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May 7, 2016 10:38 AM
What the actual fuck did I just watch...? I think this anime is on drugs. Each week I think "hmm, maybe it'll improve this week". Jokes on me, that's yet to happen. |
May 7, 2016 11:17 AM
jirachi3x said: I think this show is hilarious.This is why i love this anime. All these characters wanted to start a new life. But their fears are coming back to them. To all the people writing this off as laughable are probably just pricks who have easy lives and arent even the slightest bit sympathetic towards others. Not everyone has it good in life. Things like what happen to these characters are relatable to many people. Abuse, bullying, failing to reach a goal you worked so hard for, and letting everyone down and getting ridiculed for it. People have been saying Lovepon is annoying but she has a very logical reason for the being the way she is. Simply growing up in that type of environment can make you turn out fucked up. The way the story is relating back to the idea that was told from the start while advancing the actual plot is great. And while everyone is saying this is comedy, i dont agree. It has some dark humor in it and can be funny at times but its mostly sarcastic humor and random jokes thrown in at random. Im not sure about you but this is how most people i have ever met in my life has conversations. Just have random humor thrown in. Its not like they are taking time off to have a joke contest so its not actually an issue. I can easily say this is my second favorite of the season. Its so strange, so unique, so intriging, and overall makes it brilliant I got meningitis at age 8, was awake when my right ear died for good, spent my whole childhood isolated from my peers cause Im weird, and have a lazy eye, got secually assaulted , have almost daily suicidal thoughts and deal with emotional abuse at home. Im sure everyome else who see this as funny have had plenty difficult lives. Shut up. Dont you dare assume you know someone through shallow assumptions you make from an anime. |
"Fuck this shit, fun things are fun!" |
May 7, 2016 11:31 AM
I've been trying really hard to take this show seriously but it's almost impossible. I couldn't stop laughing lol that silicon monster was so weird, was the staff high on LSD? I still don't know if the show is a mistery or if it's comedy, but I know it's hilarious anyway. Lovepon is still the best girl lol |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
May 7, 2016 11:34 AM
StardustNyako said: jirachi3x said: I think this show is hilarious.This is why i love this anime. All these characters wanted to start a new life. But their fears are coming back to them. To all the people writing this off as laughable are probably just pricks who have easy lives and arent even the slightest bit sympathetic towards others. Not everyone has it good in life. Things like what happen to these characters are relatable to many people. Abuse, bullying, failing to reach a goal you worked so hard for, and letting everyone down and getting ridiculed for it. People have been saying Lovepon is annoying but she has a very logical reason for the being the way she is. Simply growing up in that type of environment can make you turn out fucked up. The way the story is relating back to the idea that was told from the start while advancing the actual plot is great. And while everyone is saying this is comedy, i dont agree. It has some dark humor in it and can be funny at times but its mostly sarcastic humor and random jokes thrown in at random. Im not sure about you but this is how most people i have ever met in my life has conversations. Just have random humor thrown in. Its not like they are taking time off to have a joke contest so its not actually an issue. I can easily say this is my second favorite of the season. Its so strange, so unique, so intriging, and overall makes it brilliant I got meningitis at age 8, was awake when my right ear died for good, spent my whole childhood isolated from my peers cause Im weird, and have a lazy eye, got secually assaulted , have almost daily suicidal thoughts and deal with emotional abuse at home. Im sure everyome else who see this as funny have had plenty difficult lives. Shut up. Dont you dare assume you know someone through shallow assumptions you make from an anime. How is it shallow assumptions? If you seriously think that the backstories were funny then you must be a sick person. Even if you had bad experiences in the past, thinking that these other situations are funny is just being hypocritical. Just because its not real doesnt make the character's situations funny. |
Grimgar season 2 please!!!! |
May 7, 2016 11:34 AM
Im_a_Wanderer said: I might drop it, I just can't take it seriously. I feel no attachments to any of the main characters either. The flashbacks were forced, we knew nothing about the characters anyways but then they just dumped it on us. If I had attachment to any characters that die, I wouldn't be watching anime to begin with. Though I do get it, they rushed the character details, designs, and personalities and put it in a bus. It makes me wanna see who gets killed off next. |
ur mum gay lol Soundcloud - Lunar Aura |
May 7, 2016 11:54 AM
The silicone implant in the head to meet a height requirement is based on something from real life - they briefly refer to it in the episode. If anything, the anime version is less horrifying than the real incident where a teenager had a 6 INCH implant put in his head to meet the Sumo height requirement |
May 7, 2016 11:54 AM
I felt this was the weakest episode but I still give it 3/5. It looks more and more like this isn't going to turn into a gorefest, which is what I was expecting after Ep 1, but just some kind of deal where they all overcome their fears and dysfunctionalities in the end. I mean, it's Ep 6, we're halfway through, and there is still NOBODY actually confirmed dead, just a floating body that could have been an illusion and a guy who fell down a hill and could still be alive. It's somewhat disappointing but I'm sticking with this one to the end. It's not that bad of a show and it's weird and funny in its own way. It's really all over the place and I like shows like that. |
May 7, 2016 12:03 PM
jirachi3x said: StardustNyako said: jirachi3x said: This is why i love this anime. All these characters wanted to start a new life. But their fears are coming back to them. To all the people writing this off as laughable are probably just pricks who have easy lives and arent even the slightest bit sympathetic towards others. Not everyone has it good in life. Things like what happen to these characters are relatable to many people. Abuse, bullying, failing to reach a goal you worked so hard for, and letting everyone down and getting ridiculed for it. People have been saying Lovepon is annoying but she has a very logical reason for the being the way she is. Simply growing up in that type of environment can make you turn out fucked up. The way the story is relating back to the idea that was told from the start while advancing the actual plot is great. And while everyone is saying this is comedy, i dont agree. It has some dark humor in it and can be funny at times but its mostly sarcastic humor and random jokes thrown in at random. Im not sure about you but this is how most people i have ever met in my life has conversations. Just have random humor thrown in. Its not like they are taking time off to have a joke contest so its not actually an issue. I can easily say this is my second favorite of the season. Its so strange, so unique, so intriging, and overall makes it brilliant I got meningitis at age 8, was awake when my right ear died for good, spent my whole childhood isolated from my peers cause Im weird, and have a lazy eye, got secually assaulted , have almost daily suicidal thoughts and deal with emotional abuse at home. Im sure everyome else who see this as funny have had plenty difficult lives. Shut up. Dont you dare assume you know someone through shallow assumptions you make from an anime. How is it shallow assumptions? If you seriously think that the backstories were funny then you must be a sick person. Even if you had bad experiences in the past, thinking that these other situations are funny is just being hypocritical. Just because its not real doesnt make the character's situations funny. Exactly. Sick. Anyone who found this fun either is not meant to be watching such complicated series OR is plainly sick. A modern society cell, sick at heart and laughing at misfortune. Behold! |
Re:formed |
May 7, 2016 12:12 PM
So, they are in a generic Silent Hill? I mean, Silent Hill 2 was basically the same thing... I don't think the monsters represent what they FEAR exactly, but a trauma. Maybe it is not scary, but it is something that "haunts" them. BOOB MONSTER! LOL When I saw that I thought he was afraid of women or something related. What I got from his story is that he put silicon in his head (I admit I didn't know it was a thing xD) and was probably found out, so he didn't join whatevs he wanted to join. Poor Nyanta dudeeeeee. WTF. D: And now we now WHY Lovepon is crazy. I still think she is dangerous af anyway. I don't think Misaki is a ghost per se. But she is as suspicious as Koharun for me. (LOVE THE BIG "DENIED" KOHARUN GAVE TO THE GLSSES GUY. SHE AVOIDED HIM IN HIS FACE WTF GUUURL) |
May 7, 2016 12:37 PM
bastek66 said: Shirasho said: StardustNyako said: if Masaki is a ghost how could she have puked on the bus driver kun? Ghosts can't do that! That's the whole point of being a ghost XP Bad writing, that's how. This series gets more and more ridiculous every week, and not in a good way. I'd drop if it weren't so far into the series already. Might as well just suck it up and finish it. Bad writing is just buzzword now. You are watching supernatural series and calling this a bad writing? the whole group at once concluding that the chick is a ghost is terrible writing. boob spider flashback is terrible writing. lovepon's backstory doesn't explain her behavior at all. they ignore lovepon every single time she talks about executing. one minute everyone is hysterical, the next minute they're outside and calm when they just heard gunshots. supernatural or not, the writing in this show is a joke. |
May 7, 2016 1:04 PM
May 7, 2016 1:22 PM
mahoupenisu said: bastek66 said: Shirasho said: StardustNyako said: if Masaki is a ghost how could she have puked on the bus driver kun? Ghosts can't do that! That's the whole point of being a ghost XP Bad writing, that's how. This series gets more and more ridiculous every week, and not in a good way. I'd drop if it weren't so far into the series already. Might as well just suck it up and finish it. Bad writing is just buzzword now. You are watching supernatural series and calling this a bad writing? the whole group at once concluding that the chick is a ghost is terrible writing. boob spider flashback is terrible writing. lovepon's backstory doesn't explain her behavior at all. they ignore lovepon every single time she talks about executing. one minute everyone is hysterical, the next minute they're outside and calm when they just heard gunshots. supernatural or not, the writing in this show is a joke. "Waaaah, I don't like it so it's bad writing". Jesus H. Christ what a shit argumentation. Though, I agree that Lovepon's backstory didn't explain enough BUT they still have half of series to do it. Selensija said: Also can someone explain to me please what his flashback meant? I mean he was too short to join the army so he got himself some head silicon. And when he tried to apply there he didn't make it? Am I missing something? Hellfire wanted to be soldier but he was too much of manlet so he tried with silicon (yes, some people did it IRL) but after measuring we only see vague scene of anger so he probably wasn't allowed anyway. |
bastek66May 7, 2016 1:26 PM
May 7, 2016 1:34 PM
Mezter said: Eh...not sure if this anime is comedy or mystery now...lolz It's bordering comedy right now...not sure if I like it or not. |
May 7, 2016 1:35 PM
yep. i knew the poll will be like that xD make sense to me but either way i like this episode and enjoy it but at the same time i'm thinking they did it in a wrong way. 4 backstory in one episode is a wrong thing to do imo. they just put it (BAM!) in this episode, 4 backstory. made it looked so rushed AF. i didn't dislike it but i'm still thinking they did it in a wrong way. they should made at least 1 episode 1 full backstory or 2 backstory. and if they want to get serious about it, discard the op (like what Re Zero did) it's hard for the viewer to feel either empathy or sympathy towards the character with that rushed backstory. so i think they should made at least 2 backstory in one episode so that the viewer can feel empathy or sympathy towards the character and that would made the character into a more likeable character imo. rushed episode aside, they revealed "what is Lost Village" and i kinda knew that since they showed Lovepon backstory and this creepy, scary motherfacker appeared That scare the hell out of me. but thank god it wasn't a jumpscare. from the backstory, even tho it was very rushed, i still feel bad for Nyanta the most, no, she is the only one with the very cruel backstory imo. seriously, i really hate bullies especially girls. pissing me off so hard. so overall it was PRETTY good episode. i like it. but it was so rushed. i really hope they won't do that again but i don't think so with 12 episode count for this anime. this anime could be better if they took some time to showed the backstory since the character are so many. 24 episode would do it i guess. i don't think people will like this series anymore. either way i still like and enjoying this series. i don't see any problem with the mystery behind Lost Village but the problem is the backstory right now. looking foward for the next episode. Edit: HEH! is it me that thought the oppai monster (silikon monster) was a crab ? |
YizelTroMay 7, 2016 1:39 PM
May 7, 2016 1:37 PM
Daniel_Naumov said: jirachi3x said: StardustNyako said: jirachi3x said: I think this show is hilarious.This is why i love this anime. All these characters wanted to start a new life. But their fears are coming back to them. To all the people writing this off as laughable are probably just pricks who have easy lives and arent even the slightest bit sympathetic towards others. Not everyone has it good in life. Things like what happen to these characters are relatable to many people. Abuse, bullying, failing to reach a goal you worked so hard for, and letting everyone down and getting ridiculed for it. People have been saying Lovepon is annoying but she has a very logical reason for the being the way she is. Simply growing up in that type of environment can make you turn out fucked up. The way the story is relating back to the idea that was told from the start while advancing the actual plot is great. And while everyone is saying this is comedy, i dont agree. It has some dark humor in it and can be funny at times but its mostly sarcastic humor and random jokes thrown in at random. Im not sure about you but this is how most people i have ever met in my life has conversations. Just have random humor thrown in. Its not like they are taking time off to have a joke contest so its not actually an issue. I can easily say this is my second favorite of the season. Its so strange, so unique, so intriging, and overall makes it brilliant I got meningitis at age 8, was awake when my right ear died for good, spent my whole childhood isolated from my peers cause Im weird, and have a lazy eye, got secually assaulted , have almost daily suicidal thoughts and deal with emotional abuse at home. Im sure everyome else who see this as funny have had plenty difficult lives. Shut up. Dont you dare assume you know someone through shallow assumptions you make from an anime. How is it shallow assumptions? If you seriously think that the backstories were funny then you must be a sick person. Even if you had bad experiences in the past, thinking that these other situations are funny is just being hypocritical. Just because its not real doesnt make the character's situations funny. Exactly. Sick. Anyone who found this fun either is not meant to be watching such complicated series OR is plainly sick. A modern society cell, sick at heart and laughing at misfortune. Behold! I dunno, I thought they were kind of funny. I really felt bad for the train guy, but then when they showed the train chasing him I thought how the train looked was funny. Kind of in the sense that I find bad horror movies that take themselves too seriously to be funny. Some of the flashbacks made me feel kind of bad but I just can't take this show seriously. I don't see how that makes this series complicated or makes me sick. Too me it's just like a bad horror movie |
May 7, 2016 1:43 PM
bastek66 said: mahoupenisu said: bastek66 said: Shirasho said: StardustNyako said: if Masaki is a ghost how could she have puked on the bus driver kun? Ghosts can't do that! That's the whole point of being a ghost XP Bad writing, that's how. This series gets more and more ridiculous every week, and not in a good way. I'd drop if it weren't so far into the series already. Might as well just suck it up and finish it. Bad writing is just buzzword now. You are watching supernatural series and calling this a bad writing? the whole group at once concluding that the chick is a ghost is terrible writing. boob spider flashback is terrible writing. lovepon's backstory doesn't explain her behavior at all. they ignore lovepon every single time she talks about executing. one minute everyone is hysterical, the next minute they're outside and calm when they just heard gunshots. supernatural or not, the writing in this show is a joke. "Waaaah, I don't like it so it's bad writing". Jesus H. Christ what a shit argumentation. Though, I agree that Lovepon's backstory didn't explain enough BUT they still have half of series to do it. Selensija said: Also can someone explain to me please what his flashback meant? I mean he was too short to join the army so he got himself some head silicon. And when he tried to apply there he didn't make it? Am I missing something? Hellfire wanted to be soldier but he was too much of manlet so he tried with silicon (yes, some people did it IRL) but after measuring we only see vague scene of anger so he probably wasn't allowed anyway. bastek66 said: mahoupenisu said: bastek66 said: Shirasho said: StardustNyako said: if Masaki is a ghost how could she have puked on the bus driver kun? Ghosts can't do that! That's the whole point of being a ghost XP Bad writing, that's how. This series gets more and more ridiculous every week, and not in a good way. I'd drop if it weren't so far into the series already. Might as well just suck it up and finish it. Bad writing is just buzzword now. You are watching supernatural series and calling this a bad writing? the whole group at once concluding that the chick is a ghost is terrible writing. boob spider flashback is terrible writing. lovepon's backstory doesn't explain her behavior at all. they ignore lovepon every single time she talks about executing. one minute everyone is hysterical, the next minute they're outside and calm when they just heard gunshots. supernatural or not, the writing in this show is a joke. "Waaaah, I don't like it so it's bad writing". Jesus H. Christ what a shit argumentation. Though, I agree that Lovepon's backstory didn't explain enough BUT they still have half of series to do it. Do you even read? I never said how i feel about the series at all. It's bad writing because it's bad writing. If anything is shit, it's your idea that because something is supernatural it doesn't have to be logical. |
May 7, 2016 1:46 PM
Well, that was slightly creepy... |
nothing. |
May 7, 2016 1:46 PM
I feel bad for Lovepon, honestly, although I thought she was subjected to worse than that for some reason, like, sexual abuse perhaps would make more sense with her behavior rather than just physically being pushed around by her mother's debtor, or her father, or whoever that guy was, because it's vague what his role is exactly- I mean, judging by the context the way he was treating her mother in, maybe he raped the mom, but what about Lovepon, still doesn't explain well at all why she went crazy.... uhhhh? the backstories couldn't have been more squeezed in all at once. I sadly realte to the Nyanta tale from a personal standpoint. Bullies are fucking tormentors, cruel, nasty, awful, and the fact that they physically attacked her and tortured her with bees is worse. Also, Mikage, although his mistake was more self inflicted, and he was stupidly misled by his own cockiness, still didn't deserve all the mockery he got. Although, I will say, survival kid getting chased by giant, gelatinous tits was kind of funny. This episode was less lulzy and more srs, but the pacing is still rushed as fuck, but since I didn't have great expectations for this going in, needless to say, I'm not too surprised. If Masaki is dead, she might be one of those ghosts who isn't aware of her own death, like Tate from AHS or something. |
May 7, 2016 1:48 PM
Weird. I feel like everyone is already dead. Getting a boob implant in your head lol |
Hi there |
May 7, 2016 1:49 PM
Haha a fucking silicone monster. The others were legit though. |
Sieg Zeon! |
May 7, 2016 1:55 PM
Whoa, that was a lot of stuff. I think the character's backstories are one of the most interesting parts of the anime, they delivered quite an emotional punch in my opinion. Lovepon's was particularly tragic. |
May 7, 2016 1:56 PM
Lost Village Syndrome probably xD |
May 7, 2016 2:41 PM
May 7, 2016 2:52 PM
This is the best episode of the series. Now I know that they are the losers of the past until now. I'm so sorry for the past Lovepon, but what a mother would do such a thing. About Aida Masaki, might be related to what Masaki wants to say to Mitsumune. But what makes all of this into a new mystery is a note in the book that says that a girl named Aida Masaki disappeared when she was 16, but did not say when the record was written, and how long since the incident occurred. |
May 7, 2016 3:18 PM
Crazy and trippin' stuff, lol... I thought that big silicon thing was a turd for a second.... My bad. Seems like a lot of backstories in this one episode. Lovepon's was probably the saddest. Dunno about the others, probably the cat woman as well. But yeah, I had to laugh inside when I saw some of those monsters. |
May 7, 2016 3:37 PM
By the time this show is over, it may be even worse than Big Order. |
May 7, 2016 3:38 PM
I got the feeling at episode 3, but I'm calling it now. This show so far has just been the plot from LOST with a bus instead of a plane. I expect the same shitty purgatory ending for this. They're all dead and in purgatory, each has a regret so they can't move on ect. I expect some shitty "nothing was real" cop-out ending. |
May 7, 2016 3:58 PM
May 7, 2016 4:00 PM
This show is a mess. Can't make up my mind to drop this or continue watching.... like seriously we are half way through and I still don't understand where this series is heading to. @.@ Only confusion. |
chocopockyMay 7, 2016 4:08 PM
May 7, 2016 4:01 PM
Ok, I'm still watching this anime for the laughs, but I'm glad that it is starting to stain itself in black. The hallucinogen theory gets stronger, but I still don't know if the series has the supernatural factor involved. I mean, they could be dead, it could be a course, or it could be just hallucinations. I laughed good that fatality Koharun made to Dahara when she ignored him and went directly to Valkana xD that was cruel! Bee monsters, silicone boob crustaceans, and floating heads...
Now they come saying Masaki is a ghost! I MF ghost!? I still do not understand why they keep abandoning searching for missing people just because it's dark! I mean, they need help but the group feels they better go to sleep and search the other day just because they are scared. This group of people is too stupid to go camping by themselves...really, all of them. Retards. |
HumbertoZeroMay 7, 2016 4:07 PM
May 7, 2016 4:17 PM
This episode was funny. It had a giant Penguin, a giant boob monster, a evil floating head that was probably from some heavy metal album, an evil Thomas the tank engine and a giant Beedrill. |
May 7, 2016 4:19 PM
Felt bad for Nyanta... Good episode though. |
May 7, 2016 4:40 PM
mahoupenisu said: bastek66 said: mahoupenisu said: bastek66 said: Shirasho said: StardustNyako said: if Masaki is a ghost how could she have puked on the bus driver kun? Ghosts can't do that! That's the whole point of being a ghost XP Bad writing, that's how. This series gets more and more ridiculous every week, and not in a good way. I'd drop if it weren't so far into the series already. Might as well just suck it up and finish it. Bad writing is just buzzword now. You are watching supernatural series and calling this a bad writing? the whole group at once concluding that the chick is a ghost is terrible writing. boob spider flashback is terrible writing. lovepon's backstory doesn't explain her behavior at all. they ignore lovepon every single time she talks about executing. one minute everyone is hysterical, the next minute they're outside and calm when they just heard gunshots. supernatural or not, the writing in this show is a joke. "Waaaah, I don't like it so it's bad writing". Jesus H. Christ what a shit argumentation. Though, I agree that Lovepon's backstory didn't explain enough BUT they still have half of series to do it. Selensija said: Also can someone explain to me please what his flashback meant? I mean he was too short to join the army so he got himself some head silicon. And when he tried to apply there he didn't make it? Am I missing something? Hellfire wanted to be soldier but he was too much of manlet so he tried with silicon (yes, some people did it IRL) but after measuring we only see vague scene of anger so he probably wasn't allowed anyway. bastek66 said: mahoupenisu said: bastek66 said: Shirasho said: StardustNyako said: if Masaki is a ghost how could she have puked on the bus driver kun? Ghosts can't do that! That's the whole point of being a ghost XP Bad writing, that's how. This series gets more and more ridiculous every week, and not in a good way. I'd drop if it weren't so far into the series already. Might as well just suck it up and finish it. Bad writing is just buzzword now. You are watching supernatural series and calling this a bad writing? the whole group at once concluding that the chick is a ghost is terrible writing. boob spider flashback is terrible writing. lovepon's backstory doesn't explain her behavior at all. they ignore lovepon every single time she talks about executing. one minute everyone is hysterical, the next minute they're outside and calm when they just heard gunshots. supernatural or not, the writing in this show is a joke. "Waaaah, I don't like it so it's bad writing". Jesus H. Christ what a shit argumentation. Though, I agree that Lovepon's backstory didn't explain enough BUT they still have half of series to do it. Do you even read? I never said how i feel about the series at all. It's bad writing because it's bad writing. If anything is shit, it's your idea that because something is supernatural it doesn't have to be logical. "Bad writing" is laziest shit critique that ever happened. It has zero value. This buzzword was brought here from /a/ and is now used by mal users who want to pretend that they are smart. Either state exact problems or stop with shit tier critique. |
May 7, 2016 5:19 PM
jirachi3x said: StardustNyako said: jirachi3x said: This is why i love this anime. All these characters wanted to start a new life. But their fears are coming back to them. To all the people writing this off as laughable are probably just pricks who have easy lives and arent even the slightest bit sympathetic towards others. Not everyone has it good in life. Things like what happen to these characters are relatable to many people. Abuse, bullying, failing to reach a goal you worked so hard for, and letting everyone down and getting ridiculed for it. People have been saying Lovepon is annoying but she has a very logical reason for the being the way she is. Simply growing up in that type of environment can make you turn out fucked up. The way the story is relating back to the idea that was told from the start while advancing the actual plot is great. And while everyone is saying this is comedy, i dont agree. It has some dark humor in it and can be funny at times but its mostly sarcastic humor and random jokes thrown in at random. Im not sure about you but this is how most people i have ever met in my life has conversations. Just have random humor thrown in. Its not like they are taking time off to have a joke contest so its not actually an issue. I can easily say this is my second favorite of the season. Its so strange, so unique, so intriging, and overall makes it brilliant I got meningitis at age 8, was awake when my right ear died for good, spent my whole childhood isolated from my peers cause Im weird, and have a lazy eye, got secually assaulted , have almost daily suicidal thoughts and deal with emotional abuse at home. Im sure everyome else who see this as funny have had plenty difficult lives. Shut up. Dont you dare assume you know someone through shallow assumptions you make from an anime. How is it shallow assumptions? If you seriously think that the backstories were funny then you must be a sick person. Even if you had bad experiences in the past, thinking that these other situations are funny is just being hypocritical. Just because its not real doesnt make the character's situations funny. No one is saying the backstories themselves are hilarious. Most people are laughing at how stupid/ insane the characters are and how much of a trainwreck this show is in general. All valid opinions and all valid reasons to find this show in general hilarious. As I stated on page 1, i found the backstories tragic and relatable. Anyone who has said negative thingss about the back stories are just saying they were rushed,not funny themselves. Most people agree the backstories are atleast somewhat sad/sympathizable. And, no matter what, a silicon mutant monster is just so impossible to take seriously when you know what it is. The idea of throwing these trippy imageries of these people's fears is nothing but ridiculous. Nothing is being accomplished here so far, so people are understandably skeptical. Face it, a show where a ridiculous song about a misfortunate hippopotamus, and a girl puking right on the bus driver in episode 1, and a show with these kind of characters will have people seeing it as a comedy and not taking it seriously like you are. We. Are. Not. Sick. We just have a different perspective on this show than you do, and if you can't understand/respect that, maybe you should spend less time watching anime and more time learning/understanding the existence of differing opinions/ perspectives and how not to be a judgemental douche when confronting those with said different opinions/ perspectives. i take this show seriously sometimes, but other times it's just to ridiculous to take seriously. That's just my perspective. |
StardustNyakoMay 7, 2016 5:22 PM
"Fuck this shit, fun things are fun!" |
May 7, 2016 5:26 PM
StardustNyako said: jirachi3x said: StardustNyako said: jirachi3x said: I think this show is hilarious.This is why i love this anime. All these characters wanted to start a new life. But their fears are coming back to them. To all the people writing this off as laughable are probably just pricks who have easy lives and arent even the slightest bit sympathetic towards others. Not everyone has it good in life. Things like what happen to these characters are relatable to many people. Abuse, bullying, failing to reach a goal you worked so hard for, and letting everyone down and getting ridiculed for it. People have been saying Lovepon is annoying but she has a very logical reason for the being the way she is. Simply growing up in that type of environment can make you turn out fucked up. The way the story is relating back to the idea that was told from the start while advancing the actual plot is great. And while everyone is saying this is comedy, i dont agree. It has some dark humor in it and can be funny at times but its mostly sarcastic humor and random jokes thrown in at random. Im not sure about you but this is how most people i have ever met in my life has conversations. Just have random humor thrown in. Its not like they are taking time off to have a joke contest so its not actually an issue. I can easily say this is my second favorite of the season. Its so strange, so unique, so intriging, and overall makes it brilliant I got meningitis at age 8, was awake when my right ear died for good, spent my whole childhood isolated from my peers cause Im weird, and have a lazy eye, got secually assaulted , have almost daily suicidal thoughts and deal with emotional abuse at home. Im sure everyome else who see this as funny have had plenty difficult lives. Shut up. Dont you dare assume you know someone through shallow assumptions you make from an anime. How is it shallow assumptions? If you seriously think that the backstories were funny then you must be a sick person. Even if you had bad experiences in the past, thinking that these other situations are funny is just being hypocritical. Just because its not real doesnt make the character's situations funny. No one is saying the backstories themselves are hilarious. Most people are laughing at how stupid/ insane the characters are and how much of a trainwreck this show is in general. All valid opinions and all valid reasons to find this show in general hilarious. As I stated on page 1, i found the backstories tragic and relatable. Anyone who has said negative thingss about the back stories are just saying they were rushed,not funny themselves. Most people agree the backstories are atleast somewhat sad/sympathizable. And, no matter what, a silicon mutant monster is just so impossible to take seriously when you know what it is. The idea of throwing these trippy imageries of these people's fears is nothing but ridiculous. Nothing is being accomplished here so far, so people are understandably skeptical. Face it, a show where a ridiculous song about a misfortunate hippopotamus, and a girl puking right on the bus driver in episode 1, and a show with these kind of characters will have people seeing it as a comedy and not taking it seriously like you are. We. Are. Not. Sick. We just have a different perspective on this show than you do, and if you can't understand/respect that, maybe you should spend less time watching anime and more time learning/understanding the existence of differing opinions/ perspectives and how not to be a judgemental douche when confronting those with said different opinions/ perspectives. i take this show seriously sometimes, but other times it's just to ridiculous to take seriously. That's just my perspective. I can take opinions. I cant take the dumbass complaints for this series, which most of them are. It has funny moments but nothing that can make the whole show a complete joke. And people are laughing at just about everything in this show,, including the backstories. And how are the backstories rushed? Just because there were 4 of them doesnt automatically rushed. There wasnt anything else they could have done to add to those backstories and as far as the timing goes, there was no better spot to put the backstories. |
Grimgar season 2 please!!!! |
May 7, 2016 5:34 PM
what a glorious clusterfuck |
May 7, 2016 6:06 PM
jirachi3x said: StardustNyako said: jirachi3x said: StardustNyako said: jirachi3x said: I think this show is hilarious.This is why i love this anime. All these characters wanted to start a new life. But their fears are coming back to them. To all the people writing this off as laughable are probably just pricks who have easy lives and arent even the slightest bit sympathetic towards others. Not everyone has it good in life. Things like what happen to these characters are relatable to many people. Abuse, bullying, failing to reach a goal you worked so hard for, and letting everyone down and getting ridiculed for it. People have been saying Lovepon is annoying but she has a very logical reason for the being the way she is. Simply growing up in that type of environment can make you turn out fucked up. The way the story is relating back to the idea that was told from the start while advancing the actual plot is great. And while everyone is saying this is comedy, i dont agree. It has some dark humor in it and can be funny at times but its mostly sarcastic humor and random jokes thrown in at random. Im not sure about you but this is how most people i have ever met in my life has conversations. Just have random humor thrown in. Its not like they are taking time off to have a joke contest so its not actually an issue. I can easily say this is my second favorite of the season. Its so strange, so unique, so intriging, and overall makes it brilliant I got meningitis at age 8, was awake when my right ear died for good, spent my whole childhood isolated from my peers cause Im weird, and have a lazy eye, got secually assaulted , have almost daily suicidal thoughts and deal with emotional abuse at home. Im sure everyome else who see this as funny have had plenty difficult lives. Shut up. Dont you dare assume you know someone through shallow assumptions you make from an anime. How is it shallow assumptions? If you seriously think that the backstories were funny then you must be a sick person. Even if you had bad experiences in the past, thinking that these other situations are funny is just being hypocritical. Just because its not real doesnt make the character's situations funny. No one is saying the backstories themselves are hilarious. Most people are laughing at how stupid/ insane the characters are and how much of a trainwreck this show is in general. All valid opinions and all valid reasons to find this show in general hilarious. As I stated on page 1, i found the backstories tragic and relatable. Anyone who has said negative thingss about the back stories are just saying they were rushed,not funny themselves. Most people agree the backstories are atleast somewhat sad/sympathizable. And, no matter what, a silicon mutant monster is just so impossible to take seriously when you know what it is. The idea of throwing these trippy imageries of these people's fears is nothing but ridiculous. Nothing is being accomplished here so far, so people are understandably skeptical. Face it, a show where a ridiculous song about a misfortunate hippopotamus, and a girl puking right on the bus driver in episode 1, and a show with these kind of characters will have people seeing it as a comedy and not taking it seriously like you are. We. Are. Not. Sick. We just have a different perspective on this show than you do, and if you can't understand/respect that, maybe you should spend less time watching anime and more time learning/understanding the existence of differing opinions/ perspectives and how not to be a judgemental douche when confronting those with said different opinions/ perspectives. i take this show seriously sometimes, but other times it's just to ridiculous to take seriously. That's just my perspective. I can take opinions. I cant take the dumbass complaints for this series, which most of them are. It has funny moments but nothing that can make the whole show a complete joke. And people are laughing at just about everything in this show,, including the backstories. And how are the backstories rushed? Just because there were 4 of them doesnt automatically rushed. There wasnt anything else they could have done to add to those backstories and as far as the timing goes, there was no better spot to put the backstories. I don't think they're rushed personally. I think others are dissapoitedv that the authors are jammng 4 backstories into one episode when they had 5 episodes previously to put maybe two backstories per episode. us now getting this influx of backstories makes it feel rushed to some people. For me, since each story was explained / developed enough, I am OK with the influx of backstories, especially since they're full backstories that give you enough detail to understand these characters' dilemmas. |
StardustNyakoMay 7, 2016 6:09 PM
"Fuck this shit, fun things are fun!" |
May 7, 2016 6:22 PM
I have got to saw, silicone implant to the head has got to be one of the weirdest and most unintentionally hilarious things I have seen in a long, long, long time. That silicone boob monster creature is the stuff of comedy. As for Lovepon, I did feel sorry for her plight. She clearly cracked completely. I would never have guessed Mikage used to work in toy development, he so does not seem one who is in tune with what children like, at all. The moment that made me actually laugh was how Koharun sort of sidestepped to avoid the MC and go to Valkana instead. |
![]() |
May 7, 2016 6:48 PM
I was thinking the gun girl was going to go all school-shooter on those bullies. |
---------My Profile------------ |
May 7, 2016 7:04 PM
StardustNyako said: jirachi3x said: StardustNyako said: jirachi3x said: StardustNyako said: jirachi3x said: I think this show is hilarious.This is why i love this anime. All these characters wanted to start a new life. But their fears are coming back to them. To all the people writing this off as laughable are probably just pricks who have easy lives and arent even the slightest bit sympathetic towards others. Not everyone has it good in life. Things like what happen to these characters are relatable to many people. Abuse, bullying, failing to reach a goal you worked so hard for, and letting everyone down and getting ridiculed for it. People have been saying Lovepon is annoying but she has a very logical reason for the being the way she is. Simply growing up in that type of environment can make you turn out fucked up. The way the story is relating back to the idea that was told from the start while advancing the actual plot is great. And while everyone is saying this is comedy, i dont agree. It has some dark humor in it and can be funny at times but its mostly sarcastic humor and random jokes thrown in at random. Im not sure about you but this is how most people i have ever met in my life has conversations. Just have random humor thrown in. Its not like they are taking time off to have a joke contest so its not actually an issue. I can easily say this is my second favorite of the season. Its so strange, so unique, so intriging, and overall makes it brilliant I got meningitis at age 8, was awake when my right ear died for good, spent my whole childhood isolated from my peers cause Im weird, and have a lazy eye, got secually assaulted , have almost daily suicidal thoughts and deal with emotional abuse at home. Im sure everyome else who see this as funny have had plenty difficult lives. Shut up. Dont you dare assume you know someone through shallow assumptions you make from an anime. How is it shallow assumptions? If you seriously think that the backstories were funny then you must be a sick person. Even if you had bad experiences in the past, thinking that these other situations are funny is just being hypocritical. Just because its not real doesnt make the character's situations funny. No one is saying the backstories themselves are hilarious. Most people are laughing at how stupid/ insane the characters are and how much of a trainwreck this show is in general. All valid opinions and all valid reasons to find this show in general hilarious. As I stated on page 1, i found the backstories tragic and relatable. Anyone who has said negative thingss about the back stories are just saying they were rushed,not funny themselves. Most people agree the backstories are atleast somewhat sad/sympathizable. And, no matter what, a silicon mutant monster is just so impossible to take seriously when you know what it is. The idea of throwing these trippy imageries of these people's fears is nothing but ridiculous. Nothing is being accomplished here so far, so people are understandably skeptical. Face it, a show where a ridiculous song about a misfortunate hippopotamus, and a girl puking right on the bus driver in episode 1, and a show with these kind of characters will have people seeing it as a comedy and not taking it seriously like you are. We. Are. Not. Sick. We just have a different perspective on this show than you do, and if you can't understand/respect that, maybe you should spend less time watching anime and more time learning/understanding the existence of differing opinions/ perspectives and how not to be a judgemental douche when confronting those with said different opinions/ perspectives. i take this show seriously sometimes, but other times it's just to ridiculous to take seriously. That's just my perspective. I can take opinions. I cant take the dumbass complaints for this series, which most of them are. It has funny moments but nothing that can make the whole show a complete joke. And people are laughing at just about everything in this show,, including the backstories. And how are the backstories rushed? Just because there were 4 of them doesnt automatically rushed. There wasnt anything else they could have done to add to those backstories and as far as the timing goes, there was no better spot to put the backstories. I don't think they're rushed personally. I think others are dissapoitedv that the authors are jammng 4 backstories into one episode when they had 5 episodes previously to put maybe two backstories per episode. us now getting this influx of backstories makes it feel rushed to some people. For me, since each story was explained / developed enough, I am OK with the influx of backstories, especially since they're full backstories that give you enough detail to understand these characters' dilemmas. Well you just stated it, that is exactly the problem for people, but what they arent understanding is that the chance of every character getting a backstory is almost 0. Not all 30 characters will get attention. Just because they all exist doesnt mean they will all get spotlight. They are all simply there because this is a bus tour and 30 people signed up. Its not like they know they are in an anime so that they can get attention and a backstory. And as far as timing goes it would not have made sense for there to be a backstory for anyone before this since there wasnt a good time to place, but now was a good time because it fit with the plot. Its the reason why Valkana was the only character to have a backstory previously, also Speedstar kinda but his was pretty simple. But it doesnt seem like there is much of a reason for him to fear something so maybe he will be the key to solving it since he cant see the illusions. By the end im sure only about half of the cast will actually get much attention since most characters are as simple as just being bus tour members |
Grimgar season 2 please!!!! |
May 7, 2016 7:47 PM
say what you want about Lovepon, she's currently holding up this anime. on a side note; we shall respect the dude with the boob on his head. |
May 7, 2016 7:49 PM
jirachi3x said: They are all simply there because this is a bus tour and 30 people signed up. Its not like they know they are in an anime so that they can get attention and a backstory. By the end im sure only about half of the cast will actually get much attention since most characters are as simple as just being bus tour members You are trying to justify a narrative and structural problem with real world logic. Yes, there isn't time to get to know everyone in the universe, but then the anime could have taken a different approach and have much more focused storytelling (like the manga adaptation is actually doing). I am one of the people who thinks that their approach of presenting us with 4 completely unrelated backstories in one episode was too rushed. It's also not that their stories couldn't have been tragic in a more elaborated format, but like this it appeared more like a checklist of dramatic elements to justify the monsters they saw. Why was Nyanta's first reaction to buy a BB-gun and shoot her tormentors? Why was that bullying so unavoidable? Why didn't lovepon try anything to get herself and her mother out of this situation? Why was execution her first reaction and not flight? Why was Jigoku-kun so desperate to join the special forces team? What was on the line for him that made him despair so much? Was Mikage the only one working on the project that nobody checked the deadlines? Was he fired after this incident? It's not that I couldn't fill these blanks in with my mind, but the anime isn't given me much indication of what could go in these blanks. It's simply giving me some tear-jerk images to justify a characters quirk, without really establishing on their situation. And it's not like the same scenario couldn't have been done with a reduced cast of maybe a maximum of 10-15 characters. If you make an ensemble-cast scenario, you should at least check if you can give your ensemble sufficient background for the story to work without being too contrived. |
May 7, 2016 7:55 PM
May 7, 2016 8:25 PM
Does this mean the Jigoku whatshisnameagain guy is afraid of Saitama? |
No seriously. |
May 7, 2016 9:51 PM
Even with the explanation at the end, I can't take this fucking seriously. Those hallucinations are a joke, and the lazy backstory flashbacks don't do a thing. Just because they all had shitty lives and made equally-shitty decisions doesn't automatically make them sympathetic because they're fucking mentally ill. Still expecting over-the-top gore at this point, that's all I really care about at this point. |
May 7, 2016 10:01 PM
God i was really hoping Lovepon was going to die. I'm really trying to take this anime seriously. This episode made it harder, mostly cause of the silicone monster, and i dont really understand how that's his fear. Wouldn't it be a fear from being too short, therefore he should be running from some tall af ranger? |
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