeah.......................this has been very disappointing so far. The probability is very high that not even the last episode is gonna save anything.
Sep 9, 2016 8:35 AM

May 2010
the animation quality for this episode was disgusting. this show has zero value for someone who is up to date with manga.

And we wont even see the berserk armor because its over next week already.
Sep 9, 2016 9:13 AM

Feb 2013
Mozgus is finally dead.
Sep 9, 2016 9:27 AM

Jul 2014
Good riddance to Mozgus, but even with that it all seems pretty bleak really. After all, no one seems to be dealing with the Egg guy to even try to do anything to stop all this from happening. In any case, it'll be interesting to see if this ends in as violent a fashion as the original series did or not.
Sep 9, 2016 10:05 AM

Dec 2014
So we've reached our penultimate episode, It was pretty decent one as well.

Isidoro being the hero with that bungee jump to save Casca. xD
That Puck spark. XD

The egg guy's monologues are quite melancholic.

Glad to see Mozgus being defeated by Guts, Absolutely loved the way he just threw him over the edge with his sword, That was epic.
Mozgus found use in his death. :3

Liked the bits of 2D animation (Should I say stills?) used for Guts this episode, Especially at the end with him saying 'We're gonna survive'.
Sep 9, 2016 10:45 AM
Dec 2014
Uhh idk about this one boys pretty disappointing episode tbh and I'm not talking about the obvious shit animation
Sep 9, 2016 11:00 AM

Jun 2016
The hilarious starting sequence made me think of this:

Sep 9, 2016 11:49 AM

Dec 2013
Nice episode. This show is rly good once you get used to CGI.
PS: screw haters and manga fans.
Sep 9, 2016 11:53 AM

May 2009
Only twelve episodes? FUCK! I was hoping for at least 24. This may be good only if another (better) studio picks this up after 12th episode.
Sep 9, 2016 12:15 PM
Jul 2014
God the battle scenes were done so poorly, but dang are the story and characters great. I just love how badass guts is, how well the struggle the princess is going through between her faith and reality kicking in that she might not be on the right side. The fanaticism of Mozgus being closer to a demon then a holyman makes me think of all the fanatics like ISIS and fanatic Christians who to me resemble this guy. And the world feels so apocalyptic which I always appreciate in stories/movies/anime.
Sep 9, 2016 12:22 PM
Memelord Mcgee

Jun 2014
Thank god this trainwreck is almost over, I don't know how much more I can take...
"Ayyy lmao" - Lil B
Sep 9, 2016 1:25 PM

Dec 2013
Arachnophobic said:
The hilarious starting sequence made me think of this:

That would make Mozgus the Berserk Manga and Guts Millepensee&GEMBA studios. Still fairly accurate.
Sep 9, 2016 1:28 PM

Jun 2014
I think it's interesting that people are saying the animation in this episode was poor/'s been that way for the entire show lol.

Well putting the animation aside, the fight itself was rather bearable, and thank goodness that religious fanatic is gone. He's the prime example of what can happen to a person who devotes every fiber of their being to their beliefs.

No matter how "good" next week's finale is, it won't be enough to save this show.
thebrentinator24Sep 9, 2016 1:34 PM
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Sep 9, 2016 1:35 PM

Jan 2009
the camera angles are giving me eye cancer
Sep 9, 2016 1:38 PM

Feb 2015
I don't mind the CGI, I really love this anime, but please only 12 episodes D:
Sep 9, 2016 1:47 PM

Jun 2016
Astros said:
That would make Mozgus the Berserk Manga and Guts Millepensee&GEMBA studios. Still fairly accurate.

Haha, yeah. I kept thinking that the "We're going to survive" line could refer to the studio's reputation.
Sep 9, 2016 2:41 PM
Mar 2016
The last ep soon, R.I.P to Fr.Mozgus
Sep 9, 2016 3:13 PM

Jan 2010
Awesome, as usual. I'm having a blast seeing my favorite manga animated. It's a shame next friday is going to be the last one of Berserk for now.
Sep 9, 2016 3:14 PM

Aug 2016
Next week final episode for this "disaster" and then we will wait like another 10 or 15 years until somebody get guts to make another berserk attempt. Hehe, get Guts, you get it? Oh nevermind.
Sep 9, 2016 3:42 PM

Oct 2015
Kamiyan3991 said:
Nice episode. This show is rly good once you get used to CGI.
PS: screw haters and manga fans.

True dat.
Ive alternated between hating and praising this series, but I just watched a couple scenes here and there from the show all over, and its solid.
In truth the difficulty is compressing the manga into short 24min episodes, and like someone else said the manga isnt well paced either.
Of course I would have preferred this to be 2D, but the 3D is actually solid, it was a different kind of show, a kind of 3D spectacle. They did push the 3D in ways I never saw before TBH.
Final score for me 7/10.

fofo808 said:
Thank god this trainwreck is almost over, I don't know how much more I can take...

The funny thing is how hypocritical you people are.
I at least admit I am watching it because I enjoy it, as a Berserk fan.
Why are you watching it, and then going on inevitably on the forums to criticise it?
Its like little sado-masochistic children not in control of their emotions.
Just quit this anime you hate and stop commenting on it week after week. Its ridiculous.
Kind of like extremely bored kids with nothing else to do but this.
lancer35Sep 9, 2016 3:45 PM
Sep 9, 2016 4:20 PM

Jun 2010
So next week is finally the last episode, and i hope they never continue with this fucking shit ever again. Continue the movies those were awesome.
To guys who say you get used to CGI, stop fucking gauging your eyes out and bleed to death, this is very very bad CGI and thats a fact, theres good CGI then theres, ewwww, this.
Sep 9, 2016 4:22 PM

Nov 2014
This phrase was cut out

It's a good thing i reread this arc a couple days ago to refresh myself
No drop crew, Loyal husband, sadomasochist, H&E bully, AWC fan. Click sig for n00dz!
Sep 9, 2016 4:54 PM

Jun 2013
damn only one episode left
Sep 9, 2016 5:01 PM

Jan 2011
when i read the manga i thought the jelly monster was made of flesh an bones instead, the jelly monstr looks kinda funny unlike in the manga
wish nina d just die already
Sep 9, 2016 5:23 PM

Apr 2010
People are such masochists these days, looking for things to complain about. It's so easy to just not watch something and it'll save you all that anger you show every week, but it seems you entitled fellows love the pain and love complaining.

Find another hobby.

Admittedly the fight lacked the "oomph" that it should have had, I think I enjoyed previous episodes more, although I don't recall thinking the Mozgus fight was anything special in the manga either other that a few bits and pieces, so I'm not surprised this episode wasn't exactly amazing. 7, 9 and 10 were better for me, but I still enjoyed this.
Sep 9, 2016 5:34 PM

Dec 2013
Really enjoyed the fight against Mozgus. Directing could've definitely been better tho

RIP. You were too good for this world
Sep 9, 2016 5:43 PM
Apr 2015
Puck Spark moment was soo cool with the music xD
Not the best episode but there is so much to enjoy !
& for the people who are still complaining in this forum !!! Do not watch it if its that bad !!
U made yourself clear .. you hate the animation and CG and you gave this amazing series 3/10 and 4/10 because of it .. ok thanks !! If you didnt watch the movies or u ve never read the manga .. you have no right to complain and if you are a berserk fan you should appreciate this work!
Im a manga fan and i thank the people behind this 12 episodes .. It was not perfect but it was so good.
Sep 9, 2016 6:20 PM

Jun 2010
Good god the animation in the Mozgus fight was atrocious, combined with the poor lighting it was amazing that our eyes didn't just completely glaze over everything after Mozgus's transformation. I was really hoping that they were going to give this fight their all, but guess I was hoping for too much.

It's also baffling to me just how many of you are downright antagonistic towards people expressing their displeasure at the quality of this adaptation, especially those of you claiming to be fans of the manga. There are positives and negatives in every series, but since anime is inherently visual medium when you fail on that front, you fail on the most crucial area. Which is a shame, since for the most part the sound design is pretty damn good and the story is lifted directly from the source material (if not rushed in sections).

As a fan, don't you think you deserve better than this poorly animated slop that also skipped one of the best story arcs of the series? In an age of good adaptations like JoJo, Monster, FMA:B and Hellsing Ultimate, is this really the treatment that a story like Berserk deserves? Demand better for yourself as a viewer, demand for Berserk to receive an adaptation that lives up to the quality set by the original medium.
Sep 9, 2016 8:21 PM

Dec 2012
Puck Spark for the win.
So long Mozgus.

Yeah leave Guts alone.
Finally Guts & Casca reunite.

Now to survive until morning. 1 more ep to go.
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Sep 9, 2016 10:17 PM

Jan 2014
What a trainwreck. What a friggin' entertaining trainwreck! Non-stop suspense and cool sound design!
I like that scene where Guts and dat egg cross paths. Plus Smokin' Guts looks pretty awesome.
Also silent Farnese best Farnese. Nina should die thou...

fluffy_mausSep 9, 2016 10:25 PM
Sep 9, 2016 10:45 PM

Jun 2015
Not the best episode so far, but as terrible as this show has been to watch, I'm still finding it better than a lot of the other airing shows, which mainly comes down to the story, and shows you how great Berserk really is. Quality wise though, it's looking to be a high 6/low 7, for me, which I don't see changing when the last episode comes out.
Hopefully, if another season happens, a different studio who knows what they're doing can pick it up.
"Hurry up with my damn croissants."
Sep 9, 2016 11:06 PM
May 2016
The unofficial manga translators made this sequence more amusing xD

Sep 10, 2016 12:19 AM
Memelord Mcgee

Jun 2014
lancer35 said:
Kamiyan3991 said:
Nice episode. This show is rly good once you get used to CGI.
PS: screw haters and manga fans.

True dat.
Ive alternated between hating and praising this series, but I just watched a couple scenes here and there from the show all over, and its solid.
In truth the difficulty is compressing the manga into short 24min episodes, and like someone else said the manga isnt well paced either.
Of course I would have preferred this to be 2D, but the 3D is actually solid, it was a different kind of show, a kind of 3D spectacle. They did push the 3D in ways I never saw before TBH.
Final score for me 7/10.

fofo808 said:
Thank god this trainwreck is almost over, I don't know how much more I can take...

The funny thing is how hypocritical you people are.
I at least admit I am watching it because I enjoy it, as a Berserk fan.
Why are you watching it, and then going on inevitably on the forums to criticise it?
Its like little sado-masochistic children not in control of their emotions.
Just quit this anime you hate and stop commenting on it week after week. Its ridiculous.
Kind of like extremely bored kids with nothing else to do but this.

Nice projecting. I'm still watching this because:

1. Berserk is my favorite manga of all time and I hoped it would get better as time went on (which it didn't)

2. I see shows through to the end because dropping shows is for the weak

The 3D is trash and its never getting a season 2 so I really can't tell you anything else than to WRYYYYYYead the manga ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Ayyy lmao" - Lil B
Sep 10, 2016 12:29 AM

Oct 2008
looks like that egg ate the demon birthchild of Guts & Casca...
nice one Isidro, that was brave saving Casca!
Puck Spark was very useful!
Guts is really tough and still able to defeat Father Mozgus!
That reuniting hug from Guts to Casca was wonderful.
I think by now Farnese-sama should decide to just stick together with Guts and Co.

Sep 10, 2016 1:02 AM
Jul 2007
Kerozinn said:
the animation quality for this episode was disgusting. this show has zero value for someone who is up to date with manga.

And we wont even see the berserk armor because its over next week already.

Gotta agree. I know it's beating a dead horse, but this would have been much more acceptable had it been normally animated. I feel like I'm watching a cel-shaded videogame :/, not an anime.
Sep 10, 2016 1:26 AM
Aug 2015
lancer35 said:
Kamiyan3991 said:
Nice episode. This show is rly good once you get used to CGI.
PS: screw haters and manga fans.

True dat.
Ive alternated between hating and praising this series, but I just watched a couple scenes here and there from the show all over, and its solid.
In truth the difficulty is compressing the manga into short 24min episodes, and like someone else said the manga isnt well paced either.
Of course I would have preferred this to be 2D, but the 3D is actually solid, it was a different kind of show, a kind of 3D spectacle. They did push the 3D in ways I never saw before TBH.
Final score for me 7/10.

fofo808 said:
Thank god this trainwreck is almost over, I don't know how much more I can take...

The funny thing is how hypocritical you people are.
I at least admit I am watching it because I enjoy it, as a Berserk fan.
Why are you watching it, and then going on inevitably on the forums to criticise it?
Its like little sado-masochistic children not in control of their emotions.
Just quit this anime you hate and stop commenting on it week after week. Its ridiculous.
Kind of like extremely bored kids with nothing else to do but this.

Great comment, it really is ridiculous how people will hate the anime... but watch it EVERY RELEASE DAY, then immediately hop on the forums to complain when you know damn well... they'll be back again same time same anime.
Sep 10, 2016 2:34 AM
Jul 2007
RowinnDinosaur said:
lancer35 said:

True dat.
Ive alternated between hating and praising this series, but I just watched a couple scenes here and there from the show all over, and its solid.
In truth the difficulty is compressing the manga into short 24min episodes, and like someone else said the manga isnt well paced either.
Of course I would have preferred this to be 2D, but the 3D is actually solid, it was a different kind of show, a kind of 3D spectacle. They did push the 3D in ways I never saw before TBH.
Final score for me 7/10.

The funny thing is how hypocritical you people are.
I at least admit I am watching it because I enjoy it, as a Berserk fan.
Why are you watching it, and then going on inevitably on the forums to criticise it?
Its like little sado-masochistic children not in control of their emotions.
Just quit this anime you hate and stop commenting on it week after week. Its ridiculous.
Kind of like extremely bored kids with nothing else to do but this.

Great comment, it really is ridiculous how people will hate the anime... but watch it EVERY RELEASE DAY, then immediately hop on the forums to complain when you know damn well... they'll be back again same time same anime.

I'm only watching it to see what it looks like in animated form, and we're probably not going to get another adaptation for many years... some of us might be dead by that time, so people have every right to express their frustration with how they treated the adaptation. Some people have a lot of free time and would rather watch the animated form of their favorite manga, even if it's really painful. Sure, it's not completely bad, but that's watching it while forcing yourself to ignore how UGLY the animation is. I've seen a lot of anime, but nothing as jarring as going back and forth between drawn to CGI in an anime before. That's just turd quality if you ask me, and I'd be happy to go in every episode discussion to "review" how horrible the animation is but I don't have THAT much free time. If you think about it, this is no different than Yelp. We all have a right to express our feelings about a product. So, don't say we are hypocrites when we have every right to criticize things as consumers. It'll force these horrible studios to do a better job next time with something that takes years to be adapted each time. And I'll just add I'm not the type to yelp about restaurants or service because that's just shallow as **** and serving food only takes 15 minutes, but an anime adaptation takes a lot LONGER and much more infrequent. Hell, I'll rage about how horrible this is as much as I want. I'm not a hypocrite for critizing something that tried to adapt one of my favorite manga, and I'll watch it anyway to relive the nostalgia.
eraltergSep 10, 2016 2:42 AM
Sep 10, 2016 2:49 AM
Dec 2014
amazing fights + strong moments...

good stuff..

*why are people so whiny these days :(
Sep 10, 2016 7:54 AM

May 2015
Heh, pretty decent action in this episode. Last episode next week.

Sep 10, 2016 8:52 AM
Aug 2016
I think i read somewhere this was orignally suppose to be 24? ..hmm maybe it will be split cour. look does it have bad animation#? yes. the skip an arc or two? Yes

Is it a good adaptation of the conviction arc at least? Yes it is.

I still like this series despite that...i think i am in the minority here...hmm maybe i should a review to explain it better why i still enjoy it after it ends.
Sep 10, 2016 9:01 AM

Dec 2010
superzombie23 said:
RowinnDinosaur said:

Great comment, it really is ridiculous how people will hate the anime... but watch it EVERY RELEASE DAY, then immediately hop on the forums to complain when you know damn well... they'll be back again same time same anime.

I'm only watching it to see what it looks like in animated form, and we're probably not going to get another adaptation for many years... some of us might be dead by that time, so people have every right to express their frustration with how they treated the adaptation. Some people have a lot of free time and would rather watch the animated form of their favorite manga, even if it's really painful. Sure, it's not completely bad, but that's watching it while forcing yourself to ignore how UGLY the animation is. I've seen a lot of anime, but nothing as jarring as going back and forth between drawn to CGI in an anime before. That's just turd quality if you ask me, and I'd be happy to go in every episode discussion to "review" how horrible the animation is but I don't have THAT much free time. If you think about it, this is no different than Yelp. We all have a right to express our feelings about a product. So, don't say we are hypocrites when we have every right to criticize things as consumers. It'll force these horrible studios to do a better job next time with something that takes years to be adapted each time. And I'll just add I'm not the type to yelp about restaurants or service because that's just shallow as **** and serving food only takes 15 minutes, but an anime adaptation takes a lot LONGER and much more infrequent. Hell, I'll rage about how horrible this is as much as I want. I'm not a hypocrite for critizing something that tried to adapt one of my favorite manga, and I'll watch it anyway to relive the nostalgia.

it's not even horrible, you're just on the hate bandwagon.
Sep 10, 2016 2:03 PM
Mar 2008
mahoupenisu said:
superzombie23 said:

I'm only watching it to see what it looks like in animated form, and we're probably not going to get another adaptation for many years... some of us might be dead by that time, so people have every right to express their frustration with how they treated the adaptation. Some people have a lot of free time and would rather watch the animated form of their favorite manga, even if it's really painful. Sure, it's not completely bad, but that's watching it while forcing yourself to ignore how UGLY the animation is. I've seen a lot of anime, but nothing as jarring as going back and forth between drawn to CGI in an anime before. That's just turd quality if you ask me, and I'd be happy to go in every episode discussion to "review" how horrible the animation is but I don't have THAT much free time. If you think about it, this is no different than Yelp. We all have a right to express our feelings about a product. So, don't say we are hypocrites when we have every right to criticize things as consumers. It'll force these horrible studios to do a better job next time with something that takes years to be adapted each time. And I'll just add I'm not the type to yelp about restaurants or service because that's just shallow as **** and serving food only takes 15 minutes, but an anime adaptation takes a lot LONGER and much more infrequent. Hell, I'll rage about how horrible this is as much as I want. I'm not a hypocrite for critizing something that tried to adapt one of my favorite manga, and I'll watch it anyway to relive the nostalgia.

it's not even horrible, you're just on the hate bandwagon.

Man, that stupid "bandwagon" argument again and again and again.
So, let me get this straight:
If anybody goes with "The animation is shit in Berserk 2016", you go with "You are just jumping into the hate bandwagon"? So superzombie23 does not have his/her own opinion, its just to jump into A bandwagon, huh?
And let me guess, you are not doing that with "Its not horrible" point?
Sep 11, 2016 12:08 AM

Feb 2012
bandwagon..? there are plenty of reasons for berserk fans to hate this adaption. i'm a berserk fan and personally like it, but i'd be pleased with pretty much any adaption at this point.
Sep 11, 2016 2:19 AM

Jun 2013
Just one more episode.

"Seems like he was more useful in death." Puck is savage.

Finally, Guts and Casca reunite but she's still slobbering.
Sep 11, 2016 3:13 AM
Jun 2016
got to give this episode 5/5 for its cool action scenes.

finally last episode next week.
Sep 11, 2016 9:55 AM

May 2016
I see that they fixed Casca in the OP.

Damn it, Nina, you potato. You fucked up again :3

The trio's power move against the twin inquisitors are clever indeed.

Turns out Mozgus-tenshi was a Divine Rock Dragon. The fight was tough, but Guts thought a way through~

More useful in death... he's still blazing holy fire from that burn.

The ignorant public gets punished. A slimy karmic fate befell them.

Their last stand begins next week... I kinda wanted more since I actually liked this adaptation .

Sep 11, 2016 6:15 PM

Aug 2013
What a clusterfuck. The fight had WAY too many pointless close-ups and poor framing, that it gave me a headache. The shots were constantly moving, zooming in/out or shaking along with Guts and Mozgul to give the lackluster animation some impact. Its like watching Berserk through the eyes of a drunken bumblebee. This isnt a matter of opinion or taste anymore, but rather obviously bad animation.

I do think that this anime had some qualities and I did enjoy watching it to some degree (mostly because its a very faithful adaptation). But I would rather like to see another studio give it a shot, than having a sequel to this.
Sep 11, 2016 8:42 PM

May 2008
Overall good show. The show had some great moments, but really, it is nothing in comparison to the original manga.
I give it 6.5/10.
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