AttackOnWaifu said:Bibimbapski said:OMG Chidori loves Katsuhira!? So shocking! I never knew... FUCKING EVERYONE KNEW, BITCH. Jesus Fucking Christ, THAT'S your BIG reveal? Seeing my shit turn green after eating a black squid ink burger was more epic than that retarded confession that was expected to be revealed sooner or later. If that was supposed to be dramatic or touching then it failed miserably. I was hoping she'd say she thought he was a fucking wuss or was a loser but no, just like every other regurgitated childhood friend, the bitch is in love with the retard.
Comedy in this show is an epic fail. Aggressive Retsuko has more comedy in its 1:50 timespan than this does.
Enough with the generic plot and move onto bigger fish. Kill off some of these idiots already.
That wasn't the point. Of course everyone knew she had romantic feelings for him.
The point was, the main character didn't realize that his change in behavior dramatically impacted his close friend, who loved the old version of him, and was desperately waiting and hoping he would return to his old self (the person she loved).
It's perfectly reasonable if you don't like the show. But there was more going on to this then a simple romance trope. The rest of the group might have known she liked the MC, but didn't know that she was clinging to an older version of him. That she knew him before he "changed" and that it was tearing her up inside at what he had become (and that nothing she seemed to do could bring him back. But because she deeply loves who he used to be, it makes it difficult for her to give up on him).
Something interesting, is that we don't even know if she still loves him or not (she said she used to love him, and Katsuhira also said: "even if your feelings are past tense). I'm going to guess, ye, she still loves him. It is, anime afterall. But it's also made pretty clear that she doesn't love who he's become, and is only holding on to who he once was. And that's kind of interesting. That's not as simple as saying: hur dur the childhood friend has a crush on MC.
I feel the show has a little more going on (or is at least making an attempt to have a little more going on with its characters). You are right that in terms of writing tropes, the whole childhood best friend romance thing isn't anything new. However, the show is blatantly using anime tropes, (down to each person in the group filling a character type), and they are trying to do spin on it. The way they are going about it (the execution), is what is making it interesting. The romance for instance, most anime's would drag it out all season long. Or it wouldn't be about someone loving something that no longer exists, it would just be someone not having the courage to tell someone they love them (or there would be some drama where the person they liked, liked someone else).
As far as the comedy is concerned, I'm kind of baffled why people keep bringing this up. The show has comedic elements (all studio Trigger shows have them). But people keep acting like it's super blatant and in your face non stop. And I''m not really seeing that. Maybe some of the character behaviors are a bit over the top and silly. But I don't feel like it's setting up punch line after punch line, or relying heavily on jokes.
Also while I can understand your criticisms of the MC, its implied that he didn't use to be that way. That something happened to him, and stole his pain/feelings. While that might not change your dislike of him, the reason Chidori loved her friend was because she knew him before the event happened that took away his feelings/pain. Which again, is the entire point of her confession/feelings. She's clinging on to who he used to be, and is hoping that person comes back, but constantly doubts that she can do anything to make that happen. And it's obvious the "arc" for the MC, is trying to get his old self back.
So it's not like MC is a typical stupid MC that is just useless/annoying because that's his personality. He had something happen to him, and that's apart of the plot.
ALL OF THIS SAID, if you don't like the show, that's perfectly valid. I just didn't agree with your assessments.