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Aug 24, 2016 7:57 PM

Sep 2015
If you look at the other way around the continue-ing of super saiyan mode fight in manga actually look more like an ass pull, after that only a few pages of saying its the work of their op son. In the anime at least we can blame the saiyan mode on pure will and courage of wanting to defeat Yuto. The reason they cancel the saiyan mode during the punching fight in anime is so that Rokura being supported by the children who died long ago. If we look at the manga style, there is no point of a op saiyan mode being supported by the children. So i do think Rokuro fighting in human form supported by the children is correct, but the production should also explain a little bit more about the origin of that power.
Aug 24, 2016 7:57 PM

Apr 2014
_MerrBear_ said:
Z4k said:
>Mangareaders complaining about the asspull powerup in the manga being toned down


Anyways that ending scene was really sweet. I've always liked how the anime handled their relationship unlike the manga. Now hopefully the anime original episodes next week are at least watchable.

If by "handling their relationship" you mean that filler arc with the blonde woman earlier on, I have to totally disagree with you there. That whole series of episodes made me cringe.

I'm not in the mood to get in an argument here but that's simply your opinion.
Aug 24, 2016 8:01 PM

Jan 2014
Rokuro instantly filling that hole in his stomach... If only he could teach Kakyoin how to do that ...
Aug 24, 2016 8:02 PM

Dec 2009
Well this was a solid end to to the Yuto arc and it definitely convinced me despite a few shortcomings, the anime is a solid adaptation of the manga. I love how much better Rokuro and Benio's romance is portrayed in the anime and I'm super invested in seeing them get their happy ending (Also love how this episode made them completely canon). Super excited to see the timeskip content, wonder what's changed in 2 years?
Aug 24, 2016 9:57 PM
Dec 2014
Really glad I'm choosing too read the manga after anime is over cus I would hate to be a poor sap complaining about every little missed detail. I get where they are coming from since it's changing the source material which bugs me too but without having read the manga I enjoy this show and it just means that I'll enjoy the manga that much more afterwards! Like I did with Akame ga kill now just waiting on that final volume!
Aug 24, 2016 11:16 PM

Sep 2013
The animation this week is way better than last week's fight. Though that's not saying much at all.

As a manga reader I'm not too bothered on how the fight ended. I'm just disappointed that it went by way fast and they cut a lot of important scenes out.

At this point, I'm not sure if they will actually follow the manga or not. They did re-arrange a lot of things like how they met Kamui first rather than Yuto and all that but they still went through with it. Now i'm just not sure at all.

Aug 25, 2016 1:46 AM

Oct 2011
Rokuro power up omg
the ship has sailed
Aug 25, 2016 4:31 AM

Mar 2016
SKP138 said:
The animation this week is way better than last week's fight. Though that's not saying much at all.

As a manga reader I'm not too bothered on how the fight ended. I'm just disappointed that it went by way fast and they cut a lot of important scenes out.

At this point, I'm not sure if they will actually follow the manga or not. They did re-arrange a lot of things like how they met Kamui first rather than Yuto and all that but they still went through with it. Now i'm just not sure at all.

Since the anime decided to make it unclear what happened to Yuuto rather than showing him run off, Arima gave Rokuro and Benio a vague af prophecy about how there's gonna be an upcoming calamity in two years that they have to prepare for (I don't even think he mentioned the island lol)

this is what the anime used as a replacement goal and idk if you missed reading the subtitles of Arima saying that.

_MerrBear_ said:
Z4k said:
>Mangareaders complaining about the asspull powerup in the manga being toned down


Anyways that ending scene was really sweet. I've always liked how the anime handled their relationship unlike the manga. Now hopefully the anime original episodes next week are at least watchable.

If by "handling their relationship" you mean that filler arc with the blonde woman earlier on, I have to totally disagree with you there. That whole series of episodes made me cringe.

Yeah...both the manga and the anime have hit and misses with how their relationship is handled...

The manga, while handling the development of Rokuro and Benio's feelings in a more natural and compelling way, it also unfortunately tends to be more Rokuro-centric rather than including Benio in the same spotlight along with him (i.e. the part where corrupted Mayura was purified: in the manga, only Rokuro caught her while in the anime, both Rokuro and Benio held out their arms to her)

On the other hand, the anime's strength is including Benio in the Rokuro-centric moments the manga had, putting her on an equal standing role with him, but it has problems when it comes to creating chemistry between the two by butchering their moments from the manga and writing their own cringeworthy, less impactful interactions instead
LulupusAug 25, 2016 4:52 AM
Aug 25, 2016 4:43 AM

Apr 2014
This show would be pretty good if it was just a romcom with the other elements a bit of a sideshow instead of the other way around.

I can't believe I just said that.
Aug 25, 2016 11:25 AM
Nov 2015
Confucius said:


Fillers next huh? Well the best we can do is cross our fingers and hope for the beach episode
Aug 25, 2016 1:41 PM
Jan 2016
I fucking love Benio so much after this shit!!!!!
Hate how green hair girl is joining them though -.- she will ruin my expectations now :c
Aug 25, 2016 2:30 PM

Jun 2013
intense fight and it's over
Aug 25, 2016 5:52 PM

Sep 2010
I was rooting for yuuto this round, cant get myself to like shark teeth, anime would have been better if rokuro actually died...
I don't expect justice. I expect revenge, even if it solves nothing in the end.
I don't expect redemption. I expect decadence and self destruction.
I don't expect compassion. I expect selfishness.
I don't expect people making choices. I expect a cruel fate forced upon them.
Aug 25, 2016 5:56 PM

Apr 2016
Rokuro = Allen
Benio = Lenalee
Both DGM and TSE are exorcist anime. :v

Anyway, again those still images but at some parts the animation is really good.
Aug 25, 2016 7:39 PM

Jun 2015
Well that was an episode i guess.
Enjoyed the fight expect for a few frames where people were talking but no mouth movements.. but it's not hard for me to just enjoy a fight scene in a series i'm already invested in.

The highlight of this series is definitely the chemistry between the MC's the end scene with the hairclips is probably my favorite in the anime so far.
Aug 25, 2016 9:29 PM

Oct 2013
Once again I find Rokuro & Benio's interaction's & constantly developing relationship to be the best part about this show, and the fights themselves to be the most uninteresting - too much standard shounen shenanigans, even for a shounen.

It'd be delusional to not expect any ass pulls at all in a struggle against a much stronger foe when there's the protagonist fighting, but that's okay if they're kept to a minimum and done as subtly as possible, which certainly wasn't the case here. Benio's power-up after loosing her legs wasn't bad, heck it even made sense so I wouldn't even call it a deus ex machina and if it was, it was fairly subtle - the fact that it only lasted a short while then she was disabled again was a nice touch as well.

Then they started coming for Roku, each more in-your-face than the last. I raised my eyebrow at how he was still functioning with that huge hole in his stomach, then used my suspension of disbelief, assuming that it was possible due to his kegare corruption and just went with that.

The super sayan mode was when it went too far, followed by him being kept from falling by the assumed spirits of his dead friends, that Yuto could apparently also see - literally came outta nowhere.

Then the good part started with Benio & Roku standing up for each other against Arima & the 12 guardians, and that sweet moment at the end with them at the festival. No tides gonna bring down dat ship.

footmaster said:
Rokuro = Allen
Benio = Lenalee
Both DGM and TSE are exorcist anime. :v

Not that I don't enjoy this anime, but it's still a poor man's D.Gray Man, and I don't mean budget wise :P
Aug 25, 2016 10:20 PM

May 2015
I really don't pay much attention to the fights in this show, so the romance and hairclip scene in particular was my favorite part of the episode. But Mayura wanting to be an exorcist sounded cool!
Cross-country >>>>>>>>>>>> Every other sport
Aug 25, 2016 11:53 PM

Jan 2008
SKP138 said:
The animation this week is way better than last week's fight. Though that's not saying much at all.

As a manga reader I'm not too bothered on how the fight ended. I'm just disappointed that it went by way fast and they cut a lot of important scenes out.

At this point, I'm not sure if they will actually follow the manga or not. They did re-arrange a lot of things like how they met Kamui first rather than Yuto and all that but they still went through with it. Now i'm just not sure at all.

They probably left some stuff out to create the sort of "cliff hanger" we got now.

It's working for me though. I'm really enjoying this show.
Aug 26, 2016 12:35 AM
Aug 2016
Z4k said:
>Mangareaders complaining about the asspull powerup in the manga being toned down


Anyways that ending scene was really sweet. I've always liked how the anime handled their relationship unlike the manga. Now hopefully the anime original episodes next week are at least watchable.


I prefer this method compared to the manga. IIRC, the part where Benio ask whether he was serious about getting married and baby and all that.. Rokuro reacted the typical MC denial path and said "they cant imagine having a baby together... " which resulted in her kicking his ass...

The anime is better... he didnt deny that it would be nice, but he's not ready yet.... that's a far more mature way of handling things.. considering their age.

And the way he saw her smile and decided there... awesome.
Aug 26, 2016 12:37 AM
Aug 2016
I have generally liked the show but this episode was pretty bad.

Homeboy goes into ultimate kagura form and Rokuro just gets into a brawling match...and then wins.

Shit inexplicably happens is the highlight here. Not good.

I think if at least they have a bit of part where Benio wondered how did he powered up and all that would have helped keeping the mystery there... But it's like she totally ignored that he powered up and nothing happen business as usual.
Aug 26, 2016 3:27 AM

Apr 2016
ManlyTear said:
Once again I find Rokuro & Benio's interaction's & constantly developing relationship to be the best part about this show, and the fights themselves to be the most uninteresting - too much standard shounen shenanigans, even for a shounen.

It'd be delusional to not expect any ass pulls at all in a struggle against a much stronger foe when there's the protagonist fighting, but that's okay if they're kept to a minimum and done as subtly as possible, which certainly wasn't the case here. Benio's power-up after loosing her legs wasn't bad, heck it even made sense so I wouldn't even call it a deus ex machina and if it was, it was fairly subtle - the fact that it only lasted a short while then she was disabled again was a nice touch as well.

Then they started coming for Roku, each more in-your-face than the last. I raised my eyebrow at how he was still functioning with that huge hole in his stomach, then used my suspension of disbelief, assuming that it was possible due to his kegare corruption and just went with that.

The super sayan mode was when it went too far, followed by him being kept from falling by the assumed spirits of his dead friends, that Yuto could apparently also see - literally came outta nowhere.

Then the good part started with Benio & Roku standing up for each other against Arima & the 12 guardians, and that sweet moment at the end with them at the festival. No tides gonna bring down dat ship.

footmaster said:
Rokuro = Allen
Benio = Lenalee
Both DGM and TSE are exorcist anime. :v

Not that I don't enjoy this anime, but it's still a poor man's D.Gray Man, and I don't mean budget wise :P

Yes, I agree with you. I enjoy Roku-Benio interaction part than the fight scenes which should be the main point of a shounen anime. I'm not a fan of those still images and showing the name of the move.
Aug 26, 2016 8:03 AM

Jun 2013
Decent first half, ok 2nd half. Couldn't help rolling my eyes when roku's body suddenly healed & got a power up.
Imagine a berserk anime by Yoshiaki kawajiri at Madhouse.

Now take a look at Berserk (2016).

Aug 26, 2016 12:40 PM
Mar 2016
Aw man, if Yuto ain't dead, then we'll be seeing more of him.
Aug 26, 2016 8:53 PM

Oct 2008
No reinforcements!?!?!? DAMN! I never thought Yuuto was this weak!
LAME! They didn't even introduced the names of the remaining 9 Guardians.

Aug 26, 2016 11:03 PM

Sep 2013
Animation during Rokuro's fight wasn't very good, but I'm loving the progression between Rokuro and Benio.
Aug 28, 2016 12:24 AM
Aug 2016
Anyway, anyone knows the music/song whenever Benio fights?(when she uses her lotus dance) Its kinda good
Aug 28, 2016 4:19 AM

Jun 2012
Good thing I'm already reading the manga otherwise I would be lately reading it now.
Aug 28, 2016 6:37 AM
Oct 2015
this series is getting better, omg so hype about its quite underrated in my opinion, maybe the starting is quite boring, i guess
Aug 28, 2016 5:38 PM
Aug 2016
Can someone please tell the OST of the song that was play when the underpant perv made the decision to give them two year
Aug 29, 2016 8:15 AM

Apr 2015

HNGG. Last 2 episodes were like the best till now.

Great episode. BENIO HNG
Aug 30, 2016 9:29 PM

Mar 2009
Benio looked gorgeous at the end.
Sep 2, 2016 12:47 AM

Oct 2015
i hope on those two years rokuro and Benio they do not become strong and have that baby. It will be fun.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Sep 23, 2016 4:44 AM

Dec 2010
Great episode, I'm satisfied with every part of it, including Yuto's survival, and even the next PV. Way to go.
Sep 27, 2016 9:26 PM

Dec 2012
SSJ Rokuro?

Could have been future waifu appeared first to stop Rokuro from falling.

My waifu, Mayura, wants to be an exorcist now?

Best part of this episode was Mayura.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Oct 9, 2016 9:27 AM
Apr 2014
It's actually pretty interesting. Most of the time one of those three starts talking I have to mute the player. It's not even that the VA is bad(at least not in the case of Rokuro) just the dialogue is so goddamn annoying in combination with their tone of voice. Benio's arrogant voice was bad already(at least tolerable though) but the shouting is so much worse. Rokuro is just switching between shouting Benio and Yuuto all the time. And Yuuto is behaving like the average insane antagonist. There's just one problem. The character of the average insane antagonist doesn't work with the voice of a 14-year-old.

The fight was good though. Even with Rokuro basically dying several times and still winning(but this is shounen so it is to be expected)

Also pretty sound logic of Rokuro in front of the 12 guardians. I'm surprised.
Oct 22, 2016 12:00 PM
Nov 2010
Wow, so together with the prophecy, there's help from the enemy, getting a hole and turning into vasto lorde like a certain someone and nakama power. Okay.
Oct 23, 2016 10:41 AM

Jan 2014
is Benio forever disabled without her Kegare power?
or it's just in healing process so she shouldn't use her legs?
Nov 3, 2016 10:18 AM

Jan 2016
What final fight.. damn its was emotional, and extremely beautiful scenery, it just shocked me speechless. and feel little pist they could not kill yuuto.. well still 30 more episodes xD and 2 years forward next time.and with mayura as a exorcist also! hohoho this might be interesting!'

tbh whe i saw the manga how roku said let get married to benio i died with awwwwww and wanted to see this scene. kinda disappointing but also pleased.. he didint say lewd stuff tho... murrr
cause MAL is doing there job for once.
Nov 12, 2016 3:40 PM
Dec 2014
... I don't want Mayura to become an Exorcist.
Nov 14, 2016 1:06 AM

Feb 2014
'These wounds arent enough to stop me'

Buddy...did you see that huge hole in your stomach?
Nov 24, 2016 1:16 PM

Sep 2015
Intense fight and lol Rokuro brought the make a baby stuff at the meeting. That ending was pretty seeing Benio's smile because of that hairpin gift made my day.
Dec 17, 2016 2:59 AM

Dec 2015
"And chests" XD If you haven't watched the preview at the end of this episode then just go back an listen to what they say
Apr 11, 2017 1:18 AM

Aug 2016
This episode was absolutely beautiful

Set by SenpieX
Jul 26, 2017 10:05 PM

Mar 2015
Aww that ending was so nice. Nice to see them finally warming up to each other
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Apr 5, 2019 4:13 PM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
ey look. Vasto lorde moment.

Aside that.. this episode was just all over the place. Felt as they tried to pack whole spectrum of emotions and shounen troupes in..

Seriously can't grow into this Anime... I mean it ain't bad.. it just feels very modernized onmyouji battle shounen.

Meaning I find characters obnoxious, lot of story elements feel off.. also things are packed way too erratically, emotions spectrums get thrown around. Simply not my cup of tea in that modern sense.

I do love common battle shounen troupes whilst newer ones I'm not fond of. Same issue with characters.. they feel modernized and odd and often obnoxious.

Also OST is really odd... not sure I like it or note...

but aside that...

At least Benio had sweet smile. Although, how they got puppeted together is still annoying, especially annoying because it goes by the plans of the puppeteer. And I still refuse to ship them.
Jun 6, 2019 6:37 AM

Sep 2012
what roku said in the round table meeting to benio and the reactions of others πŸ˜‚

lets get married and make a baby πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

the round table meeting was gold πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

i think Arima is main villain, hes shady as Fuk, he probably wants they kid (as sacrifice) to make some ritual

Arima the exorcist boss weirdo
Sugram22Jun 6, 2019 6:51 AM
Oct 16, 2020 3:12 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
So our twin stars didn’t get their asses COMPLETELY handed to them as I thought they would and then be needing saving with some 12 guardian ex machina. Now this is an extreme nitpick but did yuto get weaker, I mean he held off rukuro’s berserk mode EASILY, now he actually had somewhat of a hard time even with his kegare body. Or rukuro’a sudden burst of raging power was just really strong- who knows. Guess I was expecting power levels to be well established like in hunter x hunter, but I probably shouldn’t hold every shounen to that standard. Just enjoy the fight, perhaps

So kamui just dropped in to five benio some legs and then proceeded to just watch the fireworks and then randomly left... ok then

And I don’t care if this shounen type romance is poorly developed, that last scene is touching.

Read the synopsis for the next episode, we really are moving at a blistering pace aren’t we, we’re really jumping ahead those two years?? Thought this was another anime where it would take its sweet time and that the end of the two year period would be the finale of the series. Guess not, and I’m all for it. Keep on moving my dude

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jan 15, 2021 5:09 PM

Oct 2020
Really liked the all out fight. Everyone getting new powers.
Apr 19, 2023 9:13 AM
Apr 2019
Apr 8, 2024 4:19 PM

Jul 2016
Reply to Eventually_
I really don't pay much attention to the fights in this show, so the romance and hairclip scene in particular was my favorite part of the episode. But Mayura wanting to be an exorcist sounded cool!

Yep. the fights just seem so meh.
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