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Nyotai-ka Yankee Gakuen☆: Ore no Hajimete, Nerawaretemasu.
Jul 14, 2017 10:50 AM
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Good luck with your work! I'm back to school *sobs* It's only been a week, tho. But yeah, don't have as much time with animes like before. And same! I looove BSD despite its flaws. It's the characters I think. I've become attached! And the action scenes are really good. HE REALLY IS! These villains don't make much sense tbh. I don't understand their logic at all lol. Re:Zero just gets better and better. But my fave this season is My Hero Academia. Haven't heard of Hikaru no Go but I'll check it out. And me too! I'm actually binge-watching D.Gray-Man because the sequel comes out this summer and I'm lovin' it. The characters are the best part. I love them so much.
I think the OVA's good. Had the same tone as the main series and I.. just really love Ajin. Tanaka-kun's OP and ED are both good too! And Tanaka's way of thinking is funny. XD And Miyano's super cute I can't~
Oh and how have you been? Have you been watching something at the moment?
Ajin's OVA is out! Have you watched it? I haven't lol. And I'm also finally watching Tanaka-kun! I love it so much! It's so peaceful and calming and honestly I need more animes like that because of all the explosions and screaming and killing all these other animes have.
Good to know she's having a good character development. I'm definitely going to watch it for real this time. Heard/read good things about it and I'm pretty sure it's gonna live up to the hype :)
Me too! It's always nice to see Kei kick some ass! Really loved the last ep of Ajin because we finally got to see Kei in action after wandering around a lot in that village lol. The wait paid off. Although I thought it could have been better, I would take what I could get. Him summoning his IBM multiple times was cool too, and helping Kou. I even thought he's gonna let them capture Kou to escape but he ended up going with him. That was honestly unexpected! Aww. Too bad coz I miss Kai, but I guess there's nothing for him to do, since he's human.
Ohh, I see! I'm gonna catch up on it since my friend also suggested it to me too. I'm not much of a slice-of-life person but I recently watched one and it's really good and nice and refreshing after all these shounen/seinen/action animes I've been watching. It's called Barakamon! Check it out if you haven't yet :) Hmm... well I checked your list and honestly, it doesn't seem like something you would watch OTL It wasn't that good at first and a little slow. It's basically an origin story, so you'll need patience while you watch the MC who's a typical underdog to grow. But it's really inspirational. The MC's pretty lame at first but you can't help but root for him. Soundtrack's nice as well! I would recommend you give it a try without too much expectations. It's a little too shounen tho XD Kuromukuro is mecha. And honestly, don't know if it's recommendable lol. It's not that bad, but not that good either. BSD's action scenes are good imo! Esp the animation! But yeah, I think they focus too much on the humor and unnecessary talking. So far I don't have a solid #1 but those three are my top too! And if I were you I wouldn't pick up Endride anymore LOL I just dropped it XD
I think I've seen it before too. I just don't remember much because it was a long time ago! This local channel used to air it. I read the plot after I watched FMAB because I wasn't planning on watching it anymore, just wanna know the difference. Based on the plot I personally prefer FMAB because of how it ended XD I'm fine with dark-themed anime, but after seeing what the Elric bros and everyone else had gone through in FMAB I don't think I could handle FMA's ending OTL The reason I didn't continue watching PP is because of Akane tbh. No offense, btw! But I had high expectations of her since she was supposed to be a top student or something like that, right? But if I remember correctly, on her first mission, she didn't act the part. If anything, she's quite... ignorant. My memories are quite hazy since it's, like, 2 years ago. It just really disappoints me when characters are described to be this way or that way but act the opposite. Although I feel like I judged the entire anime based on one person and one episode alone >,<
Exactly! There aren't a lot of realistic MCs like him and that's why I think he's more interesting than some. He's complex and unpredictable. You just can't wait for his next move. Yes, Kou is! I liked him, surprisingly. And still wondering where in the world Kai has been since I haven't read the manga yet. Where is that boy! Ohhh, I like Satou! Imo he's an equally interesting villain.
I haven't seen Tanaka-kun yet! How is it? As for me, Re:Zero, Kabaneri, BSD, Kiznaiver, Boku no Hero Academia, and Sakamoto. Kuromukuro's first 2 eps were... so-so, but the 3rd one gave me hope. Mayoiga had a promising start! I like it too! Well, you did the right thing XD They're still as whiny as ever. No progress at all. It's gonna have 24 eps so I'm just waiting for at least 2-3 more eps to decide whether I'm dropping it or not LOL
I got used to Ajin's animation that it didn't bother me in the end anymore. It's even one of my faves now. But yeah, if I had read the manga before the anime I'd have been disappointed myself. Even on other anime streaming sites a lot were shitting on him! I love Kei! He's a unique MC. Definitely not one of those dense/weak-turned-op MC, or the goody-two-shoes MC. He's one of the most interesting MCs I've seen! I really wanna read the manga now coz the anime ended in a cliffhanger right when he's finally doing something!
So what are your faves this season so far? :)
and i check online users sometimes and saw you and i don't really remember, but probably because of ajin on your top manga. i love ajin (the anime, haven't read the manga yet) and i haven't seen a lot who do... so yeah :D and i might seem stalkerish but i also check our shared animes and we seem to have similar opinions on most animes!